HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-08-02, Page 7. • BLY111 NATIVE WAS PROFESSOR AT W. . f7R84040)ATY0 EXCELLENT PROGRAM COMPLETES, 'STUDIES:. Ad. HEAR YEl HEAR, YE!--Four -Canadian weekly newspaper Otters from Nova Scotia are ahewii here issuing a call_ 'to their confreres ammo the nation to' attend this year's annual meeting of the Can- adian Weekly Newspapers Aesocietion in Halifax from August le to 16. Why the costumes`? The theme of this year's CIVNA Convention will be the "Order of Good: Cheer." The Order, one of the oldest social organizations on the North American continent, was founded in 1.606 at Port Royal, N.S., by Sleur Samuel de Champlain. Editors and their wives attending this year's CWaTA Convention will be inducted into the. Order at a special ceremony at Province House in Halifax, Coe, tumes of Cintenplain's era, worn by the quartet shown above, will be very Muds in evidence at the convention. From left to rights George Murray, of the Pictou (NS.) Advocate; Irma W. Beattie, of the Ann- apolis Royal Spectator; Ralph Morton, of the latietenotetle Free Press and president of the Nove. Scotia Weekly Newspapers; Association; and Frank Burns, of the Kentville Advertiser, and this year's con- vention chairman. FORDWIG11 Trousseau Tea At Hcstie Home Mr, and Mrs, William Campbell and Jimmy of .Toronto spent two days last week with Mr.. and Mrs. Crosby Sotheram. FAMOUS BAND LEADER—Don Messer, known to TV watchers from coast to coast, who. will appear in person, along with his orchestra, at the Wing- Dr. •Robert Harvey Clark, $1., emeritus professor Of chemistry at the University of British. GeluMbla, died on Tuesday of last week in St. Vincent I-Reepital, Vancouver, Born at Blyth, Dr. Clark gradu- ated from the University of To- ronto in 1.10 amid obtained his M4. degree there in 1906. He received his Ph.D. from, the University of Leipzig In 1909, After teaching for seven years in American universities, he joined the University of British. Colurnbia, in 1916 and was appointed head of the department of chemistry in 1927, Named Fellow He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1928 and president of the society's scientific section in 1937. He was president of the Can- adian Chemical Society in 1937. Dr, Clark was a member of the National Research Council of Can- ada from 1937 to 1943, He was appointed emeritus professor of chemistry at U130 when he retired in 1948, On his retirement he was made an honorary life member of the American Chemical Society arid la- ter an honorary life fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada. ' Published Papers Dr, Clark and his students pub- lished more than 100 papers in chemical journals including repents On war projects assigned 'by the National Research Council. During the Second Veorici War the entire chemistry staff was en- gaged on war work, chiefly on, ea- plosives and war gases. Dr, Clark was a member of the Ryerson United Church and for eight years was chairman of the board of Union College of B.C, He is survived by his- wife, Hul- da; two sons, Dr. Robert Mills Clark, professor of economics at UBC, and Douglas Harvey Clark, finance officer with the federal fi- nance department, Ottawa; five grandchildren; a brother, Rev. Willmott Clark of Wingham, and hem arena on Friday evening, August 25th. The Don Messer Show will be a feature attraction of the animal Lions Club Frontier Days celebration. Serving were Lynne Earls, Joanee Strong and Barbara Linton. Those displaying the trousseau and gifts were Margaret Beetle, Elaine Miller and Ruth Grainger. 71 RUETER ONTARIO ECONOMIC DELMORE GERRIE^ SURVEY RELEASED Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davies and children, of Thornhill, spept the Week-end at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers, Jinn, and AlOkY Sellers returned with theta to Ideit at Mono Mills. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Rertfelder, or Toronto, are visitng Mr. and Mm's, ,Toe Horton. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Corrigan, BOill and Bruce spent Sunday at Exeter, Rev. 'William Blaekmore, Mrs. Blackmore, Bobby and Karen, of Port Credit, have been spending a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Elliott. Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Watson, of Gerrie, visited Mrs, W. 3, .Johnston on Saturday, Dr. John Coulter, of Philadelphia, is visiting his sister, Mies Mabel Coultes, Mrs. W, L. Sniith, Seattle, Wash-, attended the wedding of her niece, Mies Eleanor Smith, on Saturday and is visiting with relatives in the vicinity, George Peacock, I.P.S., and Mrs, Peacock, of Ottawa, were recent visitors with'Mr, and Mrs, W. J, Peacock and other relatives, Mrs. Grant Mernermid and Mrs. Neil Mackenzie, of Lucknow, visited at the home of Miss Mary Duff last week. G, L. Davidson, of Wingham, has drilled a well at the home of George Hetherington and is now •drilling one for Mac Scott; Mr. and Mrs, Donald Street, of Listowel, spent Sunday with Misses Mary and Ruby Duff and Mrs. M. L. Aitken. Linda, Julie and Stephen Street returned to Listowel with them after a two week holiday. "Bernard Tallow, of Londdn, is visiting his mother, Mrs, Nellie LilloW. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Jones, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Corrigan last week, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Webb and children, of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Nott, of Arva, and Mr. and Mrs, Claire Hoffman and Bobby,' three sisters, Mrs. David Millar, of Exeter, visited at the week-end Mrs. John Barbaree and Mrs. D. with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hoffman. A, Walker, all of Ontario. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Halt arid Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall visited Mr. Sndaight. Sus M y rs n , Jack Scott at, Newton MINISTER AT Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McMiche.el, of Toronto, called on Mr. 'and Mrs. BREEDERS, MEETING Gordon Hall and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Hall on Monday. HVLGRAVE-aOri Friday evening Vacation Bible Seboor which had been held every weekday morning ,en 'Knox United Church, Foresters' 'Hall and the Orange Hall from July 17 to July 28, held the cies- ing exercises with -parents and friends attending, There' was a total enrolment of 97 and an aver- age attendance of 94. The evening's activities began by everyone viewing the crafts and work books in the basement' of the church. Mrs. George Mollie, 'director of the Bible School, opened the pro- gram in the church auditorium with words of welcome and out- lined a day of the Vacation Bible Selma with the children singing the theme of the school, "Living With Jesus Daily". This was fol- lowed by prayer by Rev. J, H, An- derson, Each department and the teaeli- ers were introduced before they Jed their number,, The Beginners ',pang three songs, "Brave Daniel", "Zaccheusa arid "Praise Him", a.na two finger plays, 'Our Church' and 'The Helpers', The memory verses were -"said by the whole group and pictures displayed for each verse. The Primary sang "Learn Well One Lovely Rule" and "Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in. My Heart", Tal memory verses were said by grou of three children saying one veise. each. COR2ID—Mrs. Kenneth, Hestia Juniors and Teenagers sang to- I held a trousseau tea on Saturday gather "Fairest Lord Jesus", "When for her daughter, Miss Marie Beetle, Mr. William Gibson and son of - I Sit in My Owe Dear Church" and I The home was tastefully decorat- Toronto spent the week-end with "Living for Jesus". Juniors re- ed with regal lilies, delphinium and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Holt. viewed one day's lesson by •being snapdragon, asked a group of questions by one Pouring tea in th eafternoon were Work has started on Mr, and of the teachers. Mrs. Wilford King and Mrs. Archie Mrs, Ken Graham's new home on The Teenage group gave a choral Miller and in the evening Mrs. the' hill Met west of the post of- reading on the 21st Psalm and the Jean McDonald and Mrs, Ira Mc- flee, The home of Mr. and Mrs, Helpers sang a beautiful rendition Lean. All were aunts of the bride, Curtis Jordan nearby is well on "The Lord's My Shepherd". Mrs. Walter Scott told of the missionary study and Rev. J. Anderson thank. ed all persons taking part in the school. Mrs. Anderson read the names of children receiving the attendance awards and. Mrs, Michie presented them. Rev. J. Morrison closed the evening and school with a short worship service. BEIIRAVE .Guests Attend Lodge Meeting FORDWI0H—The L.O.B.ed Fordwich, held its July meeting on Wednesday. Mrs. Blossom Stew- art, Grand Worthy Mistress for Ontario West, of Hamilton, Mrs. Lilian Henderson, Worthy Mistress of Hamilton Lodge and Mrs. Vera Bucklancl, Grand Secretary of On- tario West, Guelph, visited the Order and gave the group a very interesting •and worthwhile talk. The members of the Gerrie L.O. B.A. were also guests, Mrs. Stew- art was presented with a gift from the Vordwich group, A social half hour was spent at the close. The ninth edition of the Eco- nomic Survey of Ontario, the first since 1957, has just been released by the •Ontario Department eif Economies. The 340-page study pro- vides a wealth of economic and financial information on the Pro- vince 'arid its individual economic regions. A considerable amount of new material including charts, maps and photographs, has been incorporated into this report in order to increase its value for busi- ness, government and educational institutions? The volume is divided into three' parts, Part I contains a brief history of Ontario's development, a description of the organization, functions and duties of each Gov- ernment Department, a review of the Province's finances since 1944 and an account of Ontario's posi- tion in the field of Federal- Provincial fiscal relations, The Woman's Missionary Society of Belmore United 'Church held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Johann on Wednes- day afternoon, 14 ladies and five children 'being present. Mrs, Johann was the leader and , the theme was "The Unity of [Christ's Church," followed -by pray- er. A hymn was. sung and Serie,. ture was read responsively, .Miss Phyllis 'Pace sane, a, solo "I Have Walked Alone With Jesus," Mrs, Fred Doubledee gave a reading from the Missionary Monthly, "Hospital of Palaces," A chapter in the study book "The Turning World" was given by Mrs. EarlFitch, who also hadcharge of the question and answer period, Mrs. John Harper gave a reading on temperance, "Alcohol's Toll." The roll call was a verse of a missionary hymn, Tile president, Mrs. H, Mulvey, took charge of the lnisinese and the minutes of the last electing were read by Mrs, Johann in the absence of the The economy of Ontario as a secretary, Mrs. .Metealfes The' whole is dealt with in Part II. meeting closed with prayer. DONNYBROOK Here, illustrated by charts and diagrams, is set out information on population, , employment and earnings, income and expenditure, capital investment, the natural re- source industries, energy, manu- facturing, construction, the tourist trade, transportation and com- munications. Detailed tabular data (Late for last week) Debbie Johnson. youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnson, of Clinton, spent east week with Mr, and Mrs. EdWard Robinson and have been placed iii an appendix. family. Mrs. J. C. Robinson, 'of A breakdown of Ontario statistics Wingham. and Gerald Dainty, who by economic regions is provided in is attending the Cadet camp at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble and family, Rothsay, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram. Miss Hope Noble, who has spent the past few weeks here, returned home with them, Mrs, John Gibson, Chicago, is spending some time vvitle Misses Marion and Elsie Gibson, Sunday visitors at the home of ROSS Tensan were ' Mr. and Mrs. Boyne Sage and family- -and Mr. Henry Sage, Listowel, Miss Marion Sage remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mowbray and Danny, Kitchener, ,were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reidt. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ashby and Roger, Brantford, are vacationing with Messrs. Jack and Don Milli- gan. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Percy Henley, formerly of Uxbridge, to our village. They have purchased the dormer post office building. Their daughter, Mrs. Shirley O'berin, of Uxbridge, spent a few -days with them. Mr, and Mrs. George Gibson at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Charles N. Small in Londesboro Church on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. E. R. McLean, Tor- onto, were guests of Mrs. J. F. Mc- Lean recently, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Planes and daughters, London, are vacationing with Mrs. Wm. Doig and other rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Wells, Erin, are visiting Mrs, A. Wearing at her home here. Ipperwish, spent the week-end at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dow, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Osborne Part III. Wherever possible, figures have been presented on a county or district basis, In addition, in- formation has been shown for many of the province's municipals. Barbara, Brenda and Donald, were ties, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. The Survey illustrates the pro- Cherries Jefferson, Donnybrook United Church vinee's economic growth. Ontario's vice will be at 0.45 a.m. Sunday. ser- population, which now stands at 6.2 million, has increased by over one- Sunday school follows the church third since 1951 and may reach service, nearly nine million by 1976. The - labour force has also exhibited a Ontario has been higher than in steady upward trend and—at 2.4 any other prdvinee. Left yeer, million • is 28 percent higher than farm rash income totalled some A crowd of 6,000 attended the 20th anniversary celebration of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associa- tion on the evening of July 26th at the unit headquarters. Earlier in the evening over 3000 people• par- took of the Beef Barbecue prepared by Master ,Chef Tom Hays and served by the Bloomingdale Wo- men's Institute. A big attraction was the presence of the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker, prime min- ister of Canada and Mrs. Diefen- baker, They were accompanied by federal and provincial members of Parliament, as well as several cab- inet ministers from Ottawa and Toronto. The Prime Minister compliment- ed the Waterloo Cattle -Breeding Association on its achievements, spoke about agriculture in general and •indicated -that he had noticed the good crops in the area and compared this with the Canadian West where a severe drought is be- ing experienced, Mr. Diefenbaker indicated that every effort should •be made to feed some of -the him- gry People of this world adequately as this is also our best weapon against eomrnunisna E. I, McLoughry, Director of Ex- tension Liaison at O.A.C. for the Extension Branch of the 'Ontario Department of Agriculture, who Was agricultural representative in Waterloo County at the time arti- ficial insemination was organized, outlined how the . organization be- gan through the Jersey Club in 1941, followed by the Holstein Club in 1942, W. P. Watson, Livestock Com- missioner for Ontario, spoke of the part the Ontario Government had played in the development of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associa- tion, Ile indicated that the fin- ancial contribution had amounted to $82,000 over the years, How- ever, with over 500,000 cows insem- inated this amounted to approxi- mately 16 cents per cow and he said it was an excellent investment, . Roy G. Snyder, manager of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associad tion, indicated that during the first half of the 20 years the -organiza- tion had attained only 10 per cent of its present Volume. Under pre- tent policies it is possible to pur- chase good bulls, hire efficient per_ sonnel and thereby provide good service. ten years ago. The report Shows that personal income in Ontario during 1060 stood at an all-time high of over $11 billion—better than 80 percent above the 1051 level. Per capita personal income, which reached $1,820, was higher than in any other province. Ontario accounts for one.half of the total value of Canadian mania faetnring output. In 1960 the pro- vince's nufacturing industries prat-head goods valued at almost ST. HELENS the way, also another new one be- side the public school, owned by Mr. Gerald Martin, Mr, and Mrs. Don Bridge and family spent Sunday at Port Elgin. Mrs. Harry Peden and family of Toronto visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and family visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Jim. Hudson at Hanover. Miss Linda and Master Terry Mclnight returned to their home at Sinicoe after ',visiting a. few eireeke• with thdreg,randpaeents, Mr. anti, Mrs. Jack Boyd. Misses Glenna arid Louanne Sie- fert of Galt spent a few. days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and, Mrs. Lorne. Siefert. • Mr, and Mrs. Art.Well's and fam- ily of London spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs-George Ashton. Master Bobby Stephenson of Lo- cust Hill spent a week at the home of Me and Mrs. George Bolander. Mr. and Mrs, Noah Ries attend- ed the funeral on Sunday of a re- lative in aTeusta.dt. Mrs, H. J, Rogers, who was con- fined to Listowel Hospital for two weeks, is now et a. nursing home in Palmerston, and is much im- proved. Master Lee Bellamy of London spent Met week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack King. Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Doig and family spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach. Miss Sheila; Donegan of Listowel is spending this week with Miss Janie Hambly, Recent visitors at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. John Craig were Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Gibson, Mrs. Myrtle Wallace of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLeod of Clifford arid Mrs. Robert Ferguson, Gorrie and Mts. Pearl Patteteon. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Williamson and two daughters spent last week on a motor trip through Muskoka, Algonquin Park and other points north. Miss Louise Matthews visited several days last week with Mr. arid Mrs. Clayton Edwards in Lis- towel. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Denny and four children of Owen Sound vis- ited friends in the village one day last week, Mr. Harold' Hamilton of Port Burwell visited on Saturday with Mrs..Wm. Wade, Miss Bev Petrie of Atwood visit- ed e few days last 'week with Miss Sharon Mr, and, Mrs, Anson Dernerling are Spending a couple of days at Penelon Orillia, Gravenhurst and Parry Sound, Mr. Paul Wendt of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. B, A, Schaefer. Mrs, Wendt and family returned home with hint after visiting the past week with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Seek Brown vis- ited last week with relatives in Sault Ste, Marie, travelling by way Mee; Vera 'McCrea. Mrs. Ted Fear, Mrs. Thomas Smith and Mrs, Ralph McCrea, were in To- ronto on Tuesday and called on Mr, and Mrs. Bernie. Williamson. Mrs. Vera McCrea remained to spend some time them Miss Joan Brydges of London e ;Visited on Thursday with Mrs, 'Ralph McCrea and family, Miss Jean Manna started work at the county home in Clinton last week Florence Rinn has started work this week at a shoe factory in -Sea- forth, . Miss Marlene Walsh of Kitch- ener, spent the week-end with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Walsh. Miss Lorna Bolt' of Kitchener visited with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Bolt, over the week- end, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear and fam- ily are spending a few days with his sister, Mrs, N. Buller at Ron- deau Park. Mr. and Mrs, John Manning and family of Blyth visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Ralph McCrea and family:. . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and family of Sarnia spent the week- • end with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Taylor and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Cede Ariestrong and family of Thorndale spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Da- Vid Armstrong and other relatives. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pickett and family of Vancouver, B.C., are vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler and other rela- tives in the district for the next three weeks, the week-end with his fam it here. y Mr. Bud Orr of Wiaetein spent Mr, and Mrs, Trevor Moores and family of Brampton visited Iast Week with - Mr. and Mrs, Donald Campbell and filthily. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler Were Mrs, Huth e Davis and Susan of Gen; Mrs, Mary Turner amid Margaret of Ed- nonten; Mrs, Franklin Piekell, elan and Janine, of Guelph and Me and Mrs, Howard Pocock of Ottawa. On Sunday a family ga, therirtg wee add at Mr. and Mes, Wheeler's, When their daughter and Son-in-14W were home, Mr . and Mrs, Wilfred Piekell and family of Vancouver. Mr, arid Mee, Nelson Pickeli, Wirigheial, Ma and Mrs, addle Wheeler and family of Itarnidort, Mr. and Mrs, Olen bill- worth and family of kitcherier and Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler and family Of t3elgraVe also attended the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. George Price, Car- olyn and Melvyn of Palls Church, Virginia, and Mrs, W. If, Boles and Miss Della, spent the Week- erid with Mts. MaiVin Taylor tied Bill. day visitors tit the same home, Mr. Walter Pieltford, Wingham, will be in charge of services in Goerie, FordWieh and Wingeter Anglican. Churches for the next two Sundays. Rey. E. 0, Attwell will be at the Huron .Diocesan 'Church Canlp near )13a,vfield. The purpose of this review is to set out the major facets of teeno. financieLand social activity, II- lestrate and analyze growth, and indicate the contribution of the province to the economic life of the teflon The report should prove helpful to business and . govern. ment.as well -as the public general. ly in recognizing the -opportunitie.S or the future. $880 million. Livestock and lire- stock -products provide three-quer- ters of this total, Tobacen is the serand lareast sourer of cash in- come, accounting for over one.. tenth of the aggregate, followed by field -crops and fruits and vege. tables. The province continues to main- lain its healing position in Mineral, output which last. year reached a record level of $984 million. On- tario's five top ranking minerals are nickel, uranium, cooper, gold $12 billion a a gain of close to 50 and iron. With an output valued percent over the past decade. In- at $766 million, they accounted for creasing industralieation and. un- more than three-quarters of the banization have been accompanied total va'ue of mineral production by remarkable additions to Deter- in the 'province, in's electric generating plant arid equipment. The province's hydrau. lie, thermal and nucleat power sources are all being further de- veloped, while the use of natural ;gas is gaining rapidly, As well as bring the most highly industrialized province in carnal., Ontario also ranks first in ageiciad turd production. Since World War XX, the annual farm cash income in Mr. and. Mrs. Ray 'Hawley of Oshawa. spent the week-end with hef parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods, Misses Margaret and Brenda Wilson of London spent the past Week With Me, and Mrs. Frank MeQuillie and Terry. Miss -.resale MeCharles of Ripley is visiting with her sisters Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and Mr, Gauet, Mr, and Mrs. Irving McCabe of Windsor visited during the past week with Mr. 'and Mrs, Frank Mequillin and other relatives, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Durst were Mr. anti Mrs. A. Durst, Stratford; Mr, and Mrs Roy Durst and family, Walkerton; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. (Vera) Walters and family, .Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. 'Bob (Dorothy) Collins, Stratford; Mr ,and Mrs ,Ned (Kay) Rutledge and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lou (Mae) Ebel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Margaret) McCuteheon and family, all of Brussels. There were 37 members of the Durst fam- ily present to visit with Mrs. Gor- don (Alma) 'Parr and family, of B.C., who arrived last week to visit with relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reidt at- tended the Reidt reunion held in Neustadt on Saturday. Me. and Mrs. Vern Clark spent the week-end at, Gull Lake and Miss Dawn Lue and Mr. Terry Clark who :terra last week there returned home with them. Mrs. A. Wearing street part of last week with her daughters, Mrs, Norman Carson and family, of Gerrie, and Mrs, David LiVingstohe amid fatally, of Toronto, at the Car- son cottage at Aenberley Beach, Mrs. Scott, of Lewiston, N.Y.. is spending some tithe with her- daughter, Mrs. John Meson, and Mr. ActesOn. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Clement. Toronto, are spending this week at their summer home here. Me, and Mrs, Vernon Hupfcr sprat Sunday with 'Mr, and Mrs, Scott Hunter at 'Point Clarke, of Manitoulin and returning by Flint, Mich., and Sarnia. Mr. James Brown returned home with them for two 'Weeks' visit. Mrs. Nellie Gamble is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harris at Brownsville. Mr, and Mrs. Bole Petznick and family of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon •Goldrich of London were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Anson Demi.- ling. Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Armstrong and Miss Doreen Armstrong spent the week-end at Peterborough. The latter remained and has taken a 'position in the hospital -there. Mr. arid Mrs, Cecil Cooper are spending this week with friends at Honey 'Harbor. Mx. and Mrs. Wellington Har- grave and family attended -the Reed reunion Sunday le Moore- field park. Friends of Mrs. John -Winter will be sorry to hear that she was tak- en by ambulance to Palmerston hospital on Saturday, Master Ross Diehl of Orillia is spending a few weeks With Mas- ter Kenny Meelemerit, Mr. Everitt Cooper of Minden Spent a few- Jaye, last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, Misses T. .1. Schaefer and Paul spent Friday in Kitchener, Mee, Peter Chimney and Jailey ofPort COI borne spent a feat days last week with her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. Misses Shirley Marks and Pau- line spent the Week-end at Port Carling, Mrs. Carroll doliesoe returned home Friday lifter visiting last week with Mr, and.. Mrs, Murray Kirkby in Pert Credit, Births STEINACKEItee To Me and Mrs, Deere Steiriacker, a, daughter, on Wednesday, July 29th, in Palm. erston Hospital. WELSCH-To Mr. and Mrs, John Welsch, a son, on Monday, July" 24, at Berner* tanneeilinele Mr, •and Mrs, T. L; McInnes at- tended the ' Cedarville United Church anniversary service on Sunde,y, Rev. Gordon ,Harris, of Dixie, e forMer At/Mister, was the guest speaker. They also visited with Mr. and-Mrs. Wm. Howell. 'Mr and Mrs. Harold layndman, Jim and Gerry arc ion holiday in the Manitoulin 'Island and other northern points, A number of the LOBA attended lodge in iFordwieh on Wednesday when the Grand Mistress of Ontario West was present. Mrs, Jean MacDonald, London, accompanied by Miss Florence Ed- wards, -of London, Mrs. Wilford King and Mrs. E. Carson are on a motor trip to the east coast 'via United States. Mrs. Archie Livingstone and Miss Lee Livingstone, of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens. Mr. Bert Hubbard and Miss Sharon Hubbard spent a week with friends in the Haliburtan and Picton area. Mrs. Clam Parr and M. Kenneth Parr, of Tbronto, and Mrs. -A, L. Stephens visited over the week-end at the home, of Mr, and Mrs. Ward Fawcett, of Chatham, Miss Nancy Atwood, of Owen Sound, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs, Roymond Gowdy, MM. Betty Faegan, Barbara, Bon- nie and Kendra, of Wingliam, visit- ed Monday at the -home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gowdy, LAC Leslie, Will, of the -RCAF, and Mrs. Will and Larry, have re- turned home after spending Blur years in Germanye Sympathy is extended to Mrs, Andrew Davidson in her bereave- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Joshing, Vied.- erich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar. Ronald Brooks, of RCAF, and Mrs. Brooks and family, of Ottawa, are speeding their vacation with Mr, and liars. Ambrose David and other' relatives. Mrs. Anson Thornton was a guest et the Gulli-Sreith Wedding in the Presbyterian Church, laluevale, on Saturday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Baylor were Leonard J, Mills, comptroller, Ce- nachian National Railway, and Mrs. Mills, of Montreal, Mrs, Frances Mills, of Dunbarton, Miss Louise and William Piehee, of Listowel, Messrs, Adarn arid Clarence Nickel and Mrs, Annie Hoch, of GoWans- town, Work has cOrnineteed on the new home Mr. Bill Nay is building iri the village on Wellington Street, beamed-1 the homes of Me, Manfred Irwin and Me Norman Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Sack Evers, of Tor- onto, spent the weak-end with Mr, and Mrs. Manfred Irwin and other relatives, Me, and Mrs!, Arthur Miles and Mr, Ron Miles spent a few days with Me. and Mrs. 1\l'ornlarl Mr, Beiread Hamilton, of ;Dort Walt and Mr. and Mte- Al. Pengelly rind far-filly, cif Byron; were Satur,, •