HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-10-11, Page 1LONG THE MAIN DRAG
With which is amalgamated the Berrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
WINGIIIA111,- (MAW, YSTRIVO.DAT, OCTIVER 1i, 1-90, ceitta,
By The Pedestrian
The giant earth moving equip-
ment is still going strong on the
construction of the causeway for
the new route of Highway 86 ever
the prairie. Nervous strain among
residents in that area must be just
about as high as the causeway by
this time.
0 0 - 0
Exeter Team.. Wins First
Legion Aux. Tourney..
The Ladies' Ai-ndliary to Branch
180, Royal Canadian Legion, played
host of 27 bowling teams, repre-
senting auxiliaries In the zone, last.
Wed" te4a.v, The ladies were serv-
ed both lunch and an evening meal
at the Legion Home.
Herb Faller presented the Berry
Door Trophy to Hazel Beavers,
captain of the whining- team from
Exeter, with st score of 2787, Mem-
• • er,e teen were Jean Burke,
Peg Hunter, Dorothy Marks, Ter-
ry Heywood and Marg. Edwards.
Captain Rita Silk and her Wal-
kerton team, Marie Meyer, Helen
Bradley, Ruby Schedler, Lee Bax-
ter and 13indy Schnurr, we in
second plaee with a score of .2771.
Doris and Grace Walden present.
ed the third prize, donated by Wal.
den Brothers, to. Aldeen Hick, A.
Milne, A, Worden, L. Weber, J,
Cooper and Kay Duke, captain, of
Listowel, who had a score of 2716.
June Hafermehts Wingham team
Was in fourth place with a score
of 2674. Members of her team
were Dolores Peachy, Helen Case-
more, Norma Orvis, Norma Strong
and Muriel Irvine.
Clinton came fifth with Captain
Hearing a lot of comment from
old timers on the unusually warm
fall season we have enjoyed so
far. Very few days have been any
cooler than normal summer wea-
ther. The treed, however, are' not
nearly as colorful as one expects to
see them at this season,
0 - 0 - 0
The Meyer Block, owned by J,
W. Bushfield, has•been treated to
a new trirn.in grey and blue. Looks
very nice, too,
,0- 0- 0
It would be just as well to bear
In mind the new placing of stop
signs at the corner of John and
Minnie, Several drivers have coast-
ed right through on the Mirth and
south approach 'and, were a bit
embarrassed by their oversight.
Dies. in Toronto-',-;
SUCCESSFUL SHOOTING MATCH—The match sponsored by - the
Wingham Sportsmen's. Association at the club grounds,, west of Wing-
ham, oh Thanksgiving Day was once again successful event The
match got started' ablaut 11 aan, and while the crowd was net -large
at any time, it was steady until supper time. The picture above show;
some of the interested sports as one of the shotgun events got under-
way.—Advance-Times Photo,
Fire Quelled by
Quick Action
Miss Agnes Frances MacLean, a
native of Wingham, died on Fri-
day of last week at Wellesley
Hospital, Toronto, after a long ill-
ness, A registered nurse and a
graduate of the hospital in which
she passed away, she had lived at
the hospital residence for many
Miss MacLean was the daughter
of the late John A, MacLean and
his wife, Annie Patterson. She was'
born in Wingham on March 23,
After attending both nubile and
high schools here, she graduated
from Glenmaur Ladies' Uoitege iu
Toronto before entering training
at Wellesley Hospital. She gradu-
ated as a nurse in1.031.
Miss MacLean was engaged in
private' nursing. She was a past
president of the Wellesley Hospi-
tal Nurses' Altunnae,and at the
time of her death was vice-presi-
dent of the hospital's Women's
Auxiliary. Miss MacLean attended
Princess .Margaret , A n.g 11 c a n
Church, l'Oronto,
pq,1:212112:MoUr sisters,
-Margiiret and ''Siirae"of
Mrs. W. H. 13ayliffe of London .and
Mrs. D. E. Holmes Of Goderich;
and four brothers, Fred MacLean
and H. C. MacLean of Wingham,
Charles of Sarnia and Frank of
Toronto, •
Service was held at the Morley-
Bedford funeral home, Toronto, oe
Saturday evening, following which
the remains ,were removed' to ,the
R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home
in Wingham. Services were held
at St. Paul's Anglican Church on
Monday at 2,30 P.m. With interment
at th6 Wingham Cemetery, Rev,
C. F. Johnson officiating
Gerry Harris, W, Holland, Bess
Black, V, Knight, H. Fairservice
Ii I3., Heywood getting a, total Of
Irene Casernore, president of the
local Auxiliary presented the Aex-•
iliary to Branch 180 trophy for high.
Marg Edwards of Exeter
with 718 copped the trophy and-
June Ilafermehl of Wingham Was.
runner-up with 652. The Currier
Trophy, donated by Currie Trans-
port was presented by Jessie Sell,
Gerry Harris of Clinton took the
trophy for a high single of .258,
whale Rita Silk was runner-up
with a very close 262. Rena, Yelliig
of Exeter won the consolation prize.
Novice Teams
In the novice class a liarrieten
team took the first place with
score of 2119, Members of the
team were Freida Freeman, Irene
Hanna, Audrey Seegrift, Audrey
Wallace, Marg Gilbert, Velma
Bawniber, Blanche Picot, J. Dren-,
nan, H. Buckingham, L. Hyde,..* ;
Hall and G. LaRose took the se-
ond prize to Kincardine with e
score of 1743. In third place on a
score pf 1724 was a Wingham
group, Lila Hickey, Kathy For-
syth, Ethel Day, Jean Renwick,
Adeline Simmons and Daisy Rus-
Winner of the high single was
Audrey Valance of Flarriston with
215. J. Colquhoun of Clinton was
runner-up with 208, Elsie Jory of
Exeter had a high triple of 584 fol-
lowed by Audrey Seegrift of Harris-
ton with 504.
The prize for bowling, BranCh
180, went to Daisy Russell and the
consolation was won by N. Johns-
ton of Lucknow.
The Kincardine Auxiliary keZ,
formed with a humorous skit ait.1
Juanita Holland and Milly Hart-
ley of Clinton played the accor-
dion and piano.
Marg BOgden 'of Walkerton, pelt
district, sports. offieme of Zone
=Mrs. WM.: McCain, zone' etairatfatidI:
er of District Cl and Mrs, Luella
Hall of. Blyth, mast zone command-
' or of 01, each addressed the 3a-
I A number of draws were made.
Mrs,. Rena Montgomery of Wing-
ham won the chair and Stephanie
Scott, Wingham, was the winner of
the hand-painted plate. There
were numerous door prizes.
Mary McDonald, snorts officer
and Ethel Ducharme, assistant,
convened the day's program and
Mrs. Ducharme was mistress of
WROXETER—Soma anxiety was
caused when fire broke out at the
home of Mr. and Mrs,,. PercyHen,
ley on Friday morning, but with
the prompt action of the neighbors
and ;businessmen. . at, waie. confined
be. caused. by overheated pipes from
a Wood heater, into what was dis-
covered -to be a. faulty chimney.
Mr. and Mrs, Henley purchased
the building -. reeently. .and plan to
open a restaurant in the front of
the lower floor in -the very near
Pallbearers" were W H. French,
R. S. Hetherington, J. A. Wilson,
Dr. W. A. McKibbon, D C Nesmith,
and A D. MaCWilliam. Flower
bearers, were J. P. McKibben, T. A.
Currie, Fl. L. Sherbondy and C. B.
Attend Congress
Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Conroe were
in Detroit last week as guests of
the American Recreation Society
at the 43rd annual National Recre-
ation Association Congress.
Mr, Conron, as president of the
Atario Recreation Association, ad-
ressed the congress on "Trends
and Patterns in State and Provin-
cial Recreation Services".
Mr. and Mrs: Albert Coultes, of
Whitechurch, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter, Mar-
jorie Grace; to Mr, Wilbert Sch-
wiehtenberg, of Wilighanl, on of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Serawichtenbergt,
of Mildmay. The marriage will take
place •Saterday; October= 28, 1961, at
three-thirty-o'clock in Wietteglitire
United Chutch; -.."',""' '...tt -',''..-•"ee'efee
Mr. anti Mrs. William Z. Walden I
wish to announce the engagement
of their daughter, 'Marilyn Ada, to
William George Ste, Marie, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Ste. Marie, of
C14fford. The marriage will take
•ace on Saturday, November 4th,
, the United Church, Wingham, at
p.m. File
___ .......,.............
Harvest Festival ,services will be
held at the Salvation Army Citadel.
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p m., with
Brig. and Mrs. J. B. Meakings, of
Hamilton, as speakers, Everyone
welcome. F11b . e .........e...
Will be held Frday evening, Oc-
tober 27, at W.D,IIS, Speaker, Rev.
W. A. Young, Chaplain of the On-
tario Agricultural College, Guelph.
Will be held in the' Wingham
Council Chambers on Saturday, Oc-
tober 14, from 3-5 p.m. Sponsored
by Turnberry Ladies' Aid. F11* CONSTRUCTION WORK on tile new connecting link between No. 4. has been moved in to form the causeway. In the background the steel,
and 86 Highways is progressing at at rapid rate, The picture was taken piling for the bailey bridge over the river can hat seen,—Advance,
on Tuesday looking west from No. 4 HighivaY, and show', the fill that Times Finite.
. .
Moved to Tara
School Were marked by this group of young lathes
When all tltit point: were totalled, Pates, Walker', 11,
left, and Sharon Willie, right, tied for honors in the
intermediate class, as 'did Barbara Boyd, 10, and
Junta Ewing, also 10 years old, for the junior cham-
pionship, shown front, Linda Schiestal, 12, centre
hitch, won the senior school chainpionship.—Advance-
Times Photo,
Max McCarter, who has ma paged
the local branch of the United
Dairy and Poultry Co-Operative in
Wingham for the past four and a
half years has been promoted by
his firm, as manager of the Tara,
Paisley and Chesley branches of the
organization. 'He took up his new
ditties at the first of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. McCarter and
their family moved here from Tot-
into, when he was appointed man-
ager of the Wingham branch. Mr
MeCarter is a native of Walkerton.
The McCarter family will con-
tinue to reside in Wingham for the
present, until accommodation can
be Nand in Chesley.. Appointment
of a new manager • for the Wing-
ham branch of the firm has not as
yet been announced.
Miss Sylvia Sells
Addresses Group
Mrs, Edgar Pattieon died on
Monday, October 9, in the Wing-
ham General Hospital, after a short
She was the former Catherine
Glousher and was born in Blyth 77
years ago. She married Mr. Pat.
tizon at Myth in 1912, He prede-
ceased her in 1958.
She is surved by a son, John, of
Winghani, and a daughter, Laura,
at home. There ate two grand-
children, Katherine and James.
Pattison, ,
She 11 also survived by. four sis-
ters,Mrs. Julia Norman, Wingham;
Mrs. Lena . Meech, Mrs. Ella Bent-
ley, of London. and Mrs. Elizabeth
White, Galt; three brothers, Her.
bent and Henry Glousher of Blyth
and John Glousher of Goderich.
The funeral was held on Wed-
nesday afternoon from the 8. J.
Walker funeral home, with Rev.
W. D. Clark officiating. Six neph-
ews werdt wendthe ,pallbearete. Inter-
ment was in Winghani cemetery.
FORDWICH—An enviable re-
-cord in truck driving has been set
by Carl Stewart, formerly of Ford-
Mein and now a member of the
Listowel staff of Ontario Rural Hy-
dro. He recently won the Ontario
Hydro. championship for the third
straight year and then went on
to culture third. snot in the oven
contest for truck drivers across
the province.
The open roadeo is sponsored be"
the. Ontario Automotive Transport
Asseciation anti various safety or-
ganizatione and was held reeentle
in Toronto. It drew 50 finaliets
firma regional contests to the De-
pertinent of Transport driving
centre at Dnwnsview:
This corneetitlen, which is stag,
ed for drivers of any typo of truck
in the transport industry, was won
by Mike Berick of Kitchener and
Robert Greer of Ottawa placed
second, just ahead of Mr, Stewart.
The 31-year-old LietOwel driver
Wen the right to represent On-
tario Rural Hydro in the open com-
petition • by winning the Hy-tire
championship and trophy for the
third straight year. He obtained
a bye into the finals because of
his success a year ago and success-
fully defended his title,
Carl is the Son of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Stewart and is married 'to
the former Joan Vittie. They have
two sons, Douglas and Gregory.
in the last scheduled home game
of the season,
ioisfclas, 12, eentte, Wen the senior
/14hert Arnastrehg, 11, right, was the
PUBLIC SCHOOL CHAMPS—Top Imhof% Went to the
threesome above who captured the most points in the
einianal field clay at the publie school. Jim Mink, iefti
hi years Old, won the junior theriipion$1/10; John
world/nee of the United Nations,
and allowed pictures of the Yariou3
buildings and rooms. She was
thanked by Mrs. N. Ostrom.
Plans were made to send Miss
1VraerherSen as delegate to the an-
nual Provincial Conference, which
will be held in Hamilton on Oc-
tober 13, 14, and 15.
The regular dinner meeting Of
the Whigham Business & Profes.
Slone' Women's Club was held in
the Queens dining rooln with Miss
Yvonne McPherson, the president,
conducting the business.
Miss Dorothe Comber introduced
the guest speaker, Miss Sylvia Sells
of the local high Scheel staff, who
spoke on the. United Nations. Miss
Sells visited New York hi the holt-
daera and gave an interesting ad-
dress on the organization and
By Ken Harrison
John Merkley and Jim Sellers
were taken to hospital during the
last half of a football game last
Thursday, Jim pulled a muscle oil
his side. John was released from
hospital with a broken collar bone
the follownig day.
Wingham Mustang's 'defeated
Goderich 38-6 in the fast moving
game played at Wingham Distrist
High School.
The two touchdowns in the first
half Were soared by Allah. Mellon.
aidand John Merkley, They were=
helped by Barry Fuller who recoV-
ered two kicks froin the Goderich
team, r
ll In the second half Barry Steward
scored the only Goderich
down. Wingha touchdowns were
scored by Bruce Meehan who ran
, fifty yards to the goal posts, John
Madill rail the convert. Rey Vivian
scored the next touchdown and
Pete Carmichael Welted the -con-
vert. Pete came right back to
score the second last touchdown.
The convert was unsuccessful.
Barry Fuller ended the scoring by
recovering a Goderich fumble and
honors and running the field, The convert was
interinediate urisuccessfel. Thus the .gartie ended
'88-6 tor the Mustangs,
Wingham Meets Seaforth today
i eTshe AOuxctiloibaeriy• mtheetwinigiigehfarntheLa
eral Hospital will be held in thr
Council Chamber on Friday after-
noon, October 13th, at three o'c'ock
Plans will be completed for the fall
rammage sale In the Winghani
Arena on October
218t. Flib
The Catholic Women's League of
Sacred Heart Church will hold a
fall tea and hake sale Wednesday,
October 18, froth 3 to 5 p.m, at the
Legion Hall. Draw for 25 silver
F4 111b
' Will be held in Beigrave Com-
munity Centre Wednesday, October
11th, at 7 p.m. Program. Draw for
softball raffle prizes. F27-4.11b
This year the Fail Rummage Sale
s lonsored by the Ledies' Auxiliary
to Wingham General Hospital will
, be held in the WI/iglu/xi Arena and
the date is -Saturday afternbori, Oc. I
tober 21, at two o'cloelt. This is a
community event for the Wingham
Hospital and everyone is asked to
co-operate, Now is the time to start
gathering articles you do-'not need--
clothing, furniture, shoes, hats,
dishes, etc. Anything is acceptable
and saleable. It is asked that. Co-
nations he left at the Arena on
Friday, October 20. so that they Can
be sorted and marked. If you wish
your parcels called for, a truck le
at your service, -please phone Mrs.
J. IL, McKay, number 118, or Miss
Marguerite AIMS, 208. Don't forgot
that all roads lead to the Wingham
Arena tot the big rithirriage sale on
Pllola eOettaber 21st.