HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-31, Page 6THE WINGHAM COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION ANNOUNCES THAT ITS OFFICE BELOW TILE SPEEDWASH LAUNDRY WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, and every Friday BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Fire Insurance and Extended Coverage. • Life Insurance: Retirement, Pam- ily Protection. Accident, Liabil- ity, Theft and Auto Insurance. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The cost of replacing your property has been steadily on the up-grade. Better make sure that your insurance is adequate to cover your pos• Bible loss in the event of fire. Let us check it with you) W. B. CONRON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY JOHN STREET - WINGHAM PHONE 722W Has your insurance 0 kept pace with values? 6 III ON 0 WIN MI KV I WI i ISO The 1V1 -1,411.4ce,Thnes, Wetkesiday, May M., 1.963 DONNYBROOK MI'S. Willows Mountain, Mrs. El- 14111 joaling and Betty of Londe-- 100re were Tuesday visitors with Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, Debby and Prim Miss Elaine Jefferson of Lon- .don spent Saturday with her par- fnts,, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffer' son. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rob- nson arid Ray of Wingham, Mr I1114 Mrs. Don Jefferson and Cher of Clinton were Sunday visitor: at the same home. • 74Ir. and Mrs. James Leddy wen guests at the wedding of the for. peer's nephew, Mr. Kenneth Leda) of St. Augustiee, which took plat', Saturday morning at St. Augustine p.c; Church, Mrs. Cecil ChamneY of Wingham agent the week-end with her .tlatighter.,Mrs. Sam Thompson, Mr. Thornpsoa and family, Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Chimney and family visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Webster of St, Helens. LAKELET Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods and amily visited with. Mr. and, Mra. llmer Jeffray, of Delmore, on Sunday, - Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stafford, of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Heitman. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schaefer and Paul, of Simeoc, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dettman on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Rueben Gadke, of Buffalo, N.Y.. spent the week-end with Mrs. Chris Gadke and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gadke, also visiting kith brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jadke, and. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gadke. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Herbst and family. of Clifford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Douglas on Sun- day, Miss Anne Behrns, of Harriston, and Mr. Ross Waymuth, of Toron- to visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Derril Hallman, Mrs. Glenna Laur, both of Fort Erie, and Miss Marjory Leafstedt of London were bridesmaids, They were attired in identical dresses of embroidered silk organza featuring a boat neckline, elbow- length sleeves, and bouffant skirts. The maid of honour wore tur- quoise blue and carried white car- nations. Mrs, Laur also wore blue and Misses Beverley Hays and Marjory Leafstecit wore shrimp. All the bridesmaids carried shrimp carnations. They wore matching how hats, while gloves and white shoes, The best man was Wayne Woods of Toronto and Arthur Seburn of Stevensville, William Laur of wort Erie and John Kennedy of Wing- mm were ushers. Miss Norma Arlene Thomas of Fort Erie, became the bride of Kenneth Stewart Gilkinson of Kit- chener in a pretty spring wedding on May 6th. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Thomas of Fort Erie, and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Gilkinson of Wingham are the groom's parents. Rev. Arthur Schulte performed the double-ring ceremony in First Baptist Church. The altar was de- corated with white snapdragons and pale yellow mums, The wedding music was provided by Mrs. Lois James and 'Mrs. Doro- thy Nesbitt sang "0 Perfect Love" before the ceremony and "A Wed- ding Prayer" during the signing of the register. Given in marriage .by her uncle. Dave Radford of Fort Erie, the bride looked lovely in a floor-length gown of white satin with a bog• Pant skirt, featuring pouffs about the hipline caught with lace me- i dallions above the chapel train. The circlet neckline was sculptured with lace motifs and the sheath sleeves came to a point over her hands. Her waist-length veil was gathered into a crown of pearls and she .carried a mauve orchid and streamers on a white Bible. Miss Norma Thomas of Fort Erie attended her sister as maid of hon- our and Miss Beverley Hays and 'fly, reception was held at 5•11 Illmore Road, Fort Erie, following he ceremony. The bride's mother received her guests in a blue bra- 'Med taffeta dress with white ae- lessories and a white orchid cor- sage. The mother of the groom was attired in a navy blue erepe dress with white accessories and a white orchid corsage. For a wedding trip to North Tiny the bride .wore a beige suit with mauve accessories and a mauve orchid corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Gilkinson will reside in Kitchener. Will Live in Kitchener - Fort Eric Photo Studio gamiskilgi,,11Vgidia MANUFACTURED FOR ottitftin motOks prormucTs op CANADA, LIMITED, BY VAUXHALL MOTORS, LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND, PARTS AND SERVIcE FROM COAST TO CoAST, • See your Iota: Envoy Dealot .71 WINGEAM MOTORS Phone 139 Wingharn, 'Ontario 4 ,If• • •••••• 444 . . 111-"4411,41111.10,...* BLIJEVALE la year-round, port, include the racilities at Saint jell; INT0).1 WINNERS IN EAST 1IOWICK FESTIVAL. 'IniAcetiirig4.LWof tha e lE'llaest 5I0-Ituhrolir n44-1 men's Institute Was held on Thurs., day, .1May 18, at the McIntosh United Chttreh, the hostess breech being the Lakelet , President los. IllaWard Harris, of Fonciwich, opened the meeting with the Opening Ode and the Lord's prayer. The rnIntties and the finan- cial report of the 1960 annual were given by Mrs. H. Rhein°, Of Gerrie, This wa.s followed by thb ratifica- tion of district directors, which was conducted by Miss Lily Hemp- Stratford, FWIO 'board s" Lrr r bs ec I -C. award Harris read a letter of acknowledgment from Mrs. Popp re the Bursary fund for the Children's Aid Society to assist in an effort to further a ward's edu- cation or to learn a trade, which has been established by the East Huron Women's Institute, This bursary was officially presented to the Children's Aid Board on Mon- day, May 22, at Gocierich. A workshop on Officer's duties in W,I. work will be held at Ethel the date to be announced later. District fees were raised from 15e per year per member to 250, Words of welcome were extended to guests, Miss Lily Dempsey and Mrs, Dale Miller, by Mrs, Howard 'Harris. Home Economist, Mrs. Dale Miller, brought greetings from the OAC and the Home Ec. department. She stated that 520 short courses had been given with 9,400 women particlpating, Of the Girls 4-I-I Clubs there were 1,500 clubs with 14,500 girls participating, Reports of the standing commit- tees . were given and a report of the Presidents' Conference was given by Mrs, N. MacMurchy and Mrs. M. Johnson. A sing-song was held, after which the meeting ad- , journed for a delicious dinner serv- 1 ed by the ladies of the McIntosh I An address of welcome from Lakelet was given by Mrs, Cliff 1Hallman. The election of officers was conducted by Miss Lily Demp- sey and lovely musical numbers supplied by Walton and Monerieff were enjoyed. The W.I. now spon- I soils a half-hour farm forum on the OHO on adult education, Courtesy remarks were given by iMrs. A. Demerling, of Fordwich. LAKELET The East Howicit Music Festival was held 111 Ford-, ?jell Hall on Wednesday, May 17. Winners of the Lakelet School, S. 3, No. 2, 'were aS follows: Unison chorus, 1st, Lakelet S, S. 2; 2-part chorus, 1st, Lakelet S. S. 2; double trio; 1st, Lakelet S, S. 2. In the solo -division, 6 and 7 year olds: Lloyd Byers, 2nic1; Mary Lou McKee, 4th. Solo, 8 and 9 year elds: Iris Gad,. ke, 1st; Kathy Greenly, 3rd. Solo, 1 Oand 11 year olds: Bradley Gadke, 1st; Gary Douglas and Mar- ray Dieltert, tied for 3rd. ,Chrystal Gadke and Lois Eickmier, tied for 3rd in the duet Class. Lewis Dyers and Iris 'Gadke placed 4th in the duet class, The adjudicator was Earle Terry, of London. LAKELET Mr. Glen Reldt, of Guelph, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reidt. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nickel and. family, of Fordwich, visited on Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hallman. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Noble and family, of London, spent a few days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Greenly, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dickert were Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Wahl, of Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murray. Scott and Clark, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. John Klein and family, of Guelph, and Mrs. Minnie Dickert, of Har- riston, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKee and family spent Sunday in Kitchener. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bob McComb were Mr. and Mrs. Alex McComb, 'Ronnie and Reta, of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Os- car Beaman and family, of Gow- anstoan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bridge and family, of Palmerston. Birth DOUGLAS—To Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Douglas, at the Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton, on Tuesday, May 16, 1061, a son, Stephen El,- lis, a brother for Gary, Marion and Peter. •e• isiimilicinininimitiiiiimimiinuAntimmismitimmiiiiiimisimmumusislimmminitiminwillimmincipanammiliteniimmiatialigil., la 101: li 111 Visit ' W A LK ER HOME FORNISHI , ,., i ,at the Wini ill ham Trade r .• .-_,. DISTRICT ANNUAL IIELD AT WINTON On Saturday , afternoon piano largest dry docile in the British, pupils of Mrs, Nora Moffatt enter- Commonwealth, Lained their mothers a. 'program of solos, duets and readiegs, A con- 'ete:ttefoo.r the goests was. followed by refreshments. Mrs. Mel Craig pour,. . The Bloevale Women's Institute will meet in the public library on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 7, The hostess is Mrs. W. J. Pea- cock , and Mrs. Milton Fraser is convener of historical research, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert ,Garnies were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Overend and family, of Milton, Mrs. W. J, Hunter, of Oshawa, is visiting with Rev, T, E. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs. M. L. Aitken, Mr, C. D. Hoff- man and Mrs, Donald Street, of Listowel, attended the burial ser- vice for HenrY Mundell Aitken,, at Deeton, on May 23rd, Surviving are his wife, the former 'Kate Scott, of Streetsville, two daughters, Mrs, Clinton Thompson, of Ft:melon Falls, and Mrs. Robert Hortop, of Streetsville; two sisters, Minnie, of Shelburne, and Elizabeth. of Winni_ peg, and nine grandchildren. Mr, Derwin Hall, of Whitechurch, was guest minister at Dluevale and Delmore Presbyterian Churches on Sunday while Rev. T. E. Kennedy conducted anniversary services at Whiteehurch. Guests with Rev. T. E, Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Bill Campbell, Joy, Mary and Ann, and. Mrs. John Dal- lantyne, all of Molesworth, and Mr. Derwin Hill, of Whitechurch. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon on Sunday were Dr. R. E, Robertson, of Collingwood, and Mrs. Alex Armstreng, of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Wray and Connie, of Brantford, visited Mr. and Mrs, Donald Robertson last week. Mrs. Tessie Procter, Yorkton, Sask., and her sister, Mrs. Tom Walker of Brussels, spent Thurs- day with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William M. 'Robertson, Visiting at the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boman were Mr, and Mrs.., Archie McKinney and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oke, all of Leamington, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Griffith of Guelph, Miss 'Shirley Broder of Woodstock; 'Envoy Custom Sedan FOR THE FACTS... FEATURE 0 0 0 ENJOY THIS SUPERB, FRESH STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM TREAT OFTEN DURING THE FESTIVAL MONTH. YORK ICE CREAM 1st Fact .. 2nd Fact•. 3rd Fact .. 4th Fact Safety Glass all 'round gives Envoy's panoramic vision for driver and passengers ! And the windows on all four doors roll all the way down/ . • Envoy's price is among the lowest—value among the highest ! . Envoy's roomy Interiors carry live big adults in comfort! . 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