HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-29, Page 91955 CHEV YOUlt DODGE, SIMCA mid VALIANT DEALER 12', Completely optioned with 2idoor with radio, In good Condition. PHONE 710 VVINGI-IAM 10-yd. GRAVEL 140X & HOIST 1959 DODGE 8-cylinder, 4-door sedan, in A-1 shape. One-owner car. 1958 DODGE AT THESE 8-cyl. with automatic transmission. This car is in particularly good con- dition. 1955 PONTIAC Four-door Sedan, with radio. c5 STUDEBAKER four-door Sedan USED CAR SPECIALS WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON THE "DEPENDABLE" EMBLEM. OUR USED CARS ARE TESTED AND RECONDITIONED WHERE NECESSARY TO PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT DEPENDABL [that's a BIG word with us1 1956 MERCURY 1952 MERCURY Three-fon TRUCK with 12efoot rack Brand new motor. LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Half-ton Express Truck APPROVED AUTHORIZED DEALER 1955 PLYMOUTH Four-door Sedan 1954 PONTIAC Four-door Sedan. 1953 CHEV Four-door Sedan. A good car, re, conditioned, with a new paint job. 1952 CHEV Coach. This car is in good condition and is repainted. HOLISETRAILER CHRYSLER I W I W I WI L I W I WI LF LF starie, Tile Wirrigiufin Actva eeMtnes, Weftesday 51.4roli Ma 7,7,77777 WINGHAM YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE AN PHONE 12 CUB ancl SCOUT MOTHERS' AUXILIARY WILL HOLD THE REGULAR IVIEETIN IN THE SCOUT HALL ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 9 p.m, All mothers of Cubs and &WAS are welcome« A fellow ,wouldn't mind loaning I eeees^,,e•e---,----,wweeeeeeee his lawn mower if the borrower • wouldn't take it out of the yard geOdilig attivit es "STARS ARE THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN" was the song that Jane Day and Ruth Ann Hamilton sang as a duet at the public school variety concert in the high school auditorium last Friday. Tbe two young ladies are in Grade 7. Kindness is a langeage the •Mtitfil can speak and the deaf tan Warp Commercial Bowlers It hardly seems possible that 24 weeks of bowling has gone by so .quickly, hut such is the case and I am sure that it has been a season filled with good fellowship as well as shrieks and laughter to say nothing of the ohs, and dash it and darns. Last week saw the regular season end and there were some real good scores posted. Ruth Lott came through with a 309 single and a 671 triple. Ken Cerson also had a good night with' a 286 single and a 709 triple. 'Tle, season's high figures .were: Ledies - High average, Ruth Lott, 383; high 'single, Ruth 'Lott, 309; high triple, . Dorothy Templeman, 681. Cents-High. average, Ken Cer- son, 191; high aingle, Ken Cereon, 346; high triple, Ken Corson, 761. ,...erse.r.oSesnoNnev....se, Patrick St., Wingharn Phone 770 Vr titiol,ivamarsairoseir FINANCIAL MANAGEIVIEhIT SERVICES Instalment Savings Plans— More than110,000Canadians are planning to save $500,000,000 with Investors Syndicate car. Mattes, *Ingle Payment Certificates —with guaranteed investment values. A Balanced Mutual Fund—; Investors Mutual, Canada's ler. gest mutual fund, emphasizes income, stability and capital gain potential. A Mutual Fund For Growth —Investors Growth Fund em. phasizes long.term capital gain. Tax-Deductible Registered Retirement Plans — Fixed- interest, equity and combined plans for individuals and groups. THOMAS JARDIN Box 394, Winghtan, Ont„ Pbo»e 141 BRUCE McFAUL Box 693, Listowel, 'Ont., Phone 975 EMERSON IVEL Box 6, Harriston, Ont„ Phone 334W Investors Of CANADA. 0 Head Office: Winnipeg Offices in Principal Cities Annommussaammoomm.X., Pack R Cubs IL was another busy night for Lite leaders, Bob Rintoul, Barb Pielrforri, Barry Pickford end Mr. und Mrs. Arnold when 30 boys from Panic B turned out for the regular meeting at the Scout Hall last .week. Many of the Cubs were eager ta get on with more tests for both First 'and Second Star reqierements, Games were enjoyed throughout the evening as the boys took their turns in the test rooms, First Star Tests: Safety rules, Jim McCarter, Steven Pocock, Ricky Gardner, Kevin Dunbar, Len lohnsten, Lloyd Frid enbu rg. Time, Brian Brooks, Norm .Gor- rie; growing things, Greg Carter; 0 Canada, Ken Aitchison; patron saints, Danny Arnold. God Save the Queen, Danny. Arnold, Brian Deyell, Don Hastings,. Ken .Aitchison, Bill Strong; knots, 111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111011111 Soft Water As An Investment Few household appliances can inatch the "return" you'll get from your investment in soft water. CLEARER Pots, Pans, Dishes, Glassware, Floors, Walls, Tubs, Sinks, Toilets, Autos, Clothes . . and Kids. MORE EFFICIENT — DishwaSh- ers, Water Heaters, Clothes Wash- ers, Garbage Disposal, Drainage and General Hosekeeping. MORE FUN — Cooking, Bathing, Shaving,'Shampaoing. BETTER — Soap and Detergent efficiency, Thinking Water, Coffee, Tea, Mixed Drinks, Food Flavors. For Free Demonstration Call— R. T. KILPATRICK Phone Winghany 854 J or • CULLIGAN Goderich JAckson 4-9571' 11111111111111111111111111111111N11111111111111111111111111111111•1 Norm Gorrie, Brian Brooks, Ken Aitchison, Bill Strong and Peter McCarter, Balancig, Don Hastings, Kevin Dunbar, Ken Rae, Brad Elliott, Ken Aitchison, Danny Arnold, Brian Deyell, Steve Pocock, Mark Fisher, Bill Strong, Lloyd Friden- burg, Gary Bauer, Norm Gorrie, John Deneau, Bruce Henry, Pete McCarter, Len Johnston. Second Star Tests: Thrift, Terry Deyell, Don Col- lar, John Rae; skipping, Bob Major, Tenderpad Tests: John Deneau passed both law and promise in the Tenderpad tests. Following inspection the meet- ing closed in the usual manner. 1st Wingturm Troop The Buffalo Patrol was in charge of the meeting at the Scout House last Wednesday night. Troop Lead- er Jobn Strong broke the flag and Scoutmastera Alton Adams and Harvey Fisher assisted with the opening exercises. Philip Adams, patrol leader for the Stags, and John Bennett, patrol leader for cougars conducted a soccer game with their own patrols coming out on top as the leading teams. District Commissioner Archie Gowanlock of Walkerton attended the meeting. He was introduced by Scoutmaster Adams and then carried • out a company in which he invested Harvey Fisher as a Scoutmaster, The meeting was cut short be- cause a large number of the boys are preparing for their Easter ex- aminations, which got under way last Frieay, Belgrave Cubs The Belgrave Cubs met on Tues- day evening for their regular meeting with a good attendance. Cub Ronald Taylor led the Grand Howl and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, the leader, led in prayer and the flag salute. Cubs were inspected for teeth, finger nails and necker- chiefs. Ray 'Schiefele, who has been appointed 'Senior ,Sixer led in a relay game. Mrs. Bud Orr read the Jungle story. During the instruction period Bridge Club North and South-First, Mrs, H. Fisher and Mrs. J. R. 1...loYdl sec- ond, Miss C. Isbister and Mrs. Ft, H. Lloyd; third, Mrs. D. Nosmith and Mrs. R. Dundas. East and West- First, Mrs. F, A, Parker and William. Laidlaw; second, Mrs. H, Crawford and. Otrar Haselgrove; third, Mrs, H. Campbell and A, NI. Forbes Wroxeter Sponsor Bonspiel in Wingharn A bonspiel was held in the Wing- ham curling rink, sponsored by Wroxeter. Rinks were present from Belgrave, Palmerston, Gorrie, Lis , towel, Belmore, Wroxeter, Ford- wich, Wingham and Brussels. Winners of the 9 o'clock draw were: First, Jim Coultes, Belgrave, 3' wins and plus 12; 2nd, Dick Oake, Listowel, 2 wins and plus 10; and,, Llyod Sodden, Palmerston, 2 wins and plus 8; consolation, Mulvey, Belmore. The 11 ()Voce draw winners were: 1st, Sam Sweeney, Brussels, with 3 wins and a plus 14; zna, Ron Coultes, Wingharn, 2 wins and plus 10; 3rd, Wm. Dettman, Wrox- eter, 2 wins and plus 9; consola- tion, Cecil Wilson, Fordwich. GORRIE — The Gorrie interme- diates met the Teviotdale inter- mediates in the first game of the best three out of five series in the finals, This game was played M Belmore arena with the score 4-1 for Teviotdale. On Tuesday night at Harriston arena Teviotdale again won, this time with a 4-2 score. Friday night the third game was held at Harris- ton with Gorrie winning 3-2. Gtal- getters for Gorrie were Murray Mulvey 2, David Sanderson 1. Un- fortunately Murray Mulvey was in- jured and had a slight concussion. He may not be playing Monday night in Harriston. Mrs. Gordon McBurney helped the New Chums in their study for in- vestiture. Mrs. Harold Vincent de- monstrated knots. Mrs, Clare Van- Camp reviewed flag work and pa- tron saints and Mrs. Orr helped the older boys with semaphore signalling. Mrs. Clare VanCamp led in a re- lay race and then the Cubs in their Sixes made as many words as they could from "Happy Easter." Keith VanCamp earned his First Star and collectors badge. A game, "Who Is Missing," was played and the meeting closed with "Taps." The Cub Pack has been reorgan- ized with a new six added and some new sixers 'and seconds as follows: Red sixer, Billy Snowden, sec- ond sixer, Larry Nethery; Black sixer, Lloyd Michie, second sixer, Tommy Black; Tawny sixer, Brian Hopper, second sixer, Donald Bos- man Brown sixer, Ga'rdon Cainp- bell;'esecond sixer, HarVey Blacke White sixer, Malcolm Anderson, second sixer, Keith VanCamp; Grey sixer, Ricky Orr, second sixer, Ray Schiefele, The executive of the Figure Sicat. ing Club met in the council cham- bers last Wednesday with eight members present. The carnival report showed re- ceipts of $329.75, almost the same es. last year. The expenses were not all in, but will be lower, It was pointed out that the balance is too amen to cover ice time, as it should do, if the elub is the meet the year's expenses without depleting the surplus set up years ago as a safety measure for opening the next season, This has been reduced each time for the last three years and cannot be allowed to continue, The parties given by some of the mothers last January and February raised $60.50. The costume surplus of $5.71 and the fees of the adult group with the increase in member- ship, will all help„but the ex- ecutive felt a much greater effort to sell carnival tickets should be made by both parents and skaters, or the fees must be raised. The club must raise about $1700 each year for professionals, ice time, membership in C. F. S, A„ which allaws skaters to try tests, cost of carnival and incidentals. The Income is from fees, carnival and the grant which the Recreation Committee secures from. the gov- ernment, This is based on salaries and ice time paid the previous year. The date of the annual meeting was set for Monday, April 24, at 8 p.m., in the council chambers. This is an opportunity for every interested adult to voice his opinion on club policy and to elect next year's executive. One parent for each skater and each associate member has a vote. Mrs. Earl 'Hamilton is the club's member of the nominating committee and a mother of a skater will be appoint- ed at the closing party Thursday, March 30th, in the arena from 4.30 to 7.36 p.m. Hot chocolate will be provided but each person should take her own lunch. Mrs. Day and Mrs. Rosenhagen are to be in charge of arrangements. Gratitude was expressed to the following: the public school child- ren for their lovely posters, ,CKNX, Burke Electric, The Advance- Times for pictures, etc.; Lloyd's factory, Mr, Edighoffer for his donation, the Recreation Commit- tee, a Halloway for co-operation at the arena, the Arena Commis- sion, Mr. Genee, who never fails to assist at the carnival although he no longer has a skater in the club, and anyone else who has helped in any way. Membere were told that Harold Brooks has put most of his salary into tape recorder equipment, which he uses to provide music for the regular sessions and the car- nival at no expense to the club. Euchre at Legion Mrs. John Strong and Mrs, V. Ducharme were the conveners on Monday evening for the euchre at the Legion Home, sponsored by the Ladles' Auxiliary tO the.LegiOn. There were six tables in play. Mrs. Jean Crump was the bigh lady and -Bob Purdon held the honors for the men. Mrs. Dave Crothers won the prize for the lady playing as a man, The door prize went to Mrs, William. Keith. Final Team Standing Trade Winds, 119; Burke's Irish, 115; Walker's Specials, 1.0e; Brown Jugs) 102; Royal Scots, 90; Cana- dian Six, 70. Play-off series start March 28th, and owing to Easter week, will end on April 11th. On April 4th a fun night will be held for all bowl- ers not away over the holiday and it is hoped a good number will be on band to keep in shape for the final night. Could be that some surprise piens may turn up. Men's Town League Standings: Pintails Points Total Lees 2758 7 111 CKNX 3050 5 106.5 Burkes 2860 2 76 Rockets 2526 0 63.5 Mustangs 2638 1 30 Hap Swatridge CKNX was top bowler for this week with a 271 single and 706 triple, Hap is tied with Ken Saxton and Ian Mac- Laurin for high average, all of them having a 212. Mac Ritchie is close behind with a 21.0. With only three weeks left in the schedule Lees are working hard to hold onto top spot while Burkes and Hydro have a real battle on for third position. • • Ladies, Bowling The Zobming "Ze,bras, with — a healthy 11 point lead, have firat place clinched, as there is only one more week of scheduled bowling this season. On Wednesday eVening they added 2 points to their total, with Delores Peachey's 569 triple helping out. Their opponents, the Slippery Seals, also picked up 2 points. The Busy Beavers defeated the eellar-dwelling Tired Tigers by a 2 to 1 score. Krazy Kats also racked up 3 points to the Lazy Leopards 1. Ruth Th,ompson of the Kats, high single with a 26e game. Tonight is the last night of eagu- ler bowling,° play-offs•commeneing next Wedneeray evening, April 5, and ending the following Wednee- day, April 12. Anyone finding she can't Make it, either one or both, of the play- off nights, iS asked to obtain a spare for both nights. LAND OWNERS ASKED TO SPORTS MEETINfi Special events for the 1961 season were under discession at the regu- lar meeting of the Winghare Sportslnetes Association on Men- dey evening. A full program has been plaened for the spring and summer menthe. The Middle of April will see the Mad of these occasiOns. Plans have been made to shOw De•partentrit of taild and Forests films At the April .meeting. Follow. hig out the vurrent program of , hunter.farnler publie relations, number of land .owners Will be Vited to attend tfut nekt Meeting, ' :MAKES GREASING EASY AS A•BeCO SAVE NOW ON IMPERIAL'S SPECIAL OFFER: buy 1 ease (60 cartridges) 20,%0 MP Grease get $4.95 value Esso cartridge gun FRBE bey 30 cartridges— get .Ecso cartridge gun for $1.00 buy less 'than 30 cartridges—get BeEle cartridge gun for $3.10 SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED SEE US NOM W.A.Tiffin WINGHAM ALWAYS tonic litiiPlifftlAto r OR THE AKA? fi. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist LADIES . „ Pre-Easter Sale DRESSES-- SIZES 9 20 121/2 301 Regular $24.95 Regular $12.95 SPECIAL $14.95 SPECIAL $8.95 LANE ASSORTMENT OF EASTER HATS Hurry And Shop Early While The Selection Is Good Farthets Outfitting Store LADIES' BARGAIN CENTRE UPSTAIRS Gorrie Team Drops First Two Games Set Date for WFSC Annual I KNOW HOW BARORT.ANT PRECISION IS. I AM AYS G ET pftesCRIPTION5 FILLED AT.. VANCE'S' DRUG STORE 0 LOCAL TRADEMARK%