HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-18, Page 8INTERESTING 'SPEAKERS , • • MS SE TIONAL ENS EAST WEEK The Sectional meetings of Mait- land Presbyterial W.M.S. were held at Dungannon on Oct 11th and Cranbrook on Oct. 12th. As Dungannon Mrs, Sutherland presided and the devotions were given by Mrs. Peres, of Kirdough, Miss. D. McLeod of South Einloss and Mrs. Re'1,-.1 MeLeod of Lusk- now, and showed that Moses ex- perience reminds us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Science seems to be on the throne today but the hope re- mains that God will intervene and we will see Jesus as our Saviour and Redeemer. Prayer is a great power in Christian endeavour. Mrs, Slid's, Brussels, the delegute ' to Belleville Training School, gave three highlights of the meetings: The way Miss Margaret 11,conssiy, ' missionary from the lihil field, !India, simplified the Gospel of St. John in her devotions; Mrs. A, S. I .Corr, president of Hamilton and' London Synodical, showed that it is in the Auxiliaries women get the foundation for the 1V.M,S. work; and Rev. Hutchison revealed tha- wnat we are really achieving in our work is just how profitably that work is progressing. Let's not be- lieve more in. Churehianity than in 4 Christianity. Mrs. Lloyd MacDonald, Ripley, gave the offertory prayer, after which Mrs. English. Wingham., in- troduced the speaker, Miss Wood. I ruff, deaconess of Knox Presbyter.- ; van Church. Oloderleh. She asked thrse questions: i 1. How mature is oor faith? Paul o en house VALUE PACKED SPECIALS 2 DAYS ONLY - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th - 21st Large size, galvanized steel 24" GARBAGE CAN. Regular Value $3.69. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL only $2.99 Each. BIG SAVINGS: Fine Quality SPECIAL HOUSEHOLD CORN BROOMS . . Each 99 0. 5-Tine MANURE FORK OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL -Each $3.19. Tempered spring steel DISSTON BROOM RAKE. Regular Value $1.69 . SPECIAL.. • . Each 99C.. CAULKING GUN with 1 CAR- TRIDGE. RegularValue $1.78, OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL $1.44. Prepare for Winter ... and SAVE! "Foaniffex" DOOR WEATHER-, STRIPPING. Regular Value -$2.19 ...Kit ... $1.55. "Foarnflex" THRESHOLD WEA, THERSTRIPPING, Regular Value $1.35... Each 99;:. OUTSTAN DINGVALU ES IN LADDERS! Rugged 20-foot pushup EXTENSION LADDERS. OPEN/HOUSE SPECIAL ...Each only $8.99. Good Quality 5-foot Wooden STEP LADDERS. Open HOUSE SPECIAL ...Each only $3.99. Single' Lamp Universal CHICKEN BROODER. Regular Value $3„8 Each $2.99. 250 Watt infra'-red BROODER BULBS. Open House Special,._ Each 790. Guaranteed 1000 hours! WESTING- HOUSE LIGHT BULBS 40 or 60 Watt. Regular 250 each ...OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL. 4 for 75 c. 100 Watt, regular28each.„OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL...4 for 83?. Solidly constructed "THRIFTY" WHEEL- BARROW. Capacity: 3 to 4 cu. ft. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL ... each $23.88. co-op AIWIF 6.17- • (rt.- SUNSHINE SPECIAL • Use Co-op Badge Plan CO-OT` "acowit CUSTOM DRYER Imagine! This deluxe clothes dryer is a regular value at $'194,75. YOURS NOW FOR JUST 649s q A tremendous savings of $29.801 Check the Quality Features • Six fabric selection buttons a Illuminated timer dial • Special 5-minute "Cool Down." • Safety-latch on insulated double-panel steel door • Top-mounted nylon lint filter • Interior light With every purchase of CO-OP Viscount Custom Dryer a $29.95 Value ELECTRIC BLANKET ABSOLUTELY FREE! Use CO-OP BUDGET PLAN CHEF MASTER 24" ELECTRIC RANGE As modern as Tomorrow! • Pour Burners • Oven light and timer • Rotary 7 heal switches • Electric minute reader • Picture window oven door • Timed appliance outlet • Practical Rotisserie • Utility drawer CO-OP "BIG BONUS" SEED MIXTURES Be one of the first to -get greater'hay and pasture returns from the CO-OP "Big Bonus" Hay and Pasture Program. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL $1.00 per acre off regular price. CO-OP PIG PRE-STARTER . a new formulation, highly fortified and extremely palatable - . SPECIAL 750 per cwt. aff 'regular price. CO-OP CAME FEED WItH Ift0LENE-A systemic warble grub control for beef cattle and dairy heifers. OPEN HOUSESPECIAL 750 per vol. aff regular price. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL $14658 YOU SAVE $18.12 Completely dependable 14 BLACK PLASTIC PIPE. Regular Value $9.75 per 100 feet. SPECIAL $7.00 per 100 feet. Skye $2.75 isimissumminm••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IT IS US . AND ITS OURS! coop Your CO-OP Works for You Join Your CO-OP todayl 'new* note-No one will be seated While the red is tinshltlig In Theatre 16410 f matt Entertoironent 7:15-9:15 SPRC1AL SATURDAY MATRiElE NrON.-It-M.-AvEt• to,t-ttts, "ItErtjkli TO PEYTON PLACE itk C:::,:e.^:tatt trod S. sylor -Starri,ttig gef CfhandIt'S at Irncatca• Pektr; VS all, telstIlt. that Iceoch skrid rt•Sge The Winghwit. Advonce-Times•,, Wednesday, Oct. 111, t1 : Mrs. Cassie Taylor, 80, was the oldest 'exhibitor. There were 77 1 exhibitors in all, several being new this year, Goer 500 children were in the ; parade and represented 29 schools . f witicilintur Eatifi lti:cli i lium 1 from Howiek and Turnberry. The Parade was led by the Brussels Pipe LAKELPT -On Friday evening Band, There were several special a variety shower was held for Mr. attractions with the following re- 001TyouRsos Turnberry School Queen - Joan su.ts: Elliott, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Elliott, Bluevale, crowned by •Gwendolyn Hyndroan, last year's were in attendance. queen. The chairman was Tiny Thorn. Best dressed story book character son, brother-in-law of the 'groom. ,...s.s _Nettie Searson, No. 13, Howick; The evening was spent in a lown- sing- Charles Gibson, No. 17. Howick. song, led by Earl Cober and games \ so School yell or cheer--, S. 2, How- contests conducted by Myrtle !eh: S. S. S, Howick. Best c is E'haoari Pollock; Doris C'arswell. Best trained dog-Rodney Furness, ;.:. R. 2, Wingham. P Wingliam; Mrs. Jno. Baylor. Gorrie. • Fordwich. Single -Jack ritcho . Shorthorns - Win. Turnbull, Bras- Elmer Wilkinson Glenn Johnston. Tanden hitch, 4' .sels. Aberdeen Angus-Elmer Ribey, horse-.7ack Fitch. Phone 228 - Wingham Undert000d. Holsteins-Scott Clark- son, Fordwich. Ayrshires - Ervin Roadsters -11E111,1111MIWIR IIIE:I112111TilItIllti! Schou& 2Vtildinay. Best dairy herds, Team and single - Mrs. Wilbert. smo ck ; Lorry Clarkson, E'eof coif ney pony -- Mrs. Wilbert Wheeler. HIE WALLPAPER 8110 -Lorry .cosokson, Forsooth ; Terry pTeam - Len Meyer, Walkerton; Clarkson. 1 , sandy McGlynn, Teeswater, Single -Len Meyer. Saddle pony, driven ' ., MILTED Essay - Louise Edgar, 'Wroxeter. Poster, Grade I-IV-Bonnie Elliott, 'by boy or girl-Harvey William- CLINTON ONTARIO No. 14, i'lawlek. „son, Fordmi•ch. Lady driver-Mrs. , School projects-Bluevale' Tom. Ross Mcliague, Belmore, Best light berry No. 6; Howick No. 18; Howick horse on grounds-Ross McKague; No, 13; Howick-Turnberry No. 2. Len Meyer. Best dressed team- FRIDAYois'ATURDAY OCT. 20-21 f.sneelal Prizes -Glean Johnston. Best school fair beef calf-Ronald Grain Kieffer, Elaine Kieffer, Rosie Pow-1 Mervin Commack., Guelph; Sam ell. all of R. R. 1, Wingbalr'• Peter 'Robinson, Pordwich. Hay--Richard ig R. R. 2, Wroxeter, topped the Procter. Brussels; Elmer Harding,' awrds with the championship calf Gorrie. Late oats-Roger Kieffer.' of 1961; best beef .calf in Howiek sson.gbarn, Garry oats-Robert B. and Turnberry Calf Club, and ,Embero, poodwieh. .showmanship. Second in beef-Ph-y-1 Fruit-Mervin Cormark; Robert Pis Wilson, Fardwich. Dairy show- Gibson. snnnship Alex Strong, Gorrie: Roots and Vegetables Harry WinkeloFordwielo Turnberry i Mrs. Otte Jonwoms,„ Ts-mg-ham; dairy-Bill and Sally Jeffrey; beef-- 'meosin Cormack; Eimer. Downey, Ge°rglr=a and Marjorie Kieffer; top' Palmerston; James McNaughton, novice in beef showmanship-Cor- Mrs. Win. Rayson, 'Aso rine Kieffer, R. R. 1, \\Ingham. ,towel. Best collection of. vegetables 1 Top dairy novice-Clayton Baird, --Mrs. Wm. Rayson, Listowel, Bus. R. R. 2, Winghara. I late potatoes-Melvin Allan, P-ord-. 4-H Club Cult "wick Club girl entertains - Georgina Sheep-Bert F rench, psomerstmo !Kieffer. 'Cottons may be smart-The Swine - Yorkshires, Win. Turn-, Ehlitalinuorlarlait VE,1161311111 am winners: Mary Elliott, Belmore; bull, Brussels; Bert French,. Winners in special cheese display 1 -Russell Martin, Molesworth; Fred .,Day. Atwood. Ladies' hat, handmade-Mrs. Fred 1 Doubledee, Belmore; Mrs. George '• Richards, Harriston. Sewing Gentleman's Mary Maxim spOrt. !sweater - Mrs. Phyllis Bolan.dero 'Fordvdclo Five articles for bazaar, sale-Mrs. George Richards, Harris- itct, Remodelled clothing - Mrs. Wesley Heinolsel, Wroxeter. THEATRE c.ra Itincheeti set - Mrs. Clarence, . Carswell, Fordwich. Five piece dis play of a hobby-Mrs. Wes, Heim Wroxeter. Fancy tea sinron- Mrs. Milton Luther, Gorrie. Dresser ruityAy_sA,Istu..DA32.. scarf-Mrs. Poly Huth, Clifford. 'Ljk- " Appliqued and pieced -quilts-Mrs. Clint \Volker, star of TV Cheyenne, Wes.Beir;IPO, Wroxeter, Half • oosron-Mrs, James Inglis, H .R. Citerraaseope :and Color :Clifford. Child'S dress and ladies' airs. P'i'es. 1-leinipel.: Mrs. Jra Neill, ... Quickly ...Easily... iTleXperafVC IVED.-41:11.114-VILT.-.SATI:RDAY OCTOBrITS 18-19-20-'21 "THE NAKED EDGE" n for - Starring Gary Cooper rind Deborah Kerr An Adventure in sospenve OIDFATHERWM-,-e s 1$ EASY TO STOP. JUST USE OUR 00. IT BURNS SO HOT! "YOUNG JESSE JAMES' 4 ,Colour) Willard Porker - Ray Strieklyn (One Cartoon) Ervin Schaus, Wheeler, Billsborg. Carriage te Ross INIcKague, Belmore. Single-• Dairy eoss_sim Hardi ng ;so. 13. Mrs, Wilbert Wheeler. 'Single Hack- Brownie' School Pan am- IC'olour) (Seeps) Ernie Kovacs - Dick Shawn with NEW ready-pasted SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER Drive- In 'WAKE ME WHEN IT'S DYER' HARRISTON HEATING INE OILS GAS OL MOTOR. OILS-GREASES Double Featore- THEATRE CROWNS Drive-In GORRIE The 102nd annual Howiek Township Fan Fair vot,- opened by Robert Campbell, of Dis- trict 8. Fall Fairs. Gate receipts were up over last year. Sunny skies !also contributed to make the day a pleasant outing for over 2,000 people on Saturday last. LAKE-1,M' :-The October meet- ing of the McIntosh T,Triited \VMS wa.s held at the home of Mrs. Bruer' Harkness. Leader for the meeting was Mrs. Gordon Wright and the meeting opened with a hymn. fol- lowed by a Scripture reading by Mrs. Eldon Renwick. The roll coil was answered by nine ladies The president, Mrs. Leslie Hark oess, conducted the business part of the meeting. Mrs. Jim Reowielt ably dealt witl the study hook on the chapter ."Th Household of Faith". A reading was given by Mrs. E. Renwick or "Flow I Should Read the iSible' and a hymn was sung. The meeting closed with a praye: • by Mrs. E, Renwick and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. • Richards; Mrs. Otte jouwaina. Waoons or Express-Team, Jack Principal winners in ladies' work were Mrs, Wes, Heimpel, Wroxeter; Mrs. Geo. Richards, 1-Tarriston; Mrs. Robt. Gibson, Gorrie; Mrs. Phyllis Yvonne Sparling, Gorrie; Irene Bolander, Porclwielo Dcubledee and Nancy Elliott, of Mac Hutchinson, Toronto, won Belmore, The lirovick Junior Io- the draw for the radio and the six stitute won the Institute project. T-bone steaks were won by Mrs. Horses A. Wallace, of Fordwich, $100 stake - Charles Halliday, Dairy produce, domestic science- Chesley; Eugene McLeod, Kincar- Mrs. Stanley Wright; Mrs. wm, dine; Glenn Johnston, .Elordwich. Rayson, Listowel; Mrs. Geo. Rich- Clydesdale- Eugene McLeod; Geo. Gregg, Paisley. arras, Harriston, Domestic competition-Pie, Mrs.' Heavy draft team--Charles HaUi-1 Donald McAdam, Winglaam, Melvin Allan, Fordwieh-; cake, Mrs, Percheron or Belgian - Norman Stanley Wright, Palmerston. Stan- Hill 4: Bros., Harriston. Belgian HOWICK FAIL FAIR PRIZE WINNERS United W.M.S. Meet At McIntosh 1011 OF THE SEVEN SAINTS Se L"tSJ F MUM e e inarristear. Planters . T RELE -Of DECEPTION' ',117`zT6S"al3r11"egl7t1191 1x1:5':r4S-: ",Mrs. Ira. Neal, Wroxeter. Special 'arrangement in and and single 'spike g the British Setra strviae.iglqait.,.:u,s_2eizs. Witi, wasot. Pora- with. 00'os Winters iii plant and I ll.-Aver classes were Mrs. George; , Eta ]Wards„ MarriStiOnl Nit'S, Otte Jousesroa, Wingiuslat; Mr's- Joilt i Ele.Ost, GOI tie: l idard Brands, Mrs. Geo. Richards. team - Norman Hill dr. Bros„ Len. Plants and flowers-Mrs. Georga Bok, wIngham. Fitch, Edmore; Glenn Johnston, Herd of beef cattle-Elmer Ribey Mr. and Mrs. Tiny ThorOso.n of Linwood spent the week-end with Mr, and. Mrs. Levi Byers. Also vis- iting at the same home on Sunday as Mrs. Winnifred Melvin of To Tonto. Sonday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. •Irvin Diekerr were Mr. and :firs, Lloyd Klein and family of Sleustadt and. Mr. and Mrs. George Islein and Ed of Clifford. Mr. William Smith of Landon spent Thanksgiving week-end at his home in I,akelet. Mrs. Smith •emaintsi home for a few days. Sunday visitors with Mr, and firs. Williaw Smith of Lakelet were Mr, and Mrs, James Aiken- sead and family of Brucefield and ,Wand Mrs, Fred Keifer and tam- 1Y of Ethel, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Dahms and 'tu) of Mildroay visited with Mr. Ind Mrs. Gordon Wright on Sun- ay evening. The fall and winter classes for he Tyro and Sigma-C Boys Clubs san on Thursday evening with 'lasses held in the basement of the SeTutosh United Church. Leader 'or the Tyros is Jock Ferguson and Walter Renwick is in charge of the Sigma-C's, The turkey supper held at Mc- tosh United Church basement on Tuesday evening proved to be a huge success. The ladies served approximately 450 persons. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKee vis- ited relatives in Kitchener on Sun- Shower Newlyweds Reaman and Anna Heise, The young couple received many useful and lovely gifts. Lunch was served by the hostess. and Mrs. Eldon Byers, newlyweds, at the home of the groom's par- ents, Mrs and Mrs. Levi. Byers About 70 friends and neighbor; Wroxeter. Nursery ,t,1.1 at-Mrs. John g,Stofford. Wroxeter. Infant jacTett set - Mrs. Phyllis Bols.nder, Ford- with. Cheer box Tor shut-ins, '8 so:ti- des-Mrs. Robert Gibson, R. R. a. !Gorrie. Oven mitts--Mrs. Robert oGibson, IEV R, 1, Gorrie, Men's bar- 4betue apron-Mrs. Geo. Richards, This is WEEK -It-aches. us that we must move from spiritual childhood to Christian ad- ulthood; 2. How wide is our vision? Do we see the work of :the church not only in our community but over the whole world? The people be- come the Church wherever they are. Do we see the plight of the needy in all circumstances? 3. How firm is our commitment? We must choose whom we shall serve. We must be firmly corn- naittml to our task to make our faith grow and mature. Mrs. McAllister, Dungannon, wel- comed all present and Mrs. Ritchie of Kincardine thanked all who had mado the meeting a success. The nominating committee re- quested that all names submitted to fill the vacancies of recording secretary, girls' organization sec- retary and children's groups sec- retary be sent to Mrs. Bernard Thomas, R. R, 4, WitIgharn, before Nov. 30th, Mrs. McKenzie, Ashfield, closed with prayer, Criinbroolc Meeting At Cranbrook Mrs. Mundell, Bel- more, presided. The devotions were given by Mrs. Martin, Moles. worth, Mrs, (Rev.) McClure, Moles- worth, Mrs. Gordon Knight, Cron- brook, and reminded all that God calls us to realize the urgency for all to carry on His work, We take so much for granted. "Pray ye .he Lord of Harvest that He will end forth laborers into His har- vest". Mrs, Fisher of Cranbrook welcomed all present. Mrs, Bal- lagh, Teeswater, led in the offer- ,ory prayer, and Mrs. Frank fhoropson was soloist. Mrs. Morrison, Brussels, intro- duced the speaker, Mrs: (Rev.) Cromey, who gave most interesting incidents taking place in the mis- shot hospitals in India. There 13 prayer before each operation and the converts have perfeet confi. dence that the Christian's God is a, good God. Death is not a time for weePingo-it i4 a time for re- joicing. The converts really ,show what Thanksgiving means. She told 4 vivid story of the life of Sarah, a girl front Bombay, her early life, conversion and the work she has been doing in educational work in Bombay; she said she ow- ed everything to her Bible which she read from 3 a.m. until 6 amt, every day. We need Christian liv. lug as it is in Tndia. Mrs. Speir a gave her talk ab ut Belleville Training School, Mrs. Smith thanked the ladies Cranbrook for their hospitali and Mrs, (Rev.) Kennedy of Blue- vale closed the meeting with pray- er. A social hour was enjoyed by all at the close of each session, e. Ca-op Latex Base Flovilite Satin INTERIOR HOUSE PAINT. First quality paint at a genuine savings! The base for a choke of 128 rolours ... Regular $2.40 a cit. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL-4 1.44 qt. Regular $7.55 gal, OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL „.. $4.88 gat. Check This amazing Co-op Value! 19 PIECE SKIL DRILL KIT. Vs" Skil Drill with powerful 2.5 amp. motor. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL Complete Kit only $17.99. Top Quality CO-OP FLASHLIGHT BAT-TERIES. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL...2 for 350. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS OH SEED AND FEED Join your friends 'end fain the fun at your Local freezer-Refrigerator Combinations! Co-op OPEN HOUSE, Refreshments1 Door Prizesi Just visit your CO-OP OPEN HOUSE and fill n PROVINCE WIDE PDRAW for 2 CO-OP Viscount entry blank. No purchase necessary I GET YOUR SHARE OF YOUR CO-OP "OPEN HOUSE" SPECIALS 2 DAYS ON FR 'DAY, OCT. 201 SATURDAY, OCt 21 • • 34 H.P. motor ti" 30 U.S. gallon galvanized lank • 25E Jet and strainer • 4E Jet and fool- valve for wells 90 feet to 120 feet • Regular Regular Value $199.95 NOW $1598b Save $40.071 (Model cstc30H1 • Exclusive air volume control • Automatic pressure switch e Special iMpeller- resists corrosion • Double pipe jet package value $164.70 ET WATER SYSTEM Self-Priming Convertible • TR. LAKELET ST HELENS Mrs.. Richard Martin, of Ripley. is visiting with her' brothers„ Mr. .Arnold, and Mr. Elmer Woods. Mrs, Lantz Morrison of Toro to is visiting with Mra. Viol Dirtts HENDEREION--To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henderson ,/ Irma Forester) on Thursday, October 12, 1901, a daughter. 1 •011,1:111:111 BEL-GRAVE CO-OP Beigrove. Ontario