HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-04-26, Page 7SPOJOTSMO4 MEET BERT HERM WINS OUTBOARD MOTOR in charge of the Evening. Auxiliary meeting held in St. Paul's parish hall last Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs. Robert Ritter, read the Scripture lesson and offered prayer during the opening exrcises. Miss Dorothe Comber gave an account of a week-end she spent '-cently at Five Oaks with a group eg teachers. Miss Comber found the experience enjoyable and pro- fitable. Each person attending helped with all the routine chores in which they gained fellowship. Discussion groups were held and the main thought throughout was how the teachers are carrying Christianity into • their work and daily living. One point that was agreed upon was that people today do not know the Bible as ,they should. Mrs. Wade and Mrs. G. W. Cruickshank sang a duet and Mrs Alan MacKay conducted a Bible quiz. •Mrs, Ritter presided for a short business session, when it was de- cided to cater for three banquets. during May and June, Dr. Tay- lor, rector of the Anglican church in Goderich, will show pictures of his world travels at the next meet- ().1111ileee and members of the emigre'. m aation are invited to attend, eMrs, C, F, Johnson closed the with prayer and Mrs. Jack Salter, Mrs. Wade and Mrs. A. MacKay served lunch, The April Thankofferipg meet- ing of the Young Woman's Aux- iliary of the United. Church was held at the home of Mrs, R. Ahara. The meeting opened with the hymn "Crown Him with Many Crown's", The Scripture was read by Mrs. H. France, followed by a prayer by - Mrs, Ahara. Easter messages were read by Mrs. G. Stokes, Mrs, T, Schipper, Mrs. W. Burchill, Mrs. D. Wylie and Mrs Ahara. The hymn, "The Day Thou Gayest, Lord, Is Ended", was sung, fo7lowed With a prayer by Mrs, Ahara, The guest speaker was Mrs. J Ostrum. She gave a very inter- esting talk with her theme as "The Silent Looks of Christ”. Mrs. B. met. George thanked the speaker. A chapter of the study hook, "Are Missionaries Really Neces- sary?" was read by Mrs. St. George, The business part of the meet- ing was presided' over by Mrs. D. Rosenhugen. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. E. Irwin. It was decided that the group cater to the choir banquet and the C.G.I.T, banquet. The meeting closed with the hymn, "Take Time to Be Holy". A delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge and the Miz- pah benediction was said in uni- ,s017. Sunday with Kirk Beecroft, presid- ing. Margaret Moore rep the Scripture from Luke, chapter 2. David Sleighthoirn led in prayer, je.nis Farrier read a missionary poem and Mrs. Milan Moore gave a eleort talk on Temperance, Mrs. E, W, Beecroft had charge of the study book for the Juniors and Mrs. Moore's group enacted a play, "The Little House". - -.4- Eliminate Curves . On County Roads WHITECITURCH—Con s truct ion work started Monday on the road on the 9th at Marnoch, eliminating the two sharp turns, into a curved stone down to the bridge, County workmen have been busy during last week on the river side- detour h n they t t work on the Zetland bridge. The sharp. turn into Wawanosh at the bridge, will also be changed to a good curved corner. FINAL PARTY HO taWbleleirrwEeerrinR°pray—at 511.411.t East Wawanosh last Friday night% when the closing euchre of the season was held. Mr. and Mrs. I Harold Congram and Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Currie sponsored the party, ' Mr. and Mrs. George Walker held hl,gh, points and Mrs. Norrean Coulter and Lloyd Montgomerya held low points. Mrs. Cecil uoultee: received a box of chocolates for having the most three's in the add- up of her tally card. All joined itc singing "Happy Anniversary"- to. Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston", who were celebrating their 46th an- niversary, Mr. and Mrs. James Coultes and, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Coultes volunteered to sponsor the first party next fall. WOLF s TO CARE BELGRAVE—The Easter meet- ing of the Belgrave Women's In- stitute was held in the community centre on Tuesday afternoon last, with a good attendance. aere, Rich- ard Procter, president, was in charge. Minutes were read by Mrs. Carl Procter, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Clifford Logan read the auditor's report, A TV questione naive was. discussed and will be filled out by the branch directors. Mrs. Hereon Irwin reported that 20 girls had completed the short course on sewing which the WI had sponsored, and the Achievement Day would be on May 6 at the Wingham District High School. Five members of the Institute attended the sewing bee at the Wingham General Hospital last month, The Wolf Cubs have agreed to look after the flower beds at the cemetery, The WI has donated $e0 to the Boy Scouts. Some discOssion was held concerning a bus trip. Reports from the standing com- mittee conveners were as follows: Agriculture, Mrs. Garner Nichol- son; Canadian industries, Mrs. Leslie Bolt; citizenship and edu- cation, Mrs. J. M. Coultes and Mrs Earl Anderson; historical research, Mrs. Ivan Wightinan; grandmoth- ers, Mrs. Cora ,McGill; home ecolee midge Wed: Hereon IrWin; herein', Mrs. Harold Procter; community activities, Mrs. Clarence Hanna. Mrs, Clarlc Johnston was conven- er of the program, the roll call be- ing answered with an Easter verse. Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler gave the motto, "The miracle of Easter is a fountain of strength." She, opened the motto with a poem, "The Oldest Easter Message." Mrs. Harold Vincent gave the address, "Christ Lives." Margaret Nicholson and Joyce Procter formed a duet and sang, "The Old Rugged Cross," and Margaret sang a solo, "How Great Thou Art." Lunch was served by Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, Mrs. Mel Bradburn and Mrs. W. Pococl, Child Escapes Serious Injury Ronnie Sell, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Sell, Edward Street, escaped serious Injury on Saturday afternoon when he was struck by a car near the corner of Edward and Patrick Streets. Ronnie was riding a tricycle and apparently attempted to cross the street from behind a parked car. The driver of the car which struck him had stopped at the intersec- tion oh Edward Street and had crossed Patrick Street going north on Edward when the child sud- denly appeared on the road. The boy was taken to Wingham General Hospital for x-rays and it was found that there were no ser- ious injuries. Ile received 'bruises end' scratches about the face and head. Chief of Police'Gordon .Deyell investigated, The regular meeting of the Sportsmen's Association was held Monday evening in the club :house. A good attendance was on hand, among whom were a number of new members. Out of 'the general business die cussion came the report of stream stocking of fish for this year. A communication from the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests reveal- ed that for this year brown trout are not available, but in theim place Kamloops and rainbow trout Will be sent. These the club ac- cepted for the, district, ?lees were made to improve the shooting range by building a ramp, whereby marksmen could shoot at the targets from a, prone position. The winning ticket was drawr on the outboard motor which war up for raffle by the club, the win- ner being Bert Hertog of B:uevale The club decided to again aslm for booth space at the Winsmer. Trade Fair and arrangements fo' exhibits and displays for the boot/ are being planned, The evening draw was won by 'the president. Other business for the evening included gravelling the roadway to the club park. After adjournment lunch was served. RECEIVE INJURIES IN TWO CAR COLLISION A two car collision occurred or Friday evening about one mile north of Belmore, during fog. James Fitzpatrick, 31, 'driver of one of the ears, was accompanied by his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Fitzpatrick of Wingham. Mr, Fitz. patrick and his wife both receiver lacerations, contusions and shock and are confined to Wingham Gen- eral 'Hospital, where their condition is reported as satisfactory. Jame: was also admitted to hospital, hay ing received lacerations and con- tusions, but was released the next day. Raymond Gaclke, 34, of R.R. 1 Clifford, driver of the second/ car was allowed to go home as were his passengers, Miss Marjorie Gadke, Glenn R.eidt, Ivan Ma- whinney, all of R.R. I, Clifford. John Kaylor, R.R. 2, Wingham and Miss Betty Ann Johnson, R.R. 2, Clifford. The accident was investigated by Provincial Police from the Walk- erton detachment, NEWSPAPER REPRINT CARRIES U.S. HISTORY W. T. Cruickshank has en in- teresting collector's item, secured when he was travelling in the Un- ited States, It is a reprint of The Montana Post, a newspaper which was published in the early days of settlement in the American West at City of Virginia, Montana Ter- ritory. The reprint is an exact cluphente of the paper which was published on Saturday, August 26th, 1865. All the Old type faces are copied in exact detail and the printing was done on paper which appeared to be yellow with age. In 1865 the entire United States was suffering from the painful sa termath of the American Civil War. One story tells of the end- less lines of former Southern troops waiting in Washington for ,passage back to their homes. Another item mentions that since the e»,1 of tie War several newspapers had beet started by negroes or in the in- terests of the colored people, An advertisement in the old pa- per sought the names of those whr wanted to travel from the Montana Territory back to "the States". Pas- sage was offered on a fleet of 35- foot Mackinaw boats. The fare from Virginia City to St. Joseph. Missouri was $40.00 and the man in charge of the, trip was said to be highly experienced in Indian affairs. Apparently a good many people reached Virginia City and then dis- appeared into the great unknown, for the paper carried a list of sev- eral hundred names, persons to whom letters had been addressed and which had never been picked up at the post office. eel In Ceeptember, 19.49 In August, 1944 he 'was appointed to the Ilah Field Regiment when It MU) rno- hllized nerved -overeetla With the unit. A year after his return to civilian life in January, 1046, he wee ap- pointed to the 2151 Anti-Tank Re- giment, later re-designated the 21st Field Regiment, with the rank of Major. He commanded the unit ae litemtenant Pelonel -from .114ale, leira to jarmery, leed Re then .:;orved eras the etaff of 18 Military' ly .:1‘.1tpartertl ttt 1,9114101) tit April, leere, Prior to the war Mr. Belt pow, treed law in .13111:il;10:4, going to Exeter after imie return frntn over- seas. .List fall he was elected pre- sident of time Ontario Progreeelve Conservative Association. E. O. BELL NAMED HONORARY COLONEL L,ieut. Col. Elmer D. ]3e11, of Exe- ter, has been annointed honorary lieutenant eolonel of the 21st Field Regiment R.C.A. (M). at Wingham, Lieut. Col. Bell was corrniesion- Miss Corn&er Speaks YON WOMAN'S AUX, On Five Oaks Centre urn ne- innii Mrs. Clarence Wade's group was Iit1110 Aram MEETING JOHN —iSTRONCT annual hockey banquet staged by the Gorrie-Wrox- clew Athletic Association which was held in Gorrie last Wed:leeces, evening: The Wingham broadcaster is pictured as 'he demmistrated a small TV camera United- Church here, was held on I Iii -ttiTeit of the young hockey players who attended the function. They are Ron Elliott, age 12, of Gorrie; Garry Chambers, 9, of Wroxeter and Brian Elliott 13, also of Wroxeter.' SQUIRT TEAM—On hand for the annual Gorrie-O'Kraflea; centre. Ricky Elliott, Lance Gibson, Ed. Wroveter hockey banquet staged by the Athleticalcillillan, Ricky Clarke; back to Crawford Gib- Association was the squirt team The group inclades,eon, manager, Doug king, Stanley Ridley, Billy from left to right, front row, Gary Chambers, Don-Wheeler, Ted Graham, Billy Durst and Tom O'Reaf- ald Adams, aemek Watson, Dale Simpson and Barry Ica, Coach, i21,71) ingb am sobantrZimrt INGHAM, ONTARIO, %WEDNESDAY, AI TOB 26, 106 -•„, Present Play at Mission Band WHITZCHt1131C—The monthly IN EAST WAWNOSII Meeting of the lefleelon Band. of the • - • • • 1 t moar a etiand, levelling out the Greenaway hill in Wawanosh and FOR FL OWER BEDS are now gravelling it before it is used as Plae,a. cv x 3 eemer.ne—,aravezord Gibson, centre, is pictured above es he presented Howiuk Lions' Juve- nile Trophy to Wayne King, captain 'of the Howick Lions Juvenile teem, at the Gorrie-Wroxeter Athletic Gorrie-Wroxeter Bantam Hockey Team was 'out in full-force last Wednesday evening for the annual hockey banquet staged by the Garriea'Wroxeter Athletic Association, at Gorrie, • thcluded in the picture are: left to right, front row, hn Sharpin, Bill Hetherington, Jim Sellers, Ron TIlE GORRIE-WROXETER Pee Wee team thor- oughiy enjoyed the nominal banquet sponeceed by the two-eommunity athletic association:, last Wednesday evening, The team includes, from left to right, front row, Carman Hamilton, Gerry Ityridnme, '.1.(41 6ra- Association annual banquet in (*emetic last Warttres- day evening. Conch Dave Neilson looks en. - The team, won 1.'1.1;1 group championship in the Tri-county League this spring. aaaeal Templeman, Wayne Sandereon; centre, aim Jayne- man, Brian . Underwood, Bill Hall, Brian Elliott; back row: Bruce eloetie Tarry. coach, Bob Mame, Don 'Watson, Harvey Wheeler, Fred Brewer, Graham Thompson aed Fred Taylor, manager. ham, 'Barry 'Elselmer; ',entre, Bill Wheeler, Garry Chambers, Dale Simpeon, Ronald Elliott; back row, Harold Ilyielmen, manager, Garry lAralson, Stanley :Ridley, Jim Graham, 'John Wheeler and Toni Oliraf- ha, coach. ON HAND Fon THE anneal hockey banquet spon- sored by the Garver:AVMs:ester Athletic Assoelation ht Gorrie, no Wednesday of lard week were these youngster's who played on the midget ratty during the past Selltil.41, 'The team includes: loft to right, front row, 'retry Clerk, des, Brown, Alen: HeMiltola Grant Dfie; eentre, Urn (emitter, Mot 8Mith, Leery Simpson, Keith achnstoia Joe. Nicholson; hack rew Moony letelunein, Jim Mame, Riehatel Irwin, Brian Sanderson, Wright, Ed Stewart Manager, Don Irwin the coach was absent VOLUNTEER referees wlic' worked With the youngsters who played hockey Under the sponsorship of the Gorrie-Wroxeter Athletic Association aee: pictured *Wee, When they atteridea Abe oneireal hockey bariquet in Gorrie list Wednesday. The theta are loft to eight Lloyd TOWeeend, Wtotetek; DOA Felednikaii and Blake MeAltlitin, Of Grmerie, TIIE tORRIE-W /lONETE INIERMEOIATE 1111 try in tin' Tri4 emily Hoeilto, Leaglat, arc pictured above as thPy attended the annual hockey homely,: in Gorrie lest Wednesday evening. On the team are. from left to right front eoW, Kea ThederWo011, 'eorge Meekley, Hob Strang, John Newens, Bob Pricer, n; O.:Merle lope: mee Ptro' llulary, Dace seeder:mem, Bob aloetie, retry Meting, Ginty Me- elemenl, 'Murray %thee. %al on hand Mt Ole. Oehler, were, Foss 1le3liehae1, Keith Woods, 1/00 leemdie, Bert Povalneko, Senn and Pelts'. Nown ns, UT, 0.*1...L.1/1.41,....11....1.