HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-18, Page 6.4114c GORRIE MISS, K. COOK WEDS WM, 6, ZIMMERMAN. DONNYBROOK Mrs. Fred W. Taylor conducted the election of officers: Pres., joyee Wingham AdVartee-Time*, WOdni);148Y1 Oct, 18, On • .• Elect Officers at Mission Band GOKKIE—The Mission Band of the 1,Inited Church held its first fall meeting on Friday afternoon With 15 members. present. Address 184 Age W. B. CONRON, CLU, INSURANCE MENU JOHN ST., WINGHAM, PHONE 722W Manufacturers Life. S. A. Scott, Salesman. GUARANTEED We know our prices are as low or lower than prices on similar articles anywhere in Ontario, so we offer this GUARANTEE "IF WITHIN .30 DAYS AFTER PUR- CHASING AN ARTICLE FROM HAYES FAMILY CLOTHING YOU ARE ABLE TO PURCHASE FROM ANY SOURCE (including mail order houses and discount houses) IN NOR- MAL BUSINESS OPERATION, EQU- IVALENT MERCHANDISE (colour, style and quality) AT LESS MONEY Invest today — interest begins the day you make the investment. "This Guarantee renewable on monthly basis" WALKING ON A CLOUD 411M01141.0.40-01.0.11111.1.1.001•34,11WHIONI-04.1•4•0.111.00110.•0.11•11.01.111111.1411•1.14=1. FREE ( ELECTRIC BLANKET. FOR ELECTRIC CLOTHES ,DRYER BUYERS r0411ffib”.04•114110MOIRMO.1.0410.......1111.0.•0•111 0M1•04•1•04•Infi.M0 I NQW at Walker's.. THE ALL=NEW CONSTRUCTION $60 TRADE-1N ALLOWANCE ON Sefftfteccce, WRINGER WASHERS with EXCLUSIVE 12 YEAR GUARANTEE Just introduced by Kroehler THINK THIS OVER ... Our prices are right! Hayes Family Clothing We also handle fire, liability, storm damage, auto, all other forms of insurance, Consult us on your needs, without obligation. WE WILL REFUND THE DIFFERENCE" AND GIVE YOU 10% BONUS ON THE DIFFERENCE IN PRICE "FLARE" SOFA-BED Insurance planning helps you provide for happy re- tirement .. college educa- tion for your children . — and all the good things in the future for you and your family. For a complete program, see us. YOU'LL WANT PLAN AHEAD Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitch, Shar- on and Kevin, Beirnore, visited on Hamilton; see., E. Mitchell; treas., Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. CM- Jean ]3rown; pianist, Susan Car-. ford Pyke. Mr. and Mrs. John Pomeroy, Moose Jaw, Sask., and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Stockton, of Clifford, visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thurston, Calgary, Alta., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Walter Charles is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. John Thornton and Mr. T. L. Mc- Innes in the passing of the late Mr. William McInnes, and to Mrs. Edwin Day in the loss of her sis- ter, Mrs. Harold Currie, Mr. and Mrs. John McNichol, of Millbank, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. William Peacock and Mrs, Hugh Smith of Toronto were supper guests of Mrs, Mabel Stewart, They also visited with Mrs. Bella Graves. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walmsley, Simcoe, spent Friday with Mr.and Mrs. Ewart Whitfield and called on other friends. Miss Barbara Walmsley, Reg.N., also renewed ac- quaintances in the village on Sat- urday. Mrs. Frances Strong returned home on Friday from Wingham General Hospital. Mrs. Peter Brown, Fordwich, and Mrs. E. C. Attwell attended a meeting of 'the Diocesan Junior Auxiliary in London on Saturday. Mr. Charles Bouncill, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bouncill of Milton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Stewart, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan spent the week-end at her home in. White- church. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bennett returned home Saturday from a motor trip to the West Coast. Sunday guests at •the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Baylor were Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Kaufman, Waterloo, Mrs. Anna Grieves, of Kitchener, Miss Louisa Fischer and Mr. William Fischer of Listowel. Mrs, Ruth Corbett has returned after spending last week with Har- riston relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Galbraith were in Windsor for the week-end, where they attended the wedding of Mrs, Galbraith's brother. Mrs. Percy Colmer and son Gary, Toronto, were guests over the week-end with Mr. andd Mrs. Har- ry King and Mrs. Ernest King. Mr. Hugh Doig spent Sunday in London and his mother, Mrs. Wil- liam Doig, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ament of Auburn, Mr. George Timm and Miss Erna Betka of Wallace Town- ship, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koch. Mrs. Harry Gowdy spent a few days with Mrs, Roy Gowdy in Lon- don and visited Mr. Roy Gowdy in Victoria Hospital. Mrs, Ray Eddington, Detroit, vls_ ited Mr. •and Mrs. Edwin Day over the week-end. Mrs. Fred Hyndman is spending the week with friends in London. Mr, and Mrs. Jean Andari, Clin- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black, Mr. son; World Friends see., Susan Templernan, Mrs. Robert Elsehner told the story of Timmy's. Skippy, TO 1 and Mrs. Harry Zimmerman, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Templeman and family were guests at the Zimmer- man - Cook wedding in the Blyth United Church on Saturday. Anglican Church The Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen of Huron Deanery will hold their -dinner meeting in .the Gorrie 'community hall tonight (Wednesday). The W.A. of St. Stephen's Church will meet on Thursday afternoon at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. Luella Sanderson. Roll call, a verse for Harvest. At the Sunday morning service in St. Stephen's Church, Norma GORRU — White chrysanthe. mums, ferns and candelabra form- ed the setting at the Blyth United Church on Saturday afternoon when Karen Elizabeth. Cook be- came the bride of William, Gerald Zimmerman, Gorrie. Rev. R. E. McLagan performed the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Borden Cook, Blyth, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Sanford Zimmerman, Belgrave, and the late Mr, Zimmerman. The bride chose a floor-length gown of white pole de sole fash- ioned on princess lines, featuring a lace front panel and long lily, point sleeves with a V neckline, Her finger-tip veil of silk illusion net was held by a. tiny crown of seed pearls. She wore a single strand of cultured pearls and tiny pearl earrings, a gift from the groom, She carried a cascade bou- quet of pink carnations, white stephanotis and stephanotis leaves. Miss Barbara Holland, London, was maid of honor, She wore a street-length violet velvet dress featuring a full skirt, short sleeves and cummerbund with matching hat and accessories. She carried a crescent bouquet of large white mums, The bridesmaids were Miss- es Betty Jean Cook, Blyth, sister of the bride, and Gail Gowing, Blyth, a cousin of the bride, who wore identical ensembles. Flower girl was Jane Shiell, of Wingham, niece of the groom, She wore a similar dress with match- ing headband and carried a basket of white baby mums. The ring_ bearer was Kenneth Gorrie, neph- ew of, the groom. The bridegroom was attended by Douglas Davidson, Wingham, 'The ushers were Thomas Templeman, Wroxeter and Robert Templeman, Gorrie, nephews of the groom. Following a trip through North- ern Ontario, they will ]reside in London. Before her marriage the bride was entertained as a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Miss Barbara Holland in Blyth. The bride was also feted at Brussels, where friends presented her with a pantry shower. YOU WOULD BE TOO WITH' THIS BEAUTIFUL Frances, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs., Graham Telehues was received into the church by baptism by the rec- tor, Rev. E. C, Attwell, Ken and Mrs. Galbraith, Orange" Hill, spent the week-end in Wind- sor, and were guests at the wedding of the latter's brother, Merton Brown, LADIES PLAN TEA. FOR NEXT MEETING DONNYBROOK — The October meeting of the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edward. Robinson with a fair ,attendance. The theme was given by Mrs, Sam Thompson, who had charge of the W.M.S. meeting, "Come Ye Thankful People, Come", was sung and Mrs. John Hildebrand read the Scripture lesson. A Psalm was read in uni- son. Mrs. Thompson gave the medita- tion, followed by all repeating the. Lord's prayer. "We Thank Thee, Our Father"' was sung and Mrs. James Leddy read a Thanksgiving poem, It was decided in the busi- ners period to have a special tea at the next meeting to raise funds for the W.M.S., also any clothing for relief is to be left with Mrs. Morley Johnston. As many as pos- sible were to attend •the Sectional Rally at Auburn on October 24. The offering was received and Mrs, Stuart Chamney gave the minutes of the previous meeting. Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson read, the chapter in the study book. After singing "Sing to the Lord of Har- vest", Mrs, Thompson closed the meeting with prayer, The Ladies' Aid was in charge of Mrs. Edward Robinson and open- ed with the hymn "We Plough the Fields and Scatter", Mrs, Robin- son led in prayer. Mrs, Stuart Chamney gave a reading, Psalms 698 and 23 were read in unison. Business was attended to and af- ter singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus,' Mrs. Robinson closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. James Leddy and Mrs. Wes Jefferson, Robt. Elschner Is Worthy Master GORRIE—The following officers were elected •at the October meet- ing of the Gorrie L.O.L,: Worthy Master, Robert Elsehner; Deputy Master, Raymond Hill; Chaplain, T, L, McInnes; recording secretary, Gordon Underwood; fin- ancial secretary, Harry King; trea- surer, John Dinsmore; lecturer, Stan Hayes; 2nd lecturer, Robert Strong. Committee, Norman Wade, Perry Strong, Wayne King, Alvin Simp- son, Mr, Watson; Tyler, Robert Dixon; auditors, Norman Wade, Harry King. SIMPLICITY AUTOMATIC WASHER and.DRYER INSTALLED IN YOUR HOME AUTOMATIC WASHER —Model W 40„,1 ,Simplainatic controls Mqua-Poise tub balance *Turbo-Flex washing action *Full power triple rinse 'i'Percelain top *Over-size drain pump We are sorry to hear that Mrs. John •Noble is still in Wingham General Hospital. She was admit- ted last Wednesday for observation. Miss Elaine Jefferson of London was home over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson, Mr. D. J. Williams, Lynne, carol and Donna of Lon- don were Saturday visitors and Mr. and. Mrs, Don Jefferson and 'Cheryl of Clinton were Sunday visitors at the Same home. Mr, and. Mrs. Edward Robinson, Jim, pill and Judy Spent Saturday evening with Mrs. J. C. Robinson • of Wingham, Mrs. Willis Mountain, Mrs, Elgin Josling, Marie and Betty of Lon- desboro spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jefferson and family. Mr. and. Mrs. William Webster of St. Helens and Mr, William Tay- lor of California, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and family, Mr, and Mrs. George Henderson of Brucefield called at the same home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jefferson, Deb- bie and Brian were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Willis Mountain of Londesboro. British Mortgage 8.5 Trust Company, Stratford. , Cl I enclose cheque for 4 for investment for years i. Li Please send me a free folder giving full inforination. , I NAME ADDRESS.. Pr 0 BEITISIII MORTGAGE & RUST COMPANY i3 — 10 years invest — see your local agent or send in your cheque, —with regular interest payments when you invest in a British Mortgage Guaranteed Certificate, Authorized by la 'w as investments for trust funds. SAFETY DOCTORS' BILLS PAID „...... NOW — NO AGE LIMIT I'hysleians and surgeons coverage at home, office or in hospital for individuals or families, available in Wingham and area. Past health no longer means you are deprived of this vital protection. For further information and enrolment fill out coupon and mail to; Medical Ilan, 129 Hollywood Ave., Willowdale, Ontario Name Since 1877 Head Office: Stratford 99111 Canadian'National Good going and returning same Saturday only. Exctirsion return fare from WINGHAM • $5.30 Corresponding Fares from Intermediate Points. FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS. Saturday Excursions to AUTOMATIC DRYER —Model D 40-1 *Infinite Heat temperature control *Free Flow lint filter *Interior illuminiition *2 Yr. Free Service Guarantee *Porcelain cabinet top *Control-Air system "Safety door *Automatic overload protector Featuring . 41+" OF KROEHLER 100% FOAM OVER, NO-SAG SPRINGS a 414" OF KROEHLER 100% FOAM ON SEAT BACKS a DESIGN PROVIDES FOR EASY OPENING AND CLOSING a THE ONLY' SOFA DED DESIGNED FOR COMFORT AND MODERN STYLING See this new, modern piece with matching Chair, this week 2.PIECES— .... • . ior*lisoriti DELUXE; 8 CittAltELINE MODEL with— *Large 11 lb, tub 0Automatic electric tinier "Power pump---ruggedly designed *F,our 2" casters tChrome wringer hand tests— sturdy 2" wringer rolls "'0-vane metal byclro,flow gyrator Regular $209.95 $229.00 STAINTO DWARF CARisfiRt SUPPLY HOUSE wiwcimm 30 r4AisoWirwir,Aorrios.oi Walker Horne Furnishings S, J. Walker WINGHAM