HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-25, Page 7eheeaciaa.e.e4e'eh'eahaae:tathe.a.e.eizeeee ! 1P.0) THE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY rummage sale was held in the arena last Saturday and drew the usual huge crowd of buyers. Part of the crowd is shown above as the merchandise was scanned. for liauuo0 /q aloLid—.su!e6.1eq Zil e ming am RbbancrZimrs on a-atm:day after spending the I. Fest week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cinoin-y in Port -Colborne. Mr. end Mrs. Doug Wpdfang and Brian of Toronto visited on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. lioy Sint- /mine. Sat- C. W. Caslick clueing the worship period. "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" and "We' Thank Thee 01 Our Father" were the hymns sung. during the devotions. At this juncture a couple who claimed to he a Mr. and Mrs. Smith arrived, dressed in Hallow- e'en toe-time. Mr. and Mrs. Smith I refused to unmask and their iden- tity was never disclosed, The presidents, Mr. and Mrs. C.) W, Caslicic conducted the business,) when' it was Suggested that the Couples' Club from. Teeswater he invited as guests for the next meet- 'eg All the members signoria card ! to be sent to Mrs. Monty Bennett, l who is a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, Court whist was played with the. winners beinga Mrs. George Guest ) for the ladies and Bill King for the men. The consolation winners were Mrs. Bill Willis- and G. W. Tiffin. Lunch was served by Mr. end Mrs. John Wray, Mr. and Mrs. Bill COUPLES MEET AT MEET AT .SCH001 e to 11V. Mr. a !id Mrs. Clayton Shackleton and Mr. and Mrs. Gas- lick, ing a few days this week with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Williamson in London. Mr. and Mrs. William Mann and Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Budd spent as few days Vast week visiting rela- tives In Northern Ontario. EIN METHODS with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lennie, of Toronto, for a few weeks. Mrs, Stan Dennis; and Mee. Roy Burchill, 'of Wingham, attended the 81st birthday of Mr. Roland Grain, of Wingham, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oostra, of Lansing, III., spent Thanksgiving week-era with Mr. and Mrs. Art Landman, and Mrs. Landman re- turned to Lansing with them, Mr. Landman journeyed to Lansing on October 15th, returning home on Friday. Mr. and Mee, Landman repotted good weather and enjoyed their trip very much. Mr. and Mrs. Art Landman visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Haan, of Guelph, on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Wellington Dahms and Donald, of Mildmay, visited with Mr. ,and gra Gordon Wright on • Sunday. 'Nft: and Mrs. Gordon McKee and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dahms, of Mildmay, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Brown, of Embro, visited for a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wylie, LAKELET A busload of local farmers journeyed on Thursday to the Master Feed Farm at Maple. The Master Feed Experimental farm is located within view of Toronto and is comprised of 700 acres, The trip was arranged through the local miller, Bob Mc- Comb. The men Wetc treated to a ite- licious barbecued dinner which everyone enjoyed. After the dinner they were taken on a tour of the farm which peeved to be very in- formative and interesting. rake Bus Trip To Feed Farm rip rPr.;11 1 .11' illePtitla eten'S Ina fit ide tray hfld in the flounce, chembera et! Ther -elev Olen Mrs. N. 1114,1ntIhlin Mri4 Ve-10111),, crave 1,1)111 017 flue -)istriet Ansenal I'll f' 'The I'm cqwhirl- eel tour thronah Lleve hem lad e whkh wee enjoyed by all It was decided to have ran eve Dian' famine' early on Monday night. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs, R. Powell. Mrs. E. Parish, Mrs, Brawn and Mrs. MEET r[ f * FOR SEININii COHSE Couple ' Celebrates Mrs. Henry Dennis is visiting -e -95th Anniversary MUT WINGI1451, We AItl9, WIWNE,SHAY, QMOIriEn 2a, 1,96. there. Wilda WaS looting much bet- ,pent the week-end with Mrs. Ruby tee than slim had all summer. I Vomiter, Sunday vieitore with Mr. and I Mrs. Alex Keith returned home ) Mrs. Eanereon Hargrave wore Mr. and Mee. Alvin Clarke of Palmer. ;,ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ohvee leteoult and Mr. and Mrs. Mallard of Ben miller, Mr. Milton MeClinchy of 'Ohne:wile! end NT*, and MI'S. 1 f:kr• soy Orth and family of leestowel. Mr. and Mee, Stan Forester Alva Donaldson went on a bus tour Mr. and Mrs, jet Patterson of I FORDWICH---The October meet-with -I-Pc/idiom of Wellington County Galt spent the Week-end with tee I lag of the Forawleh Women In-to Detroit and visited Greenwich former'a mother, Mrs. Pearl Pat- stitute was held In the Orange Hill school, since the topic for the meeting was "Modern Methods. of Teaching." MrS. Harold Pollock, teacher of the school was in charge of the topic. The meeting opened in the usual manner with Mrs. John president, in charge. She welcomed members and visitors by reading a. poem "This Is Friendship," The de- votions were taken by Mm, !Clar- ence Carswell, who read Scripture and a story, The program our education was arranged by Mrs, Pollock, assisted by Mrs, Howard Harris, Mrs, Har- old Doig and Mrs. Clare Harris. A social study story on Radisson and the Indians was read by MI.'S. Howard Harris and acted by a class of pupils from the school, dressed in costume. A writing lesson and demonstration on.- methods used from Grade I to Grade VIII was given by Mrs. Harold Doig, and an art lesson, using .poster paint, was given by Mee. Clare Harris with the ladies acting as pupils and doing the art work, 7 .,011, 1. Bill Demerting, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Demerling, has joined I the etaff of the Canarlian Imperial , Paelc of Commerce and commenced hie (hake last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kon .Jack'in of Kitehener visited relatives In the eommmuty over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs, Fred flambly Mr, and Mrs William Mulvey of Janie spent the week-end with Mr. Wa'kertnn evert the week-end with Vern Plambhi at. Port Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. William -Sothern. Miss 'wary -Corbett of Toronto Mrs, Emma Williamson is visit- Mine Pet Harris of Teachers' 11. Sunday Col- 1 ed 4,M with Mr. and re, ewe`;1.17d:ford, spent the week- s Earl Hallam/ near Lietowel. EE N end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. tiordoe i.teinacker and Mrs. Caere Ifirria, Mr. m cl Mrs. David iaranaeker and little daughter of Port Perry wore week-end visitors with Mr. 'raid Mrs. tiordon Ilteinacker, Mrs. Mina Armstrong Mitered nonie on Saturday alter visit:ng the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McDowell in Galt. noon, Two shoppers are pictured as they ed over the supply.—Photo by Connell. shoe counter was loaded with bargains as may be seen from the intent expressions of the shop- pers thronged around table.—Photo by Connell. Aber is seen auctioning a doll buggy during the urday afternoon event,—Photo by Connell. On Hallowe'en I FORDWICH—The C,GI.T. group I met at the home of ,lover! and Phyll lis Bilton when the meeting open, ed with the national awthem, Lord's' prayer and purpose, The roll eel) was answered by " ct girt;. The nest meeting will be held ram 3 Hallow e'en party ne Oct aoth latter which the ghee wilt go nett r(4 /10•et. fox' UNICEF. ee Miss Doris Cerren led i ll the 1%02 Ship eervivie aosieted Ateliee Ruttan. The elude was eivin by Sharon Poileeh mud Tenn Aele, Several gills EV-12V ,, intich awl tit(' meeting olosTA h Taps who crowded around,—Photo by Connell. -mw-11-. Mrs John L. Currie and Mrs. H. patient in Victoria Iloanital, Lon- Me. Herb -Collies in at preeent a don, where he underwent surgery 00 his ankle on Saturday. Ile lead title Injury in a ear ;myeloid. in May and the heeling prove= was backward. Hie mother, who wee 98 en Sundey, aevornirenica Mn;•, Daryell Hallman to London Satin.. cle‘i end visaed with Herb after 4111 e oPeration. jgr. and Men, Wit Winst on epent one day last week in London. Mr, and Mm. Crosby Sethern visited -a maple of days last week V lfiP at the FOrri with Mr. and Mrs. William -Camp- bell in Toronto, Mrs. James Robin eon, who has spent the summer .montha at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams, kft on Saturday for Is- lington to reside with friends, Mrs. Robert Pateirson end Mrs Earl Moore spent one day last week in Guelph and vieiterl with Mrs, Patterson's daughter, Mrs. Robert Campbell, who is confined to the polio wing in the hospital HATS, HATS AND MORE HATS were piled up and quickly sold at the annual fall rummage §ale held in the arena here last Saturday after: SHOES ALWAYS SEEM to be popular items at the Hospital Auxiliary rummage sales, and the one staged last Saturday was no exception. The OVER SLOW WAS RAISED at the annual fail rummage sale sponsored by the Hospital Aux. iliary, Jack Alexander, local hardware merchant aehelCar Showers Held For Marjorie Coultes W .A. Will Cater To Fall Rally LAKELET—The October meeting of the McIntosh United W.A. was held at the home- of Mrs. Gordon Wright on Tuesday. The mei flog opened with a hymn "Work for Night Is Coming'' Mrs. Jim Harp- er read the Scripture, Devotions were read by Mrs. Jack Ferguson and this was followed' by the singing of "Rock of Ages." President, Mrs. Bert Wylie, pro- sided for the business session. It was decided that the W.A. would cater to the fall rally of the W.A. of Bruce Presbytery, Tee meeting closed with n prayer by Mrs. Bert Wylie, after which the ladies worked. on a -quill Lunen was served by Mrs, Jim Renwick i'ir" ;tacit Inglis and Mrs. John Weight I.Evenina Auxiliary Oclober Meeting The fall Thankottering meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held in the Indies' parlor of the United (leach with a good attendance. Mies. Charles Lloyd led the worship eerviee, which opened with all the members singing "Come Ye Thank- ! ful People, Come!' and the Lord's prever was repeated' in unison, IVIre. DeWitt Miller read the Scripture leeaon, followed by pray- er he. Mre. Bert R -insole The solo, ellow Great Time Art", was sung M lerenee. 'Die offering was reeeivert 'maul dedicated and the hymn, "Now Thank We All, Our ! was ming, Mee. J. Hamilton If ,(1 iaa prayer and Miss Yvonne Mel'hercion read mi couple of short preerei. Cep'. :Iteuley elewmen gave a said ereueli.ng meaaage which sent He• naive. heulh mere thankful for their bleeeinge. following the Imeinees conduct- "I by the President, Mrs. Charles Hodgme, siren l hone was enjoyed. LAKELET — Twenty-five years ago Mr. and. Mrs. Irvin Reidt Were married at the United Church manse at Guelph. by the Rev, Elmer Kenny -on October 22nd. Their' at- tendants were Mrs. Paul Skaz, the former Miss Lucy Keener, and Miss Ina IVIeBain. Mrs. Reid was the former H0len Milligan, daughter of the late :Mr. and Mrs. Richard. 1VIlligan, of,-the 17th of H.otvick. Mr. Reidt is a son of the late Me. and Mrs, -William Reidt, of the 14th of Howick, They have lived most of their married life in this coinmunity. They have two children. (Donna), Mrs. Jerry Terryberry, of Mhunt Forest, and Glen, of !Guelph, and one grandchild, 4..,ee Ann Terry- berry, of Mount Forest. To mark the occas,Ione Mr. 'and Mrs, Reidt entertaixiecV hh nigotire and friends at the..-Clifford, town hall on Saturady evening' and On ' Sunday the relatives ofthe ooitple weee invited to the home fb,r'' 'buffet luncheon, the highlight of !which was a lovely three tiered l wedding cake. !Sunday evening Mr.' andeMrs. Reirit received many callers. Many lovely and useful gifts were be.. upon the couple as 'a remem- brance of the occasion; • Attends W. I. Bard', Meeting I LAKELET—Mrs. Gordon * Mee I attended a directors' board meeting of East Huron WI 04' Monday afternoon at the home of the dis- trict president, Mrs. Howard Harris, Fordwich. IIIIIITECHURCH—The WMS of Ito United Church held their Thartkoffering meeting Oh Wednes- day last with guests from Ltreknow, )Calvin-Brick United Church and the Presbyterian Church here. Mrs. • Milian Moore, president, preeided, and gave the call to worship. Mts. C IT Groskorth led in the te- sporasiee reading of Psalm 103. Mrs. Beeeroft led in prayer, Mrs. re ere hel-altz read the story of the ten lepers. Mrs. Moore led in -the mrditetion period, telling of the hire:sings of the open Bible to the world, and the gratitude that rises at this time of the year, for boun- tiful harvests, for a caring and a tivieg God. Mies Margaret Ran of Lucknow, rwconipanicrt by 'Mrs W. JOint, sang "In th e Gorden of My Heart," Mrs. Janice McInnis gave two readings "Prnyer," and "Father of Light," Mrs. Mitchell then was introduced !tad melee of the "Coneeees of Yen- apes," trying them to give thanks daily, and to keep hands to the drily task. She Spoke of the hew verb/re of chute% women ;slid dosed her talk with prayer. All cmirwed the social hout when lunch ws served in the f.:4, 5, room. 4 Burr,11 fg,tencie.1 lead,Irs` ing course, in the United Chntch, on "Focus Phileitee. Anyone wishing to take the course should attend a meeting at the 'hothe of Mra. H. Burrell at 2 p,m. Wedhea- day, Oct, 25th, or ontaet her by 10 p.m, Wednesday, This eoUrtie is open to all women lit the torn- Munity YOU NEVER KNOW what will turn up on the miscellaneous counter of a rummage sale, and there were a number of oddities at the Saturday sale in the arena sponsored by the Hospital Aux. I Mrs. Pollock demonstented a trip les- WHITECHIJR(111 —Over 1 0 0 II/r son on choral reading, the ladies Indices and children met in the 1 ough . Film S. WHITEGLIURGH—The WMS of again participating. The roll call, a Memorial Hall on Saturday evening! I criticism of the modern methods. for a shower for Miss Marjorie Calvin-Brick United Church was used, was answered by 39 ladies. Coultas, a bride of this Saturday. A discussion followed. I Hostesses were Misr Karen Gros- Mrs. William Kato gave a very korth, Mrs. Robert Aitcheson, Mrs, interesting end delightful report offriends. in charge of the program, and lead Don Dirstein and other local the convention held in Guelph, to Miss Groskorth led in an log in the Thankoffering meeting, which she was a delegate. A birth- „si ng the Scripture message and Ern day card was signed for Mrs. - log open- u sing-song. Brenda and Joyce Coultes demonstrated baton twirl- the hymns used at the inaugural ma Collins, who is a life member Law- and the oldest member, .ing with Miss Ruth Irwin at the service in October, 1025, Mrs. Law- A committee was named to plan piano. •Mrs. Victor Emerson gave a "The -Cam- renee levier led in the Bible study a echoing event. Three members very Interesting talk of Luke, Chapter 7. Rev. H. Ander- //tenements for Marcia Men nr a ._ i non showed a film strip on the - were appointed to attend the course Women," giving the do's and don't:; - Inge life of the Egyptian people, ' in Ethel, Lunch was served school I style, of married life with a firm idea aid and the wonderful change when • -making marriage a success. I the preiple. ,learrred: to. :read. Mrs. Autumn leaves and mums were 1 Anderson read the accompanying 'used in the decoration, Miss Coultes , explanations. was -eaten beneath an umbrella 1 Mrs, Ronald Coultes read the filled with leaves, and from each Scripture. Mrs. Coultes presided for ntintsetl.iiiniegtrtuoctwinhgicEhietw. wasee4rte. 11. ithe business meeting when it was decided to hold the congregational .,,taribehletudnag 11 . LET N . . • ' s ..„_..,..,, . find the gifts. • _ t'snpper on November 3rd in the Sae' I Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Shackleton She was assisted in opening -1. he 1 !nom .cIr Hie, Belgrave United Church. Mrs. Gordon -MeBurney and I opened their home on Diagonal Rd. gifts by her sister, Diane, Miss i to the United Church Couples' Doro th y K rug. and Miss Pat. Ben- ,Mrs. Kenneth•Maeon were appoint- led dep. y tee for the s wore meet- nett, Besides the miscellaneous sir . "- ' Club on Monday evening. ticks Miss Coultes received two ing this Thursday in Beigrave, , The ten couples present. joined in step-up end tables and a fernery. 1 'the meeting WaS closed with - look i of the meeting and a service of lunch was served, anal prayer, and Mrs. Mason's group !served a, birthday tea, and all en- a hymn sing-song for the opening She thanked her friends I Thanksgiving was coneucted by On Friday evening Miss Coultes . 1 joyed the social half-hour. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill King and Mrs. was honored by former classmates) i from the Guelph General hospital School of Nursing, when a miseel laneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Stub in Kitchener, held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, Harry Cook at Mar- noch, `with 16 ladies present and with Mrs, 1.'enneth Mason's group See Village Life of Egyptian People iliary. The table drew considerable interest as may be seen b the hap looks of tho bu ors py Y „ To LUd Mir Parte), FOR THANKOFFERINO