HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-04-26, Page 9r Decide to Close School in June The regular Meeting of the Turn- berry Township. School Area was held at No, 11 School on April 20th at 820 p,m, L,61.11 members were present, also Earl Waltz, bus driver, J. H. Kinkead, and a representative from Jack Hood School Supplies. The members of the previous meeting were read and on motion by Zinn and Norman were adopted, The music festival is to be held On the 10th of May and the neces- sary arrangements were made. It was, decided to have an official opening of the new school in Sep- tember, 'renders were opened, for the two Schools that were advertised for sale. No. 8 Junction sold to Roy Adair for $251.00; No, 1 Douglas, DONNYBROOK Miss Irene Jefferson of Dunn- ville spent the week-end with her brother, Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Webster, Brenda and Carol of Helens visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stu- art Chamney and family, Mr. Hugh Jefferson of Port Ar- thur, who is leaving for 'Iran, Asia, on Thursday, visited over the week- end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson and other relatives. Elaine Jefferson of London spent the week-end at the same home. Mr, and Mrs, Sam Thompson and family visited Sunday with Mrs. Cecil Chamney of Wingham. Little Miss Cheryl Jefferson of Clinton visited a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Noble and family. Mr, Hugh Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson and Elaine were at Dunnville on Sunday. Miss Irene Jefferson returned with them to her school. Mr. and Mrs, George Tisdale and family of London visited Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods and family, More Power! More Value! YUBA CHORE (Z.); MASTER • Installed U it ALUMINUM COMBINATION .17.\ WINDOWS sold to. Fred Montgomery for .Th M5.01). Kirton-Norman-That the mill rate be the same as last year, 13 mills. The board decided to close No. 9 school at end of the salve'. term, and to transport the children to the new school. Norman-Zinn-That the follpw- ing bills be paid; Teachers' salaries, Caretakers, transportation, Ontario Hydro, Wingham, $29.24; Pattison Radio 4 Electric, $5.00; Imperial Oil, $215.00; Cecil Walpole, $8.75; Alexander Hardware, $18.95; Earl Waits for Hydro Convention, $16,4-0; Jack Hoods, $27.261 Lillow's Garage, $88,58; Berry Door, $5.00; Percy Clark, 01.45. Motion by Zinn and Kirton, meet- ing adjourn. Next meeting to be by the call of the chairman.-Car- ried. Bert Holmes, Chairman Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. WI NUM MI 064111n OA, WOO 041/4 Apra se, .1,001 Sells Farm Mrs. Francis Ste. Marie h.sa sold her farm, A.R. ?, Wingt:hain. Lionel Mahood of Coderich. Arr. MaltPod. will get .nnasesslon Oft May 15, Mrs. Ste. IViarie will he r.nQvin to. Rawer. In a. couple of WeeiCS. Ved e . arm ichn el's "THE FAMILY isTO/kE" RECEIVING BLANKETS - large size 25.x 34 and only $1.39 pair INFANT DRESSES in Nylon, Terylene, Cotton sizes 12 months to 24 months $1.98 to $3.98 LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES, sizes 2-3x in Dan River Cottons $2.98 to $3.98 E.Z. SLEEPERS,' two-piece for comfort sizes 1 - 4 years $2.98 BABY OVERALLS, domed leg, 12 - 24 months M. suede, corduroy or cotton $1.98 CURITY DIAPERS at And we must not forget MOTHER so this week we special Lovely 15 Denier NYLONS at 79 c pair TWO PAIRS FOR ONLY $1.49 , SEE CARMICHAEL'S for ALL your BABY WEAR needs. WINGHAM PHONE 1W The JOB Is NEARLY DONE in the Cancer campaign Canvassing hi Wingrhain, Lucknow and Districts has, for the. most part been completed and the response has been-ex., eellent. However, some homes have been missed ... where house holders were away when the canvassers called. Those who have not yet donated and asked to leave their contributions with DeWitt Miller, campaign chairman, or at one of the Banks in the community. LET'S PUT OUR AREA RIGHT OVER THE TOP P,S. Cancer CAN he cured. Your dollars guarantee even greater chances of success. 1111111111111111111111111191111111111111111111111011X11111111111111N111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111M111111111 ST, HELENS Mrs. Gordon McPherson spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. rred Thompson and family. Over thirty ladies attended a turkey dinner at Tiger Dunlop Inn on Tuesday evening, This being the first year of the "Sunshine Sister Club" in the Institute, the W.I. had' as their guests new mem- bers for 1961.62, The identifying of their Sunshine Sisters and a program brought a pleasant get- together to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston and family Of Bitlevale, spent Sunday, evening with Mr. Frank McQuillin and Terry. Returning from Wingham Hos" Pital at the week-end were Mrs. William 3. Robb and Mrs. Archie Aitchison. We wish them improved health. Mr. Wallace Miller, who has been a patient for the past four weeks in Victoria Hospital underwent major surgery on Monday. He is progressing favourably. Mr, and Mrs, Ross Gammte were gaests at the Cook-Johnston wed- ding in London recently, Miss W, D, Rutherford left on Sunday to visit Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don McIntyre in Richmond Hill. Miss Rutherford will join two friends from Ottawa on a vacation in New York. Birth LAIDLAW--to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laidlaw of Wingham on Thurs- day, April 20th, a son, James Gordon, Mrs. Laidlaw was form- erly Ann Todd. Guest Minister At Knox Church BLUEVALE-Mr. Derwin Hill of Whitechurch and Langside Presby- terian Churches was guest speaker in Knox Church on Sunday. He gave an inspiring address on '"A New Creature in Christ". The junior choir under the 'lead- ership of the organist, Mrs. Nora Moffat, sang as an anthem a negro spiritual "Go Down, Moses". BLUEVALE Rev. T. E. and Mrs. Kennedy were in Kincardine this week attending the funeral of Mr. Ken- nedy's brother William Kennedy, Mr, and Mrs. James Bremner of Union, visited at the manse with' Rev, T, E, and Mrs. Kennedy on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Henning, Mrs. Harold Elliott, Mrs. Clarence Henning, George Galloway, John Adair and George Fisher were rela- tives who attended the funeral service for the late Earl Brinker at Sandusky, Mich., on April 19th. Mr. Brinker was born in Bluevale, 58 years ago, the son of ,Christopher and Mrs. Brinker. His death fol- lowed a heart attack. Survivors are his wife and one brother Aaron. Ross Mann, of CKNX, has bought the corner store property from Mrs. William McKinney of Wingham and will live in it later in the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hall visited Mr, and Mrs. James Masters of Park- hill on Sunday. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson of St. Augustine and Mrs, Marshall of Listowel spent Saturday with their sisters Alice 'Aitken and Mrs. their sister Mrs, A. D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Henning attended the- funeral -of the late Earl Brinker in Sandusky, Mich„. on Wednesday last. $4.68 dozen 14111.011111111111111111111111111116111KIWIRrniumwowniiimminiiiianionillicsimilimimmililtiiiaimilINImalt11111111111111111111011110111111111111111•111•1110111111110111S111011011111101111111111111111111111110i•IIIMINIIIIIIIIIISHICIIIIIIIIIIIII10111111$11•11111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111110111.111011101iImIlli111$111.111wililmimmilmignsimmisiniminri U 1 .0.--..... :gip otr# THE EXCLUSIVE l'ALUMINUM PRODUCTS from Stainton's Choose , . ,.....,. 4 84fr 811 '. SPALDING SP°Pting ,,- For Lasting Beauty -All Season Comfort bit 7111vm Goods ii--- Now in Stock - New '61 Models ty- fiOLFING EQUIPMENT , ..,...: AS r.OW AS $22.00 DOORS That give COMPLETE Weather Protection. En- gineered for a l'housetime," maximum strength. is obtained through extra thick construction, welded corners, and hidden piano type hinges. SIX STYLES ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE. •ALL STANDARD SIZES IN STOCK DUAL TRACK oil( TRIPLE TRACK - Draft- I free ventilation. Gadget-free. Heavy-duty construction. Custom made, to y0111. specific U frame measurements. luminum Railings Designed to add distinctive beauty to any home. Engineered to withstand years of wear and weather. / LOW COST, CANNOT RUST, NEVER NEEDS PAINTING "CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS" GRASS SEED ALL No. 1 GOVERMENT TESTED SEED Bushel Picket design, painted Green, 12" high, 10-foot length $1.39 STAIN TON HARDWARE .1 Easy Terms With No lib OtitSittO Vititthatlit. IlkijIllikAlikilliglitilliiillliillitlIAlliilli1141411101111011111111111111111i11111.11411111111111141111illia1111111111111 11 miIim11111111111911111111111111111111111111•111111111111111.1111111111011111111111111111111111111111all iitilnill11110111i1111111111111111‘111111ilittili11111111111111111i1,11111111111111iiiIIN101111111A1116111M111116111.1111141111111lithillifl i lAIIINE1101111111144111110111111ii1414111i11111111111.11111 11 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 W 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1• 1 1 1 • 11 N ATISFACTION GUARANTEED . Quality Products Only at the Lowest Prices. S • Reverse Transmission gives backing Under power • Reversible Tines b`reak hardeSt ground with pick tine action . . . convert in Secondt to sweep tines for iner cultivation. • Impulse Starter elim. mates ropes and tugging. I 4.5 hp Cast Iron Engine powers every garden opera. tion ... year 'round. CHORD/MUER line for 1961 offers the right tiller for every size garden, TILLER AS 1.04' AS $119.95 From $49.00 Complete INCLUDING INSTALLATION ALUMINUM FERTILIZER :la lbs. per 1,UUU square feet MILORGANITE 40-lb. $2.95 80-lb. $4.95 SO = GREEN 40-1b. $2.95 80-1b.‘ $4.95 GOLDEN VIGORO $3.98 (covers 5,000 sq. ft.) NEW GREEN CROSS WEED-N-FEED LAWN FERTILIZER WITH 2, 4-D Kills Broad leaf Weeds as you fertilize. 2500 sq. ft. $3.95 5000 sq. ft. $6.25 GARDEN FERTILIZER 4-12-10 80 lbs. $3.00 PEAT MOSS Horticultural Sphagnum 4 cu. ft. $3.60 6 Cu. ft. $5.25 Spalding TRUFLITE A N Qs FARMERS SUPPLY ,440USE pffolki e 30 WI N&1-1. M DON'T GAMBLE ON QUALITY! Buy a known brand and you'll be sure you won't be disappointed later on with breakdowns, and long waits for replaceinent parts. C.C.M. bicycles are MADE IN CANADA of Standard Canadian size parts AND REMEMBER when you buy your C.C.M. Bicycle at WAINTONIS - SERVICE is an EXTRA that costs yOu nothing. They have a complete 'stock of parts and acees- socks, and the experience and know-how to serve you. • New Long Lasting Colors • New Beauty and Style • New Durability • Service and Parts Available, Anywhere. Canadian No. 1 Mixtures LAWN GRASS SEED SUPER PERMA-GREEN with Merlon Kentucky blue Grass Pound - 95c VELVA=LAWN with Kentucky Blue Grass and White, Dutch Clover Pound - 75c SPECIAL MIXTURE 55 c FOLDING FENCE LAWNSWEEP RAKES From 89c Your Greatest Source of Service LaSalle RED CLOVER .$33.00 Yellow SWEET CLOVER $7.00 RED CLOVER ALSIKE ALFALFA- ,,,,,,,,rohorAorkerWW.W .Nne.,..WWWf Complete Stock of Bicycle Parts and Accessories. COMPLETE STOCK ELNAR - ...... $27.00 CAN. GRIMM $19.95 CERT. VERNAL , , . $33.00 $18.95 $16.00 Kentucky BLUE GRASS ... 60 c Certified Vodino CLOVER 95 t White DUTCH CLOVER $1.00 30 different Seeds including Mixture for Hay and Pasture, ings, rubber-tired wheels A DANDY AT ONLY $19.95 GOLF BAGS $12.25, $15.98, $23.95, $35.00 GOLF CARTS with all the quality features- tubular steel frame, collapsible, Nylon bear- GOLF BALLS Airflite $1.25 Canada Cup 75c Parflite $1.00 Belaire . . 60c Bushel COMPLETE WI TH GOLF' ONLY $54.50 O 35e Reed CANARY GRASS .... 60e CERTIFIED CLIMAX $12.50 kowid ORCHARD GRASS ... , 35 e BROME GRASS 22e Lincoln BROME GRASS ... 30 e MEADOW FESCUE TIMOTHY- Golf Club Sets with Bag 7-piece set--Driver,. Spoon, 3, 5, 7, 9 and Putter. An exceptional Value for the econo- my minded golfer. Low in cost, yet designed and built by skilled Spalding craftsmen. Men's or Ladies' •-• U sill li • U U U U is N a U a I U U U U a a I a a