HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-22, Page 4W 8110)14 Adviltlee-TIMPS, Wedli Patty, elh 1111i1 IN AIVI4IOI041$1 "sole et: r a WELLS - In loving memory of a deer father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Wells. Father passed away March 22, 1951, and mother on March 14, 1906. ---Ever remembered by their three daughters, 22* Aluminum, SASH DOORS CUPBOARDS. Wingham FLOOR WALL TILES BUILDING - Folding Aluminum. AWNINGS LUMBER - Telephone 260. FITCH-In loving memory of 11/Us, John Fitch, who passed away five years ago, March 24th, Dear mother you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more. Still in memory you are with"-us, As you always were before, --Lovingly, remembered by her husband and family, 22b CARDS OF TIICANKS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAXI SERVICE 108 SALE, EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH SCHObL GIRL would' like job baby sitting, after four and Saturdays, also sunnier holidays. Phone 6031 22b SUMMER EMPLOYMENT wanted by two high school students. Ex- perienced in house painting. Reasonable rates. Phone 670 or 233, 22* We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during our re- cent sad bereavement. Also to Dr, Young, Walker Funeral Home and Rev, George Malcolm--Mrs. Addi- son Fraser and family. 22* BLUE'. SPRING COAT for sale, size 12, $7.00. Phone 026, 22* NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CAMERON MUSTARD. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Who died on the 10th day of February, 1961, are required, to file proof of same with the pnder- signed on or before the first clay of April, A.D. 1961. After that date the Amlnistra- tor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 10th daY of March, AD. 1961. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 15-22-29b LEE'S. TAXI SERVICE and Hunt- ing and Fishing License issuer.( Phone 185. Orrb CONTINENTAL 39" beds with headboards for sale, Almost new. Phone 960. 22° IlliMill11111111,11111•110111•1111110111•111111110111111111101111111111111 41110' f il;;, IF ' • eats ; ii inin i FOR YOUR iAlEEK-END TABLE SAUSAGE 3 lbs. $1.25 i I.- GROUND BEEF .... . , . , 3 lbs. $1.25 i --i 'ROLLED ROAST, boneless .... lb. 75c T-BONE STEAK I • ii II SIRLOIN' STEAK ',. 75c a ibi .i ROUND STEAK j - 0 -...- ifi i I • SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL MEAT .,-, iv.% - • - i , WI , _ iii ' = Lotkridge's Butcher Shop i i ..... wolnicisismistiwilmoomminatimition•Initsimmoimmolimuniii • FOR RENT LADIES' SPRING COAT for sale. Size 1648. Phone 1.198W. 22* 100 ACRES FOR RENT, including barn, 3 miles from Wingham. Write John Coulter, 321 Queen St., Chatham, Ont. 845-22-29* BIRTHS CLEAN, like new clothing: Girl's spring suit, size 12, and coat, size 10. Ladies' spring coat, size 14, Phone Wroxeter 21R21. 22* My shower on March 17 was a wonderful• success. It is memories like that one that make me proud to, 'be born and raised in Wingham. The gifts Will make 'our apartment most attractive and they are all useful, practical items. I want to give a special thanks to the "wed- ding party" and to 'all those who helped in any way. Everything was very much- appreciated-Marianne McKibbon, 22 PERSONAL HARRISON-' In Palmerston Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, March 14, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Peter Harrison, of Harriston, a daugh- ter, Pamela Jean ELLIOTT - At Wingham General Hospital on Friday, March 17, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Harold. El- liott, R. R. 4, Ripley, a son, POWELL - At Wingham General Hospital eu Saturday, March 18, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs, Edward Powell, R. R. 1, Wingham, a daughter, GRASS FARM for rent. Apply to Box 25, Wingham Advance- Times. 22b OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 69c. At all druggists. M8-22A5-19 LLOYD'S BABY BUGGY for sale. Good condition. Phone 430W. 22* HEATED apartment for rent. Av- ailable immediately, Phone 601M. 22b USED RUG, 9x10;-::, $20.00. Used chesterfield, in good condition, $25.00, Phone 425W, 22b AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of farm property, cattle, horses and farm imple- ments at farm of 3, Wesley Tif- fin, lot 28, con. 3, Kinloss Twp., 1 mile east of Langside on county road, Thursday, March 23, at 1.30 p.m. Terms-6 months credit on bank approved notes, bearing 6% interest. Omar Brooks, prop., Allan Macintyre, auct. 22b GIRL'S spring coat for sale. In ex- cellent condition. Mauve and biege tweed. Size 12-14. Phone 635.1 22b SALES HELP WANTED, MALE AVAILABLE AT ONCE-Nearby Rawleigh Business. Good oppor- tunity. Trade well established. Experience helpful but not neces- sary. Write at once to Rawleigh, Dept, C-453402, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 22b I wish to thank my family, friends and all who were so kind to send me cards, treats and visit- ed me while a patient in Wingham General Hospital, Special thanks to Dr, McKibbon and the nursing staff, Everything was greatly ap- preciated.-Murray Underwood. 22b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EFFIE L. M. IVItCRA:CKIN All persons having claims against the estate of Effie -L. M. Mc- Crackin, late of It, R. 2, WroXoter, Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the' 27th day of February, 1961, are hereby notified to. send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said -deceased on or 'before the 8th' day of- April, 1961, full •particuiars of their claims. Immediately 'after the said date the said Personal Representa- tive will distribute the assets, of the said deceased having regard only to the claims of which it shall then 'have notice. Dated at Wingham this 20th day of March, 1961. 'British Mortgage and, Trust Company 10 Albert St., Stratford, 'Ont. Executor. By Crawford & Hetherington Wingham, 'Ontario,, Their Solicitors herein, 22-29-51) arRils SIEGE check coat for sale, size 14. Blue, size 4. Boy's brown top coat and cap, size 6, Sports jacket, biege tweed, size 6. Phone 719.13, 221' DRENNAN-At Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, March 20, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan, R. R. 7, Lueknow, daughter. PASSCHIER-At Wingham Gener- al Hospital on Tuesday, March 21, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Passehier, R. R, 4, Brussels,• a son. YOUNG - At Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, March 21, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. James. Young, R, R. 3, TeesWater, a son. CLEARING' AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of farm stock, and machinery at Lot 21, doncession 2, Morris Township, 3% miles north and ' 21/2 miles west of Brussels on TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, at 1 p.m. Machinery- Ferguson tractor 85; Ferguson 3- furrow puow; 'Ferguson cultivator, scuffler attachments; Ferguson manure loader; one-way disc; three point hitch tandem disc; Newton mower, three point hitch; John Deere side rake; Cockshutt manure spreader; John Deere drag harrows, 16 ft.; 36-ft. extension ladder; Buehler farm wagon; Titan chain saw, (one-man); 'Massey- Harris grain fertilizer drill; Mas- sey-Harris hay loader; colony house; coal brooder stove; hay fork car; pulleys; ropes; two-wheel trailer; 400 bus, grain; mixed hay. Cattle - 32 Hereford steers, 1000 lbs.;. 20 Hereford steer calves, 1 year old, 550 lbs. Poultry -- 250 Red Sussex hens, 1 year old. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms-Cash, Prop., Ralph Shaw; Auct., Harpld Jackson; Clerk, Geo. Powell. 22-29b CHARCOAL GREY suit for sale. Good as new. Will fit boy 14-16 years, Phone 436M. 22b FEMALE HELP WANTED I wish to thank everyone- who sent cards, flowers and treats and visited me while a patient in Wing- ham Hospital. Special thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her nursing staff and Dr. 'Street, of Blyth. - Mrs. Susan Taylor, Blyth. 22* LADIES WANTED - Make up to $26.00 a week doing simple home sewing in your spare time, Write Box 7010, Adelaide Post Office, Toronto, Ont. 22-29-5b MASSEY 102 tractor, disc, manure spreader; 1951 Mercury pick-up. Stan Kay, phone Wroxeter 18R4, 221' 0111111111•11111111111111•91111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i a Save Money 6= i i , by PREPAYING' ri i S „s-7-7t--;,,,, i . •,, 4.0 if,„ WINGHAM .',.% k ._....: INCOR ORATEC, /• C, - 4 , I i \ 9 .... i i; f ii Townn Of wi gham • 1901 Taxes' • i SEAMSTRESS WANTED 'Clean, interesting work sewing attractive fabrics used in the manufacture of good quality living room furniture, Employment ex-. petted to be steady ' 40-45 hours (optiondi) per week. Bright, cheer- ful surroundings. Pay better than minimum wage requirements. Fringe benefits. Apply Fry & Blackhall Limited Wingham, Ontario. Between 8.30 a.m. and noon and 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. • 22b LARGE SIZE blond wooden crib for sale, $6.00. Child's commode chair. High chair, Phone 745.71. 22b • GIRL'S Mark & Judy spring coat for sale, 'Powder blue, all wool, size 12. Werlick tricycle, large size. Phone 691W. 22b I wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards, treats and visits while a patient in Wingham Hos- pital, Special thanks - to Dr. Mc- Kibben; Mrs. Morrey and .her nurs- ing staff.-Ken Thomps6h, 22* FINANCING A CAR? Before you ouy ask about out Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 293 Wingham I wish to thank those who visited me, Mrs. Morrey and staff on third floor, for efficient care during my month's stay in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and Finlayson, Lucknow,-Mrs. David Ma rtyn, Ripley. 225 TI PEE good 6.00x16 tires and tubes for sale. Racks for 4.2-ton Ford pick-up. Phone 507W12. 22* 4 CHROME kitchen chairs and ex- tension kitchen table for sale. ,Phone 395. 22* If . you have k WINDOW PROBLEMS . we have -the answers TEACHER WANTED I wish to thank those who visit- ed me and sent cards and treats, Mrs. Morrey and staff on third floor, and. Drs. B. Corrin and D. R. Young.-Mrs. Alonzo Sperling, Wroxeter. 22* U.S.S. 10, Kinloss, (Whitechurch), requires an experienced Protes- tant teacher. Apply stating quali- fications, salary expected and name of last inspector. Ditties will commence September 5.-D, J. M. Moore, Secretary-Treasurer,. R. R. 5, Lucknow. 22-29b 6 1 Taxpayers may make payments On account # i of 1961 taxes up to 80 per cent of 196() taxes., : - i Interest at the rate of 3 percent, will be ii allowed on payments made in March. i if• Prepayments of taxes must b e m ale at the a IIII .Town Treasurer's Office, Town -i. 1 WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, i 1ii . Town of Wingham. e'::. . i 1 FAIIIIIII1111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111nimmunnumnimimmaimmt sr;j CUSTOM MADE slipcovers and drapes made to fit YOUR furni- ture and YOUR windows, call Mrs. Harold Elliott, Bluevale. Phone 709W4. 22-1-22Al2* CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Andr4w Douglas wish to thank thdir friends and .neighbors for,a11,AhAir kindness shown at the time ,of 6ir bereavement. Special thanks ,to Rev. E. Clarke, of Gorrie, and Capt. G. S. Newman. - 2 I would like to express my sin- cere 'thanks to all those who re- membered me with cards, treats, gifts and visits while I was a.pa- tient in Victoria Hospital and since coming home, Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated.-Mrs. James Johnston, Fe R. 1, Wingham. 22b MISCELLANEOUS DRAPES FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 696R2. l6rrb PAINTING, PAPER - HANGING, -PLASTER -REPAIRS, low rates. Estimates free. Phone 4863, Louis Storey. 15-22-29-5-12-19* • DEADSTOCK WANTED DRAPERY 'TRACK • WINDOW SHADES From $1.49 • VENETIAN BLINDS From $3.99 DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act-We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing- ham :178, Palmerston 123W or Elmira, MQhawk 9-5564. Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. License 100-0 61. rrb TV ANTENNA and installation. Year round service. Phone Doug Harker, 392-6140, Teeswater, Ont. 22rrb We wish to extend our' thanks and appreciation for acts of kind- ness and messages- of sympathy received from our neighbors, rela- tives and friends during our recent bereavement; also Mr: John Currie and Rev. 3. Rendle for their con- soling words.-Mrs. Nora Cronin, Jean and Jack. 22* SUPER FOAM Shampoo for clean- ing your rugs or chesterfield suite. "Apply and let dry." One bottle cleans two piece chester- field suite 'and one 9x12 rug. Only $1.75 a. bottle. R, A. Currie & Sons Furniture. 8-15-22b I would like to extend my sincere thanks to neighbours and friends' for all their kindness while in the hospital and at home. Special thanks to Dr. McKibben, nurses on first floor and to those who sent flowers, cards •and treats. Sincerely ---,Marie Dunbar. 0 22* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R, 2, Brussels, Phone 442W6, Brussels. M8rrOc4* SINGER SALES & SERVICE-Re- pairs to all makes of sewing machines, vacuums and floor polishers. Used machines for sale. Phone 665, Wingham, George Henderson. 15rrb LICENSE NO. 123 C 61 For your best prices on dead and disabled cattle and horses $5.00 each -- 3343 a lb. for good live mink horses - CALL Collect 794J4. Walkerton 24 Hour Service AMBULANCE SERVICE Mrs. Ernest Xing and family. Mrs. W. J. Johnston wishes to wish to extend deep appreciation express her gratitude for much and thanks to all the friends, kindness received while she was a neighbors and others for kindness patient in Wingham General Hos- shown while Mr. King was in pital; to Dr. McKim, the nurses Wingham General Hospital; and also during their recent sad .be- reavement, with floral tributis, cards and other tokens of sym- pathy, Special thanks are extended to the nurses, attendants, and staff of Wingham General Hospital, and. Dr. W. McKibbon, who have All been so kind and untiring in their efforts. to make him comfortable while in the Hospital. Special thanks to Rev E. C. Attwell and ladies of the Woman's Auxiliary, 22* ANYONE wishing to travel to the West, I have room for two or three people. RContact Don Jack- lin after six, phone 360W7, Brits- before March 28th. . 22b li,•••••••••••Ww4.14, • CALL For a Complete Window Service Visit ,S,_ J. WALKER 106 DAY 189 NIGHT OWEN •SOUND Typewriter Co., _atitho'riEed dealer for Olympia tYpelyriVers. Complete service on all makes of typewriters, adding machines and cash registers. For prompt and efficient service ,,.phone FR. 6-4841, 13rrb and •staff, visiting ministers, and many friends :who remembeyed, her. 22b FRITZ DEAD STOCK REMOVAL, WALKERTON 15-22-29-5b WALKER Income Tax Returns HOME FURNISHINGS Phime 106 Wilighai '" simmismommiummommum I would like to thank all those who remembered;rite with cards, flowers, treats ar1i9visits while I was in Victoria Hospital, London, and since coming home.-Wilbert HodgkinSon, • 22* Stanlell J. PYMM BUTLER DOOLEY and CLARKE CRAWFORD & - HETHERINGTON -DEAD- STOCK WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE P.O. BOX 74 PHONE 41 LUCKNOW, ONT. Palle Accountant Since 1944 FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $7.00 each MINK HORSES, 4c lb. A. LORENZ DURHAM Call long distance DURHAM 493 collect . F15rrb CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 West Street JA.1-8253 GOY:PERIM ONTARIO THREE BEDROOM brick ,house for sale. Oil heated. Gordon Gociltin, phone 108J. 2.2b Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.V. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1% STOREY HOUSE and garage for sale. Wingham north. Three bedrooms. Good repair with mo- dem? conveniences. Phone 539W. 22-29* CURRIE ficsiimionspistommintimitiminiti AMBULANCE BABY NEEDS CURRIES Major Oil Co. interested in establishing a Farm Agent to distribute petroleum products to Farm Trade and Heating Oil Customers in the Wing- ham and Teeswater area -reasonable initial investment required -financial assistance to responsible applicants -good commission rates and popular franchise -will develop into a strong, secure business of your own INTERESTED PARTIES PLEASE PHONE W. WYLIE, SEAFORTH 567 15rrh FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS . • WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 ACHESON'S A. H. 11191AVISH NEW 3-bedroom brick house on Boland street for sale, with a self contained apartment in base- merit, For further particulars apply before April 1st to Box 27, Advance-Times or write Alan Underwood, 101 Franklin it., Uxbride, Ont., phone ULster 2- 3620. 22-29b J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Dean Stock Service BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Tel. 392-7373, Teeswater Wroxeter-Every Wednesdb.i afternoon, 2--4 p.m., or by appointment. pays $1.00 per hundred weight for dead or disabled horses and Can Long Distance Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (at no cost to you) Day or Night SEVEN DAY SERVICE License No. 103C61. FOR FIRST-CLASS Carpentry Work Masonry Home Renovations Phone 23r12 Brussels GERALD EXEL MlrrbJnel* Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Office-Meyer Block, Wingham HOUSE FOR SALE in the village of Lucknow. An •attractive mod- ern frame 5 room bungalow, very central, newly decorated through. out, oil furnace, •garage, grounds nicely landseaped. Open for in- spection March 31st and April 1st, Apply Allan Graham), R. B. 5, LuektieW, phone Ripley 126R2, 22-29b Baby Cribs from $24.50 Bumper Pads $ 2.65 Diaper Bags $ 1.98 Play Pens (Deluxe) $13.95 Plastic Crib Mattress (Springfilled) $ 9.05 Seat 'N' Sleeper . $ 8.95 Play Pen Pads $ 2.65 Training Seats $ 3.95 Jumper Chairs $11.95 Carriage Mats 1.50 Chrome High Chairs $13.95 'We Save You Money' WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O.. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PRONE 118 Harriston, Ontario Insurance Corripany ESL 1840 An ail Canadian Company wild has faithfully served its Poll holders for over a century. Head °Mee - Toronto H. C.MaeLeati Insurattee Agency Wingharn 1.11111111111111111111111•1111111111111111111111111111111 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALVE Please Mato Promptly Call Collect 133 Bruce MarIatt Brussels,. Onto 24 HOUR SERVICE AVON CALLING Big Savings During March on FOR SALE-In the village of Gor- rie, home of the late Mrs. Laura Wylie. Choice location, solid brick, six large rooms, centre hall plan, excellent Condition, new oil furnace, Mining Water, For fur- ther Information contact the Un- dersigned at 161 Bayview Heights Drive, Toronto 17, Ontario. RU. 9-2581.-j, 13. Wylie, Executor of *state. 22-29.,5h SIMMONS REGULAR LINE MATTRESSES OR BOX SPRINGS DOMINION FLOOR TILE - COME IN AND LOGIC AnouND --- Sted Grain - Grass Seed -- Orders Taken Now 17 cu. ft. CHEST FREEZERS $239.00 1 CHAMBERS HARDWARE pion; Oil wnoxsYrEn AVON offers an excellent earning opportunity for housewives. We have a partAime income plan 'Cr keit) you. Reliable, neat appear- ing IVIothers of school-age children Can qualify: N-6 eXperience neces- sary. Openings in Ituron and Perth COuntieS, WRITE Miss Mosher Manager P.O. not)X G. 'OWEN SOUND stating telephone number, •.' 1645-22.29b 11011111111111111.11iIiiIIIIIIIIIIiiikillit11111111111111111111 • - ww•P••••••••••00. MILLER, WINTON & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON J. E.Kennedy, &Ed., ILA., C.A., - Resident Mgr, Telephones: 13usiness 633; Residence 106 1,rveFrroci4 16O 5 YO/Itt 8-9 weeks, for Sale. Ed. Powell, phone 181011., Wingham. 22* B, it CURRIE & SONS _ • • • • • 4, 111, • 0. • • • ...