HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-15, Page 7ingtarti Ztt.)tlettur,--Zi1.11r0
CI ORRIB' --The Canadian Bible
Society, a branch of the British and
Foreign Bible Society, met at the
home of Norman Wade. Rev, F.
W, Taylor opened the meeting with
The canvass will •close on Dec.
The following canvassers were
appointed: Howtek Township, Con,
1 and 2, Hugh Doig, Clarence Mc,
Callum; Con, 4, Mrs. Clifford Pylse,
Mrs, Archie Miller; Con. 6, Mrs,
Lorne Robinson, Mrs. Clara. Rit-
chie; Con, 9, Mrs, Harold Robinson,
Mrs, Elmer Farrish; Con, 10, Mrs,
Carl Dinsmore, Mrs. Morley Bell;
Con, 12, Mrs. Delbert, Clegg, Mrs,
t Edward Newton; Con, 14, Mrs. Ed-
gar Dane, Mrs, Carl Nickel.
1 Gorrie: Southeast, Mrs, Norman
Wade, Mrs. Manfred Irwin; south-
west, Mrs. W. C. King, Mrs, Gor-
I don Edgar; northeast, Mrs. Gor-
don Underwood, Mrs. T. L. McIn-
nes; northwest, Mrs. Harry dowdy,
Mrs.• Robert Harrison.
The officers were re-elected: Pre-
sident, Norman Wade; treas., Mrs.
nsn.SteWart; sec,, Mrs. George
LAKELET brance Day service held in the school auditorium' on Friday,
afternoon.—Advance-Times photo.
THE GIRLS' CHOIR of the, Wingham District High School is
pictured 'as the young ladies sang "Jesusalem" at the Remem- The deer hunting party of seven
of which Mr. Gordon Wright was a
member, returned home on Sunday
and reported that they had bagged
six deer.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Metzger were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Metzger, Mr. and Mrs,
Ronald Metzger and family. and
Mrs.. Esther. Smith and Wayne,
Jack •and Bill, all of Palmerston.
1 Mr. Glen Reidt of Guelph spent
the week-end with. his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin Reielt,
County Master
Attends Meeting
A goodly number of Orangemen
were' Belgrave last Wednesday
night for the election of officers of
the District Loyal Orange Lodge.
Bro. Bill Hull of Blyth acted as
candidate for the degree work with
County Master Harvey Jacklin tak-
ing the Master's chair,
During the election B Iv. Gordon
Carter of Blyth was promoted to
Wor, Master, with Bill Taylor for
Deputy; Calvert Falconer, Chap-
lain; Henry Pattison, Recording
Secretary; Wilfred Sanderson,
Treasurer; Stewart Ament, Mar-
shall; Mason Robinson and Albert
Bieman, Lecturers.
The meeting closed with the
singing of the national anthem and
a lunch served by the Belgrave
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Edgar and
Miss Shirley of Wingham .ard Mies
Joan Edgar of London called on.
Miss Gertrude Bush and Mrs. W.
Welr during the week-end.
Mrs. George Hart, Newry, was, a
Sunday visitor• with Mr. and Mrs.
William, Hart.
We are pleased to hear Mrs. Wal,
ter Charles, who has been a, pa-
tient for the past few Weeks in
Guelph Hospital, was able 'to re-
turn home on Sunday and we wish
her a, quick return to good -health.
Miss 'Darlene Brothers, Scarboro,
spent. Sunday with Miss Dawn. Lue
Miss. Nancy Newton, London,
was home for the week-end with
her mother, Mrs. R, Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Gibson, Dun-
dee, visited with Mrs, J. F. Mc-
Lean last week and Sunday visit-
ors at the same home were Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Perkins of Wallace,
Mrs. Harvey Reidt, who spent
last week with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mowbray, Kitchener, returned to
her home Friday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gowdy, Mr.
Raymond Gowdy, Mrs, Fred Hynd-
man, all of Gorrie, accompanied 'by
Mrs. James Doig of town visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy at
Victoria HOspital, London,
Mrs. Clayton Coates and Joy of
Sarnia spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Ross Coates,
Mr, John Hupfer and Miss Hazel.
Sparling were week-end guests of
Mr. •and Mrs. Blair Sharp, Sarnia,
Mrs, Alonzo Sparling accompanied
them to Seaforth, where she visited
at the home of her daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Eaton,
We are pleased to hear Mrs, El-
vin Oakley, who met with .an un-
fortunate accident at her home a
week ago, was able to return home
from Wingham Hospital the middle
of the week.
4-H PrUit Tippers
Demonstrate at W.I.
GORRIE • At the November
meeting of the Women's Inetitute,
held at the home of Mrs. Glad Ed-
gar on Tuesday evening the "Gor-
rie Fruit Tippers", the 4-If Club
girls, presented a demonstration
that will be given at their Achieve-
ment Day in Wingham. Ruth Ann
Taylor showed ho'w to make a fruit
cup; Kathie Klinck, jellied salads
with cream and cottage cheese;
Wanda Spading told how fruits
may be used in puddings. The girls
explained each step in preparation.
The treasurer's report and min-
utes were read by the secretary,
Mrs, Robert Elschner. It was de-
cided to hold euchre parties In the
community hall the [mirth Wed-
nesday of each month, starting
next Wednesday. Mrs, Morley
Johnston, Mrs. William Strong,
Mrs. Mel Taylor and Mrs. Alex
Graham are the committee in
The motto, "She considered six
professions. Any one would chal-
lenge life, but she practised them
altogether. So they called her just
a wife," was dealt with by Mrs.
John Baylor, She sa'd a wife and
mother had to practise teaching,
nursing and many other things but
she should not mind being called
"just a, wife". She concluded with
a well known poem, "Lord of All
Pots and Pans,"
Mrs. Harry Rhame talked on
"Interior Decorating", Patterns
and light colors were advised for
small rooms; patterns and more
color to make a large room appear
small were described and pictures
passed around to illustrate various
Mrs. Ernest King is a patient In
Wingham General Hospital,
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Coulter vis-
ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold, Coulter, Con, 3, Wallace
Mrs. William Gallaher was taken
by ambulance to Wingham Gen-
era Hospital on. Friday, suffering
9 the results of a stroke.
rs, Harry dowdy is spending.
Week with Mrs, Roy Gowdy in
leondon. Mrs. Fred Hyndman,
Mrs, Jamey Doig, Mr. Harry Gow-
dy and Mr. Raymond Gowdy vis-
ited Mr. Roy Gowdy in Victoria
Hospital, London on Sunday.
Mrs. Mac Smith, Napanee, Mrs.
Margaret Kadwel, Guelph, spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Ashton. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Dick-
ison, Margaret and Shirley, Wal-
kerton, Mrs. John Cunningham
and Mrs. Florence Clark, Toronto,
were Sunday visitors at the same
Mrs. J. H. King returned home
from Palmerston General Hospital,
on Saturday.
' Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wade
speet. Tuesday in London.
, drs. Andrew Davidson has re-
ned home from Palmerston Gen-
' Hospital.
/- • Afr and Mrs. William, Smythe
lend Allan of Scarborough spent
the week-end with Mr, and Mrs.
Norman Wade.
.Gerald Mitchell, 6 year old. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell, un-
derwent an appendix operation in
Listowel Memorial Hospital.
James Hyndman, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Harold Hyndman is recover-
ing from bronchial pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Werner, Se-
bringville, visited Sunday with. Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Robinson.
Mrs. Mel Taylor and Kathie
Klinek won the Dutch auction, Re-
freshments were served by the com-
mittee in charge, Mrs. Leonard
Sanderson and Mrs. Clarence
Stokes, Mrs. Gordon McKee returned
home from the Bruce County Hos-
pital on Saturday and is progress-
ing favorably. •
Miss Carol Dahms spent the
week-end at her home in Mildmay
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dahms.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Krotz of
Hanover spent Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs: John Baylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens
and Gregory spent Thursday in To-
nto, 3
kr, and Mrs. Fleming Grainger,
J mestown, visited Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. W, C. King.
Mrs, Archie Miller and Mrs. Bev
Brears of Fondwich and Miss El-
aine. Miller, Guelph, sper,t Satur-
day in London.
Mrs, Robert Ahara, was in charge
of the annual meeting of the .A.YPA
held in St. Paul's Anglican Church
parish room on. Sunday evening.
Roy Vivian was pianist and the
opening hymn was "0, Valiant
Hearts", Psalm. 23 was repeated in
Barbara Hall read the treasurer's
report and Diane Deyell read the
secretary's report in the absence
of Brian Douglas,
Diane Deyell presented the nom.,
Mating committee's new slate of
officers which was accepted on mo-
tion of Tom Deyell and Peggy
Ahara. The 1961-62 officers are:
Past president, Diane Deyell;
president, Roy Vivian; vice-presi-
dent, Linda Ternplemane secretary.
Brian Douglas; treasurer, Peggy
Ahara, and membership, Lynn
• "Women of the New Testament"
was the study for the November
meeting of St, Andrew's Presbyter-
ian Women's Missionary Society.
The president, Mrs, John Pollock,
opened the meeting with prayer,
The Scripture lesson from. Proverbs
where Solomon extols the virtuous
woman, was read by Mrs. W. Mc-
Kague, Prayers were offered by
Miss 0, Mitchell and Mrs. John
Mrs. John Pollock told of, the wo-
men who knew Jesus in His child-
hood, Mary, His mother, Elizabeth,
mother of John the Baptist, and
Anna, who served in the temple and
waited for the Hope of Israel. Miss
H. Wilson told of the women who
knew Him during His ministry,
Mary and Martha, the Samaritan
woman at the well of Sychar, who
was 'the first missionary; Mary
Magdalene, whose devotion led her
to follow Him to Calvary and to be
the first to see the risen Lord
The stories of Phebe, who carried
Paul's letter to 'the Romans and of
Lydia, the first convert in Europe.
presented by Mrs. T. A. Currie, and
finally the records of Priscilla and
Dorcas by Mrs. W. E, Ford, con-
cluded a very interesting topic,
Mrs. W. J. Coulter closed the
meeting with prayer,
The local hunters who spent last
week in the northland were not
successful in bagging any deer, but
enjoyed a nice outing.
Mr, Harold Townsend purchased
the property formerly the United
Church manse, at the auction sale
last Thursday. Me and Mrs. Chas.
Moore have purchased •the home
recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Moore and family and 'the
latter have .taken up residence in
the home vacated some time ago
-by Mr. and Mrs, Stan Scott.
First Euchre by
Lakelet 'Institute
LAKELET—The first euchre and
solo card social which the Lake-
let W.I. sponsors each winter was
held last Wednesday evening in
the Institute Hall and, will be held
each.,. Wednesday throughout the
winter months.
There' were seven tables in play
last week, with the following win-
ners: High lady, Miss Audrey
Scott of McIntosh; high gent, Floyd
Metzger of Lakelet; special, Mrs.
Lloyd Jacques, Lakelet.
The committee In charge was
LAKELET—The November meet-
ing of the Women's Institute was
held in the Institute Hall on Thurs-
day evening. President Mrs. Cliff
Hallman opened the meeting with
the Opening Ode and the Mary
Stewart Collect. Devotions were
reed by Mrs. E, Greenley. The roll
call was answered by a family cur-
The Minutes of the last meeting
were read by the secretary-trea-
surer, Mrs. Harold Wallace. This
was followed by the business ses-
sion conducted by Mrs. Hallman,
The topic was very ably taken
by Mrs. Harvey Wright on "Our
Institute in 'Bygone Days". The Mrs. E, Ferguson, Mrs, Bob Allan,
December meeting will be held the Mrs.• Stan Dennis and Mrs. Elmer
first Thursday of December at •th e Greenly.
home of Mrs. Walter Demmerling.
Sixteen Tables at
Institute Euchre
Th meeting closed with the na-
tional anthem and luneh was serv-
ed by Mrs. Harold' Wallace, Mrs.
Bert Wylie and Mrs. W, Demmer-
The AYPA will go to -Godetich
on November 25, where 'they': *Ill
tour the salt plant and Court
House, They will leave at eone
o'clock in the afternoon and those
interested in making the. trip
should make their intentions known
to one of the offeers or Rev.
Johnson, so that transportation'tnay
be el-ranged.
The new President suggested that
movies of Vaughan Douglas' trip to
Russia would make an interesting
evening's entertainment and if' this
could he arranged the congregation
will also be invited to attend, The
tentative date was for November
26th. LO.L. ELECTS
GORRIE—The regular meeting
of the Howick LO.L. was held in
Newbridge L.O.L. Hall. The fol-
lowing officers were elected:
Worshipful District Master, Al-
lan Watson; Deputy District Mas-
ter, Earl Moore; Chaplain, Austin
Stinson; rec. sec., James Foster;
fin. sec.-treas., J. Gordon „Under-
wood; marshal', Lloyd JacqueS;•
first lecturer, Robert Hibberd; sec-
ond, Lecturer, Thomas L. McInnes.
Rev. Mr, Johnson began his series
of talks on the life of Albert
Schweitzer, This week's address
delved into his boyhood and student
days and his studies in music. and
science until the time he went to
Mrs. Allan's (-losing comments
were that Mr Johnson's talk had
linkee in well with Remembrance
Day, The meeting closed with the
fin, president of the Women's In-
stitute, welcomed the ladies at the
Memorial hall on Wednesday for
the afternoon euchre. Sixteen tables
were in play,
Mrs. Oscar Schefter won the high
prize with 129 points for the ten
games, and the second prize went
to Mrs. Ilazelgrove. 'Hrs. Thistle won
the lucky card draw, and Mrs, Har-
old Congram held the lucky ticket
on a duck.
All enjoyed tile social time in
spite of the wintry weather and
heavy downfall of snow.
WROXETER -- The fall Thank-
offering service of the Wroxeter
WMS was :held at the regular morn-
ing church service on November
5th, with Mrs. G, W. Tiffin, of
Wingham, president of Huron Pres-
byterial, as guest speaker.
Rev. F. W. Taylor, minister, was
in charge of the service and intro-
duced Mrs. Tiffin, who spoke on
the world wide mission of the
church, based on the. passage of
Scripture found in John, 17th Chap-
ter, in which she urged that each,
individually, share In the work and
responsibility of the' spreading of
Christianity, which is rapidly be-
coming a. much greater • task, due
to the large increase in world popu-
lation and the exceedingly rapid
changes in world events generally.
Appropriate music was offered by
the choir with Miss Carol 'Robin-
son at the organ. The church was
lovely with baskets of autumn
flowers, The service was well ,at-
Hold Banquet on
Official ViSit
WROXETER-- Rt. Wor. . Bro.
John L. McKinnon of Tiverton
made his -official visit to Forest
Lodge A.F. & AM., Wroxeter, on
Monday night. Visitors numbering
70 came from Listowel, Wingham,
Brussels, TeesWater, Tiverton, Clif-
ford and Fordwich.
Following the meeting a banquet
was held in Wroxeter community
hall. Muter of ceremonies was
Wor% Bro. Walter Renwick. Toast
to Grand Lodge was proposed by
Rt. Wor, Bro. Gordon A Gibson
and John , L. McKienon replied,
Rt, Wor, Bro, W, Leslie Douglas
proposed a toast to the visitors, to
which a number replied.
Will Send Gifts
To Miss L. Collar
The Baptist Evening Mission
Circle met on Thursday at the
home of Mrs. J. Hildebrand. The
president, Mrs. B. MacLean, pre-
sided. The opening hymn was fol-
lowed by the roll call and reading
of the minutes of the previous
meeting by the secretary.
Mrs. Sinclair gave a report on
some of the highlights of the Bap-
tist Convention which she attend-
ed recently in London.
The ladies decided to hold their
Christmas meeting on Dec. 12th
and to sing Christmas carols for
the patients at 'the hospital on Dec,
Gifts for' Miss Laura Collar were
then presented to be sent to her
for Christnias and a carol was
Mrs: R. Burchill was in charge of
the devotions based on James 1:21.
She. pointed out that the hUman
heart is wicked but the Word has
power to save from sin. The child
of God lays aside all uncleanliness;
and as Paul treated his body as a
servant, not as a Master, so must
Mrs. R, Kilpatrick read a poem,
and Mrs. A. Stapleton read an ar-
ticle entitled "Adventures in Ra-
Letters from missionaries Laura
Collar and Dr. and Mrs, E, W, Fed-
ley were read to the group, follow-
ed by' a Season of prayer.
The offering was received and
the meeting closed with the singing
of a hymn.
The November meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society of
Wingham United Church was held
in the school room with the presi-
dent, Mrs. C. Fingland, in charge.
The worship, service was conducted
by Mrs, 'Sidney Thompson, who
gave a short talk on the theme,
"God's Wisdom in Contrast to Wo-
men's Wisdom," with regard to
charity, hope and faith.
The supply convener, Mrs. N.
McLaughlin, reported that five
cartons of ' used 'and one of new
clothing 'had been forwarded to Ovr
erseas Headquarters, and another
will shortly be on its way. Mrs.
Chamney spoke on the Christian
Stewardship of time, saying that
our day is divided into three parts,
a time for work, a 'time for sleep
sand a time for other activities, and
aSking •how .much of the latter is
used for God's work. Reports of
the Sectional meeting which was
held in .Belgrave were given by Mrs.
Lloyd Hingston and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Thompson introduced sev-
eral books which are recommended
for study in 1962, pointing up the
mission of the church in these
changing times.
,A piano solo by Mrs. W. W. Cur-
rie was much enjoyed,
Mrs, G. W. Tiffin, Presbyterial
president of the W.M.S., was the
guest speaker. By means of charts
and _pesters, she explained the
amalgamation which will take
place lit 1962 of all the women, of
the church into one organization of
unified, effort and which will be
called the United Church Women,
and will haeie for its object, the to-
tal 'rniselon of the. church. Mrs.
Tiffin. answered' questions and
cleared up many problems which
had. arisen in the minds of the wo-
men. She .pointed out that this is
not a new plan as many churches
in England and the United States
haVe adopted it and found it suc-
After announcing that the Christ-
mas meeting would be held on De-
cember 5th, Mrs. Fingland closed
the meeting.
Mrs. August Keil
Buried Tuesday •
GORRIE-----,Mrse ,,Susanne Kell,
73, passed away in Victoria Hos-
pital, London, on Nov. 5th, She had
been in failing health for a few
months, •
. She was born in Maryborough
Township, the daughter of the late
George Grosz and his wife, Susan.
.5'elineider, and was a member of
Jetty Lutheran Church, Kurtz-
.I le,
On Dec, 15, 1909, she married
August Keil, who survives her w,th
two sons, George, Gorrie; Harold,
Con. 4, Howick; one brother, Jos-
eph Grosz, Listowel; seven grand-
children and two great-grandchild-
tee, One daughter,. Mrs, Arnette
Lehr,' predeceased her. in 1934.
' -- Fenerel 'service was held at the
Moir " fu'ieral home, Gorrie, on
Tuesday, Nov. 7th at two o'clock
arid at three o'clock in Trinity Lu-
theran Church, Kurtzville, conduct-
ed by Reit. Gerard W. Drum. Pall-
bearers were Clifford Johnston,
Otto Menke, Norman Bast, Stew-
art. Lovell, George Timm and And-
retv Edgar. Flowerbearers were
Charles Black, Hugh Doig, William
Edgar, Russell Adams, Morley
Anston and Robert Stephens.
rial was in Trinity Lutheran
emetery, Kurtzville.
bless the doctor: and help them to
make me well; God bless the fire.
men who gave me my wheelchair."
Debbie Selmes is too young to be
thinking such things.
MDAC needs money to finance
its research program so that Deb-
bie Selmes will have the glorious
gift of life.
The local firemen will call from
door to door in Wingliani tni Moa-
day, November 20, to collect for
MDAC, Those who will net be
home on that night could contact
either Chief Jim Carr 'o' Assistant
Dave Crothere to arrange to have
their titillation picked up at anoth-
er time,
"Now I lay me down to sleep, I
pray the Lord my soul to keep; if
I should die before I wake" „ .
over and over in a million homes
oe a million nights the face of in-
nocence, the hands eiipped softly
beneath trusting little chins . , .
Lind "Now I MY the down to eleea"
Debbie Selmes is too young to die
before she wakes, But Debbie iris
Muscular Dystrophy.
Debbie likes to be the poster
child for the Muscular Dystrophy
Association of Canada because she
likes to help the people who are
helping her. "God bless the people
who work So hard for Me; God'
THE NEW BRANCH of the British Mortgage and 'trust Company
at Listowel was officially opened last Friday with the public
invited to tour the modern building which is situated 011 the
Full Stop Rule
Stumps Drivers
Of School Buses
A new regulation requiring all
school buses to come to a full stop
at railway crossings tripped settee]
bus drivers In Ontario tests, "They
are like any group of people; they
have to be made aware of a, new
law before they come to know it,"
tommented a Department of Trans-
port offielal who reported the fail-
ure rate among drivers running at
about 20%.
Two teams of six to eight men
travel the province for testing driv-
ers of school buses. Tests include
28 questions on rules of the noad,
signs, safe-driving practices. If a
driver fells, he can re-apply at once ,
for another test.
The spokesman said Scher)] bus'
drivers are Mainly part-time work-:
ere, In their off-hours, they drive
their own vehicles and are not al-I
wa+ys fully aware of the special
regulations governing the operation
of school buses, There was no prob-I
tem When the driver was a full-,
time profeesiOnal,
Tips for Teens,
Doctor's Topic
The girls and leaders of the
Wingham C.G.I.T. again thank the
People of Wingham for their splen-
did contribution of $201.60 for the
work of the United Nations Inter-
national Emergency Fund. This
amount can save many lives and
aid thoueands of children through
UNICEF. It is really the children
of the world wha thank you.
The five Wingham C. G. I T.
groups meet regularly in the Sun-
day School room of the United
Church and each take turns in
leading the devotional service. Last
week Mrs. McKim's group con-
ducted a thoughtful Remembrance
pieigram, featuring Brenda Conron
as soloist.
Each group is working on specie.'
handWork to be sold at the church
tea. This includes stuffed dolls
Christmas stockings and Christ.
m'ae decorations,
The two senior groups benefited
by a talk on "Tips for Teens" giv-
en by Dr. B, N. Carrie. This con-
eluded their discussion groups very
This week the girls begin their
praeticeg for the annual Christmas
Vesper Service to be held Sunday
evening, bee. 10th.
main intersection of the town. Health Minister Monteith, J. Fred
Edwards, M.P.P. for Perth, Mayor Elwood Smith and P eeve
Angus 'Dickson were on hand for the occasion. Photo by Bamford