HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-18, Page 5RtINStEbitalt Mona. Ori4hoin. Stint& A. F. GRAHAM, IVIottutet, Oottle *tooth. NLW IMO :PROW STORE.-.-- Oa Monday morning, of this week the Red .front Grocery, operated lei Harry Mericley said Aturray Oer- rie, opened: for business hi ita, anew quarters, the Indidhig 'Witch was recently completed. on. wotorio, St, winfred White of wipown was the contractor. 'Niel OLD CUNNINGHAM building On Josephine St. North, has been t1 scene of considerable activity over the past six weeks as work- men changed, the appearance in- side and out. It will house tire nest Brewers' Retail store,. Work is all hut completed inside 'the building and asphalt has been laid on the area around the structure, It is expected that the store will be neon for business about the end of this month, Sewing Threads-.Keep in Step with Times. The being sewer choosing a spool than the color: ,Inat as fabrics ofimtoh:ead today must look .at more have' chenged with the epriting pf Man-made fibres, .sewing threads have been keeping up With the ,t Cotton thread, the long-tints 'falfr orite for nest home sewing, is still best for cotton or linen fabrics, But since borne dressmakers Are .now using more and more fabrics of synthetic fibres and their Mends, manufacturers- have de- veloped hew thread to stitch these new materials. It is important that the sewing thread used in a garment should have the same eharacteristice as the fabric itself. There's no pap making a dress in a shrink- resistant . fabric if the thread shrinks. As soon as the dress is Washed the seam will pucker: And it is foolish. to sew a long-wearing material with -a thread which is hot every bit as strong. The seams Will give way long before the fabric is worn; opt: The thread most favored fpr'syn- tbeties is. one made pf teryiene. The 1,171upinun Advance-Times,. 'Wednesday, lEi, Diet Ptli,Ksl rivit: It is. •eseeedingly strong and at the the seams pucker and an. •otbor- same .tune it stretches very little.' :wise immaculate garment looks, If a thread .behaves like .elastic as messy. It's such a small thing— it paeseia through the sewing ma- the spool on the sewing machine-- chine, it springs back to its origin- ijut without the right thread: the al length as soon as the tension is new man-made fibres cannot pos- released. This makes an ugly sibly live up to their reputation puckered seam. for long wear and. ea-sy care, When • sewing with tceylene thread,. the same machine tension as 'used for cotton should he satis- factory, If not, loosen both the needle and bobbin tension, !slightly. Use a new, sharp needle, one with- out any roughness either at the tip or in the eye. A jagged bit of metal will break the fine fibres and cause the thread to 'friy •zei it passes through the needle. Since this type of thread la a bit slippery, knots may not hold, so the seams should be back-stitched tA the beginning and the end. When sewing by hand, use a fairly short piece of thread to keep. it from becoming- tangled. And always cut the thread with scissors—it's too strong to make a clean break. For wash and wear performance, the thread which holds clothes to- gether is just as important as the fabrie-itself. If the thread shrinks, 7 1 14AND YQ0,14* 1013 10,EPIK, PIXATY OF 'RAW Ala PlIPPtle$: VANCE'S DRUGSTORE radiiii* Mattress Sale e...sktsvproosoproxemawmgew^"."' E • $10 00' 'FOR YOUR OLD MATTRESS REGARDLESS OF CONDITION is your child' future a dream ... or a plan on a new Orthoposture -Quilt Top Mattress With X12 Coils by Waterloo Bedding Co. - Regular $59.50 Allowed on your old mattress $10.00 ,ONLY,..,. with a 15-year. Guarantee $496 50 • 4. 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