HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-04-05, Page 7—Photo by C01111011. -13Prooks--4 Marianw-MeKibbon c .Rbbottrrptrituro • 'Nine tables at Weekly ,Euchre T3117,1...GRAvE, Tbere were nine centre on Wednesday evening. High prizes were won by Mrs, John Anderson and Bert Thomp- son, Consolation prize went to Mrs. Stanley Cook and Gordon Higgins. Novelty prize winners for having birtlidate nearest "Good Friday weer Mrs. Gordon Higgins and ,Mark Armstrong. George Grigg wilt be the con- vener of the next euchre, which will 'be the final one of the season, BfilLGR.AVE•• Seventeen persons were received as triedtbers 'Of the Bel'grave congregation of the Unit- ed Church of Canada at a con- firmation and reception service held on Easter Sunday. James Michie on behalf of the session, Intl-educed those received on profession of faith and Rev J.H,-Anderson 'Introduced those by certificate of transfer as follows: Douglas John .Rieman, Marilyn Olive Campbell, Donna Marie Coal- tes, Douglas George Johnston, Linda Kathleen Coulter., Jear Marie Hanna, Ruth Louise Michie 'Keith LeRoy Pletch, Wayne Gor- don Pletch, -Max Winston 'Pletch Betty jean Rinn, Linda Marie Rinn; Helen Marlene Walsh, Barry Michael Logan, Clifford Ralph Logan, Mrs, Ross Higgins and John Nixon. • I Jean Marie Hanna received the sacrament of Holy Baptism at this service. Each one war} presented with a. booklet, a book mark with a Bible verse on it, and the mem- bership 'certificate. Rev, Anderson was in, charge of this special service and read Scrip- ture. The choir, under the direction of their leaders and organist, Roy Mundy, sang two anthems, "Day of Resurrection" and "Rise my Sent" with Miss - Kasen Anderson taking the solo part in the latter one. Following the communion Ser- vice, Rev. Anderson gave the bene- diction, RECEIVE MEMBERS AT SUNDAY SERVICE of Clifford, were gowned alike In lavender organza, balkrinit length, with full bouffant skirts, the -back being shirred with rosette trim. They wore matching rosette head- pieces and carried bouquets of white and motive mums trimmed with ivy. Geoomeman was Donald McLean, of ifetrathroy, and the guests were ushered by Jim. Newnan, of Strathroy„ and Greg Buchanan, of London. Spring flowers brightened the church basement where a reception was held following the ceremony. The bride's Mother received in a two.plece dross of silvery green French brocade with green and white accessories, Her corsage Was of mauve and white Mine. 'The groom's Mother Selected a pale blue sheath dress with fnelehing duster coat and white and black accessories. Her -corsage was of white Mums and red roses. For travelling the 'aide wore a. green 'stroller shit with corsage bronze intens and brown aecessors les, Mr. and Mrs, TRO"016 wilt re- side, hi London. Out of town guests were present front London,. Torealte, kinky; Sea- forth, Brantford and Kitchener, The 'bride is a graduate of the Londde. Teaehers' Cellege. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and its Sunday School • rooms were filled to capacity 'for the funeral. of Dr. Alexander NhIllina minister at the graveside service for Dr. Wingham Cemetery on Friday afternoon. XNQX. W.114 MEETS WILL .REPLACE STEPS BELRAVE- The regular Meet- Inge of the Woman's Missionary Society and the- Woman's, Associ- athee of Knox United Church were • Id on Wednesday afternoon. in it • church with a good attend- Ance. Mrs.' Kenneth Wheeler opened 'the WA nreetink with a reading, "At Easter Time," followed by' a hymn. Mrs. Leslie Bolt read the eninutee and Mrs. J. M. Coultes read the financial statement show- ing a balance on hand of $87e.62. It Was decided to replace the front steps Ana approach to the church and it was voted to cater to the Liberal party banquet. tohe held in the arena on May 4, Mrs, 10, Anderson was in charge of the WMS -.meeting, and Mrs. WIlliard Armstrong read the minutes. Mrs, George Martin gave the financial statement, and Mrs. Annie Coultes read the gift fUnd report, The group_ received and ac- ted an invitation to meet with evening Auxiliary on :April 12. Mrs. ,J, H. Anderson and Mrs. Annie,,Cottitee were named dele- gates to the Presbyterial, in Wing- ham, Mrs. StanleY Cook announced thatilienilocation for this year will be $340.00. Miss Mary McLaughlin is the missionary for prayer. T. H. 'Anderson and her group were in charge of the wor- ship service and she opened it by telling the members of the passing of Mrs. 'Hansel. the theme .of the service was "Crown Him the Lord of Life," Mrs. Anderson gave the responsive call to worship, followed 'by a hymn, 'Mrs. Mark Armstrong and Mrs. Annie Coultes read the meditation followed by prayer by Mrs, Anderson and silent prayer, and a hymn, se, 'rs, Carl Procter and Mrs, Geo. Winston sang a duet accompanied by Mrs. Coulter. Mrs. James Michie gave an Easter message, "The Power of His Resurrection and the Legend of the Buster Violet." Mrs. Andehson gave a reading, "May Peace Be Yours," The' meeting closed with a hymn and the bene- diction in unison. PresbYteriel meeting will be held in the United. Church here on Thurs- day of this week, when It is expect- ed that about 300 ladies will attend, This will he the last annual meet- ing 'on its present form, as these organizatiene will amalgamate next Year to become known as the United. Church Woinen. The morning session begins at 9.30, Officers will be elected at this session and, Mrs, Arthur Jackson, of Atwood, will speak on "United Church Women." Rev, T. G. Hus- ser will conduct a communion ser- vice at 11,30. New to the 'eesettlar program will be the departmental conferences, which will follow the dinner period. In charge of the various groups will be:4Presidents, Mrs. 0, Har- rison, Monkton; secretaries, Mrs. W. 'B. Cruikshank, Mrs, Geo. Mich- ie, Wingham; younger groups, Rev: C. 'Ferguson, London; missions, Rev, L. Brown, 'Brussels; literature, Mrs. S. E. Lewis, Exeter; treasur- ers and Christian stewardship, Mrs, E. MdKinley, Zurich; supply, Mrs. Rex Harmer, Plattsville, The highlight of the afternoon will he an address by Miss Mildred Mathewson, on furlough from Japan, Miss Mathewson will also install the new •officers, The president's message 'by Mrs, G, W, Tiffin will conclude the afternopre BELORAVE Mrs, Alice Johnston and Miss Iris Johnston of London spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Carl Procter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and Mr. Martin Grasby visited on Saturday evening with Miss Lois Grasby of Clinton. Mr. Clifford Coultes of Chesley is spending the holidays With his parents, Mr, and' Mrs. Albert 'Coul- tes, Mr. Chris. Nethery, who has been a patient for the past few weeks in Victoria Hospital, London, re- turned home last week, Mr, and Mrs. Alan Campbell and Dean, of London, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, -Gordon Pengelly and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Anderson of London spent the week-end with AMae anderyf Ise' goliftseitrideesone tee - Mr. and Mr's. Mike' 'Rezensoff, Gait and Heidi of St, Catharines spent the -Week-end with hei sister and nopheW, Mrs: Laura Johnston and 'George, and other relatiVes in the district. 1VEr and Mrs. Ted. Fear and family visited with his mother, Mrs. A. Fear at Blyth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray' Hunking and David of London .visited on 'Satur- day with Mrs, James Lamont arid :family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall and family of Gerson are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook and other rela- tives. Mr, and - Mrs. Keith Anderson of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and family of Guelph, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed, Hartlin, and family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Tad Hunking and family of 'Auburn were all visitors over the holiday Week-end with their parents, Mr, rind Mrs. Earl Anderson. Miss Eleanor Walsh is spending the holiday week-end on a trip to New York. 'Mrs. Annie Coultes spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.George Pocock at Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Styles, Billy and Patsy of Mimito spent the holiday week-end with Mrs, Cora McGill. Dan. Ferguson of Goderich also visited there on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Orr and fam- ily visited on Sunday With her parents, Mr. anirMre. Bert Weiler at Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie ,Shate and Sharon of London visited on Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson.' Mr. George Cook treated all the younger chikiren of the village to a trip to his bush on Friday, on the wagon drawn by a team of horses, !All enjoyed seeing how I maple syrep was Made, and a walk i around the bush, . Several of the Mothers accompanied the children. Winthrop Mr. and Mrs, Robert Beattie of W spent Sunday wiht their daughter and eon-le-law. Mr. and Mrs. George Michle and family. M. ,1, H. ,Anderson and Mes. George Michle attended the funeral of Mrs. E, I, liaOSOld in Tavistock last week, Mrs. Henetrid had been president of 'London Conference Branch, W.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent and family of tendert, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mee, Albert Vins 'eent and other relatives. Miss Pat Logan Of 'Toronto, spent the week-end with her patents, Mt, and Mrs, Clifford I.Ogert and fam- ily. Mr Al stark, KethY and Bruce Of Detroit, Miete, spent the week- end with his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Peotter, Miss Ruth Proctor and Mrs. Charlie Theintre and Diane returned with Mr. Stark to spend this Week h1 social half hour enjoyed, BERM Mr. and Mrs. •john Spivey and family, of Ingersoll are spending this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Procter and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Spivey. Mr. and Mrs, Murray McDowell and Heather of Cookstown, visited over the week-end' with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walsh and Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell. Heather remained for the week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walsh, Mrs. Lloyd McDonald . of Galt spent the week-end with her par- ents Mr, and 'Mrs. Nelson Higgins. Mr, and Mrs: Alan Dunbar and family visited on Sunday with her father, Mr. Fred Pickett at Londes- bore, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Hunkin and family of London, visited with Mr. 'and Mrs. Alan .Dunbar and family Saturday evening. Easter week-end visitors with Ur, and 'Mrs. Harry Brydges and Mrs. William Brydges were Mr. and Mrs. Ken :Downie and family, of Penetang, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rousselle and family, Scarborough. Mr, Torn Brydges, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnstone and family, of Lucknow, also visited at the same home. ELECT OFFICERS MRS, NEN KINfi CIL PRESIDENT Mrs. John Hanna presided on Monday evening when the Catholic Women's League met in Sacred Heart parish hull. She opened with prayer and 'brought unfinishde business before the gathering. It was deckled to send 'a bale to an Indian mission in Manitoba. Annual renorte were read by the secretary and treasurer, which dis- closed that the League had en- joyed an active turd successful year. Rey. G. 3, Freker expressed ap- preciation to the CWL executive which had served faithfully for the past two years. He pointed out that the League must sprinsor certain money-making ventures, for neces- sary funds to suppott its worth while projeete, hut stressed thud members must keep in mind that the primary purpose is spiritual. Mrs. Prank Caskanette and Mrs. Alf. Lockridge had earlier been up- pbinted ire a nominating committee to bring in a new slate of officer's Ntre. Caeltanette was not present and the followihg slate was pre- sented by Mrs. Lockeidgie Past preeident, Mrs. John Bad , na; president, aim. Owen King. 'let \flee, Mrs. Pewee Shinn; 2nd vice, Mrs. Cy Robinson; ind Mrs. 'Bob Seweres liens., Mrs. Ed Bauer; sea., MIS. Keith Montgom- ery; press, Mrs, Winfred White. Mrs. King addressed the Wiles and thanked them for the honor in being elected to setve rut president She then welcome 1 each menthol' of the new execta!se Mrs. King look the chain for the remainder of the mopting. wiaai new business was vlivossed. &elided to hold all 1,1Vitatioli euchre patty on April '26 mil Mrs George Skinn .and Mrs. Waller Locktidge were appointed as n buying committee, A draw 'for a OM will be Made at this party. the quilt being donated by Mrs. Shower Held for Miss Joan Colvin Miss Carol Crawford entertained about 15 friends of Miss Joan Colvin on Monday evening, prior to Miss Colvin's marriage on Friday to Paul' Coyle. The shearer was a surprise to the guest of (tenor. A social even- ing was spent when the girls pre- sented a bride's book. Miss Barbara Pickford, repre- sented the group in the presenta- tion of a -toaster and kitchen uten- sils. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Penny - Gerry, Barb Pickford and Nancy Fowler, Ilohnes—Stapleloll An Basher double ring ceremony was performed at. the Baptist. par- sonage, Stratford, on Thursday evening, March 3e, by the Rev, H. Peet', pastor, when Guelda Marie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur"Stapleton, of, Wing- ham, -became the bride of David Clarence tiohnes, of Mitchell, entingret eon of Mrs, .ledythe Holm-- es, of Kincardine, and the late Henry Holmes. They were attended by Mies Anne •Morrieme and Mr Robert ('nylon, both of Stratford, 'After a short wedding trip Mr and M ES, Holmes will reside in L't int ford. Aestin 1tie Me de Mrs. OW011, ging and Mi14. Cy R.obinster were named as delegates In attend the CWI, of Louden Dlopese convention, in he held in hatharn May le ane 17, ter April le, the new memo-ivy will meet to nppolut the envious (.01111MM-tie fur the coming yam'. Mrs. Hanna- rinsed the meeting with prayer. NEW PROJECTS MARANO AUTHORITY WILL BROADEN :SCOPE A 'broadening of activities by the Middle Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority is seen following the annual meeting in Lietowei last week, attended by representatives of the 13-member municipalities. A new phase of conservation will he introduced this year and includes the preservation of wildlife. the Glen Delegates m approved Smith o epe rtry iurbtierzewrit i-,s 'Township, to embark on the pro. gram, An option has been taken on the ee-acre parcel for $1,50e The deal is expected to be corn' piked to enable the Aeleienry Board to -take the initial steett iu this new venture during the cons ing- summer, Wildlife preservation rep, eseele a major propeet iu neine at on.. tario's lending censer satien ere-h- i-traits, Decision to underlie:0 the, Im o . geam earne follorviag v.,,,,firo mendation of tire expisioiee reports had been l<ihled he Heim estatlon Chaim/am Deniel Bauer man, H. te. 110014 r', Beet . [iota roan for both the Aneeble end Middle Maitiond Ant imeitiee, aria t, C.fevales, of Stratford, elm, tie- ester. leirst ,emeedered for' Arida ,nn arr til t' 14.0 310 r tY'q 4436,,seto , 111:, lend subsequeetly wes emirediseei more suitable for a ,C omprt,•01 1,,a project, teetering %ability vale-tie-en. Boo, 1411', Hooke, Mee at.'' tree esmiled the Department of Plaolliag at the attune, meet iii g, termed the ;.it ":1 . natural," Zeno Pori:N.44'i agreed.. The awe rime the length of a enneeseinn and ntreeily lees till it a small forest, ettierro. awl trout pond. At very little -expeller, the arca C0111(1 be ilevelopisi l'n contain pheasant. pert ridge and other game birds. The etteittn and, vend -could St. _Andrew's Presbtyerian Church, Whighem, was the setting at :1,30 Saturday afteritoon for We Wedding of Marianne 'MeKibbon to Beverly -Brooks, l`oth of London. The bride is the only daughter of Dr, and Mrs. W, A. MeKibben, Wingham, and the groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Brooks, of Whip,-Inuet. Yellow and mauve mums and candelabra form- esi the decorations in the church, and Harold Victor Pym was at the eonsole of the organ, Walton Mc- le'Aim, a cousin of the bride, was foist, singing "The boreTe Pray- " end "As We, 0 Lord, II ;reined Our liands." Given in mashie' 'by her folk- cr. the bride was radiant in a trits ditionel gown of lily white peatiedes• sole, fashioned on empire lines which featured ri. bateau neckline and lesettioes of guipure lace and long pointed sleeves. Tire draped hipline snggeste.'l a beetle, with guipure applique tapped by a fan- ned rosette. Her double French illusion Veil was held in place by n large rosette and she carried a bouquet of white roses, centred with gardenias and trimmed with The maid of honor- end 1.41des- Maids. Miss Itlarykae Newman, of WirIgharti, Miss Sylvia Alexander, Wingbani, arid Miss Eleanor Rabb, ores,k..,44 PRESBYTERIAL HERE THEME IS EASTER TO CIICJICI ENTRANCE. AT AFT. AUXILIARY tables. in. play at the regular Week- ly euehre hell at the •community The 36th annual WIt/IS Huron ONTAR.10, WINION,CSVIAY ,• APRIL 1961 WOMEN' WILL 11010. mr,),!$.,,!41.WMAN SPEAKER Miss Ruth Michie Conducts Worship BELGRA.VE---The regular meet- ing of the Canadian Girls-in-Train- ing opened with the C.G.I.T, hymn, purpose and prayer in unison, Routine reports were- read by the secretary and treaenrer, Mrs. Kenneth Masee. will give a demon- stration at the next Meeting. Diane Veneer-tip and Joyce Proe- ter fevered with mesicel nninbers. Ruth Miehie opened the worship service followed by the hymn, "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord". The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Linda Rinn Renewed by a story by Ruth Following the offering, Ruth led In prayer and the girls sang the hymn, " When I Survey The Wondrous Grass", Linda Rion led in prayer and the meeting bettolt, 'closed with. -"Tape. Tire "fleeter meeting of the After- noon Auxiliary of the WielS, United a, Church, was held. on Tuesday U- tast week, The president opened the sneethig with the hymn. "Crown Him With Many Crowns," and a brief Easter message, The Easter thankoffering was received and Mrs. Fingland gave the prayer of dedication, Announcement was made of the meeting of Huron. Presbyterial in, Wingham Church on 49.pril. 6th, the first session at 9.30, and that the last Meeting of London Branch will be held in London April 17,, 18 and 19. Anyone wishing tie attend the evening service on the 18th, who would like transpottation on the bus being chartered by the Even- ing Auxiliary, leaving Wingham about a quarter to six 'o'clock, was asked to contact the secretary, or Mrs. Ross Vogan of the Evening Auxiliary, as soon as possible. An invitation from Whitechurch Aux- iliary to attend its Easter rneetine, at two o'clock on April 19th was accepted. Mrs. Chamney reported that Miss Muriel Brandow, of Trinidad,. is the missionary as- signed the auxiliary for special prayer this year, Mrs. Underwood had charge of the program and gave the call to worship. , The 'hymn, "Rejoice, the Lord Is King," was sung, and Scripture passages were read by Mrs, Arthur Edgar and Mrs, "Ross King. 'Mrs. Gowans offered prayer. Mrs. Underwood spoke briefly on the meaning of Easter, saying that for the Christian it is the passing of the winter of man's despair ,and the revival of life in the triumphs of Christ over sin and, death.- 'Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton gave a reading ,"The Voice of the Cross,? Mrs. G. 5, Newman was / guest speaker and gave an inspiring EaSter message. After reading from Phillips translation the story of the women at the tomb and their, commission to "go and tell," she said that 'we also must hear wit- ness and not by words only 'but' by deeds as well. The women of to- day must be on the job as were these early friends of Jesus. Christ must 'be the centre of our lives. Taking the letters in the word Easter she said "E" stood for the Ever-living Saviour and 'His prom- lee..."beereuensels-live ebeelleslives also; "A" ineent ACcepted, Christ's Sacrifice accepted 16r the whole World; "Se was the Seeking Sav- iour; '"I' the Triumphant 'Saviour; "E" the Ever-present Saviour, "Lo I am with you alway, even unto the end"; "R" stopd for the Risen life, May we all find new' life at Easter. "The Head That Once Was 'Crowned With Thorns" was sung and all joined in the Mizpah bene-i diction. Tea was served and al CONGREGATION AND CLERGY pity solemn tribute to a beloved Alexander Nimmo in the Members of his emigre- on Friday afternoon. A former Moderator of the General Assembly, Dr. Nimmo ministeree .to the, Wingham congregation for 16 !years. gation, who acted as flower bearers are at left, while clergy of Huron- Maitland Presbytery are at right. - le addition, further derelopstent of '1 reedier) of the Galbraith pro-. porty iii 'Mornington Township is eonstioratitm as it reereatien area. be stocked with additional fish,- ex- plained Mn, Hooke. Tell acres of. the land, Centered around the portion covered by the dam has been -leased by Thomas Pierce, of R. R. 4, Brussels, for the purpose of raising and trapping muskrats. The lease still has sev- eral years Lo run but authority members favored renewing the lease with Mr. Pierce, Their contention is that his ac- tivities fie Into the wildlife preser- vation program and would- assist rather than prove a handicap to this new venture, "Obviously, Mr. Pierce is also conservation -minded,' expressed Chairman Harold Cosens, "1 could see no reason for this authority at- tempting to Interfere with the pre- :sent lease." Mr Hooke landed the authority's decision to undertake this phase of conservation, He recalled that since its inreption in 1951, the Middle Maitland has been reasonably axe nee bet it now is hr a position to eeetinwlish something on a major As fepiesentative of the Depart- remit of Planning and Develop- meet, he reminder] authority' -ree- 1etieritetives fled the Ontario Goes eminent is heppy 10 assist eons e cieet er ii in any way. HP foresaw fli e ;3401101/I of :this program as a emu cc' or ettratnion to tire public. The .setting,. ire void, lends itself to etenitive possibilities. tip wrell8 and recreation advis- er e board is also slated for a busy came about When I plivelmee of the (lowland property in Iseey Toreneirip was confirmed AN ra, lral'k, and recreation area. This Mari IN situated near Ethel Aral mieteerit In a mire 'widely used along the banks a( the Mettler ci it •Alartai 116.1/1:510.••••,.....•