HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-18, Page 177.
With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wrineter News
wrisiuu, WADArvspAY, OarKIER i.s, .100. SINGLE Cc:1nm. 10• centtt,
POULTRY ROUSES owned 1/Y,Dill Edgar, of Ford. miles. No poultry was in the fire, although new stock
wick are shown above as• they Were consumed by was due to arrive on Wednesday. Tire blaze was he-,
fire Tuesday morning. penae clouds of black smoke . lieved to nave started from a blow torch. Loss was
from• the three' small Structiuremi -could be ireen for, . partially covered by insurance.—A.-T. Photo.
ocational Plan Interests
~in~ham-Lucknow Board
By The Pedestrian
Next Tuesday, Oct. 24th,' has been
named as the day for the official
opening of the new Turnberry Cen,
tral School on Highway 86, just
east of Wingham. The deputy
minister of education will officiate,
The stock of the Red Front Gro.
eery has been moved to the new lo-
cation and building on Victoria
St., just east of the creamery. The
store presents a most up-to-date
o - 0 0
Last week we had a picture of
fRuth Gibbons, as she competed in
the high jump at the public school
field day, and we made the mistake
of publishing her name as Ruth
- - 0
Ross Dundas has been a busy
boy, in charge of a major tree.
planting and shrubbery-placing
project in the Riverside Park area
above the Howson dam, Two large
beds have been planted with per_
ennial shrubbery and several well-
grown trees moved in from the
country to provide shade in the pic-
nic grounds. The committee is
grateful to C. Lloyd & Son and
Chas, Hodgins, both of whom pro.
. yided equipment for the transport
.* the trees, etc.
Attending the sixteenth annual
Business and Professional Worn.
en's Conference in Hamilton over
the Week-end aveaa Miss Yvonne
McPherson, president of the Wing-
ham club; Mrs. Daisy Connell, first
vied-president and Miss Phyllis
Johns. The Pm:evil:mint Conference
was held at the Sheraton-Con-
naught, Hotel with over 500 ladies
in attendance. There were repre-
sentatives from 82 clubs from all s over Ontario.
t The guest speaker at the Satur.
day night banquet was Miss Una
MacLean of Calgary, the national
Please turn to Page Two
Anniversary turkey supper in
Lucknow United Church on Tues-
day, October 24, 5.30-8 p.m. Every-
body welcome. F4&18*
The Belgrave School Fair concert
will be held Friday evening, Oc-
tober 20th, in the Foresters Hall,
Belgrave, at 8 p.m. F18b
The Woman's Association of
Bluevale United Church will had
a bake sale and tea in. the church.
school room, Wednesday, October
25th, at 3 p.m. F18-25b
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Webber, of
Laktlet, are celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary on Sunday,
October 29th, and will be at home
to friends and neighbours froth 2
to 4 p.m., and 7 to a pan. Flab
This year the Fall Rummage Sale
sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary
to Wingham General Hospital will
be held in the Wingham Arena and
the date is Saturday afternoon, Oc-
tober 21, at two etibelt. This is a
ComMunity (vent for the Wingham
Hospital and everyone is asked to
eo-opernte NO-.0 Is the time to start
gathering articles you de not need—
Clothing, furniture, shoes, hate,
dishes, et',. anything Is aceeptablo
and Saleable, it, is asked that clue-
nations be 'eft at the Arena on
irrlday, October 20. to that they can
be sorted and Marked. If you wish
'your parcels called for, a truck Is
at your service, please phone Mrs,
J. if. McKay, number 118, or Miss.
Marguerite Johns, 208. Don't forget
that all roads lead to the Wirtgliarn
t Arena for the big rummage Sale on
`• October 21st, F11-18b )01,
In connection with , Laymen's
Sunday -a _,special Laymen's service
was hel in . Wingham, United
Church on Sunday morning. The
speaker Was Rev. Elmer. Taylor, of
Goderich, who took as his .subject
"Man Wanted," based on the text
found in' II Samuel 10:12, "Be of
good-, courage and let 'us play the
men for our people." ,
In war and peace.ther'e is always
a demand for men, wanted to con-
duet the aatafra of. thisaworld, but a
far greater'demand is for 'men to
conduct -the affairs of our Lord. j
Christ-As'not asking-for men to be !
secluded „ahut..fer 'men do His
work`In,bu,sinesti aindiistri and. the •
political Mr:. Varlet Rained
three attribUtel. --Whielfahliae Men- 4s
.. have; . joY'aity;t1ei-,timempserttes
and 'their God, courage to. live pa-
cording - ta 'their convictions, and
faith. Men of this .calibre
are needethin .this :--geberatio_n, for
Canada guest speaker at the Wing-
ham Lions Club on Friday evening
stated that Wingham and district
would have dial telephones in op.
At the Monday night meeting of
the Public School Board the resig.
nations of two teachers were ac-
cepted with regret, They were
from Mrs. Emerson Shera, who has
been teaching for 30 years, 21 of
which Were spent in 'the Wingham
school; and Mrs, M. McKenzie, who
joined the , staff two years ago
Both resignations ,are effective at
the first of next year,
only other matter of ma: Or
importitee discussed by the board
Wits relative to- Mitten for child-
ren whose parents -are supporting
the new. Separate School,' but at.
tending the- public school. The
boand decided that commencing at
-the first of the year tuition would
be charged monthly in these oases,
Principal T, -S. Beattie reported
that attendance in September had
averaged 07,88 par cent With 415
children registered.
Mr. and Mrs, Bonar Jarvis, R, H.
z ,reosator, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter, Lola
Carolyn, to Mr. Sandy bevales, son
of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Devries, It,
R. 5, Brussels, -The marriage will
take place on Saturday, November
4th, at the Knox Ptesbyterian
Church, TeeeWater. 2418b
U. C. Anniversary and
Manse Open House
October 22nd is a special day at
Wingham United Church, In ad-
dition to the services of worship
celebrating the congregation's 98th
anniversary, at which Rev. G. C.
Husser of Niagara Fall's will be
present, there is to be a service at
-the manse at 2.30 p.m., when this
new residence will be officially de-
dicated and received on behalf of
the Presbytery. Rev, R. S. Hilts,
chairman of the Huron Presbytery,
will be in charge.
Members arid friends of the con-
gregation are also, reminded of the
open house inspection of the manse.
It will be open from 2 to 5 and 7
to 9 o'clock 'on Friday and Satur-
day, October ?,0th and 21st.
band on one other occasion , and
they found nothing so decided
there Was Co need for alarm this
Harry Gowdy discovered the two
doors broken' into the office at 10
a.mn, Sunday, 'The radio, adding ma-
chine, cheque writer and skill saw
vvere stolen. -
It was also reported that the
feed •mill .at 131y,th had been brok-
en into and the 'cash register and
$20 . taken.
era.tion by the latter part of 1962.
He was accompanied to the meet-
ing by Paul Martin, commercial
representative for the company, of
Club business was held to a min-
imum. -The speaker also outlined
the history of telephone service on
:he continent. He said that a new
building for the dial central will
be put up in Wingham, hut starting
date for -the project has not yet
been announced. The new system
will entail considerable preliminary
work as all long distance and a
number of rural lines will be plac-
ed in buried cable. He -also show-
ed some of the new types of dial
telephones that will be used -and
said that direct long-distance dial-
ing be incorporated into the
system in Wingham.
The .,speaker was introduce'l by
Lion Hugh Carmichael and thank-
ed by Harley Crawford.
. _
On Saturday five students of the
Wingham Distaict High School, ae,
corripanied by Miss Munro, com-
peted in the WOSSA ''rack and
Field Meet at Little Memorial Sta-
dium, University of Western On-
tario, London.
Judith Mcldbbon placed first in
the heat for the senior girls 100
yards, and Came third in the final,
Douglas Canipbell placed thing in
the heat of the boys 100 yards, but
did not qualify for the final.
The smiler girls' relay team,
f.Tutlith McKibbarr, ..fean Jones,
June Wright and Betty Dallimore)
'Placed Sixth IC a field of teams
front 12 Schools,
The Ladies' Auxiliary to Wing-
ham General Hospital held their
October meeting in 'the council
chamber and final plans were -made
for the fall rummage sale, which
will be held in the Wingbara
Arena on Saturday, October 21, at
two o'clock. This •is the major fi-
nancial effort of the auxiliary, and
everyone is asked to have a share
by sending all articles. you -do hot
need to the arena on Friday, Oc-
tober 21st.
The sewing groups were busy
during September, 274 articles were
cut, ready for sewing and 178 ar-
ticles were completed. These
eluded bedding, adult gowns and
nursery supplies, In all, 165 hours
of time were donated,
The president, Mrs. N. Cameron,.
conducted the Meeting. • -
'Boy Scout Apple
Day on Saturday
On Saturday BOy Scouts of the
First Wingham Troop and the
Wolf Cubs will be making door-to-
door calls in an effort to sell a.p-
pies for their annual Boy Scout
Apple Day,
This is the only money-making
project the boys carry out during
the year for their own organiza-
tion, although at times they do help
with other fund-raising campaigns,
such as CNII3 tag day.
In the past the Scouts and Cubs
have been pleased with the won-
derful support they have received
from the residents of Wingham,
and the visitors to the town, They
hope you will continue to assist
them and are sure you will enjoy
the luscious, juicy apples, which
they will have polished up for Sat-
Attend Listowel
Sgt's, Mess Dinner
The Sergeants' Mess of the 21st
Field Regiment RCA(M) held -a
mess dinner awl dance at Listowel
on Saturday evening, which was
which was attended by officers,
attended by officers, NCO's and
other ranks from the three batteries
at Walkerton, Wingham and Lis--
, towel. The men were accompanied
by their ladies.
Lt -Col, L, Vickers, 00 of the re.
2'1321rmt, brought hark the trophy
that the regiment had won at Lon-
don. Major J. D. Harvey was also
on hard.
Attending from Wingham were
Major J. U. Stephens, RSM Alex
Corrigan, SSM's C, T. Appleby, L
E, Dawson, J. G, Blackwell and
W02 L. 10, Bean and Bdr. D. J.
Murray and R, L Shackleton.
Fire destroyed three chicken
brooder houses owned by Bill Ed.
ger of Foadwich just before noon
oaf Tuesday, iri an intense blaze
that sent billowing black smoke
hundrada of feet in the air. Th ,
buildings Were located in the vil-
lage near the owner's honle.
Fortunately the buildings were
empty, but a new stock of poultry
was due in the nod day, so that
the leas was confined to -the proper-
Mr. Edgar, Who suffers from fi
heart COnditien, had been Work-
ing on the water system one of
the three brooder houses anti left
briefly to Obtain a pipe wrench,
When he :returned the stritetute Wag
on fire. Irt felt that a WOW' tench
Most important item on the ag-
enda of the Wingham District High
School Board which met on Thurs-
day evening of last week, was a
report by the chairman, A. D, Mae-
William, that a committee had met
with members of the Lucknow Dis_
trice High School Board to discuss
the possibilities of obtaining voca,
tonal facilities •for the two areas,
Mr, MacWilliam reported that
the Lucknow board members
agreed to join with Wingham in
District Deputy President Mrs,
J, Fisher of Liberty Rebekah
Lodge, Kincardine, was an honored
guest of Majestic Rebekah Lodge
here on Monday night when she
anti her‘ •installing team installed
the officers of the lodge. Follow-
ing the opening exercises and busi-
ness conducted by the Noble Grand,
Mrs. J. Maclntyre, the installing
services were conducted and the
following officers were installed:
Jr. Past Noble Grand, Mrs, J.
Maclntyre; Noble Grand, Mrs, E.
Parish; Vice-Grand, Mrs. H, Rem-
ington; Chaplain, Miss Agnes Wil-
liamson; Warden, Miss Mae Wil-
liamson; Conductor:, Mrs. W. Ken-
nedy; Inside Guardian, Mrs, a
Montgomery; Outside Guardian,
Mrs. H, Wild; Color Bearer, Mrs.
R, Powell; Right Supporter of the
Noble Grand, Mrs. V. Sanderson;
Left Supporter of the Noble Grand,
Mrs. J. Schneider; Right Suppor-
ter of 'the Vice-Grand, Miss Greta
Harris; Left Supporter of the Vice-
Grand, Mrs, J, Finnegan; Pianist,
Mrs, W. Hogg; Recording Secre.
taw,. Mrs. a.,GearieL Financial
Se4etary, Mr's. W:` MacICerizie;
Treasurer, Mrs. W. Henry.
Following the, installation Mrs.
Fisher addressed the gathering
with a very inspiring message.
Courtesy remarks were given by
Mrs. Haines, Noble Grand of Lib-
erty Lodge, Kincardine; Mrs. Kers-
lake of Sioux, Man,, Mrs. A. Mc-
Kay of Kincardine and Mrs. Alan
Walker of Owen Sound.
A delicious lunch convened by
Mrs. R. Powell brought an enjoy-
able evening to a close,
he had been using was the cause
of the -fire.
The three buildings of mortared
cedar rail with cement block cor-
ners had been built by the owner
several years ago. Some insurance
was carried.
The Wingham Rural Fire Bri-
gade responded to the call but the
fire was so far advanced that the
firemen could do nothing more
than keep an eye on other build-
ings in the neighborhood.
an effort to find out If the Depart-
ment of Education would author.
ize tin addition to the Wingham
School to handle the various
courses which will he encouraged
under the new program of educa-
tion. (These courses were out-
lined in this paper two weeks ago.)
The proposal would cover the
two districts, and it is hoped that
such an addition would come un-
der the current program whereby
the federal government is paying
Jost One Morel
A couple of weeks ago Mrs.
Norman Elliott, district own-
missioner of Girl Guides, asked
for leaders to help with the
Brownies. She is pleased to wel-
come two- volunteers, Mrs, Mil-.
ford Paxton of Wingham and
Mrs. McPherson of Teeswater.
This will help the situation
as it stands, but there must be
atilt another leader if the
youngsters Who have anxiously
awaited the time when they
would be -old enough M join,
are to be admitted to Brownies.
Meetings are held Wednesday
afternoons at four, at St. And-
rew's Presbyterian Church.
Previous experience is not
necessary. The only require-
ment is an interest in the girls
of the community and an hour
or so a week to -devote to them.
.The, SalvaticT ,.4r4ay gitosi was,
dedeFated " in; tk%e harvest
theme on Sunday for the annual
Harvest Festival .services.
Brig, and Mrs. J. B. Meakings,
of Hamilton, were guests for the
day. Brig. Meakings addressed the
gathering in the morning and Mrs.
Meakings was the speaker for the
evening -service,
Special Harvest music was used
for both services. Miss Janette
Henderson and Miss. Evangeline
Flett sang a duet "Now I Belong to
Jesus" at the morning service and
in the evening Miss Mary Lee
Holienbeek sang as a solo "Have
Thine Own Way."
The Salvation Army Band had
also been invited to Clinton for an
afternoon service in the auditorium
at Iluronview. Brig, Meakings was
the speaker.
During the one-hour service at
the Home Mias Hollenbeek sang
"Have Thine Own Way" and "How
Can You Say There Is No God?"
Miss Henderson and Miss Flett also
sang two duets "Now I Belong to
Jesus" and "Farther Along."
75 per cent, and the provincial gov-
ernment 25 per cent of the cost of
building and equipping such an ad-
dition, to promote a wider field of
education at the secondary level.
As a result •the Wingham board
appointed the chairman, A, D. Mac-
William, as well as, R. S. Hether-
ington and Principal F. E. Madill
as a committee to co-operate with
a similar committee from. Luck-
now, to make representation at
Queen's Park on the subject;
The ladies of the Wingham Golf
Club held a pot luck supper on
Friday evening at which they had
the presentation .of trophies and
prizes to end their 1961 season.
Mayor R. E. McKinney arrived
to present his trophy to Mrs. Nor-
man Elliott, who had the lowest
net score in, the 18 ,hole competi-
tion. Nona Elliott was the undis-
puted winner this year as she was
the victor in each of the three
tournaments, She won the 9 hole
handicap match play as well as
the 18 hole no handicap event.
The runners-up for the three
competitions in the above order
were Mrs. W. B. MoCool, Mrs. W.
B. Conron and tied were Mrs. A.
-DuVal and Mrs. .1. Kerr. Other
prizes were given for specially de-
signated drives.
A business -meeting was held with
the- treasurer's report showing a
aucaessfal year financially and the
n,omihating :committee presented
:tilai.frilloWing slate te. offioers for
Past president, Mrs. W. B. Con-
rim; president, Mrs. D. C. Nesmith;
1st vice, Mrs. R. H. Lloyd; 2nd vice,
Mrs. H. L. Spry; treas., Mrs. W. W.
Currie; captain, Mrs, N. Elliott;
handicap committee, Mrs. W. la
Conron; membership committee,
Mrs. Matt Boyd.
Intermediate Team.
Entered in. WOAA
A meeting of hockey players and
others interested in the sport was
held at' the town hall on Sunday
afternoon to formulate plans for
the coming season. While the
meeting , was not well attended, it
was decided to enter an intertned.
late team in the Western Ontario
Athletie Association loop for the
1961-62 season. Further meetings
will be held to set up the coaching
and managing staff,
New Scholarahip
The hoard signed an agreement
with William. Isbister, accepting a
scholarship which will be known
as the W, Clark Isbister Memorial
Scholarship for graduates going on
to university in engineering tours.
es. The board will grant the sehol.
arship on the advice of the prin-
cipal •to the extent of $200 each
year for a ten year period. Grant
McBurney, who entered -a co-opera,
tare engineering course at the Eel-
versity of Waterloo, will be the re-
cipient this year,
Tenders Accepted
The tenders for the construction
of a parking lot •and the draining
and addition of top soil to the play-
ing field were opened. The board
accepted the bids of Everett Gath-
ers, Wroxeter, and Joe Kerr, of
Wingham for this work. A total
of five tenders were received.
Accounts as read by the treasur-
er, Miss Y. McPherson, were paid
and the minutes of the previous
meeting and -a special meeting
were approved. Miss McPherson
also reported that the final -pro-
vincial grant had been received and
amounted to $111,403.01.- Payment
for tuition of •students from the
Walkerton. area, was also received
in full, the treasurer said.
A letter was read in connection
with the Provincial Public Speak-
ing Contest, and •the hoard suga
gested that the paincipal take the
matter up with the staff and en-
courage the students to enter.
Principal F. E. Madill reported
that the September enrolment was
728 students with an average of
698 attending or 96,104 per cent. Ile
also 'reported that five stadents
would compete in the WOSSA.
meet in London on Saturday,
Drop Night School
Due 'to the' fabtathat attendanee
at the night school programs which
have been operated for the past
number of years has fallen dras-
tically, the board decided to drop
the program for this season, It
will be operated again when there
is enough demand,
The principal •also reported that
Rev. W. A. Young, chaplain Of the
Ontario Agricultural College, will
be guest speaker at the commnen-ce-
went on October 27th. Parents'
night will be held on Friday eve-
ning, Nov. 3nd, to give all parents
of students 'attending the school
an opportunity to meet *the teach-
ers and discuss any problems that
may exist.
The board decided - to Send out a
letter to all students, pointing out
that the school carries only lintit-
ecl coverage for medical care for
students who are injured during
school activities, and will not be
responsible for any 'hospitalization
charges if the Ontario Hospital In-
psuarraennets.e Plan is not carried by the
,Steal Equipment
From Gorrie Office •
.GORRIg:-!-The Gowdy Lumber
and Coal- office was broken into on
Sunday inornieg about one o'clock.
Mrs. Norrnan.Chalmers, wife of the
Gorrie , station agent, heard the
never before have , civilization 'and noise, but had awakened her hus-
Christianity, been so 'threatened.
Thia Is the taal'whibli is laid-before
laymen in all ; eau rches: ,tod ay and
which is waiting to, be fulfilled, .
The music was supplied .by a
men's choii under - the" direetor of
teu8ic, C, Treneer, The, choir
sang, "Soldiers of- -Christ, -Arise"
ands a quartette composectof Russell
Zurbrigg,. Norman Keating,
IVIdArtniir and K. E. NVobtl:. sang
"Savimir' Again to- thy Dear Name
Wd Bray." . ,
Wingham Dial Telehones by
SHOCYTING MATCH 1962, Engineer Tells Lions.
Will be held at Marnoch Corners,
3 miles west of Belgrave, at the Douglas Sloane, district engineer
farm of Adam MeBurney, on Satur- for the Kitchener and Owen Sound
day, October 21st, at 1 p.m. F18b distriet,s of the Bell Telephone of ---
Thursday night, October 19, in
Bluevale Community Hall in honor
of Mr, and Mrs. John Johnston
(Leona McDonald) newlyweds. , , . ,
please bring lunch,
Music, Wilbee's orchestra. Ladies 1
ftegiateut, liteA (M) was- :recently selected as having been the most
Ontatandiag unit during the militia sniumer eoileentration at camp
Criantlim Shown (left) receiving the trolly oh 'behalf of his teginteat
is 0, 'Vidal's, -of Listowel. The presentation was made lit
London by Lt.-Col. W. W. Bradley (centre), of Windsor, senior general
staff Affieer 18 Militia Group. At the far right ,is Lt-. Col, William
Doohn, Artillery Adviser with the Militia Group. The •list Muhl 1140,
ment has 'batteries located in Winghatm Walkerton and Listowel. Some
20 Wilts competed for the award dttring the stunmer.—Nat. Def. Photo.
. a Id 11.•