HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-08-02, Page 2rage 'Phe Wingleo» Aa. . (Van -Tiara, Yeaneedity, Ateeast e. 1001' amiemenaleaseeeeeeeeseeeeetame e.....(eassea; . .. , .. eaeiee Thanks TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS WHO PATRONIZED OUR STORE IN WINGHAM. IT WAS APPRECIATED. WE'RE. SURE YOU'LL FIND THE SAME I CORDIAL WELCOME FROM THE. I NEW OWNERS, JACK AND BEA BAYES. I anners Outfitting Store F BILL AND DONELDA GORDON I MN 41•.0.10.1..11 lii APPLE PIE-Morton's 22-oz. it 25 Free Stamps CHERRY PIE- -••M 22,oz. -1-1 25 Free Stamps wi B. C. CHIP STEAKS, 12-0z. I Beach ball in each pkg. ORANGE. JUICE, Flo-sip, 6-oz. ..... ....4/89c It Remington G Market /All , . . • . ...... • 2/89c ........2/89c . 79c I CA., *1957 -CHEVROLET Sedan • 1957 PLYMOUTH V-S automatic, low tiiifrage. A filaand ear at• reasonable price, • 1958 PONTIAC 2.4Door a Very • 1960 CHEVROLET A-1 condition, low mileage • 1960 RAMBLER Super At a low, low price SEE THE NEW 1,961 International C410 Yz.ton Truck PLUS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AT Ken Davidson Motors LIMITED Rambler Renault - I-H-C Dealer Main St. LISTOWEL Phone $7 11911111111111111111111111113111311111118911131111111 Brownie's Dtive-In LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO THUIL-FRL AUGUST 34 "HIGH TIME" (colinir) (Scope) Ring Crosby - Fabian Tuesday Weld (One Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY AUG. 5 "WILD RIVER 719 • (Colour) (Scope) Montgomery Clift Lee Remick - Jo VanFleet (One Cartoon) SUN. MIDNIGHT ONLY AUG. 6 Double Feature "The ATTACK-of the PUPPET PEOPLE" John Agar - June Kenny "WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST" Sally Fraser - Roger Pace (One Cartoon) MON.-TUES.-.WED, AUG. 7-8-9 "PSYCHO" (Adult Entertainment) Anthony Perkins Vera Miles 4 Janet Leigh (One Cartoon) 111111/111111,11/111111111111111110111111111111111111/111 Llashm P ORIVE-IN THEATRE' LISTOWEL Admissions 65e, Children ander 12 In cars Free. Box Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock First Show at Dusk Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Cleat THUR.-PRY- AUG. 3.4 Double Feature `CIRCUS OF HORRORS' Adult Entertainment Anton Diffring - Erika Retnaare "THE ANGRY lig PLANET" Gerald Mohr - Nora Hayden SATURDAY ONLY AUG. I "THESE THOUSAND . HILLS" Adult Entertainment Colour Scope Richard Egan SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Sr. MONDAY AUGUST 6-7 Double Feature "HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER" Adult Entertainment,' Robert Harris - Gary Cones) "TEENAGE CAVEMA Robert Vaughn - Darrel, Marshall TUES.-WED. AUG. 379 "DENTIST IN THE CHAIR" Bob IVIenkhouse, Peggy Cumming MMIIMPYil•••••••10.01•11. HARRISTON CROWNS Drive-in THEATRE THEATRE THUR.-FRI.-SAT, AUG. 8-4-5 WALT DISNEY'S "KIDNAPPED" Plus "A GALA DAY AT DISNEYLAND" Showinga at 7.15 and 9,15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEL*.;--1.155 Roth features moiv.-tum. AM, 7-8 THE GREEN HELMET' fig time sports car racing featuring till - Nancy Wolters Features At 7.15 and 9.15 AUGUST 9-10-1I-13 "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" The greatest adventure Story of all time -- In Technicolor - filmed in Panavislan -- starring Sohn Mills - Dorothy 21/Cavite Ireatures at 7.15end 9.80 (11111.0treN'S MATINZIE SATVHDAY, x $n, 236 THU1L-FRL AUG. 3-4 "THE UNFORGIVEN" (Adult) - Technicolor Burt Lancaster - AUdrey Hepburn "MACUMBA LOVE" (Adult) - in Color Savage rites as a Voodoo Queen rules a fear-crazed land SATfIRDAY ()Nix Auct. "THE BRIDAL PATH" Technicolor - "Wee Geordie" in search of a wife "COMMANCHE STATION" Randolph Stott - Nancy ;Gat SUNDAV AUG "SCREAMING SKULL" "TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5,000" (Adult Entertainment) Show starts at 11 p,m, AIONAIIIES.-WED. Atha. 1-8-11 ".I-TOLE IN THE HEAD' (Tethriicoior) - With an all-Oar east of favorites - Frank Sinatra, Carolyn Jones . Edward 0, Poblii. son Thelma. ilittery . Eddie likAges `HEROES DIE YOUNG" FEATURES I IGA Ripe 'n Ragged PEACHES, 15-oz. ...19c Monarch Pouch Pak. PANCAKE MIX, it Reg. or Buttermilk, 9-oz. . - ......2 Pac I Van. Camp PORK and BEANS, 8-oz. ....2 19c TA Tip Top CREAM CORN, 20-oz.. ..... - .2 29c it .39c ie IGA Choice PEAS, 15-oz. Henley FRUIT COCKTAIL, 20-oz. CHARCOAL, 5-Ib. bags ...... - - Real Gold DRINK SYRUPS-Orange, Grape, Tropical Punch, 6-oz. ..2 39c Heinz TOMATO SOUP, 10-oz. _ , ....4 '49c i Kellogg's CEREALS-Frosted Flakes, 10 2-oz,, Sugar Smacks, 9M2-oz., I Sugar Pops, 9-oz, . _ - .2 49c St. Williams PURE JAMS, Asstd., 9-oz. _2 '49c Aylmer SALAD OLIVES, 12-oz. 2 149c Salado TEA BAGS, 60's 73c • STAMP FEATURES 25 FREE STAMPS with these: Li Glide SPRAY STARCH, 15c off _ .69c .!--! FAB, King size, 35c off $L18 KLEENEX, flatfold, pink and white - .29c BROMO SELTZER, small pack 33c 50 FREE STAMPS with these: ▪ Listerine TOOTHPASTE, double deal _ .79c if Press It INSECTICIDE BOMBS, 12-oz. 89c La_▪ ▪ BROMO SELTZER, large pack 63c • MEAT FEATURES Fresh, icepacked Oven-rdy. TURKEYS, lb 39c Fresh, Cut-up TURKEY LEGS and BREASTS, per lb. 49c Tender, Succulent BEEF TENDERLOIN, per lb. $1,39 Mix or Match E'm-MAC and CHEESE, 141-- PICKLE and PIMENTO, DUTCH, CHICKEN LOAF, 6-oz, pkgs. /49c T.R. Skinless WIENERS, lb- .. _ ........ 49c 25 Free Stamps-BEEF STEAKETTES, lb.. 69c • PRODUCE FEATURES Golden. Yellow Ripe BANANAS ... .2 lbs, 29c Ont. No. 1 Sw"eet Home Grown CORN, doz. .49c it Ont. No. 1 Large Salad Green A- C BBAGE 2 heads 25c FREEZER. FEATURES Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER - Telephone 260 Cec. Walpolei FLOOR WALL TILES BUILDING - .2 29c 29c Aluminum SASH DOORS CUPBOARDS Wingham aleethig in the -Clinton District •Colle.giate Institutes 4)11. ThilnidAye .anly 20th. ebeirmen and seereteries of tour secondary school ,nosiads 41 ccntrarts regarding the sharing of costs operating the proposed v new ocatioaal school to be built in Clinton, Seated, from the left, with - • - 1. pens, in hand (resell. one signed five copies) are ehalarom wfluani Craig. Auburn, Ooderich Collegiate; Irvine Tebbeda Clinton;, Larry aleadier, Exeter High Seheol, ape prank Seaferth High Selma Standings iron, the left, Dan•ald M. Scott, inspector, seconders' schools; John Levis, 11(re-chairman, Clinton, who witnessed all signaturea; Ifarold Lawson, secretary, Clinton; Eugene Hower, secretary, Ex- etet; W. E. Southgate, eefiretarY, Seafortle and D. John. Coehran principal of CACI and of the proposed 'mew schools, The secretaries applied the official seal of their own school dietrieta-News-Reeord Photo, SIGN ANEEMENT RENSALL NINE TEAMS ARE TIED CANTELEDOST13,4SMN elf his board. Attending were: from Eareter, Belgrave ;Larry Seidler, chairman, ;and Eue- .Hensall ete %.?.av,;-Ey, secretary; from Sea-1 Beagrave le now engaged in et 3 . when the 'Yankees and the Pirates • ferth, Frank Sells. chairman, .and out of 5 series with Ileasall for the will appose each other and the Dod- INV. E. So:ithgate, secretary; from group •eharapionsidp. gers will play the Tigers. ii3nderith, William. Craig. Auburn, The next borne game is Seitu.rdaY WEDNESDAY GANLES !chairman, *secretary Ed, Jessop .1 night in Wingham_ Yankees-Tigers I was absenti; and from Clinton, Ira The Yankees laced the Tigers i This moves the initial planning Friday for Weyburn, Sask,, -where ;for the new vocational school one :i he has accepted a position ifs 'disc more sti'p along the way. The sign e jockey with CFSL. l ing followed the receipt of tentative • - a • Mr Stewart is native of •--Ed- appraval from the Department of monton. He is perhaps more fam- iliar to many: of his listeners as Eameation for the addition •as planned. "Cousin Andy" of the X-layieft•-lioe- Fr om now on ,the next step down program, and has been -seen Ss fora on the local TV.ahow eaeh -of the eo-operating boards to : Westeen. Roundup, name two representatives to the vo- i In June he married the fornier • cational advisory ;committee (Clin- Isabel Scott of the nursing staff, MacLennan, 1 hit, 3 runs; Martin ton names three/ making up a nine- Wingham General Hospital. -,She 1 staff Garnits, 1;hit, 2 runs and Steve member -committee. In each case, a will accept a position on- the I of Weyburn Union I-lospital. .•.:• • /either an employer or one hit, the only one in the game, an em- recommendation of theadviaary ploy cal. 4-committee. ,= Runs were scored by Brian Man- Then the Clinton board meets and Among the first tasks af the new man, 2; Barry McCallum, 2; Doug' . efamally appoints those reeo.m- :advisory committee :and the Milton Vyse, 1; Randy Elrick, 1, xnended to act on the advisory board will be to hire an architect.; committee. So far Exeter is the 'Then blueprints can be prepared; • only board to make its reconi-a they can be approved by the Onsa knendations: A. Garnet Hicks, Us- tario Department of Education and 'berme Township farmer, and James ;then tenders can be called. Tay.or, 1-lensall. resident sales -men- i It is essential that the new build- '• ages of General Coach Works of ling be finished by opening day of: iCaeerta Lirnited. • school hi the fall of 1962, to ac- 1 Though Mr. Hicks is seeretaryi commodate those pupils then a - c! raborne Public School area tending. • board and Mr. Taylor has been a This is the first vocational school member of Hensel] public sehodi to gain approval of theaaDrituatio A s board fr./e• five years. it is not ex- Department of Education Which peeled, nor intended that tonnes-' will be governed by more than one lion with public school boards • school board. Until now, each vo- should be a requisite of membership cation.al school -has been erected by on the -rotational advisory corn- one board, and then it has (ie the mat:ea situation warranted it) opened the Duties of the advisory committee ;; school to pupils in other district& through the next year, are,expected This applies to H. B. Beal Techni- to include planning for the vac-;cal School and -to Clarke Sideroad Sous courses to be offered in :the school, both in London. Students new school. The Clinton District from Huron County have been en Collegiate Institute board will be railed in each of these schools. Xn essentially responsible for the von- ; these cases, the school district from, struction of the new building, and which the pupil comes pays for later on for the operation of it, but tuition at the London school. kijililitliSiIllaill1,111111*11111:131C1X1111112-11 3111:11011CITIiltitIiltIfiltillt11111111;F: Civic Holiday Week-end Specials DISTRICT BOARDS :BMW BIAS LITTLE LEAGUE BALL • lane Tebbutt. R.R. 2, Clinton, •eliair- Iman, and Harold C. Lawson, .secre- I tary; John Lavis, vice-chairman, I witnessed the sig,natures. W...s made offy.eial on July 20, when ben league play. G. Smith, Jim ellairmen and se eretaries of each Coultes and T. Robinson had three games in the Little League series, ilegiete Inetitu Monday of this week. The stand- '"''t agree;aente. Each signed five Pearson had two hits in the Hen- :ng at the present time leaves the copies. and affixe3 the official seal •were Yankees and Tigers tied for first E place, the Pirates second and the 130 91a -302-10 17 1 Dodgers in the cellar, This may 000 000 °wee 0 4, 1 be changed tonight (Wednesday) beard member is to be named, plus another rneraber from industry The ereameratien of five high Belgrave blanked Mensal/ 1Q-0 in FOR FIRST PLACE enveol districts hi Huron County Ilensan Friday, in the Huron soft- There were two double-header runs. , 4 • .Foralie.Doeigere it was Joe Van- stone 1 hit, 1 run; Bruce Boyd, 2 hits, 1 run and Doug Ewing, no hits, 1 run. Tigers-Pirates On Monday evening the Tigers won by a tight margin over the Pirates, 7-6. The batteries were Made up of Brian 2Vfarman on the mound and Bob Beattie behind the plate for the Tigers and Larry Brooks pitching and Allan Leggat catching' for the Pirates. No player on the winning tear brought in more than one run, It was Bob liotson, John Mink, Bill Deneau, Torn Davell, and Brian Merman, each with one hit and one run; and Bob Beattie and Ter. ry Gardner, no hits, one run each Larry Brooks of the Pirates sparked his team with 2 hits, 2 runs, While 'Theodore Saint, Bob Armstrong, Spike Baker and. Ai_ lar..eggatt each had one and one, Dodgers - Yankees The Dodgers Carrie throtigh with their first win in this game, while the Yankees accepted their first' defeat. Again it was Doug Ilarman and. Joe `Wanstone farming the battery for the Dodgers. Martin Garnies had a bit of tough hick on the itornid and Ronnie Deyell who re- placed hint for the last two in- nings allowed- hits and struck out five. Doug Elliott caught for the 'whole game, the run-down on scores for the Dodgers: Jim Deneau, 2 hits, 2 tuns; )3arty MeLean, 1 hit, 2 runs; Doug Matntan, 2 hits, 2 runs; Joe Vailstene and Jimmy Henderson, hit, run each and Doug Ewing ethatIrPorrirny Irwin, no hits, 1 rum DOCLE.11ING, CEItElIONY rollowing their- wedding last Saturday 'Yankees: Ronnie Deyell, hits, fternoon at the Gorrie eta eh, istr. and Mrs. Robert X. Strong 2 till*. 2,411 mirodok, etal a Doug. left on ,a wedding trip to Northern Unfurl& The bri& is the fernier Marie Eleanore thietie, &molter of 3fr. and 911re. Kenneth IfaStit, oflax Norntan Maetertnan, each on Gerrie, and tho groom Ore son a Mr, and Nita- Aelut Striing, of lilt ."41 hue "11 itn4 14t6." "1, It, It, 1, 'torrid,.-]Photo by ComielL 140 hits, on. rull, Leaves for West • Andy Stewart, control room oper- ator who has been withCKNai.- ra- dio for over two Years, leaves on 24-6 in the first game of the eve- ning. Ronnie Deyell pitched for the Yankees and Norman Mac- Lennan was behind the plate, The battery for the Tigers was Brian Merman, pitcher and Barry Mc- Callum, catcher, Several of the Yankees were pretty hot and chalked up runs for the team. Joe Kerr had 3 hits, 4 tuns; Neil Renwick, 2 hits, 3 runs; Kevin Fisher, 2 hits, 3 runs; Ron- nie Deyell, 1 hit, 3 runs; Monty Templeman, 1 hit, 4 runs; Norm Pirates vs. Dodgers The Pirates took a big lead over the Dodgers with a count of 12-3. Larry Brooks pitched for the win- ning team and Larry Taylor was catcher. Far the Dodgers the bat- tery was Doug Merman, pitcher and Joe Vanstone, catcher. Allan Leggatt, captain of the Pirates did a nice job for his crew with 4 hits and 4 runs. One of these runs was a homer, the only home run of the season. Larry Taylor, Bob Armstrong and Larry Brooks each had .3 hits and 2 runs and Spike Baker had 2 hits and 2 Sale no hits, 2; runs. Jim Bateau of the Tigers had Many homeowners do riot con- sides moss as a weed in lawns A little moss between the grass Ci4e$ not look bad at first but when it spreads and replaces much of the grass, a lawn gets in poor shape. There are good -chemicals on the market which kill moss without harming the lawn grasses.- After the moss is eradicated some fer- tilizer should be applied to boost the growth of the grass so that it will fill out the bare spot. If the soil 18 very acid some hydrated lime or ground limestone is very helpful to get a better lawn. This mosskiller chemical can be used to control moss on roofs which should be washed off with water several days later to prevent spouts, of earetroughs and rain June is still a• good time to con- trol broadieav-ed weeds such as dandelion, plantain and chickweed in lawns. During July and August the growth of these weeds is less active and the use of 2,4-D type weedkillers is less effective during these months. Dandelion and plantain are read- ily controlled by 2,4-D, but there are two other common weeds in our lawns, chickweed with its very small white flowers and oval leaves, as well as Black Medic clover with email clover leaves and yellow flowers, Silvex is eimi- Iax to 2,4-D and will kill chickweed, clover, plantain and dandelion, They are obtainable in liquid form for application as a spray or in dust form which is very handy for dust- ing small areas or spot-treatment. CHRISTMAS CARDS, seals, rib- bons, wrapping paper, etc., going at half price at Marg's going out of business sale, starting Thurs- day, August 3rd. 2b 19111111.11113111.i11111311111111111111111111111119111111i SPRAYING BACK FORMER BEAUTY Olive your auto a new Teitse.on, looks With our expert Point Job, What a fabulous difference it mattes! Tint cost? 1.0.40 HMO you'd think. Very fast service, toe. MARKS BROS, AUTO BODY 1e Gee llovetto Josephine Street PHONE 19 - WINGI1A111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111114911111111•113 0 W1T14 A SWEL.1. NW, HEATING UNIT ;! 140W YOU'LL ECONOMIZE OU'Ll. HAVE APR12E" A•11.1=k, LLEr /. :S* gar N gote tZ52%.1. METAL WORKwr-- P11.255- WINGRAM h (gt , MASTER u PLUMBER/