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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-05-03, Page 3
ERNIE MERKLEY HEATING OILS GASOLINE MOTOR OILS -GREASES PH.1193 WINGHAM ----- OUR. I t 4 WHETHER YOU LOOK $ORIWEASHOUTR OR WEST YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND OUR RIE1,011- '611i 511/4 BEST FOR... HEATING HOMES! TORO Why rake? 1.110 W141rhalg. 4041-Tgle*7i'ir4Vir WO ;141.40$ MY 3, isol R:00 009 High School Exam Results PHONE 859 SPRING SPECIALS AT BILL'S PERMANENTS $5,00, $7.00, $8.00 SET $1„00 VICTORIA ST., WEST 26-3.10' Get Acquainted Offer CORNING WARE QT. SAUCEPAN AND COVER Regular $4.95 SPIECIAL $3.88 $1,07 STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY ANY PIECE 9qc LIMITED QUANTITY 4411.1 HAFERMEHI 44 .40 4 EWELLERY PHONE a 5C1 VViNOHAM. ONTARIO .' otimoem,,......0114.0. Gerard; Wormworth, Ted; Penner, Richard; Pocaltlyko, Bert; MelOow. ell, John; Logan, James. Not ranked: Dtibsen, Thelma; Donaldson, Bruce. GRADE XII ,SPECIAL COMMERCIAL First class honors: Walsh, Mar- lene, 85.2; Jackson, Dianne, 82.7; Greig, Carol, $1; Gerrie, Gwenyth, 79.2; Johnston, Marie, 70; Elliott, Phyllis, 75.4. Second class honors: 'Fowler, Nancy, 73,7; Warwick, Jtme, 71:8; Rattan, Marian, 6e.7; Nenhoeffer, Marlene, 69.6; Bryana, Patricia, 66.2. Third class nanore: Bolt, Lorne. 65.6; Wheeler, Audrey, 63.9; °Mal. ley, Geraldine, 63,4; Armstrong, Loreena, 60.8. Pass: Fischer, Mary, 59,1; Ford, Joyce, 58.4; Benninger, Audrey, 58,2; Ireland, Sandra, 51. GRADE XIII -Firet• class honors: Porter, Pa- mella, 79.1; Cowing, Thelma, 75, Second class 'honors: Stuckey. Lawrence, 70.3; Henderson, Ruth, 07.9, Third class honors: Hughes Brenda, 65.8; Smith, Lyle, 63.3; Cronin, Mary J„ 62; Melvin, Lynn, 61.3; Millen, Donna, 60.4. Pass: Tolton, Sheila, 58,4; Woods, Keith, 57.9; Douglas, Anne, 57.4; McBurney, Grant, 56; Wightman, Margaret, 53; McDonald, Karen, 52; Bennett, Paul, 51.5; Woods, Elizabeth, 51; 'McTavish, Alan, 50.4. Below the line: Smith, Donald; Murray, Donald; Miller, Linda; Reid, Robin; Zinn, Elizabeth; Hub- bard, Sharon; McDonald, Betty Jean; Wilkinson, Thomas; Kirton, Elaine; Burrell, Elizabeth; Thomp- son, Jean; MoKibbon, Walton; Statia, Paul; Angus, Robert; Dal- limore, William; Carmichael, Pet- er; Jardin, Lyman; Grainger, Ruth; Gaunt, John, Vivian, John; Budnark, Kenneth, 11111111111111111111111111.1311110111111111111111111111111 Carol, 59.2; thief, Anne, 55.9; Gaunt Harley, 54.4; Dennis, Carl, 53,9; RenWielt, Connie, 538; Beattie, Ka, ren, 53.5; FA; Grace, 53.3; Plant, Robinson,Gleiln' 53,3; Scott, 52,6 ; Craig, Alexander, 01.5; Jacques, Nancy, 60 Riley, Sharon, 50. !Below the line: Reid, Muriel, Sic, ling, Elaine, Poston ' Dianne, Mar- rigor', Joyce, Kieffer, Rodger, Thacker, Barbara, Merkley, Fran. cis, Gaunt, Donald, GRADE 14II First class honors: Coulter, Mur- ray, 85.8; Krug, Barbara, 82.3; Cruikshank, Julia, 82; Conn, Geo„ 81.1; Elliott, Karen, 81.1; Rowe, Sandra, 81; Bennett, John, 79 8; Troupe, Doris, 79.6; VanDonkers- goed, Elbert, 19.0; Wightman, Anne 79.6; Callan, Dennis, 79.3; Merrick, Beth, 79; Strong, John, 78.6; Tif- fin, Hilda, 78; Cardiff, Anne, 77.3; Lapp, Betty Anne, 77.3; Martin, Gwendolyn°, 7e.4; Stephens, Eve- lyn, 76.1; Strong, Alex, 75.6. Second clams. honors: Gurney, 73.9; Reid, Jane, 73,1; Smith, Rae, 73,1; Moore, Muriel, 73; King, Mary, 72.9; Spry, Douglas, 72.8; MacLen- nan, Sandra, 72,4; Rickert, Ron- ald, 723; McLennan, Murray, 72; Halliday,- John, 71.4; Connelly, Yvonne, 71; Jeffrey, William, 69,2; Fortune, Douglas, 68.3; Louttit, Carol, 68.3; °Malley, Helen, 68; Crawford, Carol, 67; Madill, John, 66,6; Ritchie, Marilynn, 66,6; Grif- fith, Deanna, 66.3; Peterson, Eric, 66.3. Spring Specials OF LLOYD AND GENDRON STROLLERS and CARRIAGES Ave See This - Compact: for. Small Cara .ANNUAL MEETING:: Huron Co. Tuberculosis Associatioit: North St. United Church, GODERICH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, AT 6.45 P.M.' VAUGHAN DOUGLAS, Farm Editor, CKNX Guest Speaker DINNER TICKETS - $1.00 EACH „ Whitehead, Nora, 08;51 'Strong,' Fraser,. 584; Alrara, Margaret, 484 de Yong, Hennie, 57.7; Elsner, Mnre ray, 57.0; Searson, Jgek,,07,5a tay kw, William, 57.2; Black, Lila, 117,1: Jacklin, Patricia, 504; Oaclke, 'Pat- 04.8; Moore,' Doris, 56.4; Campbell, Ralph, 56.2; .Parkinson, Lynne,. 56.2; 'X'00, Faye, 05,8; W.P.P., cnherg, Merle, 55.7; Sanderson, Brian, 55.5; Douglas, Brian, 55.5; Redman, Joan, 55,4; ftee.s, Ws, 554.1 Leggy, Barry, 55,1; Bridge, quincy, 54,9; Carneren, 'Brian, 54.9; Irwin, Richard, 54.0; Weill, Wayne, 54.8; Weishar, ..Mary Lou, 54.8; Lapp, Mary Joan, 54.7; Johnston, Keith, 54.4; Heiinpel, Joyce,, 53.8; Thomson, Jill, 53,3; Seldestel, dith, 52,8; Tiffin, 1Beyle„ 52.6; 10- them Robert, 52.5; Johnston,' Linda 534; Gibb, Carl, 52; MacDonald, Sandra, 52; Tenpas, Diane, 513; Bannerman, John, 61.4;. Harkness, Douglas, 50.9; Finch, Margaret, 50,6; McGlynn,. Ruth Anne, 50,2; Hetherington, William, 50.'' • • Below the line: /laird, Shirley, poubledee, Irene, Wiltink, ,George; 'Hutcheson, Elizabeth; Zinn, Larry; Henhoeffer, Ronald; Pexton, Jo- Ann; Wilson, Gale; Green, Elaine; Bates, Bruce; English, James; Lott, Freda; McMillan, Eugene; Cronin, Patrick; Broome-, Keith; Coulter, Reginald; MeDotigall, Terry; Southern, Mary Ann, Garniss, Mur- ray, Vollmer, Eileen,.Sleinn, Eug- ene, Mulvey, Keith, Duncan, David, Smith, Marlene; Robinson, Clay- ton; Fear, Bruce; Wharton, Den- is; Nicholson, Joseph; , Hopper, John; Dosrnan, Kenneth.;. Rotten, Donald; Brewer, Fred; Culliton, John; Hutton, Paul;- Morland, Dale; Davidson, 'Douglas; Stewart, Clifford; 'Metcalfe, Anna Mae; f'aleman, Robert; McPherson, .Ju- dith, Rich, George;. Lowe, Barry; Donaldson, John; Warwick, Thom- as; Rodman, Gweridolyne. Not ranked: Ross,' 'James (ab- sent). ' GRADE X From BUY NOW AND SAVE! Strollers Fr om $9.25 • Are you making the best possible use of your bank? It's amazing the number of people across Canada who are) unaware of the variety of helpful services their banks have to offer. These services range from loan plans to money orders to travellers' cheques and so on. All of these services are avaiLl j able to you at every bank across Canada. So why should you choose Toronto-Dominion? Because we offer you all of these handy services, PLUS.: helpful, interested people who enjoy providing them for you. • • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111121111111111 Third class honors: Currie, Bar- ry, 65,4; 'Hardie, Neal, 65,4; Merk- ley, Lucille, 65,1; Shackleton, Mary E., 64.7; Skim Glenn, 64.3; Smith, Nancy, 64.3; McTavish, Donald, 64,1; Thomas, Gerald, 64.1; Fergu- son, Lynn, 63.9; Purpur, Ingrid, 63.1; McDonald, Allan, 93; Greena- way, Karen, 62;9; Cook, Nadine, 62.1; Mitchell, Angela, 62.1; Jardin, Paul, 62; Noble, Dorothy, 61,9; Jones, Jean, 60.7; Deitner, Karen, 60.1; McRae, Alan, 90.1; Yuill, James, 60.1; Jefferson, Donald, 60. Pass: Chamney, Sandra, 59,9; Davis, Robert, 59.6; McDowell, Don- ald, 59.4; Harrison, Kenneth, 59.3; Beecroft, Janet, 58; Harman, Joyce 57.8; Nesbit, Mary, 57.4; Armstrong, Joyce, 57; McDonald, Elizabeth, 56.8; Davidson, Jack, 56.7; Henry, Wayne, 56.7; MoBurney, William, 56.4; Morland, Donald, 56.4; Bate- man, Donald, 56.3; Grant, Phyllis, 55.7; Machan, Bruce, 55.4; McKee- sie, John, 55; Hamilton, Douglas, 54.6; Snell, Marvin, 54.3; Temple- man, Gary, .54; Currie, Anne, 53.4; Moffat, Duncan, 53.3; Hyndman, Gwen, 53.1; .Tunney, Mauna Lynne, 52,7; deYong, Trudy, 52,4; Byer, Ethel, 52.3; McGee, Helen, 52,3; Tit fin, Joan, 52; Haskins, Gwelda, 51.9 McKinnon, Joseph, 51.8; Mbrrey, Margaret, 51.7; Heywood, Patricia, 51.1; Clark, Dawn Lue, 50.7; Kir- ton, Gale, 50.3; Searson, Robert, 50.1; Smith, Donna, 50. Below the line: Hollinger, Helen; Conley, Carolyn; Kieffer, Georgina; Riley, Sandra; Harris, Leone; Clark, Ann; Hallahan, Lenore; Whitfield, Donald; Donaldson, Gayle; Lee, Donald; Davidson, Brent; Hanna, Jean; Sewers, Bry- an; Wright, June; Ireland, Robert; Campbell John D.; Tiffin, Barry; rd; P McArthur, ulin, Mar- ngaTerildroitmthaeyrsJoyce; Siisan; Renwick, Judith; Hotch- kiss, Helen; McLean, Murray; Skinn, George; Gibbons, Winston; Church, Gordon. , Absent: Exel, Ada, GRADE XII First class honors: Hamilton. Mary, 89.6; Hetheringtcui, Jane. 82.1; Coultas, Douglas, 81.1; Gal- braith, Paul, 79.7; Hodgins, Ruth, 79.6; Simmons, Lois, 77.4; Mae- aDno;n 7a5ld9,.Bruce, 77.3; Schaeffer, Bri- SeCond class 'honors; O'Malley, Michael, 74.9; Goy, Eleanore, 716; Sellers, Susan, 73.6; Johnston, Shir- ley, 73; Vivian, Roy, 72,8; Normin ton, Patricia, 72.7; Adams, Byron. 72.3; deYong, John, 71.1; Nesmith, Sue, 70.1; Turnbull, Neil, 69,9; VW- ler, 13 arry, 69,4; Blair, Betty, 68.7; MacDonald, Gloria, 67,6; King, Barbara, 67.3, Third class honors: Husser, Pa- mella, 64.4; Wightman, John, 63.7; Dunlop, Greer, 63.6; Rieman, Ro- ger, 62.6; Craig, Kathleen, 62.3; Schnurr, Jerald, 62; Rintoul, James, 61.7; MacFarlane, Joan, 61.6; Jef- ferson, Mary, 61.1; Button, Russell, 60.6; Stuckey, Lynne, 60.3. Pass: Nicholson, Ronald, 59; Black, Wallace, 59; Mair, Jame% 58,4; Haugh, Alberta, 57.7; Roane JoAnne, 57.5; Millen, Thomas, 57.11 Anderson, Karen, 36.3; Grant, Kenneth, 56.3; Ireland, Brian, 55,9: Merldey, John, 54,4; NieZen, Nel- lie, 54.4; Kerr, Murray, 53,4; Oham- hey, Marilyn, 52.9; Campbell, Alan, 52.7; Shackleton, Robert, 52,3; Jef- frey,. Sally, 52.1; Demerling, Wil- liam, 51,4; Clark, Linda, 50,5. - Below- the line: • Walker, Ray- mond; Etettinget,. Al; Lockridge, Douglas ; Chettleburgh Kenneth; Walden, Garth; Proctor, Donald; Wild, Nunes; Taylor, Ruth Ann; Cerineford, William; Mahood, Don- ald; WicKinnty, Mervyn; Kieffer, Marjorie; Robinson, Cameron; Mc- Our accountants are the MOST HELPFUL Mow it clean with a TORO! $99.95 19" Whirlwirld $10.00 down. you'll find This is Clayton Cassehrtan, at nut. Bank & Glen Street branch in Ottawa. Clayton is shown here helping one of our Toronto-Dominion customers to brin# order out of chaos. He's suggesting a "T-D" Personal Chequ- ing Account, the sure-fire way to keep records up-to-date , and accurate. Through a Personal Chequing Account, Clayton's cus- tomer can meet all of his obligations by cheque. He'll receive an itemized statement arid his cancelled cheques every sixty days, just like clockwork. Clayton's thorough knowledge of bank services and his sincere interest in his customers' problems is a happy com., bination. it's helped a good many people to a more solvent and worry-free way of lift. Clayton Casselman is typical of hundreds of interested hien and women in TorOnto4)ontinion branches across the country) who take a sincere interest ht you and your prob. leis. Make it a point to meet some of them soon -Etna sal for yourself how much ,11 MONS MAKE flit DIPFIllaNa '21Z First class honors' : Reynolds, Su- sanne, 92.1; Caslick, Wayne, 91.7; Hoclgins, Kathleen, n1.6 Moore, Pcl- win, 88; King, Patrick, iI.T:6; Mar- tin, Wayne, 87.6; Worn-Miter", Clau- die, 87.6; Dallimore, Betty J., 86.6; McKibbon, Judith, 86.3; Mundell, Hugh, 85.1; Bennett, Susan, 85; Henderson, Gail, 83; Thornton, Julia, 82.8; Hamilton, Alex, 82.7; Moffat, Elaine, 82.6; Hamilton, Virginia, 81.9; Powell, Thomas, 81; McKinney, Adeline, 80.9; Coultes, Linda, 78.7; Scott, Richard, 77.9; Noble, Marie, 77.6; Conron, Brenda 77,4; Campbell, John, 77; Anderson, Helen, 76.2; Coultes, Marie, 75.7; htacTavish, 'Kenneth, 75.6. Second class honors: Mekague, Ruth, 74.9; Simpson, Larry, 74,8; Ste, Marie, Thelma, 73.7; Teinple. man, Linda, 73.6; Adams, Philip, 73,1; 'Procter, Douglas, '72.6; Har- ris, Glenn, 71.6; Strong;: Paul, 71.4 Moffat, Donna, 71.1; Paulin, Dor- is, 71.1; McPherson, Grant, 70.9; Welsh, Bonnie, 70.7; Robertson, Carol, 70.2; Sanderson, Elaine, 69.6; Farrier, Wayne, 88.8; Rbss, Pat- ricia, 68.4; Boss, Sheila, 67.7; Dey- ell, Dianne, 67.1; McIntyre, Wil- liam, 67; Campbell, Marilyn, 66.8; Buckle, Robert, 66.7; Goldthorpe, Elizabeth, 66.2; Edwards, Sharon, 66. Third class honors ;Miebie, Ruth, H 65.9; otchkias, Ruth,' 65.8; Wels- her, Ed, 65.8;- Millen, Rosemary, 65.1; Adams, Jas., 64,4; Robinson, Carol 63.9; Hube, Harvey 63,4; Craig, Mary 63.2; Finnigan, Lynn, 63.1; Hetherington, Robt., 63; Shaw Edith, 62.7; Wilkinson, Sharon, 62.6; Adams, Elizabeth, 61,8; Wylie, Marlene, 61.8; Thomson, Dale, 61.1; deGroot, Wilhelmina, 61; Gathers, Brenda, 60.7; Strong, Joanne, 60.7; Vanderhoek, Harry, 60.7; Hender- son, Janette, 60.6; Pleteh, Wayne, 60.4; Elliott, Nancy, 60; Howe, Bet- ty Jo Anne, 50.7; Kilpatrick, Kar- en, 59.1;-Hand, Edward, 58.8; Con- gram, Charles, 58.4; Merkley, Sha- ron, 58.3; O'Malley, Margaret, 58.1; Robinson, Russell, 58; Clark, Stan- ley, 57.6; Greig, Melville, 57.3; Hal- lahan, Rosemarie, 57.3; Edgar, Da- vey, 56.7; Thompson, Barry, 56.7; Myers, Mac, 56.6; Hall, Barbara, 56.1; Mulvey, Peter, 56.4; Ritchie, Donald, 56.4; Chapman, Barbara, 56,1; 'Parker, Bruce, 56; Bailee", Bonnie, 55.9; Smyth, W., 55.8; Gar- piss, Murray, 55.2; Rintoul, G., 55.2; Edgar, Donald, 55.1; Allen, Trudy, 54.8; Chapman, Garry, 54.7; O'Mal- ley, Richard, 34.7rPeaeock, 54.2; Martin, Marlene, 54.1; Pletch, Max, 54.1; Kreuter, David, 54; Mof- fat, Marjorie, 53.6; Hutchison, Craig, 533; Jacklin, •Marlene, 53.3; Ballagh, Shirley, 83,1; Law, Peter, 53.1; Keil, Carol, 52,8; Meurs, Ben- ny, 52,8; Willie, Allister; 52; Os- trom, Robert, 511 7; Howard, Ste- phen, 51.6; Cameron, Jack, 51.3; Button, Frank, 51; Davidson, Joyce, 51. Below the line; Higgins, Robert; Harkness, Jack; Sehoema,n, George Hallahan, ;Tames; Stokes, Elizabeth Black, Kenneth; Cleghorrt, Ron- ald; Morrison, jellies; Watson, George; King, Barry; Cardiff, Vic. tor; Pease, Elgie.; Robinson, Garry; Downie, Robert; Sineleit, Lois; Smith, Julian; McDonald, James; Carternii,- 13arbera; Stepl e to In Lloyd.Cuteheert David; Howard, Ron- comply,I. First class honors: MacLennan, Brenda, '80:1; Kerr, George, 88.3; Robinson, James, 88,1; Cameron, Sandra, 87,8; Procter, Joyce, 87,2; Schaeffer, Mary Ann, 87.1; Casa- grande, Ruth, 86.9; Haugh, Mary, 81.7; Denean, James, Dinsmore, Gail (equal> 84.4; Procter, Murray, 84.3; Stadelmann, Louis, 84.1; Sinith Floyd, 83.5; Coultes, Wayne, 83.3; Woods, Lorne, 82.0; Bone, Keith, 82.6; Ireland, Myrna, 82; Rintoul, Donald, $0.8; BlaMaYer, StanleY, 80.7; Taylor, Donald, 80.7; Cara- minge, Sandra, 80,3; Diemen., Doug.. las, 79.6; Smith, Doreen, 79.3; Campbell, B., 79.2; Mitchell, Wm., 79.2; Wall, William, 78,9; 'Arm- strong, Helen, 78.8; 'Green, Marian, 78.6; Press, Russell, 78.3; Taylor, James, 78.3; MeTaggart, Douglas, 77.9; Phillips, Mary, 77,7; Douglas, Wayne, 77.6; Reid, Katherine, 77.6; Bacon, Jean, 77.3; Machan, Glenn, 77.2; Kerr, Esther, 76.8; Millen, Shirley, 76,6; Campbell, Douglas, 76.5; Armstrong, Edna Mae, 76,2; Meyer, Elaine, 76.2; Greig, 75,4; Thompson, Mary Helen, 75,4; Jamieson, Mary Lou, 75,1; Proc- ter, E'aye, 75.1; Cruikshank, Jane, 75. Second class honors - Sanders, Leo, 74.4; Coultes, Ruth, 74.1; El- liott, Sharon, 74,1; Mathers, Grace, 73.3; Sleightholm, Elgin, 72.9; Nie- zen, Bert, 72,8; Wright, Lynne, 72.8; Statia, 'Gail, 72,2; Willis, John, 72,2; Merkley, Terry, 72; Errington, El- eanore, 71..9; Siosser, Mary J,, 71.8; Garniss, Martin, 71,5; Roane, Cheryl, 71.4; Lunn, Robert, 71.1; Scott, Nancy, 71.1; Currie, Helen, 70.9; Crawford, Sarah, 70.8; Clark, Terrence, 70,6; Vernon, Wm., 70.4; Verbeek, Joan, 70; Webber, Linda, 69.8; ,Grainger; Robert, 69.6; Gal. braith, Jack, 69,5; Paulin, Frances, 69,4; Harrison, Allan, 68,9; Hueston, Brock, 68.7; O'Malley, Dennis, 68.4; Boyd, William, 68.2; Chottleburgh, Thomas, 68.1; Scott, Keith, 68.1; McCallitin, Hugh, 68; Edward, John 67.8; Edgar, Catherine, 67.3; Bin- tout, Donald, 67,3; Clark, Susan, 67.2; Jouwsma, Ann, 67.2; Baird, Leonard, 66.7; Shackleton, Patricia, 66.6; Warwick, Margaret, 66.6; Mc- Arthur, Kenneth, 66.5; Ferguson, Donna, 66.2. Third class honore: Horton, Sha- ron, 65.3; Carter, Elizabeth, 64.9; Smith, Walter, 64.7; Workman, Ronald, 64.7; Devries, Alice, 64.5; Finley, Caroline, 64,1; Michel, Sandra, 64; Pollock, Elizabeth, 64; Watson, John, 64; Whitby, George, 64; McRae, Connie, 63.9; Hallahan, Raymond, 63,3; ,Sinnamon, Doug- las, 63,1; Johnston, Mary Lou, 62.8; Gibbons, Sheila, 62.6; Meehan, Gail, 62.2; Taylor, Patricia, 62.2; Welsh, William, 61.5; Benninger, Dennis, 61.1; Jeffray, Joseph, 60.3; Snell, Shirley, 60.3; Pass: R.I. n tt, Elizabeth, .50.6; Thompson, Graham, 59,2; Hickey Calvin, 58.9; Ross, Shirley, 58.9; Kirton, James, 58.8; Colvin, Jane Ann, 58.7; Stokes , Carol, 58,6; CKNX WIN-A-DRYER CONTEST STORE "WE SAVE YOU M NWC"-~-~-- Furniture PHONE SI WINGI-IAM "I've tried most makes and found RENAULT most economical!" Mow your lawn and pick up the clippings at the came time-no raking nee- essary.The bag and chute are actually a part of the "Wind-Tuniten housing, design not an attachment as it is on ordinary rotary mowers. When mowing without the bag, clippings are dispersed evenly over your lawn. Come in and see this revolutionary to• tary mower today. i•Fixtiesive mark of Ter Mfg. cop, Get you FilEt ttiiy oI Tort AVV , b N Oklot "L GAMW by o, "In the past we have owned a number of different makes of tractors, and we tried many others on our farm before deciding the air-cooled, diesel Renault was the tractor for us," says Mr. Robert M. Grimwood, R,R. 1, Thorold, Ont. Mr. Grimwood is engaged in mixed farming, has 16 acres of grapes, and does custom baling for neighboring farmers. "Before deciding on a Renault, we gave it a rugged on-the-farm test in competition against 4 other makes under the toughest, wet and hilly conditions. We 'found the economy, power arid stamina of Renault best fitted the needs of our farm," Mr. Grimwood reports that his Renault air-cooled diesel is also used for the .tougher-than-average jobs on his father-in-law's adjacent farm. Mr. Grimwood sums it up this way-"Not only is our. Renault economical it's as handy as any small tractor, and it's got the big tractor power too." BEFORE YOU BUY...TEST-DRIVE A RENAULT' You too can cash-in on Renault tractor economy and performance this year! Before you buy your next tractor, make sure you see us-your Renault Tractor Dealer, Ask us about the various diesel or gas, air-cooled or water-cooled models, We'll be happy to'give you a demonstration on 'your own farms A test-drive will prove that a Renault tractor.makes farming more profit. able. Give us a call. BANK 1E01 14 TORONTOP.DOMINIO ICH% *PAW tioor,t-er*ks CAMERON'S GARAGE PHONE: 392.6959 BELMORE, ONT. A. to 4,1kAH AM 'Manager .6 atria Stan-4h 10 J. FEi RUNStEDTLER, Manager 1101101m nt Branch RAYMOND SCHMIDT 13luevale, Ontario (304W4. Wingham) ORADE X COMMERCIAL Second class hottors: Chittick, Joan, 14.9; Redman, Reta, 12 6. Third class honors:. kitkby, mule, 65.4; Jacklin, Murray, 63.6; Merkley, Jointed, 63.5; Penner, Di. aline, 63,1; Schill, Patricia, 61.6; Ritchie, Shirley, 61.1; Morton, Ja- net, 60, Pass: Clark, Naney; 59.4; Eiryans, aid; Tikerras, Douglas; Stobo, Don- Campbell. John, Sanderson, Willis, Garry; liollenbeek, Robert; Scott, Murray; MacKay, 'Malcolin; Mac- Inrils, Etigerle; °Malley, Kathleen; ,ones, George; Wocks, ,fames; Ger- rie, Lionel; Pocoek, Wilfred; bal. Trier, Diane; PoXtOri, Gerald; Riehl, 'Prank; Blame; Corinne; Dietrieh, -7.1%AK42212aka,'