HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-03, Page 9Of Course It's In Good Condition . Use It Mostly For Parking ymir .ear would he in marvelous condition, too, if you used tit only for parking . . . brut you don't. And that's why we're here. The- ear • you use constantly we keep in tip-top condition , • , and we do it with a smile. You'll smile, too, because you'll be so pleased with our expert service and our modest nricee.‘ ' DEPENDABLE QUALITY BACKED BY BEAVER You can buy Almninum Doors and Windows with the confidence tint Beaver Lumber has grown with e Canada by providing serviee and . sittisfottion 'for over 50 years. NOTHING DOWN As Low $ A As a MONTH CANADA'S LARGEST BEAVER ;LUMBER WINGHAM PHONE 66 amounted to $316-00- and it bee been. found that, as well as, being a fin- isni'ial uselstance to the ladiefi'• auxiliary, these games odd soehilly to the life of the cOMMIthitY. Ntgi ism ft' Faimin•or SAVE .TAX - Y011 can deduct froln your able income payments mada•ea. any of these Registered Retii.* went Savings Plans distriblitmal by Investors Syndicate: - • 4 !Retirement Savings Certif.*, gates guar teed plans tailored to • yo.),K! individual needs. Supplementary insurance available if desired. - Equity Retirement plan Investors Mutual -of Canada a balanced investment for stabs- . ity and income, or (2) Investors Growth Fund. of Canada Ltd.-, an investment in equity securie gee for capital growth. Combined Payment Plant... A selection of plena •which. Cont. bine shares of either:mutual fund with Investors Retirement Carti•'• • ncates.. 25 sheets and over STEEL ROOFING $8.95 per square - 40 squares or more Slightly more for smaller amounts VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE 9%c Each 5 Cartons or more 44 POPLAR UNDERLAY WATERPROOF $1.19 Sheet 25 sheets or more your est tractor. gasoline buy Esso Gasoline gives you more power, .. more work per dolly ' Aftva.. -1:7041 ,o, tikeitnerefIq;, 1.P. 7 r /7777'7 L YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE You _are cordially invited to attend the CADET INSPECTION At Wingham District High School TUESDAY, MAY 9th, at 7 p.m,: CHILDREN'S PLAY SANDALS with crepe soles Beige or Brown $2.98 and $3 45 WINGHAM PHONE 12 Couples' Club njciys Bowling Tuesday evening the Couples' C) Andrew's Presbyterian Cantrell met at the bowling alley for an evening of bowling. There WINGHAM MOTORS 1-14°NE 1" Gueranteed, baked on vinyl elm, until finish. Can be applied over any surface. Distinctive 10" width, -vertical at' horizontal. Beautiful colour selection. Installed as low as $29.00 a month Do-It Yourself 49.50 And Save PER 100 SQ. FT. ALUMINUM SIDING were 14 couples present, Jean IVfelDonald and Tom Hen- SIR ' „ der sou hold high score. Later In rpreinuirr fir the church parlor o delicious lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs. Ken "lijiLl I "F Leitch and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carr, The next meeting will be held on May 23rd. 5-16 5 WINGHAM . 4 , LEAGUE CHAMPIONS—The "Walker's Specials," Champions of the Commercial League pose with their trophies. Front raw: Mrs. Don Cameron, Mrs. Jack Calvin and Mrs. Hen Cerson. Back row: Harold Intended for last week, The Wingham Figure Skating Club held its annual meeting re- cently with a poor representation of interested parents. Reports Showed a good member- ship, several club •activities and a splendid percentage of passed tests. The financial report disclosed that $60.81 more iwas spent than reeeived with outstanding account of $18.42, to be met. It was decided to discontinue giv_ .• ing crests to members but, to make them available at an approximate cost of 75c to members, • The largest item of expense is the Cost of 'professionals. Everyone present felt that Harold Brooks was completely capable of teaching those in the lower groups. but that many of the skaters have reached levels beyond his studies, thus •malt_ ing it necessary to have -the second professional. Whether one could be secured for less time and, there- fore less cost, limiting his activities to the senior students was dis- cussed. There were three skaters who pas'sed the bronze dance tests and will receive their medals. Perhaps this will have to be discontinued' in future due to cost. Mrs. E. Hamilton presented the nominating committee's report and the president asked for nomina- tions from the floor. 'There were none, and the full slate was de- clared elected. A very healthy discussion of var- ious phases of figure skating was held. The meeting adjourned and the directors met to decide the offices to be held by each, with the follow- ing results: • Past president, N. Welwood; president, John Strong;• vice. W. W. Gurney; treasurer; Mrs. H. Wild; secretary, Mrs, H. Burrell ; costume, Mrs, Rosenhagen; arena supervis- ion, Mrs. M. Willie; phoning, Mrs: H. Spry; magazine subscriptions, Mrs. C. Burke; CFSA. counsellor, N. Welwood-; test chairman and assistant, Mrs. Burrell and Mrs. Day. • Men's Town League Semi-final results: Burke Elec- tric, first, 941; second, 946; third, 904; total, 2791. CKNX, first, 1112; second; '954; third, 908; total, 2974, Next Monday night is the big night for the Men's League. The CKNX team, by defeating Burkes, will he up against the Hydro team to decide the 60-61 league champs. Norm Elliott of Burkes was the big gun for the night with a 257 single and a 701 triple. Norm couldn't get the necessary support and CKNX, led by Hap Swatridge with a 664 triple, were able to win -all three games. • Now that CKNX have won, I wonder if we will have television coverage of next week's bout? Per- haps Hydro would sponsor it. 6 ON PARADE ; With the 99th Bty. By R. Edwarde Wormwnrth The melt of the 99th Battery were Inspected by pout. E. Ander- son-_it_tha-..1tegular, ..1\loada,v -night parade. Following the inspection the men were broken off and the national survival team and the gun crew went to the WDHS football field to practice for the impending in- spection. There is confidence that the 99th gun crew will capture the gun drill trophy. The national survival team ,ee- monstreted lowering a casualty front a window utilizing a 'ladder and stretcher. A number of cadets watched the demonstration hoping to learn a few ways to improve their display which they will put on at WDHS at the Cadet inspec- tion, Following the exercises at the high school the men returned to the Armouries and watched a re- cruiting film. The film depicted the development of a man from civilian life through his training with the Royal Canadian Regiment. The commanding officer, Major R. P, Ritter, dismissed the parade following the film. Win Club Bags in Bowling Tourney A number of local bowlers par- ticipated in the Carling Tourna- ment at the Walkerton alleys. A total of 05 teams took part in the men's tournament Which ran for five days. In the "B" group, a local team captured second prize with tt team total of 3965. TVIembers of the team were jaelt Brophy, Bill Hotchkiss, Tien Saxton, Mae Ritchie, Bill Johnston and Ted English, Each member received a genuine leather Club bag. Scout Paper Drive The Gorrie-Wroxeter Boy Scouts' 1 paper drive will he held Wednes- day,'May 17, in Gorrie and Wrox- eter. Collection will be done in Fordwich• on Tuesday evening, Door-to-door pick-up will be done in the villages. Those living in the country are asked to bring their paper to the truck in the village or call either 26-21 or 21-22 and pick-up will be arranged. Objective for this drive -is 10 tons of papers and magazines, 0 _ 0 - 0 Appoint Officers The Gorrie-Wroxeter Boy Scout Group Committee met on Friday In the Gorrie United Church. Har- old Hyndman, chairman, presided at the gathering. Plans were made for a paper drive on May 16-17. Correspondence read from the national headquar- ters of the movement in which it was stated that the new name is to he the Boy Scouts of Canada. George Gibson was welcomed as a' new member of the Group Com- rriittete The following ;are the of.- ficers for 1961-62: Chairman; Har- old Plyndman; see., Gordon Moir; treas., Alex Graham, A banquet for the Scouts, Cubs BOYS Ol‘l RAW WITH A.M. TARGETS Brent Davidson, president of the Junior Conservation Club, con- ducted the monthly meeting on Monday night at the club house. Secretary Dick Scott performed his duties and the president filled in for Jim Mitchell, treasurer, who was absent. There were about 30 members at the meeting. Monday saw the first: of the shooting of Dominion Marksmen targets for pins and erects in marksmanship. There were 13 boys present who were eligible, over 11 years of age anti having passed the N.R.A. course. Receiv- ing the required 80 points or over, were Bob Ostrom, 89; BHT Mitchell, 88; Brent Davidson, 85; Dick Scott, 87; Don Caskanette, 86; Gor- den Rintoul, 84; George Whitby and David Wenger, 80. The other five boys had less points than re- quired but it was a pretty chilly night and the low temperature hampered everyone's aim some- what. Borden Jenkins was in charge of the range. Terry Nethery, Albert Milton] and Prank 'Caskanette instructed N.R.A. classes-. There are two classes now in progress. It was decided that the Juniors would pay half the east of the new firing ramp that is to he construct- ed at the range. Announcement was made that trophies are being offered this sea- son for bass, pike, brown and speckled trout and for the most snapping turtles caught. Time turtles must have shells over dour 'ruche t In Width. and their parents will be held in the near future. The Rev. McClure closed the meeting with prayer. 0 - 0 - 0 1st Wingbam Troop While activities were few at the weekly meeting in the Scout House on Wednesday, it Was tar from -a quiet evening. A good deal of the time was taken up by playing crab soccer. The Stag Patrol won against the Buffalo Patrol and the. Cougars beat the Wolves. Both games were full of action with plenty of cheer- ing on the sidelines. Scoutmasters Alton Adams and Harvey Fisher and Troop Leader John Strong were in charge. The Cougars were duty patrol and handled the opening and closing ceremonies. Troop Leader Strong made the flag break. Patrol Leader John Bennett gave a lecture on axe and knife handling. 0=0-0 Pack B Cubs There Were 25 boys from Pack B at.• the regular..1n peting.10t when the .leadizrA' were Bill' Craw- ford, -Bob Rintoul, Barb Pickford and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Following the opening exercises, Mr. Arnold led in several games while the tests were being tried. In the Tenderpad tests Mike Holden pasSed promise and law, Working for First Star, Ricky Gardner passed plant; Ken Rae, exercises; Mark Fisher and. Bill Strong, safety rules. In the more advanced Second Star requirements Ross Caslick and Terry Deyell passed model and Gary Brenzil, first' aid. Bob Major earned his collector's proficiency badge. All the boys joined in a cock fight before insponton. The meet- ing closed with the Grand Howl and Cub prayer. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE ANNUAL BANQUET CLOSES SEASON ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS AND WINDOWS Wild, "Captain" Ernie • Walker, and Joe Sdhneider. ,The champs won a decisive victory by eliminating Ken. Cersows "Brown Jugs." —Photo by Connell. Heads Women Sports A meeting to form a sports' club for the women of Wingham anti district was held last Monday at the Sportsmen's Club. The following officers were elec.- tea: President, Mrs. Jack Hender- son; vice-president, Mrs. Don Biggs; secretary, Mrs. Ernie King; treasurer, Mrs. Harold Swatridge, It was decided to hold meetings once a month on the Tuesday fol- lowing the men's meeting. Member- ship fee will be $2.00 a year. At the next meeting members are ask- ed to bring a guest and the. roll call will be answered by suggesting a name for the club. The following men who were in attendance, donated $2.00 for a prize to be given to the one slug- gesting the best name, Ab Neth- cry, Frank Caskanette, Borden Jenkins, Harvey Carrick and Bill Nemplyn, Mrs, T. A. Currie Presents Prizes The final party of the marathon bridge games, sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham General Hospital, was held • in - the council chamber on Friday evening. These games are played afternoon and evening in the homes during the winter Months. All scores are kept, and, at the end prizes are awarded. For the afternoon the first prize went to Miss Irene Paton, with a -total of 22,250 and second to Mrs. W. VanWyck, who scored 19,800. For the evening play, Mrs. Harvey Fisher was top winner, with a count of .20,840, followed by Mrs. Ross Dundas with 17,560, Mrs. Gordon Gannett, captured the prize for the Friday evening game, and a lucky -draw went to Mrs. H, A. Armitage. Miss C. Isbister, convener of the marathon committee, welcomed the group of players and the prizes were presented by the treasurer, Mrs. T. A. Currie. The proceeds BEAVER LUMBER $ $ DEPARTMENT. ,$.$.$4 For Those -Customers Wbo Can Purchase In Quantity an Arrange For Delivery We Offer: These Low Cash Prices: SAVE WITH. 'CONFIDENCE ... ..... ........ --PLYWOODIEVIIIINfi $2,59 sheet $2.98 sheet $4.98 sheet SPECIAL OUTSIDE 6.11. PAINT $4,95 Gallon or 3 Gallons for $12.95 ALUMINUM DOORS SPECIAL PURCHASE ALL NO. 1 DOORS 1/2 Price—reg. $39.95 NOW $19.95 COME AND SEE THEm L L rny if you 'want to tako advantage of these ity 1411 low oilers Mit teqtdee delivery H cry will he made for an additional charge, Another season Of organized bowling was concluded Friday eve- ning when 36 members of the Wingham Commercial Five-pin bowling league held their annual banquet. The dinner, which was attended by about 50 people, was held in the Wingham Legion hall, and was the. sixth in the league's' history. Forty prizes were awarded during the evening, followed by a social time. The new executive for next year's season was brought in. as follows: Fr es., Harold Taylor; see., Maxine Taylor; treas., Maurice Stainten. 'rime immediate past president IS Carl Lott; past see., Dorothy Ca- meron and treasurers, Sank and Elaine Colvin, THOMAS JARDIN Box am, Wingham, Ont., Phone 10 [Hulce McFAUL - Box 693, Listowel, Ont.,. Phone 9711 EMERSON IVO. Box _6, Harriston, Ont,, Phone 334W AmmegaissogagaminseasiessX oyncitioart,10 o r CANA**. • sit i-eket. Bead Office: Winnipeg Offices in Principal Gila* In ve st o rs Here's a gasoline that meets the demands of tractor engines. Itprovides the best in quick starts, fast warm-up, power and economy. Use Esso Gaso- line and get the best value for your tractor fuel dollar. For diesel powered units, Eno Diesel Euel has been proven over and over again to give peak performance. We A. TIFFIN WINGHAM AiWAYS LOOK TO IMP511114111. FOR THE ilEiT