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Miss Kate Hazelwood of Wing-
barn spent several days last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Wade.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St.
!Stephen'a Chem") will meet on
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Earl
1.1ndeewood at 1.30 p.m. Roll call, a
flower, tree or At)tant mentioned in
the Bible. A quilt will be quilted.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Hart and
Douglas of Oshawe visited over
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Newton. and Mr. and Mrs. 13111
Rapt of Wroxeter.
Mr. Walter Pielsford of Wing-
ham was preacher in St. Ste-
pihee's Church on Sunday morning
in the absenco of the Rev, E. V,
Attwell, •
Mr. Jack King of Toronto spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
end Mrs, 'Prank King,
as advertised in the
as a result of constantly
drive in for...
lea( Wheel Alinement
Wingham, Ontario
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AS PART OF THE TRAINING in national survival
the Winghtun Cadet Corps has been studying pro-
cedures that oue1 be useful in• case of any emer-
gency. Two of the cadets demonstrate The assembly
W.A. Cleaning. Bee
At Church Monday
LAKEL,ET The WA. ,of McIn-
tosh United Church held the, May
• meeting at the home of Mrs. Bruce
Harkness, The devotional portion
was in charge of Mrs. Ivan Ma.-
whinney, the theme at which was
"The Personal or individual. Imo".
Scripture reading was given by
Mrs. Howard Pace, followed by
devotional reading by Mrs, 'Ivan
Mawhinney. The business portion
of the meeting was conducted
the president, Mrs. Ilert Wylie.
It was decided to hold a cleanin
bee in the church ,on -1Vliendaye f
ternaon, The .meeting closed ws
a prayer by Mrs. Jim liael'sete
staunch was served by the 'commit-
tee in charge,- Mrs, Leslie Ijarls-
ries% Mrs, Clark :Renwick and Mrs,
Allan Darling.
'Tb.e. W.A. meeting is postponed
Iran May 6th to May 23rd.
Vieastlie remember the paper idrive
in Wroxeter on May Mk when the
Boy 'Semite will call for your -paper.
Mr, ern', Mrs. Eldon Ingram, Car
Al Anne and Roger of Stratford
allent Sunday with the formers
parents, 'Nfre and Mrs. Richard. In-
kliittiday guvetn of Mrs. R. Newton
were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton.
Harriett»), Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.
Newton, Masan, and Barbara, Gier-'
tie, Mr. and Jerrie Harvey Birted
straw and Vielii, Mr. (int Mrs. Lyle;
Tart, Patti and Susan of Listewel
Mr, and, Mn,. Harry Westlake,'
Janice, Betty and Patsy and Mrs.
William Westlake of Se.tford vis-
ited Mr. and Mr'. William Maxwell
eatittelsay evemitte and aecompanied
by Mrs, Maxwell ale° called On Mr.
and. Mrs, (lieirge Westlake.
Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green, Lin
ida and Janie, of tiliderieh, aeeom.-
,panied by Mrs, W. E. Weir and
Miss selertie Bush, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson
and also ealleti cut Mrs. be F.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Miss
Aileen and Mr. Brie of Seaforth
Visited Mrs. Atenzo Snarling on
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Underwood
sane Mr. George Clark were Sun-
day guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Coates were
week-end vieitore with their NMI.,
WROXETER--A variety concert
and dance, held on Friday evening
in the Wroxeter community hall,
and sponsored by the hall board,
were well attended, Farrier's or-
ehestra supplied music for danc-
ing, and Ken Edgar acted as emcee
for the concert in which the fel-
lowliag artists participated:
Song and dance number, "I'm
Iri‘orever Blowing Bubbles", by the
s'ohowing members of the Wroxeter
"dblit. School: Connie Clarke, Le-
me Chambers. Ann Gibean, Louis(
Edgar, Faye Musgrove, Carol Coup-
'and, Kaye Wright and Shirley
Moore; vocal trio, Mrs. Jack Per-
guson, Mrs. Gordon. Wright and
Mrs. Gordon MeiKee of Lakelet, ac-
oompanied by Sandra Wright; I):
too instrumeetal, Ann Douglas.
Instrumental number, The Vire(
.(aeks anti a Jill, Jack Mullen, a
Walkerton, Jack Renwick, Wing-
ham, Jack Mann and Jill Mann,
Belgrave; piano selection, Mrs.
Norm Carson, Corrie; vocal quin-
tet, Oliver Riley, Graham Mellon-
ald, Bill King, Gerald Gibson, arid
Murray Heether, eecompanied by
Mrs. Wm. King, all of Brussels,
Scottish dance, Georgina Kieffer,
Wingham, accompanied by, Ann
Douglas; violin duet, Bennett Bro-
ther:), Gerrie ; instronientat trio,
Brian AVillis and the Weber sis-
ters. Listowel; vocal trio, the
Wright Sisters, Winona, June and
Sandra, accompanied by Mary
Mr. Clayton Coates anti Mrs, Coat-
es at Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and
family scent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Parrish, Gorrie.
Mrs. Robert Steueriml and Kim,
Elmira, spent a few days last week
with Mr, and Mrs. George West-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White and
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Clement, of
Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Laurie
VanVelsor, Hamilton, spent the
week-end at their summer homes
in the village.
Miss Dawn Luc' and Master Ter-
ry Clark accompanied Rev, Atte
well anti other delegates to the
A.Y.P.A, Conference held in Wind-
sor last week-end.
Week-end visitors with Men, J. Tie
McLean were Mr. and Mrs. Earl
McLean, Linda and Charles, St, Ca_
tharlileit, and Mr. and MrssStewart
Cross, Mrs. Bruce Parker and
daughters of Walkerton spent Sun-
day at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Doig attend-
ed the baptismal service in Wing-
ham United Church on Sunday
When their granddaughter, Karol
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Bradley -Galbraith, was bap-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart and
Douglas, Oshawa, spent the week-
end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Hart and Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Collier and
Gary, London, lifts and Mrs, Don-
ald Gibson and Dana, Monkton,
spent Mother's Day with Mr. and
Mrs, Ira. McLean and also called
on Mrs. J. P. McLean,
G„G,I11. Makes Plans .
For Spring Tea
wp.oxarxR The regular meet-
ing of the was held in the
church school morn on Monday
evening of lest week. The worship
service, in charge of Joyce Heim-
pel and Statia opened with the
call to worship by Joyce, followed
by singing The National Anthem,
repeating the purpose and answer
and the Lord's prayer in unison.
The Scripture lesson was read by
Gail Statia and prayer was. offered
by Shawn: Elliott. The hymn
"Now the Labourers' Task Is O'er"
was sung with Leone Chambers at
'the piano,
The president, Catherine Edgar,
was in charge of the business, dur-
ing which plans were discussed for
the spring tea. The leader, Mrs.
Lloyd McGee, told a story from
the study book "We Belong to-
gether", entitled "No Spirit Houses
Needed", A sing-song followed
lad. the meeting closed with Taps.
Babies Baptized
On Mother's Day .
WROXbITER- -,Rev. E, Clarke of_
fielatisl at the baptismal service
(luring the special Mother's Day
service in Wroxeter United Church
when five babies were haptist.i.
Robert Clark CPbson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. .John -W. Gibson; Mark
Wilton Dobson, son' of :Nu. and
Mrs. G. L. Dobson; Murray Bruce
Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce
Hayes; William 'Brian Hayes, - son
of Mr. and Mrs, Stan Hayes; Bren-
da Lynne Brears, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Beverley Brears, were the
children w'ho were, baptized,
Mrs. Jas. Doig Is
Hostess to W.M.S.
WROXPTTER . Fourteen mem-
bers of the Wroxeter WJVLS met at
the home of Mrs, .Tames Doig, for
their regular monthly meeting on
Tuesday evening, May .9. • Mrs. A,
Munro, Mrs. Ira McLean and Mrs.
Dog arranged the meeting, and
Mrs. Munro presided fps the wor-
ship service, which began with
piano music by Mrs. Doig and the
singing of the hymn "There Is a
Green Hill Far Away." A poem
"Churches" was read by . Mrs.
Munro, as was the Scripture lesson.
Mrs. Doig led in prayer, and Mrs.
McLean presented a chapter from
the study book "This Turning
World" entitled "The Heifsehold of
Faith," In - which were stressed
three things: Unity; service and
witness, with one mission field—
the world, and co-operation mean-
ing success.
Mrs. Munro and Mrs. Doig con-
ducted an interesting talk concern-
ing the life and work of Mary Ann
Hannish, of Salsburg, Germany, in
the form of questions and answers.
This woman was the founder of the
AuStrian Women's Organization,
the singing of the hymn "In
Christ,There Is No Eaat nor West"
brought the devotional part of the
meeting to a close.
The president, Mrs. James San-
derson, conducted the business. She
expressed appreciation to the hos-
tess, and committee in charge.
Mrs, S. Higgins, treasurer, re-
ported the offering to date, for
the recent spring Thankofferhig,
as $112.60, with envelopes still corn-
ing in,
Miss Elva Hupfer, supply secre-
tary, reported the proceeds from
the recent bake sale as $46,42, but a
donation of $5.00 received at the:
meeting brought this sum to $51.42.1
Two 'thank you" notes were
read, one containing a $5.00 dona-
tion toward the bake sale, and, the
other containing a donation of $1.00
for the WIVfS. The president ac-
knowledged other donations receiv-
ed the day of the sale,
Mrs. Harvey _ Timm, assistant
secretary, was in ohaege of the
minutes, and a letter from Mrs.
'Tiffin, re the HansaUld Memorial
rule was read.- Its wee decided to
send $5.00 for this. Another letter
was read acknowledging money to:
purchase five blankets for overseas
relief, which had been sent recent-'
ly, It was decided that instead of
donating food items for the CGIT
tea, that we should be- responsible
for the bill of same.
Highlights of the Presbyterial
'held in Wingham in April were
given by Miss E. kilisfer," who also,
had on (display the articles for the'
supply bale being sent this year
to Gypsumville, in Manitoba, These
consisted of jumpers for small
girls, sweaters for .twelve year old :
girls, a number of pairs of mitts'
mid bootees, as well as a complete
baby set containing jacket, bonnet
and bootees. Donations of Christ-
mas wrappings were requested for
this bale, which is being sent in
the very near future. It was also
deeided to spend $5.00 on toys to
accompany this bale,
Members of the community are
relninded that the WM'S are also
packing a bale of good used cloth-
ing in the near future, for which a
(box is at present in the church
lobby to receive donations. Your
esontributi.on.e would be gratefully
The meeting closed with the
benediction p'ron'ounced by the
preelderit, after which a social
time was enjoyed while the corn-
mittee served limele
Special. Service Goluttx•• On Sunday mottling
in the Gorrie United Church, Rev,
.1. E, Clarke received into the
chervil by baptism the following.
infants: Robert Charles and Caro-
lyn Sandra, twin 'children of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Bridge; Sandra
Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Richard Carson; Brian ,Alexander,
con of Mr. and MM. Robert Make
Brent Anthony, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lionel Johnston; Karen Tils-
ther, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
blade King, • .
The choir sang the anthem,
"When .God Craatad Mothers".
The Gorrie United Church Wo-
man's Association will meet at the
home of Mrs, Manfred Irwin on
Wednesday (note change) at a
pan, sharp.
Mr. Alfred Kemp and grandson
of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. William
Diebel of Guelph, visited on Sat-
urday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. James Brears and
Mr. and Mrs, Beverley Brears and
Brenda of Fordwieh visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Miller. •
Mrs. - Jean MacDonald, London,
visited over the week-end with Mr.,
and Ales. Fleming Grainger, James-
town, and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Has-
-Miss Marian Beaten, Teeasynter,
spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rut-
Mr, Roy Strong returned Thurs-
day after spending a few days ie
Toronto and Hamilton
Mr, Clifford Pike is now in the
Listowel Memorial Hospital, hay-
mg been moved from Stratford
Hospital last week,
Dr. D. H. McInnes, Stratford,
accompanied by Mr. T. L. Mehl-
nes, called on their brother, Mr,
Robert McInnes, in Wingham Gene
oral Hospital, on Sunday,
Mr. Cameron Edgar returned
home Setenday from St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Edson. Riley and
Mrs. Olive Will of Leamington
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Justin Will.
Mr. and. Mrs, Prank Earls and
family, London, spent the week-
end with Mrs. William Doig and
Mr. Hugh Doig,
Rev, and Mrs, N, .1, Tritux of
ty.nden were dinner guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Edgar on Wed-
nesday, Mr. and Mre. Allan Why-
took, Teeewater, visited Sunday at
the Sarno home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keil spent
ieettirciay with Mrs, Loll Horning
in 'Hamilton.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Glad Edgar were
guests at the wedding in Hamilton
on Saturday of Kenneth Penrose.
Mrs, Cloyne Michel esient a Ave
days at the home of her brother
Bev. John and Mrs. Zimmerman,
Mr, nail Mrs, Victor Stockton
and Mrs. Hunt of Clifford veiled
on Mr. and Mrs, William Austin
Mrs. 1si .oi Hesselwood spent the
nd at her home in hilyth,
Mrs. lNellie Scott, BP115SOIS, is
Lenard Rut- visItdrrg Mr, artd Mrs,
Vage Advance-'limes, Wednesday, nay 17, 1961
,rr (43
You'll find that the SHUR-GAIN 6 Step Hog Feed-
ing Plan is the plan that paves the way for most
profits for you, it does provide exactly the nutrients
needed for each step of a hog's growth.
Drop in anytime . . we'll talk about hog profits and
the gains you should be getting.
esseseeresee —.et -e,
'CADET MAJOR, 'BARRY Turnip* and inspecting elomonsitration in fisted old proved the, cadets eitley.
offieer Major 01. D. Harvey examine a `-broken term"' adept in this field, Cadet at tdebt is not -identified,
suffered by Cadet George -Copra, ,of it, R. 5, Lieeknow, --thoto by
during the annual cadet" inspection last week. The
of a heavy duty tri-pod to Major R. P. Ritter; chief'
instructor of the corps; Lt, F. G. Clegg, tweet cadet
officer, London, and LL-Coe It, S. Hetherington, of
the school board cadet committetee-Thoto. by Conn IL
• .
Miss Dawn Clark, Miss • Ellis:
Armstrong, Bob Dinsmore, Wayne,
Clark and Wayne King and the
Rev. E. C. Attwell were in Wind-
sor from Peitlay evening to Sun-
day, attending the diocesan annual
meeting of the A.Y.P.A, of the Ang-
lican Church.
Your Dodge, Simca and Valiant Dealer
Phone 710 Wingham
.1958:' DODGE
• 7, ,8-cyl. 4-door sedan, in A.-1 shape. One-owner eat.
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1958 -DODGE
' 8-eyl. with -automfttic transmission. This 'car is In
particularly' good condition.
.1955: DESOTO
This ear has "reasonably low mileage and a radio
)four-door sedan, with radio,
'•1955 ,:,$TUDEBAKER 4-door sedan
'. 1.11-1454LYIVIOUTH 4-door sedan-
equipped with radio, in good condition
1954- PONTIAC 4-door sedan
'4-door sedan. A good ear, re-conditioned, with a.
new paint job.
19gi MERCURY' 34on
' with 12-foot reek, Brand new motor.
1948 %-ton DODGE PICK-UP
10-yard GRAVEL BOX and HOIST
en Crawford Motors
Basementless Bungalow Plan
For Concrete Slab Construction
Architect Alan Elanna, of Win-
nipeg. designed this well-planned,
three-bedroom bungalow for Con-
struction on a reinforced concrete
slab Complete separation of the
living and sleeping areas has been
achieved by Use of a hall Which
runs the complete width of the
noteworthy feature is the large
nation kitchen and family
room which has access to a COOM11,
storage area, Focal point of the
L-shaped living-dining area is the
tiled fireplace The living room also
contains storage shelves and the un.
broken wall areas permit good
furniture arrangement. Both the
main bathroom and the washroom in
the master bedroom are lighted by
skylights. Outside storage is psrovtd-
eti in the carport, a handy location
for garden tools and children's toys.
The best orientation of the house
would have the main entrance feting
The total floor area 4.I.,420
square feet and the exterior dime,-
sions arc 40 feet by 33 feet, six
inches, excluding the carport. Work jug drawings for the house, know*
as Design 282. may be obtained
from Central Mortgage and Nous-
ing Corporation at Minitiaata Goat.
MAtt VG5116Uct