HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-15, Page 9Mrs, Alan White and Billy, David and Joe, are living with Mrs. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Horton, while Mr. White is taking a course in Toronto, Miss Emma Johnston recently visited Rev. Campbell Tavener and Mrs. Tavener at Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Cleric Hoffman arid Bobby of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Webb, Barry and Brenda of Painswick, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hoffman on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Moffatt and family of Southampton spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. B. H, Mof- fatt. Mr, and Mrs, Milton Fraser are holidaying at Dunnville. Mr. and Mrs. George McCulla of Kitchener were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. A. D. Smith. MISSION BAND BLUEVALE--During the Sunday morning service the Mission Band met in Knox Presbyterian Church with 17 children in attendance, The offering was taken by Ronald Campbell. The leaders, Mrs. Ross Mann and Mrs., Glen IVieKercher, read the children a story and assisted them in their Mission Band work. Explorers Meet BLUEVALE—The Explorers met in.,Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday with a good attendance. The children opened the meeting with the Explorers' motto. The roll call was answered by naming a book of the Old Testa- ment. Joanne Elliott led in pray- er. The story for this month was Wive Landings". It was the story of 400 Bibles sent by children of -an Ontario city, which had changed the lives of people who received Choose from any of these famous flakes of electric dryers: BEATTY ttLWOOD COFFIELD•HAMIL1 ON. CONNOR DOMINION GENERAL ELECTRIC G.M. FRIGIDAIRE INGLIS ICE LVINATOR LEONARD MAYTAG McOLARY.EASY AND MOFFAT • PHILCO•BENDIX RCA WHIRLPOOL SIMPLICITY THOR WESTINGHOUSE OTHER EINE MAKES 0Full double bed size 2-year guarantee 0 A top quality blanket made by i-Canada's largest electric blanket maker Can be washed and dried automatically 0 Offer good from Oct. 14th— Nev. 30th 196l 11111;' SUNSHINE, SPECIAL 18 OPTER1.11) '1711E Dismier DEAVER LISTED IkELOIV W110 olPFIElts QUALITY PRODUCTS ANDvrop 1PLI(111' Cal,f, ANY ONE (.)1;' TODAY: A $29.95 VALUE This offer good at the stores display* this symbol MAORI Ptilitit; UTILITIES LOMMN. Chambers Hardware Stainton Hardware IpIk014Ir 65- WBOVieTElt PHONE WINOITA 'Carson Hardware Lillow Service Centre 1410/0.1 $81111 CONRIE 454J3 - MAI:VALE • NEWCVIVII, Senior 'A' popular price NS S F FOR. ALL AGE GROUPS HOCKEY STRIS FROM 50c TO $3.50 EXCh TRADE ACC E ON OR USE S KT HOCKEY 4,_ ( PRO MATCHE ‘\.,!11fil,1 SET Like the C.C.M. matched sets used by 98% of NAL, pros, this New UM, Senior `A' set takes rugged hockey punishment and helps you turn in star performances. Good value, toe. • New, exclusive Pro•Gard heel • Sturdy, moisture resistant construction' • Felt-lined tongue • Laminated box toe BUY NOW, WHEN WE HAVE ALL SIZES IN STOCK Other Models priced as low as $8.98 01.0•1101ES The Vouxliskm. A4Yause-Thues, 'earl:, 10-vember 1961 Itzge $110 I 960 It doesn't take long for some house plants to develop, that long, straggly, highly unattractive look. By „early fall, many look especially leggy More often than not, they are re- moved to some far. away place the porch, for instance, where they live out the .daration of their lives in awkward seclusion, This is the fate of too Many good house plants. When a plant outgrows its At- tractiveness, it can often he helped temperatures were lower. The method may he employed again at Douglas Point next year for concrete In the reactor vault, and may also prove useful on future propeets. by a -simple uteUlod a Vol,Agalun • called air layeringAater tiortteultur. iste with the Oritctilis tapext.ment of Agriculture, This praestice Wks planer produce Moth 9n starker ntalks. Smaller, yet fully-developed and attractive off-spring, result - Plants. most .suitably propagated Eby this method, are the erect foliage types such as philodendrea, Tubber Plant, dracaena and dieffenbachta, Here is how It's done. First, notch. the Stern. where you want the roots Ito form. Keep the wound -open with. a foreign object, such an a stick or pebble, Add a root-growth mixture and wrap wet sphagnum moss. around the stem. Tie it tightly in place and cover with a piece of polvetheylene bag When the roots have formed, the shoot may -be re- Moved from the.914 stalk and plant- ed. While the young roots are still forming, be sure to keep the moss in a moist condition, Propogate Plants By Air bayering Of Course It's In Good Condition . . I Use It Mostly For Parking Your ear would be in marvelous condition, too, if you used it only for parking . . , but you don't. And that's 'why we're here. The car you use constantly we keep in tip-top condition • , and we do it with a smile. You'll smile, too, because you'll be so pleased with our expert service and our modest prices. WINGHAM MOTORS PHONE 139 FIGURE SKATES Anyway you "figure," C.C.M. matched figure skating sets are beautifully built . economically priced. Designed for fit and balance to give you the confidence you need to skate your best, Attractive white elk uppers. Comfortable foam-lined tongue, Brightly-plated special steel blades retain keen edges longer! Wide selection of styles and prices to Snit every budget, Come in today! From au6" .49 N U U 'Tr U U U U U a U U U U le f ri l r 11 1 1 11 : 11 {K I IN E S ! THEY Go .--i ... Stain and . .ii , TOGETHER TES GETTING flon OF "fn HRI.PROL WINOTHEY HAVE. AT VANCE'S DRUG STORE TO MAKE YOU 'mon comFoRTABLe WHILE YOU'RE SICK : IMOOMS:Ze,e.gesX.-Mr, "..X• BLUME I.. Mr, and ... .................. Mrs. harry Elliott and Phyllis spent the week-and in. De- trek, Mrs, James Cleghorn And Mr. Peter MCBwen of Brantford visited friends In the vicinity last week. Members of -the Bluevaic We- Men's: Institute were entertained by Belmore Women's Institute in Bel. more memorial hail on the occasion of the latter's family night, Nov. 3th. Whitechurch Women's Insti- tute members were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith spent the week-end in Toronto and at- tended the Royal Winter Fair,' ,Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Gannet of Toronto spent Saturday in Blue- vale. They will soon be permanent residents in the home they bought from Mrs. Jos. Curtis, Mrs, Jos. Curtis and Miss Mar- garet 'have gone to Montreal, where they will make their home with the former's daughter, Mrs, John Me- Kee. Eaton's Order Office U U U U U U U U A youngster; given 'a, little' guid- I anon can choose Ins own 'color scheme -and surround hiniself, with it the color he likes hest. Yming child- ill ren like the bright primaries red, blue and yellow--eand they will be happiest when one of two' Of 'these • colors are a major 'part Of the dee-• orating schencle, Teenage boys also r.'"- prefer.the bold hues, but used spar- ingly to coMplement walls painted a masculine' beige, gray, slate-:blne or • blue-green. The preference of the junior miss is toward the softer pinks, bine or lavender shades, but 1N again With bold accents. I 5. Before redecorating, a slab of — pegboard Could be mounted- on the Wall to carry piti-ups'of the ylptig- ster'S heroes, be they football 'pros or TV start. The :;pegboard can be painted to match the walls and will a save the piaster front thumb-tack damage. As for furniture 'for study, a goi broils desk or table is ,essential. Even an Old 'kitchen table would do the trick, &vett coat of enamel to make It a decorative feature of the roomia, triarrielled furniture dan take-irotigh Wear and P- needs Only wiping with a clarhp cloth to stay Shining bright. Shel- Vea, painted to Match the walls or Et' the desk, will .eri4cnItage tidkrieSs in storing' ,bo'ok's and papers and wilt also give the, child' a, place -to WAIL DRYER BEATS IMO WEATHER In flays gone by there was neth, ing more miserable to a housewife than a rainy Monday, No sooner at the bottom, under- the clothes. Unfortunately it had a distressing tendency to toast the clothes a nice brown. We are all well aware that an ideal drying day is a warm day with a stiff breeze blowing. /Vtoore achieved "ideal drying days" in his dryer by moving an electrically heated current of air through clothes Walling in a revolving drum. Dryers became popular in the late forties when they were design- ed to.match the new automatic clothes washers. Now, sixteen out of every One hundred Ontario households dry their clothes elec- trically. Although the modern dryer is basically, the same as Moore's mo- del 25 years ago, many features have been added to make it simpler, safer, more convenient •and more automatic. Thermostats and timers regulate drying conditions so that you can dry almost anything that is wash- able. A "wash and wear" setting Provides a short cool-off period of heat-less tumbling to eliminate Wrinkles, Recently a control has been developed to measure the amount of moisture in the clothes so that when a certain degree of dryness is reached the machine shuts off, An outside vent is not , always necessary with an electric dryer. Some models •have special conden- sers to remove moisture from the air after It leaves the drying chain_ her, There are bonuses with the auto- matic dryer.' It does much more than simply dry the laundry. For example, tumbling mothballed blan- ketsn In a, dryer is the .simplest and fastest way to 'deodori ze and sweet- en 'Ithein. Certalnly the easidse way'to 're- vive dusty bedspreads, drapes, slip covers and scatter rugs is 'to toss them into the dryer where they will be bloWn Wash and wear suits are fresh- ened and "Pressed''' 'by` 'tumbling them for 10 or 15 minutes at the "wash and wear" setting With "no- heat tumbling" at •the end of the eydle. ' When snow is 'on the ground the kiddies straggle in at lunch*time with soppink snoW suits, You simply brush off the suit's and pop them In the' dryer. By the' time lunch is over, you can send the Youngsters out again, dry as toast. Lucky indeed is the young moth- er with an ele,ctrie• clothes dryer to help her look after baby. Most of baby's clothes's:lid even his cud; dly toys can be• machine dried. Knitted sweaters made fnom nylon and orlon can be partially dryer- dried to . speed up 'd'ryin'g time. Corduroy overalls come out with the hap looking like new. An av- erage day'S supply of diapers is dried hygienically clean in less than half an hour,. There are various• models of el- ectric clothes.dryers en :the market today. Shop • carefully, to buy the machine With features beat • suited td your partieular.needs. • You will soon find yourself* saying """Haw did -I ever' Manage before'?" VISITORS at the new Brewers' Retail Store saw thr,?, automatic electric skid lift in action. George Brooks looks over this piece of equipment which is used to move stock around the warehouse. Hydro Beats Heat by plier, and mixed with the concrete to keep the temperature down, About 1,100 cubic yards of eon._ erete were mixed in this fashion, and the eraek -free rendition of the walls attests to its effective- ness. 'lily' wow co11:411910.ed of long and short segments, placed al tcrnately, The long segments were placed first and allowed to cool to the temperature cif the air. To sk(c,:gomcs p snhtrs to a m inlc)ag eiiiinn the i•imsbo:La pi' filler temperature of 50 to 53 degrees F. was required. This was achieved by using ice and water in varying proportions, depending on the temperature of the air. The crushed ice Melted during mixing and lowered the in - itial placing temperature to dm required level, Initially, the mixing proportions were about two..thirds water and one- third crushed ice, Ultimately, as air temperatures incrNtsed, only ice was used. To further increase the effective _ ness, most of the ice-cooled con- Lehr Hardware PHONE 1911,2 FO1."7InVICIT Frattison Radio & Electric PHONE 171 - NVINGITA:01 Make every day a drying day ELECTRICALLY ...costs less than 50 a load to operate *NAMELESS • ODOURLESS • SAFER • FURY AUTOMATIC *ECONOMICAL tc,,ry the clothes washed and .hung cur the line than along came the r tin, Taking down the clothes and re hanging theta took up so much info, and was a lot of work. ravine the winter months there w,e; the choice of two ordeals— either hang out the clothes in freezing cold winds or else drape. • rows of Mammy wet laundry In the basement. Ilegardless 11w weather out, sine, there, is always ideal drying w-ather inside an automatic elec, hie clothes dryer. Finley Electric Ph, 21.14 Wroxeter - Gonnit Belgrave Co-Op Ph, 1091, 'Wingliam BELORAVE The first successful domestic clothes dryer was installed in a' IVIinneapolis home in 1930 by Its in, CHEERFUL ROOM MD TO HOMEWORK The dingy school room, is fast dis- appearing, but many a 'child- does his homework in far-froin.cheer- ful surroundings. • Parents should be taking a lead froth the school's in providing an attractive, well-lighted place at borne for, the coming battle of the books. , ' • Color is an ineXpensive morale booster, With about $10.00 worth of paint . and a desk, a wish-washy bedroom can be transforailed into a lively study room. venter, 3% Rosa Wore, r -0ohltner- elm laundry dryers had been on the market for quite a number of years, but they used live steam, something the average home did not ,have. In earlier attempts to make a home dryer, a beater was placed Cooling Concrete With Crushed Ice ice-cooled concrete helped On. lath) Hydro beat the heat this sum- mer in constructing the walls of 11w reactor building at Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station. Atomic Energy of Canada Lim- ited is building the 200,000-kilo- watt plant on the shore of Lake Huron, midway between Port El- gin and Kincardine. Hydro is acting as construction agent and will op- erate the station When it goes into service in 1965. The thick walls of the circular reactor structure, which is 135 feet high and 130 feet in diameter, had to conform to rigid specifications calling for a leak-proof building. This posed -a problem, because when concrete is placed at high te.mperatures there is a greater Possibility of cracks developing as it cools. The solution was crushed ice, de- them. livered to the site by a local sup- crate was placed at night when air 111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111,111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111411111111114111111111110111111ifilidatinglidle14 Burke Electric PIIONE 8k) , WINGILVA 1"IlONE 474 ' WINODAM display his treasures.'709110milimminiminswirloweilaw0WWW1owswimismsifinmigaumammaimmdmail HARDWA Il 1J ;1 IN U /1141114111111111111S1111111114111111111111111,1111111)1 Mil1Y111i 111,111111111111111111111116111111111111111111111114 'OUR GREATEST SOURCE OF SERVICE