HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-08-02, Page 3PRINTED EMBOSSED PLASTIC RUNNERS Floral patterns in assorted colours, 14 x 44. You will want to buy several of these practical dainty runners FREE GIFT FANCY HAND PAINTED IMPORTED CHINA LONG RELISH DISH FREE our store AT OUR LOW, LOW SALE PRICE OF 31c FREE GIFT TERRY DISH TOWEL Pastel stripes on white, one of our superior quality towels, 18 x 32 inch size FREE To the first 150 customers visiting our store Saturday morning. To the first 150 customers visiting Friday morning. `BUY A MIN IN PL A\ STIC DRAPES FREE BALLOONS . FOR THE KIDDIES PAIR TRAINING PANTIES FOR AN EXTRA Summer Supply of these very washable cotton Panties. Pastel colours and White. Elastic Waist. Snug Fit. lie pair 5 pair 79c Dress .up your windows with these bright designs in "colour fast" polyethelehe plastic drapes altogether charming and so practical in multi colours' on various light backgrounds, generous size. each drape 36" x 81". Pair covers opening 72" Wide. A bargain at this very low introduction sale price. OUTSTANDING VALUE SPARKLING GLASS TUMBLERS SIX OUNCE SIZE SEVERAL DESIGNS to CHOOSE FROM—STOCK UP NOW LOOK AT THIS LOW PRICE 6 f r 49c SALE CONTINUES BARGAINS FOR ALL WINGHAM. ALL YOUR FAMILY WOE STORE. shoo.i a, 1 puoNE. lg. V01.44rig.4.0via.t Reserve Seat Tickets fQr the DON MESSER SHOW Friday, August 25th Available from any member a the Wingham Lions Club .MORE STURE Y-OFF TH NEW CO-OP PASTURE RATION • sivetivii es '7, SUNOCOS LOSE TO PT EDWARD The Wingham. Sunocos journeyed down to Sarnia on Saturday night and lost a close game to Pt. Ed- ward by a score of 2-1, Pt, Edward used three pitchers allowing 4 hits and striking out 20 batters, Hugh McMillan pitched for the Sunocos striking out 9 and only al- lowing 3 hits, being also their top batter with a triple and a double. Ken Cerson and Cord Fisher got the other 2 hits. spring and summer pastures provide adequate bulk andprotein p.re low in energy. On pasture alone, a cow can produce only 30 d ds of milk per day because of her limited capacity to consume a ent quantity of grass. Additional energy is required to maintain ( weight and to attain maximum milk production. e new CO-OP Pasture Ration provides this all-important extra- y that is required to supplement spring and summer pastures. CO-OP Pasture Ration and you will get more from your re ... more from your herd. IMPORTANCE OF-FEEDING CO-OP MINERAL IN SUMMER Mineral consumed by cattle is utilized three times more efficiently In the summer than is that consumed in winter. Much of the mineral required for winter milk production must come from the cow's system. Consequently, mineral build-up In the animal's body must occur while she is on pasture. For a healthy, profit-making herd, feed Co-op Cattle Mineral, free. choice, throughout the entire year. START PLAYOFFS WINEHAM TAKES EXETER 10.6 On Thursday night of last week in the Wingham park the Sunocos downed Exeter by a score of 10-6. This was the last game of the schedule for the Sunocos. They start a best 3 of 5 series with Ex- eter Tuesday in Exeter and back in Wingham on Thursday, Aug. 3, Gord. Welwood doing the pitching for the Sunocos allowed 12 hits but kept thenf scattered to hold down the score. , Exeter--Little 3b; Slack 2b; Brit- nell c; Westbrook If; Carey ss; Ed- wards rf; Bloemaert cf; Bell ib; Middleton lb. Wingham—MacMillan ss and If; Cerson ss and If; Saxton cf; Baker 2b; Gardner 3b; Fisher rf; Brown lb; Foxton c; Welwood p. R H E Exeter 110 400 000— 6 12 1 Wingham 040 600 00x-10 11 2 Umpires — Jack Tiffin and Jack Bogart. Soccer Team Lost Two Games • For the first time in several years Wingham has organized a soccer team and has joined the South Huron Soccer League. Two games have already been played in which Wingham was de- feated. Both were with Winthrop, one game here and one in Win- throp. Wingham fought hard but the Scores were 5-0 and 6-0 in fa- vor of Winthrop. Wingham plays at Goderich to- night and the remainder of the schedule is as follows: Game time is 7.30: Aug. 7—Clinton at Wingham Aug, 9—Wingham at Brussels Aug 15—Wingham at Clinton Aug. 18—Wingham at Goderich Aug. 21—Brussels at Wingham Leaders of Wingham Cub Pack who attended Camp Martyn at the week-end were Bill Crawford, Bob Rintoul, Barbara Pickford, Nancy Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. The 31 boys and their leaders were greeted by District Commissioner Archie Gowanlock of Walkerton, on their arrival at camp on Fri- day. The Cubs got off to a good start after settling into their tents, and played several games during the evening. They enjoyed a feast of watermelon and then headed for bed. The boys were awake at the crack of dawn on Saturday and the leaders were obliged to prepare an early breakfast. They then went Park and were away from the camp until noon, In the after- noon swimming, baseball, soccer and football were enjoyed and Sat- urday night everyone gathered around the campfire. The male leaders made an in- spection of the tents before the campfire and the best-kept tent was occupied by Kevin Fisher, Mark Fisher, Danny Arnold, Michael Forsyth, Brian Forsyth and Tom- my Irwin, Their reward was free soft drinks from the canteen. On Sunday morning the boys were a little less energetic than they were on Saturday and the lea- ders were allowed an extra few minutes rest before preparing breakfast. The usual camp chores were completed, games were play- ed and the Cubs broke up camp before the parents and drivers ar- rived for them early in the after- noon. The boys felt they had a wonder- ful week-end and many are already looking forward to next year's camp, The weather was favorable although they did have a couple of minor showers on Friday night, Trophy Won by Forest . Rink The King - Edighoffer trophy ladies' trebles tournament was held last Wednesday with 18 rinks in play from Sarnia, Goderich, Han- over, Chesley, Kitchener, Forest, and Wingham. The first prize went to Mrs, Lawrence and her rink from For- est; second to Mrs. Cutt of Coder- ich and Mrs. Ambrose of Kitchen- er was third. Mrs. Baldwin of Sarnia was fourth and Mrs. John 441aRtx re of Wingham, fifth. OF MANY THINGS By Ambrose Hills Poets and other sensitive people tell us that if we wish to live fully we should always be aware that life is lived on the edge of disaster. Disaster struck our normal placid lives last week when our pony, Mite (short for Dynamite), took sick with the colic. We were all fond of Mite; and my daughter, Kathy, who owns him, was crazy over him—but she didn't quite real- ize it until Mite was nearly lost. Today, Mite is well again, and doubly loved and enjoyed. Having nursed him to survival through one dangerous night, he'll always mean more to us. And to the good neigh- bor who stayed up most of the night with us to keep him on his feet. When trouble comes, we find things out about life and its worth. There ought to be some magic atti- tude that would keep us aware of such values the whole year through, in good times or bad, so that we would react more deeply to friends and neighbors, family and sur- roundings. Perhaps life lived at such a pitch would be a strain on the nervous system. I doubt it. I think we die a little during the placid lulls in our lives. We are keener, finer, richer when we face trouble and see something valued on the point of This week-end I watched a group of newcomers to Canada rollicking on a public beach close to 'our cot- tage. Many of these newcomers had lived a long time behind the iron curtain. They enjoy and appreciate the freedom and abundance they find here in Canada—enjoy it far more than we natives do, who take Life is a hazardous business and nothing should be taken for grant- ed. Each day that the sun rises should find us filled with gratitude to be alive and breathing, with friends and family close by, and work to do. We should live as if this were the last day granted to us. What a difference it would make! 014?•1111100ES BELGRAVE COOP BELGRAVE, ONTARIO Phone Wingham 1091; Brussels 388w10 WINGHAM MOTORS PHONE 139 WINGHAM Just Give Me Enough Gas To Drive Off The Nearest Cliff Old "Daredevil Dan" "doesn't care what happens to his ear or himself. But then, he's different from most folks. For example, YOU care for your car . . . and WE do, too: We're here to clean it, fuel it, water it, nourish it when it's ill ... to provide the best service possible for your car . because we CARE. You'll be glad we do: Belgrave Cuba Belgrave Cubs were back in on a hike to Inverhuron Provincial their old stamping grounds at the arena for their regular meeting on Tuesday evening. Each of the leaders led in several games, in- cluding relays, games of skill and games for speed. The loud cheers proved that the Cubs enjoyed each game, Leader Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler spoke to the Cubs about a possible Cub Camp at the Scout grounds at Inverhuron on August 18th. They would leave Friday evening and return Sunday afternoon, Every boy would attend services there so he would need his uniform. Cubs' mothers are asked 'to phone any of the leaders before the next meeting to let them know the num_ her of Cubs wanting to attend the camp. At the end of the meeting Mrs. Wheeler read a poem written spec- ially for assistant' leader Mrs. Bud Orr, who will soon leave the Pack to go to Wiarton. Mrs. Vincent presented her with a lovely lamp and card signed by all the Cubs. The meeting ended with the Grand Howl led by Richard Anderson, 0 - 0 - 0 Cubs at Inverhuron RITE Wingham ...... 000 000 001-1 4 1 Pt, Edward 002 000 00x-2 3 1 departing. I so much of it for granted. 111111111•11111111M1M. ,‘)/ou Are Invited To Visit 5c to $1.00 STORE WINGHAM ONTARIO SALE INTRODUCTION FORMERLY "IMNI••••••••••41.0111•111•1•MIP WELWOODS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION SALE PRICE FOR THE SMALL FRY JUMBO = PLASTIC BAT AND BALL 58c REGULAR 98c Site 8% to 11. Usiially Prided Muth Higher. 47c Pr. HANDY KITCHEN TERRY POT HOLDERS 71/2 x 7%, assorted colours .To match the kitchen ensemble, we have Bright Red, Green, Pink, Blue, Yellow. FIRST QUALITY MICRO — MESH SEAMLESS NYLONS LONGER WEAR IN EVERY PAIR Sure Fit — Popular Summer Shades 67c Usually Priced at 98c DON'T MISS THIS BIG SAVING! BOBBY SOCKS SOFT AND SNOWY WHITE With Snug Iritting"Hozy Ruffs" Reinforced Heel and Toe. ill an ten [. 6 in rr 4 E ur Great introduction Sale is Now On! WE ARE OFFERING A STORE. PACKED FU LL OF TOP VALUES, FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT US EARLY ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY FOR A FREE GIFT. •