HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-10, Page 6whioggn .A EAST IVAWANOS11 CO:UNCIL MEETING d'er 'The- Feast Waw-anosh council met May 2nd with ail the membere pre- sent, Reeve Hanna prealding. Tle • aniautes of the TOVehing held Ap- ril 4th and special meeting hi'h 201.11 were read and teloptee -On motion. by Buchanan and Rob inSO11- Snell-Pattleon •• That the wee citIperintendent attend the °Mari Good toads Assoc, road euperin tandents' school May ath and a' at Toronto and council pay $5 o Membership fee. Robinson - Buchanan-- That th road andegeneral accounte as pre rented be passed, and paid. Pattison -Snell- - That counel accept the collector's roll and pay him the balance of his salary ant exchange. Robinson - Buchanan That council pay Aubrey Toll for a sheep killed by dogs. - Snell - Pattison -- That mitten approve plan D4846-1 of the Zea- land bridge on "Highway 86. Road Aeeounts Stuart McBurney, salary, $185.00, MOMS COUNCIL ME $50 RANT TO MEN CIRCLE Beef Calf Club Hear Don For-tune The meeting of the 'l'urnberry 4-H Calf Club was held on Fri-day even* at Gibnour's School with all members repeating the pledge. The minutes of the organizational meeting were read and • further business was discussed. Morris Council met ,on May 1st with all members present. The - minutes of the last regular meet- ing and the special Meetings of • April 15th and. April 20th were re-ad and adopted on motion of Roes Smith and James. Malt'. Shortreed - Elston- That we give a grant of $50.00 to -the Wingham District Retarded Children's School Elston Smith ----- That. Walter 'Shortreed be appointed as cemenie- Blotter to look after the repair -on the Ellison Drain, Shortreed-hair- That the ewer- of revision on the Bryant drain be opened. Elston-Smith- That the court of revision on -the Bryant drain be closed, Shortreed -Elston - - That thr road accounts -as presented by the road superintendent he paid. Smith-Nair • That the general accounts as presented be paid. The tax collector reported that $85.31 per cent or $111,134.14 of tit 11960 taxes had been paid before the taxes were sent to Goderich fot conection. Wston - Muir That the meeting adjourn to meet again on June 5th. at 1 pan. or at the call of the reeve. The following accounts were paid; Chas. Souch, warble fly In- spector, $202.07; Wingham District Retarded Children's School, $50 00: Advance-Times, advertising, $1.00; Municipal World, supplies, $31,31; Callender Nursing Home, $176,50; Plnecreet Manor Ltd., $88,25; Ct, of Rdvision, Bryant drain, Stewart. Procter, $5.00; Wm. Elston, $5.00; Ross Smith, $5.00; James 1VLair, $5,00; Waiter Shortreed, $5.00;- Brookhaven Nursing Home $176.50; Gordon Nicholson, - warble f I y spraying, $178.00; relief account, $120.00; George Martin, collector's salary, $325.00; •postage, $10.25; Wm. Elston, mileage, Goderich, $6,40. Stewart Procter, Reeve George C. Martin, Clerk SAVE' 111110Nalf As. Investors Syndicate plan will help you tq have enough in the future, A. plan can be tailored to sr your objective whetb6110, owning a new home, ed- ucating your children, buying a business or pro- for your retirement. See your Investors malt, THOMAS JARDIN Box 394, Winghain,,Ont4 Phone 141 , ........ . • BRUCE McFAUL Box 69$, Listowel,. Oat., Phone 9Th EMERSON IVEL Rox 0, Harriston, Opt., Phone 334W reaerVe, 11•04/3ita fliaataen and compensation, 15 !Mlle; WI/agitate. District High School, 1,2,2 Turuberry Twp. Selma Area, 13 mills; nowt& '.1.1wp School Area, "Callroa; Tw,p. School Area, 11 .Bluevale street lights, 2.3 'Tullis; Lower Wingham street lights, 2.8 MillS; spraying cattle, He per head If paid In cast er 18c .per -head put on the roll, Foxton -Mulvey-- That the gen cell and road accounte be passer and paid as presented. General Atcounts. Brookhaven Nursing Ii 0 nz e $353.00; Callender Nursing Home $88.25; Relief, $44.00; Winehav Advance-Times, $5,00; Gestetnee supplies, $17.86; Municipal Wade Supplies, $38.47; C. B. Hoffrnan stove oil, $1:25; la H. Moffatt, sup plies, $1.00; J. V. Fischer, petit sal ary and mileage, $57.80; A. II Smith, dinner far road tour, $12.00: Harry Mulvey, mileage, $8.00; A D. Smith, mileage, $7.20; joir Engeland, part payment for spray• ing cattle, $500.00; Wan, B. Creak shank, unemployment hie,' $0.24- Hay Stationery, supplies, $39.00 Geo. L, Pay, bat. salary and exp.. $35.00. Pay Ieoll George Gallaway, $2i0.63; Wm G Mundell,. $225.00. Road Accounts Beaver Lumber Co„ material for office, $68.30; Alexander's Hard- ware, tools, $5.29; Supertest, fuel oil, $107.60; Wroxeter Telephone- tolls, $8.55; Wm. Mundell, truck li- censes, $2.00; State Farm Mutual, grader in's., $56.084 Ideal supply, 60e; Wink-tam Advance -Times, $5.40. Walker - Vanden • --That we do now- adjourn to meet on June 3 at 1.30 p.m. or at the call of the reeve. A. D. Smith, Reeve J. V. Fischer, Clerk Doris Pickett to Live in Crwnlin A1MOst any fat such 4.8 hydrogenated fat or shortening, and oils, may be used for pastry. But -different -methods and hand- ling techniques may be necessary for some amounts and kinds of fat and the product will vary aceord- ingly. Pastry made with veld water 411411111111 0114MI1111111 .111 1 .1 1 1 .11 1 1.1111111111 CE1s).1M1W WILL RE RVOEMI) BY THU UN1)113WIGN.CD. FOR, DreMOLITION AND ta;, 110VAL 01.1"1,11E OLD WING l'IlIE HURON COUNTY 1,0cATED AT cLuvroN, ONT, Inspection of premises may • be made by contacting the superin- tendent, Mr, H. C. Johnston,. at Clinton. Necessary forms and specifications may be , received. from the under,. signed, and tenders must be sub- mitted on forums supplied by 4.he County, Highest or any tender not tu3ces-' surily accepted. Tenders to close Monday, May 29, 1961, JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, COUNTY OF HURON, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO. IIIIINIIIP1611111111411111111n1111111111111111111111 /.,. .74 Investors v arktp eAPIADA.'1.166' fh\ Head Offices Winnipeg Offices in. Principal Cities ANNOUNCING EATON'S MADEIO-MEASIN SALE 2 PIECE SUIT'S, SPORTS COATS AND SLACKS At much below the usual prices! A. representative from Eaton's Made-to-Measure department will be at your WINGEIAM ORDER OFFICE on MAX 15th from 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 pan. COME IN OR CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT. EATON Special Price, 2-piece suit The suit of your choice ... includ- ing an "Ivy" or "Continental" , tailored to _your preference front the' fine fabrics featured in this event. • Wool flannel in plain shades. • Wool worsted glen checks, plaids. and routed patterns. •• Tailored by wee of Callalla'S leading clothiers. ASSORTED WOOL TWEED SPORT COATS EATON Special 30 Price, each 07 0 0-0 .95 Extra trousers available WOOL TROUSERS EATON Speeial 1 C Price, each voui.) NOTE TillS 0.50 SAVING! Slacks and Sport Coat Together, 49.95 EATON Special Price, set il li t i n I SI I I II I M I l iK I M I I• 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 94 11 1 12 1 1 1 ....................................... 13 C.U. FT. MOFFAT Refrigerator- Freezer 12-1do6o-lb.. freezer , capacity • Ice server • Completely Automatic • Swing-to-you Shelves Regular $569.95 NOW ONLY $395.00 (Save $175.00) OTHER MODELS from $195.00 N N N N U 30" MOFFAT RANGE • HI-LO-MATIC Oven Rack • ROASTMETER • TIMED Surface Elements Deep Well Cooker Deep Fat Fryer Rotisserie and Oven * ALL Infinite Heat Switches • LIFT OUT ELEMENTS • GLASS OVEN DOOR NOW ONLY *359" REGULAR $459.95 OTHER MODELS PRICED FROM $155.00 (2e or 30") EASY TERMS - only $10.00 down, no further payments until June, 1961' gemaraktaaamaiimaamakosaamaaaatagaiaanamswasatoalaaalioarmankillaaianoo•ala•iiameamaaakiaiaasiaaa.eaeactaraisaaal Large Selection of Used Appliances REFRIGERATORS, ELECTRIC RANGES, FREEZERS, WASHERS and DRYERS, ETC. • ataaasaaaatiasalaistaalaciaaannaimaneararatiaialmsaitsaiimaialapaemanamianad atapanaaaaamaiiaa 4 4 11 3 un o n ar si n a g in an a ll i n t a m a t a ni mn , U URINE ELECTRIC Commercial, Industrial, Home and Farm Wiring 11,011 111111111111111111111111115111111111311*3 77. and hard fat 4.1 a -flaky texture. while pastry Made with hot water (which melts. the fat) tends to be less flaky and mote like short bread, since the limited fat is easy ily Incorporated, General Accounts Hereon Irwin, balance salary as olleetor, and exchange', $:11.00: 'rank Cooper, warble' fly Sprayer. a225.60; Leroy Rintoul, spray help- 'r, $221.45; Frank Thompson, in- 'vector, $224.48; Receiver-General. .ncome tax, $40.10; Belgrave Co-op. warbicide. $308.36; road credit, 150 hours spraying. $150.00: Ontario Good Roads Assoc, membership road slept' school, $5.00; Brookhav- en Nursing Home, maintenance of patient, $88.25 Aubrey Toll, live- stock claim, one sheep, $20.00. Buchanan-Robinson That the council adjourn to meet again on June 6th at one o'clock at the Bel- grave community centre, 0044.-7114., WeilmOv; 3.4y 10, 11E1 bills paid, $1.40; Alan Me:Burney ' wages, $153.4i1; Douglas Bruce. vages, $17.00; Jinx Robinson, wages, 1.7.00.; (leo. T. Currie, wag+ s dlecking gravel, $08.00; Campbell'.; ;erne, battery and tape, $1.8.05; luts, Hodgms, gas, $14.00: Harty Williams, gas, fuel oil, grease 1103,76: Viiinghtan Motors, truck epairs, $1.20; Ontario Hydro, mov. ng line:;, con. 6. $03,31; IL C. Blair, rucking snow fovea $21.00; W, C. -lecleer Equipment Co., elements. $21.24; Ontario Hydro, shed lights. .5.41; snared Culvert Co., steel ape, $570.01; Itecciver-General, he- nna' lax, $10.25. --Photo by Connell aeeboro wed Hanover were received In the basement of the church where the reception was held. Friends serving the guests were Mrs. Floyd Shtick, Formosa, Miss Lois Sinclair, Wingham, Mrs, Em- ma Bhlger, London, Miss Ina Vanarkle, Wingham, Miss Mari- anne Jennings, London and Miss Sharon Edwards, Teeswater. Bob Garland, Hanover, grooms-man of the bride's parents 29 years ago was the toastmaster. The bride's mother wore a rose beige dress with rose flowered hat. white and black accessories and a corsage of white mums, She was assisted in receiving the guests by the groom's mother, who wore a white and blue romance two piece dress, blue and white accessories and a white mu-m corsage. A blue mohair walking suit with white and mellon accessories was ehosen by the bride as her travel- ling costume, Her -corsage was white mums. When they return from a wedding trip to Southern Ontario they will take up residence ta. RR. 9, -Catalan, London, Ont The bride is a graduate of the 'Wingham General Hospital, C.N.A. Asilowhomaiwamen4h, • U U U U ziiiiiluI11ilIIN11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1111CM11•11111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11,2 = -II i SPRING Clea.rance 0 0 0 0 F . i 10900 M 0 F F A T . . a_ APPLIANCES _A' • White mums and snapdragons decorated St, Andrew's Presbyter- Ian Church on Saturday afternoon when Rev. Thomas McKinney M. Teeswater united in marriage Dor- is Eileen Pi•eltell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Piekell of RM. 2,, Teeswater and Eli Molgard Kids- tatisen, formerly of ,Denmark, son of Me and Mrs. Magnus Kristen- sen of London. H. V. Fyne presided at the or- gan and Frank Renwick of Tees- water sang The Lord's Prayer and Wedding Prayer. Mr. Piekell gave his daughter in marriage. Her gown was floor- length peau de sole with pleated back and a chapel train. The jack- et featured a wing collar and lily- point sleeves. Her finger-tip veil was caught by a crown of pearls and ehinestones and she carried a bouquet of white mums centred with white Sweetheart roses. Ivy added contrast to the white bou- quet. The bride's attendants were Mrs, Glenn Appleby, sister of the' bride and Mrs. Flemming Jorgensen, sis- ter of the groom, in identical dress- es of coral silk organza over taf- feta, similar In style to that of the bride. They wore white shoes, gloves -and headdresses and car- ried bouquets of white mums and Gerald Edwards of London was the best man and the ushers were Flemming Jorgensen and Erik Finderup of London and Glenn Appleby of R.R. 2, Wingham, Guests from London, Toronto, Sarnia, Hamilton, Wingham, Gu- elph, Teeswater, Owen Sound, Lon- To make a "fish-stick burger" prepare a package of fish sticks according to package directions Split a frankfurter bun for every two sticks, and toast the bun halves. Spread the halves with a little tartar sauce, Place the warm fish sticks between the heated bur halves and serve immediately. The members were taken to the ea. farm of Mr. Niergarth where Nita- WI ing took place. Mr. Niergarth de- monstrated his stable cleaner, which proved very interesting, IN When they returned to the school ate members listened to Don For- =-• • tune, who spoke on breeding and breeds of cattle. This was followed by a short quiz. The meeting closed with plans being made to meet again later in n U U REPEAT OFFER You'll find this Triple Value at WALKER'S 'tub officers for, 1961 are: the month. The Turnberry beef fa- " President, Julia Thornton; vice- 7..7. President, Marjorie Kieffer; secre- tary, Tom Powell; press reporter, Fe Brenda Cathers. TURNBERRY COUNCIL ACCEPTS TENDER OF LILLOWS GARAGE • TWO ONLY Turquoise - Dark Brown The reenter meeting. of Turnber- ry Council was held in the com- munity hall, Bluevale, on May 6th • ra 1.30 Wq11 meenhers pre- a sent, the reeve, A. D. Smith, pre- siding. The minutes of the last 'I" regular -and special meetings were read- and adopted on motion by Harry Mulvey and William Deft- man. Communications were received and read from Department of = Highways, Toronto; John G. Ber- ry, clerk-treasurer, Huron County; J. V. Ludgate, municipal engineer, - Toronto, Wingham District High * School and J, A. Brown, Ag-ricul • - Lured engineer for Huron County. = Walker -Dettman--- That the tax • roll for 1960 be returned to Goder- j ich early in May. Foxton -Walker--- That the road El superintendent shall attend the road superintendents' school held 2 in Toronto on May 8 and 9 and he -re be allowed expenses -and to report • to council] of events at the next re- it girder meeting, There were six tenders for the • half-ton truck: Stoney's Garage, I Kitchener, $2166.00; Pearson Mo- - tors, Exeter, $1965; Wingham Me- I tors, $1897; Lillew's Garage. Blue- vale, $1840; McCutcheon Motors, m• Brussels, $1823.55; Huron Motors, -U Wingham, on a 1960 model, $1805.23, a Walker, Foxton, Dettman, Mul- = Vey- That we accept the tender of ea A. C. Lillow for the half-ton pick- up truck at $1840.00, subject to the - approval of the Department of iI Highways. Foxton -Mulvey- That we re- quest the Department of Highways 1111 to reconsider the approval of the expenditures of $4,000 on the town- .---. thin shed that was built last year. !! Detarnan - That we re- WI guest the Department of Highways for the approval of the expenditure of $5,000, balance of expenditures II on the township shed. Deatman -Mulvey --That By-law No. 8 and 4, 1961 be read a third U time and 'finally passed, signed by I -the reeve and clerk and the seal ea. of the corporation attached there I By Law No. 3-61 is a. by-law ap- pointing Wan, G. Mundell as road El sleperintendent at a salary of $2,000 per annum. The road super. Intendent to keep his awn road tie- counts and to receive $1.25 per hour for operating grader and crawler tie read construction faith- prized by the coaneil. The by-law went into effect the first day of a' 1111 ii433"' y-ir61. virNo. 4-61, a by.laW set NI - ling the rates for 1661: County rate 13.8 mills; township residential and = (arm, 13 mills; commercial, 15;5 Walker Home, Furnishings, PHONE 474 Motor ke-Wind and Repair WINCHAIVI to . J. Walker PHONE 106 WINGHAM ...