HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-08, Page 1Spectaplar Crash-Injor- ondi -Ruins Cadillac 1 . • • . x ........ • ALONG, THE THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian. NOTE STORE HOURS— , Ygn are asked to note the shop- ping hours in Wingliam 'oh Satur- day of this week, which is Itemem. braime Day; l'116 stores 'will remain closed from. ten, o'clock in the morning until 1.00 p.m., so that residents of the community and the staffs in the stores will be free to attend tne'servfed iat elle '011ie.- taph, 0 - 0 e 0 OVER $200 FOR UNICEF— C.G.I,T, members collected for UNICEF .again on Hallowe'cn and on Teesday netted about $200, ,f2hildren from Mrs, Cecil Coultes' Grades 4, 5 and 8 of Turnberry Cen- tral School canvassed on Monday andiTuesday and gathered $34.26. ft .is' believed that other centres In the immediate district also made their annual calla and perhaps a Complete estimate of total collec- tions in the area can be made later. 0 - 0 - 0 FIRST OF SEASON— Me.' and Mrs. W. B, McCook loft last ' Thursday for Florida, the first, we 'believe, of the annual mi- gration Southward. With thb smell of snow in tho air it is evident they have the right idea. ' 0 - '0 • 0 • 1 . LITTLE SLOW IIERE?— A few items of Christmas mer- chandise are beginning to make their' appearance in local stores. If, jk .you think the local boys arc hasty, Vyou should live in Chicago. Vis- ' Ring there more than three weeks ago we saw dozens of stores in full ChristmaS dress, .• THIS WAS THE RESULT when a car driven by Charles Bondi of Wingham crashed into a transport truck on Saturday evening. The late model Cadillac was completely wrecked. Mr. Bondi was hospitalized with chest•4njuries. Driver of the truck, Ronald Ju benville, of Blenheim, and a passenger, Donald Jubenville, were not injured.—Advance-Times photo. At Least Three Council Seats Will Need Filling 'ENG &GEMENT 44( Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Johnston, .' ICA. 1, Gorrie, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Agnes, to Mr. James Harold 1301-1810S, Son of Mee. Robert Doug. las, and the late Mr- Douglas, R. it. 1, .aortic, The wedding will take place the latter pert of Net/ember. F81) RECEPTION AND DANCE Will be held in the Blyth Mem- orial Pall, on Friday, November 10, for Mr. arid Mrs, David Nesbit (Gladys Reid), Ladles please bring Web, ZVeryone welcome, VP ....._ .; mootressivn Emilio; Will be held in Beigrave Cent- inunity centre on Wednesday, Nov. 8, at. 8.30 pan. sharp, and every Wednesday 'until Dee, 13th, Good prizes will be given. EVerybedv i Welcerne. , . Fit* • Peter Vath &?' DONATE BLOOD BANK REFRIGERATOR—The Pursing staff of the local hospital has donated a new specially-controlled refrigerator for the blood bank. The bank serves other area hos- pitals as well as the Wingham institution, Pie- tured with the new equipment are, from 'the left, Willie Vanderwoude, laboratory technician; Mrs, I, l2. Morrey, administratrix; Miss Dorothy Krug, Reg. N., and Miss Phyllis smith, Reg,N. CKNX photo by Strong. With which is amalgamated, the Carrie Vidette and Wrexeter News O1VTAlf,A4, WEPIKESPAY, NOVEIVIBEIL 8, 1.061 A large, COugregatiOn was in at- • lend-ante Sunday mortingatt-thet : q'iiintirsing- Staf f at the. Wing- • United .Clairch when the annual ' • ham General Hospital realized an church service of remembrance was ambition this week, when they do- held, About 50 Legion members nated a blood bank refrigerator and some 20 members of the La- costing $817.00 to -the laboratory of dies'. Auxiliary to the Royal Can- the. hospital. The machine, the adian Legion, headed by the Bel- monies for which were realized by grave Pipe Band, paraded from the the nursing staff from activities Legion Home to the church. Alex held during the past year, has been Corrigan was parade marshal. ' installed at the laboratory in the Eighteen wreaths were at the en- Next Monday,. Nov. *13th, the Wingham P,rewers" Retail Store, which ,has been under construction for the past few months, will of. ficially open its doors. The build- in' lit' the former Cunningham Cara age, and. It has been completely re- lovated to a new design. Parking :pace and aspha't driveways now airround the structure, The Wing- !ram .store, as is the case with 811 Ontario brewers' retail stores, will be operated by the Br'e'wers' Ware. heusieg Company Limited, A, Girodat, manager of the Hanover Group Stores, announced that an • official opening will he JUNIOR CLUB Will COLLECT BOTTLES Members of the Junior Colt'. nervation Club will stage a hat- tie drive this a•Intrirday, No- vember 11th, starting at 1.00 p.m, Householders are asked to put their ',empties' • aut in front of their homes, .eriaer on the steps or et the curb for pick tip. ;Cllr funds raised through the sale of the bottles ara used to Wither the, work of the etub. NOW REALITY MAITLAND AUTHORITY GETS OFFICIAL 01. ships of Turnberry and Howick. The enlarged Authority will he renamed the Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority. Remembrance Day - Postal Deliveries Holiday service on Remembrance Day, Saturday,' November 11 at the local post office•Will he as follows: Look box lobby will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. • General delivery, registration and, postage stamp wickets will be open from 8.30 am, to 9,30 a.m. and from, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Mail from street letter boxes will be collected at 3.t5 p.m, Mail will be received and des- patched as 'usual, but there will be no rural delivery. Charles 'Bondi, well-known fritit merchant, of Wingham, was xu ed to hospital by ambulance ear 'Saturday evening suffering fro: . chest injuries and minorahraaleAs as the result of a main Street ao, eidvit. lib, condition on Tuvad4,Y was reported by hospital' autleat- ties as good. The -accident happened when tbe Bondi car, travelling north on Jo- sephine, struck a parked ear own- "0 by Reeve j, Roy- Adair, b.ounced off and then collided almost head.- an with a transport truer< owin:4 by the Jubenvile Transport of 1;14- helm, The car was swung sideways uy the impact and ended alp jai- heel against against a hydro'pole with the left door open and wedged again4t, the pole. , The car was acomplete wreck, with the right front demoP ished beyond recognition, Damage to the extent of several hundred dollars was done to the Adair car which was shoved ova. 80 feet down the street from 'where it was parked. The truck su'f- fered heavy damage to the right front corner, with the undercar- riage being torn loose and pUshed into the saddle tanks. The two men in the cab-over-engine vehicle, Donald and Ronald Jubenville, were not injured in No one was in the Adair vehicle at the time. The accident which occurred in front of 'the U.D.P.C. plant, drew a large crowd of people. Local po- lice who investigated, were fOreed to detour traffic around 'the scene as debris was strewn 'along the street for 100 feet. Night Constable William Waite, assisted by Police Chief James 'Mil- ler, • -handled the , investigation, Charges are pending. 1 Job n Runstedtler, H i hest Standing i„, .., _ -- ..,-.., The committee appointed by the Huron County Council to award scholarships and bursaries at the 'University of Western Ontario an- nounces that .John Runetedbler, of Wingham, was awarded the schol- arship for the boy from Huron County to attain the highest' stand- ing.. Juniors Elect Officers for '1962 Meeting at • the club 'house in Lower Wingham on Monday night, the members' of the Junior Conser- vation Club-elected officers for the coming year, They .are: President,. Bob Crew:ion; secret- ary, Peter Russell; treasurer, Steve Gorrie; public relations officer, Mike Fleury. trance to the church. The colors were presented by the color par- ties of which. Willis Hall, sergeant- at-arms, was in charge, Presenting the colors were Lloyd Elliott, Ralph HaMmond, Harry Montgomery, DaVe Crothers, Mrs. Stewart For- syth and Mrs. Ralph Hammond. Rev. T. G. Husser gave the in- and 'welcomed Legion- naires .and Auxiliary members im. mediately following the national anthem, "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past" was sung and George Brooks, president of Branch 180, read the Scripture lesson. Following the responsive Psalm reading the choir sang the anthem "jesusalem". "Rock of Ages" and "Onward Christian Soldiers" were other hymns .sung by the congrega- tion. The junior choir was also in attendance for tile service, Rev. Husser's sermon was "The things that Make for Peace", Mrs. 3eorge Guest sang a solo, "There Is No Death", "0 Canada'' was sung at the close of the service and the parade left the sanctuary in a body. The regular cenotaph service will be held on Saturday at 10.30 a.m and a church service wit be held in reeswater on Sunday morning. H, Madill, prinripal of the Whigham District High School, and teachers of the Grade 9 stu- dents, were at the school on Fri- day evening to Meet parents of the papas who this year entered secondary school, A progress re_ port had been sent home with each boy and girl earlier in the week, which gave parents on opportunity to study what problems they should discuss with the teachers. This endeavour in teacher-parent co-operation was introduced at the local high school last year, and pat- ents ,are grateful to the staff for the .chance to learn how the pupil is adjusting, his weak points and how to help, and in general to compare What might be expected front the child in regard to what he is now abing, The time chosen for this Parents' Night Is ideal sinoo 'hospital 'which is operated by Tech- nician Willie Vanderwoude. The registered nurses, certified nurs. ing assistants and students rais- ed the money by staging dances and other activities during the past few months. I The refrigerator,, of stainless steel Construction, is completely automatic with a graph 'paper keep__ lug an exact record of the temper- ature of the unit at ail times, It operates around 40 degrees and must not vary more than two de- grees or the stored blood is spoiled and must be discarded. In case of trouble an automatic alarm system brings someone to the machine, TI. holds 40 pints of whole blood and blood by_prociucts. This blood, rotneS early hi the school terra. Susan Spry and Greta France were in charge of the guest book and parents of about 75 of the 232 Grade 9 pupils registered. Last year there were only about 50, After Meeting the teachers in- dividually in their rooms, the vis- {tors. were invited to the auditor. 'um where It, P .Ritter outlined the guidance program. Mr. Miter studies and follows the abilities and progress of the students. Mr. Madill outlined,,the proposed reorganization of secondary school progrant, tle also mentioned that he hoped Grade and 10 students could be registered In May for their neat term. At that time it would be evident to the !teacher's what the pupil could take in his stride and suggestions for subjects and options for the next year eiuid be drafted 'Up for parental approval. BIBLE SOCIETY CANVASS HERE The British and Foreign Bible • .Stichity;-74Canadiair Bible Society 'is an auxiliary, serves all the ;churches and 'the mission-. arieS by providing the Scripthres in the languages and quantities they require. It has translated and distributed all or part of the Bible into 1165 languages. AL the present time they are working on the translation . of the Scriptures in some 400 languages. World distribution of the Scrip- tures through the Bible Society in 86 languages, and provided $465,- 000 for the world-wide work of translation, production and dis- tribution. The Wingham branch was credited with a contribution of $998 last year. al;e. CHRISTMAS RINGO In the Oddfellows Hall Friday, December 1st, at 8.30 p.m. Regular games: Oven ready ,ehlekens: Special: Turkeys, F8-15-22-29b A by-law setting up a pension plan for town •einployees was up- proved by the Dept, r,f Atunicipzu Affairs am( received ito third lead. ing. Public Works Council discussed several reque(a ,:: for additional street lighting awl agreed to investigaim further. The requests were for' lights on No. 86 Highway ut the eastern outskirts and a problem on Summit Drive where rest -ions have no lights. and do not want poles on Lhe :street, It appears that the home owners on Summit Drive would prefer to have private lighting out the street. After weighing the pros and cons no definite derision was reached. but most eouneillera felt that the 1961 group :411n111(1 reColalnet!d to the 1962 molten that the clerk re- ceive clerical help in order that he could take op further town duties. On motion of Buchanan and Bergman council set, the hours for store closing on Nov_ 11tH from. 10 alit, 10 1 p.m, The mayor reminded the man_ eh that nominations would be held Please Turn to Page Two Car Clips Six Guard • .Rails No one was injuredh 'wen a car driven by, Mary Isobehe Smith, of R.R. 1, Ethel, went out of control „on., NO,./16A-1-Ighway, .mile east._ of, Bluevale early Sunday morning, bill 1116 vehicle • suffered. $500 &magi and six 'highway guard' rails were clipped .The ,-vehicle.was ()Wiled .by'Robert Wheeler, of Brussels, who,:: along With two other people, was a pas- 4seager in the car. . The Mishap occurred at 1.45 Sun- day morning and was ievestigated by 'Constable Murray F.:rick:I/burg of the Total O.P.P. detachment. COUNTRY CURLING CLUB i Will hold their annual meeting and euchre party • on , Tuesday, November 14th, at 8.30 p.m. in the Belgraye Community Hall, Ladies Please bring sandwiches or tarts. F8b RETAIL STORE 10 .OPEN ,NEXT Tfisli,r adea'riatbr Vi'Mokratarfiet: lowed by a reeepljoa and lunch- eon at the. Legion homl,, Manager of the new store will be Peter Vath, a native •af. Han- over, who has been employed by the company for the past 14, years in that community. He will be the only permanent employee of the firm here at the moment, and will hire extra help locally wnen re- quired. • Mr, Vath, veteran Of the RCAI", spent three years in the Aleutian Islands during the war. Married, with six children, he will move his family to Wingham as soon as ac- commodation becomes available. They are members of Holy Family Roman Catholic Church, Hanover.' Mr, Vath is also a member of the Hanover branch of the Royal Can- HOCKEY REGISTRATION adian Legion, Will be held this Saturday after- noon, November 11th, for all boys interested in playing hockey from 8-12 years, in the Council Cham- bers between 1 and 3 p.m, $1.50 in- stirance covers all activities spon- sored by the Recreation Committee for one year. F8b sar,TO ALL VETERANS The annual' November 11th . par- ade will meet at the Armouries at 10:10• for parade to the Cenotaph for memorial service. F8b FREE 111 ,e animal meeting of a'nnia Township Federation of Agriculture will take the form of a social evening in the Foresters Hall, Bel- t,!ravr, TI1P8Otty, November 21st. Euchre and Lost Heir begin at 8.30 felkeyed by aeruel meeting and lunch. Come and appoint your new officers for 1962. 'Ladies dense bring lunch, F8-15b W.I. EUCHRE IN WROXETER A Euchre will be held in the com- munity hail Nnvernber 10th, at 8 31) Sponsored by the Hall Board, F8b Sixteen more municipalities in the Maitland River watershed will benefit from future 'conservation measures, it was announced this week by the Hon, W. M. Nickle, minister of Commerce and. Devel- opment. Enlargement of the for- mer Middle Maitland Valley Con- servation. Authority. established in 1951, to include the whole water- shed of the river was authorized on Thursday by the government of Ontario. The Province's action followed a meeting on Sept, 14th in' Wingham of the original Authority members and representatives of those muni- cipalities in the watershed lying wholly or partly outside the exist- ing boundaries' of its jurisdiction. The meeting was called as a result of a petition 'to the .rainiater of ! Commerce And Development by four of the municipalities desiring inclusion, the towns of .Wingham tfcl e stdie "stir .. the 'T LEGION ATTENDS UNITED CHUM I BLOOD BANK NURSES DONATE NEW; EQUIPMENT feathers and Parents Discuss Grade 9 Work At the regular meeting of town council Monday 'evenin g, two coun- cillors , were willing 'to commit themselves regarding the December elections. Councillor Gordon Be- ehanau stated 'that he would be in the "'tinning and Couneillor liamBiirgman Sta,1.--ed: that. he.woula lioWittike,agtantoyert;4.4-;ghtt.L-- -Kinney has previously said that, he would not run. Other cauteillors have not . publicly stated their stand. • If the other members all run again for election, there will be the seats vacated by Lovell Mc- Guire and William Bergman, as well as the mayor's chair - that an election is essured- unless the vacancies are filled by acclama- tion. It does not appear that any of the present council members are has now reached 30,000,000 annual. ly, In Canada last year the Bible willing to step up to the niaSioi"a job. . Society distributed 300,000 volumes The meeting-i t sel f wa" lit its business, with. most diseaSSions being confined. .to routine matters. Minutes and accounts were approv ed as usual. • • The mayor said that small inArcels of land .owned by 'Central 'Mort_ gage and Housing would be -deeded if Canada is to assume its full I back to the town, and Ile recant, share in meeting the world's need mended dna they be utilized for for Scriptures, greatly increased park purposes, financial support is requested. This week, canvassers will be calling at, the houses in Wingham for con- tributions. The executive asks you to give as - the Lord has pros- which is supplied by the Canadian pered your, Red Cross Society through its vol- unteer blood donors' program, is distributed to other hospitals in M odel fl ats this section of Western Ontario fromoiLat the Wingham General Hos- Kinelle Tea A very S acePssf I fall tea was ODOVELLO WS E ant E held by the Kinetics in the coun- Will be held in the Oddfellows cil chamber last Wednesday after- noon. Will fashions in hats were Hall Wednesday, November 22nd, modelled by Mrs. jack Gerrie, Mrs. at 8.30 p.m. Everyone welcome. re45.22e 'Dave Cameron, Mrs, .11in Currie, Mrs, Bill Connell, Mrs. Maurice Stainton, and Mr's. John Currie. 'rite commentator Was Mrs. Jack Batmen. T110 draw for the card table and chairs was won by Mrs. Jack Con. nell of Kincardine. Prociamation At the request of various citizens the Wingiumu ;oven Council requests all business places to close from- 1O a.m. to 'I p,ni. on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11th so that the Remernbram:e Day Service may be observed. R. 'E. McKINNEY, Mayor