The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-11, Page 2Tite wt14,1$ uvrome
Bre Prevention
the ..eur. strike.f.
,avernge can34ian ht,:nes
every 41a -y. !lc t'ire
An& the abl.,-.ut these
tires is that thQ;-.nsan,ls 4.d thettl
have beet -4 Thel-
never have hail-.1,ene-4.1!
h is as 11, Ib3s
that the Eat,i,- n :s Fat' e-
Verilti11 'Wei&4.
Nearly ,of ilTiriz in
un are catir-el by ntatehelz arA
zarel'ess Ttasv
another vtlent-:- .4-eni-ent are the reill",;t
Sittiply tisir..,; :ate with matches
:ars an,1
pipes. 'we Ca7.7, vast ire
keel:as vw
zhiltiren the7,7?,.
a1 ±
ture that
The Wingham Advance:rimes
P-witited at Wiizes!--t.,tri
Wooger Eras 1.zzated
W. Barrv Wenger, President
Robert 4,0 Wenger, Seiretary-Treas-mrer
Mernber Azzatt Eoreau arealation
Author:rod Ty the. Poet ..o-partment as
S'zCatt'sM for payziett 'zit postage
Sulosi-Jription Rate:
Doe Year $4.04:3; adc=oe
ICA& $AX; per year; Forsto rate SEX per l'EEZ
Advertg Rates et appliern
very, Job
4.117 et!.. -17i4-,7.41
t'ire 3.11
1113-1' t7 -I3-41
"Iht° rr;:110.1.
Fine it-eventti Vteek this
Fire Preventicra always
in the week 4-.-cntaining t.tett-Iper
vvas that %lay 11:;71.
that the 'Great Fire trwke
12t, The0-.3:.-,4,goir
un.,3 43 liusana
terms ci ctIttztrticti,on
;he Chi:a3,-.:v) vr.t.,perty dantag,e
have rtan inn')
The tt;Teal 1hi..ast747$ Fire, in ',di-
ItU Ira:P.4. and oosily. had
ck-,,nstrt.:ctive face -t — it tnade
fiTe Even-
titall7,- it the
need rerted r4atii-;.nal fire
F...•.-WZID year the ti:tneen. by ,,rcf.da-
ti:aItt.-..,:n, sets ,o -eek
4.74i." I i !1+4er 4th. as F'ire Pre-vet:3172411
Wetlii Cara0u, 1.ast year,. in this
e'7'.13TS., fire lit";. -4-4k the lives .cof
,i-ove:•T Flit) pe.Tr•':''!-•.:5. 111'3111Ner 2-30 Of
:hest, beint.y. ,..r.ltiMrera, Fire lt.)sses
t.`araila hal-e,47.1.e,5 12).4,000„4/0
year ill a 1-4-3W.
the srillstantially each
VT. It is to, the interest Of all to re-
q.mrstives the
"8-141-s- THANK°F.FERING Trousseali Tea,
RE 11 DEACONESS 'iShowers, Honor
,Odober Bride
'Me Wamens itirissidona-y Society
of St. Araltew's Presbyterian
held its '1"-u-knEsrit-g
Mrs. .7.ame.s Nem- „stej, tris,„••••••
;7.7 Isav ,4a
V-437.;:se .M.S.T.1" took p'ane Satur-
day was feted •.,:„-rins -..he wed_
a several showers and E
the C1-.Z17r-b iESt trousseau tea.
day with the flrst vire-pre6em..4.. ‘i Mrs Erarie
the etts.r, ..:Mined at 8, tEE her
NEis- let -a -An !end a a‘---1 danghter-S hS711^,V.: T•Zeveining gaests
United Nations
B.:c Marvin Hane,
• ....04.01**01-wolot
Win" twatommt,01.44,.4.004.,,,..4.-..,„-Iromu.0114,47,MCMEralotrnanftlmleRMAMT.IPM110.4.41,1finfet *1.101tOWAV4WCII.WWirX4M40,01.1410e.V1110yr4r1IT,
ozte ;zither dzr„ a$ i•;$ cri$ frab5t, tare af aZ things temporal "We ..ize that trne those, who have /earh-
l: r„ -Naked tip the "Neix Testament tratght noth,hg„ into tha wTr1:1, ed tr.:at and obey EMI.. Ple,
3412,f.,-Frn. Sperszl" Z Eta- arzl aertu-in that -hre' CE4'), take. is a real and ail to the rainute ans.
=pa 7:. tranelatiaii. Curd. rizt" Timothy 46 7. -.ler to every prah-ern
ttlis the Thesealrnans, ;the sve are vinfrorted.
have .r.o ord witith shau-'74 ,1;=1--ra cat Elarhg fro= the radta speakera '
attilation- 3 Them, 4'7.7-.)-11 when lie sait °Seek ye first rezently was the offer of a, "Free
Eaa strangely this is in orntrust. Ewagdzm tGroil. and. Eis
"th the er•-`1`-7 Prev-Alezl• 41174 ziCZ' tesv a1-* el the !eX.-24"4,g ZnE=- 1
zrld ,;_t today! Mast cd' as find shad be; a.m.aed. to you.'" Mutt
at we do have a goal En rife- ' "Iln*:,-1S the ET..1^2.e re=„aira
titer we ever see the fairCtment
ar dreams or. nat Far sonter,
e .4sza.), .siir.L71,y b•Mer
hante-riew fairaiehLgn
*re left vat et' cur calzulaticas-
; bemuse perhaps we aie caught
ap the papmlor -rat traoe'"
keelnag wIta the 3 zcze-.S's. It*
Smiths r whatever the mighbriora
name happens to fittF
! forget ItrAt the Word ef 4aod
PS tat' the traraistory
!forever elaset -to gather claSt.
reMote corder cr. rip in ^the
arta: xv.tlit the utniah bars al,.
. air -241;1.d the years,
any wat'aer thin, that life
sore prate:eras far
of us? We choose to gra'are
the cants:el or the ot....."y .11,1an VaiD
i.ved who e-,...aoessf ad -4-7 =et ,
-every to.tailenge ldre pressr.t.
We treat Fr!, --1 either with can-
• tempt er ;distant and faii rea.J.
zs citoolderitie that Zoms irz-
I 'rites ;IF,: tE the. Narrow Way? Yes, !
! far =any the ettoiee this
Lc----inle '4* --a- s,--mse 47airrtval
vaLues whith can the -itapor-
:sot between the ales,
of Week-ead 41 -roadway -or,
the wondrous asenronze Eta- .
-an 3 -leaven Whieh
ls mare .,mpartant yatt, ray 4ear
:Teazle r? 44-1ELN7F, twFl..54
W4 ---at "cad you do Thaniestiv,
g Day this year. 1 hope you
iclidret L4-.7:st aromind the house a=
ratir,g beer, and watching
-1 grauP ttnik-aboaliierstd, thdork-
skuued garZlas, moving a
baD la,Fvr• and forth
ion a, large green field.
Same years Aga, desid to net
aade Thatiks.4vin,g nay as my an-
nual day el vv./At t4,44"-ik---s. if this
seems revolationary. you may as
!well onis that I also combine With
i Rems!',1-!-Ean-44, Day whith I don't
A shrtot time ago 1 rend so areal:el enjoy ;th ':•.;.toveraber lith ber.arate
ottnert #1 it's too arld and bleak m -ti sae..
wee..t sninnetit'mg 7..1e, this: then.,
It may he that co,amaFi',., ferea;)
't As a residt, enob Thatks- gatthg-
padoy rial triaPre. be -
few, any 'of the patthd-• 4 4112.41 m'Y riga''44, *sr*"
.ar...,a„ Lave Arzythimg „tf from the ng eying green e the
av, forth:gm golf 42,mrse..... from the r "at how trona
7:40--.7- is r..7,54 a pale refte-tion qak"-2--kz:tg defp, Ira= w'ma 1M4
And then the star, and all the
tear, good, Ella-do:as friends, and
the fine ant the Tat scares.
Most of the friends were
• ant :it hurt same. Bat now 7 tive
thanks for them, that they'M dever
g7row am4 bald, and sunken-
', theeked, and pra-heilled„ arid sick.
There was lots to be 7:"tteul eor
; after the war ion, says this l'intle
i rime that's been pushed front
me r.ose, 3 agree% .1fr beer: a hap-
wantierfr1 experierate, every e43-
!zt =2' ZnEtreage, ant there's not
many fellwms can type a wae
i that iwth n-oe. hard. ..ant the other
Inwistat bewmter itzeir shoulder
7 Then the.1.-e were the b3,-77-tir._ff
.! fatherhood to be "44,s -r• -•*1 for. Two
rare ones me got. With hot loirotou
_ :; wilth the ..hnstess add the - • , shad -a- M' 7441- hartriA‘ses ' •-
- 0 -
Ladies' Bowling League
bowIng started out with_
very good satres, The battie
far high score was ,-nskle,ly botmeen
..SiEttiS. Sharon Sangster
j the Falettis and dean Ming of ibP
Dar2•7 '54 -m -on howl,: S. singles in.r
257 stith a triple of
3esan hoWled enigites 213 and.
2.2B vtth a trIple of "23.2"-,.
.11,-.2Pea the various
teems were Verna O'Hare trith frol
41'4 Tsin with 25D.,s are- Ramblers, It ;welts
ant Corraars with 13 points: Darts.
Faleara and Comets With 1 pt.
- -
Men's 'TelIVA League
The Menls Town I...vague ,got into
- the second week on Moinday night
with a very' poor turnotit. TOE
'math turkey: no doubt :tient week
should get ththgs bark to normal
.; The Rockets went down to defeat
, the hands .a tmicisz tea= -7,-D
,!although Mar Ritshie es_one we with
ri„.go inple zor tme with a..
far .1.-ke Baskets. 'Elmer Pura= of
the it...a:NM team came up licith 325
i for high S',..ingle for the tight
; Iiees tDDIE p-'n'ts from Barker,
! a.s did rat have a. fia.=
;taro oat '
_ wagg;mg .1=g-nec 'The Eydro Tes,-1 want tom -a to
_gm 4e -se -where -
St. LnIces Gospel trod _n a.s...-wat •
was row CoMstopher woad)... of
INstheha.-7„ another a the gnortim
iltese wr.ort's
traa ortn:?-17: MINIZIEZ zhe sweet nature
Bath ,yeaut I try to spend" of their dad. ..t.ea ahee.m as art.
-defer.' 542 agel,,st '74,4;; Mustangs
Team stanftirugs: CR -SX '11, 'Loos
1-1.-.,,,,,,. Ile circ.zgakiam„ th,,,,.... tam, table was ,6-12-4ET it.,re.„,ser.t at the raitea 72,,...„..k....szsme. part AtE it., 74.......,,s,„.., z„as.,.., ,a.,r4., ab,.......4 $s;,,m,,,,,,,,,,b :,.;:,,, Isa.,..i.... 9. Ets.a.t, ,5, Botkes
; ..
God's gilts 4-1= t
te. zk-
see----e and 11015- i...3 covered with a hant-Itenited Neliews em lorbr Zor at leststlitt remembering and giving t-i-twriks. .7.• raiSe• B.he attfiii'tInS 3.1* i F-. F'-ele• 4-14
VeSt. ammt ..aBatb and deethater3 with ar. Irak the time to read the tre-t1 ifs Dist 2 ptartirAiirkr rertiCaS prf2L. stae----.zg zn naw bEr2k e.7.4 1
pi,-,"a:ms ae.,,, efered h.y. m.„,•es, Dfr, 23-,-"Zge=le7,-It CI 3-t?:11Z-4. tltr:htS a'-'-'4 mendous speeth made by our. Sec-; dnestm.. 'This -is wa cigtie Ter, wear my son's soaks. and dr- wham i Commerelel Bowlers
Rae, xts„ T...c4.3.--.±4 s,,,,,3 24..„.s. Fa ierinteleduaL ,
Tirelraefa, • 4J, • ...r.,:i; • '3i4",P. Itra, • rrr./.0
t,pry.rafmg., litTs. EaT) Daagans, 3.a,rs, , fairs. Mere tva-s no empty reit-era-,
2-V‘•41-vr IMm irass' Niarr'M Z;-,-nts. lits„ Esithieem 1,Lkjok.„ ton el ideas pot forwand 1:134 Other
DarZter IX•7"..eas, mr.....:r-rmr..„-7, in ;:krige, ililts, aarfieliti Era.:.....•.s., Mrs, .4nralte'i's. bire w4* 41! ski --a• fcl-z96',
Formosa •,4- the sit.,,y,ety fre Era IrorM, Mrs_ Wifirret Evara a.nd fal rtion of the .stand taken,
., , the world,, and we sit There belch. 14812sr be -Sin eq. -44.. **7 7 -1,-.3241,Re Is.
a beguest which is ber-g rased fr-r
311zs- 771-rstlk -..-"7-e-444-4- Ity the 4.7.14,-Trodian goverrunt cal,
.. b:1 alci*,,S.,-Inwr an , . - ' , 341„.7" VeL115, attar Urger Itiat baCKM-labil. r-1=71 1,1Lialla be ttatnidul lae was
sohool, wa:s read -.los 122E. seieetery. .1I -s- W ' 4'7°' *-"Thrs 3.47s-- '..4)-t .S.,-;-ne,1-1 tteSE, "ZZLII4ESSiS are 110 Tztall 1
, as I.D tLA,TatEr, ta-le jamt,'„,,,,,ued ,m.,
Arms- V, 111.7;,•7;m7e"e'r-n.
Mrs. Ilv-se-rts Maniedv.
Aztar_gmatta ft.: Etter.„-LEtz.a, mt, 3,,L....s. „..mmeat z.z.7...gat- Easis.sire2 1 --tr the thited Nstiora it...!
the ser...1,,,,t .--,neetaw in H.r.a...f,.. th'e ri....."27;rd: Ian S 1d21.tyk..,!"C!':±: ?
z.t. T; ,cerre i-mi,""te. mos, LmewENZArturxi :t._?,•_,..,t, tjjoi:e.„?,•=t ,17-4.....i The mast "7-7oreflisde sod ''
Saty Pattiz,. arzeon-ra,.„7„te 1.3. 34_,-,!, , ani Iirt, .E.o.try 7,,,,,,,,,ezra shoul,:i i tart 2.7,tal-;:rma fazing the relied Na-,
W E F-erd, - a enkj -4, ---,IS:Rs ,m72.. It ens itiora 'General Assm3:73% as 1 have:
was razral.seeviee. Java thry was made nt 1,1,441 -.4;g:
`e•-i,•'-..Yed. oi,.....e.. rs .......e 21.144^. T • • ,
1Nerwood rr.fited Charch Infass' foe:,,,,...,-, ,i,-.„etero-2,, llowette!r„ as 31,fr,:73°_, .-kL.„ :WitIvz144-')-lat, lt--* g• ---'"e by, and I've orf,7 be.gth to
retary 3il•tate for Al- the ass, bethre. Nalen we go as 1, wort 5:nd a. pahrof -.„ shd
aura& and the mter rerainds Tat sure wont he out, or:rex al -
i 'Lae bowlers -were settnhg zown
US Klan Ve ta thankind for„ tarfk
and •ef atn the leetzurting people in And tem ;ferns ht the ZIeW"- :17.1SE21-n7EnZi
ast week .....
..o;ozt 'WEINE• the iticabl=s the -a-.7.,rt,a ,jam boa nem.
cua stbren SD we could get snot evem armlivzirftd d'arFara that
and faijany •sanoke. decade or pin.ln.1„- his srte
No, don't fion downo '71•_•s74,1t-e,. into aa the heal; rarbolent c=r-
givin.g Day and render lengthy and tants of m-nstrl =oar We.
tedious II -IR -TATE, thr-it Za2-.±'"En SZE' TiEM zatn the :s7 -1!--1-;'-i.3, sad
not m=„goloil. s, 0-s-t-eLi-
therE's ea': in the ° emd rood waold he pore 3tez z aneirR-
A presantatith of ail'ver teal in.iboxted prello= netest re- , a st.v. the ,a,m4 ar,:ithr-z•
Xles W Josr
itzi-->"‘ irrfrrrrt. .M keen a nowah tof suo.,- lama to- —gs ;44,--kra..1
' 3111. X4"2-17' :;S .111V1,
"ttie e spemle;er, Miss 1.4ily Mae- was tz 1 stitarn for the knock-woot vaewety, w-mh thew",n .33a.12 ;11 ?y,,E,r.
Arthur, of ollorderiah, ;a reemea 4114.-lacA by the +17.:_t1,-zrth ox.`t.r.S. the sr4ole tras-"•4ess. 71 -Char.
emett thE. Pzedstipziam CayZt.zN, EitM 44:7,--zde v.:is Neronad Mrs '117 I do is conw-ntrate am a= '4'e good
ques4dan.' .wka must Er -ward TA.;',..sno telo o =mos
ke •th am shower outn h -doe- ,11 1'15.1SY*S botterar.'::-"771-' bkre hapoonet - pil -Es
zz_ Left sty lionger withaitt dthit2a
tilEratrIC..Mg, Zad rercJiewed ft.=
both the Old adri New Tet.tehrts-"s I
J.I':-.5fL-'21k. LET Prat,
C;171 MeetS
ittmea the rai-t-2.-.4 .T•r*Fer• ISCO.U1 Halt
za 71,11 1
e spa e close re %terns 4:4rthk
between gitte. iPtesetteoi- a was ty the 1}X•L,-' nat. sarA. exigtszimea= 1 the past, grj,te
tE"Ph' i :tit=
speaker mtd, MM. ,I'etege
? 4;1 F'or *Malr..rili. rm. ,!eeta tA,.. • • ; - I • .
i 5-'n. ''')e haTt. bleft Ir -L5=7 iat.18.5 P".0 44-''' • ' ' -
1:5z-zwar.,5 for the soldlith sof 3t.ns'l 1 ".'t-'1 th? PrI2*-7::IS 1 ''''' '7.1."-1 a' Tbe Cktiabs....r '1'-...k-'•44er''rg =tee -4
;{ ;,,-:,,,ot-2ent, „one that 0 -ms emadder2 PI** cl il-31 •I' -'--'''z'-', 'EL -1 7 'w•Els :.,mg e the W"'s l';-44.!..1--.. So -
1 learned a 3:1 a..„.„4.,,tr „...j1. w•,..e..„,„„ raa,„.,,,-, cs.,-,,,A,
where an Lndirlilusl is em_pottted V3°.5 IL -4-447 • *--I 7
sras belt the room ant
earry oat the s4Ts.:;-rs of. the se...v.-. irt-t't "theY 14-134 2.7"-:134 was opened with gracer az," the
Ei-r".E.141 tr,t,-,-m-,*,--ztet, Seter; mi;/„ th
.t.r-nran...tor, and the Gotrorth '713er =eeting or the
Atin.l.lary- W---1___!itam were s-,zesis .Czb Mothers' Arm-Tip...7 Et
hint t2he the rheetz-x la":1=51. VireZinf4:i3'
Lt. My; mother 32r.ra. frz. 2--reme,,.„3..
wo-L.-jd rive asslet=ts or ^-2--;-.1-*-t 235'' of rt,=Telr_E TAMS MT -
, En "'if you ..32..went
22? E37..e.E] int Mm. Mara&
road the
say of a persint say moth:mg' wto itta •etarge a the
ri-..12.-g or:1 eir
are vLtally kr` F"." ---.1;')e• Mrs. Eames rend the Strilol,..ze
••=o -
lei tea z.tes, -457. nee.47,e Et...5 in njuestin..t. because of the •Le -s" l--.tsver7 alrE., S,
ZoMMIZt) alone. .7be ILD 171":"2:2 Zere5 Trayer.
wrjz 1.-EtV1 er=3.,t- •s;:- ; '1147eopers Are Neecle,' ;was 47:!--g
Father Dies in
St. Catharines
11` - ZRS-14-741V72, trieT9i
cf !Vali= Mo.
VIEL,-, :a thc:3,2,,,, tter'';'.1 tt.D :elItErlt7 4123** or a rzia.ske 4-',1t on go
cur et.r=s 4=t1
vas anT12.--117 ernix.. `The
'Soiriset. trairn '4.zawsv seen fa to create
there a 11...:27, El,'gs
71Stbe l'eEzz-
, frititt;=4__zfotgthrea..t of
kt-4m,-,r3 Lt.
There ate three ways in
th:e be a the .z.e.ran sazatitm
.The... L.:tat t.n, focus Werrla atter-
et thrt the -,o.meas w•;..e =srts and mem.,./---;e1 A-ntl- -113z121 g4•14P41, 7.16- Za.-vE .-11 and was en-
!!'"" the Sal:gee." ZIEX 17::=7 We '4'1"4"4 far' -'4Y b41":ma FtleaLtrat tbe 1211 L'aZI
to --ice- 1,-.C; for the Charter W44r4., :5'4'4' * ritrst knve. romr•-mC The speziaa stwatk,r was :Kits
1 . ere- .z.F1)!O•![•,-,,,g z:1 ret.E.o..4 hands •cm, tait,
„„„.*, 0,11,1 se.Ek tar hato the srosa brans, and sle2-. ta-A Its %,,,er -7.17 seek mt..
;ant twr tart te:31;es nurot:ssed, tit -47z, gzirre- e:--117141. l'Alf!:14:Ore 111, glett thy. yours. to= ;von% 1.-aset njmPYS
102=rig bffilM 15tttr:r ett2.17,11-itzal the
t1gro-itr„ 4 -ns stn- Mr ant
311--s Gordon in 'St.
V. -1r nett.
wt. 3r.„frkgratt., who was dri Ens
'Eon =2 4:4f, ;"-:
'hy the two
; r‘t rcraz Ota-az's
11.1"2=-'1.eF,. th? Szz= FP".1 r,8d
-1;15, v
-aon.ltpr ow
. inter pid-471.-tase a owem-
n,rn-Lst,„--,:,, ttitt sotool s,„Lot horet-rg be bead artenther
'Er wink- nnetmben-•lfte„:..mhe•_-,1
salved lianth M the '-attse
Etr'....LiateS" "EIS wEra, ?ar • ET. Lt
t'S Mt!' .1=E,
'Pante v..1
at2 7hT
1-7,,ftgtrt. 7,41 grandahllt-
37trnied. Ara:a ar
*red alter Mis.s Aloe. Ill'itngtart
acmgizztt wat.
ett nr,
ItaLttn.e.t). Se 4-o9 sirp'..3
eliznoth. sihned Utr3 4`..*`'`I• boards nrc.
the le;o4Atts beet I
tarp stedrioa; lira!' .1
the fs,-...orral Ir;sz; .1.1=4soilty
ttvitt 'JoeHi ith
Cer, Str:t 1-Z4tz2...-**th
;11t.1...tttuott ,
OP_Itext!".; °MP
,,btittlitEzs 02.*e
pees cart3ed gmiLL
z1124trtt .1
BOX 390
."1.= cri The zeree the
flour po7W-S Eri.thlted Eh no doubt
17,, they have an try-2tatioh
7.1. the ft-zir
V.:7±..11tea lyittItts
tt izet.arffry .
trt, ent
nt ct the att.. dtatas.
A1 -3s
'near ttional treg-=e thy, lom41.-'n-g, ner47e.'4",
as a reeent eeilegate t.n ...the
7,1a.e t.t.te ts6-„5:.± 41.1 '1E04
42Lttit' e2--"5 "ziat'*-4'''' fiailrat =or nortait Cat-
W±ghtztt f•'=" 'X'''",••;± 7'4'1 •if.toea gate grd.44';'netne to the i
zio,sij.„'.3aettetizon .4,1L•st' L7;85 ",..:±1MELT e =7-7FAJV ta.
d** -*Ty "attitE'
the !Ake, fato, eitritztst .Erto'irint
ict 411.1* crtt, do.tsmr2 :7L1 z•-italit 30_15 $xyzlivini.
$0,2n. erpOssil
and sparkng whe firm fits= latenth- .litiloarro. 'ht.- world This
;es Iota are mothers now. and e,,,:lseit'.7.01,-F sh-7E-a
VeS14 Off Ile tte 3dash- tae 7. -7.2. -..ere we try. 'In set. 'al?
beg foreign correspondent sve oriir
.g.t&e3 as a hiziU id- a boy. 7.che neta
vit„.2.22.3, ett raze vp_
gdowth of the wfil hive to
be eit9e.ratt with mthe
the iln-Lni:54-212 who may be oar
tra=ifat. Mrs W 1,-atirytki thanked
ISM Z".1--st..-d. for her spleliid
t4m.-17-_,treri_ was tratelved 'Cahn -eta -7-1.; theta, Pat ,
by Mrs. Cverorge Fwtoss trod Mrs, E SI-1'2141:e"'sl *Z",="± -1-i7
1F -t73 *-
LtSarkira-...u! trees:,
1E:7:4 it.,(t.".1 Matt:Int, Etc. vale vet; SVA, Fe=4''
had rermited gl.fts of =they from Mts. gen Wzrle7 Et21-5Et1,1"Mhe
71011, att-t,-.A =;$., tern 4Z--114its"' anti ofiEters
c2t1te Ptm;
tttl iirzr:ZA grate‘sAit° 0§, Fittnit; treaS,. Z1.7.317
ter:z213 prod:roe more El",ted. ;
tort.L'!.tg maternal for NI/IL ,:t.v.k Gram neVe.Z 4Tht
V=IirttLe IZVE' 110*.t,P
,sitss -eft eLf pefl. *-n Mit_Vitbout w:Itte.psta.,
SVel."1.=/0 lic=-115 heid P-sLi tt,t-st„ Wg.
).4,:ttlirt. et 'W.f4.5(.1" tes 4'."' 16E0.-%‘ Vett RiOStr*I'vier.4
air2.3 'Mts. V Co:...-ptr ut_ye ,S.-"Ezlet Et•VAT
eZZEZT:14,11 Thir
1 Ittt Prt-" "O'n :Mita 411:e ="rd. .i.-VP2r5 are Pem,LtXtzTat.
re,"!--istor said: "Zzi my* view '14-7s
Assr.7_.-a-Ey and wanit ap-...!._74 mist
itsts4' that tiyoe. be tin L1 11-
'hit of' nnalear svottp--;-,s"
.1td• ""'„2,2-. the 1!!inted Natitra
Ca. eraLats= s -v* -4\-d:
althe ty-stt-tation
-t 1t1
uas VETS.' cX-1
t„ ter....eks-Lts, ,e2.5
...tit the .4r' -'t ,irintpethron for
satitary er'"'iv,44",'"a
the ezzapheltetate statertrat
Fresidett. g. a week ego pm-
.r&L,Its basis for ZEZ,Z.S.
g011ation.*atsda. noztperated ;az.;
tivey in the preparatitin ;c1
Ettocrtant dew gT, 'tot
2:4••'De's" was forthrl':1-4
!.-tatth st--1 even thongh
Ve. 'Matt -work in an2....psrEti-= aty5
ctz,r worl!k..rn
t.Ittre .trsz as
gt.r=e trz-aleteti1lre fisar,:t. eitt
ter,4,-:!nation mote
iflErA MEV 111T':1 the =Met" ,Er
t pa&s.L...Mg tat.t.
frgffri-ma ih:s. cap -
Tans VR',", 21tit' Ztara fZeqat-TitilY,
Swarair.; cane with the
1.1g1 2 f..46
14=e- haa th 1i with'
the, sref.Ert-S'
EElb Viith T.47,2ri
tile tif:th cfa
PLates 17, Dod-
gem 76. Crioles 11;„ B.'aves Id, Red
7-ogs 71, Tigers 43.
irg iarrogrzetti1a-
tiara to rad' n=r3
Peaathy2 bf l'itague, •
or. the2,1 1"ite SitZZES an their :pen-
• ;mg ...Light
Fa:2=4-4'g lite zr,s1"...14tzez scrwitze
ima 4Matio.,-.;a1 ct7r.4-z,v-t,e4 by '''rbe
Ltre Wires-, the girls IP;374ed the.
erelts 77v.zle this fal`li arid the
..6'.'srtlz.-s4.-r: per.loi
41'ee7.2 Trzrzb.1tS",
Amy gdziberz-e-,,,11 11:Z and 17 is
Iv L.g t the.
Wing -hart reitr.4:14C,iaroh anY Sas-
day ti71it at svveo 4S'elook.
=embers sx;11. tahe
P`lat'e zt 'IFIT:367.-e. Oztr.her 17.
Bridge Club
fe:l.owilog were the results of
the regular triiig,e dab meeting on
Thursday eicenntg in the council
h ,
North and Sauth--1, ns5 Yvonne.
MaPhenson and Bill Laidlaw:
Mrs. p, TrIodgs and Wilfredi
2, Mrs. a Fier and Mrs.;
G. Gannett
East and West -Mrs E. Crawford '
and Mrs. li. Camp:Oil:, 2. MM. R.
ril,n,'13.s *ad Mrs. A. Wilmt; 3, A.
M. Forbes anJ A., Wilscn.
Mrs, j()1111 Hayes
Dies in London
mrs, Jobn Hayes of %Ingham
died on in London. She
batl suffered long illness.
The former Margaret Jane Baird,
she was born in West Wawanosia
in 1881, a daUghter of the late Wil-
liam Baird and Rebecca McGirr.
She attended Zetlaral School and
„Alas =and/4 04 Mr. Hayes, who
predeceased her. The couple had
no children,
Surviving . are two brother
George Baird and Jack Baird, b
of 'rurnberry Township. Four's
ters and four brothers predeceas
The funeral was en Friday from
the R. A. Currie & Sous funeral
home with interment in Winghara
eeniaery and Pastor K. H. Nimb..
Qf ficiating.
The pallbearers were Jim Camp-
bell, Reuben Appleby, Dare Eadie,
Torn Metesdfe, Charles Martin and
Milo Casemore
314K1131111111111rM111141111:111:110 11:1:11.11CIWIMIKI3111311111131111111.W.
It 0 D. A. Special Prices 1
A Ext.eient. source a Vitamins and 37ineeals
.711 IDAVITES, 100's
CAPSULES, 100's, reg. $1.15 . , . 88c =
li 250s, regular $2.29 $L88
ii L13_4_ BRAND SWEETENER Reg. 79e!
;II SACCHARIN TABLETS, 1.4 gr., 1000's ....59c 1
gr., 1000's, reg. 98c 79c I
ii -6 Polo Tablets 500's
i A.S.A. "Dee Tee" BRAND,. Special 1
77c i
ft - ---:
a Regtibir *
Beg. 69e each
2 for 69c II
3 for 48c
Special 12c, at 4 for 48c
A. 1,efreshing imigorant
BABY'S OWN SOAP, reg. 16c, at —
An IDA.. product for upset stomach
STOMACH POWDER, reg. 9-8c.
Regular $2.49
MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS, 300's — .77c Ilk
MINERAL OIL, 16 -oz., reg. 65c 2 for 88c
Cod Liver Oil CAPSULES, 100's, reg98c ..77c
Milk of MAGNESIA, 16 -oz., reg. 50c . 2 for 77c
BATH EPSOM, "Economy" Brand, 5 lb. _ ,33c
> 7_
• (ZPA-4,,n_z_ 18:
..eli11311611111,1!Willitill1111111.111111,1,111:1111.11.1111,111111 1111' 1.1111.11111111/1
vrt, c,Gatr. rec.:gam...A-ea
sztrin With Mire graarits
:.:71-eir 465 nn+tot-dande. They
have held four meetings ant sleet-
ed tdor offizw$. Sest-t,m10 groups
took part :in a tour of cals-X on
'Sent_ 26, while the twoE-e"...,"tr
grnammst ar1...t a c :al= to ee-
l:*"The GT=3:i'.
Bath were snaeriarl Tare *.two sen-
ior grotips mei! ETEry sermt3
On O.. 13ete tQz.,•1_
leet pavaies rf.r1.7.K1C..' 111s
‘2M the aZtellnX..-m
FISt'AX4..r.g the, USZE2 s:f.rg-
s=g, period ema tev,ntional seztire.
v..".1d ses.s3r.n and
srareger 1.'The
leaters tailth thark those. En the
reighbothrot who atr,rara
zo:Opf.rate so Spe&Ity fcr these
hi-nts for Vitange artir7M.
414r, ilietzber HIC,sse-r.
ertilat4- theEL , or the a-
;t:ners The sciperizt,
again Ins. q. W. V44,.. -„In.„'• Miss Mary
Lee Et=o7therk is leader of 'The
Anorleopi"theM% whose offiten ate:
,Pre,a, Barbara Eel: vae-pres,
t the t&de Lt Ca-afti eve?, acr.t.1 vets t'tze-It'-`1Y•eS.• G•I'zrfa (set;
treak„ Vet= E*" ter: Ntiat
—or,, well even pay them for you. Simply arrange a
Household Finance loan to cover all your unpaid bills
then pay them off. Or, if you wish, we'll even mail
cheques to the people you owe, at no extra cost.What
a wonderful feeling 1—getting those bills off yourmind,
and doing business
with HFC, a corn -
any you can trust.
Life insurance
available at
low group rate
;:itth; aimar...14 anycitts
S ..461$ tlit .$
46.;31 sa.eill
ss.2111 41.18 31:455
91.56:! .3.1,: 41.4a
146.5211 94.111 6SS11
201.46 ' '1:111.41:, t4.6.2 S3.71'
22S-93 1147.05 '1107E2! 95.12
Atzte$417aMor.luttiChlr.1:3)/ sue bliscat art a:*
14,140 Mmi.MAYTherAbeetbiluttnzittrieltoelactur
G. N. Crawford, Manager
35,4 West Street Telephone IA 4-738.3
attt' alttrcb
Rev, C. F. Johnson, Th.- Rector
Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist
ZOth Sunday after Trinity --OCTOBER 15th
a.m.-110y eknumuni.on
10;0(4 .;tan.--Siarttk” .SdhA
11:100 :tan,- -MA‘rniiing
Thurskla, Odoher 7,th's•
00, 1:* ----Ex ening Viratli,zi, Pa