HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-04-05, Page 8- • is
rage T0.140111 The %%Ingham Advanen-TOneas AVedlreeilaY April 5, 1941 . .
9',5". a.5' eEDROOM
-DiNitt6 tiO0m isto-,• OW'
—Mrs. W. Davis has returned
house after spending a week with
her daughter. Mrs. J.
Sind Sgt. l3ildfell, in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Elliott, of
Hamilton, were holiday visitors
with her sister, Mrs. Richard
LeVan, and Mr. LeVan, of Tees-',
Week=end and Sunday visitors
• as the hOme of Mr. and Ms. Spars
ling Yea were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Newell and children, of Galt, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Sharpe and Rich-
ard, of Walkerton, Mr, Wilfred
Seddon, North Bay, and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Coleman and children,
of Chatham. •
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haw-
thorne, of London, visited over the
holiday , week-end with their
ditughten Mrs. Murray Stainton,
Mr. Stdinton, and family.
Miss • Margaret Machan, of
Petrollas is spending the holidays
at her Smote nere.
-Dr. and Mrs. Bill Hurgman,
Rielty.and Jane, of Kirkland Lake,
spent the Easter week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Easter visitors with Mrs. Wm.
Keith were all the members of her
family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keith,
Brenda and Larne, of London, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Keith, Norman
and Gary, Of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Keith and Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Bannerman, Phyllis and
Dorothy, all of Teeswater, Mrs.
Kenneth Townsend, of Guelph, and
Mr. and Mrs, Terry Nethery.
Elizabeth, Keith and Ruth, of
- Miss Shirley Congram, of Lon-
don, and Carman Johnson, of New
Toronto, ,spent the week-end with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herold Congram.
Bliss` Helen Haines. of London,
is spending this week.with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines.
--Mr. and Mrs. James Henry
were in Port Colborne where they
visited with their son-in-law and
daughter, Dr, and Mrs. James Hall.
--Mr. Robert Young, of Sarnia,
was a week-end visitor with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A.
-- --Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rintoul
s-and- daughter, .Heather, have re-
turned to their home in Timmins
• after spending the Easter holiday
week-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Rintoul, and his broth-
- er, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rintoul,
and family.
--11VIsister Ronald Eickmeier, of
Burlington, snent the past week
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. C, E. Armitage. Miss Carol
Aaselstine, of Toronto, a niece. is.
spending this week at the Armitage.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 13eirnes„ of
Wingham, were guests at the 50th
wedding anniversary of Mr. ani
Mrs. W. MacDonald, of Brussels,
last week. The couple is enjoying
fair health and received friends
for tea in the afternoon and cards
were played during the evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golly have
returned home after spending a
week with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee-
son, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lee-
son and Timmy accompanied them
and arc spending the week here.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker and
family, of Strathroy, were Easter
week-end visitors with his parrots.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adair.
Mrs and Mrs. David Harwood
are spending the Easter holidays.
with relatives in Toronto and are
attending an educational confer,
ence in Detroit for a few days,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Murray,
Stephanie and Shane, of Toronto,
and Doug Murray, of Preston,
spent Easter week-end with their
parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. W. C. Mur-
ray. Ronald, who has been in the
head office of the Toronto-Domin-
ion Bank for the past year, has
been transferred to Edmonton as
methods officer and leaves with his
family tomorrow from Malton air-
port for Edmonton.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Downie and
children, of Penetanguishene, spent
the week-end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R, Downie, and Mrs,
Wm. Brydges.
---Mrs. W. E. McCool underwent
an operation in a Toronto hospital
about ten days ago. Mr. and Mrs.
McCool spent Monday and. Tuesday
of this week at their home here,
and then returned to Toronto.
Mr. Sid Crump, of Sarnia, Mr.
and Mrs, Harold Crump and fam-
ily, of Doan, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Crump, and Billy, of Niagara Falls,
Ont., visited over the Easter holi-
day week-end with their mother,
Mrs. Jean Crump,
---Mr and agrs. Perrie Holmes
and Trudy spent the week-end in
Detroit with Mr, and Mrs. James
—Mrs. Geo. Kerr and family, of
Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Alan Garnisi, in London.
—Miss Margaret King, London.
visited on the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen King.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fletcher and
Jane, of Hamilton, were recent
visitors at the same borne.
- Mrs. Win. Haney visited .with i Mr. and Mrs.' Andy ei,1 and
her daughter, Mrs. Jack McGee faintly of Petrolia. visited with •
and Mr. McGee, and Mr. and. Mrs. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
H. Errington at Dungannon over Htlgar. and Mrs, Mathew Bell
the holiday. during the holiday week-end. °
-Mr. and Mrs, d. Vorgie of
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wm*, of Toronto were visitors. at the week-
Wingham, left on Good Friday for ',end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Halifax, where Mr. Wood -has ac- William Forgic,
cepted a position. Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Cameron,
Susan and Ruth. Ann. Currie Barbara, and. Douglas left Saturday - , 'Detroit to spend a few days.
are holidaying with Miss Judith -.Miss Susan Sell Is visiting with
Rae in London. her Cousins,. Lynda, Brenda and
Cynthia Bennett of Ingersoll,
--Mr. and Mrs. ROs Hamilton
arrived home on Sunday after
spending their honeymoon in Van-
couver and Mexico.
—Visitors over the week-end with
Mrs. S. A. Murray were Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Murray of Little, Long
Rapids, Wayne Murray of .Corral
Rapids, MisS Gail Tremaine of
Chatham, Mn and Mrs. Ken Murray
and Joe of Cooksville and Cyril.
Murray of Goderich,
—Mrs, Howard Meehan, Mrs.
Wm, Alton, Mrs, Gowdy and
Mrs. Robt. Galbraith left Friday
Miss Patricia Deyell, of Tor- from London. on a conducted tour
onto, is spending the Easter va- to Florida..
cation with her parenta, Mr. and --Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kerr, Murray
Mrs. Norman Deyell. Kerr and John Phillips motored to
Toronto Saturday to see the
Chicago-Maple Leafs hockey game,
—Mr. George Porter and. Miss
Heather Anderson of Toronto, visit-
ed over the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 13, Paster.
--Mr, and Mrs. J. L Pegnerri and
Doreen of Applewood -Acres spent
the week-end with her mother,
Mrs. G. S. Cameron.
—Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Sell and
daughter, Mitzi Lee of Orangeville,a
visited on Easter Sunday with Mr. M rs. Wm. Abraham
and Mrs. James Seli.
--Mr. and Mrs, J. W. I3ushfield, Had Long Illness-
and children are spending' a few The death, occurred at Wingham days in Detroit. General Hospital on Saturday,
—Mr. and. Mrs. John Winacbuck March 25th, of Mrs. William Abra-of London were holiday ,visitors ham, in her 75th year,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Angus, Mrs.. Abraham,, who was the
former -Mary Jane Aitchison, was —Mr. and Mrs. Allan Small and
Penny of Toronto were Easter daughter of the late James a
Alexander Aitchison and his wife, week-end guests with his father, Agnes McHardy. She was born in
Mr. Ed -Small, and visited other Morris Township and attended
Wingham relatives, school at Bluevale. On September
—Mr. and Mrs. Carl McKay, 27th, 1912 she was married at
Susan and. Michael of Stratford Bluevale to Mr. Abraham, who pre-visited on Sunday and Monday with deceased !her. She was a member
their parents, -Mr. Stafford Bateson of the United Church at Bluevale.
and Mrs. Annie McKay, Surviving are one son, William,
—Mr. and Mrs. James Waddell Ross Abraham; one brother and
of Listowel visited with their one sister, James Erle Aitchison of
daughter, Mrs. Robert Wenger, on Kitchener and Mrs. James (Agnes) Good Friday. Cleghorn,, Brantford.
—Mrs. Chris Tofting and Harry Service was held at the Walker
spent, a week with the former's funeral home in Winghsim at two daughter, Mrs. Ron Lowes, Mr. o'clock Tuesday afternoon of last Lowes and family, in Peterborough, week, with Rev, W. R. Welsh
--Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hawkins officiating, and interment was and family of London'visited Good made in the Wingham Cemetery.
Friday to Easter Sunday with her The pallbearers were Charles
father, Mr. Stafford Bateson. Campbell, Oliver Campbell, Clar-
—Miss Anne Geddes spent the ence Goll, Wilfred-"Haines, Alex holiday week-end with Mr, , and Campbell. and Milo Casemore.
Mrs. N. M. Geddes of Toronto.-
-Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bennett
and family of Ingersoll, visited family of Ayr, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
over the week-end with Mr. and Adams of Hepworth ,and Mr. and Mrs. James Sell. Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Charlie Loughlean of South-
son, Bradley, are remaining for a ampton. Mr. John Loughlean,
father of Mrs. Brown, who also
came over the week-end is staying
for a visit,
—Mr. and Mrs. Rem Morgan
spent the week-end in Toronto
visiting her sisters, Mr. and Mrs.
-Stanley McLachlan, and Mr. and
Mrs, Norman McPhail,
—Miss Mae Coulter of Aylmer
is spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
, --Mr. and Mrs. Robt, RoWsell and
children visited over the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Dixon in Toronto.
--Visitors over the week-end with.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Town were
Mr. and liftrs. George Town and
. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Peacoats and
family, of Bluevale, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rob-
ertson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
MeBurney. Mrs, Fred Yausi and
son, Carman, of London, spent the
week-end at the McBurney home.
Mr, and Mrs. Don Fraser and
children, of Walton, Mr, and Mrs.
Anson Ruttan and children, of
Fordwich, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Montgomery and children, of
Wingham, with local relatives,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.'
Robert Montgomery and Mr. Wil-
liam Elliott.
Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Thompson
and children visited on Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Wright, of Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes at-
tended the funeral of the late Jas.
Pipe in Goderich on Saturday. ,
Mrs. D, Willis' visited on -Sunday
with Mr, and. Mrs. S. C, Willis, of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Majury and
Glen, of Paisley, visited on Sunday
with Mr.- and Mrs, A. N. Coultes.
Miss Marjorie Coultes, of Wing-
ham Hospital staff, is in Toronto
week ,attending,, a nurses.'
course there.
Mrs. Annie Struthers was able to
leave Wingham Ho'spital on Sunday
and went to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Lawrence McLeod,
of Kinloss Township..
Mrs. Jack Flinnigan, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her par-
family, and Mrs. Owens ,of Owen
Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. James
Helesic of Clinton,
—Mr.- and Mrs. Richard Sander-
son of Stratford spent Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott.
Almajane returned home with them
to spend the Easter holidays.
--Mr. and Mrs, Bob Carbert and
children of 'Ottawa spent the holi-
day week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carbert. Miss
Barbara Carbert of Westniirister
Hospital, London, also spent the
the week-end at home.
axesova-c etemoczaccasa.0
Shown here, unloading a truck-load of the valuable gifts, is. belt
"Car King" Pearson and .his staff of salesmen, Left to right are,
Jack Pearson, Lou Bailey, Ralph Parkinson, Den Smith, Pete arifs
and Bill. Belling. =Zurich Citizens News Moto.
and Mr, and Mrs, Mitchell Elliott
and family, of Ailsa Craig, visited OFFERS FRFF filFTS
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Inglis.
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mary McAllister, Wingham, ZURICH CAR OEM FR
Mrs. Walter Elliott,
Jack Pearson, Zurich who clubs
Mr, and -Mrs, Cameron Simmons himself "The Car King of Huron
and Nancy, of London, visited on County," announced this week his
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and firm has -purchased .$5,000 worth a!
Mrs. Charles Martin, who have Canadian merchandise to launch. been laid up for some time with an the biggest automobile promotion
attack 'of the flu.
in' the county's history. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Moore and
children, of Estaire, near Sudbury, He plans to give away bieyole$,
spent the week-end with his pars power mowers, barbecue and tran-
-"cots, -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore. sistor radios in a county-wide raw
Mr. Moore is a guard at the Bur- paign to stimulate lagging ear sales wash Prison Farm at Estaire.
Mr. and Mrs, Myles St, Marie during April,
and children, and his father, Mr.
"Our objective," says thass welch James St. Marie, were in 'Kitchen- dealer, "is to establish an o; e
er on Thursday. Mr. St, Marie and sales record for autoinobil. ty Its Mr. and Mrs.' Raymond St. Marie Western Ontario,"
left to spend the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael St. Marie, of
Lansing, Mich.
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz
and family„ -of Goderich, spent Sun-
day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ezra Scholtz.
Mrs, James Laidlaw and Mr, and
Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw and family,
London, spent the week-end with
Lucknow relatives and with Mr,
and `Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin visited
on 'Sunday at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. 'Claire • Hopper, Winghain.
Mr, and. Mrs. Kenneth Dickson
and children, of Belmore, visited on
-Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Moore.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cameron and
family, of Ashfield, visited. on Sun-
day with,IVIr. and Mrs. Wm, Rin-
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Gibson, of
Brantford, spent the week-end with
her mother, Mrs. R. J. Carrie.
macher, of Mildmay, visited on
Sunday at the home of their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Howard Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spiel-
buyer of a new ear or used ear, re-
gardless of price, will get the .
choice of one of the 100 gifts offer-
In the Pearson promotion, every
ed by the firm, "We're not hiking Mr. and 'Mrs. Stewart Coupland,
prices to cover the extra cost, of Toronto, spent the week-end
either," Pearson say. "We expect with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,'
to cover expenses by the big in- Chas. Robinson, and with Wroxeter,
relatives. • crease in volume."
r This brick veneer three-bedroom
bungalow has been designed by
architect It. Whiteley, of Don Mills,
to ensure good internal circulation.
The floor plan is So arranged that
any part of the house may be
reached without crossing the living
The large kitchen, which tan be
used for dining, is conveniently
located in relation to both the main
and secondary entrances. Ample
cupboard, closet and storage space
is another attractive feature Of the
plan. The front door is protected by a roof overhang, which is ex-
tended to , form a carport. Por
best orientation the front door a
should face north.
Tile total floor area is 1,085
square feet and the exterior dimen4
aions are $0 feet, two inches, by
40 feet, 10 inches. Working draw-
ings for the house, known as De-
sign 29., May be obtained frOth
Central Mortgage and Housing.
Corporation at Ininienuip cost
- Miss Patsy Walker is a patient
In Wingham Hospital, where she
had her appendix removed on
Tuesday of this week.
- Mr, and Mrs. Don Dentine, of
London, were' Easter week-end
visitors with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Harris.
• Mrs. Iris Morrey and Mrs.
Fred Fuller were in Stratford last
Wednesday where Mrs. Morrey at-
tended a meeting at the Stratford
General Hospital.
Mrs. F. A. Cotesisna daughters,
Marguerite and .Franeolse„ of Ot-•
tawa, and Misses Hazel and Minn.
Weir, of Toronto, spent the week-
end with their mother, Mrs. Anne
Weir, a•nd Miss Fannybelle.
- Visitors over the week-end
with Mrs. L. Ste. Marie were Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Hobd.en and Stew-
art, of New-.Hamburg, Mr. and
Mrs Ronald Ste. Marie, of Cooks-
villa, Mr. and. Mrs. Lennie Ste.
Marie and family, of Milton, Mr,
Earle Ste. Marie, of Kitchener, Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Redmond and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ste. Marie
and David, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Foxton, all. of • Wingham.
--Mr, John Crawford, of Tor-
onto, spent the week-end with his
Parents, Mr. end Mrs. J. H. Craw-
--Miss Christine Runstedtler, of
Ursuline Crillege of Arts, and John
Runstedtler, of University of
Western Ontario; Lens145n.,..4ent the
Easter week-end with. their par-
ents, Mr.- - and Mrs:'- Run-
stedtler. Other visitors-Wri• Sunday
at the same home • were Misses
Anne and Loretta and Mr. Joseph
Runstedtler, of Hespeler, and Mrs.
A. Purkis, of Galt,
Jim Newman, of Strathissy,
Miss T.SIstrnie Evans, of Sdrnia, Ron
T)upuis, of Windsor; and Miss
Marykae Newman,- of London,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Chris. Newman.
Attractive Three-Bedroom Bungalow
Particularly Suited for Narrow Lot
—Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ernest and
family, of Hamilton, visited sv:th
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Ernest,
over the holiday week-end.
—Miss Nancy Slosser, of Lon-
don, and David Slosser, of Tor-
onto, spent the holidays with tneir week. parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Slosser. —Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Johnson Mrs, Slosser's mother, Mrs. Alf.
Weber, of Mildmay, spent Monday
at the same home.
left Monday to spend a -couple of
weeks with their son, Mr, Gerald
F. Johnson and Mrs. johnsoni in
----Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCall of
Otter Rapids, Ont,, visited over
the week-end with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tuck, Mr. and
Mrs. Neil McColl Sr., of 'West
Lorne also visited at the same
—Mrs. A, J. Armstrong of Lon-
don visited over the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casemore and
Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Miller.
—Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cameron
and Julie of Owen Sound spent the
holiday week-end with their par,
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Don Cameron
and Mr, and 'Mrs. Jack Colvin. '
—Mr. and Mrs. John Langridge,
David and Steven were visitors, on
Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
F. Langridge and Mr. Denis Lan-
gridge, of near Belgrave.
—Mr. anr Mrs. Arthur Kappler
of St.' Marys were holiday week-
end guests with their daughter
Mrs. Desmond Brophy and Mr.
Brophy. .
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman
of Port Hope are visiting with Mrs.
A, Nicol. Alan Nicol has returned
to Uplands after spending the
Easter holidays with his mother,
Mrs. Nicol,
- --Mrs. T. G. Irwin and family of
Alliston visited with her mother,
Mrs. Wm. Connell over Easter.
Susan and Betsy remained to spend
their Easter vacation with their
grandmother. —Jennifer and Glenn. Thirsting,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dun-
das, are spending this week. With
their, grandparents-, Mr. and: Mrs.
Gordon Lafferty of near Chatham,
--Miss Marlene Stainton of Lon-
don visited for several days at the
end of the week with her pAents,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stainton, Mr.
and Mrs, Neil Stainton of TOrorito
spent the holiday week-end with
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Percy
Stainton and Mr. and Mrs, Archie
Blair of Teeswater, ,
—Mrs. J. S, Carr has rebltned
from Toronto where she spent the
winter with her daughter, Mrs.
Oordon Keith and Mr. Keith. Mrs.
Carr was a guest at the home of
I Mrs. William Keith on Sunday.
, — ri Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinarnon
and Children visited on Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Rock of IVforikton.
- -Mr, and Mrs. jack Laing,
3ittariv and Lennie tiu of Toronto
and -Mr. and Mrs. cordon Gerson
and family of Teeswater visited
over-the holiday with Mr. and MrS.
Morris ilwaneon, a
---Visitors over the week-end With
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Brown, Were
Mr. and Mrs. Sant Shutt% and
is ready to
serve you!
SALES PROMOTION—Pearson Motors in Zurich are launching one
of the largest sales promotions ever seen in Huron County. In an
attempt to iwast the sale of cars during the month of April, Pearson's
are giving away a, bicycle, transistor radio, power lawn. mower, or an
electric barbecue, with each new or used ear purchased from them,
Really ' Counts!
"We also think we can proye that
this temporary recession every-
body's talkie.; about is over and
done with, The only thing holding.
back the economy now it talk itself,
The hue and cry over unemploy-
ment, for instance, has frightened
a lot of people. But in Huron, the
figures prove there's no more peo-
ple out of jobs than is normal at
this tinse of year. The only depres-
sion is in people's minds,"
"We believe if we talk optimis-
tically— and act optimistically, as
we are doing in this April pro-
motion--the so-caller recession
will quickly disappear."
"As a matter of fact," ha con-
st of
uld tinned, "our big giveaw
help the unemployment s
in other parts of Canada.
the items we're giving away are
quality-made Canadian merchan•
Here's what the American Bankers' Magazine,
, a publication that represents a traditionally
conservative profession, has to say:
"No business man or woman in any town
should allow a 'newspaper to go to press The without his or her name being mentioned
somewhere in its columns.
"Any stranger picking up a newspaper should
be able to tell what business is represented in
a town — it's the best possible town advertiser.
The man or woman who does not advertise
does an injustice to himself or herself and
definitely to the town."
is. local newspaper advertising
to local business firms?.
"There's no substitute for circulation"