HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-03, Page 4k. NVIAl' Met Meenee-1 meH,, WOne*elaY. May 3* 1Sia SALES HELP WANTED, MALE ATTENTION Why not you? Earn a steady income. Be a, Rawleigh. Representative in Townships Turnberry, Wawanesh East and West, and Ashfield. Write Raw- leigiVe, Dept. E-453-MM, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. Sb MALE you, WANTED. DO YOU WANT a permanent career with a. steady year round income? If you'd like to get ahead, investigate the opportuni- ties offered by a Watkins deal- ership selling top quality nation- ally advertised products in near- by rural locality, No investment required. For information with- out obligation write Watkins Products, Inc., 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. 26-3b WANTED ROOMERS WANTED—Mrs. Har- old Congram, Victoria Street, phone 1079, 3-1.0b ORGAN WANTED, defects no ob- jection. Sipke Bakker, Box 251, Lower Wingham, 3* CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends And neighbors for cards, treats and visits during my Illness at home.- Mrs. Wm. R. Taylor, 30 Thank you my dear friends for the lovely birthday party held for me at the home of Mrs, Thomas Smith, also a special thanks to Winnie, Mina, Faye, Amy and Irene for nice gifts, My appreci- ation for a wonderful friendship,_.. Julia MeNall; Beigaseve. 310 My parents and I -would like to thank all those who sent me gifts and cards. -and- who visited me while in hospital, especially would I like to thank the nurses on third -floor, Drs. Corrin, Smith and Young, Rev, D. Sinclair -and Rev, J. ;Deemer who took time to visit me, and for the many prayers for my recovery's-Bobby Houston. I wish to thank my many friends who visited me in Palmerston and Victoria. Hospital in London, also for cards and letters which were deeply appreciated--Dave Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cook would BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY like to take this opportunity to REIVAII1111% CAREER thank their many friends and neighbors for the reception given in their honour. 3h MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service $1.00 per 100 lbs. Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 560 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses accord ing to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL (XILLECT.' Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICENSE No. 880.61, 54-R.P.-61. CURRIE AMBULANCE WINGH.A.M' Day 51; Night 636 or 716 FOR FIRST-CLASS Carpentry Work Masonry Home Renovations Phone 23r12 Brussels GERALD EXEL Mirrbjnel* LICENSE NO. 123.0 61. For your hest prices on dead- and disabled cattle and horses $5.00 each — 3c a lb. for good live mink horses. 24 HOUR SERVICE Call Collect 794J4, Walkerton FRITZ DEAD STOCK REMOVAL WALKERTON 1440 40, '4 --- FEED UP TO 35 HOGS 17 Cu. Ft. CHEST FREEZER . $239.00 EVERYTHING IN DURO PUMP, FOR YOUR WATER SUPPLY. Barb Wire = Woven Fence = Steel Posts COME IN AND LOOIC AROUND CHAMBERS HARDWARE PII oN WILDXETER trb liAVILLER, WINTON & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON J. E..Kennedy, B.A., C.A., .• Resident Mgr, • Telephones; Business 633; Residence 106 N. Fon sm-E 250 BALI of hay, cheap for quick sale. Phone Wroxeter 481R12. 3b MAIL BOX for sale. Excellent con- dition, $3.50. Phone 1086W, 3b CEDAR POETS and stakes for sale, Harold Finlay, Belmore. 3-10b WE SELL and apply asphalt tar for steel and flat roofs, backed with eight year guarantee by Southwestern Petroleum Comp- any, Phone 188, Blyth, Ben Fow- ler, 19-26-3-10* SENATOR DUNLOP Strawberry plants for sale, $2 per 100. Latham Raspberry canes, $4 per 100. Green onions. Phone 583, Jonw- sma Market Garden. 3b FOR THE BEST in fishing tackle, camping eqMprnent, imported .22 ammunition„ see Ernes Sport Shop in Bluevale. Open even- ings. 26:3b FOR SALE — Used 9x12 tourist tent with sew-in floor, stakes and poles, just like new. One rubber tired hand lawn mower, used only one season. Car radio to be used with 6 volt battery, Contact Earl 'Heywood, Wingham, phone 104J. 31) ELECTROLUX SALES AND SER- VICE—Authorized dealer, IL A. MeDermitt, Fondwieh, phone 59-31, Contact Mrs, L. McDoug- all, phone 553W, Wingham, for service. Arrange Tor free demon- stration. 29rrb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuhrn cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K, Peck, Varna. telephone .Hensall 690R2. lerrb SINGF,R. SALES & SERVICE—Re- pairs to all makes of sewing machines, vscuums and floor polishers. Used machines for sale. Phone 665, • Wingham, George Henderson, 15rrb GWEN SOUND Typewriter Co„ Authorized dealer for Olympia typewriters. Complete service on all makes of typewriters, adding machines and cash registers, For prompt and efficient service phone FR. 6-4841. 13rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • HOUSE AND LOT for sale, corner Patrick and Leopold Ste, Phone 555W. HOUSE FOR SALE — One-storey stucco house on Patrick St. Mo- dern conveniences, oil heating, garage. Phone 430W. 3* TAXI and USED FURNITURE business for sale. Combined busi- ness can he sold as separate en- terprises, Charlie Lee, phone 185. 15r rb REAL ,ESIFATE FOR SALE 1.1/2 Atofey, 3 bedroom house in. Whiteehurch, in good repair, water on pressure, hot water tank, 3-pce. bath, Full price 13,500.00. Modern income property in Wing- ham, two apartments, self contain- ed, well situated, each newly dec- ora,ted, with oil•furnaces. Full price $12,000.00. 96 acre farm, 2 miles from Win'gham, le mile off highway, 4 bedroom brick house, large barn with cement stabling, water on pressure and ,hydro throughout, land clay loam, spring creek run-, nirig through corner of farm, Full price $10,000.00. Contact: WILLIMI S. REED Real Estate Broker Phone 292M Wingbam 3b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 5 GRAS'S STEERS for sale, Phone 11R8' Brussels, Mel Craig, R. R. 4, Wingham, 3b ROAN COW, 6 years old, for sale, due May 1st. Wm. R. Taylor, R. R. 1, Wroxeter. 3* YOUNG HERD of good dairy cows for sale. Ayrshires and. Holsteins. Some with papers. All blood test- ed. Also McKee harvester and wagon with pipes and unloader. 3. Wooleoek, R. R, Wing- ham. CARS FOR SALE 1951 STUDEBAKER sedan for sale. Best cash Offer 'accepted. Phone Tee. ah '62 PONTIAC .hardtop far sale, In goad meeharderd eonditioii. Rees- oriably priced, Phohe 1117W after live, 3b POULTIIN FOR SALE DAY-OLO and Started Chiekens for tale. SPeolttl prices for May •Stint. Ilhone Auburn ,62614, LEE'S TAXI SERVICE and Hunt- ing and. Fishing License issuer. Phone 485. 3rrb HOUSE FOR RENT on Carling Terrace. Phone eekS or 207. 3b GRASS FARM for rent. . Phone 632W2, in evenings, 340* GRASS FARM FOR RENT, Apply Box, 25, Advance-Times. ale 300 ACRES of GRASS for rent. Lots of water and shade. Sandy Nixon, R.R. 2, Auburn, 263' 100-ACRE GRASS FARM for rent, near No, 4 Highway. Good water supply and fences. Phone Tees- water 392-6560, Mrs. Wm, Schie- ste1. 3b FARM LAND for rent, on High- way 86, three miles west of Wingham. Approx. tie- acres to cultivate, 75 acres pasture. Con- tact Morris Taylor, phone Wing- ham 640W1, 26:3b SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE, RENT OR WANTED REDDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and erected. Free literature. Easy terms, See our samples, Genoc Lumber, Orange- ville, Ontario Phone 990, M3-Ati3Ob FEMALE HELP WANTED CAPABLE GIRL wanted for bake shop. Apply Maclntyre's Bakery, 3b A RELIABLE lady or girl wanted to baby sit from- 7 to 5, Monday to Friday. Apply Box 41, Ad- vance-Times. 3b WANTED -- Lady companion in modern country home, board free. Box 40, Advance-Times, 3b HOUSEKEEPER desired to love and take care of three children, ages four, six and seven, in motherless home. If interested write M. Dronicic, in care of CPR, Walton. DEADSTOCK WANTED DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Aet--We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing- ham ;178, Palmerston 123W or MOhawic 9-5564, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. License 100-C 61. rrb DEAD STOCK WANTED FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $7.00 each MINK HORSES, 4c lb. A. LORENZ DURHAM Call long distance DURHAM 493 collect Fl5rrb ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service pays $1.00 per hundred weight for dead or disabled horses and cattle. Cali Long Distance Atwood Zenith 3-4900 tat no cost to you) Day or Night SEVEN DAY SERVICE License No. 103C61. DIED HOLTOM, 'MRS. BERT — 49, of Mint() Township, Thursday in Palmerston General Hospital. Teacher at S.S. 7, Minto, former Wilma. Cross. Survivors: Hus- band; daughter, Miss. Elizabeth Holtom, Goderich; mother, Mrs. William Cross, Harriston; broth- er, Allan, Harriston; sister, Miss Luella Cross, Minto. Service 2 p.m. Sunday, Hardy funeral home, Harriston. Mrs. A. Lunn, of Wingham is a sister,in-law. lar:PLoYmENT WANTED FULL or BART.' TIME, by high school graduate, age 10. Exper- ienced, reliable, Christian. Clerk, dining room, etc., frde tb go to lake if desired. From July 1 to mid-August, Apply Box 36, Ad- vance-Times. TENDERS. WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY TENDERS FOR TRUCK Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 1 p.m..Sattirclay, May 0th, 1961 for 1 Half Ton Truck GVW approximately 5,000 lbs. Standard Transmission 6 Cylinder Motor Snow Tires on Rear Spare Tire Heavy Duty Springs Signal Lights and Heater Colour -- Blue Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. John V, Fischer, ' Cleric, Township of Turnberry, 26-3k BI:nevale, Ontario DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS . SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Department of Public Works, Room B-322, -Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, and endorsed "TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL, CORE, FUEL OIL AND PRO- PANE GAS FOR THE FEDERAL BUILDINGS THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO , 1961- 1962" will be received until 3.00 p.m. (EDST) THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1961. Specifications and forms of tend- er can be obtained. at the office of the Chief of 1'ureh4siiig and Stores, Room C-459, Sir Charles. Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Out; District Manager, 225 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont.; District Mana- ger, Dominion Public Building, London, Ont.; District Manager, Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont. Tenders must be made on -the. printed forms supplied by the De- partment and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein, The successful contractor may be .requested to provide security, be- fore the award of the contract, in an amount and form acceptable to AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of household effects will be held at Miss E. J. McCurdy's home on Frances Street on Saturday, May 6th, at 2 o'clock. Terms—Cash. L, G, Bryce, Auct. 3'0 AUCTION SALE Clearing auction sale of farm stock and machinery at lot 16, con, 6, Morris Township, 35ii miles west of Brussels on -Wednesday, May 10, at 1 p.m. Cattle-5 Angus, cows, fresh, and re-bred; 5 Hereford cows, fresh and re-bred; 2 Holstein heifers, bred; 1 Angus heifer; 1 Ayrshire heifer with -calf at foot; 18 young cattle, .Angus -and Here- ford cross. Pigs"--4 young sows, bred 1 month; - rIsN'oric Landrace *age Poultry-276Anying hens, Oats 1:•%:300 bus. Garry s . Machinery-- Oliver tractor 60; McCormick hay loader; McCormick manure spread- er; McCormick 4-bar side rake; Deering binder; Oliver .2-furrow rubberstired wagon:. steel wheel barrow; . 2-Aection Interna- tional spring tooth harrow; Dodge 1/2.-ton truck, good motor; other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. Gordon H. Wilkin- son, Prop.; Harold Jackson, Auct,; Geo. Powell, Clerk. - DOS S( OTT At Victoria Hospital, London, on Thursday, April 13,, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Spence Scott, Wingham, a son, William Brian, FISCHER- --At the Wiegerana Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, April 26, 1961, to Mr. and gm Thomas Fischer, Teeswater, -a daughter. MEURS At the Winghein General Hospital, on Sunday, April 00, 1961., to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nears,. Wingham, -a son. THaRNToN, -At the Wingham •General Hospital,,ori :Sund ay, Ap- ril 30, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. John. Thornton, 11,R. 2, GarriC, daughter, CURRIE--At the Wingham Gener- al. Hospital, -on Tuesday, May 2, 1961, to Mr, and, Mrs. James- A.. Currie, Wingham, a- son. ACCIDENT VICTIM FUNERAL FRIDAY FOR J. A. FOXTON A tragic accident occurred. near Ripley last Tuesday afternoon when John Alfred- Foxton of Wing- ham, 31, was electrocuted by -ar live wire while working on a hydro pole. He was an employee of On- tario Hydro and had been with the company for the past 11 years, The accident happened about 1.55. Fellow workmen took him down from the pole and Dr. J. B. Tindall of Ripley and Hydro em- ployees used- -a resusitator .for more than two hours- before Dr. M. R. Helliwell, Kincardine coroner, pro- nounced him dead. Mr. Foxton "was born in Wing- ham, a -son of Milford and Mar- garet Foxton, He attended SS. No. 11, Turnberry and Wingham High School and had worked for Ontario Hydro since he 1 e P t school. On December 30th, 1949, -he was married to Constance Mae Fry- fogle. in Wingham. He was a member of St, Andrew's Presby- terian Church and the Independent Order of Foresters. -He is survived by his wife and seven children, Debbie, 10; Randy, 9; Candice, 8; Laurie, 6; Shane, 5; Lynn, 3 and Susan, one. A son, John Kevin, died at birth. Also surviving are his parents, a sister, Mrs. Winona Hoyle, of Rich- mond. Hill and a brother, Glenn, of Wingham. Funeral service was held on Fri- day afternoon f rom the S. J, Walk- er funeral home with, interment in. Wingham Cemetery. Rev. Thom-as McKinney of Teeswater, Rev. T, G. Husser and Rev. George Mal- colm were the officiating clergy- men. The pallbearers were Glenn Jar- dine, Jerry Lavergne, Ross Dun- dee, Angus Mowbray, Donald Hop- per and -Bruce Ferguson. If you have WINDOW PROBLEMS* we .have the answers DRAPES DRAPERY TRACK • . WINDOW SHADES From $1.49 VENETIAN BLINDS From $3.99 For a Complete Window Service Visit WALKER HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 106 — Wingharn emolilismommumeniernansionssit Cee. Walpole Folding FLOOR Aluminum Aluminum WALL SASH AWNINGS TILES DOORS LUMBER — BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL ALKER PHONE 106 DAY -BUTLER, DOOLEY and CLARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in. Bankraptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 West Street ;IA. 4-8353 GODERICH, ONTARIO A. II. McTAV1SH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR , and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Tel, 392-7373, Teeswater Wroxeter—Every, Wednesds.,y aftermath 2-4 p.m, at -by appointment. •111.1.4111 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs, Viola H. &nth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario AVAILABLE TO A LOCAL INDI- VIDUAL THAT WOULD LUKE TO, APPLY HIMSELF IN THE FIELD OF Aura) SALES. Previous experience is not a prime requisite. However, applicant should bs sales-minded anti have the -earnest desire to become associ- ated with the most progressive auto dealer -and soundest product in Western Ontario, N'tte — If your ambitions do not dictate an .income up to $10,000 per year you would not be the man we require. Telephone toe appointment only to: JACK J. PEARSON PEARSON MOTORS LTD. Phone 78 - Zurich MISCELLANEOUS GARDENS PLOWED or cultivated. See Ted - Holloway, phone 289J. 8-10* WANT your gardens worked up -with -a tiller, call 749R, Thomas Wharton. 3b GARDENS tilled. Earl Jenkins, phone 694W. 26310h ANYONE wishing gardens tilled, contact Bruce Anger, phone 992R. 26;3:10b TV ANTENNA and installation. Year round service, Phone Doug Harker, 392-6140, Teeswater, Ont. 22rrb TELEVISION REPAIRS — All makes and models. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Phone Bill Clark, Wingharn, 370W. 29-5-12-19-26* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used, All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R, 2, Brussels, Phone 442W6, Brussels. M8rrOc4* ARE YOU going to miss out again on the pictures you've always wanted to take this spring? just because you have no ,decent camera? Well don't. Drop into the Msyk Studio's Camera Shop and let them'show you anything from a simple Brownie to the com- pletely automatic 35mm, 8b TAXI SERVICE SERVICE 7-lagOirThr SEED- for' sale, Phone 303W4, Brussels-. FOR, RENm I would like to thank the many friends who remembered me with cards, letters and flowers and visited me while a patient in Wing- ham General Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. — Mrs. Spence Scott, as IN MEMORIAM BROOME—In memory of William Broome, who passed away May 9, 1956. Deep in .my heart you are sadly missed, But I smile with the world as you would have wished. Your death was a blow that noth- ing could heal But I have treasured memories that no one can steal, —Fondly remembered and sadly missed by wife, and family,. • 3* MacLEOD—In leVing: Menace's' of Peter M. MacLeod, who 'ptiesed away April 22, 1959. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by wife and family. 11111111111111111110111111111111111111111011111111111111B0 TRADE IN NOW EASY TERMS at .6.1 CURRIES FURNITURE (We will impraine your Suite today) TIME FLOORS rtmascrrtntu R. A. CURRIE SONS1,, The family of the late Mrs. Ivan Haugh wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown to Ruth while she was e patient in ;Victoria Hospital, London. Also pile she was at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Wm. A. Tiffin, Wingham, and at the Wingham General Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. B. N, Corrin, Dr. S. G. Smith, Dr. D. R. Young and the nurses on third floor. This thank you would not be complete without special men- tion of Rev. T, J. McKinney, Rev. John Hutton, R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tiffin, and Mrs. Omar Stokes. the Department., Also to Mr. and Mrs. West Haugh, The lowest or any tender not David and Fraser Haugh, and Mr. necessarily accepted. and Mrs. William Thompson, To all ROBERT FORTIER, those who sent floral tributes, cards Chief of Administrative Servicesand Secretary. 3b of sympathy, and who visited- us at the time of our recent bereavement, we extend our thanks. Also to those who have been sending baking to use and the ladies who helped Mrs. Tiffin at the house. as • TRUCK LETTERING COMMERCIAL SIGNS COX SIGNS A pompom; SIGN SERVICE .518, WALKERTON Rotary. Hog Feeders SPECIAL AT $35.00". Business Opportunity THE MUTUAL LIM ASSURANCE CO, HAS AN OPENING FORA REPRESENTATIVE IN WINGITAM AND 015- TRACT, DUE TO THE RE F M CENT REMOVAL Oil' n The candidate must be able to pass qualifying tests and be be- tween gs and 49 Years of age; married preferred and own iris own ea?, Group insurance and. pension benefits available with Vontraet. Steady Income while becoming estaitliOted. All replies will, be kept comfideutial, WHITE DIRECT TO: BRANCH OFFICE, STRATFORD, ON'It C. W. LEACH, Branch Manager, SMALL HOLDINGS On Highway 86, 4 Acres, Excellent house, Opportunity far retired couple, Could be, divided into 6 large lots, $5,500.00 down, balance on mortgage, 100 Acres, 25 workable, :Brick ihouse with new oil furnace and kitchen cupboards. 3 miles from Wingham. Real buy $8,000.06. 50 Aeret Stiwen house with, furnace, pressure system, cupboards, Good barn, small acreage workable. TERMS AVAILABLE. DUDL8Y E. HOLMES INSURANCE 84 REAL ESTATE LISTOWEL — PHONE 470 • 'SALESMAN W, N. CAMPBELL 3-10b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Major Oil Co. interested- in establishing a Farm Agent to distribute petroleum products, to Farm Trade and Heating Oil Customers in the Wing-, ham and Teeswater area -reasonable initial investment required —financial assistance to responsible applicants —good commission rates and popular -franchise —will develop into a strong, secure business of your own INTERESTED PARTIES PLEASE PHONE W. WYLIE, SEAFORTH 567 15rrb FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS 189 NIGHT ..•••••••••••••••••••••••••11.1*•11111.110114 CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 4i -J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C,' R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Etc. Offiee—Meyer Block, Wingham WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company ESL 1840 An all Canadian Company whit* has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century, Head Office — Toronto H. O. MacLean Insurance Agency Whigham lk .44,1.144341.:.