HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-07-05, Page 10-0, NEW BOTTLING ROOM at the Eormoaa Spring ground is the bottle washing and sterilizing machine Brewery which came into production with all-new . and right centre the labelling maehine.—Wingham equipment recently is shown above. In • the back- Advance-Times Photo. • .pole FLOOR ' WALL, TILES BUILDIN.G Aluminum SASH DOORS CUPBOARDS Wingham 100.0000.0000000000.04000000•04100600011•01.1101•0•00100100.00.040•100.100001000.0am,0000/0001•00.100.114=1.40011M040.0.0000000M01.01000.001•00•10101011101•040001).00.0.11M11 ..41.011001000100,1000.04•010-04•04110•00006-040011, r0.0•00 25% to 50% BARGAINS GALORE MEW THE STORE • MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR REDUCTIONS FROM *LADIES' WEAR • HOUSE FURNISHINGS *PIECE GOODS • DRAPERIES •ALL DRY GOODS *BEDDING AND LINENS ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL AT THIS TIME a • 0 a I 0,1 STOCK War RE ete4 teltroi, ,trAtti« 40141; a '4 44 ,aaaasietaa-atiftlate Prices Drastic lip Reduced All Merchandise Must be Sold by July 15th IGHOFFERS, WINGHAM Limited • OR GREATER ON All MERCHANDISE *St: 'rim Wed., July k 1961 W/P-Oam Ada-ante-lanes 410.111111milmompliwiiiiimpiw LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p.m. A1/1111SSION-65c - 4.5c - 300 'ITHURS„-FILLealAT. JULY 64-s .Glenn Ford Donald O'Connor "CRY FOR HAPPY" goat ribald comedy about four American navy men and four geishas in Japan O. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN.. • NI Meeting people III Earning sooner II or a career e VISIT US NOW FALL TERM begins Tues., Sept. S Write for folder for courses without obligation C01.24.180,0F. ao youNa 5N-s-fiaa:ktitalaftEtt FAMILY INCOME An -excellent method of having an adequate insurance estate for the man with a young family CONSULT— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGH.AM, ONT. Phone 462 10.1,001- Nome Good Reading for the Whole Family • News • Facts • Family Features. ..w 'The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Man. Send your newspaper for the 'time (beaked. Enclosed find my check or , anietey order. 1 your $21.) Eal 4 months 410 13 3 months TO (3 ity on tool WHEN YOU USE THE BEAUTY PRODUCTS, THAT WE SELL mA . THE gruyedtN Y WI LL TELL... 74,47.3R ... _ .... NEWSMEN FROM WESTERN ONTARIO were guests of the Formosa Spring Brewery last week when they inspected new bottling facilities and tour- ed the plant. Paul Heisz, vice-president of the firm, is pictured above with members of the group as he explained the brewing process. Left to right are Howord Cash, of tne Brewing Review; Bill Kennedy, Durham chronicle; Art and Bill Carr, of the Palen- eratmi Observer. Behind air. Ileisz is Goldie Bucking- ham, Kincardine News, and with back to camera Wit) McLeod, of the same paper.—Wingham Advaace- Times Photo, New Addition Brings Formosa Plant Greater Production In a period when many industries are barely holding the line, word of three-fold expansion is indeed news. That's what has happened in the Bruce county community of Formosa, which neatly straddles the line between Carrick and Cul- ross Townships, The community's pioneer' industry. Formosa Springs Brewery Limited (which is in Car- rick Township) has completed an expansion program of building and addition of modern equipment by which its output has been increas- ed to the equivalent of 1,500 cases daily. This is three times the pre- vious capacity. At the week-end Formosa cele- brated its centennial. The brew- ery, which was founded by the Rats family in 1870, is only nine years younger than the village. Since 1899 the Heisz family has been actively connected with its operation and management, the plant having been acquired then by Lawrence I-leisz, grandfather of Paul, Oscar and Walter Heisz, who hold the top posts in present day management. In 1926 the firm changed from a family operation to a limited stock company. but essentially 'differs little 'from the time of the Pharaos. The barley is steeped for three days, then dried and the sprolits are broken off. This process con- verts the starch into sugar. Now- adays no sugar is used in the brew- ing. When bock beer or tonic stout is being brewed, the barley is roast- ed to give the needed color and fla- vor, Corn "flakes", which resemble corn meal, is added to maintain flavor and color. To produce 1100 gallons of brew, 1850 pounds of malt and 500 of flakes arc used. Water is added arid the mixture stirred to a, porridge-like &insis- tency, then permitted to set for 15 minutes. Steam and hot water convert further and take out resins and other by-products. After sett- ling on an 18 inch filter bed, the liquid, known as wort, is drawn off and pumped to the brew kettle. The residue is sold to area farmers for live stock feed. There's no danger of the animals becoming in- toxicated for, if used in reasenable time, the -malt .is unfermented., Wort is boiled for two labial's, with hops being added at different times and yeasts for fermentation, Ale is produced by top fermenta- tion process, lager by bottom fer- mentation. The hops come from the weat coast of the United States, and the flavor they add is contain- ed in the flower or bud, . The liquid is drawn as rapidly as possible from the hops, going to the cooler, then to the fermenter. There are two brews daily and there is storage provided in tanks. These include eight of 2500. gallon capacity, five holding 4150 gallons each and three smaller ones which will retain 697 gallons. Pumped from the fermentation to storage, the brew sits for two or three weeks, after which it is fil- tered and on its way to the bott- ling plant, which operates at fill- ing capacity , of 80 bottles per min- ute, The bottles are inspected for cleanliness after being thoroughly washed by an automatic process, then filled automatically, passing into pasteurizing machine which holds 4100 bottles, They pass through it in 48 minutes, to be la- belled and packaged, ready for storage or shipment. rey and, farally,. of ..)urzle. —Mr, and Mrs, jamee Sell ed -over the holiday WeeR-044 wit') Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Bennett and family in Ingersoll. --Mr. and Mre. Thionitte Jardin„ Harold and, Bonnie, attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. Jardin's parente, Mr. and Mrs- Frank Jardin in Toronto on Satur- day. ---Mrs Jeffrey Hawkins, David, paul, Peter and TimmY, of London, arrived on Sunday to spead t voUple of weeks with her father. Mr. Stafford Bateson. Hawkina has been staying with Mr. Bateson far tile past couple of months, whili organizing his new business Walkerton as a wholesale supplie, of struetural ateel and other equip meat. —Ma and Mrs. Jim. Gilchrist. 01 Meaford, spent Sunday with thei, nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. A Hafermehl and family. Randy Hafermehl returned to Meaford with them to spend the week there --Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Maxwell and family, victims of the recent fire which demolished their apart- ment on main street, have moved into the house on Catherine Street vacated on Friday by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher. Mr. and Mrs Fisher and family have moved to their residence on Leopold Street which they purchased from Mrs, J J. Brown. --Mr. and Mrs, George Flail, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hall, Brenda and Joe spent Sunday in Thedford, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Scott. Mr. and Mrs. James Waddell, of Listowel, visited with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Bob Wenger, Mr, Wenger and family on Monday, ----Miss Nancy Fowler h-as secured a position with the Ontario Rural Hydro and commenced her duties in Orangeville on Thursday, .--Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leeson and son, Timothy Robert, of Ottawa. visited over the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert --Master Davin Langridge left on Thursday to spend a vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Langridge, near Belgrave, --About 40 members - of the Wing- -ham Business and Professional Wo- men's Club went to Stratford by bus last Wednesday evening to see Henry VIII at the Shakespearean Festival Theatre, —Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hiseler and two children of Orillia, visited rela- tives and friends over the week- end and attended the Wightman reunion on Sunday. ----Mr. Neil Sparks, of Detroit, has been a guest at the. home of his daughter, Mrs. Angus Mowbray, Mr, Mowbray and family for sev- oral daya. —Mrs. Hap Swatridge and Paul are vieltin; thia week with relatives in Stratford and Hamilton, —Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 111alze and. KrandSon, Robert Claby, of Tor- onto, visited with Mrs. G. RM. —Mr. and Mrs. John MeKibbon and. family spent the week-end at Pike Lake. --Mr. gad Mrs. Jim. Deneau and family left on Thursday for a two weeks' vacation at Fenelon Falls. and Mrs, Jack •Bateson and family spent tbe holiday week-end Inverhuron. --Miss Ruth Maureen Gibbone spending two weeks' vacation at the home of her brother, Frank, and Mrs. Gibbons, in London. - Mrs. Kel Detheridge and Kelly, of Brantford, and Mrs. Douglas Armstrong, of Edmonton, spent an evening last week with their aunt, Mrs, W. C. Murray. --Mr. and Mrs. David Horwond left for Toronto on Thursday where they will spend the summer with relatives while Mr. Horwood is talc- aig a summer course. —Miss Meta McLaughlin, of Tor- onto, and Mr. Muir McLaughlin, of Sarnia, spent the week-end at their home in Wingham. —Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques, of Victoria Street East, spent the week-end with friends in Bay -City, Mich. ea. Folding Aluniinum AWIANGS LUMBER — Telephone 260 Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery SAVE 20c—MAPLE LEAF TINNED. HAM $1.45 SAVE tie- 16-oz. KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 59c SAVE Me—MIRACLE WHIP 32aoz. SALAD DRESSING 65c SAVE lie 15-oz. HOLLY FANCY PEAS 6/$1.00 PAILS OF CHERRIES Both Black Sweet and Red, Montmorency consisting of 20 lbs, cherries and 2 lba. sugar will be arriving in fow days. LEAVE ES yowl, ORDER—QUALITY AND PRICE GUARANTEED CANNING NEEDS bottle 31c ..2 for 31c doz. 37c .2 for ,25c . doz. 41c doz..19c Leave your order for Fresh Raspberriess ARRIVING IN THE NEXT WEEK OR TWO REDPA.T11 GRANULATED SUGAR 100-lbs. $8.69 SNEIDER'S CRISPY CRUST LARD ..1b. 21c MAPLE LEAF COOKED MEATS ....lb. 49c MACARONI-CHEESE, DUTCH or CHICKEN LOAF On Friday the company played host to newspaper, radio and tele- vision representatives, most of whom wore viewing a commercial operation of this kind for the first time. The Formosa company .is one of the few independents remaining in the brewing industry. • Its output is distributed to 125 retail stores in Ontario, as well as to hotels in the more immediate vicinity, With a staff of 35, it is the community's principal employ- er. While gleaming equipment is pre- dorninant throughout, there still stand some of the huge wooden vats of earlier days.. These nestle in a comparatively cool cavern cut out of the Side of the hill on which the brewery stands. It was not a site chosen by chance, for the hill provided this form of easy stor- age in early days and. the,. adjacent mill pond provided an ice supply to make available the necessary coolant. Also there was the famous Formoea water supply. Two huge trucks can carry the daily output to ally destination to- day, hut the company is proud of the old wagon, drawn by a teatn of horses, which used to travel as far afield as Kincardine arid Chesloy to make deliveries. A day was re- quired to reach the destination and a like time to return home. The horse drawn vehicle appeared in the centennial parade on Saturday and was, warmly applauded, giving old tireers an opportunity to rem- inisce on the old: -days when it was a More familiar sight. Old as Matkind. the brewing pro. teas has Sonic modern refinetnents, • Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Showers were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Showers and daughters, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mercier, of Melbourne, Florida; Mrs. Carrie Hardenburg, Mies Grace Hardenburg and Mr, Ray McKenzie, of Flint, Mach. -Mr .and Mrs. W. F. Burgman spent last week at their cottage at Bruce Beach. —Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tomlinson, Robert and Sheila, of Streetsville, spent the week-end with her par- ents,Hamil- ton. —Mr. and Mrs. Otto -Posorek, Mr. ,and Mrs. Ed, Posorek, and Mr. and Mrs, Dan Roth, of Detroit, spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. Freak McCormick. - Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander and son, of Waterloo, are. visiting this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Alexander, -and other relatives, r --Mrs. Stewart Cowan, accom- panted by her eousih, Mrs, Neil Sparks, of Detroit, spent five days enjoying the Mcliwain reunion at the home of their' cousin, Mrs. Pearl Easterbrook in Bratitferd. Mr. and Ali's. N. T, McLaugh- lin and Mr. 3. A, Hutchison have returned after spending nearly three weeks in Detroit, Larder Lake and Ottawa, 1 ,Mise I Paton end Miss M Weir, of Toronto, spent last week at Miss Patoris cottage at Tack- PERSONALS ?fit cf 4.4.17:$:t014 . mory. —Mrs. George Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerr and family spent Sunday at Am- berley. Mrs. Harold Kerr, Billy and Joe remained for the week. —Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brophy and family • and Misses Mary and Bar- bara White spent the week-end at Port Elgin. —Mr. and Mrs. Don Kennedy, Bill and Jahn, visited with friends in Port Credit over the week-end. -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reming- ton and family spent the holiday week-end at their trailer in Kin- cardine. Mrs. Remington and thr children remained to spend part of this week there. ---Mr. and Mrs. John N. Stephens add family spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and We, Gilbert Stephens, of Peteaborough. ----Mr. Andy Bell, Penny, Paul and Barbara, of Petrolia, were week-end visitors in town. Paul and Barbara remained to spend a vac- ation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frahk Eiger. Mrs. Bell and Beverley were unable to mine to Wingham as Beverley had jnst returned home after several, days last week in hospit . Visitors with Rev, and Mrs, D. Sinclair over the holiday week-end were -his sister. Mrs. Clarence Op- POrthanser, and Mr. OpPerthaneer. of' Brentford, and Mrs. Sinelalr's brother, NU, and Mr$, John MeEl- -000m.00000•00•0rn00000. 0••••21=110•0s0000.0.000040, .002100010.101001,1140000010.0 -002:00000Fr Phone: Our Prices Are Lower 11/2-lb. CERTO 8-oz. CERT° CRYSTALS, 1%-oz. . • , HEAVY ZINC RINGS JAR RUBBERS, (12 to pkg.) ... MASON LIDS and RINGS .... MASON LIDS Front Grocery —Mr. and Mrs. Art Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. James Halliday and Mr. and Mrs, Ross King left lest S it- urday on a motoe trip through the western provinces. They expect to be 'away for a couple of month,a. --Mrs. Angus Mowbray, 'Nfre, John Langridge, Mrs. John Strong, Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mrs. G. W, Cruickshank, Mrs, Bob Wenger, Mrs, W, J, Hilbert and Mrs. Jack Stephens attended the 'Shakespear- ean Theatre last Wednesday night. • They bad dinner at the Victorian 'Inn before the performance. —Mrs. James Sell returned home on Thursday after spending a. few days with her son and -daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Suther- land, in Toronto, before they left on a two months' vacation-in Eur- ope, --Donald Jardin, of Winghem, has started on his six weeks' suM- mer course at Western University, London, this week. —Mr. and- Mrs. Dan Arbuckle, of Ottawa, are visiting relatives hera. Mr. Arbuckle is with his father, Mr. William Arbuckle, and Afire, Arbuckle is spending this week with Mrs, Harold Kerr and family at Amberley. • —Mr. and Mrs, Peter Neeley and family, of London, were visitors for a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Forbes,