HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-24, Page 6te,ge Stir
Wing% re. ASdraltae 1ed11 edaa'r Mete" 24,
Turnberry Township officials re-
Port a new low in human behaviour.
Not satisfied with dumping all 111311
net of garbage on township roads. contrary to th e law, last week the
carcasses of four calves and a hog
were found in a ditch.
Naturally the menace to public
health is so extreme after an act of
this, kind that authorities are investi-
. gating and the person who was re-
sponsible will 1-iave to suffer the con-
:\Ithongh this particular case is
an extreme, We never cease to marvel
The Wingham Advance.Times
Published at Wingham, Ontario
Wenger Brothers, Publishers
W. Barry Wenger, Editor
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Authorized as Second Class Mail,
Post Office Dept.
Subscription Rate:
One Year, $4.00; Six Months, $2.25 in advance
U. S. A, $5.00 per year
Foreign Rate $5,00 per year
Advertising Rates on application
at the MISS stupidity and selfishness
which will permit -111TOW
Off1t1 into the roadside ditches. All
too often the Spot selected is right
In the untist of pretty .woods, a place
which might provide unending na-
tural beauty for those who can still
recall that the good Lord clothed.
this, world for our .enjoyment.
We cannot believe that any large
percentage of our population is so
utterly dull and unfeeling, It Must be
a small minority who leave the trade-
marks of their low intelligence for all
to see. Public disgust at this sort of
behaviour is fast reaching the stage
where the penalties are going to be.
a good deal more severe than has
been the case in the past,
Township councils are now show-
ing- a sincere interest in conservation
— an attitude which will lead not
only to the practical aspects of water
saving and fire protection,. but also
to a very realistic sense of the worth
of cleanliness anti beauty in our
countryside. It is hard to believe that
they are going to put on with the
litterbugs much longer,
7.4 "'-`,7,77'117TrAl!rilfrr”1"Tirleru..1.1.!!",".1".
daughters, of Listowel, visited Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. E. Hargrave.
son, Mrs. Inez Gibson and Frank,
Mr. and Mrs, Blake Gibson, Mr
and Mrs, W. E. Hargrave, Mr. and
family of Ottawa spent the week-
end with Mr, and Mrs, Russell
Gaunt and with Miss Leah Curtie,
Winehani. •Others who attended
the Dirstein -Gaunt wedding here
on Seturdev were Mr. and Mrs.
William Johnson of Paisley and
friends from Toronto, St. Cathar-
ines, 'Terrace Bay, Brantford, Lon-
don, Haneeer, and other paints in
Ontario and 'Michigan.
Mr. end Mrs. Frank Alcoelt and
daughter Louise, of Brussels vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Williarri. T. Irwin.
Me and Mee, Gordon )toss and
family, of Toronto, spent the week-
end with }ifs parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Prank 'Roar, of Turribetry, and
With her parents, Mr. and Mrs•
Athol Bruce.
Wingham dies Hostesse La a2h, ciLcueultP.:
citiz enship and. Zducation, Mrs.
• rent Events, -Mrs. Lorne Hasty,
RR, 1, Dungannon; Home Econ-oo.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Deig and signed a card to be sent to Herb
Caine in hospital. Meeting closed Gerry spent the week-end in St. and lunch was served by Mrs. Carl
Johnson, Mrs. Wellington Hare-rave
and Mrs. Fred McCann.
Those frain 'the 'community who
First United Church, St, Catharines, attended the wedding in St. John's Lutheran Church, Elmwood. of Mrs. Ross Dole-remained for two
Miss Clara Baetz and Mr. Harold , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones, of Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. Erney
Guelph, were week-end visitors D'Arcey. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gib-
with Mr. and Mrs, 'William Sothern.
,Mrs. Stanley Bride and Mrs. How-
ard Harris attended the district Mrs. Earl Moore, Mr. and Mrs, W. annual of Women's Institute held A, Gibson and Garfield, and Mr. In McIntosh Church last Thursday. and Mrs. Spence Bream. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Ron Reed and and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Stewart are
spending this week in Nashville,
Tennessee. .9.1-FIVVART-To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winters spent ,
a few days last week with Mrs, Stewart, of Listowel, a son. Greg-
Mae Sevill and Mrs. Agnes Winters cry James, on Tuesday, May 16,
in Collingwood. 1061, in ListoweI Memorial. Hos-
The many friends Of Mr, Fred pits.l.
Demerling will be sorry to. learn he
Is confined to Palmerston Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howe spent
Sunday with relatives in Lucknow, Mr. and. Mrs, Anson Ratan and
family of Vordwieh spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs, Verna. Galbraith spent last Jamieson. Ma and Mrs. Harry Swan arid week at the home of Me, and. Mrs.
Coca Galbraith in Guelph, family visited on Sunday with
Clinton relatives, U bon King Ur. arid Mrs. Do were in Mr. and Mrs, Eric Elliott and
Mrs. Elsie Strong, Mrs. Nina
'Armstrong and Mrs, Stan Forester
attended the spring Deanery meet-
ing of the Huron WA in St. John's
Anglican Church, Brussels, one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. T, J, Schaefer at-
tended the wedding Saturday in
Streetsville of the latter's nephew.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Don Peel and to Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old. Gibson, who were married on
Week-end and hiziliday guests at
the home of Mrs. Martha Baker.
were Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Giles, of
Arkona, Mr. Gary Giles, of Ni-
agara Falls and Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Giles and baby, of London,
Mr and Mrs. George Trethewey
and family, of. Stratford, were
week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Schaefer,
Mrs. Ruby Forester returned
home last week after holidaying
the past month through the States.
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Soehner and
family, of Kitchener, were week-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ev-
eritt Allan.
Mr. Harvey Bride, of Toronto,
spent the week end with Mr. and
MisTratidcl 'Doref Bride and
Peter returned home after spending
a, week here,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schaefer
spent the week-end with Mrs. Ella
Mitten in St. George.
Mr, and Mrs. pea) Marriner and
sons, of Toronto, were week-end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson visited
Sunday with Mr. Herb Collins at
Victoria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang and
Brian, of 'Toronto, visited over the
holiday week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chimney and
Janie, of Port Colborne, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Misses Patty and Pamela Stewart
are snending this week with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Stewart in Durham.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Dolg and
Catharines and attended the wed-
ding on Saturday of the former's
granddaughter, t Miss . Patricia
Lounsbury, to Mr. John Fraser at
Miss Thelma Orth, of Listowel,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Hargrave.
Friday ntieht where y
attended the graduation of Miss
Helen Cottrill. of Tiverton, held
at Thanias Hall,
The liVMS of. Fordwieh United
Church will hold their thankoffer-
mg meeting Sunday night at 8.15 in
the church, Mr. Zutbrigg, of Lis-
tened, will show pictures,
Mr .and Mrs. Ted Denny, Brenda
Lee and Ettelda, of Erin, were
week-and visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Goldrich,
of Londeri, visitP.4 ever the Week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Deere.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Frew, Sharon
and Cetherine, and Miss Bonnie.
Mitrreiy, of Peaetert, were Sunday
visitors With Mr. and Mrs, Earl
The Ladies' Bowling League cli-
maxed a spirited season with their
annual banquet last Wednesday
evening, held this year at the Le-
gion Home. After an enjoyable
dinner served by the Legion Aux-
iliary the highlight of the evening,
the presentation of the trophies,
was made by the president, Marg
The winning team this year was
the Zooming Zebras, captained by
Mary Campbell, Members of the
team were Shirley Storey, Elaine
Rintoul, Helen Casemore, Zelma
Hertog and Delores Pertehey,
Trophies were also awarded to
the Krazy Eats for winning the
play-offs. Their captain was
Gwen MaeLatirin and team mem-
bers were Cathy Metcalfe, Betty
Ewing, Ruth Thompson, Marg Ja-
mieson and Phyllis Thompson.
The season's high average tro-
•phy was presented to Gwen Mac-
Laurin, 'who had a great year with
an average of 185. Grace Hodg-
kinson captured the high single
trophy witlee's,' healthy* 310. The
season's high triple went to Joyce
Langridgc for a 752 score.
Special bawling pins were won
by Shirley Storey for the play-offs
high, single, 313, and to Joyce
Langridge for the play-offs high
triple of 772.
A special gift was presented to
Mrs. Walter Brown by the presi-
dent, on behalf of the club mem-
bers. Mrs. Brown took this op-
portunity of presenting the mem-
bers of the executive with a gift
of jewelry.
The president then brought in a
new slate of officers for the 1961-
62 bowling season: Pres., Joyce
Langridge; sec., Ruth Thompson;
treas., Arlene Sinnamon; press
sec., Dorothy Krug. The slate was
approved by the club members.
Six new eaptains for neitt sea-
son were chosen annd they are
Elaine Rintoul, Marg Jamieson,
Pat Renwick, Dorothy Krug, Mild-
red Nesbitt and Helen Casemere,
The entertainment for the even-
ing consisted of progressive euchre
for which there were many lovely
prizes. These were won by Gwen
fiVfacLaurin, for high lady; Helen
Gardner, high lady playing as a
man; Ruth Thompson, low lady;
and Nona Elliott, low lady playing
as a man. Prizes for most lone
hands went to Gwen MacLautin
and Helen Gardner. The special
door prize went to Betty Ewing.
The six team captains then serv-
ed coffee and delicious homemade
cookies to 'bring a very enjoyable
evening to a close.
I BOX 390 I
Wingham, May 23, 1961.
To 'the Editor,
Wingham Advance-Times,
Dear Sir:
'Let us give thanks that the Vie-
toria Day holiday is over for an-
other year. Firecrackers have
left a trail of destruction across
the province. The C.P.R. freight
Shed in London, a lumber yard in
Windsor, a building at Brantford
airport, e, meat market ht Lectr,
in WIngham it house fire said to
be caused 'by eireerackere; a. boy
.injured and sent to hospital,
How much longer must we put
up with this situttIlen? Teen-agers
roam the streets arid back lanes,
throwing lighted firecrackers at
small children and against build-
We have a by-law prohibiting
the use of fireworks except for a
week 'before the holiday. As a re-
sult children think they have the
right to fire them, anywhere during
that week,
Let us ask the town council to
add to this :bylaw, prohibiting the
gale of fireworks except to adults,
Then, if we must have fireworks,
let it be supervised as Eras been
done in farmer years in Hillereet.
Main Street Merchant
D1 t 1
Over 100 delegates registered
'or the West Huron District an-
anal Women's Institute meeting
aeld last 'Wednesday in St. And-
re Presbyterian educational
milding. In charge of registra-
'ion were Mrs. Ephriam Parish
tad Mrs. John 'Finnigan. Mrs.
.cordon Hastle, Mrs. Harold Bur-
TO and Mrs. N. T. MeLaughlin
eelcornecl the , guests. Spring
lowers in attractive arrangement,
also craft projects, from various
:nstitutes, gave the room a suit-
bin setting for the annual meet-
Mrs. Otto Popp, Dungannon,
)resided and Mrs. Wafter Scott
if Belgrave -conducted a memorial
or the 12 members who had been
:ailed to higher service during the
Six presidents who attended the
cereal officerk;'conferenee at Ou-
gpli, gave an'excellent over-all pie:-
lure of the •conference Ihy a wa-
it= and answer. Period and,• Var-
ious highlights from 'the -confer-
nee speakers. One thing stressed )y- Miss Helen Meltercher of the
fume Economics 'Branch of the
Department ef ee.griculture was the
,Ise in many homes -of inipasteur.
zed milk, Many farm homes still
ise raw milk, -she said.
Miss Anne Currie, of the local
I-H Club gave a demonstration
in their recent project, "Cottons
Way Be Smart". She was intro-
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. Ted Fear and- Mrs. Ralph
.McCrea wont to Malton airport on
Monday to meet the former's bro-
ther-In-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs.
J. P. Lundie, of Vancouver, B.C.
Mr. Lundie, who is president of
all the Credit Unions in .B.C., was
attending a Credit Union conven-
tion in Montreal and they were
able to visit on. Tuesday with Mr,
and Mrs„ Fear and family before
returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ansley,. of
Punta Gorda...Florida, are spending
a few days with her, parents, -Mr.
and Mrs. IreCarripbell,v and Other
relatives. • . -
, Miss Margaret Hiegi ns,',ot,Lon-
don, and Mn. and, Mrs: ,Ta'clt King
and family of Winghain, Yvisited
over the, week=end with 'their:par-
ents, Mr .and .Mrs, :Robert :'Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs 'Hersen -Iivvin left
last week to visit ,with friends in
Winnipeg and 'then on to Spend a
few weeks with otheir sort and
daughter4n-law, Di..and:Mrs. R. j.
Irwin, and- family' near Vancouver,
•e *
Visitors over the weelt-end and
on Sunday with-Mr. and -Mrs, Lyle
Hopper were 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd'
Alcock and family, Mr. and Mrs.-
George Ziniriterman 'and. Shirley
Ann, of Norstatit, Mr, ,and Mrs.
Tom Garniss apd family, of Brus-
sels, and' Mi. and Mrs. Stanley
Hopper and family, Brussels, R. R.
5, Among these visitors there were
four generations_ preeent, . Mrs.
Hopper, 'her -daughter, Mrs. Lloyd .
Aleock, 'her granddaughter, Mrs.
George Zirameentan, and her great
granddaughter,. Shirley Ann Zim-
merman, -
Mr. and Mrs. Alan MacKay and
family, W.leeaham; and Mr. and
Mrs. Mrs. Ruseel" Walker,- of Goderich,
visited on Sunday. with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Vieth:lire,
Mrs. "Grace Rodgers of Stratford,
visited, on Saturday with 'Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Smith.
Mrs. LeKemp, of Fullerton, visit-
ed on 'Saturday with Mr. and ,Mrs.
George, Sprdhn,
Miss Barbara Krug, of Witigharn,
spent the week-end with Miss
Marie Coultes.•
Mr. and.. 'Mrs, Ed Rartlin and
faMily, of TorOnto, spent the week-
end, With her p'arents, Ur. and Mrs
Earl Anderson and-Karen.
Mr. Ivan Walsh. item has been
attending the University of West-
ern Ontario at London, has joined
the RON (R) for the summer
months and left last Week for
HIVICS Cornwallis.
(leed by Mrs. Dale Millar, home
economist for Huron 'County,
Mrs. Millar, speaking for the
department, reported over -ilia)
women took part in the various
projects sponsored by the depart-
ment last year, Three new courses
will be available this year for the
local training school, "Food. In the
00's", 'Creative Cookery", and
"Belts and Buttons" 'finishing of
a 'garment to take away the home-
made look).
There are 1456 branches of the
W.I. in Ontario. Eleven disbanded
during the year and eight new
groups were organized.
Mrs, Greer Hyslop, provincial
board member, ratified the district
directors and a so reported for the
board. Large donations were sent
to UNESCO, World Refugees,
A.C.W,W. and $3500 has been veil*
lected for the 'preservation of the
Adelaide Hoodless Memorial, Suit-
.abie furniture to furnish the .home
Is asked Tor, also books, especially
those written by' Judge Emily
phy, Nellie McClung, Nina Morre
Jamieson and Ethel Chapnia.n.
There will be no holiday for the
W.I. at Guelph or Kernptville. The
national convention will be Yield
in. British Columbia June 19-23n:1
when 61 delegates and 33 visitors
will attend from Ontario.
Delegates numbering 429 attend-
ed the recent Guelph Conference
and presidents will be given the
opporunity again next year to at-
tend. An interchange of visits to
and from Northern Ontario will be
made. Members from Western
Ontario will travel -to Northern
Ontario by bus in October' and vis-
it several -branches. Next May
1962, a return visit will be made
by the North.
The project' endorsed by the Pro-
vincial board for this year is the
Foster Parents. Plan. Branches,
districts and areas may adopt a
needy child in many parts of the
world at a cost of $60 per year•
and it is hoped many children
tacirsoswsatyhe world will be helped in h
Mrs, Donald Rheil, Goderich, re-
ported the Federation of Agricul-
ture Workshop held early this ,year
alt the Sunset Hotel, Goderich. Bob
Secord and Eleanore Saracuse
were' two of the leaders and its
purpose is to train members for
leadership in their own corrimun-
Mrs. Norman Keating led, in a
sing-song. Mrs. Aldin' Allen; pub-
gannon, favored with accordion
music. Two solos • Nsiere sung , 'by
Mrs, Robert Homuth, accompanied
by Mrs.,Ernest Radford, both of
A guest at the meeting. was the
London Area chairman, Mrs. Wil-
fred Keays, 'Stratford, Who • an-
nounced the - convention at Hotel
London on October 10th and alth
A letter was read from the Child-
ren's- Aid, Goderich, expressing
appreciation for the scholarship
fund in which Huron County-'In-
stitutes have participated, each
member 'contributing 50 cents , or
morn. - This fund will provide , for
children under the care of the
Children's Aid for further train-
ing in education to 'better fit thetn
to take their place in the world:
A vote of thanks was given. to
Mrs. 'Otto Popp 'who has 'been an
efficient president of the district
for three years, also thanks to the
Wingham W,I, members who serv-
ed diniier, and" to the church for
the use of the educational building.
The following officers were el-
ected for the coming year with
Mrs. Greer Hyslop in charge:-Past
pres., Mrs. Otto Popp; arose Miss
Josephine Woodcock, Blyth; first
vice, Mrs. Donald .Rheil, Goderich;
second vice, Mrs. Welter Scott,
Beigrave; sec.:treas., Mrs. Wesley
Bradnock, Auburn; Federated rep-
resentative, ,Mrs. Arthur Clark,
R.R, 1, Auburn; alternate, Mrs.
Durnin Phillips, Dungannon.
Standing eommittees: Agricul-
ture and Canadian Industries, Mrs.
Richard Procter, R.R. Brussels;
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Fettle, Mrs.
Jessie O'Gorman, of Toronto, Mr
and Mrs. Jack' Keels, of Guelph,
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. W. A Gibson and attended
the Gibson-Baetz wedding in Elm-
wood on Saturday.
Week-end and Saturday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Holt were
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Holstock and
son, of Locust and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Gibson and baby, of
Mrs. Pearl Patterson and Miss
Leslie Campbell spent Saturday in
Guelph and visited Mrs. Wilda
Campbell in St. Joseph's Hospital
The Fordwich Women's Institute
met in the community hall for the
May meeting, Mrs. John Craig,
president, in charge. Mrs. W. Har-
grave read the devotions. The roll
call "a defect in our posture," cer-
tainly showed that we all have de-
fects which we could remedy, The
motto "Life is like a grindstone. it
wears us down or polishes us de-
pending on the stuff we are made
of" was given by Mrs. Harold
Doig. She said you have to live
with yourself and so be the kind of
person you would like to know. Mrs.
Anson Demerlintg and Mrs. Robert
Gibson. gave the .iteeident survey
report which was not too encour-
aging. Mrs. John Craig gave the
highlights of the conference which
was held in Guelph. Mrs. John
Winkel introduced the guest speak-
er, Mrs. Carl Tupper, of Harriston,
who spoke on the St, John's Am-
bulance home nursing course,
which lasts ten weeks, which is
very worthwhile both in sickness
and accident. Mrs. W. Hargrave
presented her with a gift. Miss
Sandra Allen and Miss Joan Winkel
favoured with a duet. Plans were
made to assist the Salvation Army
with their Red Shield drive and
members were named to help can-
vass. The ladies will hold a take
out tea and bake sale this week,
also a fashion show by the 4-R club
made during the course they just
completed. A delegate was named
to attend the district annual at
Belmore on May 18. The members
NOT ALL MN—While music fes-
tivals are usually considered to be
a lot of fun for the youngsters, this
is -not always' the way it works.
Barbara, laymers, 10 years -old, is
shown with 'her baby sister, Brenda,
one year, as she minded• the child
outside the Fordevieb. Hall as other
members of her family were inside
listening to the singing.
G. VanCamp Wins
Clothes Dryer
(Intended for last week)
BELGRAVE Bill Coultes was
chairman for the North. Huron
Junior Farmers variety concert,
presented in the Foresters hall, on
Friday evening,
Numbers ,on the progratn.incluri-
ed two one-ast plays, "Bobby 'Socks'
Brigade" by the Howick Junior
Farmers and "The Darkaist
by the North Huron Junior Farm-
Other numbers were a solo by
Marie Johnston; accordian solo by;
Elaine Nixon; monologue by Mar-
jorie Kieffer; duet by Carol Robin-
son and Carol Kiel; solo by Ethel
McMichael, and a solo by George'
Tickets had been sold on a
clothes dryer which was won by
Glen VanCamp.
Babies Baptized
At Knox Church
(Intended for last week)
BELGRAVE—Rev. J. H, Ander-
son was in charge of the special
Mother's Day service at Knox.
United Church on Sunday morning.'
The sacrament of infant baptism
was observed at this service, too,
when the following babies were
Bonnie Marie Walker, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Walker;
Joanne Ellen Coultes, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Coultes; Trudy
Elizabeth Taylor, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Taylor.
The choir, under the direction of
Roy Xliindy, sang a special anthem
and a trio of Mrs. John Nixon,
Mrs. George Johnston and Miss
Lorna Bolt sary; "A Closer Walk
With Thee," unaccompanied.
ATTEND DISTRICT Al1/4,1;74TJAI...4Wednesday of last
week the West lituron District Women's Institute
held the annual meeting in the haseMent of the
Winglthin PiTAIWteriart Churelt, tleSephihe
Woodcock, of Myth, was eIteted president; Mrs.
Grerr nistop, of Stratford, hoard direttor for the
FWIO, ie next. Mrs. Otto Popp; now past-president,
Wits clitlirJrt'd '. Also on hand wer6 Mks. 4Wilfirld
Hyde Peek, cluthanitei of the London Confer-
ence Of the WI and Mrs. Wes Dradttoek, Auburn,
seeeetereatirettearee of the West Huron
Dillies and Health, Mrs. Norman
Clairmont, Goelerieb; Public Re-
lations, Mrs, Charles Nelson,
Resolutions, Mrs. Edward Date
les, Auburn; Junior work, Mrs
William Coultes, R.R. 5, Brussels;
Huron County Farm Safety Coun-
F:.: - L.D.A. .Special Prices I ... . at
ill Values Effective May 24th to May 30th
I Regader .40e ,. ue ili.
Li - 1.0.A. SPOT REMOVER 33c , $9c
2.1(% Vie, size i'-il
Medium 15s— Ill
if 681 58991: :II-
Regular 30e eel
ii Snap.,et, regular 59c . .... . „ ,2 for $1.08 ii
II 2-oz., reg.. Ille• le-oz., reg. $1,89 El
iihmk!ly,7$8.149,09c9 xe-11;
It BRECK. HAIR SET MIST .. , „ 59c
: Qiv▪ r:Thiniap,y:11:72,1e:asrtroior Green
54s or 90s with Three FREE Baby '17oweiettes
39c - 59c
53c is
jrite '
._. - DUSAPPY41111)MIT-7/1811-ReVLON
F-...aiNgiritAGfehm.41. . i 4*-
lefi-i-J ,I.47 iit.a...opc.-- • C:714...a-w-4.- 1 8=
With power steering
• 1955 METEOR
Low mileage, very -clean
"500" Automatic, A-1 condition, very sharp
Excellent condition
.0•01•,1•MHTIMMIN*01•1.1.11N1k01•1604.111111.91•00.1•9411.11.11M.04011 111004114011M1i.-11111*O4104~
Rambler Renault I-H-C Dealer
Main St. LISTOWEL Phone 57
Low mileage, one owner, complete with racks
Ken Davidson Motors
Lt.-Col. and Mrs. A. W. DIXON
Divisional commanders
11:00 a.m.-110LINE,SS MEETING
— Support the Red Shield 'Campaign —
Illingbain Corms
gev, C. F. Johnson, L.Z4 h. - Rector
Mrs. Cordon Davidson - Organist
Holy Communion--8.30
Sunday School-10.00 a.nL
Morning Prayer-11M0
Celebrant and guest speaker—Rt, Rev. 1.1, Apple and Bishop of Georgian Bay.
Thursday, June lsi--Senior W.A.. at the Rec-ory, 3 p.m,
Pautt5 eburtf)
cil, litre. Charles Elliott, ..(enetree;
District delegate to convention,
Miss. Josephine Woodeocit, teem;
alternate, Mrs. Otto Popp, D.
The eleven branehea .agreed
celebrate their 50th anniversary
by holding a joint picnic in liar,
bar Park, Goderich, the first
i Thu'reclay in August. Goderleb
branch will make arrangements
and district directors will plan the