HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-01, Page 550th Wedding Anniversary keep 'ern healthy STOPS SCOURS IN HOURS PRESENTS BIBLE—Dr. B. N. Corrin presentee! Principal Richard Kilpatrick of the new turnberry Central School with a Gideon Bible et the official Opening' of the school last week.—A.T Photo, you want want to make more money? WELL DON'T WASTE TIME ON THAT OLD AND TROUBLESOME CHAIN 'SAW TRADE NOW ON A BRAND NEW PIONEER CANADA'S110.1 CHAIN SAW NU-17 159.50 complete with TWO 16" chains COMPLETE WITH 12" ATTACHMENTS 1111 WINIMINP RAYMOND SCHMIDT BLUEVALE, Ontario 304W2 MONIER SAWS LTD. PEIERBORMIK ONT. a n [t ~[ f 7 ~ 1i ~1 !! ~ 11 1 l I CA it l Mr. and .Mrs.. David Neilson, Elizabeth and ,Reather visited Mrs. Robert Shiell, of AtWood,. on .Sun- day. Mrs. J. J. Moffat, Mr. ,and Mrs. Ralph Elliott and Mr. Bill, Elliott, of Ripley, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilford King, Miss Margaret Matte, Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hastie, Mr. Richard Carson has pur- chased the residence of Mr, and Mrs. M. D. Irwin. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Hird who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday. Mrs. Frank Wright has moved to the residence of the late Mrs. Sarah Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Underwood, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Underwood and Karen visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Underwood, of Ux- bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morland and Shirley, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Morland and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Morland, of Kincardine, on Sunday. The Gorrie Women's Institute will hold their November meeting at the home of Mrs. Glad Edgar on Tuesday evening, November 7th, at 8.30 p.m. Roll call "What I do when I do as I please." Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade spant the week-end in Toronto and were guests at the wedding on Saturday in St. Clair Ave. United Church of Joan Lorrain, daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Dane, and Alfred Wallace Hetherington, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Murray Brown and Jimmy, of Kitchener, visited en Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Brown. • Mr. Leonard Ruttan is a patient in Palmerston General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stephens Terramycin • A&D SCOURS TABLETS Save money by preventing stunted and unthrifty animals. Terramycin , A & D Scours Tablets provide potent antibiotic action against the widest range of scours-causing bacteria plus the vitamins most needed by newborn and sick animals. Terramycin starts to work instantly in the stomach and intestines against harmful bacteria that cause scouring. and also gets animals back on their feed more quickly. Terramycin is also absorbed into the blood stream where it continues to fight • infection throughout the system. Added vitamins promote appetite and avoid critical vitamin deficiencies. Prevent costly scours damage, maintain weight and condition by using Terramycin A & D Scours Tablets. Recommended for calves, cattle, pigs, lambs and fur-bearing animals. Always, have a supply on hand. Full directions on package. • Available wherever animal health products are sold Terramycin 4mA Pfizer Research Contributes to More Profitable Farming SINCE 164 GORRIE CHARTERED BUS TO ROYAL WINTER FAIR WEDNESDAY NOV. 15 Leave Wingham 9.00 A.M. Return 11.00 P.M. after evening performance Return Fare $4.00 Make your reservations before November 13th ORVIS B-A STATION, Diagonal Road .40-114011111, ,agaaaaaa • 1060Var .0aaaaiaa Just Give Me A Half-Gallon Of Gas .1. Use The Car Mostly For Parking . . Even the smallest order Is cheerfully accepted, promptly filled here, This includes our free services (like air), Everybody gets the same friendly, courteous attention. WINGHAM 'MOTORS WINGHAIV1 May People Who Shop In Winghana Read The Advance-Times FORDWICH On Saturday open house was hold in the United Church in honor of the 50th wed ding anniversary of Rev. W, and Mrs. Hind of Gorrie. • Rev. Hird was minister of the Fordwieh charge from 1954 to 1957 and inter- im minister in 1960-61. Receiving at the door were Mrs. A. C. Coles, wife of the present minister, Mrs. G, F, Johnston, pre- sident of the Fordwieh W.A., Mrs E Rademacher, of the Newbridge church, Mrs. K. Graham, president of the Fordwich W.M.S, and Mrs. and family, of Goderich, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nay and family have moved to their new home on Princess Street. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Austin have returned from a trip to the West Coast where they visited with their three sons, ' Mrs, Anne Ritchie is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hennings, Turnberry Township. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nickel, Tees- water, visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Galloway, Miss Shirley Bennett, of Toronto, ,spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bennett. ' Mr.. Maurice Dennis, of Toronto, s,pent the week-end at his hOme,• The Woman's Missionary Society of Gorrie United Church will meet Friday at 8.15 p.m. in the ehurch. Donations of good used clothing for the bale may be left at the church, which will be packed on Nov. 15. The autumn Thankoffering ser- vice of the WMS will be held Noy, 5 at 10 a.m. in the Gorrie "linden Church. Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Wing- ham, president of North. Huron WMS, will be the guest. speaker, BITEVALE Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elliott spent Sdnday in 1-Itimilton. •Mr ,and. Mrs. Bruce Adair, of To- ronto, visited .Tack Adair lit week and they all attended the fthieral service for their uncle, (if.Orgl! Adair, at, Atwood. A successful auction sale of household furnishings was held ta the home of Mrs. Jon Curtis on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Douglas and daughter Katharine of To- ronto, spent Saturday at the home of Miss Mary Duff. Mrs. Ross Douglas of Toronto is visiting her sisters, Misses Mary and Ruby Duff and Mrs. M. L. Aitken. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garniss en- tertained members of their family on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Moffatt and Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, all of Blue-. vale; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garniss, Joan and Jim, of Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moffatt of Wingham and Miss Edith Garniss of Coder- ich. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Watson of Saskatchewan are visitors with Mrs. W. J. Johnston, B. H.- Moffatt spent Monday in Southampton, Mr and Mrs Hilliard Jefferson and family and Mr, and Mrs. Mur- ray Wilson of Donnybrook spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon spent Monday at London, Roy Ronalds, of Mayne church. Inviting the guests into the tea mom, which was beautifully de- corated with mums and candles in autumn colors, were Mrs. W. Coo- per and Mrs. H. Doig. Pouring tea were Mrs, Norman Harding, Mrs, P. Patterson, Mrs. William. MacDonald and. Mrs. E. Hainstock. Those serving the guests were Mrs. E, Williamson, Mrs. S, Bride, Mrs, H. Pollock, Mrs, Wm. Camp- bell of Fordwich, Mrs„T.Reid, New- bridge and Mrs. Norman ainken- FORDWICH Mrs. Victor O'Brecht and Miss Sharon O'Brecht, of Mimico, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ruby Fos- ter and also visited other relatives here, The sympathy of the community goes to the family of the late Mrs. William Beehler ' who passed away Saturday in the Wingharn Hospital. Friends of Mrs. Harper Wood will he sorry to hear that at present she is confined to Palmerston Hospital. Mr. Murray Donaldson returned home over the week-end ,after spending a couple of weeks in the Western provinces. Those from here who attended the funeral last week in Thorn- bury of the late Mr. 'Andrew John- son were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rob- inson, Mr. John Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forester and .Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Hargrave. Mr, and Mrs. Mac Corbett and family, of London, were week-end visitors with Mrs. Ed. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement and Kenny visited on Sunday in C'ollingwood with Mr. Gilbert Mc- Derm itt. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnson spent the week-end in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Corbett, of Woodstock, called on friends in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Schaefer visit- ed over the weekend with Mr. and Masquerade Held In Fordwich Hall FORDWICH — The Hallowe'en masquerade held in the community hall on. Friday night and sponsored by the Howiek Auxiliary was well attended. Prize winners were: Best comic couple, Joanne Ford and Ivan Felker, of Gorrie; best dressed couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adair, of Molesworth; best clown, Keith Duncan, Attwood; youngest child in costume, Debbie Lambkin, Ford- wieh. Lorne Lambkin's orchestra supplied the music. ST HELENS Mr. Irwin McCabe, of Windsor, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin. Over the week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs; Harvey Webb were their daughter, Mrs. David Gilmour, and Mr. Gilmour, of Guelph. Mr. Wallace Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller, Douglas and Lori were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickison, of Walkerton. Mrs. Gordon McIntyre and Don- ald, of Richmond Hill, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. I, Miller, and Isobel, Mrs. Allan Miller and Lori spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Whytock, of TcesWater. DONNYBROOK !mat life apk Lain one lefs teir to aral urs of or ell. In pre le-, 1st eso! IE The Wiiileriam AlavafiCe-Thies, Wednesday, fey'. 1, 1961 Page ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Formula • Poultry Formula with Anti-Germ 77 New Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis • A & D Scours Tablets • Terramycin Injectable Solution. Mrs. Stewart .Schaefer in London. Mr, and Mrs. John Boyd spent a couple of days recently with Mr. and , Mrs. Barry McKnight • at Simcoe. Mr. Ezra Knechtel and Miss Es- ther Knechtel, of Niagara Falls, spent a day lastaweek with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pries. Mrs. Melpha, Holland left this week for Palmerston where she will spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt at- tended the funeral of a relative in Kitchener one day last.week. Mrs. Elsie Strong, Mrs. Verna Galbraith, Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Mrs. Nina Armstrong and Mrs. Stan Forester visited in Clinton one day last week with Mrs. Lina Ells- worth and Miss Laura Donaghy. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wallace and Timmy, of Guelph, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 1-larper Wood. Mrs. William McCann, Auxiliary zone Commander of CI, visited Ex-, eter Rranch one night last week for her official visit. She was accom- p.anieci. by Mrs. Bari Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and two sons, of Buffalo, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wil- liamson. Mrs. Verna .Galbraith, Mrs. Nina Armstrong and Mrs. Elsie Strong visited on Sunday at Listowel. with Miss. Doris Leonard.. Miss Thelma Orth. of Liana/al,. spent the week-end with her grand- parents, Mr. and is. ',Kamer:ma Hargrave. Mr: and Mrs. Don joig and family, of Galt, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig, Little Linda lilspensen, three-year.- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ifol- ger Espensen, underwent a tonsil., cetomy on Monday in Liatowel Rospital. Mr. and Mra. Stan Bride spent Sunday with fricads in Walton, wommammumMiciumummummummummilimMiniminliminimmummownWmffimmmffliWimsmmilliMEMP. a a a a a 4 A a a a A A a a a a a a a a a a a U a a a = • • a a a a a is a a a i • a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a •••••••••••••••••••••1 EASY TERMS: ONLY $10.00 DOWN--No further FREE WITH EACH ELECTRIC DRYER Burke El SUNSHINE SPECIAL BURKE ELECTRIC ONE $29.95 ELECTRIC BLANKET 1•1•1111•••••••••••114 pig F 11.1 G. DA.I R E oe,;‘,"O'g..14e.*41.- MOTORS * Exclusive Flowing Heat — No "hot spots" 6"On-the-door" Lint screen C 5-Position Fabric Selector jTimed OR Automatic Drying IF Automatic Sprinkler e Porcelain Drum and Top NOW ONLY.. c rig Other Models Priced from 69.95 REGULAR $299.95 ELECTRIC DRYER with MORE features: payments until Dec. 22100 a ▪ PHONE 474 INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL HOME AND FARM WIRING MOTOR RE-WIND AND REPAIR WINGHAIVI, 'ONT. killimiWilmamilmiAMMAAWAMMWMAIMMIlaminim • , —Advance-Times photo man of Mayne. • Norris Hird Lot Owen Sound, son of Rev, and Mrs. Hind, tii`anked the ladles for their thoughtful ges- ture in entertaining his parents. Rev. and Mrs, gird:also, expressed their .thanks. Rev,vaTaylor of Gor- rie and. Rev..A. C. Coles of ,Ford- wick congratulated the bitde and groom of 50 years itgo.and the af- ternoon, closed with the singing of "Blest Be the.Tie that.Binds'a , Guests were, present from' Owen SoundaWingham, Wroxeter, Gorrie, Newbridge„ Mayne and Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and -fai family visited last Sunday with --T. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Thompson and family, of Listowel. A carload of Donnybrook United Church WMS and LA members at- tended the first joint sectional rally 1-1 at Knox United church on Tuesday. MI Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain and Mrs. tlgin Soiling, of Londesboro, were Wednesday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wes Jefferson and family. Mrs, Elack, Mt, Colin Junkie, Misses Jessie and Minnie Dunkie, of Moffat, visited Thursday with I Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong on the birth of a baby son, Friday morning, a bro- tiler for Marion, Marlene, Noreen and Terry, f.