HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-18, Page 3FOR MASTITIS gets cows back to profitable milking sooner No other drug or antibiotic is effective against more mastitis- causing organisms than Terramycin. In fact, no other mastitis preparation, at any price, can compare with Liquid Terramycin's complete solubility, rapid diffusion in the udder and quick effective control of mastitis. Liquid Terramycin milks out completely within 72 hours. Con- tains no grease, wax or oil and leaves no residue in the quarter after treatment. Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis comes in con- venient, ready-to-use applicator tubes — dosage and directions on every package. The fastest, most-effective, treatment for mastitis and so economical — Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis! Terramycin ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Formula • Poultry Formula with Antl-Germ 77 New Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis • A & D Scours Tablets • Terramycin Injectable Solution. Pfizer Research Contributes to More Profitable Farming I111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111411101111111111111M114111M IIIM112 A T READ Air' TEXACO SERVICE COLD WEATHER IS ON THE WAYI Let us winterize your car now! WE'LL CHECK YOUR RADIATOR, THERMOSTAT, WIP- ERS, LIGHTS, BATTERY, COIL, GENERATOR ' It's lime to put in Antifreeze and Check your Snow Tires i ill N ri. N 2 illi ii ill N jOtioliwiriiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiociromiiiiticmiimimmiiiiiiiiimffitiriciimitivimiiiiiimiiiiminuntimilinoiliiiiiimomoiniA 4111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111110111111111111111 N N N N Readman's Texaco Service CORNER JOSEPHINE VICTORIA GET YOUR FREE CARD GOOD FOR 6 LOVELY CUT GLASS TUMBLERS WITH EVERY $30.00 WORTH OF GASOLINE PURCHASED AT READMAN'S TEXACO SERVICE Gasoline may be purchased in any qinuitity over o period of time—We stamp your Card with each purchase.—When yeti have fitted the Card conipletely you Will be given 6 Cut Glass (Laurel Patterii) STREETS, WINHANit N N N N N Ail N N N AN N 111 N N N N N N N U N N ti N N SINCE 18411 (!)6666O ........ ••••••• • 44 ••••••• •• THEN YOO U11. LIKELY TO EE Ambilioub, wide awake. You love life. You're hard to discourage. if you can't reach a man by 'phone— you may even write! . . . alertly including, of courr,e: X4 Your correspondent's Lull and correct postal ad- dress E Your own name and return address in upper left corner .11 AND THE CORRECT POSTAL ZONE NUMBER IF YOU ARE WRITING To QUEBEC, MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNI.. PEG, OR VANCOUVER. Help us to speed your mad ii—cheek theyellow pag es of your Telephone Oiroctory lei lull postal information. • • W. R. HAMILTON tit ti ti Now a Whole new golden world of SIGHT and SOUND. See our HEARING-AID GLASSES, lightest in weight. N N N Phone 37 for appointment OPTOMETRIST it,V.Nx.xx:xxXAR.XMxifex.xxxxx:XiXA:xn .....0,:k no,x3,,ler> Your Future's better if you're backed by Bonds!, No matter how young or how old—everyone has something to plait for and to oare for! Whatever your plans, Canada Savings Bonds are a convenient and systematic way of building up savings to help you realize your goals. And there's nothing quite like a reserve of Bonds to give you a feeling of security and confidence in the future! Canada Savings Bonds are a guaranteed investment — cashable anytime at full face value plus interest. Coupons pay 43c4% the first year, 41,ili% for each of.the next six years, 5% for each of the last three years. Denominations from $50 up. Limit per person $10,000. So simple to buy— on instalments or for cash at any bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company, or through your company'. Payroll Savings Plan. Order yours todayl BUY THE NEW CANADA SAVINGS' BONDS good for You—and Canada tool 4 STO FrPe! tame 1/V,/ Cio.,itio with Col t;tice,..0" Write iortad keep 'ern healthy LIQUID Terramycin A Division of DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 147 Davenport Road, Toronto 5 Foto' 04 foo4fhitek... VMS TO LIVE IN EAST WAWANOSH—Doreen Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hewett, Belgrave, R, R. 1, and William Eldon Burnett Taylor, exchanged marriage vows in Westfield United Church on Oc- tober 11th. The groom is the son of Mrs. Melvin Taylor and the late Mr. Taylor, also of R. R. 1, Beigrave. The bride was formerly on the nurs- ing staff at Wingbam General Hospital and later at Listowel Memorial Hospital. They will live on the groom's 'farm on the fitlt concession of East Wawanosh.---Photo by McDowell. 441 Girls Serve LLUiCh at W.I. BLIJEVALE--- The Women's In- stitute members, joined by mem- bers of two 4-H Club groups, the Bluevale Blossoms and the Sun- shine Sals, provided an interesting program last Thursday evening in the United Church, Mrs. George Hetherington pre. sided. The roll call was "I resolve" and many good resolutions were given. Mrs. W. j, Peacock read the min- utes and gave the financial state- ment. A donation was voted to the Golden Circle School in Wingham. It was decided to accept an in- vitation to visit Belmore Women's Institute on November 8th, Snirie plans were made for Family Night in November. Mrs, Bernard Thomas gave the motto, "If you allow yourself to drift, you always drift the wrong way," A quartet, Mrs. C. B. Hoffman, Mrs. George Hetherington, Mrs. Alex MeCrackin and Mrs, Alex Corrigan sang "When the Phone Bell Rang", with Mrs, Carl Johns- ton as accompanist. Community singing was also on the program. Mrs, Hetherington welcomed the 4-H Clubs and they were in charge of the rest of the program. Patsy Craig, Ann Peacock and Elaine Hilton acted as leaders in club meetings. Nancy Taylor spoke on "Fruit Accompaniment for Various Dishes". Brenda Breckenridge de- scribed fruit specialties. Mrs. Jack Nicholson, leader, gave' a pleasing demonstration of table decorations made from fruit. Mrs. W. J. Peacock, also a leader, show- ed samples of various kinds of cheese and stressed their food value, Miss Isabel Gilehriat, home econ- omist for Huron County, encitrag- ed the girls in a brief address, giv- ing advice for prep:tralion for Achievement Day. Refreshments were served by the girl's and were dainty and Unusual, including fruit breads, cheese and fruits. Nancy Taylor, Ann Pcarock and Mrs, William Gamble demons! rated the preparation of refresinuents, 'ELMORE The Belmore Women's instilute met in the club rooms err Thursday evening with almost full al It ml, ance, Mrs. 11;lVid 'Nadi(' was con. venom' of the Grandmothers' impel- log, A donation was Inade In the Children's Aid Society in Wallwr- tori,, and pines were made to ea ter for a banquet for the Masons next week, Mrs. Harper gay" a splendid pa per on the motto, "Penny Wise; Pound laaollah." Mrs. Eldon Ron- wick also gaVe a, thought-provok- ing paper on "Who Is My Neigh- bour?" The meeting closed with a dainty lunch. The next meeting will be "Family Night", at which George Gear, agricultural represen- tative for Bruce, will speak. The VVIiitelicurch and Bluevale Institute members and their husbands are invited to this meeting and every- body in the Belmar(' community is welcome. On Tuesday evening several members attended the meeting at Whiteehurch and enjoyed a, very pleasant evening. The highlight of the program was a panel discussion on •"Prejudice", NEW STUDY BOOK IS INTRODUCED BY WM wfwxurp-,IR "Thanksgiving" was the theme of the regular meet- ing of the W.M.S. when it met last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. George Gibson, Wroxeter South. The heme, most appropriately. decorated with autumn flowers,. fruit, vegetables and leaves, pro- vided a lovely setting for the theme of the worship service, arranged by Mrs. Gibson and- Miss E. Hup- fer and conducted by the latter. The call to worship brought the assembly to order, after which the hymn "0 Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea" was sung and the general thanksgiving was repeated in unison, Mrs. Gibson, in charge of the Scripture lesson, read from the Revised Edition, as well as making some thought-provoking remarks on "Thanksgiving in Our Modern World". Miss Hupfer offered prayer, and Mrs. Ira McLean gave the topic, "Count Your Many Blessings", in which she drew quite 'a decided contrast between the first Thanks-. giving spent by the Pilgrims in Ameri6, and the many blessings we now have to be grateful for. Mrs. F. W. Taylor gave an in- troduction to the new study book, -"Churches for New Times", as well as the accompanying hooks, "Sig- nals for the Sixties" and "Hasten the Day" by J. L. Beattie. She also read the first story from the lat- ter book, which was most interest- ing, Mrs. Jos, Sanderson, president, concluotd the business, during which the secretary, Mrs. J. H. Wylie, read three letters of appre- ciation. It was decided to have the Mission Band and the W.M.S. send a joint bale of good, clean, used or new clothing to Korea, A box for this will be placed in the church lobby. The joint annual, W.M.S. and W.A. convention was brought to the attention of those present, and is being held in Belgrave on Thurs- day, Oct. 26th with registration at f.1.30 a.m. It was decided to raise some money by selling Christmas cards, and these, along with Christmas wrapping; tablecloths, 'etc., will be on display in the near future. Any- one wishing some may contact any W.M.S. member. Mrs. Gibson conducted an inter- esting Biblical contest and the committee served lunch. 4. ALAN WHIM Optometrist neVyse,10W~eVYN Patrick St, Winghami Phone 770 WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rickard, Agincourt, spent from Friday to Sunday with Mr, George Clark and Jim. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Ingram were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hidon Ingram, of Stratford. Mrs.. Bert Dyson, of Uxbridge, visited during the week-end with Mrs. Herb Patterson, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Lean. Mr. and Mrs. N, D. Worthington, of Scarborough, spent from Satur- day to Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark. Mr. George Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davidson, Patty and Keith, of Downsview, visited on Sunday at the same home and with Mr. George Clark. Mr. and Mrs: Howard Bowman, Petersburg, spent a day last week at the home of the litter's heather, Mr. RQSS Toman. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and daughters, of Goderich. Mrs. Dan O'Brien and family, of Uxbridge, who spent part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Pere Henley, returned to their home on Thursday. Mr, Elgin Anderson and friend, of Torosto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith. Tbo. WinOwn A4va,Aefo.lirnoop, W44114407, Oct.. le, 1961 ;tip '111110' „.. ..„ • PHONE 250 For the Finest in. 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