HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-08-02, Page 6LEOACY FOR LIFE" rri4.pigct tor a Anetnalie Car!er by samppas * issnc4 by ,i3V5PIE$4, TQUA' .AWKIIATXON CANA04, ' 0.E.A.. 5r. and ,Tr. Coureee. ,111Qnalifted Teachers, .11 New EleeVIO anal Modern Bump). Tyksa• writere, 0.New Mimeograph and Pietaphona Machines. moathly Tuition VB. 20tb Annual Vali T1131n (wens Sea*nhar fiODER1CH BUSI, NESS COLLEGE JA 4-8521 or 7284 • 1." fe • _ ikovice-Ti p1.74 Wed., AUgUst x, 1961 i 4 - LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario TWo Shows Each Night Commencing at 7,15 p.m. A-P1VLISSION,--65e 45e - 30, %1FMS.-FRI.,S111,..% AUG. 3-4-5 rrank Sinatra - Gina Lolabrigida "NEVER SO FEW" The jungles of Burma in the Second World War G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Mr, and Mrs. Alton Adams, and family returned home from a vaca- tion at Bruce Beach on Saturday. Mrs. Adams and Julie had been there for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Stainton have returned home from a two weeks' vacation at Pine River, —Mrs. Dora Houle has returned, home to Toronto after spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. James Sell, —Rev. Peter BisSett and Mrs. Bisaett left last Friday for their home in Castro Valley, California, They were accompanied as far as Marshall, Michigan, by the former's , sister, Mrs. W. E. Fielding, Mn. I ), Fielding also spent the week-end with them at the home of friends there, —Mr. Norman Rintoul was able to return home from hospital on Friday, —Master Johnny White left last Tuesday for Detroit to visit with his aunt, Miss Patricia Brophy, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Desmond, Miss Brophy and John- ny returned to Wingham on Mon- day and she will visit with her mother, Mrs, Joseph Brophy for a month. spent the week-end, with his mo- ther, Mrs, Jean Crump, --Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hamiltbn and family were week-end visitors with their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs, I--Iugh Jones, of Sarnia. Ruth Anne remained to spend several weeks with her sis- ter. —Friends will be sorry to learn that Mr. Archie Peebles has beer a patient in the Wingham Hospi- tal since Sunday. —Jim Nasmith has returned home from a month at Camp Kan- dalore in the Haliburton region, -Mrs, R, A, Armitage and Joan have arrived back after spending two weeks in Calgary visiting cou- sins. While there they attended the Calgary Stampede. —Mrs. W. Houston, Heather and Ian of Kingston have been visit- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. French during the past week, ---Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Bennett and family of Ingersoll visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. James Seli. --Mr. Walter Pickford took the services in the Atwood and Listow- si Anglican Churches on Sunday morning. —Mr. Gibson Rintoul took ill at work on Monday of last week and will be confined to his bed for a month. He is suffering from a heart ailment. 111001011."1""Wilim, AN EXTRA *10,000 FOR YOU Let's say you put one dollar a day into an Investors plan. These few dollars a week — vyill grow into $10,000 in just twenty years! More than 125,000 Canadians are already making their dreams come true through Investors Syndicate, and a plan can be tailored to suit your specific needs. Start now to build a substantial cash reserve for your future. See your Investors man . . . your best friend financially. —Mr. and Mrs, William Conror Brenda and Barry have returned home after spending the month of July at their cottage at Graven- burst. —Mr. and Mrs, Eddie Stroud of Scarborough are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hall and family, —Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Higgins and Carol spent a couple of days in Toronto early this week. —Mr. and Mrs, Ed Arbic of Ban- croft were visitors over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Ad- ams, They are former residents of town, Mr. Arbic having been one the Dominion Bank staff, He has received a. transfer to Timmins and will move there from Bancroft the latter part of August. —Mr, and Mrs. Charlie David- son and Brent left on Saturday for Nova Scotia for a two weeks' va- cation. They will visit with their nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cdrter, at Halifax. —Visitors last week with Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Johnson at St. Paul's rectory were Mr. and Mrs H. G. Goff of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, P. M, Beare and children of Owen Sound and Mrs. N. A. Gauld and son, George, London. , —Mr. and Mrs. Roy de Groot and family of Sudbury visited with Lucknow and Wingham friends over the week-end. —Miss Maureen Hogan of To- ronto is spending this Week with her cousin, Miss Mary White.' MARRIED Al' DONNIBROOK—Mr. and. Mrs. Murray J. Wilson are shown following their wedding at Donnybrook 'United Church on July 15th. The bride is the former Louise Marilyn Jefferson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H, Jefferson, R, R,',2, Auburn. The groom's parents arc Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, also of R. R. 2, Auburn.—Photo by McDowell.. THOMAS JARDIN Box 394 WINGIIAM, ONT. Phone 141 BRUCE McFAUL Box 693 LISTOWEL, ONT. Phane 979 EMERSON IVEL Box 6 BFARRISTON, ONT, Phone 384W —Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan of Toronto visited over the week- end with her brother, Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred White and family. --Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crump and son Billy of Niagara Falls, Ont., visited Misses McCrackin during Investors • —Miss Judy Forsyth spent last, week with Miss Terry Newell, at Galt and Paul Forsyth visited last week with. 'Billy -Scroggie of Gur . , • ' rorito • called op' hiS mother, Mrs. Lillian Lamb, s on :Saturday and visited with his :aunt, Mis$ Letitia Robinson; in :Winghani Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb are vacationing this week at South- amptOn. --Mrs, Irvin Merrick is a patient in the Uxbridge Hospital, where she underwent surgery on her leg on Tuesday of this week. ' It IS hoped that she will soon be able to return to her home in Wingham. —Mrs. J. F. Galtraith of Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Galbraith and David - of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mrs. W. A.:Galbraith. —Mrs. Joe Smeltzer of Regina, is visiting with her brothef,.: IIII John Fitch, at the home 'of Mr.:and Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery. —Mrs. Jeffery Hawkins and family are :visiting this Week with friends at .Toberraory. Mr. Haw- , kins spent•the week-end there, and returned. on,day,' .ancrning. Visitors vqth arid 4f6: jim.. 15esie0 on Wednesday were .Mrs: x Stan;Pacjuette, fit; Paquette family ChatharA; Mr. Clair Deneau of (Exeter and Mrs. Erma LOwiy and Linda of Exeter. , —Mrs. John Langridge, David and Steven are spending a week's vacation with Mrs. H. J, Sloan at Brantford. the week-end, PASSES IN HOSPITAL 0571Th all 00(gage OP CANADP4. 1,1111TED .7a 1 Head Office: Winnipeg • Offices in Principel COW • —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr and children of Stayner have -been spending their holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Kerr. Mr, and Mrs, Pat Hennessy and Pathela of London spent the week- end at the same home. Mr. and Mrs, Les Buckman of Watford spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Buckman and four children of, Whitehorse, Yukon, were there last Thursday and Friday. WOE! Red Front Grocery KEN'S :ALIMENT SERVICE Phone: 590 Our Prices Are Lower Free We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery ANNETTE'S HAIR STYLING NGHA M Nescafe INSTANT COFFEE, 10-oz. ....$1.39 VanCamp's PORK and BEANS, 20-oz. . .2/35c Stokeley's Fcy. KERNEL CORN, 14-oz.' Z/31C MIRACLE WHIP-Salad Dressing; 16-42. . .39c —Mr, and Mrs. Clark Renwick and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Montgom- ery spent Thursday at Lions Head and while there called on Mr. and Mrs, Sterling Haskins, formerly of Belmore. —Master Bruce Gauley of Ow- en sound spent last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Forsyth and is visiting this week with Brian Clark at Bruce Beach. on Saturday, to celebrate the birth- day of their mother, Mrs. Candy, Miss JoT Anne Pickford returned home with them and will visit there .untic i'riday of this week. —Mr. and Mrs, John Winnachuck of London visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Angus for a few days. —Mr. and Mrs, Ken Jones and faMily and Mrs. Jack Johnston of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Haney. —Mr. and Mrs. Kel Detheridge and Kelly of Brantford spent Mon- day evening with her aunt, Mrs. W, C. Murray. —Mr. .and Mrs. Neil N. McLean of Toronto visited with his sister, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Walker over the week-end and attended the MeCulla- Smith wedding at Blue- vale. —Misses Barbara and Marlene Stainton are holidaying at Pine River. 109NE 355 - DIAGONAL ROAD 'WINGHAM —Dr, and Mrs. G. S. Leedham spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Douglus Hancock of Wood- stock. On Saturday both couples attended the Cudmore-Spence wed- ding in Ridgetown. —Mrs. C. B. Armitage has ar- rived home after spending a month in Brentwood, Cal. While there she attended the 50th wedding an- niversary of her brother, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur S, Martin. The community was saddened this past week when Mrs. Elmer W. Wilkinson passed away at the IA/Ingham General Hospital, on Thursday, July 27th-, after a long illness, The deceased was the former Hilda Muriel Buchanan, and was a daughter of the late Frank Bu- chanan and Mary Jane Westman. Born in Toronto, she received her elementary education in that city, and 'attended the Wingham High School. On October 5th, 1920, she was married in Wingham to Elmer W. Wilkinson. . Besides her sorrowing husband, she is survived by two -brothers, George Ernest Buchanan, of Tor- onto, and Gordon Buchanan, of Wingham, as well as one sister, Mrs. C. J. (Edith) Gregory, also of Wingham. The late Mrs. Wilkinson was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and was a member of the Wingham Women's Institute. Funeral services were held from the R, A, Currie & Sons funeral home at 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 29th, with President Thomas Mon- son, of the church of Jesus 'Christ of Latter Day Saints officiating. Pallbearers were Messrs, R. H, Lloyd, F. R. Howson, C. W. Lloyd, C. Fingland, H. L, Sherbondy and William Burgman. Flower bearers were Gregory Buchanan, Clayton and Gordon Wilkinson. Interment was in the Wingham Cemetery, —Mr. and Mrs. George Porter of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Porter. ' 8c ' afti IIE NUMBER TO CALL FOR GOOD FOOD IS . . . Wingham 9 6 8 HE FROSTY QUEEN DRIVE-IN I FREE BAKE-N-§ERVER• , FAB Powdered Detergent CHARCOAL 5.413i.: 37c CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 39c —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards were Sunday visitors with her sis- ter, Mrs. Leo , Loppe, Mr. Loppe, and family in Port Elgin: —Misses Minn and Florence Barber and Mrs. Mason spent sev- eral days in Stratford with the lat- ter's daughter. —Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Leod of Toronto visited at the home of Mrs. Janet Buchanan at the week-end and attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson. CHARCOAL 'LIGHTER FLUID.;'16oz.' ...29c FLY SWATTERS, (rtAbbei.) ,,15C —Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, Mr, and Mrs. Willis Hall, Barbara and Brenda spent the weer-end at Mil- ton with Mrs. George Hall's sis- ter, Mrs. William Powell and Mr. Powell. I REDPATH—Fine or Medium GRANULATED SUGAR 100-lbs. $8.39 ....._......_.........- Blue Bonnett MARGARINE ..3 1-1b. packs 83c Aylmer TOMATO KETCHUP, 11-oz. ...2/39c Picnic SWEET RELISH, 16-oz. 25c Bisset's ICE CREAM .1/2 gal. 89c; pt. bricks. 25c Party Pack CONES, 20's .23c —Mr. Terrin McCrackin and sons, John and Harvey, also Mrs. CHRISTMAS CARDS, seals, bons, wrapping paper, etc., going at half price at Marg's going out of business sale, starting Thurs- day, August 3rd. 2b Here's a little trick for home- makers who enjoy owning an elec- tric waffle iron, French Toast takes on anew glamor when cook- rib- ed in a waffle iron, and can help you to quick-as-a-wink luncheon magic. Experiment by serving the toast plain, with hot syrup, or for a really satisfying meal, with a creamed chicken sauce. CALL IN AND HAVE THEM PREPARE YOUR LUNCH OR DINNER — Just in time for you to pick it up when you want it. TRY DELICIOUS CHICKEN DONE TO A TURN or one of our famous deluxe HAMBURGERS or FOOT-LONGS MILK SHAKES, SUNDAES or FROSTY CONES — wrapped to go, if desired —Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shipley and family of Sarnia were guests over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hotsdn, Wayne Ship- ley stayed to spend the week with his friend, Bob Hotson. —Mrs. Horst Msyk left last week to visit with her family in Ger- many. Mr. Msyk spent Sunday with his daughters in Stratford, who are staying 'With their grand- mother, while their mother is J, F, McCrackin, all of Kingsville, • mr. E. W. WILKINSON OUR STORE IS 41•11111111111111111111111111.111111111111111106111111111111311111111111111111111111111111111X111111111111111111111111111111111111111199111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111S 1 U U U U I U U U U U CLOSED EST BUYS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE rott 1960 LARK 4-door Sedan, very low mileage 1959 CHEVROLET Coach, real snappy 1958 FORD Custom 300 Sedan, clean inside and out 1958 FORD Custom 300 Tudor Coach, a real buy 1958 FORD Custom 300 Fordor Sedan, aut. trans., w. washers 1952 CHEVROLET Sedan, in good condition, a real buy 1951 DESOTO 4-door Sedan Renovation and Re-Stocking v "P.• WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OUR RE-OPENING DATE EDIGHOFFERS the King Trophy presented by Edighotfers (Whig- harm Limited, from club president, Mrs. jack Ale:V- ander; and Mrs. Don Livingston, The rink tallied throe Wins.; and a phis of 11. As well m taking home the silverware the rink members also reeeived bitufk-I ets prizes,---(liKNX Photo by stroog, Ford, Monarch, Falcon Ford and Fordson Tractors IrOREST RINK WINS--Ilie Manna Winghairr La- dies' LaWil Bowling Club invitation tournament play- ed last Wednesday evening was a, highly successful. eVent. with tep honours going to a rink from Forest. Wimrers, pictured, left to, right, are Mrs. Eldon Min- icily, Mrs. Robert Lawrenee, skip; slown receiving -MneWitlf,I.IAM WIr4GlriAM PHONE 237 (Wingharn) Limited 'THE FRIENDLY STORV,