HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-08-30, Page 4NOTICE TO Water Consumers The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt pay- ment discount of 10 percent. is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. IF Anyone found wafering lawns or gardens, who has not. paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission ,C, E. SHERA,,Superintendenf. s'••• "••• BUTLER, DOOLEY and CLARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 West Street JA. 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO „ • .,, • , *M.* '• 111: .01,1**, N mt,-. *M.1.1**• 10** . . .• •x 115 ** * • •• • .• .t •• • .11 .•-e . 01111/1111/10INI111111101114111100101101111111101111140111111V1140101111101 1111 111101101111111? rU a W Rtl HAMILTON Tho Wingliant a. IvaliSe-Tiates, Woduesti4ty, Aug- 89, 1964 . „ . Fall Projects , For Club. Girls 441 Club girls' fall project will soon be starting and this project is a new one to homemaking girls called "Featur- ing Fruit", on how to prepare and use Ontario's fruits. - It is open to girls between the ages of 12 and 26 years. Girls must he 12 years 01,a by Sept. 1, 1961. Girls inter- ested in taking this course are asked to .contact the leaders, Mrs. Lloyd Jacques and Mrs, Arnold Gadke. The new home economist for Huron County is. Miss Isabelle Gilchrist. • OPTOMETRIST I Now u whole new golden world of SIGHT and i SOUND, See our HEARING-AlL) GLASSES, i a .. lightest in weight. ' I 1 i . I Phone 37 for appointment ti •Alittioctiiitiouisoniiiminiumiumulausuilinioutpuigumumuipuliumilimilimp SUMMER, IAROVVATIES FOR SALE, RENT OR WANTED REDDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and erected. Free literature, Easy terms, See out samples, Genoe Lumber, Orange- vine, Ontario Phone 990. 14-3-A11001) PERSONAL FEMALE HELP WANTED FOH SALE REM A ir4filTATE FOR A WANTED—Reliable single girl to clerk in store full time. Rapp's Bakery, phone 132. 30h WOMAN WANTED to help witii household duties. By day or Week. Phone 739W1, 30b GOLDEN BANTAM corn and ett- ettinhers for sale. Phone 709.121. TOY TERRIER pups for sale, Mer- VYn Pipe, phone Brussels 451W6. OLP, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands. of men, women past 40. Only. 69c. At all druggists, *owl LOT FOR SALE on PiagOnal Road. Excellent location. Phone 201. 30-6b CORNER LOT an Shuter and Charles Sts. APproximately 00'x 130', Jolla ProPhY, phone 1099, evenings, 19rrb GRADE XIII school books for sale. Four science, 2 English, trig- croornetry. Phone 40031, 30° COMMENCING'September 7th to 1.6th the semi-annual Wallpaper Sale, The Wallpaper Shop, 00b Severely Burned LAKELET—An unfortunate in- cident occurred on Friday evening when Bob Kreller was severely burned about the face and arms while attempting to start a bon- fire. He was removed to the Wingham General Hospital .,for treatment. TO momoirts HOUSEKEEPER wanted for two adults. All modern conveniences. Apply 14 Earton St., Guelph. 9:30* SALES LADY' required for retail store in Wingham. Age, 18 years to 40 years. Must be alert and interested in doing her work well, Permanent position, wages better than average. Please forward written application to Box 298, Wingham, Ontario. 30b FOR RENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS Its THE ESTATE OF SUSAN MITCHELL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 21st day of July, 1961, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of September, A.D. 1961. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 23rd day of August, A.D. 1961, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for' the Executor. 30-6-13b • DESTRAIV M. RIVERSIDE resi- dential lots far sale. Apply E00* 67, Advance-Times. SMALL HOUSE for rent, Apply Box 66, Advance-Times. 30b TAXI I3USPIR$S for sale. May be. purchased with or without cars. Terms can be arranged,. For more information call Charlie Lee„ phone 100., 24rrb ONE USED CASE threshing ma- chine for sale, in good condition, size 28 x 48. Apply Robert Bell Industries, Ses.forth, Ont, 30b APARTMENT with separate en- trance to rent, Apply Box 05, Ad- vance-Times. 30h SMALL HEATED APARTMENT for rent, Possession immediately. Phone 980W. 30b NOTICE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE TOWN OF WINGHAM, TAKE NOTICE THAT the above mentioned Board of Trustees on the 7th day of August, 1961, passed By-law Number 1 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of Debentures of the said Board of Trustees 'in the principal amount of $66,500.00. 1. The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for con- structing and equipping a new three room school. 2. The amount to be borrowed is $66,500.00 on the security of the said Debentures, which shall be a charge upon the schoolhouse pro- perty and premises and any other real and personal property vested in the said Board of Trustees and upon the separate school rates. 3. The Debentures are to be dated the 1st day of September, 1961, are to be in the denomination of not less than $100.00 each, and are to bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum 'payable annually on the 1st day of September in each year and are to be repayable in varying instalments of principal on the 1st day of September in the years 1962 to 1981, both inclusive, the aggregate amount of principal and interest payable in each year of the currency of the Debentures being approximately equal, John Hanna, 30-6-13h Secretary-Treasurer. FOR SALE—Twe frame bltildirigS• Apply Wesley Heimpel, phone 210 2, Wroxeter. 30b COT'11AGE FOR SALE--Bandy good Swimming; hydro, 3 in '1 shingles. 30 miles from Wingham, good roads, Water. Interior to be finished,. wine exterior work to be completed. Owner transferred. Phone 724. 30-6b 1960 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE 4-DOOR SEDAN 1957 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN V-S motor and radio HEATED bachelor apartment for rent. Phone 199 or 51.3R. 30b ELECTRIC STOVE for sale, 21" Wide, modern elements, $40.00, .! Phone 338. 30b 4:1GEONS for sale. Homers and White English Tumblers, 50c ea. = Stainton Hardware. 30-6-13b WANTED SMALL HOUSE in Wroxeter for rent, $18.00 per month. Next to Anglican Church. Apply Mrs, C. Lawrence, Carrie. 30* APARTMENT WANTED — For young married couple, both work- ing. Phone 890, 30* 8-ROOM COTTAGE for sale in Bel- graVe, including lot 66x165, garden and fruit bushes. A paid share in the Belgrave Community well sy- tern.: Closed in porch, Used at pre- ent as `5-o.tiorn. and 3-room apart- Ments with separate entrances. Contains one 3.qiiece bath,' one • 2-piecebath; 2 complete sets built- in cupboards. Could 'be used as income 'property or single house. Ralph MeCrae, phone Brussels, 372.15, 30-6* 1955 STUDEBAKER '4-DOOR SEDAN with radio, and equipped with new tires .1955 PO N TIAC ,hradio ot 4-D?OR SEDAN 1954 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN 1954 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN • This is a one-owner car and is in truly im- maculate condition SADDLE for small saddle horse wanted. Phone 10R112, Wrox- eter, Stewart Musgrove, 30b SALES HELP WANTED, MALE `I.TPRIGHT HETNTZMAN piano cheap for quick sale. In good condition, Also transistor radio, Stratabury • violin, new electric organ. Clarence Frieburger, even- irigs; • ' 30b WANTED—Reliable man as Deal- er in" several townships around Wingham. ,Experience' not neces- sary, A 'fine opportunity to step into old'profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years Big profits. Pro- ducts furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. H-453-163, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. • 30b SINGLE GIRL wanted to share apartment. Write Box 64, Ad- vance-Times. 30* NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE, ESTATE OF HARRY VICTOR HOLMES. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Retired Bank Manager, who died on the 8th day of August, 1961, 'are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of September, A.D. 1961, Atfer that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 23rd day of August, A.D. 1961. CRAWFORD &'HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 30-6-13b 3-BEDROOM HOUSE wanted to rent, immediately, Phone 292W. 30b 95LoVER HONEY for sale, 22Me per lb., to be filled into customer's -`"`' containers. W, S. Higgins, Wrox- eter, phone 81. 30-6b ONE - BEDROOM APARTMENT wanted, preferably furnished, in Wingham or surrounding district, required by September 15. Phone 158, George Walling, after 1 p.m. 3Orrh SPECIAL PRICE on Steel Roofing at Beaver Lumber, Wingham. Now only $8.95 sq., 40 sq. or more. 1% STOREY seven-room frame dwelling with three piece bath. Contains four bedrooms, built-in cupboards ,heavy wiring through out, hot and cold water on pres- sure. Size of lot 1/4 -acre, Double garage 30'x24' with two pits, lo- cated on Bluevale main street. Priced to sell. Contact FRANK CASKANETTE P.O. Box 167 or Phone 305 Wingham, Ont. Real Estate Agent for Wilfred MeIntee, Realtor, Walkerton, Ont. 30b MALE HELP WANTED 3.2-ACR.E FIELD second cut hay for sale, Mostly clover, alfalfa and red, Phone 632.12. 30b MALE and FEMALE HELP want- ed for full time work as clerks, I.G.A. Store. 30b CARDS OF THANKS Len Crawford Motors ;'ERI\T'S SPORT SHOP, Bluevale, .t ,k clearing out sale on fishing tackle. Some reduced one-third. •-•• Buy now and save 3% sales tax. , Open evenings. 30b The family of the late James VanCamp wishes to thank all the friends and neighbours who have been so kind. Also thanks to Dr, Crawford and Dr. McKim and Mrs. Morrey and her staff at the Hos- pital. 30* LICENSED CLASS A Mechanic, able to work on most cars. Very little truck work, Good wages and working conditions.. Group bene- fits, Lorne Brown Motors Lim- ited, Clinton, •Ontario. 30b Your Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer Phone 710 Wingham 'GRABAPPL'91S ready now, Golden ' Sweets for sale, Taking orders for Wealthies and St. Lawrence. Any quantity, $2,60 bus. Free delivery. Phone 618W2. 30* The family of Harry V. Holmes, of Gorrie, wish to thank all those who extended kindness to us dur- ing his illness and at the time of his death. We wish especially to thank the Reverend Edward Att- well, members of St, Stephen's con- gregation, Gorrie, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wade, Gorrie, members of the Masonic 'Order, Dr. Frazer, and nurses of the Palmerston General Hospital. 30b TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE •iAttractive 2-storey red brick home, 'good central location in ex- cellent condition, living room, din- ing room, modern kitchen. and 3- piece bath, 4 bedrooms, recreation room and 2=piece bath In basement, Fall possession. 1%-storey stucco house, contain- ing 7 rooms and 3-piece bath, oil furnace,, large lot with garage, workshop and office. All bulidings in good repair. Immediate posses- sion. 'Priced to sell at $10,500. $3,000.00 will buy a 2-storey home in Wingham, containing 9 rooms, full basement , Immediate posses- sion. This home is priced well be- low replaceinent cost, 26 acre farm at edge 'of Wingham, 7 room white, brick and frame house, harp, driving shed, excellent water,supply, Immediate possession. For. all your Real Estate 'require- ments contact: •._ WILLIAM S. REED, Real Estate Broker Phone 292M - Wingham, Ont. 30b TENDERS WANTED MORRIS TOWNSHIP Tenders for the contract of con- structing the Turvey Drain' which consists of 1500 lineal feet of tile drain will be received by the under- signed until 12 o'clock noon, Sep- tember 5, 1961. Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.—George C. Martin, Clerk, R. R. 4, Brussels. 30b •YOUR LAST CHANCE—Our coos- ; ing out sale ends Thursday, Aug. ' 31st. Everything in the store re- duced 50% or more. Marg's Book Store. . 30b IN MEMORIAM GALBRAITH — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Edwin 'Lindsay Galbraith, who passed away one year ago, August 27th, 1960, Frorp hospital 'bed to heavenly rest, God took him home to be His guest. We lived in hope and prayed in 111111111•11,11111111111111111111111111011111111111111A IT'S NEW SEWING MACHINE SALE-L-Save $80.00 on a new Antornatic Singer, White or Arrow sewing machine. Offer good until Sept. 1st. Also limited number of recondition electric portables $29.50. SMIT- TY'S SHOPPING CENTRE, HANOV ER. 30b and the last word in cooking and' barbecuing equipment. IT'S "INFRA-RED" It cooks from the inside, out therefore holding all the flavour and moisture. It tenderizes. Food cooked from this machine is just delicious. Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Scotty) Ross wish to thank their many friends for the lovely congratula- tory messages, cards, calls and gifts on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. 30* vain, That he would soon be well again. But God decided we must part, He eased his pain' 'but broke our hearts, And while he sleeps in peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. --Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife, Verna, son, Cecil, and daughter-in-law, Eileen. 3013 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROLUX SALES AND SER- VICE—Authorized dealer, H. A. MeDerrnitt, Fordwich, phone 59-31. Contact Mrs. L. McDoug- all, phone 553W, Wingham, for service. Arrange for free demon- stration. 29rrb SAVE' 50% or more at our closing out sale. Hurry! Sale ends August 31st. Marg's Book Store, 30b I wish to thank all friends and neighbours for cards and kind wishes, also flowers, while I was ill and a very special thanks to Dr. Fraser and the nursing staff of the Palmerston Hospital. Those kind- nesses were very much appreciated. —Cecil Grainger. 30* Eat in our restaurant or take out —Either way you'll like it. • FOR A TARE-OUT TREAT try a HALF or WHOLE CHICKEN with CHIPS. WATCH for the Semi-annual Wall- paper sale commencing Septem- ber 8-16th. The Wallpaper Shop. 30b -FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of • vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 695.11.2. 16rrb TV ANTENNA and installation. Year round service. Phone Doug Harker, 392-6140, Teeswater, Ont. 22rrb ALSO TRY I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neigh- bours for their thoughtfulness dur- ing my illness. A special thanks to Father Freker, Father Higgins, Dr. ,Corrin and Dr. Klahsen and the nursing staff. — Joe Redman. 30* MRS, A. C. AGNEW Our Week-end Special at a low, low price Club,Steaks, $1.35; Sirloin, $1.45; T-one, $1.75 — with all the trimmings. LUCKNOW, ONT. TEACHER 'OF PIANO AND THEORY Pupils prepared for Toronto Con- servatory examinations if desired. PHONE 146 SEPTIC TANKS ;GLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, BruSsels, Phone 442W6, Brussels, Marr0e4* DEADSTOGII WANTED 1:NG•EPt SALES & SERVICE—Re- paira' 'fa 'all Makes of sewing machines, vacuums and floor polishers. Used machines for sale. Phone ',665, Wingham, George Henderson. ` 15rrb DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act—We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing- ham 378, Palmerston 123W or Elmira, MOhawk 9-5564. Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. License 100-O-61. rrb MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS OPEN UNTIL 2 A.M. I wish to thank my neighbours and friends who were so good to Mrs. Martin and I while I was a patient in the Wingham Hospital, also for your cards and visits, Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Craw- ford and the nursing staff of third floor.2-Charles Martin, Frances St. 30b WHITEWASHING — Barns and poultry houses cleaned, disinfect- ed and whitewashed. Carbola sprayed if desired. For prices phone J. (Mac) Baeker, 95, collect or Box 138, Brussels, 'Ontario. 26-Sp27b 30-6-13b THE MISMINE•Momun•001••=11.1 MAYFAIR RESTAURANT CAR FOR SALE AMBULANCE Service J. B. ACTESON, D.C. Dr. of Chiropractic WROXETER Phone 21081 Hours: Monday to Friday, 10-4.30 Evenings: Mon., Tues. and Thurs., 7-9 POTATOES COOKING ONIONS SPANISH ONIONS Green and Red Tomatoes Corn, Beets, Carrots Cut Flowers JOUWSMA MARKET GARDEN Phone 583, Wingham 30* '1959 VOLKSWAGEN VAN for sale. serviced every 1,000 miles (used for Surge service). Can be seen at Readman's Texaco. 30* CAR FOR SAIree' -4956 Ford Fair- lane automatic tudor, one owner, 28,000 miles, radio and many ex- ,tras. To close estate. Call 552M. Phone 162 - Lucknow 30b 11111111111111011111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111 DEAD STOCK WANTED CALL — FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $7.00 each MINH HORSES, 4o lb. A. LORENZ DURHAM Call long distance DURHAM 493 collect S. J. WALKER CURRIE I wish to' thank my family, friends and neighbours for cards, and treats and help given my fam- ily while a patient in Wingham General Hospital. Special thanks to doctors and nurses. — Robert Kreller, Wroxeter, 30° AMBULANCE PHONE 106 Day — 189 Night WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fl5rrb' CRAWFORD & 'DROWN GELDING for sale, larger type riding pony, in good shape. I Reasonable, Phone 634W2, 30* JERSEY liE1trE13„ for sale, 2 years I old, doe to freshen, john C. Mc- ! Burney, phone 721j2. , 3011 'TWO HOLSTEIN heifers, vaccina- ted, due to freshen, Apply to Harry Bateman, phone 737W3, 30* I would like to express,my thanks and deep appreciation to Drs, Craw- ford and McKim, the nursing staff of Wingham General Hospital, the management and staff of Pry & Blackball, all the friends who visited me and sent cards, while I was a recent patient in hospital.-- Mrs. Lorne Sanderson. 30* TRUCK LETTERING COMMERCIAL SIGNS COX SIGNS ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service $1.00 per 100 lbs, plus bonus for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (no toll charge) — Or ATWOOD 356-2622 COLLECT SEVEN DAY SERVICE License No. 103031. HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. Applications for the posi- tion of Local Director of the Huron County Child- ren's Aid Society will be received by the undersign- ed until Saturday, Septem- ber 30th, 1961. State Age, Experience, Marital Sta- tus, QUalifications should be in accordance with the Child Welfare Act or equivalent. Salary $7,000 per annum, plus em- ployee benefits. Applications must be submitted in envelopes supplied by the Secretary. Address all enquiries to the Secre- tary, John G. Berry, Secretary, Huron County Children's Aid Society, Box 640, Godericho Ont. GIRLS! YOUNG WOMEN! Here's an interesting, well-paid job: A COMPLETE SIGN SERVICE PH. 518, WALKERTON I wish to express my appreci- ation• to my many friends and neighbours for the cards and visits while I was a patient In the Wing- ham Hospital, A special thanks to Drs. Corrin and Klahsen, the nurs- ing staff on third floor, Mr. and Mrs. John. Mannes, the Brussels Legion and the Wingham Legion.— Elmer Sellers, 30* 10 PIGS for sale, eight weeks old. Phone 297, 30* A, H. ERN J. T. GOODALL THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD Or DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, R. R. 2, Auburn; Vice-Pres„ Eferson Irwin, Beigrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, It R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Peagan, Goderich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Deward MacKay, Ripley; John F. 1ViacLennen, R, R. 3, OOderich; Prank Thorripson, It, 1, Rolyrood; William Wiggins, 3, Auburn, For information on your insur- ance, call your nearest director who is also an agent, 'or the secretary, DUrnin Phimpo, Dungannon, phone Dungannon 'ne15/62 20 WEANERS for sale. Phone 51231, Wingham, 30b 83 CHUNKS of pigs fat sale, Also second-hand electric stove. Clar- ence Colley, phone 607W3. 30h 20 PIGS for sale, 9 weeks old, Robt. Kreller, Wroxeter,:phone 191211. Bob TELEPHONE OPERATOR BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER -. ONTARIO Tel. 392-7373, Teeswater Wroireter—Every Wednesdtfty afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Etc. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham PHONE 14 MARLATT'S NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FULL PAY WHILE TRAINING GOOD STARTING SALARY REGULAR INCREASES PLEASANT OFFICES: FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE APPLY NOW! The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Wingham Hours: 8-12; 1-5 Dead Stock Service WANTED LIVE LIGHT FOWL $1.00 per 100 lbs. 'raid for Dead Cows arid Horses over $4 lbs. More for sick and disabled COws and Horses accord lug to also and condition. tOR ritompT SERVICE PLEASE CALL cotttor ki YORK SOWS for sale, due 'to farrow Sept. 10, Phone Wroxeter 191113. 30b Frederick F. Homuth Plun:B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola MI. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario N. C. MACLEAN EMPIX)Y8LENT WANTED ANY QUANTITV CAMPBELL SOUP Company Ltd, LISTOWEL, ONT. Phone 900 Collect General Insurance and Real Estate Broker JOSEPHINE STREET Phones 115 and 31 WANTED-,trainthig and papering. Reasonable'rates, Alen. Coats, Seat St., Wifiglitchi. ^ 30* vntit.1 ISO tvastatet, irening, clean- ing *ad 14141/tting. .APP1V X3:6;4 1ldVatiet,Titne5 30h Bruce Marlatt ttrussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE igiv$00 $#.1440, 0444.-01 80b 30b