HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-11, Page 4',"!qrnr-IF'FW'Tr' rr"":1 V V MOP Wing-ludo AdvaneeeTimee, Wedneedeee Oet. 11, lea Mrs. j. Dunbar Presides at W.M.S. 131SL,GRAvE---The thankeffering meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, Belgrave,. was held last week with visitors. from Hlyth. Mrs. J. Dunbar presided and opened the meeting with the cull to worship and prayer. Scrip- ture reading and meditation was given 'by Mrs. ,T. McBurney, Mrs. Anderson led in prayer from the service of worship In the Glad Tid- ings. A reading explaining the. first Thanksgiving was given by Mrs. Wightroari. The guest speaker, Capt, G. S. Newman of Wingham Salvation Army, stressed the need of mission work at home as well as in foreign countries, Mrs. Allan Dunbar led. in the Glad Tidings prayer and Mrs. Nicholson thanked. the speak- cr, Thanksgivin g hymns were sung and the meeting closed with the benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. Pill.- don and her committee. COLD WEATHER AHEAD MONO IN YOUR STORM FRAIIIES FOR NEW GLASS DoN7 GM CAUGHT WREN Tim SNOW I0IJES, BRING IN TOUR WINDOWS, NOW FOR FAST GLASS INSTALLATION "." . . TRUCKS FOR SA14 CHEVROLET trucks for sale-1952 one-ton panel, 1950 'e-ton Apply O. A. Gibson & Sons, Ltd, Wuoxeter, Satunday, October 14. llb WANTED CARDS OE THAI K% . _ . May we express our grateful thanks to all those whO assisted in any way to prevent a more ser- ious fire at our home 14 Wroxeter last Friday. Many thanks.-Pere and 1041 Henley. 1111 — • My sineere thanks to friends for visits and cards and to Dr, Craw- ford awl Cr. McKim and to Mrs. Morrey and her nursing staff white 1: was tt patient in the Wingham General Hospital,•-eharies Chi:tacit. 114' FOR SALE COMING. EVENTS Alexander's Hardware ,^^ wgriT ENAMEL coal and. Wood range for sale. Phone 285. 11b WANTED TO RENT immediately, three-bedroom house, Wingham or vicinity. Reply to Box 81, Ad- vance-Times. — APPLICATIONS WANITM, , Applications. will he received by !the undersigned until 12 noon Monday, October 30th, for the posi- tion of secretary-treasurer of the Wroxeter Telephone Co. Ltd., duties to commence January 1st, 1902, Applicants must state salary ex, petted, --• Secretary Treasurer, Wroxeter Telephone Co, Ltd., Wrox- eter, Quit, 11,18b .HOT TURKEY SUPPER in the Fordwich United .Church on Wed- nesday, Oct, 18th. Supper served from 5.30 to 8 p.m. Price $1.25 and; 75c,. CIdllb USED WINGHAM .FURNACE for Bele In good condition. Phone 273, llb HIGH CHAIR •for sale, folds into baby tends, also small child's desk, Phone 369. llb A CONDUCTED tour through C. Lloyd& Son factory will he the highlight of the Women's Institute regular meeting on October 19th. Program conveners--Mrs, J. L, Cur-. rie, Mrs. I. Currie. Roll call-A Bible verse pertaining to agricul- ture, Motto-In gathering roses look out for thorns, Hostesses- Mrs, R. Powell, Mrs. J. Henry, Mrs. W. Hilbert, Mrs, P. Gowans, Ceellb BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 29 YEARLING STEERS for sale, weighing 700 lbs. Art Garland, Pinkerton, phone 35W3, Cargill. 11,*' COWMAN oil heater and pipes.. Also 25 pullets, good laying strain, Phone 174J after 5 p,m. 11* HANNA'S LADIES' WEAR an- nounces the newly Arrived line of Junior Deb and Little Princess Car Coats by Poslums. Sizes 8-14X, lib le CHUNKS'ef pigs for sale. Har- old C.asemore, phone raowa, 1:11) 17 WE'ANED PIGS for sale. Clar- ence Colley, phone 507W3. 11b We would like to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbours of the Fordwich cool- munity for the kitchen suite and to friends mid neighbors of the Belmore community for the vacuum cleaner and purse of money which were presented to us recently. Your. thoughtfulness will always be re- Membered.-•--Nancy and Bill Mulvey. 110 REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE AIX VION SALE HELP WANTED-Male or Female 1 p.m, - 4 p.m, MT BODY WOOD for sale, hard maple or beech, furnace or stove wood, priced reasonable. Apply Robert Purves, R. R. 2, Lucknow, mile east St, Helens. 11-18e LOT FOR SALE on Boland Street. I.. S. Palmer, Patrick St. 27-011e WANTED TO BUY SALVAGE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Tuesday, Otoher 24, 1961, 11;30 sharp, D,S.T., of farm property, stock and implements at Lot 2 and 3, concession 2, Morris Township, 2'2 miles south of Wingham on No. 4 Highway, end Mile east. Watch for itemized account next week, - R. S. McMurray, Propa Auctioneers, H, Jackson and A. B, Brubaeher & Sons, 11b WANTeile- Choir leader for Wes- ley-Willis United Church, Clinton Ont., November 1st. State salary desired, and whether qualified as organist also. Apply to W, M. Nediger, 344. Victoria St., Clinton, phone IITInter 2-9730. 4-11b VANCE'S DRUG STORE 1q0-ACRE GRASS FARM for sale, in Grey Township. Phone Wrox- eter 36811, alb WIINGHAIVI PHONE FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMENT Service to all Makes of Hearing Aids I wish to express my sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for visits, flowers and cards while a patient in. the Wingham. Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Crawford and Dr. McKim and to the nursing staff for their excellent caree-elee, Walter Davis, 11b MAe. ERNITY OUTFITS for sale, size 14. Baby buggy, bed and high chair. Joe Dolgos, Centre Street, beside =Pentecostal Church. Cast, Steel, Brass, and Copper BATTERIES—$1.00 ea. Phone 144, WINGHAM COMPT,F,TELY FURNISHED 2.. bedroom mobile home for sale. Phone 486R. 11-18b STRAYED 100-ACRE FARM for sale. Hydra and water in buildings, 7 miles from Winghara. Box 83, Advance- Times. 1.14' 2. STRAYED Hereford heifers-- Owner may have same by proving • property and paying expenses. Phone 632W4 on Saturday or Sun- day, 'Anton Jacewicz. e-11b SPRAYED Spys, Tolman Sweets, Delicious, Russets, Baxters, Wag- ners ready now. Any quantity at $2.00 bushel, Also McIntosh and Snows at $1.54 bus. in your own container. Free delivery, Harry Brydges, phone 618W2. 11-18'' E. R. THEE HEARN AID SERVICE We wish to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. W. A. MeKib- bon, and to our relatives, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness shown to Dad through his long illness, We would like to thank the Rev, T. E. Kennedy, those who sent floral tributes, Gideon Bibles, messages of sympathy, and all those who helped in any way to ease the burden ,of our bereavement at the time of his passing. Mrs. George Coulter and family. lle NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8$ QUEEN STREET SOUTH - KITCHENER FOR SALE The buildings known as S. S. No. 8 and S. S. No. 11, Concession 11, East Wawanosh, Tenders for any or all of these buildings will be re- ceived by the undersigned until Oc- tober 21st, 1961. Highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. -J. A. McBurney, Sec., R. R 1, Belgrave; James R. Coultes, Chair-, man, Belgrave. 11-18b MISCELLANEOUS WANTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CLARA DICKSON, late of the Town .of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, de- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to . the TrUstee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Clara Dickson, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J.' T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the 16th day of October, A.D. 1961, and that after such date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the. claims of which she shall then have had. notice. DATED. at Wingham, Ontario, this 21st )(lay of September, AD, 1961., . ,T. T. GOODALL, .Wingham, Ontario, .Solicitor for the Executrix, 27-4-11b GIVING AWAY seven puppies and a mother dog, part beagle. Phone 711J3. 11b RURAL LADIES-Our new lines of in.between dresses have now ar- xived for those weekly card par- ties. Shop early. Get your pick. Sizes up to 52. Hanna's Ladies" Wear. lib Wanted to Rent for 5 years 50 or 100 acres with or .without buildings Owner may retain or use build- ings and part of farm .APPLY: Box 80, Advance-Times 11-1s. C0410 44,1111ES FOR ALL OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, for long or short trips. Phone 185. 4rrb ELECTROLUX SALES AND SER- VICE-Authorized dealer, H. A. McDermitt, Fordwich, phone 59-31. Contact Mrs, L. McDoug- all, phone 653w; Wingham, for service. Arrange for free demon- stration. 29rrb TV ANTENNA and installation. Year round service. Phone Doug Harker, 392-6140, Teeswater, Ont. 22rrb FOR RENT NOTICE To Customers of WROXETER TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED The below mentioned rate in- crease is for the purpose to pay for a new switchboard, and to install. a 100 pair cable to the Village of Gorrie. The newly installed switch board and cable will bring the benefits of modern common-bat- tery operation to all our urban customers, and will permit the steady extension of this improved service to our rural customers as our line re-building plans take et- feet. Application has been. made to the Ontario Telephone Service Commission for authority to make the following charges for telephone service effective as at January 1st, 1962. RURAL LADIES-Our new lines of in-between dresses have now ar- rived for your weekly get to- gethers. Sizes up to 52. Shop early and get your pick. Hanna's Ladies' Wear. 11b CA.LLANDER NURSING HOME BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, BOX 112 An ideal spot for elderly patients where cleanliness and cheerful sup. roundings provide a pleasant at- mosphere, Excellent nursing care 24 hours a day. Hospital beds with electric bell system. First class food with tray service. Registeeed nurse in charge. Low monthly rates. Our excellent reputation is our best recommendation. For further infor- mation phone Brussels 271 or write to (Mrs.) Janet E. Callender at the above address, 11-18.25-lb HOUSE TO BENT with all modern conveniences. Phone 1183 after 6.30 p.m. 111e 3-ROOM APARTMENT for rent, Apply Box 79, Advance-Times. 4b SEWING MACHINE seer ,a1-New and recondition Singer, White, Arrow sewing machines. Auto- matics, reverse stitch, electric portables, console models, from $39.00 only at Smitty's Shopping Centre, Hanover. 11-18-25b WANTED, LIVE UHT FOWL HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE - Good income property. Apply Box 84, Advance-Times. 11-18b NEW HOUSE TO RENT. Posses- sion Oct 23, Phone 371 after six. 1.113 FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 696R2. lerrb ANT QUANTITY CAMPBELL SOUP Company Ltd, LISTOWEL, ONT. Phone 900 Collect HOUSE in Bluevale to rent, with oil furnace and bath. James A, Falconer. 11-18b • SINGER SALES & SERVICE-Re- pairs to all makes of sewing machines, vacuums and floor polishers. Used machines for sale. Phone 665, Wingham, George Henderson. 15rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN HENRY, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Kinlose, in the County of Bruce, Farmer, who died on the sixteenth day of September, 1961, are requir- ed to file proof of same %vial the undersigned on or before the 28th day of October, A.D. 1961. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. , DATED at Wingham this 7th day of October, A.D. 1061. CRAWFORD & HETEIERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, 11-18-25 NEWLY decorated apartment for rent immediately. Phone 660W. 11-18b eeeeeee.eie SALES HELP WANTED BARFRIED ENTERPRISES LTD. Announces New Low Rates on 1st 'and 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS FOR, HOMEOWNERS Borrow $2000 Repay $35.22 Per Month PI Balance at End of 1st 5 Years NO BONUS' Other Plans Available For a Confidential Appointment in your own home call Guelph TA 2-9062 collect Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association Exchange Rates Individual line- Business, $4,00 per month; Residence, $3.20 per month. Two-party line-Business, $3.70 per month; Residence, $3.00 per month. Multi-party line (on circuits hav- ing 3 to 10 telephones)-Business, $2,75 per month. Multi-party line (on circuits hav- ing 11 or more telephones)-Busi- ness or residence, $2.60 per month. The above rates for individual and two-party line service will ap- ply only within the Raee Rate Areas, which are defined as foie lows: In Wroxeter- That area bounded by McLauch- lan Street to the South, the How- ick-Turnberry Boundary to the West, 400 feet North of Highway 87 to the North, and the boun- dary between Lot 15 and Lot 16 to the East, In Gorrie- That area within the municipal ,limits of the Village of Gorrie and North 300 feet of Highway 87. Rates for supplementary services such as extension telephones and bells, connection and moving tele- phones, etc., remain unchanged. Service may •be furnished on a season basis for temporary resi- dents where the telephone company has the necessary facilities avail- able. This season service will be supplied for a minimum of seven months and the exchange rate, ser- vice connection charge, and any construction and installation charg- es applicable are payable in ad- vance. If the seasonal subscriber wishes to retain his telephone from year to year, a suspension of ser- vice charge of 1,00 per month will applyeduring the months the tele- phone is not in tise, In which case no re-connection charge is appal- able. This application will be heard be- fore the Commission at its next re- gular meeting in Toronto, Any representations to be made to the Commission with respect to this application should, therefore, be submitted on or before October 26, 1951, and addressed to the Chair- man, Ontario Telephone Service Commission, 't Queen's Park Cree. cent, Toronto, Ontario If you desire any further infer- Illation in reference to the heed for increasing the telephone rates, you may apply to the undersigned, either personally, by telephone, or by leetele Dale., October 10, 1901, James H. Wylie, Secretary ' 11:18b RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent oppor_ tunity, Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. 3-453-189, 4001i Richelieu, Montreal, 11.b THE P & H C NURSERY having a licence and now a Registered Vendor, No. 30244463 for Ontario Retail Sales Tax, have the pleas- ure of announcing that the Nurs ery will be able to supply from stock or shipment your needs for plants, roses, evergreens and gen- eral nursery stock from Canada's best, wholesale companies. Your patronage will be greatly appreci- ated. Fall and spring raspberry canes and strawberry plants available now. Telephone 741W21, Wingham. 11-18b Doctor, This Is Arnold . . . Our Specialist On Internal Disorders Of The Transmission W1NGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 Yes, you'll find here plenty of specialized "know how" on every phase of car servicing. Whatevelealls your ear yon can be sure that we'll "diagnose" the trouble correctly and do what's needed to "cure" it so it STAYS cured. To keep your car in "good health" always, frequent checkups are suggested. FEMALE HELP WANTED Cement Septic Tanks STEEL RE-INFOUCED AND WATERPROOFED MADE AND INSTALLED Backhoe for digging holes and drains and other excavations Pumper for cleaning- tanks RONALD FORSTER - PHONE 29 - LUCKNOW S13-1327e- FULL-TIME middle-aged house- keeper wanted. Martin Haber- ,mehe Union St., Listowel, Ont. 11-18-25* WINGHAM MOTORS FREE PANT SALE Here it is men, during the annual Free Pant Sale at Armitage's in Wingham,. You may purchase your new fall suit, for as low as $55.00 with extra pants FREE. Yes, it's true-until October 14th you can order your new fall Suit in any pattern or style you prefer- from Bonds full range of 100% pure British made woollens, and extra pants Free. You don't have to take delivery of your suit right now-you can take it in Oct,, Nov. or Dec„ if you so desire-but you must get your order in before Oct, 14, the closing date of the sale - at Armitage's, Wingham. 4-11b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act-We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing- ham 378, Palmerston 123W or MOhawk 9-5564. Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. License 100•C-61, rrb PHONE 139 WINGHAM NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ADDLE MAY ABRAHAM. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on the 13th day of September, 1961, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 28th day of October, A.D. 1961. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 6th clay of October, A.D. 1961, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 11-18-25 SATISFACTION `RURAL WOMEN' filiARANTEED ALUMINUM Christmas selling starts early with AVON. Turn your spare hours into profitable ones. Im- mediate openings in East and West Wawanosh and Turnberry Townships. Must have ear. Write MRS. E. BELL MB ALBERT ST., WATERLOO or phone collect SR. 5-0751 before 8.30 am. AMBULANCE Service J. B. ACTESON, D.C. Di'. of Chiropractic X-Ray WROXETER Phone 21081 Hours: Monday to Friday, 10-4.30 Evenings: Mon., Tues.. and Thurs., 7-9 DEAD STOCK WANTED CALL - S. J. WALKER FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $7.00 each MINK HORSES, 4c lb. Combination DOORS from $32 .95 A. LORENZ DURHAM Call long distance DURHAM 493 collect F1.5rrb PHONE 106 Day — 189 Night WE'RE DESPERATE. Our lease is expiring, The building is to be sold. To keep our Store we must raise cash to buy the building, $50,- 000.00 worth of merchandise is dumped on the market for what it will bring. Entire store is loaded with bargains. Buy watches, dia- mond rings, jewellery at wholesale or less, Sterling Silver or gold- filled baby lockets, reg. $2.50 to $3.00 now 97c. Costume jewellery, all the latest styles, values to e4.00 going at 98c. Men's and ladies' guaran- teed watch bracelets, reg, $5.95 to $6.95 now only 1$2:95. Ali movie Cameras, projectors, etc., going at close-out prices, A wide range of transistor radios how at give-away Prices. Cuff link and tie bar sets, values $2.50 to $4.50 now 970. All dinnerware and silverware prices drastically reduced. No matter &bat you buy, you just eanit help sav- ing money. KEN HENR/C11. Jewel- lers and Diamond Merchants, 2nd Ave., Owen Sound. 1113 • ALUMINUM BUTLER, DOOLEY and CLARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 West Street M. 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON • TRUCK LETTERING • COMMERCIAL NS COX SIGNS A COMPLETE SIGN SERVICE Combination ACHESON'S WINDOWS from $22.00 • ALUMINUM Dead Stock Service Barristers, Solicitors, Etc). Wingham, Phone 4$ J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.O. It. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. $1.00 per 100 lbs. plus bonus for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle, Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (no toll charge) - or ATWOOD 356-2622 COLLECT SEVEN DAY SERVICE License No. 103C61. PH. 518, WALKERTON RAILINGS THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Mead Office, Dimgannon Established 1878 BOARD OI' IHREC'TORS President, Brown Smyth, FL R. 2, Auburn; Vice-Pree., Hereon Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, Dungannon.; George C. leettgan, Goderich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Donald Mael<an, Ripley; John le, MacLennan, R. It. 3, (loderieh; Frank Thompson, H. R. 1, Holyrood; William Wiggins, Flt. It, 3, Auburn, For information on your insur- ance, call your nearest director who is also an agent, ot the secretary, Durnin Phillips, Duligettriteir, 'phone buttgattrime ea" a " Jtielty62 A. IL MCTAVISH T. 0000ALL FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION S QUALITY PRODUCTS ONLY at LOW PRICES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PVIILIC TEESWATER A' ONTARIO Tel 892-7373, Teesevatee licroXeter--Every Wednes&s, afternoon, 2-4 p.m., me by appOintment. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Etc. Office-Meyer Blook, Wingham PHONE 14 MARLATT'S SPRAYING BACK FORMER BEAUTY Dead Stock Service FOR SALE $1.00 per 100 lbs. raid for Dead Cows and 'Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled C/oeve quid Horses Accord lag to eize and eomiltioto role PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE/ CALL COLLECT , Bruce Marlatt Brumels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENSE No.85-0431, 544I.P.411 Give your unto a new lease-on- leeks with our expert paint job. What a fabulous difference it Makes! The costa Less then ye/1'd think, Very fast service, too, 14 ft. Fiberglass BOAT 25 Scott MOTOR Arson TRAILER PRICE NEW $1550 WILL SEM FOR Frederick F. Hornuth Phm.Ii., R.O. Carol E. Hornuth, R.O. Mrs. Vida R. lloseath, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE us Harriston, Ontario if. C1 MActEAN SEE THEM ON DISPLAY NOW AT MARKS BROS, General Insurance and Real Estate I3ro1Cer JOSEPHINE STREET Phones. 115 and 31 STAUNTON HARDWARE AUTO BODY Mateo iihrvocitet Josephine Street PPILMIA 10 - , '850 CASH Jack Gorrie - Phone 041 "'":‘ -"'"..;"-.4 r.