HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-04-26, Page 1e interest on loans, which in past Years ran into much higher figures, The budget allows for a surplus of some $7,000 to cover a reserve for working funds and replacement of equipment. Work on the Riv- erside Park will be supported by a $5,000,00 budgetary figure. The budget for street mainten- ance, construction and non-stib- Sitly work was increased. to $45,- 000.00 compared to $38,597.87 spent last year'. The added requirements of the two schools brings the levy for education to its highest point in the town's history. The public 'school will receive $57,200.09 and the high school, $39,054.41, a fig- ure that is practically. one-third of the total money raised by Icical taxation. Mayor McKinney expressed pride in the town's financial affairs, and said that the only debentures. new being carried are on the AchOols and on the waterworks, the latter being covered by the water rates. He also said the reserve funds have put the municipality in a 'po- sition where the cost of bank loans is now at a minimum and the 'town is in the best financial condition it has been for years, Mill Rates The following mill rates were struck; Dist, High School, 11.53 mills, $80,066.20; public school, 21.93 $57,185.76; county rate. 13.26 mills, $34,577.44; debenture rate. 1:91 mills, $4,980.62; general rate, 28.87 mills, $75,282.85. Total expenditures amounted to $335,324.98, with 'receipts amount- ing to $133,232,11, leaving a bal- ance to be raised locally of $202,- 092,87. Budget Figures • RECEIPTS , Debentures . '83,0/2.86 Grants, Subsidies . 30,878.36 (please turn to page Five) At a special budget session of the town council last Tuesday evening the town fathers set a 1061 mill rate of 77.5 mills for commercial and Industrial assessments and 72,5 mina for residential taxpayers. The differential is due to special grants which apply to residential assessment only. The main point' 'of the hulget was the fact that the mill rate was kept to the same figure ,-45 last year, despite an increase of $19,090 added levy required by the public school board and $5,000 by the high school. Also added to the budget was $7,009 more this year than last for street work. The extra cost will be met partly by new assessment In the town, which amounts to over $100,900 and a reduction in the amount which mast be raised for debenture debt retirement and interest. • As well, the town is now able to finance most current operations without`large bank loans. This has cpme about by the set-aside of a surplus for the past Several years and repayment of bank _notes which has saved considerable in- Wrest. Only $300 has been budgeted for NEW PRESIDENT—Dr. Stewart Leedham, second right;, was' elected president of the Wingitani Kitts- melt Club last Friday evening, He is shown being eaugratulated by the current president, Fred Temple- man. Looking on are IiitiBob Wenger, left, the new second `vice-preSident and Mutt Boyd, right, who was elected firsVVice-President. The new officers take over in September. —photo by Connell. CLINTON LEMONNAIRE IS ZONE PRESIDENT Douglas Andrews, Clinton, was elected commander of Zone '1, Roy- al. Canadian Legion, at the annual zone rally In ,Goderich at the week- end. He succeeds Harvey Pfaff of Exeter. Other officers elected were De- puty zone commander, Eric John- stone, Goderich; treasurer, Harold Turner, Goderich; secretary, Wil- liam Chambers, Clinton;'commit- tee chairmen; membership, Cy Robinson, Wingham; public re- lations, Clarencb MacDonald, God- erich; sports, Donald Havens, Hen- sall; poppy day, Lloyd Reynolds, Exeter; public speaking, Douglas Thornlike, Clinton, The rally, attended by over 150 Legion members from the Zone. opened with a paradeto the Coliff House park in ,Goderich, where wreaths were laid at the Cenotaph by Harvey Pfaff, retiring zone commander and Frank Reid, pre- sident of Goderich branch 109, The salute was taken by Group Capt. J. G. Mathieson, officer command- ing RCAF Station Clinton, and Rev. X. E. Taylor, padre of the Goderich branch. The branches of the zone will support all' efforts made toward a. technical or vocational school in Huron County. There will be a public meeting in 'Clinton in May and representatives of the Canadian Legion will attend. SPRING SIGHTS— First time you're out in the car, take a delve around town, There are some beautiful beds of spring flowers in bloom---a cheer- ing sight after a long winter. Peter McKaglie Receives Prize Peter MeKague, son of Mr, and 7Vrea.' Wilfred MCKague, has 'wen' a William Kydd Memorial Prize, according to a news release from, Presbyterian College,Montreal. He is a second year student at McGill University. He received his award at the convocation exercises In Montreal last night. The degree of .Doctor of Divin- ity, was conferred on Rey. D. .1. Lane of Clinton the same evening at this, the 94th spring convocation, of the Presbyterian College in the' Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul. ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE WILL BE DISCONTINUED This issue of The Advance- Times carries the final Enter- tainment Guide, which has been, sponsored for the past three months by the Wingluun Tire Service. During this period coining events have been carried hr the space-,.provided by -Brophy, tros., 'without charge. Similar advertisements of course,. be placed hi time re- gular columns of the neWs- paper, as they were 'before the Enter:tainment Guide was op- ened. ENGAGEMENT lie engagement is announced of 'Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Mrs. William H. McKinney and the date Mr. McKinney to John Douglas Corqrarn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Congram. The marriage will take place in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church the early part of May, ' F26t ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Janet Elizabeth to Mr. Donald Carl Dirstein of Brant- ford, son of Mr. and Mrs, John L. Dirstein, Hanover, Ontario. The wedding will take place in the United Church, Whitechurch, 0”- tarlo, Saturday, May 20th, 3 o'clock, F26* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunt, 43 Agnes St., Kitchener, announce the engagement' of their only daughter, li Lary Catherine to Earl Cletus Ste. Marie, Son of Mrs. Francis Ste, Marie of WIngliam and the late Mr, Ste Mario The marriage will take plane hi St. John's ?.C. Church, Kitchener on May 0. F20* SHOWER AND DANCE A shower for Mr, and Mrs, Aus- tin Cook °Ruth Scott) will be held in the Foresters' idali, Belgrave, Friday, April 28th. Scott's Orches- tra in attendance. Ladles please bring htch. Everybody welcome. F26b With whieh is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, $961 SDIGLE COPIES o ouncil Holds Mill Rate espite.Big School Increase Students Receive • Honor Awards Dr R. G. Stanton, chairman or_ the department of mathematima University of Waterloo, was guest speaker, and presented 115 et*, dents with. honor awards at a aPeq- ial assembly ih the Wingham pla- telet High School last Friday af t ternaon, The students receiving the serolts had attained first class honors in the 1959-60 school year in ail grades from nine to twelve, The staff of the school was gratified when unite a number of parents 'were on hand for the oceaaion. Following the presentation of the awards, Dr. Stanton addressed the assembly on "The Need for Ex- cellence", He stressed the need in any endeavour for top per- formance and said that half-way measures were not enough. He told the students that it is neces- sary to put forth every effort when studying and that the utmost in concentration is required, if suc- cess is to be attained. With more and more automation in industry, the speaker stressed the need for everyone who has the ability to oh- taut university education. This fact, he said, is becoming more ap- parent every year. • 31 \WO KNI) BIRTHDAY—Mrs. Mary A, Roane, who lives with her dam ,titer and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James McInnes, at Whitechureti, marked her 92nd Itirtittlay, on, Sunday, when friends and relatives came to Offer her their best regards. Mrs, Roane was born in Brechtin, Scot- land, and Caine to this., country in 'June. of .1931, as a widow. She mar- ried the. toe Mr. Roane, and lived near Teeswatcr until her husband passeil anny, when she came to live with her daughter. In reasonably good health, Mrs. _Roane, -hits a lowly Scottish barr and a fine sense of humour,. She has two other daughters, Mrs. George McKagne of Toe's- water and Mrs. Russel ,Diek of Toronto, and 13 gruadchildrem—Advaneo- Times photo, 4141.0.NO.THE.. MAIN: 'DRAG By The pedestrian PALL THE COOKIE The Brownies will make their animal house-tcahouse calls on Saturday, when they wilt be hold- ing "Cookie Day". The proceeds . from the Sale of cookies' are Used to carry on itheir work within their own, organization, • 0 - - 0 FAO SPILEARING—, A Wroxeter resident tells of en- countering a group of young folks on the highway south of Paisley the other day. They were merrily pushing a bed along the road, com- plete with occupant, all In order to publicize a dance or some sim- ilar event. Unfontunately the bed had come to grief when the aver- s. thusiastic pushers cracked up pith one of their °Wit cars. - 0 - 0 FISHIN' FEVER— All the good fishing comes at once this year, The long-delayed smelt 'have finally started to run— just in time to coincide with the opening of the trout seaSon at the week-end. Saturday marks th first day on which speckled.- rair bow and brown trout cart be tray legally. The smelt have been run ning in great numbers in Lake Erie, and 'sonic' fair catches have been reported, from various ,Lake Huron points., • 0 - 0 - 0 * - LOTS Ot' HELP— Workmen on the tower of the town hail were given plenty of moral support front 'spectators on the atreet below when they under- . to replace the sheet metal 4roofing on the slope below the bell. Wingham Cancer Fund Nears $1,000.00 Mark Wins Scholarship John 0. Congram was one 'of five students to win second year proficiency scholarships at Knox College hr Toronto. The scholarships were presented- at Knox College convocaton on Tuesday of this week, but John was unable to attend as he is on tour with a student choir. The joint choir, studenta from Presbyterian. College, Montreal, and Knox College, is touring Que- bec and Ontario and will conclude its engagements May 7th in Sarnia. Yesterlay the choir sang at the Presbyterian College convocation. BELGRA.VE CREDIT UNION Office will be open Tuesday ev- enings for the summer months, be- ginning May 2nd. Students of the Wingham Dis- trict High School canvassed the town of Wingham on Friday even- ing on behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society. Organizhig the drive themselyes, ,th9younc people fan not( Mit through the commun- ity and in two hours had collected Man The same method of collection was used in Lueknow, but reports are not -yet in foe the campaign there. Members of the liaal erati on of Agriculture handled the collection from the rural homes, and the re- sults have not yet been reported. Last year the entire canvass in the Wingham, Lucknow and .Lees- water. areas was handled by the high school students with such suc- cess that a total, of $3,100 was raised. Those who were not at home when the canvasser called are ask- ed to leave their donations with the campaign chairman, DeWitt Miller, Wirap.-,ham, or at one of the. chartered banks. D. Beecroft is Honored by Chapter J. Dustin Beecroft was honored at the regular convocation of Leb- anan Chapter, No, 84, Wingham, held ,April 18th. On this occasion he was peesent- ed with a 25-year Past Principal's jewel on behalf of Grand Chapter by Right Excellent Comp. Or. K. M, MacLennan, Mr, Beecroft was initiated inti Lebanon Chopter in 1920 and be- came its First Principal in 1936. Ex. Comp. Beecroft expressed his appreciation in some well chosen words, interspersed .wit)i some rem- iniscences of the past 25 years. --- MARA.THON BRIDGE The Women's Hospital Auxiliary invites all players and substitute players for a final game in the. council chamber on Friday even- ing, April 28th at 8.15, when rpizcs for the season's play will be awarded, P*26b • HID NOT INTEND TO CLOSE MP. SCHOOLS George Miaile, chairman of the Morris • Towitahip School Area board, all members of which re- cently resigned, informs The Ad- vance-Times that the story this newspaper carried last week left the impression that some of the smaller schools in Morris would .have been closed if the proposed plan for an addition at Walton had been carried out, Such was not the intention of the board. His statement in this connection ap- pears ' "The members of the Morris School. Area board which resigned /team.' Wended to close any small schools in Morris for the school year 61 and 62, if teachers could be, hired form them, By a motion passed at February meeting. "Also it was the vote to build at Walton which was a 3-2 vote In favor. The matter of resigning was not Voted on but it was by mutual araeement that all resign." OR. S. LEEMIAM HEADS KINSMEN At the Friday night meeting of the local Kinsmen Club Dr, Stewart Leedham was elected president of the organization for the 1961-62 season. He received the post -by acclamation when other nominees withdrew. Kin Matt Boyd was also named first vice-president by acclaintakin. Kin Bob Wenger was named. see- rind vice-president, as the result of balloting which included Kinsmoa Jack Gorrie and. Don Rae.. "The new treasurer, Bruce Macritinald, was elected by acclamation . but Maurice Stainton was elected -sec- retary on a ballot which also in- cluded Kin Dave Burgess.* In a ballot for registrar on which were the names of Dave Cameron and Eric Walden the latter was named to the position. The voting for three directors resulted 10 the el- ection of Bill Connell, Jack Gor- rie and Don Rae, Also on the bal- lot were Ed Bauer, Don Raper, Dave Burgess and Dave Cameron. The new officer's will take over in September. fitter business included the min- utes, which were approved, and a report by Kin Maurice Stainton, who reminded the club that a pa- per drive will be held on Saturday, May 0th. The president, Fred Templeman, reported that a ,joint meeting will be held at Kincardine on Thursday, May 4th. JUO FQXTON WINfillAM HYDRO WORKER KILLED JOHN CRAWFORD RFTURNS TO WEST 0,14-vict most!) Dr. W. A. Melaibbon's office will be closed Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, April 26. 27 and 28, F26b ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bitetz of Eden Grove wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Clara Anne, to Harold D'Arcey Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Gibson of Fordwich, The "iliarriage will take place hi St, John's Lutheran church, Elni, wood, on May 20th at three o'clock. Just at mess time word was re- ceived that J. A. (Jud) Foxtea, of Wingham, an employee of 11 years standing with the Wingham Rural Hydro, was fatally electrocuted et 2 p.m. Tuesday, The accident Wok place while 'he John Crawford, student minister, was doing routine line work ,uron along left on Tuesday of this Week for the 10th concession of Huron Tor aceitpstioly.P: about two Miles north r7thaed aav-IMS:r5iltn. aw, thherreeellpeolisi will shia3erngde in _the Cypress Inns district, - moDere.d7annddaltlogoeftIRmit•Piweyithwath sesule: John has completed WS second Vic- year at Emmanuel a"ollege in Tor- tim's follow workmen, artificial enjoyed his; work and the aerrnited- for pronounced the man dead. congregatio ns in th e sa ,ce arra a nd ahortiv after 5 p.m., when the doe-. route. Last summer he served the respiration was carried out. until studies, again in the fall to resume his former Connie Fryfogle, and eight ings, He will return In *Varanasi the is survived by his wife, the ' rhildreii. RUMMAGE SALE In this community there are two events which always come togetk, et: housecleaning and the hospital rummage sale. This sale will be held hi the Wingham ArMoUrlea on Saturday afternoon, May 13 at two o'clock, and is sponsored by the Ladles' Auxiliary to Winghatil General Hospital. All sorts articles are needed, furniture, Clo- thing, hats, SlitieS, nOVolthsa, etc. Anything you Cannot rise, we can sell, so When doing your spring cleaning, make up a knit for the rummage sale. All proceeds arc used for the hospital and every- one is asked to 'co-operate. 1"26b IlaVe Edgar, IlarryAdiunal control Doll 'Whitefieltl, Alex Strong, Wayne Ring captain, 'NUT I)oig, Paul Stahl.; had( mw, Archie Irwin, manager, Gerald, 'grown-, Athol Xowtoo, flurvost Itoager Keiffer, tiittrrayISIelLeati. and Dave Isfellson, 6-1{0tV (1111ANIPIONS--2the litoWkic ,luviolies Were presented With IltC Juvenile TrOPIlY for Whining the group Chainploliship in the Lotl oke this past hockey season, Outiliploitship teams hieliztlesi left to right, front stow, Keith NieliOlsOil, 1011 Tenipleinala PROCLAMATION Dayli9ht Stavin Time Ill'comthence in the Town Wingham SUNDAYI PR11 30, 1961 at 12.0). aim eitiletts are 1.evnin st) Ativapste, 4.61, 'dock at that ti. R. E, MrKINNEY, Mayor Town of Wingham