HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-10, Page 3t "0, • iOr I% • The WS!' to do- Vree.patostetire Wirers, im to de it to either-Ca the. riOlt way to PAWNS is to Scatter: --Seneca, FOB„ NYLONS . . A must in any lady's wardrobe. Lovely sheer 00 denier Brat quality SEAM NYLONS 79c - 2 pair $1.49 Also exciting 400 needle SEAMLESS in all new spring Shades, sizes 9-11 $1.39 pair PYJAMAS . . The ever popular line of TOM GIRL in cotton or flannelitte. Plus our line of SHORTY PYJAMAS and GOWNS Priced from $2.98 to $3.98 garment LADIES' SLIPS . . If you want to see that pleased look on mother's fate come Mother's Day, then Make sure you see that she gets a LIFE- TIME SLIP, fully guaranteed, sizes 34-42 for only-$2.98 each SWEATERS Lovely sheer, first quality BAN LON SWEATERS in pull- overs or cardigans, and only $3.98 to $5.98-at Carmichael's NEW SPRING DRESSES, BLOUSES, CAR COATS AND DRESSING GOWNS Arriving weekly at CARM ICHAEL'S THE FAMILY STORE Olf QUALITY AT TILE LOWEST PRICE '174/01=6.11016049‘.11.40411.0.1111 1.11M11.1.<1.1.00111101,11,1%.kell61.1.10111.114110,0411•1114. "In the past we have owned a number of different makes of tractors, and we tried ,mapy others on our farm before deciding the air•cooled, diesel vki.,,cithe tractor for us," says Mr. Robert M. GrimWood, F.R. 1, thorold, Ont. Mr. Grimwood is engaged in mixed farming, has 16 acres of grapes, and does custom baling for neighboring fanners. "Before -deciding on a Renault, we gave it a rugged on-the.farm test in competition against 4 other makes under the toughest, wet and hilly conditions, We found the economy, power and starnina of Renault best fitted the needs of our farm." Mr. Grimwood reports that his Renault air-cooled diesel is also used for the tougher-than-average jobs on his father-in-law's adjacent farm. Mr. Grimwood sums it up this way-"Not only is our Renault economical ... it's as handy as any small tractor, and it's got the big tractor powertoo." BEFORE YOU BUY...TEST.DRIVE A RENAULT Maytime Event at SEALY'S SALE Furniture PHONE 51 ur I est laic eitity Anniversary button4ree mattress g HOP - tOMPAkt -SAVE. I Wiri giatmt- -41 rigurce" Naisey Doreelete. Colwan- Ctruart'°, Norm* 110-rPer ao4 ositr ash, "{seed Quality in 'Cottons", Jo- Jeffery; Bellmore, "Pattern t/elitteefe antic Crozier; Gorrie, "Cottons Dome, Nettle Saamort, Sikh May the Smart", Carol Kell; Teneptiseelan and Irene Deoblodee; Wirigham, "'Good Quality lo Cot- flordwi,ch, "thlions May Ba Sow " tons", Anne Currie; Belmore, "Cot- Moiekiworth "CaKtnal May tons May Be Smart", Norma Hart Anywhere", alA club. meenbeett; per. Lakelet, "(lugging Cotton for a -Gress", Cloys-tat Garike, NNW Mrs. H. Brightwell of Stratford irratike, JeEorietu, Wright Nanny gave comments on the exhibits. f ' Cottons 'Mrs. Howard I-Iarris, president of 1.`i4.9''''A',17y.w3;;;',", all "olTIrmilrf);''",r; y East Huron District W.I. brought 23 2 „ Cottons May Be e/grave . greetings. For Beigrave Music Festival Smart", all club nierril4co, The following girls were present -• .Comments on these were n144 ed. ..vvitA County 'honor Certificates by Miss Eileen McDorinki, home and pins for completion of six. 441 -.economist for Oxford County, 1 Homemaking Club project-s: Ruth Mettle, Linda Johnston, .Dila Black ,Mary Andrew, Mary Doig, Jean Siefert, Marion Ruttan, Elizabeth Stokes, Patricia Gatike, Barbera Nielson, Rose Marie Nicholson, Sharon Cadice, Nancy laylor and • Miller is moving to Peterborough. Edith Shaw. The program voted for time spring Skits and demonstrations given of 1962 was "Separates for SuM-. were: Bel-more II, "Cottons May Be mer". -The presentation of certificateet of achievement sieid the 441 Hem" making Club teaspoons were etacle to the Mrs,, Bette Miller, home economist for Hama bade farewell to the girls, -as DO YOUR PILLOWS Need Re-Ticking and the Feathers Sterilized and Cleaned?' MOLESWORTH 44-11 CLUB had a big. display of cotton dresses at the Wren' Comity Achieve- Went Day in the high school here last Saturday, Three of the Molettworti; club Membere, Dale Man:, Merck', Mary Elliott and ti'etli lihkeintirelly look over one of the record hooks of the club, BELURAV1i -The two-day ev- ent, the, 19atehool Belgrave g4sio. Festival, ,e0rilenteneed On Thursday morning with "tons• classes in corn- :petition both afternoon. and mor- ning. The festival committee ehaSa ae Its .adludicator, Earle Terry, Of Pipits from seho.ol sections of London. 'Mimic supervisors for the the townships of Morris, Grey,. schools. are: Morris Township, Mee, East and West Wawanosh and 'Willett take part in this annnel event. The following are tir the 'echools and. the teachers: Morris, Mervin Canipbell; S.S. Markle, Mrs. Elide Miller; 8,S. 5, Morris, Mrs. Roth, Wilson; S.S. 6, Miss Ruth ,Procter; 7, Morris Miss Bev. Evees; S.S. 8, Morris Clem Steffler; e$.S, 10, Morris, Mre, Geraldine Bradshaw; SS. 11, Mar- ris, Mrs. Margaret Robertson; SS. 12, Mrs, Edna Hackwell; S.S. 9, Eiast Wawanosh, Mrs. 'Rena Fisher; S4.10, Mrs. Marie Toll; S.S. 13, E.W., Mrs. Mary Wightman; US$, 7, -11W., Mrs. Louise Bosnian; U.S.8. 6, E.W., Mrs, Margaret Rob- ertson; U,S8, 17, Belgrave, Mrs. Joan Crawford, senior room and Mrs, Jean Watson, Jerkier room; U.S,S. 16, EN., Mrs, Beth Lansing. These schools compete annually for the Wingharn Lions Club Tro- phy, held rapt year by U.S.S. 12, Morris; Beigrave Women's Insti- - tute trophy, held. by S.S. 10, Morris; Belgrave Women's Institute tro- phy held by Beigrave school; Belt Earle Terry aujummor 57 le Morris, Mrs, Jean. Griffiths; 8,8. Nora Moffatt and East Wawanosh, Isere, Roeigere. The 'festival Is under the -control and manages meet of the gelgr4ve School Fair Aosociation, erf witleit Edgar Wight- Men is president and Stanley HOP- tper, secretary-treasurer; Harvey, MeDetwell is chairman of the lesti- vaj committee and Mrs. George Miehie is secretary of the festival, LATE sr STYLES AND COLOURS- IN 1 grave Co-operative Assoc, trophy, 1E FIRSArIME THIS SERVICE IS NOW Igd .t4;nro6P:,.173;;ILIn. DV,c! • AVAILABLE TO YOU School Area -trophy, .11.S.S. 16, E. I W.; School Area trophy held now J by MSS. '6, E.W, 1-If still does! you have had a cold-your * NECKLETS * BRACELETS * PIN'S * EARRINGS 2-A pillow •slipeauet-disguises a dirty pillow, pretty intimate with one pillow-buryiug our face in it ever')' night! • 4-We change the bed sheets and pillew slips every few days-yet the pillowegoeseonegatherieg dust, dirt and germs month after month, 5-4111m cleanliness is often negleeted-but now that we offer "Pure- Pillow" service this is no -longer necessary. • GOOD PILLOWS- WHAT ARE AN VX.111.11%1SW E ITEM AND THERE 1$ NO NEED TO DISCARD YOUR OLD PILLOWS FOR NEW. WE WILL STERILIZE YOUR PEA'PHE'llS, REMOVE THE DUST, AND rut NEW TICKING ON FOR YOU. - CALL US TODAY OR ENQUIRE FROM QUR D ERS'APDXT OUR NEW SERVICE . „. ONE OP THE many exhibits at the 4.-11 Achievement Wingham Club. Ann Currie, left, and Ruth Tay- Day held in the Wing District High School was Jar were two of the club girls Who arranged the this display titled "Good. Quality itt Cotton" by the exhibit, GIFT WRAPPED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE aigirviwora-- - "OUP GIRLS MODEL OVER 150 COTTON DRESSES All of the classes have a good number of entries, the largest being for 'boys, solo 11 years and wider, with 42 entries. Another large crass of entries -is for -girls' solo, 11 years and under with 39 entries. The rhythm band entries were -held Thursday afternoon and Fri- day morning, Classes were held all. day Thuee- 'ciey and Friday in the Foresters' Hall -and Friday evening in the Wing-ham District High School. The evening classes included uni- son chorus, two-part chorus, for enrolment under 25; and 'two-part chorus for -enrolment over 25; and an open aides for double trio. Results ' for Thursday were as follows: Class 1, girls 11 years and un- der, "A Mystery": Brenda Bone, 85, SS, 6, Morris; Corrine Gibson, 84, S:S. 12, Morris; Mary Bewley, 83, SS. 11, Morris; Sherrill Craig, 82, S.S. 11, Morris; Klaske Koop- man, 81, S.S. 6, E,W„ Judith Mc- Dowell, 80, S.S.• 13, E.W..; Brenda VanCamp, 80, Belgrave. Class 2, boys 7 and 'under, "The Postman": Billy do Yong, 84, S.S. 5, Morris; Keith Elston, 83, S.S. 7, Morris; Neil 'Bieman, $1, S.S. 7, E.W„ Neil Lockhart, 80, 16, E.W.; Gary Barbour, 79, telgrave; David Cook, 78, S.S. 10, -E.W. Class 3, girls 7 and under, "Lady Bird": Joan Currie, 85, S.S. 9, EN.; Gail Travis, 84, 8.5, 11, Morris; EWELLERY WINGHAM. ONTARIO PHONE 250 ellES.M011,11Mr13410.1MPINIOE. Mother's Dart' Suggestions Carmichael's Carson Cleaners IiANOVER MEE PICKUP AND DELIVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY • CALL WINGHAM 853 Or Leave Cloaning-at W. A. Heughan's Store DELGRAVE The Achievement Day for the 4-H project, "Cottons May Be Smart", was held in the Wingham District High School on Saturday, Girls and their leaders from Moiesworth, Belgrave, Blue- vale, Kintail, St, Helens, 'Colwarie ash, Gorier, Wingham and Bel- more took pant in this event. The morning was anent in registration, judging of dresses and materials and discussion of classes and ac- tivities. There wore 155 dresses modeled during the afternoon session by -members of the 4-H clubs from the places mentioned above. Provincial Honors were present- ed to Mrs. Shirley Tel-merman, Beirnore I: Mete Yvonne Snarling, Belmore, 11: Miss Dale Mace/fur- Mblesworth. Tr; Miss Joanne Crozier, Colwanash; Miss Marjorie Alton, Colwanash: Miss Elaine Blicusmsndrer,, III:IT: Miss Miss Norma B_ ryn Simpson, Molpsworth. • Club exhibits were cas follows: Molveworth I, "Good Lines for Dqf (Ten I Figures". Anne Camp- bell; Belgreve II, "Cottons May Be Smarr. Linde Johnston; Belgrave TIT, "Good Quality in Col tone, Mrs. Siebji Meischied; Bluevale 777, "Good Lines for Different Figures", Gale Kirton; Kintall, "Cottons May 13e .8mart", Mary Lou Collineon: Bluevale IT, "Good Quality in Cot- tons", Ann St. Helens, "Lines for Different I've tried most makes and foutid • RENAULT' 111111111111/11111.1111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Christine Harnett), 82, Belgrave; Clara Wasson, 81, S.S. 12, Morris; Sharon Cook, 80, U.S,S. 16, EN.; Joan McLennan, 79, 88..8, Morris. Class 4, open duet, "Children's Prayer": Ann Spelgelberg and Nor- ma Smith, 85, S.S. 6, E.W.; Caro- line Sprung and Alan Speigleberg, 84, SZ, 6,E.W.; -Sherrill Craig and Carol Wilbee, 83, S.S. 11, Morris; Rosemary and David •Gowing, 82, S.S.• 10, Morris; Mary Bewley and Carol Shortreed, 81, S.S, 11, Morris; Cheryl Toll and Eleanor Cook, 80, SS. 10, EN. Class 5, boys 9 years and under, "'Three Sailors": Brian Adams, 85, SS,. 10, Morris; John Gibb, 84, Bel- grave; Richard Anderson, 83, Bel- grave; Kenny Mathees, 82, S.S. 8, Morris; Billy Fear, 81, Belgrave; Dale leleteb, 80, S.S. 3, Morris. Class 6, girls 9 years and under, "Missso, Ew Breeze; R":.oDorism7 i,Coultes, Henning, 86z 85, SS. 10, Morris; ,Beverley S.S. 11, Morris; Karen McDonald, 83, S.S.- 11, Morris; Con- nie Mann, 82, S.S, 7, Morris and Brenda Bewley, 82, S.S. 11, Morris. Class 7, unison chorus (enrol- ment 25 and under) "Rainy Nights" -SS. 12, Morris, 86, Mrs, Edna Hack- -well; S.S. 10, 85, Mrs, Geraldine :-Brdelshaw; 8.8, 6, 81, Miss Ruth -Procter; S.S. 13, EN,, Mrs. Mary Wightman. Class 8, rhythm band, enrolment 25 and- under, "Prelude": S.S. 5, Morris, 85, Mrs. Ruth Wilson; S.S. 12, . Morris, 84, Mrs. Edna Rack- wen; 'S.S. 6, -Morris, 84, Miss Rubh Procter; S.S. 8, Morris, 84, Clem Steefler; S.S, 13, E.W., 83, Mrs, Mary Wightman; S.S. 10, Morris, 83, Mrs. Geraldine Bradshaw; •S,S, 4, Morris, 82, Mrs. Elsie Miller; S,S, 1, Morris, 82, Mrs, Jean Grif- fiths; SS. 3, Morris, 82, Mervin Campbell. Second Day The final clay of the festival was another busy one With the largest number 'of entries in one of the morning classes, boys'. solo, 11 Years and under with 42 entries. Earle Terry, of London, the a.cljudi- catoe for the festival, was unable to be present on Thursday and his !place was taken by Mr. Queen, asst. director of music for Ontario. Class 9, boys 11 and under, "Night -Herding Song": Douglas Smith, 84, 8.8. 6, E.W,; Ricky Orr, 88, 13elgrave; David 'Gowing, 82, S.S. 10,. Morris; Lloyd Maine, 81, S.S. 5, Morris; John Turvey, 80, S.S. -8, Morris; Benny TenPas, 80, S.S. 6, Morris. Class 10, boas, changed voices, "Home en the Range": Dwight Gibson, 82, S.S. 12, Morris; Gerald Blake, 81, S.S. 11, Morris; Bruce Currie, 80, S.S. 9, E.W.; Hugh Me- Burney, 79, S.S. 9, E.We David Beecroft, 78, 8.8, 7, EN; John -Iloottard, 77, S.S.- 12, Morris; Bill Graham, 77, S.S. 11, Morris. Class 11, rhythm band, enrolment over 26, "Turkey iii the Straw": Mrs. Margaret Robertson, 86, S.S. 31, Morris; Mrs, Beth Lansing, S.S. 16, '85, E.W,; Mrs. Joan Crawford and Mrs, Joan Watson, 85, Bel- grave; Mrs, Margaret Robertson 84, S.S. 6, EN.; Miss Bev Evans, 83, S.S. 7, Morels. Class 12, boys 14 and under, "Lin- Poacher"':: David Wheel- er, 83, SiS. 8, 'Morris; Ross Wight- man 82, Beigrave; Allan Speigle- berg, 81, SS, 6, E.W.; Gordon Me- Murray, 80, 8.8. 7, Morris; Dwight. Cowan, 79, 8.8. 16, E.W.; John Orr, 78, Beigrave. Class 14, girls 14 years and tinder, "Red Shoes and Black Shoes": Margaret Nichols-on, 84, S.S. ris; Grace Bromley, 83, S.S. 16, E.W.; Elaine, Sanders, 82, S.S. 5, Morris; Carol Wilbee, 81, 8.8', 11, Morris; Ueda Eryans, 80, 8.5, 11, Morris; Jill Thornton, 10, S.S. 10, Morris. At RIO School Friday evening results, when olestes were held in the Winglant .District High -Schorr( were as fol- most economical ! lows: Class 14, unison chorus, enrol- ment over 25, "Come- Loyal Hearts" S.S, 6, E:W., 86, Mrs. Margaret Rob- ertson; Belgeave, 84, Mrs. Joan Crawford and Mrs.- Joan Watson; SS. 16, E.W., 82, Mrs. Beth Lan- sing; tie, S.S. 9, E,W., 80, Mrs, Rena Fisher and SS. 11, Morris, 80, Mrs. Margaret Robertson, Class. 15, two pact, enrolment 25 and under, "Night Song": S.S, 12, Morris, 84, Mrs. Edna- reackevell; S.S, 8, Morris, 83, -Clem Steffler; S,S. 10, Morris, 81, Mrs. Geraldine Bradshaw; S.S. 5, Morris, 80, Mrs, Ruth Wilson, Class 16, two part, enrolment ov- er 25, "0 Worship the King": S.S. 6, E,W., 84, Mrs. Margaret Robert- son; tie, Belgrave, • 82, Mrs. Joan Watson and Mrs. -Joan Crawford and SS. 16, E.W., 82,-a141rs. Beth Lansing; S.S. 7, Morris, 80, Miss 13ev Evans; SS. 0, E.W., 78, Mrs. Rena Fisher, Class 17, double trio, open, "Aur- ora": S.S. 12, Morris, 84, Mrs, Ed- na Hachwell; SS. 6, EN„ 83, Mrs, Margaret Robertson; tie, 8.8, 10, Morris, 82, Mrs. Geraldine Brad- shaw; and S.S, 11, Morris, 82, Mrs. Margaret Robertson; tic, S.S. 9. EN., 81, Mrs. Rena Fisher and 1301,grave, 81, Mrs. Joan Crawford and Mrs. Joan Watson, Trophies Presented The following trophies were pre- sented during the evening con- cert of which J. H. Kinkead was chairman: Wingham Lions Club trophy, to S.S, 12, Morris, Mae Edna Hack- well, for unison chorus, enrolment under 25 and was presented by Jack Reavie. The Beigrave Wo- men's Institute trophy for rhythm band, enrolment tinder 25, went. eo S.S. 5, Morris, Mrs. Huth Wilson. and was presented by Mrs. Richard Procter; Beigrave Women's Insti- tute trophy for rhythm hand, en- rolment over 25, went ,to S.S. 11, Mrs, Margaret Robertson and was presented by Mrs. Clifford Logan: Belgrave Co-operative Association trophy for unison chorus, enrol- ment over 25 went to S.S. 6, East Wawanosh, Mrs. Margaret Robert- son, and was presented by Bud Orr; CKNX Radio and TV trophy for two part chorus, enrolment ender 25 went to S.S. 12, Mrs. Edna Rockwell and was presented by W, T. Cruickshank; East Wawa.- nosh School Area trophy for two part eboruS, enrolment over 25 went to 8.5. 6, East Wawanosh, 'Mrs, Margaret Robertson, and was -presented by Gilbert Bete:I:oft; Morris Shelve Area trephy for donble trio went to S.S, 12, Morris, Mae Edna Iraekwell mid was pre- sentee be J. H. Kinkead. The firsl three winners of the solo classes and the first prize winners of the rhytrun bands did their numbers again between the final classes of the competition. Harvey meDowell, chairman of the festival committee, spOke briefly, and Mr. Kinnead expressed words of appreennum to the music supervisors, ,efre. Nora Moffatt and Mrs. Phyllis Rodgers. and to all the I (tchers. The program closed with all the mil dee of the duet class forming a choir aunt Eerie Terry siireeted thcm in their tong. The singing of I the nel tonal authem closed the ermeert. You too can cash-in on Renault tractor economy and performance this ear! Befoiggyou buy your next tractor, make sure you see us-your Renault Traltor Dealer. Ask us about the various-diesel or gas, air-cooled or water-cooled models. We'll be happy to give youa demonstration on your own farM. A testdrive will prove that a Renault tractor' Makes farthing more profit- able. Give.us a call. \"‘,..ANfteg.ftt,1 CAMERON'S GARAGE ' PHONE!: 142-609 13ELMORE, ONT, '''`tiA"?-4140e.WM:::JesWeeete:Pe-1%:•skieNeiteseltet".4aseeeete