HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-07-05, Page 7 ClibilancrtZituro
Promotion Results Reported
For Wingham High School
33 Pupils Attend S. S. .5, 'Turnberry.
Magistrate H. Glenn Hays last
week remanded Hugh Campbell,
16, of East Wawanosh, to the On'
tario Respite! in London for a
Minimum of 60 days for obser-
vation and treatment,
The youth was convicted et
Wingham on June 23 on charges
of wounding Joseph Snell of Beet
Wawanosh Township with a rifle
and of the theft of a car belonging
to Alvin McDowell, also of Nast
Wawanosh, Both offences took
place May 31st,
He will he sentenced In magis-
trate's court on August 31st. •
James Angus, Wingham, William
Jamieson, Whitechurch and Robert
Mark, Brussels, all pleaded guilty
to charges of unlawfully entering
the Wingham Liquor Control
Board store and stealing 11 bottles
of liquor and 10 bottles of wine.
They were remanded in custody
to appear for sentencing July 6th.
GRADE X DonvlonoiAL
second class Honork-Chittiok ,
Joan, Redman Reta.
Third 1--'ass donors----Kirkby Di-
anne, Jacklin Murray, Merkley
Jennice, Penner Dianne, Sebill Pat-
ricia, Ritchie Shirley, Clark Nanny,
Horton Janet,
Pass-Bryans Carol, Exel Anne,
Rohinaon William, Plant Glenn,
Dennis Carl, Scott Marian, Renwick
alonnie, Beattie Karen, Gaunt Har-
ey, Jacques Nancy, Riley Sharon.
The key to standings in grades.
XI to XII is as follows: 1 (75-100);
(66-74); 3 (60-65); 4 (50-09).
13PE - Health and Physical Erin-
The third in a series of picture
essays on district rural schools is
devoted this week to S, S. No. 5,
Turnberry. The first sschool wea
built- across the corner from the
present brick building. The frame .
15; today there are about 33 pupils
attending S. S. No. 5, In 1949; what
is commonly known as the "Junc-
tion School" was closed, and the
pupils from it were brought to
No, r,--Photos by Connell.
schwa wits burned out in the 1920's
and in 1927 the new brick school
was opened. Not long after it was
(meets,: 'w school. was closed
" rie et :ors and then reopen-
ed. Five years ago, enrollment was,
Purchases House
For Office Space
Dr. A. R. DuVal has purchased
the john McKinnon house on John
Street, immediately behind the site
of the new Toronto-Dominion Bank.
HA intends to renovate and re-
model the house, The alterations
will Include a modern office to ac-
commodate his own needs in his
chiropractic profession and office
space for at least one ether busi-
ness or profession,
At the present time Dr, DuVal is
located in the suite above the Pub-
lic Utilities.
Sally Slosser
Visits Europe
Miss Sally Slosser and Miss Mary
Kelly of Barrie were passengers
aboard the "Empress of Britain"
which sailed from Montreal on
June 29th for Greenock and Liver-
Miss Slosser and Miss Kelly are
members of a tour which will visit
Scotland, England, Holland, Ger-
many, Switzerland, Italy a a d
France during a 55-day journey.
Heading the group of 27 is Rev.
Frank Mallon, C.S.B., chaplain, To-
ronto Newman Club.
Prior to returning le Canada,
Miss Slosser will spend a week
touring in Ireland.
Wlghtman area: Zn; 1, IlriV
Hist 1, Creorn. 1, Ag So I 1, 1.4.t
r'.Y2,141$1T1 3'4E1;5 1; Bug 4, ,HPB dirt
3, Georn 3, Ag
Se 2, Fr 4, Tyl? 4.
Mains. Byron: Fag Z, HF4
IiiSt 1, Alg 1, Ag So II 1. Lot 2,
Fs. 3
Anderson Karen: Eng 2, OPE 2
Hist I/ 3, AIg 2, Ag 'So II 3, tat 4.
Fr 4,
Blernan Roger: En.
4, 1-1PF1
Hist II 0, Alg 2, Ag ,Sc II 2,
Fr 4,
Black Wallace: Eng 4, /4PE 4
Hist II 3, Alg 3, Bkp 3, Ind Arts 2
Blair Betty: Eng 1, IIPE 2, His:
II 1, Alg 2, Ag Sc II Lat 2, Fr 2
Button Russell: Eng 4, 3
Hist 12 4, Mg 3, Ag Se II 4, Blip 2.
It'd Arts 8.
Campbell Alan: Eng 2, 11.12'E 4,
Hist II 2, Mg 4, Ag Sc II 4, Lat 4,
P4 Campbell 2. IIPE John D.: PE 4, Ind
II 3.
Hist II 4, Lot 4, Fr 4,
Chettleburgh Kenneth: HPB 4,
Bkp 3,
Clark Linda: HPE 3, Scorn XI
1, Ag Sc II 4, Ho Bc 3,
Cqultes, Douglas: Eng 2, IIPE 1,
'fist II 1, Mg 1, Ag Se II 1, Lat 1,
Fr 1,
Craig Kathleen: Eng 2, HPE 2,
list II 2, Alg 4, Ag Sc II 4, Lat 4,
Fr 4.
Crawford William: Eng- 4, RIPE
1, Mg 4, Bkp 3, Ind Arts 3.
Delmer Diane: 1-IPE 4, Lat 4.
Dernerling William: Ens 3. HPE
?•, Hist II 4, Mg 4, 'Fr 4, Bkp 2.
de Yong John: .Eng 2. HI3F1 1,
Hist II 1, Alg 2, Ag Sc II 3, Lot 2,
en 1.
Dietrich Gerard: lad Arts 2.
Dobson Thelma: Hist II 4, Alg 3,
Dunlop Greer: Eng 2. HPE 2,
'list II 3, Alg 4, Ag Sc II 4, Lat 2,
'Pr 2.
Fronton Gerald: 1.-1PF, 3. )3lra 4.
Fuller Barry: Eng 3. HPE 1, Kist
'I 2, AIg 4, Ag Sc II 3, Bkp 1, Ind
raith Paul: Eng 1.
1, Alg. 1, Ag Sc II 1, Lat 1,
I-IPE 1,
Cserrie Lionel: 'Hist II, 3. Fr 4,
Eng. XI 4.
Gov Eleanore: Eng 2. PLPE
'list II 1, Alg 1, Ag 3e If 1, Lat 2,
Fr 2.
Grant Kenneth: HPE 4, Alg 3, Ag
II 4, Bitp 2, Ind Arts 2
Hamilton Mary: Eng 1, 1-IPE 1,
Tist II 1, Alg 1, Ag Sc II 1, Lat 1,
Fr 1.
(Please turn to page Eight)
heel, and S. S. No..5, Turnberry, is no exception.
I Kerr, age 13, Jacqueline Montgomery, 13, and
Greta France, 13, all Grade VIII pupils; work out o
practical exercise in eritbmetic.
First Class Honore-Maolaennell,
Brenda; Robinson, James; Procter,
Joyce; Kerr, George; Schaefer,
Mary Anne; Cameron, Sandra;
Cateagrande, Ruth; Dinsmore, Gall;
Deneau, .fames.; Procter, Murray,
(equal)1 Smith, a Joyce Haugh,
Mary; Coultes, Wayne; WOWS,
Lorna; Bone, Keith; Ireland, Myr-
na; Rintoul, Donald Gordon; Sta-
rielman, Louis; laismayer, Stanley,
Taylor, Donald; Cummings, Sandra,
aieman, Douglas; Green, Marlon
(equal); Smyth, Doreen; Mitchell,
William; Campbell, Harold; Press
Russell (equal); Reid, Catherine,
Armstrong, Helen, Wail, William,
(equal); Taylor,. James; Jamieson
Mary Lou; Machan, Glenn; McTag
Bart, Douglas, Douglas, Wayne,
Meyer, Elaine (equal); Oruilashank
Jane, Procter, Faye; Kerr, Esther
Millen, Shirley; Phillips , Mary,
Slosser, Mary Jane (equal); Camp-
bell, Douglas; Thompson, Mary Hel
eft; Greig, Hilda; Armstrong, Ed.
na Mae; Sanders, Leo; Statia, Gail
Elliott, Sharon; Sleightholin, Elgin.
Currie, Helen; Coultes, Ruth,
Second Class Honors-Wright
Lynne, Roane, Cheryl,
Frances, Harrison, Allan, Willis
John, Merkley, Terry, Mathers
Grace, Yemen, William (equal), Er
rington , Eleanor, Scott, Nancy
(equal), Geniis% Martin, Edgar,
Catherine, Lunn, Robert, (equal)
Bacon, Jean, Grainger, Robert
Clark, Terry, Scott, Keith (equal)
Crawford, Sara, Baird, Leonard
Verbeek, Joan, Hueston, . Brock.
Webber, Linda, Jouwsma, Anne
nfeCalltu, Hugh, Ross, James
Clark, Susan, O'Malley, Dennis
Shackleton, Patricia, Boyd, William
Carter, Elizabeth (equal), Galbraitl
John„ Chettleburgh, Thomas, Per
guson, Donna, Horton, Sharon
Watson, John; Smith, Walter, Pol-
lock, Elizabeth, Warwick, Merger
et, McArthur, Kenneth, Johnston,
Mary Lou, McRae, Connie.
Third Class Honors-Edward
John, Finley, Caroline, Jeffrey, Jo-
seph, Hallahan, Raymond (equal);
Workman, Ronald, Rintoul, Donald
Graham, DeYong, Hennie, Machan,
Gail (equal); Gibbons, Sheila, Snell
Shirley, Douglas, Brian, Strong,
Fraser, Sinnamon, Douglas, Welsh,
William, Stokes, Carol, Taylor, Pat-
ricia, Ross, Shirley, Whitby, George,
Colvin, Jane Anne, Rinn, Elizabeth
(equal), Campbell, Ralph, Devries,
Alice, Thompson, Graham (equal),
Michel, Sandra, Gadke, Patricia,
Yeo, •Paye, Kirton, James, Cham-
bers, Robert.
Pass-Johnston, Keith, Searaon,
John (equal), Tenpas, Dianne, We-
spnberg, Meryl (equal), Cameron,
Brian, Welsher, Mary Lou (equal),
Ahara, Margaret, Johnston, Lynda
equal), Naylor, William, Ross, Lois,
Benninger, Dennis, Moore, Doris,
Hickey, Calvin, Lapp, Mary Joan
(equal), Fisher. Murray, Tiffin, Be-
yin (equal), Logan, Barry, San-
derson, Brian (equal), MacDonald,
Sandra, Bridge, Quincy, McGlynn,
Ruth Anne, Riehl, Wayne, Math-
ere, Robert; Sehiestel, Judith, Finch,
Margaret, Bannerman, John, Black,
Lila, jacklin, Patricia (equal),
Whitehead, Nora, Redman, Joan
Helaine], Joyce, Parkinson, Lynn,
'Thompson, Jill, Baird, Shirley, Ir-
win, Richard.
Mg Geom 4, ,40 vga 12, Lat.
Fr. 1,
z+looenot J4etaAn; 1,,r1-17.1.2, TiNt
lower Georgina: Ding 4, PIPE
4, Ho EC 2.
King Mary: Eng 1, HPE 2, Hist
1, Gem 2, Ag Se 12', Lat 1, Fr 1.
Kirton Gale: Brig 4, iiPE 4,
241st 4, Gem 4, ,46 •g Se I 4, Fr 4,
TYP 4.
Hist 1, Geom1, Ag Se I 1, Lat 1,
prK7GermBaranbaa: Eng 1, FITE 2,
Fr 1,
MacKenzie John: Scorn 4, Ag Sc
1 4, Typ 4, Hist (XII) $, Ind Arts
(XII) 4.
Ho Fe 2.
Betty Ann: Sag 2, Lapp
1 H
Hist m 1. Geom 1, A!;; Se 12, La 1
Lee Donald: /WE 3, Hist 3.
Louttit, Carol: Eng 3, 1-11-aB 2,
Hist 2, Geom 2, Ag Be I 3, Lat 1,
Fr 1, Ho Ec 1.
MacLennan Sandra: Bag 2, IIPI0
2, Hist 1, Georn 1, Ag Sr I 1, Lot 2,
McBurney William: Eng 4, HPE
4, Hist 4, Geom 4, Ag Se I 4, Fr 1,
McDonald Allan: Eng 4, HI'S
Hist 3, Gem 2, Ag Se I 2, Lat
Fr 4.
McDowell Donald: Eng 4, HET
Typ 4.
Sc 4, Fr 4, Typ 1,
1, Hist 2, Geom 2, Ag Sc 3, Fr 4
McArthur 'Susan: IIPE 3, Hist 4
McDonald Elizabeth: Georn 4, A
McGee Helen; Brig 3, IIPE 3
Hist 3, Geom 4, Fr 4, 'fyp 3.
McKinnon Joseph: Eng 4, His
4,A 4.
g Sc 4, Lat 4, Fr 4, In(
McLean Murray: Ag Se I 4.
McLennan Murray: Eng 3, liPI
4, Hist 1, aeon 1, Ag Se 11, Lat
Fr 2.
McRae Alan: Be e 4, napE. 2, Hi:
2, Geom 2, Ag Se 13, Lat 4, Pr,
McTavish 3Ta.vish Donald: Eng 3, HP
2, Hist 2, Geom 2, Ag Sc 2, La
4, Fr
Machan Bruce: Brig 4, HPE
Geom 4, Ag Sc 1 4, Typ 4, In,
Arts 2,
Madill John: Eng 3, HPE 2, His
2, Geom 1, Ag Se 1 2, Lat 4, Fr 3
and Arts 3
Martin Gwendolyn: Eng 1, HPE
2, Hist 1, Geom 1, Ag Se I 3, Lat
Fr 1, Ho Ec 1.
Merkley Lucille: Eng 2, HPE
Hist 2, Georn 2, Ag Sc T 4, Fr
Typ 1.
MerrickBeth: Eng 1, IIPE
Hist 1, Geom 1, Ag Se, I 2, Lat
Fr 1, Ho Ee 1.
Mitchell Angela: Eng 4, HPE
Hist 2, Geom 2, Ag Se I 2, Fr
Moffatt Duncan: HPE 4, Hist
Geom, 2, Ag Sc 13, Ind Arts 2.
Moore Muriel: Eng 1, HPE
Hist 1, Seam 2, este Sc I 1, Lat s
Fr 2, Ho F,e 1.
Morland Donald: Eng 3, H.PE
Mist 1, Geom. 4, Ag Se I 4.
Morrey Margaret: Eng 3, PIPE
Hist 2, Ag Sc 1 4, Typ 2,
Nesbit Mary: Eng 4, HPE
Geom 3, Ag Sc 14, Fr 3, Typ
Noble Dorothy: Eng 2, HPF,
Hist 4, Geom 3, Ag Sc 14, Typ
Ho Be 3.
O'Malley Helen: Eng HPE
alist 2, Geom 1, Ag Sc 1 2, Lat
Fr 2.
Paulin Margaret: Typ 4.
Peterson Eric: Eng 2, PIPE
Hist 1, Geom 4, Ag Se 13, Lat
Fr 1, Ind Arts 3.
Purpur Ingrid: Eng 3, UPS
Hist 2, Geom 4, Ag Sc I 4, Fr
HoReEidc 3,
Jane: Eng 2, IIPE 1, His
1, Georn 4, far Sc 1 3, Lat 4, Fr e
Ho Ec 1.
Renwick Judith: HPE 3, Typ 4
Riley Sandra: HPE 4, Fr 4, Typ 3
Ritchie Marilynn: Eng 4. IIPI
2, Hist 2, Geom 1, Ag Se 12, Fr 4.
Typ 1. .
Rowe Sandra: Eng 1, HPE 1
Hist 1, Germ 1, Ag Sc 11, Lot
Fr 1,'Ho Be 1,
Searson Robert: 1-IPE 4, Ag Sc
4, Ind Arts 3.
Sewers Bryan; Ag Sc 14, Fr
Ind Arts 3.
Shackleton Marv! Pete 4, PIPE `
Hist 3, Gem 2, Ag Se 1 3, Lat 4
Fr 2,
Skinn George: HP'S 4, Typ
Intl Arts 4,
Skinn Glenn: Eng 3, RAE 4, His+
3, Sewn 2. Ag Se I 2, Let 9 V1`
Smith Donna: Eng 4, HPE 4,
Typ 3, Flo Be .2.
Smith Nancy: Eng 2, HPE 2,
Hist 2, Seem 4, Ag Sc 14. Typ 2
HoSnEsieth 2,Rae: Eng 2, EPS 4, His'
1, Geom 1, Ag Se 11, Fr 2. Typ 4
Snell Marvin: Eng 4, HPE 4,
Hist 4, Gown 4, Ag Sc 1 4, Fr
Typ 2.
Spry Dottelas: Eng 2, IIPE 2,
Hist 1, Geom 1, Ag Sc I 2. Lat 3,
Fr 1, Ind _Arts 2.
A meeting of the Morris School
Board on June 29th was held in
the township hall-with all member:
Five tenders for transporting
some of the pupils from Walton
School to either S.S. 1 or S.S. 12
were considered and contracta
were granted as follows: Route 1,
to 'Ken McDonald for $800 per
;tear; Route 2 to Allen Searle for
$950 per year,
Howard Clark was instructed to
get the necessary material and
the school buildings.
make repairs to the outer walls of
Payment of bills presented was
authorized: Ross Anderson, $5866:
auditor, $75.00; G, Workman, $3.10:
Advance-Times, $6.29; Guidance
Saentre, $11.70; H. Mathers, $e92.55,;
1parling's Hardware, $11.29: Steins.
:on's Hardware, $5:95; H, Bernard.
s14,00; Alexander's Hardware, $5 73:
good Supplies, $3 54; J. Easton,
114.50; Post Publishing, $3.75.
The furnace at S.S. 5 will he
-horoughly checked and necessary
steps taken to put it in a satisfac-
esry condition,
James Elston, Chairman
R. S. Shaw, Secretary
Mr. and Mrs. George Reeees of
Toronto and Miss Irene Jefferson
of Dunnville are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and
family and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Noble and fa-
mily attended the Noble reunion
which was held at Clinton on Sun-
Lloyd and Neil Josling' of I on-
desboro are spending their holidays
with Mr. and, Mrs. Wesley Jeffer-
son and farnily,
Miss Lucy Thompson of Bronte
HARD AT WORK-4111s group of pupils study up on
their reading at S. S. No. 15, Turnberry, as one of
their contemporaries lalree turn} At testaling out
aloud, The grant). includes' from front to' back and
Week with her sister. Ml's, Ted
Straughan, 'Port Stanley.
Mr, and Mrs. Hayden and Linda
Stephens Evelyn: Eng 1, PIPE 2, I spent a couple of days at lier home
Hlst 1, GP0111 2, Ag co 12, Lot 1. here.
Fr 1, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence 1-Ta::iy
Strong Alex: Erie 2, 1-1Paa, 1, elist and family of Colborne Teweshne
1, Geom 1, Ag Sc I 1, Lat 2, Fr 3, f visited with Mr. and Mrs. William
Ind Arts 1. 1 Hardy and family.
Strong; John: Ens 1, FIFE 3, Hist A joint service will he held in
1, (aeons 1, Ag Sc 11, Let 1, Er 2, Donnybrook United Church o!).
Ind Arts 1. ! Sunday at 11 a in. with Rev, Tay-
Templernan Gary: Eng 4. 11PE 2., for as guest speaker.
Hist 4, Geom 4, Ag 2Ic I 4, Ind
Arts 2.
Thomas Gerald: Eng 5-17.. ^„ !). Renovate House
Hist 1, Georn 2, Ag 8, Lot 4.i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hayden are
Fr' 3. about to begin renovation On their
liffin Barry: Hist 4, Typ 2. house in Lower Wingham,
Tiffin Hiles: lane 1, 3, Hisi ;has been occupied by Mrs. Bertha
1, Scorn 1, Ag Se 11, Lat 1, Fr i. jSimmons. Mrs, .Simmons moved to
Ho By? 1. Bluevale on Saturday.
Tiffin Joan: 1-1P11 8, Scorn 3, Ag Mr. Hayden expects that it will
Sc f 4. Lit 4 trt 1 be. about Six Weeks before the fern-
Troupe Doris:: Eng 2, HPE 1,111v will be able to move in Mrs.
Hist 1 Groin 1, Ag Sr 1 1, Lot 1,' Hayden is at present With her
Er. 1, Ho Pc 1. daughter, Mrs. Minium, Water-
Tenney, Mauna Lynne: Eng 4, loo, and Linda Is spending tWi
E'1,, 2, Tye 2
Vandoriketsgoed, Elbert: Brig 2,
IIPE 1, Hist 3, Germs 1, Ag 1 1,
tat 1, Pr 1, Ind Arts 1, German 1. occupied the apartment over Dun.
Whitfield Donald: Eng 4, HDD 2, lop's Shoe Store before the fire a
141st 4, Ag Se I 4, few weeks ago.
Armstrong, Joyce: Eng 4, IIPE
1, Hist 4, Georn 3, Ag Sc 14, Typ 4,
clo Ee3.
Bateman Donald; Eng 4, Geom 8,
Ag So 2, Fr 4, Ind Arts 2.
Beecrott Janet; Brig 4, HPE 2,
:fist 2, Geom. 3, Ag Se 14, Lat 4,
Fr 3,
Bennett John: Bag 2, HPE 1,
dist 1, Geom 1, Ag Se 11, Lat 2,
Fr, 2, Ind Arts 1.
Bronson Raymond: Eng 4, Hist 2,
Byer Ethel: Eng 4, IIPE 4, Hist
Georn 3, Ag Se 14, Fr. 3.
Callan, Dennis, Eng 2, PIPE 1,
gist 1, Geom 1, Ag Se 11, Lat 1,
Fr 1, Ind Arts 1,
Cardiff Anne: Dig 2, HPE 3, Hist
1, Geom 1, Ag Se I 1, Lat 1, Fr. 1,
4o Be 1.
Cheenney Sandra: Eng 3, HPE 4,
Hist 4, Geom 4, Ag Se I 4, Fr 4, HO
lie 1.
Church Gordon: Typ 3, Ind Arts
Clark Ann: Eng 4, Hist 3, Fr 4
Clark, Dawn Lue: Eng 2, HPE 4,
Hist 1, Fr 4,
Conley Carolyn; PIPE 3, Hist 4,
iyp 2.
Connelly Yvonne: Eng 3, HPE 2,
'list 1, Geom 2, Ag Sc 13, Lot 2,
Pr 1, Ho Be 1,
Cooke Nadine: Eng 4. Hi-'E 2.
Hist 1, Geom 3, Ag Sc I 3; Fr 4,
Typ 2.
Coultes Murray; Eng 1, HPE 1,
Hist 1, Geom 1, et; Se I 1, Lat 1,
Fr 1, Ind Arts 1.
Crawford Carol; Eng 2, HPE 3
Hist 1, Geom 3, Ag Sc I 3, Lat
Fr 2.
Crothers Joyce: Typ 1, Ho Ec 3.
Cruikshank Julia: Eng 1, HPE 1,
Hist 1, Geom 1, Ag Sc I, 1, Lat 1,
Pt' 1, Ho Ec 1.
Currie Anne; Eng 4, HIDE 4,
Geom 4, Ag Se 14, Typ 2, Ho Ec 2.
Currie Barry: Eng 4, HPE 2, Hist
3, Georn 2, saageqe ,aaaaeA,Taype2,-'1nd
Arts3 Davidson Brent: Typ 3, Ind Arts
Davidson Jack: Eng 4, HPE 3,
Ag Se I 4, Tye 2.
Davis Robert: Brig 2, 11PE 4,
Hist 2, Geom 1, Ass Sc I 2, Tvn 4.
Deaner Karen: Eng 3, HPE 4,
Geom 2, Ag Sc I 4; Typ 4, Ho Ec 2.
Donaldson Gayle: Eng 4, HPE 4,
Hist 3.
Dickert Ronald: Eng 3, HPE 3,
Hist 1, Georn 2, Ag Sc I 2. Lat 1,
Fr 1.
Elliott Karen: Eng 1, IIPE 1,
Hist 1, Gown 1, .a1g, Se 11, Lat 1,
Fr, 1, Ho Ec 1.
Exel, Ada: Eng 1, HPE 2, Hist 1.
Geom 1, Ag Sc 12, Lat 2, Fr. 1,
Ho Ec 1.
Ferguson Lynn! Eng 4, Hist 3.
Qatar 3, Ag Sc I 2, Fr 1, Ind Arts 2
Fortune Douglas: Eng 3, HPE 4,
Hist 3, Geom 2, Ag- Sc 12, Fr 4, Ind
Arts 1.
Gibahons Winston; Typ 3, Ind
Grant Phyllis: Eng 3, HPE
Hist 4, Ag- Sc I 4, Typ 2.
Greenaway Karen: Eng 2, IIPE
4, Hist 2, Geom 4, Ag Sc 13, Fr 4,
Typ 1.
Griffith Deanna: Eng 2, IIPE 2,
Mist 1, Geom. 3, Ag Sc 12, Lat 2,
Fr, 1, Ho Ec 2.
Gurney Jean: Eng 2, HPE 2,
Hist 1, Geom 1, Ag Se I 1, Lat 2,
Fr. 2.
Hallahan Lenora Ann: Typ 3, Ho
Ec 2.
Halliday John: Brig 4, IIPE 4,
Hist 2, Geom 1, Ag Se I 1, Lat 1,
Fr 1.
Hamilton Dottglas: HPE 4, Georn
4. Ag Se 13, Typ 3, Ind Arts 3.
Hanna Jean: HPE 4, Hist 3, Typ
4, H E 8
Hardie Neil: Eng 4, HPE 3, H(st
2, Georn 2, Ag Sc 12, Typ 4, Ind
Arts 1,
Harris Leon'e: PIPE 4, Gem 4,
Ag Sc I 4, Fr. 3, 'In 4. '
Harman Joyce: Eng 4, Hist 4,
Ag Se I 3; AIg (XII) 4, Bkp (XII)
Harrison Kenneth: Eng 3, PPE:
2, 'Hist 2, Georn 3, Ag Se 1 2, Fr 4.
Haskins Gwelcla: Eng 4, IIPE 4,
Hist 4, 'Er 4, Typ 1.
Henry Wayne: Eng 4, PIPE e,
Mist 4, Geom 4, Ag Sc 14, Typ 2,
Ind Arts 3.
Heywood Patricia: Eng 4, HPE a,
Hist 4, Typ 1,
liollieger Helen: Eng 4, HPE 4,
list 4, Typ 3.
Hotchkiss Ilelent HPE 4, 141st 4.
Typ 4.
Hyndrnan GWentiblyrre; Eng 4,
ISEPE 2, Hist 2, Al; Se 4, Typ 3.
Ireland Robert: Bug 4, Hist 3,
Typ 4.
siardin alaatd; Eiv 3, HPE 1, Hist
3, Gem 3, Ag So 12, lrr 2, Ind
Arts 1.
Jefferson Donald'. Eng 4, Ht'F, 4,
Mist 4, Goon? 4, Ag Se 1 4, Typ 2,
Ted Arts 2.
Jeffrey William; Eng 3, 14PB 1,
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. (Andy)
Smith of Toronto observed their
50th wedding anniversary on Wed-
iesday, June 21st.
A celebration which they had
earthed was called off because
if Mrs. Smith's health, and was
mnfined to a family gathering and
linner at the Model Bakeshop and
restaurant in Bradford, owned by
-heir daughter, Edythe, and her
resband, W, K. Whyte, Present
also were their son, Irving Smith
mci Mrs, Smith of Pittsburgh.
Word, however, did get around
of the Smiths' anniversary and
they received various expressions
sf congratulations and best wishes
ncluding greetings from Lueknow,
'aittsburgh, Wingham, Toronto and
Mrs, Smith is the former Jean
Irving, daughter of the late Mr.
cad Mrs. James Irving of Luck-
row. Andy was formerly in the
neWspaper business and of late
years has operated the Dovercourt
Press printing plant in Toronto,
Mr, Smith was employed by
John Joynt as managing editor of
The Wingham Advance from 1915
to 1919. At that time Mr. Joynt
became interested in politics and
sold the paper to Mr, Smith, when
the former was elected M.L.A. for
North Huron.
Mr. Smith bought The Wingham
Times from H. B. Elliott in 1924,
wheh it became evident to both
editors that amalgamation Was the
only answer to rising costs of pro-
duction, In the years between 1924
and 1927 Mr, Smith purchased The
Gorrie Vidette and The Wroxeter
News, He sold to W. Logan Craig
in 1927,
While in Wingham Mr. and Mrs.
Smith lived in the house now oc-
cupied by Jack Reavie on Victoria
St. Charles Smith and Mrs, Mina
Roulston, both of Wingham, are
Mr, Smith's uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs, Smith Inst a rum
in World War II, F,O, James Alvin
Smith, who Was in st bombing mis-
sion in July, 1944. He was 27.
Bread estate/be have always
attracted great interest. It olden
days, to pass bread at a table,
like toasting With Witle, was
thought to ensure good health and
a lorig life, To drop on the -floor
woe a good sign and a wish Made
when it, was picked up was sure
to come true. The expression
10 right: David Jenkins, 'Rickard Stapleton, "break bread" began with auper-
Grubbe, Dianne Grommett, English, station , . Once a man "breaks
Jennifer Songster, Leslie Tervitt (standing) and bread" with another, they are
Bert Askes. friefida.
First Class Honors- Reynolds,
Susanne, Hodgins Kathleen, Cas-
lick Yayne, Moore Elwin, Normin-
ton Claudia, Dallimore Betty Jane,
Martin Wayne, McKibbon Judith,
King Patrick - Mundell Hugh (equ-
al), Henderson Gail, Bennett Sus-
an, Moffat Elaine, Thornton Julia,
Powell Thomas, Hamilton Virginia,
Hamilton Alex, Runstedtler Helen,
McKinney Adeline, Coultes Marie -
Scott Richard (equal), Coultes Lin-
da - Noble Marie (equal), Conron
Brenda, Campbell, John, Anderson,
Helen - MeKague 'Ruth (equal).
Simpson Larry, Ste, Marie Thelma,
Adams Philip, Campbell Marilyn.
Second Class Honors-MacTavish
Kenneth, Procter Douglas, Strong
Paul, Welsh Bonnie, Templeman
Linda, Moffat Donna, Michie Ruth,
Paulin Doris, Robertson Carol, Ross
Patricia, Farrier Wayne - Harris
Glenn (equal), McPherson Grant,
Goldthorpe Elizabeth, Sanderson,
Elaine, Deyell Dianne - Robinson
Carol (equal), Ross Sheila, Edwards
Sharon, Buckle Robert, Millen
Rosemary, Adams James, Finnigan
Third Class Honors-Hotchkiss
Ruth,- McIntyre William, Welsher
Edward, Elliott Nancy, Craig Mary,
Howe Betty-Jo, Lathers Brenda -
Wylie Marlene (equal), Hethering-
ton Robert, Shaw Edith, Con-
gram Charles, Henderson Janette,
Wilkinson Sharon - Pletch Wayne
(eqUal), Adams Elizabeth s Huber
Harvey - Strong Joanne (equal),
Parker Bruce, Mulvey Peter, de
Grdot Wilhelmilla, Hand EtiSeerd,
O'Malley Margaret.
Pass-Meets Benny - Therrison
Dalt (equal), Chapman Barbara -
Thratripaoe Berry (equal), Vander-
hoek Harry, Hallahan Hese Marie,
('lark Stanley, Smyth 'William, Kil-
patrick Karen, 'Hall Barbara, Merit-
ley 'Sharon, Greig Melville, Robin-
son Russell, Baton:, Frank, Bailegh
Bonnie, Ritenie Donald, Pleteh Max,
Edgar lavey, Jaekliti Marlene,.
Myers Mae - Peacock Ante (equal),
Moffat Marjorie, Brillrigh Shirley,
Krautet David, Chapnlati Garry,
Kell. Carol, Law Peter, Martin Mar-
kme, Davidson Joyce, Edgar Don-