HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-15, Page 11SPECIAL REMEMBRANCE DAY service was held in the auditorium of the Wingham District High School last Friday afternoon. Above is the col- or party supplied by the school's cadet corps_, which 'included Barry Thompson, Glen Skinn, Donald Lee and Ken .Harrison. Philip Adams, also a member, is not shown.—A-T photo. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2 P.M. CKNX HAMILTON AT TORONTO ASK MR. B-A FOR YOUR FREE B-A rogrona SCHEOULIE E S Ladies' League Another night of bowling over :and scores are getting higher. The Ramblers took three points from the Comets, Ramblers' Ruth Ron- son was high triple with a 645— All her games were over 200. Grace Hodgkinson helped with singles of 264 and 215. High single went to Elayne Rintoul of the Comets with a 293. The Darts, Falcons; L•irks and Corvairs took two points each. Standings: Carvairs, 17; Larks, 13; Falcons, 11; Comets, 11; flirts, 10; Ramblers, 10, 0 - 0 - 0 Commercial Bowlers It is quite evident that as the weeks roll by those who appeared to he in good form have carried it through and those who seemed to need a little limbering up have come on in good style. As a result we have a very interesting con- test -as of now, This is male very clear in that there are only eight points separating the first and last place -teams. It is possible for a team to gather 10 points in a night's play, so watch out every- one. We -are hoping that Eric Walden and Jaclr Walker will soon feel up to bowling with us again, Here is a timely reminder to those requite ing baby-sitters. The Christmas party is only four weeks away Dec, 12th; so got your reservations made soon. Last week Hilda Stain-- ton said "Phooey on you girls!" and took high single and; triple with 245 -and 601. Hartley Watson had gents, high single with 256 and Harold Taylor the high triple with 696. Team -standings: Dodgers 88, Pi- rates $6, Red Legs 33, Orioles 32, Braves 31, Tigers 30. We hope you have been reading the column "How to Bowl Five Pins" in The Advance-Times. Bert Garside and Jim Houk have been giving a lot of pointers which should improve your game. 0-0 - 0 Men's Town League The top spot has changed again this week. Hydro defeated Burkett 7-0 with Mae Peachy getting high triple for the night with OM The Rockets and Mustangs battled to a 4-8 score for the Rock- ate. T3arry Pick ford of the Mus- tangs took high single for the night With 281, Lees are still having a rough time h. ALAN WILLIAMS. Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 u fferin from a ease of 4140. as a result of constantly Ti ? • f0,4041/ifee . 04..1 HOW TO BO W FIVE EMS By 444 BERT (A-ARSTOE and OM 1111OULT Chief Bowling Juistruetors Double Diamond. Advisory C'ottnell activities Get Set for Winter WITH THE SPECIALS AT BERT ARMSTRONG'S GARAGE BATTERY SPECIAL Top Grade — 12 Volt Batteries $13.55 AND I1 1.1(P TTII TRADE SNOW TIRES NEW G 0 'YEAR • _BERT ARMSTRONG KEE i Your STOOP:BAKER LARK Dealer • Win gham • • Phone 181 • 71, YOUR .E.AMILY .S1E-lin STORE .1.11ONE !- The, 11/10gloann itdIftwc-Witawb, Wed.. 'November 13. 19,11 iNtgro WARN 114einhera o> the Wir4huo Fire Iltigado will conduct. .a illittZ cAropaign iiq aid of Musgular Dystrophy in Wingham- MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20th, 1961, GIVE TO MUSCULAR DIIIIMPHY NEWEST STYLES IN WINTER SNOWBOOTS AND RUBBER. FOOTWEAR FOR ALL, THE FAMILY A good bowling delivery ie made up of two parts —the proper foot- work, and the proper movement of your hand and arm. The secret of good bowling is to get your timing coordinated, so your feet, your arm, your body and the ball are all molt- ing as a unit. No matter what type of approach you use, the first thing ('.0 think about ie. starting the ball into mo; tion, This is dope by the "push- 'way." If you make a mistake in timing this, the rest of your ap- proach will be off too. When you start your delivery move your hands first. You'll find your feet follow naturally. At the start, you should be hold- ing the ball chest-h.:gh, in your right hard (if you are right-hand- ad) The left band may he just touching it, to steady it. As you step off, lift the ball slightly upwards -as you push it nut forward from your body. As your arm straightens, the ball will swing forward and downward in a natural sea" and smoothly. Don't be jerky, or too arc like a pendulum. Push the ball outwards firmly hurried. As your arm swings down. keep it in close to your body. If in for... your backswingdoesn't go close to drive your body, your forward swing ear. Wheel. Alinement won't be close either. The closer your arm is to the side of your . is advertised in the body, the straighter your ball will likely be, KEEP YOUR BACKSWING D EN'S STRAIGHT The pushaway starts the ball ALIGNMENT SERVICE ' down into its arc. During the rest of your approach steps, it will be carried backwards in the back- PHONE 355 - DIAGONAL ROAD swing, then forward until it is re- WINGHAM ' leased on your final step. Your backswing, to a large ex- NYLONS First Quality Seamfree 49c N BOYS' CAR COATS I Sizes 0-18, in Corduroy or Nylon A SPECIAL This Week with 20% OFF THAT MEANS A'REGULAR $1.4.05 COAT FOR $11.95 EX QUISITE. BRASSIERE REGULAR, $2.98, CLEARING AT $1.50 PRACTICAL GIFTS AT CARMICHAEL'S PILLOW SLIPS, gift boxed, pair $1.99 7 # ii LARGE BATH TOWELS, pair $1.98 .--IBEX FLANNELETTE SHEETS, A - 70"x90", pair $6.49 lIl Ladies' BRIEFS, elastic leg ..59c; 2 pair $1.00 i Boys' PYJAMAS, 2-6X, pair $1.98 Girls' SWEATERS, 2-6X, Cardi gans $2.98 ii ii1 U GIFTS GALORE ARE IN STORE FOR YOU WHEN YOU SHOP FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT CARMICHAEL'S 4.1110111111111111111*1111111111B11111111111111111111111.111111111I111111111111111111111111111141110111,13119 THE .IMPOR'T'ANCE OF FOLLOW THROUGH . After you've released the ball, let your arm continue its natural for- ward motion. Yon': arm should come all the way though after delivery, until it is about shoulder level Your hand should be out- stretched, reaching for the target. A good follow through helps dir- ect the ball to the spot you have your eye on. It is the key to good form, and good accuracy. • If you get your follow -through Perfected, the natural result is to settooth out your forward swing, and eliminato.enany faulty habits. If your follow through is short, or abrupt, you will tend to pull the ball; or you may drop it sooner than you should, The ball Is released on the final step of your approach, which is or- dinarily a slide. Your slide should be no longer than, two feet, Too long a slide will lessen your control. The slide is really part of the final push you give the ball, and it smoothes out your delivery. If you just took a normal step, and plant- ed ydur foot in front of the foul line without sliding, your body would jerk to a stop, and the hall wouldn't be released with the same arouracy. Theoughont your arm swing, keep your elbow straight. Ana, through- out your entire -delivery, keep your eyes 1)10110(1 on the target. If you get part way through your delivery, and It doesn't feel right — stop, and start over -again, ,Remember, the most. important single factor in good howling is good timing: You must get your arm, your hand, your feet and the ball moving easily and in rhythm. If the hall feels heavy, or is dragging, chances are your timing is off. Practice delivering without the hall, until the motions feel right. AUDUBON'S EARLY DAYS Perhaps the mnst famous of all bird-artists was john ,Tames Audu- bon, whose great folio work "The Birds of America," was published from 1827 to 1838 at about $1,200 for the set. Today it is worth many times that amount. In his child- hood, Audubon was adopted by a French sea captain travelling in America. After attending a military school and studying drawing in Paris, he came beat to America. Unsuccessful as farmer, storekeeper and tutor, he finally came into his own with his remarkable pictures of bird and animal life. • 1..,•#" 117-0 VICTORY AT CLINTON MESA CHAMPIONS by .Ken garrison Wingham Mustangs and Scaforth Golden Bears met last Tuesday on the neutral Clinton field in a sud- den death playoff game to -decide the league championship, The Mus- tangs won their fifth- straight NITSS.A championship with a .17-0 victory. In the, first quarter Wingham re- ceived and in a few plays John 1Vferitley playing his first game since his injury early in the Season, scored the Mustang's first touch- down on • a pass from John Mc- Dowell. The convert was unsuccess- ful. During the second quarter Pete Carmichael kicked a single point. Another pass to John Merkley put the Mustangs near the posts again and Pete Carmichael came through with the second touchdown. The convert attempt was again un- s uccessful. There was no scoring in the hard- fought third quarter. Pete Carmichael kicked two snore Single points in the fourth quarter. Late in the game Wingham scored a two point safety touch. This victory qualified the Wing- ham team to meet Mitchell in the semi=finals for WOSSA on Tuesday, November 14, in Seaforth. Wingham Mustangs are last year's WOSSA champions. ST HELENS Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson, lathy, Randy and Cheryl of Hol- stein were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Durnin. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Woods spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Roy Hawley arid Mr. Hawley in Oshawa. Mrs. George Webster returned to the home of her sister, Mrs. Ray Robertson, on Saturday after ten days in Victoria Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Rice spent Thursday with her father, Mr. A, G. Webb, at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. • Of it, being defeated by CKNX by a score of 5-2. Team standings: Hydro 32, nitr- ites 30, CKNX 26, Mustangs 24, Rockets 19, Lees 16. 0 .0-4 Lloyds H W Ha.witeyes 2705, Buzzards 202, Blue Jays 2580, Eagles 2474, Crows 2357, Cardinals 2225. Ladies' high single, Ann Yeoman, 218; ladies' high triple, Ann Yoe- man and Joyce Crothers tied at men's high. single, Mae Rit- chie, 239; men's high triple, Mac Ritchie, 632, B. Pack Cubs Bill Crawford, Bob Rintoul and Barb Pickford were the' leaders last Thursday night when 29 boys of Pack B met -at the Scout House. After the usual opening Bob Rintoul was in charge of games, while Bill Crawford tested Tender- pads -and Barb. Pickford examined boys' on 1st and 2nd class require- ments. In the Tenderpad tests Stratton Loder, Wayne Carter, Doug, Thompson and Jeff Hayes passed grand howl, and Doug, Thompson, Wayne Carter and Jeff Hayes, law. For 1st Star requirments Kenny Aitchison passed reading; Bryan Brooks, growing things; Bryan Brooks and Paul Templeman, God Save the Queen; Norm, Gorrie, Paul Templeman and Bryan Brooks, hop- ping, and Bryan Brooks, 0 Canada, In 2nd Star work Jim McCarter passed first aid and thrift tests. The boys were reminded of the Remembrance Day parade and were asked to take their 50c registration fee tomorrow night (Thursday) without fail. Blitevale Blossoms The Bluevale Blossoms met at the home of their leader Mrs. Jack Nicholson, on Tuesday evening. Their ,demonstration for Achieve- ment Day was prepared. Several contests were enjoyed. During the evening Susan Sel- lers was presented with -a -gift from the club, Later this month Susan will join her parents, who have moved to Barrie. A dainty lunch was served by, the hostess. - - 0 Belmore I Club The seventh meeting of the Bel- more I 4-H Homemaking Club was held at the home of Shirley Templeman. The roll call, "A Fruit Dessert My Family Likes" was ans- avered by seven girls. Shirley Templeman read the min- utes- of the last meeting and a short business discussion took place in which plans for the Achievement Day exhibit were made. A discussion of the following top- 108; "The Art of Garnishing Fruit", "Fruit Specialties", "Table At"- rangenients" and "Cheese Tray Suggestions" was led by Mrs. Kief- fer and Mrs, Simmons and notes Were given to the girls. A cheese exhibit was on display, as well as several different types of theeSe. Lois' Simmons demon- ablated the frosting of grapes to be used as a garnish am! the girls then. worked on making fruit gar- ST. HELENS • A Remembrance Day service was held in St. Helens bull on Nov. 12th with Rev. B. F. -Green in charge. The service op .ened with the hymn "Lord- -of the Lands", followed by Mr. Green leading in. prayer. Rev. DonaLl. Sinclair of the Wingham Baptist Church was guest speaker fur tint service. Mrs. Ronald Forester and Mrs. Philip MacMillan rendered a duet, "Teach Me to -Pray", Rev. Sinclair based hia message on. Timothy, "Be a good soldier of Jesus Christ." Here- Mr. Sinclair compared a soldier of the -army with a soldier of Jesus Christ. The St. Helens choir -sang as ins an- them "The Hope of the World Is Jesus". At the cenotaph wreaths were placed by Earl Cranston for th Lueknow Royal Canadian Legio:. and Ladies' Auxiliary; Mrs, B. F. Green, whose son paid the sup- reme sacrifice, placed the Women's Institute wreath. Barvey Culbert, reeve of the township, placed. -the wreath for West Wawanosh, The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Bill Andrew; ' nishes, specialties and table ar- rangements. A delicious lunch was served by N a N fa' Ft N Ft Ft N U U U S U • Bridge Club North and South: First, Miss T. :Mister and Mrs. J. R. Llpy,l; see- and Mre. Hodgins and 0. Ha. selgrove; third, Mrs. IL Campbell and A. M. Porbe:4, • mast And Wet: Tie for first and second, Mr:;. If. Spry and C. Hod- gins, Mrs, H. Risher -mid Barry Spry; third, 'Mrs. W. If, r'a'nch and :tier:;, It, IL Lloyd. ituu Kieffer demonstrated "grape sparkle", which was served with different fruit breads, INOVNININNINIONINNINININNINNIONNIMI CROWN THEATRE HARM SION THUR.-FUT.-SAT, NOV. 16.17-18 I Remembrance Day Mark -d on Sunday N.1111111111111111111N111111111111111.111111111111111111111111121111111111911111111111111111119111111111111111111111111311114 ez.1 Carmichaeirs tbi tit Cdi RI -11 lib N Ft Fl rEi Ft F71 N WI NOHAM BROM PUSHAWAy TO 'FOLLOW tont, determines how fast the ball THROT1Glf will travel. The higher the back- wine. the faster the ball goes. It should be just high enough to give you the speed you want, With too high a backswing, you'll find yourself losing control of the ; ball, and your timing will --he upset. i'l no little backswing Will also up, set your timing, and force- you to 1"drag" your hall through the for- ; ward swing by sheer arm strength. This will tire you out, and also muse you to lose good control. If you let the ball curve in be- hind you -during the backswing, you'll end, up tossing it out to the right when you deliver it. If your backswing swerves out away from your body, you'll deliver the hail to the left side of the lane, On your forward swing, the ball is r emed lust as it is starting to swing upward from the bottom of its are. You don't "throw" the ball it just has a slight lift as it rolls off your fingers naturelly. At title point, your forward foot, your arm and the bail should all be travelling in a straight line, aimed directly at, the target. VON eas WINRIAM MUSTANGS Jerry Lewis as "THE LADIES' MAN" Technicolor Jerry's biggest, broadest, funniest ever 7.15 and 9.15 p.m. the hostess, Shirley Templeman, af- ter which Mrs, Kieffer thanked her on behalf of -the girls, for the use IVI°N•--11/E'S•":"D• of her home and the meeting ad- journed. The eighth meeting was held on November 11th at 2.30 at the home of Lois Simmons. The meeting opened with the pledge, And the minutes were read by Corinne Kieffer. The leaders discussed the notes with the girls on apples. Plans for Achievement Day were made. Car- NOV. 20-21-22 Ingrid Bergman - Yves Montana Anthony Perkins in "GOODBYE AGAIN" 1 tis..r. PACT ED TO PERSONS 18 YEARS Of AGE OR ovn 7.15 and 9.15 p.m. ADMITTANCE A New Brewers' Retail Store on Josephine Street in Wingham IS NOW OPEN Hours of sale: 10.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed 1.2.30 p.m. daily, except Saturday Closed all day Wednesday Open till 9 p.m. Saturday Brewers' Warehousing Company Limited Operatin g Brewers' Retail Stores in Ontario S • itilY WHIEltli; YOU NEVIlat MAT TO BLOW VOITit, 11011X1 First line Suburbanites 10.FORE THE SNOW 114,11RS PRICES START $1 n 55 AT ONLV