HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-09-27, Page 8IN YOUR NEW HOME ter US INSTALL A VvAY OF HEATIN TAAT WILL mei TOP y _ YOUR SAT/SF,Act 010,411 I S A moo-) ummearaigh PERCY CLARK PLUMBING-HEATING irear SUET METAL WORK-w.- PH 255 - WINCH M oisciiiiimmututimulatiocistimuusini KEN'S , ALIMENT SERVICE PRONE 355 - DIAGONAL ROAD WINGHANI mos Mrs. Ken Graham Terk The Whighaur Advante-Times, Wediteadaa", Sept. SEVEN 'j(, R MASTER CUMBER Mr Ian Pittendreigh of London spent the week-end with his par- ents. Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Winston spent Saturday with friends in Toronto. Mrs. J. Richardson of Whitby spent the week-end -with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride. Miss Ruth Johnson of Toronto. spent the week-end with her mo- ther, Mrs. Agnes. Johnson, Mrs. John Winter; who has been confined for the past two months. in Palmerston Hospital, was moved Satunday to Wingham Hospital. Mrs, Melpha. Holland is spending a few weeks with friends in To- ronto. 3E ., NEW MEMBERS AT C.6.1.T. MEETIN4 FORDWICH -The first meeting of' the C.G.I.T, was held at the home of Sharon and Mrs. Pollock with quite a number in attendance. Seven new girls attended this meeting which opened with the na- tional anthem, Lord's prayer, pur- pose and answer. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Carswell and Mrs. Pol- lack. During the business session it was decided that the girls would collect for UNICEF this Hallowe'en after school, The next meeting will be held at the home of Margaret Wilson. The worship service will be taken by Karen Carswell and Anne Miller. Lunch will be served by Phyllis Wilson, Margaret Wil- son, Annie Winkel and Sandra Al. len. Preskle,s at W.M.S. FORDWICH •-- The September meeting of the United Church W.M.S. was held in the Sunday School rooms. Mrs. Ken Graham president, opened the meeting with a meditation on "A word fittly spoken is like apples of gold," fol- lowed by prayer, The shut-in for the month is Mr. John Eurig. Mrs. Wray Goopet and Mrs, Ira Schaefer are the com- mittee for the fall Theekoffering. A donation of $25.00 was 'made to the Sunday School. A vote of thanks was sent to the Listowel Transport for taking the missien- ary bales free of charge to Toronto, The theme for worship was "Be- ginning Again", taken by Mrs. Wil-. liam Wilson and Mrs, Ira Schaefer. The new study books, "Signals for the Sixties" and "Hasten the Day" were introduced. A trio, Mrs. Ken Graham, Mrs, George Richards and Miss Minnie McElwain sang a se- lection. Mrs. Margaret Horsburg return- ed to her borne here after spending the past six months with. Rev. and. Mrs. Russel Horsburg in Chatham, Miss Glenna HibbeM began her new duties on Monday morning at the Mutual Life Insurance office in Kit ehener, where she has se- cured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Goosen Winkel spent the week-end at Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wray and family of Toronto spent the week- end with relatives in the commun- ity. HEAD TABLE GUESTS at the Business and Professional Women's Club charter night are pictured above, They include Mrs. Melville Weigel, region adviser, of Hanover; Mrs. John Hanna; Miss Joan 'Wil- son, Guelph, Vice-president of the Ontario group; Mrs. Helene Gib- son, Ontario president; Miss Y. McPherson, club president; Mrs. Mar- via Howe, Arthur; Mrs. James Hill, Arthur; Miss L. Robertson, reeop- " ing secretary; Dr. W, A. Crawford; Mrs. D. Comm% first vice-Dreg- dent, and Mrs N. Fry. Mrs. J. Ostrona,seccnal vice-presiderd, Maypr R. E. McKinney and Mrs, W. W Currie were also at the head table and are not in the picture.—Advanve-Times Photo. OBSERVE RALLY DAY AT ST., ANDREWS WROXETER A special program marked the observance of Rally Day in St. Andrew's Presbyterian SundaY School on Sunday. The devotimial service was in charge of the.su- perintendent, Gordon Leggett, Plan Bazaar, Supper At St. Anne's Guild FORDWICH—St. Anne's Guild of Trinity Anglican Church met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lynn Bunks. Miss Louise Mat- thews read from the study book "We Can All Be Wealthy in Love and Friendship", "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung and Miss Elva Foster favored with a solo, "I Have Found a Friend in Jesus". Mrs. John Day and Mrs. B. Fire- gan, with Mrs. Gordon Davidson as pianist, led the school in the singing of a group of sacred songs. A class of boys presented a choral reading; Judy Reid recited "Sing Lee's Bible"; Jane Day gave the books of the Bible in their various classifications; a class of younger girls and boys recited Bible mem- ory verses and the Beginners' class sang a song. A section of ill Primary Catechism was recited •b. it a class of girls. Kenneth Aitehe son sang a solo, "The Twelve Dis- ' ciples"; Nancy Donaldson recited the 23rd Psalm. A trio of boya, Robert Campbell, Ray and Norman Corrin, played a hymn on trum- pets and Betty Ann and Mary Joah Lapp sang a duet, "Jesus Is Call- ing". Rev. V. U, Raison addressed the school, taking as his theme, "Treas sures in the Bible". Mr. Leggatf:, on behalf of all present, thanked the speaker for his message, Mrs. William Sothern presided for the meeting. The roll call was answered with a verse on Harvest by 17 members, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Bush, Roches- ter, N.Y„ spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Miss Gertrude Bush and Mrs, Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earles, Lynne and Leone, London, .spent the week-end with Mrs. Wm. Doig and Hugh and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Westlake and granddaughters, Janis and Betty Westlake, and Mr. Watson, of Salt- ford, visited Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Dan Walkom and Jeanie Marie, accompanied by Brenda Grasby, of Paris, Messrs. Kenneth Walker, Galt, and Harry Walker, of Moorefield, spent Sun- day with their ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Eliott am family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Elliott, Harriston. Sunday guests at Ross 'romans were Mr. and Mrs. Chester West- man, Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Henry, Milverton, and Mr. Henry Sage, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adams and Mrs. R. Newton were in Wiarton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Coates and Joy, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mr, Arthur Wilson, Stratford, is visiting his sister, Mrs. 3. F. Mc- Lean,ivr Er.urling ton, were visitors at Mr. Gordon Donaldson and fam- ily, and Mrs. Ira IVIcLeans on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLean and family, St. Catharines) also called at the same home and visited with Mrs. J. F, McLean. Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Gorrie, and Mrs. Thomas Short, Fergus, visited Mrs. Verne Clark on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers and Nancy, Scarborough, visited with Mrs. V. Brothers on Sunday. Mrs. Jean MacDonald, London, spent the week-end with relatives in and around Wroxeter. Mrs. Alice Cameron and daugh- ter, Pat, of Willowdale, are visit- ing Mr, and Mrs. Ken Edgar. St, Stephen's and Trinity AYPA held the first meeting of the fall in the form of a barbecue at the home of Miss Dawn Lue Clark. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Gibson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bush spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green, Goderich, Miss Lynne Earles, London, visit- ed with Miss Dawn Lue Clark dur- ing the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie NanVelsior, Hamilton, spent the week-end at their summer home here, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hutton, Wing- ham. were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. John Hupfer, Miss Linda Hutton, who spent the week- end at the Hupfer home, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harry King,1Gorrie, spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark. Miss Darlene Broth- ers, Scarborough, visited at the same home. We wish to extend the sympathy of the community to Mr. and Mrs. James Sanderson in the death of the former's sister, 'Mrs. S. Dobbs (Margaret Sanderson), of Beetoh; to Mr, and Mrs. Eldred Gathers whose mother, Mrs. Sangster, pass- ed away on Friday; to Mr. and Mre. Jack Wylie, whose brother- in-lava, Albert DX:stow, was buried on Sunday, and Mrs. John Fraser and family in the loss of a husband and d rf andali ter. MMrs. Edward 11'erguson, of Vancouver, B.C., called on Mr. and Mrs, George Galbraith recent- ly. Miss Eva Milne, Saskatoon, Sack., visited several •days last week at the same honle. Plans were made for one bazaar and supper to be held the latter part of October. Thank you notes and a report on catering to a wed- ding were read. Mrs. Attwell clos. ed the meeting with prayer. Mrs, Florence Foster conducted contests, Lunch was served by Mrs. Lynn Bunker and Mrs. Mary Kato. Belgrave Cubs The First Belgrave, Cub Peck opened their meeting on Tuesday evening with the Grand Howl and inspection, following which Akela (Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler) led in a game reviewing the patron saints. The pack was then divided into two groups. The beginners were instructed by Bagheera (Mrs. Gordon IVIcBur- ney) and the seniors continued with their work on semaphore bed by Raksha (Mrs. Clare VanCamp). Following this Bagheera told a story, "The Niagara Falls Acci- dent", illustrating the usefulness of knowledge of knot tying. Baloo (Mrs. Harold Vincent) led in sing- ing two rounds, "Ten Little In- dians" and "Brother John". Rich- ard Anderson was presented with the toymaker's badge. Alle/a dis- tributed pictures of jungle ani- mals which are to be colored by the Cubs and brought back •to de- corate the den. The Cubs will again be collecting baskets to sell. Before closing the meeting by singing Taps, Akela announced that the Grey Six had the most points for the evening's activities so their pennant was placed on the totem pole. Keep up the good work boys. HURON, COUNTY HOLSTEIN CLUB Wingham Troop The First Wingham Boy Scout Troop held the first regular meet- ing of the season at the Scout 'House on Wednesday night when Scoutmasters •Alton Adams and Harvey Fisher were in charge, Troop Leader. John Strong per- formed the breaking of the flag in the opening ceremony. There were about 20 boys in attendance. The greater part of the evening was spent in re-arranging the pat- rols and this year's patrol leaders are Bob Crewson, Cougar; John Bateson, Buffalo; David Crothers, Wolf and David Wenger, Stag. The troop was sorry to lose P/L John Bennett, who moved to• Lindsay recently. Philip Adams, 'who has also been a patrol leader for some time, has been promoted to troop leader, and will be invested shortly. The Stags and Wolves joined forces against the Buffalos and Cougars in a game of capture the flag, and were defeated by the latter group. The meeting opened in the usual' manner. A word to last year's Scouts who Were not at this meeting: Anyone who has not yet stated his inten- tion to carry on in Scouting, and who would like to remain in the troop must contact Mr. Adams, Mr. Fisher or Troop Leaders Strong or Adams before Wednesday eve- ning (tonight) or be at the Scout Hall for the 'meeting. Those who have not repdrted by that time will be removed from the membership records in order that new Scouts may be taken in, This is final no- tice. FIFTH ANNUAL BRED HEIFER SALE 11111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111311111,111111 AT FAIR BARN, CLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1:30 p.m. Carefully selected first calf foundation females, that will be fresh or near fresh at sale time. They include prize winners at the Huron County Blade and White Show. Many are from dams with good records. Sired by and bred to the top Unit sires. All are Vaccinated and most are Listed. BOB SHORE, Auctioneer. For catalogues write: ALLEN BETTLES, S. GI) GALBRAITH, Bayfield, Ontario, Blyth, Ontario. rence of the disaster on main street in June of this year. Rather than have the shop own- er come to his store on a week night, the inspection of the busi- ness places on Josephine St. will be made on Saturday, Oct. 7th, 0 - 0 - 0 Officers and committees appoint.. ed for the following year are as I follows: Chief Jim Carr; deputy chief, Dave Crothers; captains, Bill Bain and Norman Cronkwright, chairmen of committees, hail, Ken Foxton; property, H. Aitcheson; entertainment, Bill Bain; welfare, A, Sell; finance, Jim Carr; police, M, Swanson; chairman, Bill Bain; secretary-treasurer, A, Simmons. Around the Fire Hall STOP VA RS TB Li, EY N O W SHUR-GAIN WARBLE THE EASY WAY TO CONTROL WARBLES HEATING OILS GASOLINE MOTOR OILS -GREASES Buy eggs from refrigerated dis- play counters, recommends the Poultry Products Institute of Can- ada, because eggs deteriorate at room temperature quickly, simmummmilmimmmilminamim' Brussels FOR ALL DAIRY CATTLE (Except those producing milk for human consumption). FOR ALL BEEF CATTLE Centennial Fair THURSDAY and FRIDAY FORDWICH Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Lynn, Karen and Judy, of Orillia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Dora Ridley. Congratulations to Mrs. Jennie Mosure, who celebrated her 85th birthday on Saturday, Sept. 23rd, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton were Mrs. Irene Clayton and Messrs. John and Gerald Brown of Toronto. Mr. Hugh Brownlee of Vancou- ver, B.C., spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. annd Mrs. Bert Winston, FORDWICH COUPLE ENTERTAIN AT LIONS WROKETER—The regular meet- ing of the Howick Lions Club was held last Monday evening in the schoolroom of the Gorrie United Church, when 22 Lions and 12 guests were present to enjoy the supper, catered to by the Gorrie group Of the W.A. Lion President Warren Zurbrigg presided. The guest speaker was Ross Hamilton, of CKNX, Wingham, Who spoke on TV advertising, He was introduced by Lion Gordon Moir and Lion Alex Graham eat- pressed the •appreciation of the club and presented the speaker with a gift, James Kinkead, of Goderich, was Present and spoke on behalf of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. September 28th and 29th *REDUCES LABOUR — SHUR- GAIN Warblrid, because it is for- mulated in the feed, completely eliminates the need for individual treatment . . simply treat through feeding. *INCREASE FEED EFFICIEN- CY . . By eliminating warbles at grub stage you spare the animals several months of irritation caused by grubs working tinder the hide. The results — increased growth rates « . improved feed conversion. THURSDAY-9 P.M. CROWNING OF THE QUEENS CRYSTAL PALACE *FEEDING INSTRUCTIONS — Simply feed 1 lb./400 lbs. of live weight per day for any 7 day period between Sept. 15th and Dec. 1st. FRIDAY-2 P.M. OFFICIAL OPENING BY ROBERT CAMPBELL, District No. 8 Director FRIDAY 'EVENING FALL FAIR. DANCE IN CRYSTAL PALACE BALLROOM Entertainment Was provided by Mr. and Mrs, Jack. Boyd of Ford- WIN9,I 1AM FEED PHONE1 MILL 42 presented gift and expressed Bride M ap- wieh, to whom. Lion Stan it preelation for their services. A draw /or tt 'number of prizes Wrie held, and the 'Meeting closed with the usual Lions' Boar. The Officers and Members of the East Huron Agricultural Society extend a cordial welcome to this year's Pair which marks the highlight of the Centennial year. The regular meeting was held on Monday evening with 18 members present. Capt. B. Bain was in the chair. The resignation of Fred Temple- man was accepted, as he is not available for fire duty in his pre- sent employment. Harvey Aitcheson and Wes Sim- mons were appointed to represent the Fire Department on the Film Council. Fire practice will be held on October 16 at 7 o'clock in the evening, Alvin Seli reported on the Recre- ation Council meeting. On mo- tion of ,Dave Carr, seconded by Wes Simmons, a donation of $5.00 was voted to the Recreation Connell to help meet expenses. 0 - - 0 Fire calls answered during the month of September were: Jim Sanderson, Howick Twp., Sept. 2; Walter Ward, Turnberry, Sept. 7; car on Josephine St., owned by Joe Hanna of Toronto, with extensive damage to wiring, Sept. 7. Rural calls to date for the year were 13 and town cans, 8, 0 - 0 - 0 Mike Willie was reinstated as a fireman With duties to start Oct. 1. The meeting decided that on October 25 the first social night for the firemen •and their wives will 'be held and continue once a Month through the winter. A lengthy discussion was held on the new fire phone system to he installed in the near future, which created much debate as to how efficient it would be. Suggestions were made on the problenls that would be encountered and Chief Carr will discuss them with the proper authorities. 11 .0:0 Fire prevention week will be the first week in October, It was' de- cided' that an inspection of Stares and business establishments in town would help prevent• a recur- Couple Presented FORDWICH—A presentation and dance was held in the Fordwich community hall on Friday night to honor Mr. and Mrs, Willie:xi Mul- vey, recent newlyweds, They were given a maple tone kitchen suite, Mrs. Pat Harris read the address and Bill and Nancy thanked everyone. Lamb- kin's orchestra supplied music for dancing. MORE cutd. MORE NEW CUSTOMERS EVERYDAY HAVE CHANGED TO OUR PRODUCTS HAVE AND THEY'VE FOUND MRS. KATO DEBATE TO AREA CONVENTION FORDWICH-- The September meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the community hall with the president, Mrs. John Craig, in the chair, Mrs. H, J. Looman 'was in charge of devo- tions. The motto, "Be careful hew you live, you may be the only Bible some people ever read", was given by Mrs. Boyden. Devitt, For vic- torious living we must •have three things, an interest in life, we must learn by doing and we must have the power to decide. ' The roll call, "How we should publicize our W.I.", was answered by 21 members. It was decided not to take part in the course, "Fo- cus on Finishes". Mrs. Wm, Kato was chosen delegate to the area convention in Guelph Sept. 28 and 29 and the delegates to the Huron County Rally at Elimville on Oc- tober 2nd are to be Mrs. Howard Harris and Mrs. Stan Bride. An invitation to meet with Wrox- eter W.I. on Oct. 4th was accepted. Mrs. Scott Clarkson reported there are 15 girls taking the 4-H course, "Featuring Fruits". Mrs. Stan Bride, Mrs. Gedrge Ashton and Mrs. John Craig were named to work along with Mrs, George Rich- ards. Mrs. Emma Williamson and Miss Minnie McElwain on the W,I. exhibit at the fair on Oct. 7th. Mrs. Stan- Bride reviewed and discussed the resolutions to be pre- sented at the area convention in Guelph. A paper on "How to Pro- mote Public Relations" was given by Mrs. George Richards, Four members served a delicious lunch and a social half hour was spent, Officers elected were as follows: Junior Group—Pres., Annie Win- kel; vice-pres., Trix Winkel; see,, Beverly Horsburgh, Senior group, Pres., Margaret Wilson; vice-pres., Phyllis Wilson; treas,, Jane Hamb- ly; press reporter, Glenna Hibberd; asst, press reporter, Shirley Eurig. Joyce Bilton gave an account of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore spent a day at camp, She attended camp Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack at Goderich this slimmer. Lunch Bricker in Baden. Mrs, Moore re- was served by the Pollocks and the mained and will spend a few days meeting closed with Taps, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benin in Waterloo, Mr. Harvey Bride of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig. Mrs. Bride and Peter returned home with them after spending last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Mulvey of Walkerton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Sothern, Mr. and Mrs. Torn McClement and Kenny visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Diehl at Orillia. Miss Doris Leonard and Mrs. Myrtle Wallace of Listowel attend_ ed the Harvest Home service in Trinity Anglican Church Sunday morning and visited later with re- latives in the community. Mr, and Mrs, Gibson Stewart and family of Molesworth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Welling- ton Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ridley and daughters of London visited Sun- day with Mrs. Dora Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and family visited Sunday with rela- tives in Elora. Mrs. Ruby Forster and Mr. John Gamble spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harris in Brownsville, `Mr. Roy Gadke left by plane from Melton last week, for Edmonton, where he will visit relatives for a month. Mr. and Mrs, Don Carlaw and daughter, Alana, of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan, Mr. Ewart Cooper of Wiarton spent the week-end with his par- ents. Miss Letitia Matthews and Mr. Mel Batters returned home this week after spending the past three months in the Western Provinces. Here's a novel idea that really Works! Take the geed from art un- pitted date and plant it about tine inch deep It a well-aerated, open soil, After some time, you will have a young "palm tree" In the house. Be patient ,though; horticulturists with the Ontario Departtnent of Agriculture warn that it takes about two years before the tree becomes attractive, It's a. dwarf variety and is most suitable as tr house plant. Keep it Well watered. IT PAYS I I4kA P*4 m.44 a 16 Ita • "