HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-09-27, Page 3!fait, HAT' UILOS I 1.1AF:re:Room EWELLERY PHONE 250 WNW-4AM. ONTARIO """c'°'"•.........—..—..............n..............,,.......,............. e Fairyland Children's Wear I Fall Clothing Bargains. BOYS' WINTER JACKETS are of navy and charcoal, wool tweed with quilted lining and I zippered hood, sizes 4-6X at $7.98 I SUEDE JACKETS have orlon pile lining and i detachable hood, sizes 4, 5, 6 at $9.50 BOYS'. WOOL CHECK NORSEMEN, very warm, hooded coat,' grey and brown, sizes 4-6X at $11.98 WOOL PLAID WESKIT and PLEATED SKIRT sets for girls, by Pride and Joy, sizes 7-14 at $9.95 i GIRLS' SLIM JIMS, Italian wool plaid, Suede, i lined Corduroy and plaid 'Doecord at $2.98, $3.98, $4,98 GLENELLA PLAID PLEATED SKIRTS, $2.49 and $4,98 NEW FALL HATS at sizes 4-14 at _ $2.98 i BABY GROH, the sleepers that grow with the i baby, white and colours at $3 i BABY LEOTARDS - Velvet, Corduroy and Or Ion BONNETS - White Orlon Fur Pram SUITS 0.11111.11,1•11.0411•11.11.1,00410.41..0./.1140.1.1114N.WOW100.•04111.,111...4,11.1,..1.1.01) gill! MI I 01111111V11101111111111111111111111111111‘1111111111111111111111M1 I 11E1151111111111111111111111111111111L2 N N N U N U N WITH OUR COMPETITOR ANYWHERE it -6= We now use strictly for all Body Repairs Sheet t. Metal with edges filled with lead on all rust out repairs N N ROCKER PANELS it SEDAN $28.50 COACH $17.50 COMPLETE PAINTJOBS $48.50 (Two Tones—$56.50) RUST OUT REPAIRS AS ESTIMATED IN WRITING IIII stY, VS TODAY MARDON • TRY OUR I ATE !SUMMER SPECIALS : AND COMPARE THE MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP N N OUR SPECIALS ARE AS FOLLOWS GOOD FOR ONE MONTO ONLY .uucKr4ovv 11 -12 -00 alb ' "s w11,11111.1111111111111111161111111111101111111111111t111111.114Illf 1 11011104111111111AllIt111111,1111111111111131 AUTO BODY SERVICE PHONg 320 GORRIE Mrs.-Clara Calmer, Tqopto, v/fit- ej Tua444Y with 447 PaottAPrt Mrs, Ernest Icing. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Hutehisen, St. 'Th9enas, and Mrs. Elsie galley, of Mnghams spent ,Saturday at the Same home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earls, Misses. Lynne and Leone, of London, Speak the weekend With Mrs. WM. Pu.ig. and Mr. Hugh Doi* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charles ac- eonipanied Mrs. Donald Charlei on Thursday to Borwash, 'to visit for a few slays. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, ac- companied by Mr, and. Mrs. Camer- on Stewart,. of Molesworth, called at the home of the late. Selby Dobbs In Keeton on Sunday, .prior to the funeral on Monday. Mrs. James Beams, Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Barton, of Hamil- ton, visited Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs. James Edwards, Anniversary services will be held in the Gorrie Presbyterian Church at 11 and o'clock on. Sunday, Oc- tober 1st. Rev, Roderick McLeod, of Lucknow, will be the guest speaker. Special music by the choir and quartette: Mrs. Robert Nichol, Belmar°, vlisted Mrs, Roy Gowdy on Thurs., day. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Halli- day, WinghaM, spent Saturday at the same home. Mrs. Jean MacDonald, London, spent the week-end . with relatives in the community, Mr. and ,Mrs. Donald Gilmer, Vann-d G9 a-Iee:::: lekYs ia .if G.11, spent Saturday with Mt. And Mrs. Ray- Mr. and Mra, Chas. Koch visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ott, of Lis- towel, and also called on Miss Mel- inda Runge, ListeWel, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Delk, Wiox- eter, and' Mr. ,.and. Mrs. Harry Gowdy attended the McIntosh an- niversary service on Sunday and called on Mi, and Mrs. Louis Davis, of Owen-Sound. Mr, Wm. Dane is. visiting at the home of Mr: "and :Mrs. T. 'V. Ed- gar, of St. Thomas. ' • Mr. 'and Mrs:,. Jack. Blythe" and family; of Weston, spent .the Weeks end with Mr. aitd Mrs. Ken Male. Mrs. Hilton Ashton was able to return home from ,Winghani ' Hos- pital on Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs.' 'Ben 'McClenaghan, of Lucknow, Miss Marian. Robinson,,k4chene'r, spent the 'week-end With., Mr, and Mrs., Barold;, Robinson . MrS. George Baker, Fordwich, and Mrs. Mary Taylor accompanied Mr. and ,Mrs,Hartwell Strong to,lgarks Mark- dale to frien4s; on.'Sunaay. A6. Epia,ii;irs: GeOrge Bre'Arn. and Jean visited , Mr .and Mrs Alex Cullen, ivfoleSaicath,, .oto:Siihday. Mr; "Fad,Ward gerguson, of 3,Tanco.nirbi:;,4;f.q./.7 .`recent visitors reratiVeasand friends here., ; , • 'Mr. 'and' Mrs.-Manfred Trtivim and Mrs. aPtit, ••the: Week: end' With,;frielidS. Mr. .attd.:344; Ndirriatil Wade, -LhaN're returned,. hearlasati'aterl. :01Sitink.:,, Mr. and., Mas:-`sRobertt:Vade. Mottil trealsTheysilsOsninfored. ta'.'Quebed city, 11 one jells Quelieg, Noy Britt* wick ,andl-Mahle, They called on laisb9ps -E179q -erIcton;,speinea ;0,, Ii , r,thhbrgrairtd,adaqed Mr,S: R. :S;', week' s,Etjvl'iia Irwin is spending, .the With'. alfd.: Mrs; '.1t,O,Ar%"* FittifSh, of (odericii Tlie si,kodf,by,titYlly coin mumty. is extenikci AO 'the windy of the late Allierit:EatelOW:' • . '4' • r . . .• . ._..„ Embossed maps Bring the World to the Iringertips 4f the Blind. This equipment and speeial training are nubile possible by your donation to the TRI-COUNTY CAMPAIGN FOR THE BLIND HURON COUNTY OBJECTIVE $6,400.00 Please send your donation today to: Mr. John Brent, Wingharn, Ont. C UTTING POWER FOR EVERY JOB FROM PIONEER Try the all-new power-packed Pioneer 6-20, or Pioneer's new compact'NU-17 at your Pioneer dealer's today. Pick the one to meet your Woodcutting requirements. .6-20 224° COMPLETE WITH TWO 16" CHAINS. 15950 COMPLETE WITH 12" ATTACHMENTS BLUEVALE, Ontario 304W2 Build your bank balance Build your peace of mind CANADIAN I M - SANK Or COMMERCE Over 1260 branch& to serve 04 soc fetfrs liQta Joint Meeting IQQ441E--The Woman's Assoei- ration and Woman's. Missionary So- ciety held a joint September meet- ing in the Gorrie United Church, Mrs. T. 1,4, MeInnia Presided for the worship service and read the Scripture. Mrs. Wesley Trimble gave a paper on "Persistence in Christianity," telling how in continuing on in God's work, even though we are dis- ceuraged, we will achieve some- thing worthwhile. Mrs. Gordon Edgar, president, had charge of business. It was de- cided not to have a fowl supper this year, Mrs. Cloyne Michel gave the par- sonage report, It was decided to purchase a bedroom suite for the parsonage and refrigerator for church kitchen. Mrs. George Brown, president, presided for the WMS, The new Study books for adults and Mission Band were to be ordered. Mrs. F, W. Taylor will dedicate offering for the Sectional at Belgrave on October 26th, A discussion followed on a Thankoffering speaker and a corn-I mittee was appointed to obtain one. The committee in charge serv- ed refreshments. DEANERY BANQUET SET FOR OCTOBER .GORRJE — At the September meeting of the WA of St. Stephen's Anglican Church at the home of Mrs. Ted Newton the new study book was introduced by the Rev. E. C. ,Attwell. "Jesus Christ, the Light of the World" is the title. This is the theme being proclaimed at the third assembly of the World Council of Churches which meets In New Delhi, India, In November, 1961, In the Bible the wor,d "Light" is used, very. .often when referring to God. We are God's messengers to go out and spread that light, Mr. Attwell announced that a missionary, Rev. George Hamilton, from 014 Crow, Yukon Territory, will speak to the women of the church in Gorrie on October 26th, also that the Huron Deaners ban- quet. of Anglican Laymen Will be held in Gorrie on October 18th. The presioent, Mrs. Bertha Plant, led' in prayers and Litany. The ItYmn "The Light of the World Is Jesus" was sung. Mrs. J. G. Under- Wood read the 19th Psalm and also an 'article on "The Raising of Uazarns" -stressing -the joy of the sisters, '41ary and Martha -when Jesus came. They believed utterly 'The hostess served refreshments. St. 'Stephen's Holds Harvest Service GORRIE—Harvest Thanksgiving ad-Vie& was held in St, Stephens Anglican Church on Sunday morn- Mg With the rector, Rev. E. C. Att- well,' speaking from the text "This night thy soul shall be required of thee." ' " The choir sang the anthem, "0 Father on Our Festal Day". The CATUrch, was beautiful with flowers, ftuits 'of the field and garden. I/Kelcorne Classes Al -Rally Day GORRIE—Rally Day and Pro- motion Sunday was held in the au- ditorium of the Gorrie United Church on Sunday. Mrs. Gerald Galbraith, superintendent, led the serVice, Miss Corinne Rhame Sang "Open the Gates", accompanied at the or- , gan by Mts. Robert Strong, as each class went through the little white gates and was Welcomed by their neW teachers. Little Marilyn Grainger and Earl John Thornton were the gatekeep- ers. 'Sale Barn Opens GOARIE—The Gorrie Livestock Sale Barn held its opening auction on. Saturday afternoon. Harry Gowdy, representing the town fathers, introduced the How- !etc Township council and sales managers, Bob McNair and Jim McNair. The original barn was 100x25 feet which is now in use as a pig barn. A cement block building 25x58 feet has been added in Which the sale ring and weight scales are locat- ed. 'The cattle diVision is a 100x36 feat addition, The opening was well attended and a good rut: of livestock was auctioned by Bob lVfeNair, who also auctions at Cargill, Clinton and laenfield. Saturday will continue to be Sale day in Gorrie. GORRIE—In a setting of yellow and white gladioli and ferns at the Gorrie United Church Saturday, September 23, . at 3 p.m., Francis lVfa,rgueret Coulter and Thomas Gerald•Templeman, exchanged mar- riage vows. Rev. .Fred W. Taylor officiated and Mrs. Norman Carson played the wedding music. Miss Carol Robinson sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "0 Promise Me." The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ,Coulter, H. R. 1, Gorrie, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr .and Mrs. Harry Temple- man, Gorrie. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor-length gown of chantilly lace and nylon net, styled with a fitted bodice of HORS MEET AT JEFFERSON HOME DONNYBROOK—The September meeting of the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid was'. held 'Tuesday afternoon at ',the home of Mrs. Hilliard Jef- fersim with a. fair attendance. Call to worship was given by Mrs. Ernest Snowden who had charge of the W.M.S. program. "Faith of Our Fathers" was sung and Mrs, • Harold Woods read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. Snowden lea•in 'prayer. Mrs. Wes Jefferson gaVe a reading on "Christian Stewardahip'', Mrs, John Hilde- brand had a reading, "Pine Ca- thedral". After, singing "Take TIM° to Be Holy", Mrs. Stuart Chamney read "A Prayer for the Home". The offering was received, Business' was discussed. It was decided to send a donation to the Memorial Fund. Mrs. Ray Han- na read a chapter from the study book and Mrs. Snowden closed with prayer. The Ladies' Aid was in charge of Mrs. Tom Armstrong and open- ed with all singing "Saviour Try Dying -Love", Psalm 726 was read in unison. Mrs. Armstrong led in prayer. Mrs. James Leddy read the minutes of the previous meet- Mg. After singing "I Need Thee, PreciousaJesus," the meeting 'cies ed with all repeating the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Stu- art • Chamnoy and Mrs. Edward Robinson. DR. J. C. MIN IS INSTITUTE SPEAKER At the regular meeting of the Women's Institute held on Thurs- day, Dr, J, C, McKim gave a very humorous but serious talk on "Obesity". He outlined the clang- er • of getting heart troubles and diabetes, which are two good rest- sees for watching weight, Program conveners were Mrs. J. Henry and Mrs, W, T. Lapp. Roll call was answered by naming "My favorite soup", A contest on home economics was held. Miss Ann Currie played two delightful piano Solos, A letter of confirmation was re- delved regarding the adoption of a child overseas for school books, clothing, feed etc., so it Was de- cided to hold an invitation euchre and bridge on the afternoon of Oc- tober 4th to raise funds, each mem- ber to bring enough sandwiches for her tables, Mrs, Parish is .eonven. et, in the absence of Mrs, R. Mot. clY. Members please call Mrs. Par- fah, and let her know the number Of tables you are having. Lunch was served by the hostess- RAYMOND SCHMIDT Vows Exchanged in Carrie Church WA. WArlOutra Adsau.opwrimoo, 'F'eg7:gaaiday, Sept. Stars of Romance styled by Bluebird—see theta in our window. Every Bluebird diamond is guaranteed flawless and insured free for one year against loss or damage. lace, scalloped neckline with rhine- stones and seed pearl trim, and a full sweep skirt of nylon with lace panels and applique trimmed in seed pearls and rhinestones. Her coronet headdress was of pearls and held a fingertip veil of silk illusion net. She carried a cascade bouquet of red roses and white shasta mums, Miss Gladys Coulter, Kitchener, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a street-length gown. of mash green with a lace over taffeta bodice, short shirred sleeves, and square neck line. The very full skirt was lace and or- ganza over net and taffeta. Her headdress was hands of green petals tipped with pearls and short matching veil. Miss Catharine Barnard, Kitch- ener, was bridesmaid, and Miss Susan Templeman, Gerrie, sister of the groom, was junior brides- maid, They wore identical gowns, and carried flowers the same as the maid of honor, Little Lois °mend, R. R. 3, Moorefield, and little Shirley Coul- ter, R. R. 3, Listowel, were flower girls for their cousin. They wore identical dresses of yellow organza over taffeta. Their head- bands were of white pirtnochio mums. Robert Templeman, Gorrie, bro- ther of the groom, was heat man, and ushers were Kenneth Coulter, Gorrie, brother of the bride, and William Zimmerman, of London, uncle of the groom. The reception was held in the church parlors. The bride's mother received wearing a sheath style dress of rayon magic crepe of pinigsen green with matching ac- cessories and corsage of bronze mums. The groom's mother assisted wearing a sheath style dress of brown tieatina crepe with brown and Yukon gold accessories and corsage of yellow mums. Mr. and Mrs. Templeman left for a wedding trip to northern points. On their return they will reside in Wroxeter. Mrs. Jean Andari, Clinton, and Mrs. Harry Zimmerman were host- esses for a miscellaneous shower held in the Legion Hall, Gorrie, for the bride prior to her marriage, WELLS AC is proud to amiounee that KAREN BV:ATTIF:, Wingham LYNDA BUTTON, Lueknow liERRY HOGAN, Lueknow BERNADETTE LEDDY, Wing- ham GAIL MaeNEILL, Paisley DOREEN PINRNEY, Walker- ton are students on Commercial and Administration Courses at the London business college this year. IT'S NOT TOO LATE for you to joie them and get complete Commercial Training in minimum time. Courses include Stenographic, Private anti Executive Secre- tarial Diplomas for girls, and Business Administration, Office 'Training, and Accounting Di- plomas for young men. THANKSGIVING TERM STARTS TUESDAY, OCT, 10 Send coupon today for complete information NA:1114 AkDD)fiESS CITY . . Phone 306 King Street, London ACADENIX zoiedpdette DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS MED CAMPBELL, J. LORNE, 69, Lis- towel, former Mayor, town coun- cillor, On Tuesday, Sept, 12th, in Victoria Hospital, London. Cattle drover, former Grey Township farmer, Listotvei resident 29 Annie Elliott; daughter, Mrs. years, Survivors, wife, former I I George (Olive) /meson, Vancon- vex.; -brothers, John, Brussels; Gordon Molesworth; sister, Mrs. Ida Mitebell, London, Mr, camp- es, Mrs. A, Edgar, Mrs. A. East. GEneral 2.3481 bell was a, reeklent of .(lorrie for lags, Mrs. C, Carter, Mrs, C. Show.- i /rust in Western Ontario several yeah. ers. .1 I