HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-09-27, Page 1rr
president for electoral district "A" of the. Business.
and Professional Women's Club is pictured, second
left, as she presented the charter for the newly-form-
ed Wingharn Club, to its president, Miss Y. Ma-
Pherson. Mrs. Helene Gibson, provincial president,
who was guest speaker for the Friday night meet-
ing is left, and the club's corresponding ,secretary,
Miss Mildred MeClenagban is at the right, The pre-
sentation was made during a banquet at the local
Legion Heme,—Advanee-Thnes Photo.
Charter Presented at
'PW Club Dinner
The annual meeting of the Huron
County 'Unit of the Canadian Can-
cel! Society was held in the coun-
cil Clambers on Wednesday even-
ing with about 35 In attendance
frefit'.CIOderiell,..Exete"rs' Seaforth,
Clinton and Winglicuse. •ilifesenan S.
MereNatightoe;' Winghani Branch
preSident, welcomed those present
andatierned the proceedings over to
Mrs.Seryl Harper 'of Goderich, the
Unit president. .
RePorts•werer heard from all con-
veners and branch presidents and
showed encouraging progress in the
work 'of the. Society. The new list
of officers was presented and .Ray
Mills of Exeter is replacing Mrs.
Harrier as president. Floyd Lodge
of Goderieh, is the secretary and
Mrs., Bartliff of Clinton the treas-
DeWitt Miller introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. Iris Morrey,
acitninistratrix of the Wingham
Gerietal Hasnital. Mrs, Morrey
spoke of the cancer patient and the
cancer `clinic which is held twice
a month • at 'the hospital. Mrs.
Sconce, president of the Seaforth
breech, thanked the speaker.
Several pieces of equipment for
the local Cancer Clinic were ap-
plied for and will be received in the
near future. Mrs. Frank McCor-
mick and her committee served
lunch to all present.
Will be held in Belgrave Corn-
Munity Centre Wednesday, October
11th, at 7 p.m. Program, Draw for
softball raffle prizes. F27-4-11b
Fire Inspection
By Local Firemen
The Win ;ham Fire Brigade will
make an inspection of all business
places on Saturday, October 7, in
the interests of checking on fire
hazards. This inepeetion is in con-
nection with Fire Prevention Week
observed the first week in October,
Residents of the town are re-
minded that they, 'too, may have
their ...homis instected!, for feinty,
'etc,' 'free of charge,' simply
by' contacting Chief Jim Carr
or Deputy Chief .,Dave brothers,
One of the local firemen will he
pleased to check .your premises for
hazards that could cause 'a fire.
Receives Gift
On Wednesday evening of last
week Mrs. William McKenzie and
Mrs. Ted English held a party at
the latter's home in honor of Miss
Ruth Henderson, who is attending
Victoria Hospital School of Nurs-
ing, London.
Mrs. McKenzie, on behalf of
friends and neighbours, presented
Ruth with a travelling alarm clock
and jewel ease.
During the evening court whist
was played. Mrs. John McKenzie
and Mrs. George Brooks held high
scores. The hostesses served a de-
licious buffet lunch.
Stores in Wroxeter will be closed
on Wednesday nights until further
notice. F27b
Ine music of Reevers' Orches-
tra, Friday, Sept. 29th, in Com-
munity Hall, Sponsored by the Hall
Board. F27b
The Canadian Legion Hall was
the scene on Friday evening of a
dinner .meeting of the Wingham
Business and Professional Women's
Club, Over 80 members and friends
were present on this, the Charter
peesentation occasion, Mrs. Helene
Gibson of Sault Ste. Marie, the pro-
vincial president, was the honored
guest and performed the candle-
lighting ceremony while explaining
the various phases of the werk. of
the organizatioat
Miss Joan Wasonao uelphapro-
vingians yiet-pteildeni, p Maant,ncl.
'the Charter to Miss -Yvonne - Mc-
Pherson, president of the Wingham
club. Miss McPherson gave a brief
acceptance speech. Regional advisOr
Mrs, Melville Weigel, of Hanover,
also took part in the ceremony.
Guests were present from
clubs in the district and Mrs. Mar-
vin Howe brought greetings from
her husband, Marvin Howe, M.P.
Congratulatory messages were read
from John Hanna, M,P.P., and
many national and . international
officers. Mayor R. E. McKinney
brought greetings .ftom the town.
Mrs. Norma Ostrom sang !The
Lord's Prayer", accompanied by
Mrs. Carl Douglas,
I Miss MacPherson invited the
guests to her home afterwards for
a social hour.
Credit Union
Shows Growth
The Wingham Credit Union,
which was organized during the
past year, is showing signs of
growth after a slow start. Officers
stated this week that employees at
CKNX and the two Berry Door
Co. plants have agreed to join the
plan through payroll deductions.
The No, 2 plant of the Berry DOor
subscribed 100 per cent. Deduc-
tions vary according to the desires
of each employee.
With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette aid Wroxeter News.
Smite who were not present last
week must either attend tonight
or phone one of the Scoutmasters
before the meeting. Otherwise
their names will be removed from
the record to allow other boys to
- 0 - 0
The parents of children, who are
not accomplished swimmers are
reminded that supervision has
ceased at the Riverside Swimming
Pool, Children should be aceona-
panted if they are allowed to go to
the pool. Most of the eqiiipment
has been removed and the diving
boards will be taken in during the
next couple of weeks,
- 0 - 0 I.' AST PROGRESS.—
Apparently seeking to have a new
road across the prairie before win-
ter, crews are working throughout
daylight hours to build the ne-
cessary causeway and two bailey
bridges required. Earth movers,
rolling and packing equipment and
,„„„;,,,giant diesel pile driver are mak-
ingIrrat ,of the commotion,
0 - 0 - 0
In case you haven't noticed the
flower pots on the main drag lamp
posts recently, It would. be well to
take a good look next time you
are down town, Right now they
are Particularly attractive— and
their time may be extremely lirn-
0 - 0 - 0
• ' Another interesting project is the
improvement program undertaken
by the Parks Board along the river
bank adjacent to the Scout House,
The old _fence has, been remelted,
the undergrowth `cut away and a
grading job deep, to provide a
smooth slope from the former rail
bed to the river ,bink, Next spring,
When the grass comes up, this area
's.going to' be, one ,of the,rea.1 bean,
tee spots, ef .'thee town. . T It will be.
Plitr "tentifig-
area in the parks plan.
By The Pedestrian
CLUB WINNERS—Trophies were presented to dub
ehinniriOne at the official closing of the local golf
neensse last Saturday, following play during the days
arid a steak berbeqtie and dente in the evening. In
the picture are, left to right, lito rieneau, winner
in the handicap event, holding the Me,Ribbeir Trophy
, • . -•
which was presented by Dr, W. A. MeRibban, seeond
left, Centre Wilfred French, who presented the Lloyd
Trophy to Matt Boyd, club chemplon, matelt plajY
Right ate lat. W. A. Crawford end Marne Garnish,
junior elianspion. Dr. Crawford presented the Vie
Leughleari Trophy to the jimior aliarrifees-A-T Photo.
_..'ormer Wingh am M anIs .
Hera in Toronto. .Gun Duel
Chairs Meeting
The first meeting of the Kinette
Club for' this year was held at the
Scout I-Tall on Monday night. The
first vice-president, Mrs. Bruce
MacDonald, presided in the absence
of the president, Mrs. Max McCar-
ter, The committees of last year
gave reports on projects. Mrs.
Murray Gerrie and Mrs. Eric Wal-
den were guests at the meeting,
The Kinettes' fall tea was dis-
cussed and it was decided to have
it on Wednesday, Nov. 1st. The
raffle was won by Mrs. Len Craw-
ford. A tasty lunch was served by
Kinettes Mrs. Bob Wenger and
Mrs. Al Williams.
• 'anne-sessaesnesie
1 Conservation Protest
Proves Not. Valid
The Seaforth Huron Expositor
carried in its last edition a story
to the effect that the Town of Sea-
forth had not received notice re-
garding the recent meeting at
which a vote was taken to set up
the Maitland River Valley Conser-
vation Authority. As a result, that
municipality registered a protest
with the Ontario Department of
Commerce and Development, which
conducted the vote.
The protest had no validity, how-
ever, as the Department sent nut
the notices to each municipality by
registered mail and has on file
signed receipts for the notices.
The Village of Blyth claimed
that no notice had been received,
but the same holds true for that
community as well,
The vote required a quorum, of
two-thirds of the municipalities in-
volved, and then a two-thirds ma-
jority of the quorum for the
scheme to carry. As 18 of the 23
municipalities involved bad dek-
gates at the voting meeting, and
13 of the 18 voted in favor of the
conservation authority, the vote
was valid and action towards the
inauguration of the new authority
will continue.
In the North Huron Secondary
Schools Association annual golf
tournament held at the Wingham Mrs. B Golf Club on Saturday, Wingham B.
BlithiGifa WORK STARTS—Contractors employed by
the Departnient of highways are busy sinking piles
which will support two temporary bridges across the
river In the prairies just south of VVIfigham. Pictured
above is the diesel piston pile driver Which. has been
. • • .. , . I.,1,•-•.r..,-••-•.•
HOME . To ,:enitros... — ,...
'Afr. aneMrs. Arthur Miles (Jen-
nie Wade), 5' Downing 'St., Isling-
ton,!_will ' be .at home to friends
Saterday, October 7, from 3-5 and
7-9 p.m.., on their fiftieth wedding
"'anniversary. • ' F27'"
e The Woman's, Association of
„Wingham United Church will
bOld their Cniamas 'team:id sale
, son _ Wednesday afternoon, Nov.
22nd in ,the schoolroom' of the
'church 'at' 3 p.m, • F27b
Wingham Juniot • Conserve-
tien Club 'bancitiet and presentation
of trophies will ,be held at the
club House on Friday evening,
September 29, at 7.8.6 p:m. All mem-
bers and parents are Cordially in-
vited to attend. F27b
A meeting and square dancing
Will be held in Hanover, October
;4th, at 8 p.m. Those interested in
forming a local group (traditional
and modern) contact Mrs, Al Haf-
erinahl, phone 538, immediately.
The Huron County Trappers As-
sociation will hold their annual
Meeting at the Wingham Sports-
reen's Club House, Wednesday,
September 27, at 8.30 p.m. Guest
sneakers, draw and discussions on
restrictions of rifle arms, Every-
body welcome, F27b
Mr. and Mrs. 'George M. Taylor,
Hamilton, announce the marriage
of their only daughter, Sandra
Winnifrecl, to Petet, soil of Mrs.
Broadway and the late Albert Den-
ton, Leeds, England, on Saturday,
September 23, 1961, at Brampton,
Ontario. Capt, Cole, of the Salvation
ir Miry, offielaing. F27b
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
PtpsbYterian Church will hold its
Christmas Tea Saturday, beeernber
2, from 3 to 5 pail. 27b
The fall rummage sale, sporisored
by the Ladies' Aukiliary to Wing-
hani General Hospital will be held
this year in the Wingham Arena
and the date le 44terdity aftetenne,
October 21st. This is a community
event and all proceeds go to pur-
eltase supplies ler the Wingharri
Hospital. Everyone is asked to scud
Sick articles as You clO not need,
anything, furniture, dishes, ate.. to
the Arena for this sale. P27b
The Wingham United Church
Couples Club met on Monday eve-
ning for the first time this season.
The evening began with a brief
worship service in charge of Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Willis. The theme
was "Faith" and opened with the
hymn, "My Faith Looks up to
Thee", followed by prayer for a
deeper faith. The Scripture pas-
sage was Hebrews 11:1-10 and a
meditation was given on "How
Strong Is Your Faith?" The ser-
vice closed with the hymn "Faith
of our Fathers".
A short business session follow-
ed. Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Shackle-
ton were chosen to be secretaries
for the remainder of the year,
following. the resignation of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert .A.hara.
The group then went to tour the
printing establishment of The Ad-
vance-Times office, This proved
to be most Interesting and en-
lightening, Members of the print-
ing staff were on hand to demon-
strate the various processes and
the machines were seen in action.
Following the visit to the plant,
the group re-convened at the
church -for a quiz conducted by Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin. The eve-
ning concluded with a delicious
lunch, Those in charge of the eve-
ning were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wil-
lis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reavie, Mr.
Harvest Thanksgiving services
were held in St. Paul's Anglican
Church on Sunday, The church
was • beautifully decorated with
fruits, vegetables and flowers, sig-
nifying the blessings bestowed
through the harvest,
Rev. C. .F. .Johnson, rector,
preached the sermon in the morning
and. Wallet Pickford was the guest
speaker at the evening service.
Mrs. Gordon Davidson, organist
and ehoir'director, was In charge of
the music.
'the 'morning the choir sang
"Fear Not, p Land" with Miss Bar-
bara Hall taking the solo part.
Ftank Renwick of Teeswater was
the guest soloist for the evening
service. He sang the solo in the
anthem "Hymn of Thanksgiving"
and at the close of the service sang
the beautiful vesper hymn "Abide
with Me".
Following the service the con-
gregation and visitors were invit-
ed' to the parish room for a social
hour, when Mr, and Mrs, Pickford
were able to bid farewell to a num-
ber of their friends.
Receive Gift
Mr. Johnson addressed the gath-
ering and said that Mr, Pickford
would be missed, not only by the
St. Paul's congregation, -but by
many of the congregations of Hu-
ron and Bruce Deaneries, having
served as a lay reader in most of
the churches. He referred to Mr.
Pickford's courage in his great de-
cision. Mr, Pickford is now enter-
ing his second year of studies for
the ministry, and is attending Sea-
gar Hall, Huron College, London.
He will commute to the college
from Alvinston, where the family
will live at the rectory and where
Mr. Pickford will make his head-
quarters for his thtee-point charge,
St. John's Church in Alvinston,
Mitch of the Epiphany, Inwood
and St. Peter's at Moraviantown,
an Indian reservation,
timer Walker, people's Warden,
read an address in which was ex-
pressed the gratitude of the con-
gregation for Mr. Pickford's as-
sistance as a choir member and
pulpit supply, and Mrs. Plokford's
help in all phases of church Work.
The family, too, has eontributed to
the work of the church and the
congregation is pleased that Bar-
bara and Barry will remain in
Wingham. Mervyn Ternpleman,
teetor's warden, then presented Mr.
and Mts. Pieltford with a sum of
'Money, a gift from the church
Both Mr. and Mrs. Pickford
thanked the gathering for the gift
and for the many happy associa-
tions they have had in the church
(Please turn to pago Moo
The Grand Chapter session of
the Order of the Eastern Star was
held last week In the Royal York
Hotel, Toronto. Those who attend-
ed from. Huron Chapter 89, Wing-
ham, were Mrs. Donald Donaldson,
Worthy Matron, Teeswater; Mr.
and Mrs, George Guest, Mrs, Ross
Vogan, Mrs. Jack Reavie, Wing-
ham; Mrs. Johanna Gibson and
Mrs. Thomas 13tirire, Wroxeter;
Mrs. Ted Collyer, Lucknow.
On Thursday evening 107 East-
ern Star Awards, amounting to
over $32,000 were presented to stu-
dents in religious leadership in On_
taint). John Congram and Peter
McKague, who were sponsored by
Huron Chapter, each received an
On Friday evening at the Instal-
lation of Grand chapter officers
Mrs. Jack Reavie was installed as
District Deputy Grand Matron of
District. No. 8.
Lyman Jardin was top scorer
With an 18 hole. total of 72 fat-
lowed. by Glens Madill 'with- eestotal
of 76, Two other members of the
Wingham team, Paul Jardin and
John Madill each had an 82. Top
scorer from the other schools was
John Kinkead of Goderich District
Collegiate Institute with an 85.
In the special invitation event for
the girls, only two schools took
part, Wingham and Clinton. Top
scorer in this event was C. Wallace,
of Clinton, with a 52, followed by
Karen Elliott, of Wingham, and J.
Holss, of Clinton, each with a 53.
Last Tuesday's Toronto "papers
carried front page stories and plo ,
tures on a gun battle in which
COnat. Leslie Showers received 0,
wrist injury when police traPPsal
an attempted murder suspect,
Cpnst. Shewere is the son of Mr,
and Mrs. Charles Showers of RA.
Wingham and has been with •the-
Metro Police Force since Septems,
ber of last year,
When pollee learned where the
suspect was two detectives went to
the house, Censt, Showers was the
first to answer their call for re-
inforeereents •and several other of-
Deers arrived seconds later and
went to the back of the building.
Without warning the man open-
ed fire from the small window on.
the third floor. One of the bullets
grazed Const, Showers' wrist -and
lodged in his handcuff pouch af-
ter striking the steel cuffs. 'Eris
questionably the cuffs saved him
from serious, and perhaps fatal in-
jury, With his gun arm bleeding
the constable ducked behind a car
and dropped the suspect with a
single shot.
The detectives rushed up the fire
escape when -they heard the shots
and found the suspect lying wound-
ed on the floor with an empty gun
beside him. Showers' bullet had
struck him in the jaws and he
then staggered into the hall and
shot himself above the heart with
a .32 calibre automatic, He was
taken to hospital in a critical con-
Deputy Police Chief George El-
nett said Const; Showers had pro-
bably saved the lives of a number
of policemen who were trying to
apprehend the man, "It's the fin-
est piece of shooting I've seen in
40 years of police work. He.WaS
very courageous," said the chief.
Joan Remington
Is Party Hostess
Miss Jo-Anne Pickford• was the
guest of honor last Friday evening
when Miss Joan Remington en-
tertained at a theatre party.
Following the movie the sixteen
Young people returned to the Rena.
ington home for refreshments and
dancing. Jo-Anne was preesnted
with a lovely gold clock with jew-
elled face and a lace hanky.
and Mrs. G. W Tiffin and Mr. and D.H.S. took first place with a two
Mrs, George Guest. man total of 148 points, followed by
. Goderich with 172 and Clinton with
working this past week driving the steel beams seine
Id' feet down to the hard pan, When work is COMPlet.
ed a tansewAy with two bridges Will tottittet 1e*4*. 4
Highway with NO, SO West Of TAW& ToWit...4AdValite4
Mittel; Photo.
• • • • LA_ 1