HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-17, Page 4BUTLER, DOOLEY and CLARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 West Street JA. 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO . i•OTO,OT 'Pr 1,17,171,711 r The aViughem. Aavaneee?.rimes, Wednesday. .111aY 11, 1116 i People Who Shop. In Wingham Nadi The Mvadoe-Times William R. Martin Died at Hospital William Russel Martin, of East Wawanosh Township,. died at the Wingham General Hospital. on Sun- day. Mr. Martin, who would have • been 42 on June 19th, was ill, for only two weeks. He was born in East Wawanesh, son Of the late Daniel Martin and Mary Ann Woode, Mr. Martin was educated at S.S, 14, East Wawa- nosh and bud farmed since leaving echool. He was an adherent of the Whiteehureh. United. Church. He is survived by his brother and -sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin, of East Wawanosh, with. whom he had made ble :home; and three sisters, Mrs. Robert (Ro- beim) Stewart of Kinloss; Mrs. Mary Austin of London and Mrs. Laura MeNell, St, Helens, He was predeeeased by one sister, Jean, in 1928. Funeral service will be held to- day tWedeesdeyl at 2 p.m. at the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home with Rev, W. D. Clark in charge. Interment will .be in the Wingham Cemetery. The pallbearers will be Angus McDonald, Austin Martin, David Moffat, Larne McAllister, Clifford Laidlaw and Elroy Laid- law, The flowers will be -carried by Crawford McNeil and Donald. Stewart, .nad.p-se. F•r,1,141.4.0.I• • ...ARM 4:7° MIN E VE NTS Tija SERVICE Iron SALT; noon AND DOARD BIRTHS — FEED UP TO 35 HOGS ----- 17 Cu. Ft. CHEST FREEZER $239.00 EVERYTHING IN DURO PUMP,, FOR YOUR WATER SUPPLY. Barb Wirer Woven Fence = Steel Post'S'' COME IN AND LOOK AROUND TWO ANTIQUE CHAIRS Poi sale, Phone dx. 1713 FRAME BARN for sale, 20'x20'. Mabel Perelon, Whiteeliurch. RUC* FOR SALE.• Dark red figur- ed Axminster 9x12 ft.; good con- dition, price $45.00; also hall runner, $10.00. Phone 501W in evening. 17* SENATOR DUNLOP Strawberry plante for sale, $2 per 100. Latham Raspberry canes, $4 per 100. Green onions, Phone 583, Jouw- slim Market Garden, 17b WEST HURON Women's Ins stitute District annual meeting will be held in the Wingtilent Town Hall on May 17, 1961, with registration at 9.30 a,m, and din- ner $1,00. Each Institute branch is encouraged to send. some rep- resentatives to this meeting, CE17b ROOM and BOARD AVAILABLE for one or two. young men. Apply BoX 43, Advance-Times. 17* LEE'S: TAXI SERVICE and Hunt- ing and Fishing License issuer. Phone /85, lirrb Van OSCH---At the Wingham. Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, May 11, 1001, to Mr. and Mrs, Peter van -Osch, R.R. 3, Lareknow, a son. GERMAN—At the Wingham Gen- eral. Hospital, on Friday, May 12, 1961, to Mr, and. Mrs, William German, Blyth, a daughter, SIMPSON—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, May 13, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Simpson, R,R, 2, Teeswater, a son. WANTED F Qt RENT ROOMERS WANTED—Mrs, Har- old Congram, Victoria Street, phone 1079, 34.0b -- - WANTED — Alterations to do at reasonable prices. Apply Mrs. Dave Hutchinson, Edward. Street, side entrance. 17-241) TWO APARTMENTS for rent, on Main, street. Phone 668 or 207. 17b ,p•mo•••••••.•••,••,..•nrm,n•Npnr.,••••••••opo.•,Pr.rp..r,r,..p....•• The regular Women's Institute meeting on May 18th will be "Na- tional Day". Program conveners, Miss Irene Paton, Mrs. N. Keating; roll call, "Tell something about British Columbia"; ,motto, Miss. L. Paton; address "The Story of Vic- toria's flower pots and the Buchart Gardens," Mrs. N, Keating; display of pictures and souvenirs of 13.0,; hostesses, Mrs. F. Edgar, Mrs"', Aitchison, Mrs. F. McCormick, Mrs. C, Hopper, Mrs. T, Weir. C161.7b SMALL HEATED APARTMENT on main floor for rent. Furnished or unfurnished. Private entrance, 2-Pee. bath. Phone 136W. 1713 BACHELOR APARTMENT for rent, with broadloom carpet, and newly decorated, Apply The Wall- paper Shop. 17b HEATED APARTMENT for rent. Available first June. Phone 205 or enquire at Loeirridge's Meat Mar ket. 171) 3-BEDROOM modern .houee want- ed, either to purchase or rent, Apply Box 44, Advance-Times, 17-24* WALKER—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, May 13, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Walker, R.R. 4, Wingham, daughter, LANGRIDGE—To Mr. and Mrs, A. E. "Tony" Langridge, Hamilton, on Saturday, May 13, 1961, a daughter, Julia. FOR BEST BUY in New or Re- conditioned Sewing Machines visit Smittyai Shoppir4g Centre, Hanover. (We service all makes). 17-24-31b Business Opportunities 15 HEAD of cattle to put on good grass. Allan Pattison, phone 719W2. 17.24* Variety Store located in a good town, store 25 x 100 with modern apartment above, hot It/0er heating, good turn over, net profit $14,000. Price of Real Estate and all equipment $27,000, plus stock, Terms General Store, Post Office with residence, located on good high- way, good turnover. Total price $15,000, with terms. Drive-In Restaurant and Butcher Shop with modern residencies., This property is for sale due to health of owner, good turnover,4 Total price $25;000, With. terms. Feed 'Mill with $230,000 smtual turnover, full line of. equipment, 1 bulk 'and 1 stake truck, asking. price $38,000, -plus stock, terms., John Deere Farm Implement business, $2,500,000 worth of equip- ment in district to service, modern building, located on high- way. Price $37,000, with terms. TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE—Boat, steel trailer, 3 hp Mercury motor, Boat is 121/2. ft. moulded plywood construction, strongly reinforced for, large mo-. ter, 62' 'beam. Apply Fred Sch- wichtenberg, Mildrnay, phone EN 7-4483. 17b NOTICE TO CREDITORS TENDERS FOR OIL Morris School Board request tenders for supplying furnace oil to five schools. Tenders accepted until May 31. No tender necessar- ily accepted.—Ralph Shaw, Blue- vale, Ont. 17-24b SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned, ant11.12 o'clock noon, May 24, 1961, for the removal of the curb on John Street South from Josephine to Leopold Streets, a distance of approximately 850 feet. Excavation of boulevard to a depth of one foot and backfill with fresh gravel. Installation ,of new curbing abutting the sidewalk and to prescribed grade, Also re- location of catch basins where necessary. Work to commence not later than June 15, 1961. Additional information may he obtained at the Clerk's office. William Renwick, Clerk-Treasurer, 10-1713 Town ,of Wingham. SALES. HELP WANTED, MALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CATH- ERINE ADAIR. • ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above men- tioned, late of the Town of Wing- ham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 19th day of April, 1961, are required to file proof of same ,with the undersign- ed on or before the 27th day of May, . . A D 1961. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 8th day of May, AD. 1961. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 10-17-24b DUCK—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, May 14, 1961, to Me, and Mrs. Douglas Duck, Teeswater, a son. SHAW—Les and Donna Shaw (nee Anderson) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, Brian William, on May 15, 1961, at Victoria Hospital, London. A brother for Sharon. Federation News MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH BUSINESS, Sell to 1500 families. 'Good profits for hustlers. Write today, Rawleigh's, Dept, E-453-S, 4005 Ric-hello:4 lefontleal, 17b By J. Carl Hemingway The County Federation of Agri- culture met for its monthly meet- ing on May 9th in Clinton, The president, Warren Zurbrigg, expressed concern at the small amount of seeding that has been completed to date as reported by the various directors. However, a week of good weather would change the outlook greatly. There was a lengthy discussion on the development of a compos- ite school for the county. Since the Federation, In conjunction with the County Women's Institutes insti- gated this action through a reso- lution to County Council's Educa- tion Committee, and since the Fed- eration has for years been demand- ing equal opportunity of education for rural young people, the meet- ing approved the idea of a com- posite school provided agricultural training is a definite part of the program. ELECTROLUX SALES AND SER.- VICE—Authorized dealer,' H. A: MeDermitt, Fordwich, phone 59-31. Contact Mrs, L. McDoug- all, phone 553W, Wingham; for service. Arrange for free demon- stration. 29rrb MALE HELP WANTED The Town of Wingham requires the services of a man 25 to 45 years of age for the Public Works Department, This is a permanent position for suitable applicant, hospitalization and pension plan. Write or apply in person to the Town Clerk.—William Renwick, Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Wing- ham, 10-17b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners, Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 696R2. 16rrb We also have listed the following businesses: Dairy, fuel busi- ness, gas station, restaurant, plumbing and heating, nursing home, pool room, garage, hotel, hardware and bake shop. IlIED BRUNNE, Alwin E.—At his home, 212 Parklawn Rd,, Humber Bay, Ont., Monday, May 8th, 1961, Al- win E. Brunne (retired builder and real estate agent), beloved husband of Helena Brunne and dear father of Mildred Brunne, Humber Bay, Mrs, Harry Spry (Ethel), Wingham, and. Norman Brunne, Niagara Falls, in his 78th year. He was predeceased by his first wife, the former Bertha Noah, about four years ago, Ser- vice was Wednesday at 3 p,m. In- terment Parklawn Cemetery, 0 - 0 - 0 Lawrence McKnight REALTOR SINGER SALES & SERVICE—Re- pairs to all makes of sewing machines, vecuume and floor polishers, Used machines for sale, Phone 665, Wingham, George Henderson. 15rrb Wallace Ave., N. Listowel, Phone 217, Res. 240 Representative: James Cardiff, 59R13, Brussels FEMALE HELP WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN wanted to look after two pre-school children during day in my home. Phone 541W. 17h CARDS OF THANKS Allow me to use this means of thanking all my friends and neigh-. bours for all their kindness and farewell gifts given me before my departure to Hanover,--inks. L. Ste, Marie, 17* IN MEMORIAM OWEN SOUND Typewriter Co., Authorized dealer for Olympia typewriters. Complete service on all makes of typewriters, adding machines and cash registers. For prompt and efficient service phone FR. 6-4841. 13rris TAYLOR — In loving memory of George Wendell Taylor, who passed away May 16, 1959. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him, sadly miss him, And trust in God to meet again. —Sadly missed and fondly re- membered by sister Myra and brother-in-law, Perry Pennington, family, 17* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT WANTED Jack and May Horton, of Chilli- week, B.C., wish to thank the neighbors and friends of Bluevale for the money sent to them as a wedding gift. Your kindness and thoughtfulness was deeply appreci- ated. 1713 I wish to thank my neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness, for cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in the Wingham Hospital and since com- ing home, Special thanks to Rev. Mr. Renner, Dr. Corrin and the nursing staff on third floor.Ross McCrae, 171r GRADE XIII girl wants work as clerk for summer months. Phone 403J2. 17h ITELFISIC, PRANK, 69, Saturday, at his honie in Goderich, Na- tive of Czechoslovakia, came to Canada in 1927 and lived since 1931 at Goderich, where he was a salvage dealer. Survivors: Wife, former Mary Helen Horka; sons, Gerald, in Czechoslovakia; Stephen and William, both of Goderich; Mark, of London and James, Clinton; three sisters and two brothers in Czechoslovakia, Service at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Goderich. Burial, Maitland Ce- The meeting endorsed the resolu- tions of the county cream produc- ers which requested, briefly, that a -consumer subsidy be paid on butter of 10c per pound; that cream producers receive a pay- ment equal to the 250 now being paid on manufacturing milk, that the ban on the sale of margarine colored to Imitate butter be con- tinued. Harvey Taylor, -chairman of the County Co-op Insurance Commit- tee, reported sales continuing at record levels in the county. He al- so indicated that a county-wide canvass of all farmers would be undertaken in the near future for the purpose of making farmers aware of the extra risks that are involved in operating a farm busi- ness. Major' Oil Co. interested in establishing a Farm Agent to distribute petroleum products to Farm Trade and Heating Oil Customers in the Wing- ham and Teeswater area —reasonable initial investment required —financial 'assistance to responsible applicants —good commission rates and popular franehiso —will develop into a strung, secure business of your own INTERESTED PARTIES PLEASE PHONE W. WYLIE, SEAFORTH 567 larb FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DEADSTOCK WANTED „ TAXI and USED FURNITURE business for sale. Combined busi- ness can be sold as separate en- terprises. Charlie Lee, phone 185. 15rrb DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act—We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing- ham ::78, Palmerston 128W or Elmira, IN/IC/hawk 9-5564, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited.. License 100-C. 61. rat MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED and sharpened. Borden Jenkins. lOrrb .HOUSE for sale, one and a half storey, frame house, with insul brick siding; six rooms, inelud- ig three bedrooms, includes two lots. For full particulars apply to Box 42, Advance-Times. 10-17b WANT YOUR GARDENS worked up with a tiller, call 749R. Thomas Wharton. 17* metery. CUSTOM GARDEN plowing, har- rowing arid cultivating. Phone Harold Dennis. Ask information for changed number. 17* DEAD STOCK WANTED HOUSE FOR, SALE — One-storey - stucco house on Patrick St. Mo- • dern conveniences, oil heating, garage. Phone 430W. 17* 11111111111111111111111161111111111111111111111111111111111111 • OR. J. BRECKENRINE TART IN DISTRICT FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $7.00 each MINK HORSES, 4c lb. AVON CALLING TV ANTENNA and installation. Year round Service, Phone Doug Harker, 392-6140, Teeswater, Ont. 22rrb .PROPERTY FOR SALE in Luck- now, house and new barn, -6 acres of land, new bathroom and built in cupboards, Everything in good state of repair. Phone 268, Lucknow, 17* A. LORENZ DURHAM Call long distance DURHAM 493 collect AMBULANCE SERVICE Dr. James Miller Breckenridge, 81, for 30 years head of the chem- istry department at Vanderbilt University, died recently in Nash- ville, Tenn. He had been ill nine women to service excellent years. rural AVON territories, Dr. Breckenridge was presented a ;.serole upon his retirement- in Pleasant, dignified work. No ex- perienre needed. July, 1949, honoring him, as having Openings in Turnberry Township, taught more students than any other Vanderbilt professor. He be- Write: came head of the chemistry de- partment in 1919, He was born October 13, 1880, in Jamestown, Ontario, Canada, a son of David and Jane Lee 'Brecken- ridge, He attended high school in Brussels and taught in a Morris school for a period before continu- ing his education. He received his BA, degree from Albion (Mich.) College in 1903 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin In 1910, He did gradu- ate study at the University of Chi- cago. He was principal and football coach at Mitchell, S.D., High -School from 1903 to 1007 and was a re- search chemist for the Welshach Co. of Gloucester, N.J., from 1910- 1912. For the next two years he was professor of chemistry at Carroll College in Waukesha, Wis., and was head of the chemistry department at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., from 1914-1919. During World War I Dr. Breck- enrdige was head of the experi- mental station of the Hercules Powder Co., Kenvil, N.J. He was a member of the Nash- ville Smoke ,Conimiesion from 1929 to 1943. Dr. Breckridge was a member of the American Chemical Society; American Electro-Chemical Socie- ty; Amercian Institute of Chemical Engineers; ChemiCal Society of London, England; Deutsche Chem- 18010 Gesellsohaft; Gamma Alpha; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; and was a Mason for 52 years. He was listed in the International Who's Who, Who's Who In Am- erica and American Men of Science. In 1911 he Married the forMer Alice Thurston in Rockford, She survives. Also Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Allen G. Grey, Shak- er Heights, Ohio,. arid two grand- children, Mrs, Albert Bacon, 3elgravb, IS a Medd, and there are several other nieces; arid nephews Ire this area. AVON COSMETICS has immediate. openings for Bob McGregor reported that the Beef Producers at their annual meeting approved a voluntary de- duction of 10c iper head of cattle to be attached to the bill of lading when the cattle are sold. The mon- ey so raised will be used to finance the organization and promote the sale of beef: SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R, 2 Brussels, Phone 442W6, Brussels, M8rrOc4* CALL Fl5rrb S. J. WALKER REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1% storey, 3 bedroom house in Whiteehurch, in good repair, water an. pressure, hot water tank, 3-pee. bath. Full price $3,500.00. 96 acre farm, 2ee. miles from Wingham, 1/1 mile off highway, 4 bedroOrn 'brick house, large barn with cement stabling, water on pressure and hydro throughout, land clay loam, spring creek run- ning through corner of farm. Full price $10,000.00. Contact: WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker Phone 29251 Wingham ACHESON'S • -PHONE 106 DAY, Dead Stock Service 189 NIGHT HAVE FUN this spring with movies and remember, that while you're shooting them, you keep records of your family, your sur- roundings, life as it is now! And you'll be glad you did, years from now. See us at The Msyk .Studio's Camera Shop for low priced Ko- dak Movie Cameras, Ansco and Kodak 8mm films. 1713 $1.00 per 100 lbs. plus bonus for dead, old or -disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (no toll charge) — or ATWOOD 356-2622 COLLECT SEVEN DAY SERVICE. License No. 103C61. Ab Bacon reported that the new method of sale for hogs which has been in operation only a few days seems to he resulting in wide fluc- tuations in price. This is likely to cause serious dissatisfaction among farmers, he stated. Alf Warner reported that sales of "Fame" shares are progressing fa- vorably but an effort Is being put forth to find -canvassers that can give enough time to cover the ter- ritory more quickly. It is hoped that the objective of two million dollars can be reached by Novem- ber 1st, This would make it pos- sible to have plants in operation next summer, Plans have been fairly well com- pleted for the annual Dairy Prin- cess contest to he held at the Clin- ton Spring Fair. All we need now is more contestants, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON MRS. E. BELL 84B Albert St., WATERLOO, Ont. N stating telephone number. 17e24* 1111111M111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111191111111 Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. It, S. HETIIERLNOTON, Q.C. CURRIE ASPHALT SHINGLES AMBULANCE MARLATT'S CARS FOR SALE WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 Dead Stock Service 1949 GREY CHEVROLET coach for sale, Apply during week after 6 p.m. Torn -Gilding, James St., Wingham. 10-1713 A. H. IFTAVISH J. T. MODE 210 LBS. Green, Blue, Red, Grey $1.00 per 100 lbs. Paid for Dead Cows and Horses Over 500 lbs. More for skit and disabled Cows. and Horses accord ing to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL 0 ,1L,ECT Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENSE No. 88-C-61, 54-R.P.-61 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Tel, 392-7373, Teeswater, Wroxeter—Every Wednesdby afternoon, 2-4 p.m, or by appointment. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR) NOTARY, Etc. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham PHONE 14 5 Per Square All Number 1 Shingles 0 - 0 - 0 $7.9 FOR FIRST-CLASS Carpentry Work Masonry Home Renovations Phone 23r12 Brussels GERALD EXEL Mlerb,Ine1*. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 32 STARTED YORK PIGS for sale, 2 Pole Hereford bulls, serviceable age, and a few Hereford cows with calves at foot. Ed. Powell, Wingham, phone 18R111, Wrox- eter, 17h BEAVER LUMBER Winigham - Phone 66 WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. Homuth Phin.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE, RENT O.R. WANTED •••1111.1•1111111111011•111.111111 Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company witioU has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto C. MaeLean Insurance Agency Wingham illI111111111111111111111111.111111111111111.11111111M111111111 REDDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and erected. Free literature. Easy terms. See our samples, Genoe Lumber, Orange- ville, Ontario Phone 990. M3-A:130b LICENSE NO. 123 C 61 For your best prices on dead and disabled cattle and horses $5.00 each — 31/2c a lb. for -good live mink horses. TRADE IN NOW .. • with EASY TERMS 24 HOUR SERVICE Call Collect 794J4, Walkerton FRITZ DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Struthers Transport fiAllILLER, WINTON & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS CURRIES FURNITURE BELMORE Trot. all your CEMENT NEEDS Speelal prices on all trtteir load lots — co rrAar Struthers Transport Phone Teeswater 392-6423 TRUCK LETTERING • COMMERCIAL SIGNS COX SIGNS A COMPLETE SIGN SERVICE PH. 518, WALKERTON (We will appraise your Suite today) THREE FLOORS FURNITURE Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON J, E. Kennedy, &Ed., B.A., C.A., Resident Mgr. Telephones: Business 633; Residence 106 11, A, CURRIE & SONS . WALKERTON 1.7-24-81b 1113111111Lillillillilt10111111141111111411111ID A 4 * 4M 4,$4.' * a.,