HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-15, Page 6BACKACHE Dodds Pills When kidneys fail le remove vow milde and wastes, bacluiphe-tired trielltig-dirairdied meet Ow may follow. POWs Kidney, Pills stimulate iddnoys to. normal duty. you file' bettor, oleo bow, you* tgger. 80 ?Al ,ACCOUNU AT MICK MEMO A regular meeting of. the Howick Township Connell was held in the clerk's office on November 4. All -11aerribera were present find the reeve, Arthur Gibson, was in. the elialr. The minutes of the last regti- tar meeting and also the Court of fleViSlen on the Assessment Roll were read, and adopted as read on Motion of strong and Haskins. Haskins-R. Gibson ---That the en- gineer's report on the Harkness Drain and Branch be accepted and provisionally adopted, and the clerk Whatever type of home you have ---no matter where you live in Ontario you'll enjoy the winter mare if your home is kept snug and warm with CO-OP SUNGLO FUEL OIL! SUNGLO burns clean - no threat of rust, dirt or corrosion. Keep your burner working at top efficiency with this low price, high quality fuel oil. See us today about a worry-free winter . . . protect yourself with a SUNGLO Contract! Hour sa 1 EVERYTHING REDUCED 10% FOR THE DAY 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE WALNUT FINISH - DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST, BOOKCASE BED REGULAR $159.00 3-PIECES - '139 00 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE WALNUT FINISH - DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST, BOOKCASE BED REGULAR $229.00 3-PIECES 189.00 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE WALNUT FINISH - DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST, PANEL BED REGULAR $149.00 3-PIECES - 119.00 2-PIECE CHESTERFIELD BEIGE, AIRFOAM CUSHIONS, 88", 4 CUSHION SOFA REGULAR $229.00 2-PIECES 169.00 SERTA 2-PIECE CHESTERFIELD TOAST COLOUR, FOAM CUSHIONS REGULAR $169.00 2-PIECES 949.00 KROEHLER 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD DARK BROWN, FOAM CUSHION, NARROW ARM, 74" SOFA REGULAR $229.00 2-PIECES -7 $169,00 KROEHLER 2-PC. SOFA-BED SUITE FULL COIL SPRING CONSTRUCTION SEAT AND BACK, BEIGE COLOUR REGULAR $189.00 2-PIECES - 149.00 3 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST, BOOKCASE BED ' REGULAR $199.00' 3 PIECES - 969.00 KRONUR, PLATFORM ROCKERS 2 ONLY AT '3988 Walker Home Furnishings PHONE 106 S. J. WALKER WINGHAM, ONTARIO 5 PC. KITCHEN SUITE TABLE AND FOUR CHAIRS MEDIUM WALNUT TOP, BEIGE CHAIRS BRONZETONE FRAMES REGULAR $89.50 $69.50 me 1 2 HOURS - 11:00 A.M. TO 11:00 P.M. SATURDAY, NOV. 18 EVERYTHING IN THE STORE REDUCED Kroehler 3 ag piece Suite SOFT-TONE WALNUT, "CAN'T MAR" PLASTIC TOPS 3-PIECES -,-- TRIPLE DRESSER, BOOKCASE BED, CHEST REGULAR $279.00 1711'0,111.71I OPT" • Tr. .r7 01,x ThO Wiltjtam Advance-Tirtiek W‘tda Ntivanzher 15, '198t FORM ICII 'Clergy Assists in Drahlage Loan No. 11 by'la'w, commtn IL NAMED read the first and seeond -lima be TO PACK CHEER BOXES Smoday ServicQ. FORDWICH-Members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Howick Branch 307 and the Ladles' Aux- iliary paraded to the Fordwich Un- itedChurch: on Saturday morning. Rev. V. W. rraylor of Clorrie Un- ited Church read the Scripture, Rev. E, C Attwell, of the Anglican Church, led hi prayers. Rev, W. J. McClure of Molesworth Presbyter- ian Church, conducted the service. Rev, A. C. Coles of the United Church here had charge of the ser- vice at the cenotaph and Rev, W. J. Bird. of Gerrie pronounced the benediction, OUR ALTSIINIA -SS. DEPT, has been organized to give helpful specialixed service for the protection of PARTNER, SIMS - KEY MEN $01+E OWNERS/10'S Assugeo- fjcintiplt,- FRANK C. HOPPER -'-Representative-- Canada Life. WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 4Q8 ,be hereby inatrueted to prepare the necessary by-law and 'copies of aame, and that application for pro, vincial aid be made to the Depart- ment a£ Works of Ontario, Gibson-Strong---That the Court of Revision on the Harkness. Munici- pal Drain be held on December 5, 1961, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. King-R. Gibson-That By-law No. 19-61 of the Township of Howick for the year 1961, the Harkness Municipal Drain and Branch By- law, as read the first and second be passed. King.R. Gibson --- That we grant Tile Drainage Loan, No. 11. Haskins - Strong --That. By-law No. 18-61 of the Township, of How- ick for the year 1961, the Tile Use, Two Levels Of Ventilation It's a good idea to have •two levels of insulation in your hen house,. advises Ross Milne, Ontario Department of Agriculture eaten- siva engineer, He says that in very cold wea- ther,. even In well insulated ings, the fans will not run con- tinuously, but the birds do produce moisture constantly. Ina, well insul- ated building there is enough 'bird heat retained to allow a fan, rated at 25 to 60% of the total ventilation 'capacity required, to run continuously, Use either a 2-speed Jan, or a small fan that will exhaust 25 to. 35% and. a large fan capable of exhausting 60 to 75% of 'the re.; quired capacity, The small fan should operate continuously and the larger one should be controlled by a .thermostat, ''".'"'"4"H".'*"."'".....1•.lk.R.N.......K.efwo•.I.4mr•k•nqaoo,uanswrminks,auomp.00.i..nmaromgsr Hayes Family Clothing ST. ANNE'S GUILD REGULAR MEETING Farewell Party For Hargraves , We bonus your baby bonus - Your Family Al- lowance Cheque is worth 10% MORE when., spent with us. FORDWICH-Mr. and Mrs. Em. merson Hargrave. were pleasantly surprised at their home last Wed- nesday night when neighbours, re- latives and friends gathered to wish them farewell before they left for their new home in Listowel. They were presented with a floor lamp and nylon rug. Mr. Spence Brears addressed the couple, Em- merson and Edna thanked every- one. The evening was spent play- ing progressive euchre and lunch was served. Ladies' WOOL BOUCLE KNITTED SUITS by AVON, Good value ' ab $29.95 CLEARANCE FORDWICH- St. Anne's Guild, met Thursday evening for its re- gular meeting. Mrs. Jean &th- orn presided. The meeting opened by singing "Toils Calls Us". Mrs. Attwell gave a, chapter in the study book. Roll call was answered 'by 16 members and 14 visitors. Thank you notes were read and members were reminded of the ba- zaar. Mrs, Lenore Beswitherick was guest speaker Pand gave a very interesting 'talk on her trip to Spain, Italy and France this past summer. Lois Simmons thanked her and presented her with a, gift. on behalf of the Guild. Attwell reminded members of communion service on St. And- rew's Day, Nov. 30, and closed 'the meeting with prayer. Mrs, Nellie Simmons conducted contests and lunch Was served by Mrs. Willa Douglas and Mrs. Hel- en Leppington. $15.00 Chesterfield, Gill To Mr., Mrs. Dickert FORDWIC11--,A presentation and dance was held in the Fordwich community hall in honor of Mr, and Mrs, Bill I:Ackert (Betty Mc- Taggart). Miss Sharon Pollock read the address, The young couple was presented with a chesterfield. Betty and Bill thanked everyone and dancing was enjoyed to the music of Lambkin's orchestra. FORDWICH.- Trinity W.& met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Nina Armstrong. The meeting op- ened with a hymn followed by the W.A. prayer and the Lord's pray- er. The Scripture lesson was giv- en by Mrs, Mary Sanderson, The roll call was answered by 13 members and four visitors with a verse on Advent. A letter was. read from Canon W, Zimmerman of the Mohawk Institute, thanking the ladies for the quilt and bale. The second chanter of the study book, "Break of Day" was taken by Mrs, Lloyd Jacques,. assisted by Mrs. E. C. Attwell. Mrs, ie. Hat'. grave led in the Litany. Mrs. Fa Strong and Mrs. S. For- ster were named to pack Christmas boxes for shut-ins, Mrs. Spence Brears, Mrs, Wally Gibson and Miss Elva Foster were named to plan 1962 programs, Mrs. Strong reported 'on the Deanery meeting held in Clinton. Readings were given by Mrs. Alt- well, Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs, Jac- ques. Lunch was served by 'the 'hostess assisted by Mrs. Stan For- ester and Mrs, Robert Allan. Mr. and Mrs. jaelt Brown, John- ny and Janet spent Tuesday In • Guelph with Mrs. Bertha Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Cornwall of Windsor spent several days last week at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyden. Devitt. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Galbraith of Guelph visited a couple of days last week with Mrs. Elsie Strong ..and Mrs. Verna Galbraith. Mrs. George Dolander and Mrs. Bolger Idspensen spent one day last week in London and visited with the latter'a husband, who is entifined to Victoria Hospital, Mrs, Donald Doig and two daugh- ters of Galt spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Reis and Miss Mary Cattanach anent .one day last week in Hanover, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. F,ari Moore were Ma and Mrs. Hugh Frew and Sharon of Pres- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benin, Dawn and Michael of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stewart and Cliff were in Oshawa for a few days last week, where they attend- ed the funeral of Brian James, two-months-old son of Mr, and. Mrs. Jack Stewart. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Chimney and ,Taney of Port Colborne visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Alex Keith. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Williamson and Brenda of London spent the week-end with Mrs. Emma Wil- liamson. The latter returned to London and will visit a few days, Mrs, William Wilson and Phyllis and Mrs. Harold Pollock and Sha- ron spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Cunning.. ham and David, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neah and Mrs. Roger Williamson, all of Kitchener, were supper guests on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Johnson. Mr. •and Mrs. Murray Kirkby of Port Credit spent the week-end at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. William. Sothcrn and Gary visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart in Listowel, Mrs. Mary Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cruickshank and family spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. William Wade. Mrs. Nina Armstrong, Mrs. Wil- liam Wade and Mrs. Curtis Jordan visited with Mrs, Eva Dane at the home of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith at New- ly on Sunday afternoon. The W.A. of Trinity Anglican Church, Fordwich, held 'a very suc- cessful bazaar and supper on Fri- day in the basement of the church and realized the sum of $118.00, The ladies wish to thank everyone who helped to make the day a suc- cess. ,Miss Ruth Hibberd of Winthrop spent the week-end with her par- ents. Mrs. Clint Jantzi of Baden visit- ed Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Eastman. 3. Harold Pollock, Clerk. I Mr, Earl Ridley of London spent passed. R. Gibson-King-That By-law No. 18-61 of the Township of Howick for the year 1961, the Tile Drain- age Iooan No. 11, by-law, as read the third time be finally passed. Haskins-King -That 13y-law No. 15-61 of the Township Of Nowiek for the year 1.961, 'a by-law assum- ing a portion of boundary from County Road system, as read the first and second time he passed. Strong-R. Gibson-That By-law No. 15.61 of the Township of Howick for the year 1961, .a by-law assuming a portion of boundary ream County Road system, as read the third time be finally passed. Strong-Haskins--That we auth- orize the Township of Turnberry to advertise the Day bridge for sale. Ilaskins.Strong-That we, appoint the county treasurer to purchase any unsold lands of the Township of Howick at the adjourned Tax Sale, King-Haskins -- That we renew the treasurer's fidelity bond, cer- tificate Na. 67250C3, and the burg- lary policy No. 3-443188 with R. W. N. Wade, R. Gibson-Haskins-That we pro- claim Saturday, November 11th, a public holiday until 1. o'clock pan. Haskins-Strong - That we give the Recreation Committee a grant of ,$31.00 re Wroxeter rink. • Haskins-King -That the recrea- tion accounts as approved be paid. R. Gibson-Haskins - That the road accounts as approved be paid. King-Strong-That the following accounts be paid: Post Office Dept„ printing and postage, $48.93; S. Bork, tax reduc- tion re s. 131, $9,34; Win. Edgar, tax reduction re s, 131, '$9.35; Walter and Greta Ward, tax reduction re s. 141, $8.819; Jas. Sanderson, tax reduction re s. 131, $15.09; Wingham Advance-Times, advertising, $1.35; Municipal World Limited, supplies, $2,13; H. Hamilton, postage, $10,00; Fred. Sharpin, cutting weeds, $9,00; Norman Wade, premium re burg- lary policy, $10.00; Norman Wade, premium on fidelity bond, $45.00; Wm. Colby, survey, plan, etc., re Harkness Drain, $135.00; Art Gib- son, assistance re Harkness and Renwick Drain, $10.00; Robt. Gib- son, assistance, $10.00; Frank King, assistance, $10.00; Hartwell Strong, assistance, $10,00; Ivan Haskins, assistance, $10,00; Harold Pollock, assistance, $10.00, Wm, Colby, survey, plan, etc., re Renwick Drain, $115.00; Ken., Schaefer, work on Parrish Exten. slon Drain, $18.00; Ross King, tile and labor Farris:h Extension Drain, $21,05; Frank King, for Bruce Hays, work Parrish Extension Drain, $25,00; Art Gibson, fees selecting jurors, $8.00; Howard Harris, fees selecting jurors, $8.00; 'Harold Pol- lock, fees selecting jurors and pre- paring list, $16.00; W. B. Whitfield, part salary, $75.00; J. H. Pollock, part salary. $100.00; Peter Browne, tile loan No. 11, $2,642.00; E. H, Strong, tile loan No. 11 inspector's fees, $23.00; W. E. Whitfield, tile loan No. 11, fees, $5.00; J. H. Poi- in 'good variety. New stock. Regular $11.95 SPECIAL $8.95 Regular $ 8.95 SPECIAL $6.95 Regular $ 7.95 SPECIAL $5.95 ALL SALES FINAL gi LATEST STYLE FIATS tan) WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF LADIES' DRESSES Sizes 10.26%. - FreA. from Canadian manufacturers. lock, tile loan No. n fees, $10.00; .7as. Brears, fox bounty, $4.00; R. A. Spotton, repair to cenotaph, $150.00. Welfare Accounts G. L, Dobson, $36,30; la, H, Steph- ens & Son, $69.42; R. H. Carson & Son, $10.00; Bill Nay, $20.00; Bill Nay, $10.00; Crystal Dairy, $8.36; H. Howe, $19.50; Win. Marriner, $21.53; R. II, Carson & Son, $14.30; E, A. Schaefer, $39.44; T. 3, Schaef- er, $18,81; R. H, Carson & Son, $15.00; Callander Nursing Home, $92.75; Art Gibson, welfare adminis- trator, $19,65; supplementary assist- ance, $20.00. Robt. Gibson, hospital board mtg., $5.00; W. E. Whitfield, exchange, $5.15; Andy Miller, cutting grass on boulevards, $43.00; Recreation Com- mittee, grant, $31.00. R. Gibson-King-That we do now adjourn to meet on December 5th or at the call of the reeve. Arthur Gibson, Reeve. MEN'S HUNTING HATS Just in - CORDS, LEATHER, ETC. TWENTY PIECES OF STATE Hawaii, which became the United States fiftieth member in 1959, is made up of twenty islands far out in the Pacific Ocean, They cover 6,423 square miles placing Hawaii between New Jersey and Connecti- cut in size. . • 1000 BOND STREET Unconditionally guaranteed MerVs Shirts (pure white and tar- Broadcloth and Flannel Pyjamas, Boys' "Teryiene" Shirts Good value at $4.95 'SPECIAL $3.95 or 3 for $11.00 YOU CANT BEAT THIS - EXCLUSIVE WITH BELGRAVE CO-OP BELGRAVE, ONTARIO Phone Wingham 1091; Brussels 388w10 IIAYES FAMILY CLOTHING 11,011*.milims.•110ill.110.401.1.410•04111116.1111•111.111110.4111.1.1111011111,...13.01..1•111110.1•WITOM.111•0,01111.10=4,4". a few days last week with Mrs. Ridley. Mr, and Mrs,. Jim McNair and fa- mily, who have resided here for 'the past few Months, moved last week to Gorrie. • -62 .oU tto: • •