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e13e ifittriabillil abtlatirr #
GORKI iAUXII,IARY MEETS Mrs, Frances Strong Peet-Want Vows.
AT UNDERWOOD HOME in Gorrie church
MILain---XYD:.. and Mrs. D011edet.'
Peel, who were married bete Set-
te....ay at 2 pm. at title Gorrie.
'United Church pareierrege will spend
their honeymoon in Ottawa.
Rev. J. alwart Clarke effleiated
at tee cerernolla.
aire bride is the former .allorie,
Elizabeth Hunt, daughter of Mr.
anti Mrs. Ashford 'Hunt, of WOK-.
eter. The bridegroom Jr the eon Of
Mr, and Mrs. Willard Peel, Of M -
K 2, Lome.
The 'bride ehoee a bengaline, satin
Has 8' 11/i Birthday
cogam-- Mrs, prances Strong,
Gerrie, merited eer b9tI1. birthday
on WedneadaY, May 17, at, her -tenee
here, She was born on Lee fa,
Mowick Township, near leranee I
lli[l, trio daughter of the late
Arthur Spolton and Jere! Johnson..
After her marriage to John eh...mea
aareng in 1894, they moved to con- I
cession 6, Itowicit, There she resid e
ed until the summer of 4960 when-
she and her son, Roy, moved to
Gorrie. floor-length gown with princess
Her husband praised away in 1026.
She Jure' two eons, Roy, Gerrie,
and Hartwell, of Con, 6, Howiele
A eon, George, passed away in 1920.
She also has one daughter Mee,
Carl (Vera) Pennington, Teeewa,ter,
She has seven .grandchildren and
seven great grandchildren.
Mrs. Strong enjoys good health
and has a keen sense of humor, She
Is fond of flowers and enjoys a
game of cards with friends. Several
friends were present with her and
all had an enjoyable time,
CaltifeleaTEE CHAIRIVIAN—Hearling up ,the various committees of •
the ;newly organized Business and Profesionel Women's 'Club is the
group pictured above. They are, left to right, back row, Mrs. C. Can-
-Wien, ehairnian of membership; Miss S, Edgar; co-convener, social
committee; Mrs. Scott, publicity; Miss T3, Comber, program; scat'
ea, alts, af, Chopin, ways and means, and Mrs, W. ,Pocciele magi/ram-
er social committee.—A-1 Photo,
Mission Band
Mei on Sunday
BLUR/VALE -The Mission Band
met In the United Church school
room on Sunday morning during
the latter part of the cluiren ser-
vice, Marlene Nicholson presiding,
The roll call was answered by na-
ming a book of the Bible.
•GGRATE ---A (OR for the Mo-
hawk Institute at Brantford was
quilted at the home of Mrs. Carl
Underweod on Thursday afternoon,
when members of the WA of St
Stephen's Anglican Church met for
their May meeting.
Devotions followed, lea ny the
president, Mar. Bertha Plant. Mrs.
R. T. Bennett read the minutes.
Roll call was answered by naming
a tree or flower mentioned in the
Bible. Mrs. Newton brought some
fine thoughts on the theme, Which.
was"flowers"' A poem was read
by Rev. B. C. Attwell.
The chapter "Getting Tigre:her"
from the study book "Toward the
Centre" as prepared by Mrs. Leon-
ard Sanderson was reed by Mrs.
Norman Wade. It dealt especially
with the progress toward union
made by cherehee overseas. In
South India in 1947 a million people
Anglicans, Congregationalists, Pres-
byterians and Methodists made the
attempt to break down the barriers
of visible unity and it seems to be
working, There is much liberty as
regards, to forms of worship. The
work of evangelism has gone for-
ward greatly. In North India, Pala
/Stan and West Africa similar ideas
are in the planning stage, so •that
the work of carryingthe Gospel of
Jesus Christ into every land 'may
no longer be divided into rival
communions but one church would
preach one faith and serve one
wee r1 tided to bold a church
supinr the lase week in June.
lines, Tao high neckline had a oar'
eider net yoke and lily point
eieevee. A floor-length veil of tulle
and the headdress was catight up
with tiny ribbon rosebuds. She
carried a. nosegay of white baby
mums and red roses.
Maid of honor was Miss Francis
Marguret Coulter, of Kitchener
who wore a street-length dress .of
royal nylon over taffeta with white
feather hat and white accessories.
She curried a noe4eay of white
baby mums and pink roses.
Thomas Gerald Templeman, of
Gorrie, was best man, ,
A reception was bell in the Gor-
rie community hall at 3.30 p.m.
with the immediate famillee attend-
The bride's mother wore a White
floral printed nylon dress with
white accessories and corsage of
yellow mums. The groom's mother
chose a black nylon lace dress with
pink accessories and corsage of
pink mums,
The bride donned a rayon tweed
suit Of heavenly blue with white
accessories for travelling and wore
a corsage of white ,mums.
Out of town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. George Hunt, of Brampton,
and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Tait, of
The couple will reside on Con, a
Howick Township: -
Mr. and Mee, Joe. Clinendere„
Windsor, spent the week-end with
afr, and Mee, Justin Will,
Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Petrie visit-
0. eitindery with Mr. and Mrs, ctiase
Itarwiea, of Browns.
Miss Barilere Feagere Wareham,
event the „holiday week-end at the
borne of Mr. anti Mrs. Harry
Mrs, Clarence Stokes returned!.
home Saturday from a four weeks'
trip to Grande Prairie, Alta, Mrs.
Steltee spent a week on her way
home with her aunt, Mrs. Agnes'
afeculloegli at Qe.'Aflpelle, Sask. I
:Mies Garen- Heedmen, Wee Na-
dine Cook, Miss Joanne Strong,
also Mies Nancy Elliott, Belniore,
and Miss Sandra eabarnneY, Bel-
grave, spent the holiday week-end•
at Grand Bend;
Wesley Galloway, Kenneth and
Glen. Underwood and Harold. King
were .an a fishing trip to. Lake Ros-
eaall. and ether points over the
Ma, end Mrs, Ed Satchel!, of
Fort Erie, spent Wednesday after-
noon with Mrs. Bertha Plant, Re'
cent visitors with Mrs, Plant were
bee' daughters, Mrs. E. Simpson,
London, and Mrs, Laura Cruick-
shank, of St. Marys,
Atha Marion Robinson, nurse-in-
'eining at the Kitchener-Water-
ree Hospital, is spending a four
weeks' holiday with her parents,
Mir; and Mrs. Harold R.obineon,
. Mrs. Norman Wade and Mrs.
Harry King, and Rev, E. C, Attwell
attended the spring meeting of the
Daanery of Huron WA and the
elerieue held at. Brussels recently_
1eIrs, Harry Blme, Mrs. John '
Baylor, Mrs. Carl Gregg, Mrs, Gla '
Edgar, Mrs, E, 'H. Strong, Mrs.
Glenn - Johnston, Mrs. Clarence
Sparling, and Mrs, Russell Adams
were among those tram Gorrie in
attendance at the annual meeting
Of the East Huron District Women's
Institute,. The .Lakelet ..Ieretitute
were ,hostesses at McIntosh Church.
—.ea •
Ruth McLennan read the min-
utes, Birthday greetings were
sung to 'Laurie, Linda and Larry
Johnston, Beety Hetherington
react the Scripture.
The offering was presented by
Laurie liertog, The lesson story
was given to the seniors 'by Mrs,
George Fischer and to the juniors
by Mrs, Fleming Johnston. BLUEVALE city of the nine bins in it to hold
sixty tons. This will be used as built
storage to feed his poultry, He also
operates the cold storage and egg
grading business in Gorrie.
The silo is built of scantling and
covered with siding and has a steel
roof. It is located beside his poultry
barn in Gorrie,
ATTEND .FIRST MEETING a- The-group pictured glottal advisor of District No, 8; Miss dean Wilson,
above includes the out-of-town, guests who attended vice-president electoral district A of the B, ei P.
the first meeting of the newly-formed Business and Clubs of Ontario. who was arrest speaker, ape ,Hiss
Profession Women's Club. They are Mrs.- Viola Mc- Laurene Ellis, Waterloo, regional advisor of Markt
Clevis, Balloter; Mrs. Melva Weigel, Hanover, re- No. 2.--A-T Photo.
. •
DISTRICT WINNERS. I-N.RkeivesBA.- Degree Miss Irene Paton
ST, HELENS, Mr-, and MI's' Gives W. I. Motto Lorne -Wiped§ and Miss W. D. Ruth- LIVESTOCK RHINO • _
Mr. and Mrs J. K. McTavish of
London, Mr. and Mrs, Spence MC-
lainnon and family of Niagara
Falls, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil McKie-
eon of Toronto, Mrs. Alex Arm-
strong and Mr. Peter McKay of
Brussels spent Sunday with Mr.
'and Mrs. R, H. McKinnon,
Mr, and Mrs. John Bosnian and
Donald of West Lorne were week-
end visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Bosnian.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter •and
Miss Margaret Curtis spent Stitii•
day with relatives at Ingersoll.
The East Huron District Wo-
men's Institute held at Lakelet on
May 18th was attended by Mrs. Joe
Horton, Mrs. Charles Mathers,
Mrs, Carl Johnston, Mrs. William
Peacock and Mrs. Alex Corrigan.
Arnpld ,Lillow, Bert Hertog and
Jack Lillow of Stratford and Er-
nie King were among those who
enjoyed a fishjng trip to the far
north recently.
Rev, W. R, Welsh was able to re-
turn to the pulpit 6f the United
Chureh on Sunday' atter several
weeks' illness,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horton spent
Sunday at Harriston.
BELGBAVE--Mrs. Richard Proc-
ter was in charge' of the regular
meeting of the Women's Institute
on Tuesday afternoon in the com-
munity centre,
A penny collection was taken and
sent to the Friendship Fund, , A
letter of thanks was read from the
Red Cross for the WI members col-
lecting in the district, Which had
exceeded last year's canvass. It was
announced that the annual mem-
orial service at Brandon Cemetery
would be held on the first Sunday
in July with the Anglican Church
in charge. The annual bus trip was
planned, and will be to Midland
this year.
Mrs. Garner Nicholson was in
charge, of the program, with the
theme, "Scorn' not the way others
live, each must accept what nature
gives". Mrs, Stanley Cook read the
motto, • "Worry is like a rocking
chair, rocks and never gets you
Mrs, Earl Anderson read an ar-
ticle,-"Let's Put the Daylight to a
Vote,' and "Commandments for
African Vicdets."
Mrs. Lawrence Vannan gave a
piano ieleelley, Mrs: Nicholson reed
abotraPetee McArthur,' followed by,
a contest, Mrs. Nicholebn conduct-
ed a contest,
Lunch was served by Mrs, Cora
McGill, Mrs. ;Annie Coultes, and
Mrs. Clark Johnston,
Music Festival
Earle Terry Is
For Turnberry
the former Gelda, Stapleton, daugh-
ter of Mr. Aunt Mrs. A. W. Staple-
ton ef, Wingham, has accepted a
teaching position at the Caradoc
Indian Reservation southwest of
London... She wilt teach Cracks 1
and 2. Mrs. Holmes, Who was
married ae Easter, graduated 'from
Stratford Teachers' College this
year. During het training she
taught at Cape Croker, where she
found her work with Indian. 'child-
ren a very rewarding experience.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vines and
Listowel, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Grant, Teeswater, visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Albert Dustow,
St; Stephena from 1942-1944,
'Mtn. .Wre, Barton and daughter,
Ellen, Of liaMieton e,spent Friday
and Saturday with Mrs. Bertha
Mr. and Mrs, 'Stanley Dane, of
Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. Robt.
Dane over the week-end.
Rev. F, Attwell and son, Paul,
Brantford, visited over the week-
e1ird with Rev. and Mrs. E, G. Att-
Mr. Wm. Warren Charlton, Mr,
Otto'N'utin, Kitchener, were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer
Niihn. Mr .and Mrs, Arnold 'Sachs
and', family, Elmwood, visited Sun-
dey. at the satire home,
'Miss. Annie Murray is a patient
in,' Listowel Memorial Hospital, AI* Percy Ward; Listowel, spent
a feW days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Blake MeMillab.
Mr. Roy Gowdy is a patient In
Wingham General. Hospital,
Little Stephen Edgar, Listowel, is
visiting, his grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. Glad Edgar.
Ross Latronica is a patient in
Palmerston General Hospital,
Erects Silo for
Bulk Storage •
GOBBLE --- Robert Stephens hus
just completed the building of a
The work • of excavating for grain silo, It is thirty-seven feet
h i gh ow
basement at St, Stephen's Anglican twelve feet twelve feet wide and Wag.
Church is proceeding. Mr, Chas. Mr. Stephens estimates the cape-
Burrows, of Clifford, has the eon-
,Mr.•and Mrs. 'Clifford Cooke, Mr.
.'hind Mrs. Harry Templeman, Mrs.
."" Reale Newton and Mr. Jack Mus-
grove spent the week-end in the
United States.
Mr. 'and Mrs, Lloyd Woods, Judy
and Gene, of Kitchener, spent the
week-end with Mrs. James Shera.
Mrs. Bertha Plant is visiting at
the home of her son, Harvey Plant,
and Mrs, Plant, of Allenford,
Word has been received of the
death of Rev. Ernest Colwell in the
State of Kansas, following a heart ,
attack. Rev. Colwell' was' reebeiaaati- GialeRIELlefie` Wne oariee; ASsoci-
atioe of Gorrie United Church
held its May meeting at the home
of Mrs. Manfred 'Irwin on Wednes-
day evening. Mrs. Jas, Dunbar led
the devotion anal Mrs. Glad Edgar
read the Scripture.
Mrs, Russell Adams read a poem,
"True Love of God." "Love Is an
Overworked Word," an article writ-
ten by Padre W. A. Young, was
given by Mrs. Dunbar.
Mrs. Gondon Edgar, president,
conducted the business. The par-
sonage committee reported the new
'desk for the minister's study has
been completed. New cutlery has
been added to the church kitchen.
Committees were named for the
garden party the middle of June.
Mrs. Edgar closed the meeting
with the theme prayer in unison.
The hostess and helpers served a
delicious lunch.
erfbrd attended the, graduation of
R# beet A. Merdie at Waterloo Col-
lege On.Seturday. Bob received his
Bachelor of Arts •degree with hon-
prs and the, Univereity gold medal
in jeography,
Bob ,is the son of 'Mrs. Mabel
(Woods) Murdie, and the late Mr,
Murdie, This was the first convo-
cation held at Waterloo College,
'Shield donated by Bluevale Wo-
men's Institute; Lower Wingham
No. 11; Gill-mm No. 5 and Kir-
ton's No, 2 (tied).
Two-part chorus, Bluevale, shield
donated by Alex Corrigan; Gil-
moursa Powell's and Lower Wing-
ham (tied).
Unison chorus, Lower Wingham,
shield donated by the Turnberry
School Area Board; Gilmour's;
Powell's and BlueVale (tied).
Changed voices, Ron Machines;
Brian Hogg and Bill deGroot,
(tied); Charles Eadie and Wayne
Gibbons ('tied>,
Rhythm bands, Gilmours, shield
debated by Ken Zinn; _Sleevelet
National Day was the theme for
tile regular meeting of the We-
men's Institute 'held in the court-
ell chambers on Thursday with a
good attendance and several vis-
Mrs. I), S. afacNaughton. and
Mrs, N. McLaughlin gave reports
on .the District Annual, held in
Wingham Presbyterian Church the
previous day.
Miss I. Paton gave the motto
and Mrs. N. Keating gave a tale
on the Emhart Gardens and ere-
toile flower pats.
There was a fine display of pic-
tures and souvenirs from B.C. Two
films were enjoyed.
Hostesses were Mrs. la Edger,
Mae M. Aitchison, aim F. Mc..
Corrnidt, Mrs. C. Hopper and Mr's.
T. Wier.
Receives Degree
At U.W.O. Friday
John 'Hoover, the son of Mr. orvi
Mrs, Norman Hoover of RR, ;a
Brussels, recently was no4.irie 1
of his recommendation as a fawn-
ing fellow by the History T ea.ert-
merit of the University of Western
Onto rio.
Mr. Hoover graduated from
WROXE,TER—The regular meet-
ing of the Howick Lions Club was
'held on Monday evening, May 14th
in the Gorrie United Church hail,
and was catered to by the members
of Group 4 of the ehurce. Nine-
teen members and two guests were
pretent, and the president, Lion
Gordon Moir, presided,
Rev. J. E. Clarke, minister of the
Gorrie United Church, was enamet
as a guest, and spoke briefly, as
well a$ acting as pianist for the
Bert Winston of Fordwich wee
also a guest arid entertained the
assembly with his presentation of
colored pictures, 'taken on his erip
to California.
John Matson, of the Ito WI els-Wal
lace Boundary, was inducted as a
new member by past president Stan
Keh Altdn, of R.R.. 7, Liteknove,
will enjoy a trip to the United Na-
tions, He won the award as first
place holder in the Huron County
'livestock and grain judging- classes
held in •Seaforth on Saturday..
In second piece was Bob Fee-ha
eringham of RR, 3, Seaforth, who
will get a trip to Eastern Ontario
Winners from this area were;
George Undenwood, R,R. 1, Wing-,
ham, leader pf the Turnberry 4-H
Beef Calf Club, who received the
club leaders' trip to the Ralston-
Purina plant in St. Louis.
The Canadian National Exhibi-
tion shield was Won by Robert
Chambers of R.R. 1, Wingham,
with a score of 589 out of a pos-
sible 700. The runner-up was Ka.
ran Powell of RA, S, Wingham
with 581 points,
The Blatchford Feces Ltd. tro-
phy for .the Individual with high
score in tin' entire competition
went to Ivan Howatt of R.R. 1.
Belerave, who scored 638 out re
Runner-up for the William Stone
trophy for the individual with
highest score in swine was Ken
Kirkland of RR, 3, Lucknow. The
winner voo; Joan Elliott of Zurich.
Ivan Ilowatt was runner-up for
the alarnafion Co. trophy for high
sonny in the dairy section. Win-
ner was Jack Broadaxe; of Bruce-
field. These two competitors were
tied with 197 of 200 possible points
but 'the preference was given to
tire 'competitor with the higher
score in Ole oral competition..
Wan Howatt. was top in the
sheep section with 95 of a possible
100, _Karen Powell was runner-up
with •
Ivan flowate topped the beet sec-
tion with 192 out of 200.
Mother Dies •
At Guelph
John Goodall, who recently pur-
chased the law practise of J. W.
nushfield, was bereaved last week
when his 'mother, Mrs. Frank
Goodall, of Guelph, passed awae
after an illness of short duration,
in May 17th. Mix Goodall WAS in her (12nti year,
Residents of Einemea Township
for many yam, Mr. and Mrs. Good-
all Movre to telelne six years NAM
She leaves to rimere, her hus-
band, two sons, John, of Wingham,
and Ronald, of St. Celearines. and
one daughter, Frances (Mrs. Verne
on Walker), of Keswick, Ontario.
Interment took place at Memory
Gardens Cemetery, eerie Guelph, on
BLUEVALE, Earle Terry of
London was the adjudicator on
Friday when 'seven schools com-
peted in the 14th annual Turn-
berry Music ,Festival, J. H. Kin-
kead, inspector of public schools,
was 'chairman. Mrs, Nora Mof-
fatt is the music supervisor.
Girls 7 and under, Rosie Powell;
Grace Jeffrey and. Marilyn Ross
stied); Marcia Hamilton and Deb-
bie [McKay (tied).
Boys 7 and wider, Douglas Mc-
Butney, Douglas Stamper, Doug-
las Stone, David Welsh and Paul
Hafer (+tied).
Girls 9 and under, Jackie Gold-
rich, Sylvia Martens, Jayne Eng-
lish and Susan Foxton' (tied).
Boys 9 and under, Jimmy Mof-
fat; Bobby Stone and Raymond
Wright (tied); Ricky Stapleton.
Girls 11 and under, Donee, Nun'
dell; Valerie Fisher and Linda
Metcalfe (tied); Dolores Stacey
and Jenny Askes (tied).
toys 11 and under, Brian For-
syth; David Hart and Barry Hof-
eel' (tied); Ross Erriegton,
Girls- 12 and over, 'Betty Heth-
erington; Judy Forsyth; Judy Ba-
Boys 12 and over, Brian Kerr;
Dick Ashes, Doug Aeffer, Gordon
Wright '(tied); Henry afartens,
Larry Elliott acid Robert Johnston
Girls' Cup, Betty Hetherington.
Donor, Turnberty School Area
Board, Runners-up, Judy Forsyth
and Valerie Fisher.
Boys' Cup, Brian Kerr. Donor,
Ternberry School Area Board.
Runners-up, Larry Elliott toed Ro-
bert Johnston.
Open :duets, Judy Batton and
Mary Robertson; Brian Kerr and
Douglas. Hoffer; Sherry and Doi-
twee Stacey.
Double Trios, Bluevale No. 4,
secretary; Joyce Lungridge, president; standing,
Dorothy Brag, press reporter; Arlene 8;10mA/era
treasurer.-44 Phete.
NEW EXECtitiVE members of the Wednesday
Mitt Bowling Club wore eteetad at the elob'r
banquet last Week Seated are Until Thoitmson,
is as
of of twi csi:aps zwasti p
Gordon Moir; prey., Wa"rcn leer
brigg; first vice-nreee Jack Clark
second vice-pros., Bill Felker; sec,
Harvey McDermott; treas., Merril(
Townsend; tail twister, Ken Ed-
officersiv7tai are
at the Julie meeting on the thin
Monday of the month, which win
take the form of a ladies' night.,
A draw for a variety of prizes
was on 'breed by the Tall Twater
K. Edgar, with the following win-
ners: Stan Bride, erica Clarke, Ger.
don Edgar, ahrry Mastie. AIIe•
Munro, Came O'Kratka, Jelin tint-
son, Harold Townsend, Ilownrd
Wylie and ,Rev. ‘1, V.I. Clarke. The
meeting closed with the usual
Lions' roar.
The May meeting of the %VMS
of Knox Presbyterian Church was
held on Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. George Nichol, The
president, Mrs, Alvin Mundell,
opened the meeting with the hymn
"What a Friend We Have In Jesus."
Mrs.. T. B. Kennedy read the
Scripture end Mrs. George Nichol
gave the meditation, Mrs. Carl
Nichol lead in prayer.
An Inspiring missionary topic,
dealing with the ways of spreading
the Gospel, was given by Mrs. Pre
Leeson. Mrs, Curie read the story
of a Bible woman.
During the business period re-
ports from secretaries were given.
The treasurer's report showed that
$90.00 had been eent to the Pres-
byterial treasurer.
The meeting closed with the
hymn "The 'Church's One Founda-
tion" futti the benediction by Rev.
T. B. Itenridely, The June Meeting
will 'be held at the home of Mr's,
Alvin Mandell. I May 20th.
Wingimni Disiriet •Im.?; in
1057 :led will receive or, Pianneeil-
n,A, degree history a , TTni-
-versity of Western ()•ltatio'n
erne g convocation t1118 epatitts
With lire aid of his fellowship
be iplans to Conlrnerree studies
fall, leading to a Master's ((egret«