HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-31, Page 1With which is amalgamated Om GIPrrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
wusionAst (Inman; WEDNESDAY, Max lit, 1W 1 smn,31,r, COPIES -ird aola
Baby• Bu n -1144 4)4--
Illy The Pedestrian.
ce to Open
New Features Will Highlight 1961 .
Edition of Popular Annual Shaw Mrs. Pate' (iowans of Minnie
Street celebrated her Nth 'birthday
Saturday afternoon lull evening,
May 20th. Mrs. L. C. Young'! of
Toronto, sister of Mrs. ,Go ors
planned anti arranged the 11 My
party, aseisted 'by cousins 'ancittne,
t rd
wishes w , beautiful cards, flo
fts,s. Gowans received many :Anti
with mobile radio -units at the
starting points,
The first club to 'bring its baby
buggy to the finish line at the
Wingham arena will take the $100
prize and the president of the win-
ning club will officially open the
1961 Trade Fair. Judges will be
mayors of the various towns in-
The fair once again promises to
be a, top-notch event, anti members
of the local Kinsmen Club have
The third annual Club
Trade Fair will get under way with
hilarity on Thursday, when seven
district Kinsmen Clubs will send
out groups. do a race to Wingham
pushing baby buggies.
Club members from Hanover,
Walkerton , 'Kincardine, Clinton,
Listowei and Harriston will start
the race 22 miles from the Wing-
ham arena. All will be using dif-
ferent routes, The starting gun for
the race will be fired by CKNX
New Body Shop
Ppens 'Whigham
A new -Wilk 'Wily; repair shop op-
;Oiled for buelireae In'Wingliani this
Pest week in 'the building that has
Housed the aviotfee Harvester de-
pot, :fqr the 'past several years.
John and jim. Marks, brothers,
'have teamed up in the new ven-
ture. They have leased the build-
eng from the IVIeliee anti will
Itio repair work to auto bodies and
.11,Sterri. welding • and farm mach-
'eriery.' repair.
• The location is still -to be the de- , . pot for 'McKee Harvesters anti the
harks brothers will be available to
erecondition - and repair the McKee
line of farm implements. Parts
for these machines will 'be carried
-in stock. James Boyle, IvioKee
salesman, will continue - to operate
:from the depote
''-john Marks ,has been with the
McKee firm for seven years, and
his brother also worked for the
'same people for five —years. The
latter has been . doing auto body
Work at a Drayton garage for some
time and is a newcomer to •Wing-
ham. John has been working here
for some time.
Mrs. Jack Young of Guelpe, isles
Howard MacGregor of Siniaear
Mrs, Percy Jacques of London and
Mrs. George Egleston of Wingham'
poured tea,
Over 150 signed the guest bpele
and came from Toronto, Harni4al
Simcoe, London, Guelph, StaYriOrt
Goderich, Auburn, St. MarYa;otirit,
cam) and Wingliam, which e
helped to make 'Mrs. ;GOWLU1S' sAiv
day a very happy and merreora. le
Cominuelon eel-vire at. 8,20 nen,
stud applWpf te rntir& rat the regu-
' r 'earning eerviee marked the
94th anniversary of ea. Paul's Ana-
lean Church on Senday. The itt.
tev. H. F. apployari, D.D., Bishop
f Georgem Bay, was the eele-
erant and the guest speaker at the
deven o'elock service.
Rodger Schwass
Receives Degree
Rodger Schwass, son of ;Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Schwass of Paisley, and
_manager of National Farin Radio
Forum, wan among those receiving
their degrees at the University of
-Toronto this 'week. Rodger 'was
'formerly assistant favin editor al
His studies, leading to the B
degree, were carried on while he
was working full time for Farm
Forum. He plans to enter Grad-
uate School in the fall to complete e
Miss C. Wellwood'
Feted by Friends
MRS. PETER GOWANS celebrated her 90th birthday at her home
On Minnie Street on Saturday, when a host of 'friends called, after-
110011 101(1 evening, to extend best wishes.—A-T Photo,
AT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. P. J011113011 conducted the
;Pyrite< and Brian Douglas was the
staff bearer to the bishop. Barry
Fuller was the server.
Tha `Wingham Fire Department
responded to a call. Sunday after-
noon about 4.15 in Morris Town-
ship- No damage resulted from. ,Lhe
chimney fire at the home of Mrs.
Les Cunningham, on the second
concession, and by the time the bri-
gade arrived the fire was out.
Well, here we go again, Wing-
ham received a -nice dusting of
snow last Friday morning (the
20th of May that is), However, if
you think things were bad here
yoti should have been in Ottawa,
where everything in sight was
properly plastered, The capital ee-
orted the latest snowfall of the
Cason since 1893.. A motel operator
at the remote village of Denbigh,
east of the Haliburton Highlands,
wept when he recounted a snowfall
Of four inches which failed to melt
until the following day,' "
0 -
Construction ,of, the new lumber
company 'building on the 13 Line
just north of town is well on the
way. The frame was completed at
the week-end and workmdn are
proceeding with the siding and oth-
er operations.
• • = 0
Tbe demolition of the United
Church mutat:, was completed on
Monday, Nothing remains of this
familiar home but ry rough spot in
he growtd, The new manse will
be erected on the same site.
The Scout and Cub Mothers' Aux-
iliary will meet at the Scout 'House
next 'Wednesday evening, June 7,
for a soelal evening. All mothers
who haVe sons in either the Scout
Troop of the Wingham Cub Packs
are invited to come out and en-
joy an evening of bridge and
euehre, F31e,
Department Approves Plan
For Riverside Park Scheme
. Ken Holmes, graduate of 'Wing-
ham 'District High School and a
first-year student at Grace Semin-
ary, VVionna Lake, will take the
service at Wingham Baptist Church
on Sunday morning. The evenine
service will be conducted by the
South Huron Youth for Christ.
Rev. 'D. 'Sinclair, minister of the
church, will preach both morning
and evening services at Fellowship
Baptist Church, Courtland, Ont.
This former charge of Mr, Sin-
Males will be holding anniversary .
services thae day. .e.Mrs Sine,
'Air; Lois and Aiith" will accoMpany
him to Courbland.
Frank fleawi,lt Of Tef.i.w.'ater was•
and sang, "The Holy Hour"'
and "My Task".
aoshoo aenleyead, In his address,
unlined the fferenees in religious
ettitude today end at the 'time of
the ereetion of the ehueele The
eioneers labored under difficulties
4,nd haerishin, but held fast to their
ri and hallowed the Sabbath.
Err the -present time of automation
we live tt life of ease by compari-
'in suggested that nowadays ye are
less honest with ourselves. Such
things as evading income tax, little
discrepancies for political reasons
and our frankness in agreeing with
open Sundays are a few of the
signs that we are not as steadfast
as we might 'be.
The Bishop met with the board
of management hi the afternoon
and at four o'clock members of the
congregation met in 'the parish hall
for a social hour and to 'personally
greet Bishop Appleyard, The La-
dies' Guild sec;; ed refreshments.
I,- • A shower 'was held last Wedneae
day evening In the fiddle-hews Hate
for Miss Caroline Wellwood, whose
marriage to A, J. MeDormici takes
place early in June. Some eighty
neighbors and -friends -attended.,
A table centred with a bouquet
of pink mid white snapdragons,
..mulles and miniature bride sp.0
groom bad been placed ,beneath de
rairations of pink and white strea-
mers and wedding bells.
Miss Wellwood received many
useful and beautiful gifts, some of
which were a cannieter set, easser-
nes roasting pan, and other kit-
chen utensils, step-up stool, etc.
claroline thankeeee her...frienthr,eer
their gifts and good wishes and
invited them to visit with her in
her new home near Teeswater.
Two contests were held.
A delicious lunch was served by
the hostesses, 'Miss Cora Gannett,
Mrs. Hazel 'Campbell, Misses Phyl-
lis and 'Marguerite Johns, 'Miss
Marion Simpson, Mrs. Rennie Goy,
Miss Leah Robertson and Mrs. Gor-
don Johnstone of Lucknow,
The Wingham Kinetic 'Club met
on' Wednesday evening in - the Scout
House with the viceepresident, Mrs.
Max McCarter, in the chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliott, Al-
fred Street. will be at home to
their friends on Wednesday, June
7th, from 3-5 and 7-9 on the oc-
casion of their 50th wedding anni-
versary. F31b
Elect 'Ace' Bateson
Mt. and Mrs. Howell Fraser, of
Ford'wleh, wish to announce 'they
will be at home to their friends on
the occasion of their 50th wedding
anniversary on Saturday, Juno 10,
1961, from 2.30-5 p.m., and from
7-10 p.m, Everyone welcome. No
gifts please. F31b
Ile Ladies' Auxiliary to the
Wingham General Hospital will
hold their monthly meeting in the
Council Chamber on Friday after-
noon, June 2nd at 3 p.m.
Anniversary and flower Sunday
of Wiugham United 'Church Sunday
School, June 4th at, 11 1011. and 7
pan. Guest speaker, Lloyd Hut-
ton, Kincardine. Guest musicians,
Brass Quintettee Hanover. Theme,
"Launch out _for Christ". Fab
work leading to an M.A. degree in
the department of Political 'Econ-
Farm Forum, meanwhile, has
concluded its 21st year of contin-
uous adult education in rural Can-
ada. The 21st annual conference
will be held in Banff on June 8,
and 10 and will 'feature Dr. H, H.
1-faxmam of the Canadian Federa-
tion of Agriculture and C. W. Gib-
bins, president of the Saskatche-
wan Wheat Pool, as speakers. Ma-
jor changes in the entire program
are expected, pending the approval
of the conference. It is 'hoped
that the idea of group discussion,
always useful 'for solving problems,
may be given new life in rural
electric organ for the Huron
County Home at Clinton.
After some discussion it was de-
cided to buy a bridge set, consist-
ing of a card table and to`
chairs, for the lucky draw to be
made at the fall Lea, The Lieltets
Will be distributed id the next
Final plans were made for 'the
operating of the three food booths
at the Kinsman Trade Fair, June
The Riverside Parks Develop,
mend Board has received approve'
for its of riverside parkways
Herrn the Ontario Department, of
Commerce and Development, Pro-
, proved .plan 'WM bear a 50 per cent
siVta carried, pet, tinder thie, ap-
greet from the department. It is
expected that a period of five years
will 'he required to complete the
entire work..
Under the regulations of the
Mrs. Don Raper was 'welcomed act which provides the grants, it
as a new member to the club. is required that a camping area The Nineties voted to pledge --- be developed for the use of tourists
$100,00 to a fund ',for purchasing an and others who are joining the
growing trend to outdoor life. The
area set aside for this purpose will
he immediately north of Victoria
Street, from'where entrance Lo the
camping park will be gained. IL
will extend northward along the
river Lo a point not far from the
Scout House, leaving room efor 15
or 16 campsites. Necessary 'plant-
ing will have to he done to beauti-
fy the area and afford a, measure of
privacy 'for those who make use
of the spot.
snared no- effort to make it both
entertaining and different.
New retituros
This year a number of new fea-
tures have' been added to make
the fair more interesting, Besides-
top-flight entertainment by out-
standing artists, there . will be a
'bingo game operated every everting
in the tent beside the areaa, An-
other feature that should draw a
major amount of interest is the
marathon dance. Looked after by
Bill Connell, the dance is open 'to
airy couple who think they have
enough energy to stick it oat.
Dancing will start at noon and nun
'through until 11 p.m., when prieeie
will be awarded.
During the past -couple of mouths
tickets have been sold for a draw
with a huge doll and $50.00 silver .
dollars. The draw will be made
during the fair. •
Each night there is a $15 cash
door prize. Winner must he pre-
sent when the draw is made,
On Friday from d to 7 pan.
CleNX will broadcast the program.
"Focus" live from itie arena;, It
'will he the -first time that -thin type
of program has ever left the -Anther •
and wilt 'be of considerable, War- •
est to TV fans.
The Kinsmen are bringing in.
some excellent entertainment. On
'Thursday at 0 pen, the Williams •
Twins will demonstrate their ab-
ility on the trampoline ..its at let-
o'clock Gordon Emmerson, -a bale
acrobat, will perform ,
The program on Friday evening
inchiries-juggler and acrobat Bud-
ry Heriek and- en hour later later Car-
Ole Joy, a contortionist, will be on •
'the stage.
Saturday ,evening 'Frail `Will,
followed at 10 O'\ ock by Marie
May, another acrobat.
Besides the indoor - entertain-,
.ment, Joyce Brothers Midway is
set up beside the arena with a,
merry-go-round, ferric wheel and
other rides for the children.
Refreshments for the huge crowd
expected 'will be supplied 'by Kin-
ette booths,
Good Exhibits
Over 60 exhibitors will be dis-
playing Their wares and services
at the fair, and some will be of
outstanding Interest. Ontario Hyd-
ro and the Bell Telephone hErtJe
big displays, and local industry
will be represented by Lloyd Doors,
Berry 'Door, 'Western Foundry and
Fry and Blackball. Many of the
local merchants will also be on
hand, as well as a number of firma •
from outside Whig-ham.
At the moment the fair promises
to 'be one of the best staged so far.
Interest has been running high
and the 'baby buggy contest ehould
set-the pace for fun -and frolic for
Proceeds from tins event, which
is the major fund-raising scheme
of 'the Kinsmen, will be used for
community projects. F31b
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Masterg,. of .
Parkhill, formerly of :Bduevale, will
be at home to their relatives and
friends on Wednesday, June 7th.
from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m., on the oc-
casion of their 50th wedding anal-
Two New Members
Gill T.D Bank. Staff
Miss Patsy Bryans, of Brussels,
has been working as a member of
the Toronto-Dominion Bank staff
since May 15. Mrs. Keith' Montgom-
ery joined the staff on Tuesday of
last week.
Miss Bryans had 'been a sl intent
at Wingleam District High School
until accepting her present position.
Mrs. Montgomery worked for the
local bank branch before her
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brooks,
Havelock Street, Lucknow, will be
at home to their friends on Sat-
urday, June 3rd, from 2-5 and 8-10
pen„ on the occasion of their 25th
tie.eeeecidirtg anniversary,
. ----
• ,
Tu the fall it; is expected that
dredging will be done in the up=
per pond opposite the new picnic
park and the retaining wall on the
eouth bank. of the upper pond will
be extended toward Josephine St.
Longer range plans call for a
hall diamond or other such recre-
ation area near the Scout House,
as well as parking space for cars.
The campsite 'project will not 'be
started until next year, but has to
be completed within two years to
qualify ter grants.
The immediate project for this
season will 'be the -further dredging
'at the swimming area and the er-
ection of a bathing house near the
pool, also required 'by- Provincial
Mr. end Mrs. James Gibbons, of
Wingham, wish to announce the
engagement of. their daughter,
Mary Catherine, to Mr. Warren
Raymond Weber, son of Ma and
Mrs, Henry Weber, of Lietowel. The
marriage will take place on Satur-
day, June 17th, at eleven o'clock
in Sacred Heart R. C, Church,
Wingham. F314'
The convener if the social cone-
mittee,• Mrs. Freddie Templeman,
asked for members to make sand-
wiches• and cookies for the Brownie
graduation party on Monday, when
the Kinetics provided lunch for the
Brownies and their mothers,
Mrs. Bruce MacDonald won the
lucky draw of the evening. Mrs.
Stewart Leedhara and Mrs. :LW(
Walker gave very colorful and in-
formative reports on the Kinsmen-
Kinette convention held recently
at Prucihommes near St, Mahar-
hies. '
Mrs. Freddie Templeman and
Ml's. Mervyn Templeman served de-
licious barbecued hamburgers and
coffee 'at (he close of the meeting.
Next meeting will he lane 12,
when Mrs. Maurice Slainton. and
Mrs, Murray 'Steelton will be is
charge of the program end lunch
served by Mrs, Jerry Timm and
Mrs, Jack Walker,
The Royal Canadian Legion held
the District "C" convention in
Markdale at the week-end when
over 300 Legionnaires were regist-
ered. A. D. Koehler, district com-
mander, was chairman.
Business meetings were held on
Saturday evening with the District
Council meeting at 8.30,
Following registration on Sun-
day morning, the marching of the
district colours preceded the reports
of the four zone representatives
and Deputy District Commander
Jack Bateson, of Wingham, gave
the Resolutions report.
The visitors were welcamed by
the host branch, the reeve of Mark-
dale, and introduced to the plat-
form guests.
At 'noon the parade formed In the
coffin-amity park and proceeded to
the cenotaph under Parade Marshal
J. IA. Dunlop, Q.C., where the
wreaths were placed. The salute for
the march past as the parade re-
turned was taken by Mervyn
Woods, M.B.E,, Q.C., LL.M., Do-
minion President.
Lunch was served in the com-
munity hall, with toasts- made to
fallen comrades and the Queen.
District Conimander Koehler intro-
duced the president of the Demle-
toe Command, who was the speak-
er and Depilty District Commander
Bateson thanked the distinguished
guest at the close of his address.
Nomiiiations were asked for at
the opening of the .afternoon t ses-
MOn and the reports were tweed.
Doh Adams, of 'Whighene, reported
for the public relations committee,
and George Inglis, also of the local
branch, gave his report as Service
Bureau officer,
Pelting the election of officers
jack I3ateson was named district
eta/inlander, defeating two other
candidates; Durward Preston, of
Waterloo, and a, .-forMer Wingham
resident. was elected deputy distriat
commander over three opponents,
arid II, Gelittley, of Kitehener, wan
elected as chairman of the sports
The annual report of the Huron
Coenty.Advisoey Board to the Can-
adian National Institute for the
Blindtovealed a busy year, in
which Many services end comforts
were provided Tor 'blind persons
Within the 'county. The report Was
read at the annual meeting held in
the Legion Horne here Mt Friday
There ere 66 'blind persons in
Huron, and during the 'past year
89 prevention eases were under
care. Fifty-nine persons benefit-
ed front social service woelt, ih
Which field secretaties and volun-
teer workers aid newly-blinded
people le borne and community ad-
justments and recofientend Inetittite
ePlease turn to Page TWeive)
Archie (lowaillock of Waikertaa; Stewart Protier,
Reeve of Mattis Township, and Clarence lIantra,
ReeN of tkl,St WaWanosh. Pitted° by itIOnincIL
TARE SALLTE.—TalOag the salute at tae Satigeeit
District Boy Scout Church Parade in Beigrove tot
Sunday afternoon were, left to right: Commissioner
MISS-MARY ELIZABETH Sit IN dauguter 01 and
George Skien, geminated on Wednesday from St. Joseph's
School of Nursing, Oneiph, receiving the paediatric
ing award. The ceremonies took plate at Walt Meinorial
Hall on the tatinpus of the OM), Miss Shinn plans to re.
nude, on staff at St. Joseph's 116spital for at least a yeah.,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitch, R., 11., 1,
Wroxeter, wish Lu announce the
engagement of their daughter, Lois
Mae, to Melvin 'McCuteheon, son of
Mrs. nervy aVicCuteheon, Brussels,
and the late Mr. IVIcCutcheon. The
marriage will take place in the
l , ,United Church, Behnore, on june ir
'''17th, 2 o'clock.
--- —
Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Shaw wish
to announce the engagement of
their daughter, Dorothy Isabel, to
Mr. James Martin Thompson, Son
of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Thompson,
of Bleevale. The Marriage will take
place in the Bluevale Presbyterian
Church on Saturday, June 17th, at
180 p,in. F31*
— _—
The 'Woman's Asset:let:len of
Knox 'United Church, BeigraVe, will
sponsor a Garden Party in the
church bestment on May 31st, Sup-
per served from 5.30 to 8 pen. M-
utts $1.00, Public school children
Mc, pre-school Children free.