HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-08-30, Page 3Build your
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Bolton Drain By-law, as read the
third time be finally paSsed.
R, Gibson-King—That we.accept
the tender of John. Inglis on the
tile portion of the Berlett-Gibsor.
Drain and on the Branch "C" Bel-
ton Drain.
'Gibson—That we ac-
cept the applications for/tile drain-
age loans No. 1.0 and, No. 11-
King-R, Gibson—That we aceepI
the petition of Blake Gibson and.
James Brears for- municipal drain
and that the same be forwarded to
the Engineer.
R. Gibson ling — That we in-
struct the Clerk to contact Robert
Spotton 'to repair the Howick Ceno-
taph in Fordwich.
Haskins-Strong— That we apply
to the Department of Highways
for approval of an extension of the
quantities of gravel to be supplied
under the 1961 gravel contract,
King-Strong --- That the Recre-
ation accounts as approved be paid
Haskins-Strong—That the Road
accounts as approved be paid.
Strong-King—That the following
accounts be passed:
Provincial Treasurer, revised
regulations, $3500; Callander Nurs-
ing Home, indigent patients,
$185.50; Gordon Adams, fox bounty,
$4.00; Municipal World, supplies,
$14.21; Wingham Advance-Times,
advertising, $30.72; Listowel Ban-
ner, advertising, $36,41; Harriston
Review, advertising, $3,45; Frank
David Drain, construction expenses,
$795,00; Sanderson Extension
Drain, construction expenses, $1,-
276.00; Berlett-Gibson Drain, ex-
penses, $305.00; Welfare accounts,
$117.27; Road account, transfer,
R, Gibson-King—That we do now
adjourn to meet on September 5th,
or at 'the call of the reeve.
T. Harold Pollock, Arthur Gibson,
Clerk. Reeve,
The regular meeting of Turn-
berry Township council was held
in the community hall, Bluevale, on
Saturday, August 5th, at 1,30 p.m.,
with all members present, the reeve,
A. D, Smith, presiding,
'The minutes of the last meeting
was read and adopted on motion of
Herb Foxton and Edward Walker,
Communications were read from
Department of Highways, Toronto;
Monteith & Monteith, Stratford;
John G. Berry, Goderich; Town of
Burlington; Department of the At-
torney-General; Bluevale. Women's
Institute, Also the following per-
sons who wish to be classified as
a Separate School supporter and
have their taxes transferred to the
Wingham Separate School: John
• •
il*Hoting poop/ft
II Earning sooner
or career efs MIT US NOW
Tues,„ Sept. 5
Write for folder for
courses without
TO VALLEY AullioRtri
The regular August meeting of
the Howick Township council was
held in the Clerk's office, Gorrie.
All members were present and the
reeve, Arthur Gibson, was in the
chair. The minutes -of the 'oat regu-
lar meeting were read and on mo-
tion of Strong and. King were ad-
opted as read.
Haskins-R. Gibson—That we an-
point Hartwell Strong representa-
tive to the meeting on the proposed
enlargement of the Middle Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority.
R. Gibson-King — That 13y-law
Esso Gasoline gives you maximum power,
maximum work per dollar
Here's a gasoline that
meets the demands of
tractor engines . . . and
gives quick starts, fast
t warmz-up, power and
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Fuel has been proven over
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W. A. iffin
Wingham, Ontario
For the Finest in
Altgar> 1 EWELLERY,
Thos. A. Jardin
Phone 147
Bruce D. 3IcIraul
Phone 979
LEADING THE PARADE on Saturday was this.
group of baton twirlers. Pictured above as they ar-
rived at the Park are Brenda Coultas, Marilyn Irwin,
The 47 n axn d'vestrATTIMOI, W
Textiles An Reduced
New Fall Goods Arriving.
Headqu.arters .. . . .
$3,95 , $9.00.
Tweed Skirt Lengths,
Patrick St,, Wingham
Phone 770
Judy Renwick, Joyce Coultes und. Patsy Walker.,--
A-T Photo,
there, fascinated by the sights of
the shore at low tide, when the
ocean leaves behind its countless
little treasures, A German freight-
er was loaded with pulpwood and
waiting for the rise of the tide to
sail for the open Atlantic.
All along the Fundy shore we
continued to come upon scenes of
breath-taking beauty as the smaller
bays and headlands came into
view, Here the highest tides in
the world make for some very in-
teresting sights indeed.
The trip, across the peninsula is
chiefly through wooded country, to
emerge along the lazes which run
inland from the cities of Halifax
and Dartmouth.
Busy Spot ,
Yours truly had three busy days
at the convention of the Canadian
Weekly Newspapers Association,
but when that was over we took
time out to visit with the sizeable
Wingham colony now working at
CJCH Television in Halifax. Here
Don Hildebrand is manager, Bob
Wood is busy cracking" out copy,
Andy Winter is already familiar
to TV audiences on the musical
programs, Slim Boucher appears
on several shows a week and pro-
duces and directs others and Ken
Carter and Andy MacKay handle
equipment, etc. The Heywood fa-
mily was there on a tour at the
same time.
The station is beautifully equip-
ped, and as the competing station
for the CBC outlet, provides an
interesting series of alternative
The city of Halifax, of course, is
one of the oldest and mos interest-
ing in Canada, with its background
of military and naval garrisons. It
was founded in the year 1749. The
churches and public buildings, of
eourse, outdate anything we have
in our oldest communities in On-
Return Trip
We took an extra couple of days
to travel the coast of Nova Scotia
on the way back, going up the
shore of the Atlantic for a hundred
miles, and then across to the
Straits of Northumberland. Tra-
velling along the shore we visited
such interesting towns as New
Glasgow, Pictou and many more.
Crossing the wooded lands again
we arrived at Bathurst, on Chal-
eur Bay, followed it to its head, and
took the highway through the val-
ley of the Matapedia River to Mt.
Joli, Quebec, and so back along
the St. Lawrence to Ontario.
Though not the shortest way, the
trip did provide unending beauty
and hundreds of miles of sea and
river landscapes all the way. We
would like to do it again—with
more time at our disposal.
The straight and narrow path
would be much wider if more
people travelled it.
0 - 0 - 0
Some girls use pills to get rid
of headaches; others use headaches
to get rid of pills.
Mulvey-Dettman -That we give a
grant of $100.00 to the Bluevale
Cemetery Board.
Walker-Dettinim—That the gen-
eral and road accounts be passed
and paid as presented:
General Accounts
Brookhaven Nursing Home,
$278.25; Callander Nursing Home,
$92.75; Monteith & Monteith, audi-
tors, $500.00; 13. M. Ross, land sur-
veyor, $3.00; A. D. Smith, telephone
tolls, receipt books, $8.30; John V.
Fischer, part salary, $45.00; Blue-
vale Cemetery Board, grant, $100.00.
Pay Roll
George Lambert, $71.00; George
Gallaway, $294.38; Wm. Mundell,
Road Accounts
Burke Electric, temporary service
and inspection, $19.10; Marks Bros.
Auto Body, cablle, $3.00; Pollard
Bros. Ltd., calcium chloride, $1,-
078.30; Levis Contracting Co. Ltd.,
hot mix asphalt, $400.00; Joe Kerr,
gravel contract, $6,775.44; Wm.
Ross, 4992 yards gravel Si 7c,
$349.44; H, tenPas, 4164 yards
gravel .1a 7c, $291.48; Ken Mc-
Michael, chain sawing, $10.00; C.
E. MacTavish, fuel oil, $209.44;
Huron Motors, tractor repairs,
$4.06; Wroxeter Telephone, tolls,
$4.95; Supertest Pet. Corp. Lta.,
fuel oil, lub. oil, $359.28; j, D.
Adams Co. Ltd., grader tepairs,
$23.08; Engelaud Produce, brush
spray, $223.20; Engelancl Produce,
brush spraying, $150.00; Wingham
Advance-Times, $7.15.
Foxton-Mulvey---That we do now
adjourn to meet on September 2nd,
at 1.30 p.m.
John V. Fisher, A. D. Smith,
Cleric. Reeve.
Hold Reception for
Mrs. E. A. VanStone
Mrs. E. A, •VanSione, who left
Wineham yesterday for Toronto,
where she will reside in future, was
honored lost Thursday when a
e'renn -of friende held a ferrwell re-
cention at the home of Mrs. N. L.
Fre- and Mrs. John Pollock.
Mts. VauStone has resided in
Wino-ham for over 40 years and
Ilea a host of frieeda here who are
1,411. (`WM' 104
.01.01o1.4 c,l-rrsfi,l fhe.ar br•sl• tric;1)0A.
PoITI•h•o• te.rt 1,a 01. n ch,rr non
r•Nr.. ra,evaa. on rola
Mrs. D. Ti' Paelar '1'41 •\17 TT.
Gueeev o'ul Yfre C4,,oro, Nth elKay
of MATO' fro, 9,orw‘a lunch.
Mts. Wilfred Fren h and Mrs,
Thomas Veils presided at the tea
table in the OVI,TlillET and Mrs.
Etewatt Seatt and Miss Norma.
Coatis served.
NOVELTY i4INGLE PRIZES went to this trio, with Lyne Aitcheson
in first place, David Welsh in third (tied with Rhonda Bell, not in
picture), and Marilyn Strong, winning second prize.—A-T Photo.
James Landry, Henry Reijerink I **
Raymond Schmidt, Peter Jorrissen, UNENDING- BEAUTY IN John De Groot, Oscar Kieffer, John
Sproal, Austin St. Marie, Alex.. C. inTLANTIC PROVINCES Sproal, John McKinnon and Alfred
Loeltriclge, by Barry Wenger
Since so many folks from this
part of Ontario, and particulary
from Wingham have travelled to
the Atlantic seaboard this year, we
hesitate to describe at any length
the trip which we enjoyed during
the past two weeks. However, we
did pick out a most interesting
route and travelled through country
which provided 3200 miles of fas-
In the ill-founded belief that it
would save mileage, we took a
course through Buffalo and thence
east to Albany, N.Y., on the famed
New York Throughway. Though
Monotonous, as most of the big
freeways are, the road provides the
ultimate in safe and speedy auto
travel. By the end of the first
day we had reached the storied
Mohawk Valley of eastern New
York and spent the night at Her-
kimer, a town often referred to in
historical novels of the frontier.
The following day brought a dis-
tinct change of scenerey as we
swung to the northeast and entered
Vermont at the town of Benning-
ton. From there the route took us
through the mountains to Concord,
New Hampshire, and out to the At-
lantic coast at Portsmouth. Fol-
lowing the coast northward, we
spent the night at Falmouth, Maine,
only a few miles from Old Orchard
Beach in the Portland area.
The drive along the coast of
Maine was most interesting, and
with the aid of a guide book we -
Seconds in Underwear
Men's, Women's, Children's.
Special Sale of Aprons
"None Better"
THE PRIZE for the Indian Prince
at the Frontier Parade here on
Saturday was won by Doug. Elliott.
He is pictured just after the judges
awarded him the prize for his cos-
tune.—A-T Photo,
Mill End Store
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took a keen interest in the many sl!INIIIIM111111111111111111111X111111111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111A111111111111111111111N111111111111111111i111111111111111111a1
small towns along the sea, from
Whose harbors have sailed the
whaling ships and privateers of a -1-1
by-gone age.
Brick houses, after we left New 01
York State, were a rarity, and the fit
immaculate whiteness of the paint-
ed frame New England dwellings r:
offered a most pleasant change
from the homes we are so. accus-
tomed to -in this area. Almost any
of these towns would be Worth a
Beek to Canada
We re-entered Canada at the P.
bridge from Calais, Maine to St.
Stephen, New Brunswick, by-pass- b-
ed -the beautiful resort at St. And-
rews-by-the-Sea and continued on Pal
to St. John. Here the -bridge over
the rivet takes the motorist prac-
tically above the famous Reversing
Valls, and when we passed they
were reversing in high. gear. It .11
was quite a sight.
The highway follows a broad rivwj -
er valley from St. John to Sussex,
N.B. and then swings- inland and —
around the upper reaches of 11
the Bay .of Fundy. Entering Nova kl
Scotia at Amherst, we dropped
down to Parrsboro at the head of
the hay, and $peat an hour or two
— i
Ford, Monarch, Falcon Ford and Fordson Tractors 9
• PHONE 237 A. ID, IllneW11.11Arift
1960 LARK 4-door Sedan, very low mileage
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1958 FORD Custom 300 Sedan, clean inside and out
1958 FORD Custom 300 Tudor Coach, a real buy
1954 CHEVROLET Bel Aire Sedan, automatic transmission,
1952 CHEVROLET Sedan, in good ,condition, a real buy