HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-24, Page 2WO Wine! in Ads ee-Tilaatas, Wedtreeden, bias: ;#, 1.961 FOR SALE ei n.I: IER rilOPERTIEl4 FOR ':A=VINO EZ '!TS _ — SALE. RE:XI' OR WANTED rf+IOH,T FOtyr BOAT and oars for Bate. Phone 215.1. 24 - :INE -PIECE dining room suite. for sale. Phone w4. Wroxeter 24b 1OL$D�A D'OEE for s; i;e.l Phone 973R after five. 24'*1 bil7ME BARN for sale, 20'x3% . Mabel Purdon. \Vhitechureh. 17-24' GARAGE DOOR and overhead hardware for sale. Ins --9' Phone 360. 24b. PAT=E, BLUE brocaded taffeta semi -formal gown, size 12-14. Also pale blue taffeta street dress. Phone 61031. 24'b 35 hp and 12 hp OUTBOARD MO- TORS for sale, in A-1 shape: one 11': ft. boat. with controls. Ap- ply L. #i, Paradis. BA Service Station, Riversdale. 24b 40" MOFFAT Propane gas cook- ing stove for sale, In excellent'' condition. Price $20.00. Also baby tenda chair. price 805.00. Phone, 5'971 12. 24b CULTIVATOR, to fit a Ford or. v Ferguson, tractor. for sale, 3 -point hitch. Cheap. Phone Wingham 40431. Morrison's Garage, V hite- ehureh. 24b FOR BEST BUY in New or Re- conditioned Serving Machines visit Smitty's Shopping Centre. Hanover. tWe service all mattes). 17-24-31b 1 T ECTRIC SEWLNG Machine for sale; also vacuum cleaner. oat roller. Apply D. Vandermeer. RR. 5. Lucknow, phone Wing - hart 529\4'12. 24b FOR SALE—Boat. steel trailer, 3 hp Mercury motor. Boat is 121= ft, moulded plywood construction, strongly reinforced for large mo- tor. 42' 'beam. Apply Fred Seh- wiehtenberg.Mildtnay, phone EN 7-4433. 17b MOVIE CAMERA FOR SALE— Brand new Bell & Howell 8mm with attached light meter. Cam- era won on a draw, owner no in- terest in movies. Will let go at a LOW price. Apply at Advance - Times. 24." ELECTROLUX SALES AND SER- VICE—Authorized dealer, H. A. McDermitt. Fordwieh. phone 59-31. Contact Mrs. L. McDoug- all, phone 553W, Wingham, for service. Arrange for free demon= stration, 29rrb FILTER. QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all mattes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna. telephone Hensall 696R2. 16rrb SUMER SALES & SERVICE—Re- pairs to all makes .of sewing machines, r,..euums and floor polishers. Used machines for sale. Phone 665, Wingham, George Henderson. 15rrb OWEN SOUND Typewriter Co.. Authorized dealer for Olympia typewriters. Complete service on all makes of typewriters, adding machines and cash registers. For prompt and efficient service phone FR. 6-4841. 13rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: TAXI BUSINESS for sale. May be purchased with or without cars. Terms. can be arranged, For more information call Charlie Lee. phone 185. 24rrb RF.DDI-E1:'II.T homes and eot-; tages. prefab and crested. Free literature. Fast' terms.:See our samples. Omni. Lumber. Orange— vilte, Ontario Phnr:e 900. .518-An39bs FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT, Three rooms and bath. Phone 229. 2441 ONE APARTMENT to rent. on main street. Phone 668 or 207.w n4b' li EEP {P '0 PATE -- Attend this hog meeting Monday evening, May 29th, at 8. In W ingbatn Town Hall. See and hear t1r •A govern* anent grader actually cut and trine an -A" end a "C" hag. i3t Mr. C=arnet Norrish,. GAC, who tray. kis Masters Degree l Swina se ar eh , discuss breeding and how to int. prove your grades. +31 Your fol veterinarian discuss the most earn - mon hog problems and how to pre- CE241/ i vent them. I Q 'SE FOR RENT on Victoria: Street. Garden ready for plant- ing. Phone 1190J. 24b SALES HELP WANTED, TALE WHO IS INTERESTED making 310 to 315 a day soling quality l products of a reliable firm. overt 70 years in business? Write W. T. Rawleigh, Dept. E -453-0B. 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 24b WANTED THREE - QUARTER brown metal bed and springs wanted, suitable for cottage. Phone 268. 24b WANTED --- Alterations ter do at reasonable prices. Apply Mrs. Dave Hutchinson, Edward Street, side entrance. 17-24b 3 -BEDROOM modern house want- ed, either to purchase or rent. Apply Box 44, Advanee.Times. 1724e 15 HEAD of cattle to put en good grass. Allan Pattison. phone 719W2. 17-24' FEMALEiE P 4.424 '3D TENDERS WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN wanted to TENDERS FOR OIL assume household duties and care lMorris School Board request for children. age 2 and 4. for two a tenders for supplying furnace oil weeks beginning end June. Phone l to five schools. Tenders accepted Brussels 33R6. 24.311 until May 31. No tender necessar- I ilv accepted.—Ralph Shaw, Blue - NOTICE TO CREDITORS vale. Ont. 17-24b DRAIN TENDERS IN THE ESTATE OF CATH- Tialrtrs$ip ofIoe;iCl; ERINE ADAM. Sealed tenders plainly marked as :4I.% PERSONS haver a claims to contents will be received by the against the estate of the above men- undersigned for the construction of tioned, late of the ''Town of Wing- :each of the following drains in the 1 T s1i' w eek: ort i € o ham.in. the County of Hurn n p 4 o, Widow, who died on the 19th day tis The Freak David Drain con - of April, 1961. are required to file sisting of 2500 lineal feet of open proof of same with the undersign drain: ed on or before the 27th day of I e21 The Sanderson Drain Ex - May, A.D. 1951. tension consisting of 2840 lineal After that date the Executors will a g proceed to distribute the estate feet of &" file drain and catch having regard only to the claims , '- of which they shall then have had The specifieationS, Plan and pro - notice. 3a file may be seen from the Clerk. DATED at Wingham this Sth day! A certified cheque for 1O' of of May, A.D. 1961. the tender to accompany each. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON ; Tenders to be in the hands of the VFingham, Ontario a felerk by 4 pare, Friday. Jane 2nd. Solicitors for the Executors. 1961 10-17-24b i J. Harold Pollock, Clerk, DEADSTOCR i A\ -TED 24b Fordudeh, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i DEAD AnTiMAL Disposal Act --We have bs en licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm anl- mais under the above Act. ' For free removal call collect, Whig - ham 878. Palmerston 123W or Elmira, MOhawk 9-5564. Gordon Ynuns; 'Elmirar Limited. License 100-C-61. rrb' DEAD STOCK WANTED FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES', 87.00 each IILNK HORSES, 4c Ib. A. LORENZ DURHAM Call long di:stanee Dl" RHAM 493 collect Fl.arrb 8 ROOM COTTAGE for sale in Bel -1 grave, including lot, 66'x165'; gar- den and fruit bushes. A paid share in Belgrave community well system. Closed in porch. Used at present as 5 -room and 3 -room apartments with separate en- trances. Contains ofie 3 -piece bath, one 2 -piece bath. 2 complete sets built-in cupboards. Coutd be used as income property or singte house, Ralph McCrae. phone Brussels 3722.75. 24-31= CARS FOR SALE 1555 DODGE SEDAN for sale. lit gaiod condition. Phone 360. 24b FOR SALE —. Estate automobile, 1958 Ford sedan, automatic, ti cylinder. very tow mileage. A-1 condition, 'Best cash offer. Con- tact John Lathers, Carle. On- tario. 24b LIVESTOCH FOR SALE 25 PIGS for sale, nine weeks old. Charles Mothers, R. R. 2, Blue - vale, phone Brussels 371.75. 2411 2a YORESE PIGS for sale. just weaned. George Markley. phone 71721, Wroxeter. 24' 75 PIGS. 8 to 11 weeks old for sale; also used stock trailer. Phone Robert 'Rrelter. 10rS11, Wroxeter. 2415 i,Eg5 ''TA I SERVICE and Hunt- ing find Fishing rat'-etise Patter. Phone 19.. Srrh ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service 81.00 per 100 lbs. plus bonus for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 3-4900 too toll charge) — or ATWOOD 356-2622 COLLEC"t SEVEN DAY SERVICE License No. 103061. MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service $1.00 per 100 lbs. Paid for Dead Cows and horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses ateord ing to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE Pt F:AsE CALL COLLECP Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENSE No, 8a -C-61, 54-R.P.-6 MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED and sharpened. Borden Jenkins. lOrrh WANT YOUR GARDENS worked. up with a tiller. call 749R. Thomas Wharton. 24b CUSTOM PLOWING, eultivating and harrowing. Call Harold Den- nis. 653W2, Wingham. 24:31b TV ANTENNA and installation. Year round service. Phone Doug Harker, 392-6140, Teeswater, Ont. 22rrb SEPTIC TANS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, Phone 442W6, Brussels. M8rrOc4 DELICIOUS SPARE RIBS & SAUER KRAUT at COMMERCIAL HOTEL FORMOSA -- 50e. a PLATE 10-24-J7-14-21-284'. CARDS OF THANES,, I wish to sincerely thanes k all those who remembered me with l'a'rds, visits and treats while I vyas a Patient in Vietorira Hospital, Lyle Reidlt. 24b Its family of tbzl t e William am Martin wish to express .their sin- sere appreciation for the kindness and Sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement: for the floral tributes. and espee- rally to Doctors Crawford and Me- Rim and the nursing staff of the ii ingbarn General Hospital. 24b I wish to thank my neighbors and friends for flowers, cards and treats while l: Wee hospitalized. Special thanks to Dr. McKibbon, Mrs. Merrey and the staff of the Winghaan General Hospital. --Fred Sawyer. 24'a I would like to express my ap- preciation to my neighbors, LORA No. 810. Group 4 of the W.A. of the Qor•rie United Church, Nurses' ,Council, ih'ingham General. Ha441" tat and re/alives.fer the lgveiy gifts I received prior to leaving tor my new position et Grand° Prairie Hospital. ,Margaret Pane. 24 ,.QST LOST -Short haired .mate terrier tan or light brown in color, ,email white diamond tin forehead with white under his chin, long tail. Contact Des Brophy, phone 754. Reward to be given. 24b AUCTION SALE BY AUCTION, household effects of Mrs, William Austin, Frances $t., Wingham, Saturday, May 27th, at 2 p.m. Terms --Cash. L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer. 24b BOXED PLANTS FOR SALE IN MEM -IMAM GUNNINGHAM--In long memory of a dear husband and father, I,e4lie i a>!a4irllf#r a, Wtra t?aSSen awaax• nrie Year Ara today; • xt, 31144. ratidnight stabs are gle a rain 3t a lene and Silent raYe. ' Beneath sleeps One We lave. ' But Oleg we ellerld net stave. :Hie weary hArrees, #li,s, date Of nein Bis rvl?ar r h!igirts are p5351si His eater patiept, worn-out frame kiss €04114 sweet rest at last. - •Sadly Missed and ever retraeln- bered by iris wife Mary and. +laugh' ter Lois, 4 REID—In memory of Mrs, Mary .I. Reid, who passed away four years ago, May 29th, 1557. Allwayse srraiii»g, happy and content, Loved leas per mother wherever shwept, TQ a bee tifol life, a sudden end; She died too soon, everyone's friend. —LgvinglY reittenrpere4 and sod- ! ly missed ky her family, SAI -'q' -e-.In I4vnp!'g n eplgry OfY a dear sitap 1, athei qpagrand- fabler, R4fle3't Isercrlr Sint, wale, pissed away. sl.? years ago May 3231, 195. i From 'hospital 'bed to heavenly rest God took him home to be Elis guest. We lived in hope and prayed in vain That lie would soon be well again. But God decided we must part; He eased his pain but broke our heat't, And while he sleeps in peaceful sleep His memory w,e .shall always :keep. So please Ood, Iorgive a silent tear, ,4 siient Wish that Dad was here. —Ever remembered lay wife and fancily, 24° SELL - In lotting' minatory of a dearmother, Mrs James Sell, who passed away two years ago, May 20th. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, The world's weary troubles and trials are past; - In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, 'Till God called her home to Suffer no more. —Ever remembered by - Alvin. r Jessie and family. 241, PETUNIAS iLARIGOLDS TOMATOES BIRTH' SNAPDRAGONS ASTERS'N °AS Hybrid TOMATOES CABBAGE J OUWSMA MARKET GARDEN' WLNGI3.41I - PHONE 583 24-31-7b 1 C1)RRIE AMBULANCE WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 FOR FIRST-CLASS Carpentry Work Masonry Home .,Renovations Phone 23r12 Brussels. GERALD EXEL M1rrbJnele LICENSE NO. 123C61 . For your hest prices on dead and disabled cattle and horses $5.00 ee.cht---- 3%c a lb. for good live mink horses. 24 HOUR SERVICE Cali Called 79434, Walkerton FRITZ DEAD STOCK REMOVAL WALIMRTON .TIISELER-At• Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, 0rilii ; on Monday. May 15, 1961, to.Eleanor and Stan Hiseier, a daughter,; Mary Kath- erine, a sisfer for Mark. FISHER — At Wingham General Hospital, on Wesneeday, airy 17, 1561 • to Mi: and MrsGordon :Fisher, Wingham. e. daughter, EADIE—At Wingham General Hos- 1i11411a'.111n11111111l.1:a11 i• 111111 l Iala;1.1R11'.1 plea], an Thursday, may 18, 1961, to Iltr. and- AMS. John Eadie, R. AVONR 1, Wingham, a son. �iERIKLEY—At Wnglaam General INC Hospital, on Friday, May 19, 1961, to • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Merk- ley, Wingham, a son. AVON COSMETICS has RYCKA'fiN—At Wingham General' immediate openings for Hospital, on Saturday, May 30, 1961, to _Mr. and Mrs. Robert women to service excellent' Ryclunan, Eelgra',e, a son. rural AVON territories,1BOLTON — At Wingham General }gen-sant dignified work. !o -PI' to on Sunday, May 21, 1961, to Mr. and :firs. Harvey Bolton, perienre needed. R. R. 4, Walkerton, a son. Openings in Turnberry Township. CH PM.4e --•fit' Wingharn General Write; Hospital, on Sunday, May 21, 1961, MRS. E. BELL to Mr, and Mrs. Murray G. Chap - malt, Bluevale, a daughter. i ONE MOMENT PLEASE E!'r. T. (ilarnett I - Masser, WA., II.1). Wiughanr Iraifed Church A number of years ago. when l wasserving on a Mission field in Northern Ontario .in the Lake of the Woods country'. a, member of the community came to me with a very searching question. He said, 'I don't go to church but I figure it doesn't matter mush ltS Long as I tent deeent. Isn't it enotssh to he good?" 'I When 1 `•'U i»tronsrced to •en- Atlrer man who Was from Georgia, 9 t. i'G a ti minister of the Gospel. he re- marked. daughter is a !ie th - odist, an. I got :berthedinto. it. I. i den's belong to any ehurrh for they are all alike and it doesn't met - ter Meh. 1 just try to live a geed Metal life." These have their .counterpart in tete rich young ruler, who, coot- ing to Jesus • said, "All these have 1 kept from my youth up; what. lack 1 yet?" Isn't it enough to be good? Wheat are the real difficulties of this position? 1. It ignores the church and people who hold this view that t:hernSPIVes ina position of pera- sites. They receive more than they give. They live in a world Order painfully brought abort by Phristlan Ieadersbip. They lase the inventionsdaily that are the Pro•- dul;t of consecrated minds. They enjoy the results of Christian re- search. They have the privilege Of the highest standard of living in the world because of a Christian civilization. Viet they will not re- cognize the force that has given tlrent these blessings nor will they become a part of the Christian movement. ?. Difficulty arises when these detached parents suddenly awak- en In amazement to the moral bankruptcy of their children who find no incentive to lead a good morallife in the religious neutral- ity of their parents. 3. What is going to happen when a vague detached morality comes. g faith contact with a burnrng faith rooted deep in human conviction even though it be .an evil faith such as communissrn? In this space age it is not enough to be good. The world must have not just the morality of goodness, if it is to survive, but a great driv- ing power, the force of a great faith. There is only one loyalty big enough to challenge the world today. It is that of the Christian Religion. As we look upon the Christ of the Cross, who can be content to be merely good? The call of Jesus is still the clarion call across the centuries—"Go sell all thou hast and come and :follow me." 14B Albert St., WATERLOO, Ont. stating telephone number. 17-241 Inintinil"11111111111111144111111134111118t ASPHALT SHINGLES 210 LBS. Greens ��l Blue, lied, Grey QQ $rade 5 Per Square All Number. 1 Shingles e b-0 BEAVER LUMBER Wingham Phone 66 Struthers Transport BELMORE STOLARSKI—At Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Mond* May 22, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Staler -,ski, R. R. 1, • Winghar a, a son. 1 SCHT►u --At Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, May 22. 1961, to Ms. and Illrs. Raymond Schmidt, Biuevale, a son. a -0-o ANNOUNQE5fENT Mr. and Mrs: Murray "Taylor wish to announce the arrival of their iehosen son, Douglas Murray. t Rea;ll>•'lilN!{iklllf'1tk;il>t1il�illig:[:w'ill�ll TRADE IN HOW t . Wille EASY TERMS CURRIES FURNITURE . H. Patterson Was Baker at Wroxeter Herbert Henry Patterson, who re -1 sided in Wroxeter for many years, died after a short illness at the Wingham Hospital on Tuesday of, last week, aged 69 years and 10 days. Mr.. Patterson, who, was born near Hayfield, came to this district with his parents, the late john • Patter-' son :and Katherine Miller at the ager of 8. He was edueated at the Wrox- eter public school and on his 19th birthday started working as a baker, in Wroxeter, le which capacity he Continued for 36 years, retiring an' August 23n3, 1940. He was an ad- herent of the United Church.' Mr. Patterson was married at Orangeville on January 26th, 1918, to Lorena. Pearl Kaake, who sur- vives, along with one ,sister, Mrs. W. 'P (Mabel) McLean, of Winer- /dee, and two brothers, William, of Weaxeter, and Perry, of Niagara *kilns`. The funeral was held. at 2 p.ni. Friday from the Moir funeral horiie'. ire Gorrie With interment in the. (We vtill upprai±se yoult Suite today) ClWroarke xeterwas Y eiremcetehargry e of .Retv.irJ.e Ewar serwket , ;EE: FLOORS kalttarrptut and pallbearers were Robert Gibson. Wes lIcimrel. John Gibson, Allan, deans, Arthur -Gihsoft and Harvey. Reidt. re* CUKRIE i! -:el: else Mrs. W. E. i! irldiiig tree l tfoliday SHOO. ■ ll*►jiltlliq liEit li ill lit;ii ililil#iit i ttit .friends in e'er Ulg_It t4. u For ell your CEMENT NEEDS Special prices an all truck loath lots — CONTACT Struthers Transport Phone Teeswater 392-6423 17-24-31b SINGER PRE-_SI11E11. SALE NEW PORTABLES as low as --- $49.50 $20.00 OFF DELUXE FLOOR POLISHERS $80.00 OFF SLANT-O-MATIC CABINET MODELS 430.00 OFF SLANT-O-MATIC Special PORTABLES USED PORTABLES and REPOSSESSIONS. at large reductions SINGER SEWIND CENTRE OODERICH Phone JA 4-8431 • TRUCK LETTERING • COMMERCIAL MONS COX SIGNS • A 1'".ft1PL%,TE S1G11 MOVE Pa 510, WALKERTON •c Save those oblong pans that VOW with prepared cake and brownie mixes. You'll find they're fuse the right size fel! PeSieroie,4 for the two -member tamely or for Dad when you leave him to fix his stays meal. They're .also handy for s iipre•plannlng emergencyr- Prepare 3 favorite casserele recipe and divide it into several portions; Wrap the casseroles In :transparent pun and freeze. You arc tablas* euro of baying it quick -to -cotes meal for .one or 0etny. Rotary Hog Feeders SPECIAL AT +V35+r00ea, -* --- erode tl>$ TU il, IIQ(S. - 17 Cot Ft, CHEST FREEZER ... $239.00 EV? RY HINq IN DURO PUMP, FOR, E T I'FLY ,�, R SU YOUR WATER Dark Wirg Woven Fence Steel Posts • caw pf AND I,QOK AROI.'N» CHAMBERS HARDWARE PRONE 6s wnoNETEi ,. rrb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Major Oil Co, interested in establishing Farm Agent to distribute petroleum products to Farm Trade and Beating Oil Customers in the Win* ee ater are ham and Teeswater a reasonable initial investment required --financial assittence to responsible applicants -good eonirnicston rates and miller franehise ,--will develop into"ta Str'o'ng, secure busilreas of your own INTERESTED PARTIES PLEASE PHONE W. WYLIE, SEAFORTH 567 FOg FURTHER. PARTICULARS L3rrh • Farms Desperately WANTED We have conscientious, substantial buyers for 37 farms in rIll general area, Each farnt most be 100 acres or more. Smaller farms are acceptable if they ears be grouped with one or more farms fer the required acreage. If you have ever considered selling your farm, now is the time to take action. This is too good opportunity to miss. Call into our Hanover office for more details No obligation whatsoever. Paul S. Starr And Co. Ltd. -- Realtor 1-ANOVER ' (Next to the theatre), ° PHONE 870 AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL S. j. WALKER PHONE 106 DAY -- 189 NIGHT BUTLER, DOOLEY and CLARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Rarlkrrrptcy Licensed Dtpilitlpal Auditor 39 West Street dA. 4-3253 GQDF9HICH., ONTARIO A. H. MCTAVISII. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLiC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Tel. 392-7373, Teeswater Wroteter-»Every Wednesday afternoon, 2--4 pant, or by appointment. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Hoinuth, R.O. Mrs, Viola H. Bomuth, R.O. OP'T'OMETRISTS PHONE 118 1 Harriaton, Ontario CRAWFORD & IIETIIERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto, Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.O. R. S. HETH RINGTON, J. T. NODE RAIIRLS'h'ER, SOLICITOR, ' NOTARY, Etc. Office --Meyer Block, Wingham PHONE 14 WELLUNCTON CIIiE Insurance Company Est. 1340 An all Canadian Company which has falthiuily served its policy holders for over a- eetituryt Head Office -- Toronto 0. Meet san insurance Age' 1 Wingham ,JJ GkYiLLER, WINTOSN & W�kD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building. WALKER `ON J. E. Kennedy, B.Ed., B.A,, C.A., Resident Mgr, T*lephoneilF Business 633; Re#idtsco 106