HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-22, Page 1—LIMA
By The. Pedestrian
rtaa, of PEP—
The young .hopefuls who took
part in, the Police Tournament
hem on 'Saturday certainly de-
monstrated just how much pep can
be poured into a game of hockey.
Canada should have plenty of good
material on the way up, judging
by the serious way these lads take
to the game.
0 - 0 - 0
Lots more signs of spring. This
week we have reports on the re-
turn of red-winged blackbirds and
mourning doves, plus robins. All
the birds are corning back early.
Let's, hope they haven't got their
signals crossed.
0 - 0 , 0
' DOWN— •
Don't forget the two campaigns
which are at present in progress,
The Legion members are 'calling' at
homes. In town from now until the
end of the month on behalf of the
Red Cross. Also, yeti will haVe re-
ceived your Easter seals some time
since, and your donation can be
returned by mail.' Every' little bit
0 . 0 - 0
The village of Tara-Ls...taking 'a
leaf from Winghasn's 'hook. The
people of the .community are gets
ting together on a project to plant
slips -in- flower. pots which will he
put .on the lamp standarda on,
Tara'a main street this summer,
0 - 0 -
ommercial fishermen on Lake
sie have taken the first big
fiches of smelt, so it's time to
' reek over the high hoots and clip
nets. In a versa few weeks you'll
be able to take your first swim of
the season while you try for your
quota of the little monsters.
0 7 0 - 0
Mrs. Margaret Fralick, Edward
Street,. bass, beaten her 'neighbors
when it comes•to the 1961 vegetable
Orel), She has a full-grown tomato
plant, in her home with a ripe-' -
mato on it. The rest of ,hs will have
lbs wait until July for similar , re-
sults, A
ushfield Is Name
uron Crown Attorney
With which'is, alnalgamated the Ciorrie Vidette and Wroxeter Newo
WANDIXAM, .ONTARIO, WV•011&$04,41t, MARCII xz, 1061
SINGLE COPt8iS —1,0 cents
WALKERTON' WINNERS—The Walkerton Bantams Won the I3 and
C categories in the Grey-Bruce Police Association hockey tournament
held in Wingham last Saturday. The winning entry is pictured above
and includes, left to aloha front, Ken Kenneth Murray, Bill Lepard,
TAMERS CROWN ATTORNEY-.4. W. Bushfield, 4C., Who has operated
a law Prettied here for the past 34 yore. Wilma Crown Attorney for
the County of Miran, on *nth 15th. lie 'has been the fitting official
since lrebrunry of lest year when Glenn hara the former Crown
Attorney was appointed magistrate, Mr. BuShilield has sold Ills prim-
Dee to if., T. Geodell, of Vericag,
coach, Morris Lobsinger, Robert Bogdon, captain, Doug Spitzig, Eldon
Turnbuill; centre, Tom Hughes, Lepard, Tim O'Hagan, Milt
McLean, Ron Brindley; back, Terry Thompson, Robt. Gunther, Jim
Stark, Cayl Kelsey, Barry Weiler, Doug Lepard and Pat Moran.
Six Tables Play at
Firemen's Euchre
The Fireman held a social even-
ing on Wednesday when they
entertained the ladies at a euchre
party. There were six tables in
Mrs. Ken Foxton had the high
score for ladies and Stewart Cowan
was the winner for the men, The•
low lady was Mrs. Bob Sinnamon
a,nd the low man, Dave Crothers.
Ken Foxten won the draw prize.
Instead of the usual lunch, the
evening closed with a box social
alkerton Bantams
Win Police Trophy
BBLGRAVE —The 13eigrave Co-
operative Association held its an-
nual meeting on Tuesday evening
in •the Foresters Hall, commencing
with a turkey banquet catered to
by the members of the Belgrave
Women's Institute. s
Albert Bieman, president, ex-
tended a welcome to all present
and grace was said by Rev. J. H.
Anderson. Jack Taylor, vice-presi-
dent, introduced the /guests at the
head table.
During the eunner, the Huber
Sisters, of Teeswater, entertained
with musical numbers and duets. A
sing-song was also enjeyecl, led by
Bad. Orr and accompanied laysliars,
George Johnston. Sam Thompson
sextendea thankS 'to the-members of.
the W.I., to which Mrs. Clifford
Logan responded.
After the dinner, Charles Coultes
introduced the guest speaker, Wil-,
liam Harvey, supervisor of Area
No. 9, United Co-operatives of On-
tario, Mr. Harvey was associated
with the Belgrave Co-op for three
and a half years prior to being
moved to the Chatham area in
January. Mr. Harvey spoke on the
tremendous strides that the Co-op-
eratives have taken since their for-
mation, and he also stressed the
humility of each individual mem,
ber, as a link in the Co-operative
Ronald Coultes extended thanks
to the Speaker, Brief speeches were
given by Simon Hallahan, past
president, Bill Rousse, area field-
man, and H. H. Hotson, manager
of the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce at Wingham,
The minutes of the last annual
meeting were read by R. H. Coul-
tes, secretary, and the financial
statement was read by Lorne
Power, area supervisor, 'showing
the total sales for 1960 to •be $412,-
363 and in 1959 the total sales had
been $349,909. The total "assets for
1960 were $186,943, making a total
sales increase of $62,454,
0. P. Chamney gave the direc-
tors' report, stating they had held
13 meetings in the year and had
only 13 absentees from the total
meetings. Also in the near future a
hydro power change is going to be
Held Shower for.
Marianne Mclabbon.
Nsas Marianne 1VfoKibb'ora' •was.
, guest 'bf honor at a shower
'the 0,ddfellows' Hall on Friday
evening, prior to her forthcoining
marriage. The hostesses, were
Mrs, Jack Alexander, Mrs, Oniar
Hazelgroye, MrsaGeorge 'Cameron
Jr., and Mrs. Jack. Colvin. They
were ably 'assisted by Mrs. W. E.
Fielding. . There were about 90
present. • •
A "mock. wedding" was humor-
ously enacted with the following
taking part: Mrs. Andrew Lunn
as, the minister; Mri. H. P. Car-
michael, the bride; Mrs. Tom
Cruickshank, the groom; Rae.
Gurney, the flower girl Ann Mc-
Kibben, 'the ring bearer. Mrs.
Gordon Godkin gave the bride
away, Mrs. M. Swanson was the
organist and Mrs. George Williams
the soloist.
Miss McKibben was presented
w'th a corsage of pink carnations,
c1 come cannister set, four tray
bles, a chrome Sani-maid, paper
owel holder, 'ironing board, Ken-
wood blanket and an electric floor
polisher, She thanked ,her friends
for the lovely gifts and a very
.pleasant evertialg.
A centre table Was decorated
with daffodils and yellow candles.
Lunch was served by Sylvia Alex-
ander, Ruth 'Fryfegle, Eleanor
Robb, Barbara Cameron, Elizabeth
Burrell, Judith McKibben, Ann
McKibben and Rae Gurney.
Friday, March 24th, coinmencing
7.45 p.m., in WDHS., ,Fteys. choir,
girls' choir, dances, rhythm band,
singing games, choruses, gymnas-
tics. F221s
r Mr. and Mrs. Eric Blois, of
site Errodk, B.C„ wish ato an-
nounce the engagement of3 their
daughter, Eleanore May, to RCMP
Con. Jack Holmes :Horton, of Chilli ,.
rack, B.C., son of Mt, and Mrs.
Joseph Horton, of IllueVale, The
marriage wit( take place in St. An-
drew's United Church, Mission
City, BC. ,on April 35th, 1961. P22b
Mr. and Mrs, J. 'Carl Pennington,
of Teeawater, Wish to'announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Edith Louise, of Listowel, to Mr.
Harold Stanley Schmidt, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Schluidt, Of Har-
rIeton, Wedding will take place
early In April. 22 4
ago. kis death took Place abet:it
18 months •ago.
Frienels-throughout• the'storr&arrai?
ity will •be pleased to know that
Mr. Bushfield does not intend to
move to' Goderich immediately. '
Twenty members were present
on Monday evening when the
Kinette Club held its regular meet-
ing 'in the Scout House. A letter
was read from the' Owen Sound
Kinettes; inviting' the Wingham
girls to the spring inter-club meet-
ing, to be helcl•May 19 in the 'Owen
Sound s Agrieultural•Colliseum. It
is hoped '.that' many, of the local
Kihettes- attend. •
A nominating committee, consist-
ing of Mrs. Len Crawford, Mrs.
Freddie Templeman and Mrs. Ken
Cerson, was appointed to present
a slate of officers at the next meet-
ing. The executive for 1961-52
will be elected at that time.
Mrs. Max McCarter was appoint-
ed to reply to the toast to the
ladies on Kinsmen 'ladies' night,
which is coming up in, April. Mrs.
Bruce MacDonald won a lovely
raffle prize.
Mrs. Allan Williams and Mrs.
Bob Wenger conducted some stim-
ulatialg exercises and games at the
close of the business session. Mrs
Jack Gorrie and Mrs. Ivan Gard-
ner served a dainty lunch.
The next meeting will be April 3,
when Mrs. Jerry Timm and Mrs.
Jack Walker will be in charge of
the program and lunch will be
served by Mrs. Jack Henderson
and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald,
Sales Meeting
At Berry 'Door
Berry Door Company, Limited.
held a sales meeting on Monday
and Tuesday of last week at the
plant here.
Attending from the Birmingham
plant Were Hobart Mthisell, sales
manager fq Canada end the
United States. and Jacic Deacon,
The Canadian representatives at
the meeting were Harry Jackson,
of WillOWdale, sales Manager for
Ontario; Don Service, of Calgary,
sales manager of the Western
Provinces, and Gaston Soitaillard.
of Montreal, in charge of Sales for
Quebec and the MaritimeS, as well
as department heads of the local
On Monday evenhig the represen-
tatives were entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Alton
Alt:laths, with Mrs, Adams and Mrs.
Herbert Puller ea hostesses.
NEW LAWYER—J. T. Goodall, of
Fergus arrived in Winginun on
Monday to take over the law office
formerly operated by J. W. Bush-
field; Q.C., who has taken the po-
sition of'. Crown Attorney for Huron
County. Mr. Goodall is a graduate
'of the O.A.C. and -Osgoode Halt
He has been with the firm of Wit,
son and. Jack of Fergus for the
Past two years.
The regular me aing of the
Wingham Women's Institute was
held on Thursday afternoon with a
good attendance and several visit-
The debate, witeilolved that fat
women have more advantage in
life than thin women." wee won by
the thin women which consisted of
Mrs. J, Currie and Mrs. Lapp and
was won by two points. Mrs. Smil-
lie and Mrs. L. Port:tins look the
part of the fat women, The judges
were Mrs. G. raunsett, Mrs. H.
Aitcheson and Mrs. Nichol, who
gave the report of the judges.
Mrs, Bumstead gave a pacer on
resolutions. Mrs. aVre, Kennedy
played several Irish tunes and a
film was shown.
Hostesses were Mai. J. riallidaY,
Mrs, G. tlannett, Mrs. (r. lava and
Mrs, C. Carter,
tyrtmc scHool,
Pupils of the IA/Ingham Public
School are making final prepara-
tions for a variety concert, sched-
uled for the auditorium of the
Wingham District: High School on
Friday evening of this week at
7.45 p.m.
Numbers to be nresented will in-
clude boys' choir, girls' choir,
(latices, rhythm bend, songs, games,
choruses and gymnastics.
Judging by the Interest which is
Usually shown in school children's
activities here, it is expected that
lllr &MOOR Will draw a full taad-
ience of parents arid friends.
‘CWI, Weekly Euchre
Mrs, Clarence Borho was the
convener last Tuesday evening for
the euchre party in Sacred Heart
parish hall, sponsored by the Cath-
olic Women's League.
Mrs. Ruth Montgomery was the
winner for ladies and Joe Red-
mond won the prize for men, Wil-
frid Vollmer won the week's draw
prize. There were twelve tables in
and everyone sang "Happy Birth-
day" for Stewart Cowan,
made in the building, making it
possible to operate more efficiently,
and if the time comes all the ma-
chinery in the mill could be opera-
ted by electricity, The directors
recommended a 3% patronage re-
fund for the past year.
M. R. "Bud" Orr, manager, in
giving his 'report stated that the
Co-op had another favourable
year's business with sales consid-
erably higher than in 1959, A good-
ly portion of the increase was in
feed sales. Having raised the roof
of the mill and installed bulk feed
bins, elevators and augers, the Co-
op has now the facilities for bulk
feed service. Also,s 'with the new
semi automatic bag-off scales and
bagSeff ,., is me, ,te
handle' more feed per hour,
Petroleum products, through the
new petroleum distributing service
accounted for the remaining in-
crease in sales. Mr. Orr urged all
those patrons vi hose accounts are
past due to pay them promptly.
Eleven new members were accept-
ed by the directors in 1960. Mr.
Orr gave words of appreciation to
the board of directors for their
guidance, the assistance by the em-
ployees and for the patronage and
support that the members and pa-
trons had given the Co-op.
Ward and Aldersley, chartered
accountants, were again named as
auditors for the Co-operative.
During the meeting it was agreed
to give the following remuneration
to the directors, president and
secretary, for the meetings attend-
ed; Directors, $4.00; president,
$5.00, arid secretary, $6.00.
Retiring directors were R. II.
Coultes, Albert Bieman and Sam
Thompson. These men were also
eligible and were all re-elected to
be directors for a three year per-
iod. Other directors are Leslie
Bolt, C. P. Chamney, Ronald Coul-
tes, C. R. Coultes, Mel Craig, Jack
R. Taylor, and M. R. Orr, manager.
At the close of the meeting C.
R. Soultes reminded those present
about the Beef Feeder Club spon-
sored by the Co-op and that in-
stead of the members taking their
prize money, they are going on a
bus trip to Kent County on April
Twelve bantam hockey teams
were in action in the Wingham
arena on Saturday, the occasion
being the annual Grey-Bruce Polies:
Association tournament,
The Walkerton team emerged as
winners of the B and C grouping,
while Ebeneezer took the honors
for the D classification.
In the first round of the B and
C games Winglaarn's first team de-
feated Kincardine 3:2; Walkerton
trimmed Port Elgin 9-1; 'Hanover
took Goderien 5-0 and Durham put
out Winghara's second entry on a
6-1 decision,
In the semi-finals Walkerton.
shut out the Wingham first team,
6-0 and Durham defeated. Hanover
8-4. In the finals Walkerton defeat-
ed Durham 12-3.
B Grouping
Inbeneeser defeated Toberrnory
7-1 in the first round of D play,
white Ripley' took Tara. 4-3. In the
finals Ebeneezer. won 8-4 over
Chief Gordon Deyell, of Wing-
hails, Chief Earl Wrightson and
Constable Kenneth Fry, of Kincar-
dine, were in charge of this year's
John W. Hanna, MPP, presented
the Police Trophy to the Walker-
ton team at the conclusion of the
final game. The Lee Trophy was
presented to the Ebenezer team by
Chief Earl Wrightson.
6th, planning on touring two feed
lots in the mornnig and afternoon
and also the Agriculture College at
J. .W, Bushfield,.. ‘'siso has
practised law in. Wingharn, for the
Past --34a Years, • shas - ananied•
Crown Attorney for the County of
Huron. The official announcement
was made, last Wednesday. Ms.
Igughfield as been Acting CroWn
Attorney since 'February of last
year, 'succeeding H. Glenn Hayes,
who was elevated to the snag-
istrate't post.
Mr. Bushfield's Wingham prac-
tice has been purchased by J. T.
Goodall, of Fergus. The latter is
a native of that place and received
his high school education there,
In 1955 he graduated from the On-
tario Agricultural College at ,Guelph
with a B.S.A. degree and in 1959
graduated from Osgoode Hall, Tor-
onto, as a barrister. Since that
time he has been associated with
the law firm of Wilson and. Jack
in Fergus.
During the past year Mr. Goodall
was married to the former Anna
Mulvey of Ferlgus. They are mem-
bers of the United Church and he
is a Marriber of the Masoble Lodge.
An officer • with the 11th Field
Regimen taast. Gatelphaaheashepeeates
be transferred to the local militia
unit, Mr. 'Goodall has been keenly
interested in sports, particularly
hockey and .baseball, and served
for some time as secretary of the
Guelph Minor Hockey Association.
Old Practice
The law practice which Mr.
Bushfield leaves was one of the
early firms in town, The founder
was H. E. Meyer who began the
practice in the 1870's. He erected
the Meyer Block, in which the law
office is still located in 1880's, Mr.
Meyer was followed by E, L. Dick-
inson, who later sold the practice
to Dudley Holmes Sr. Mr, Holmes
was appointed Crown Attorney for
the. county in 1931, and sold the
practice to Mr. Bushfield.
Dudley Holmes was later named
judge of Simcoe County and his
son, Dudley Holmes Jr., was named
Crown Attorney . for Huron and
became county magistrate 13 years
Belgrave Co-operative
Shows Healthy increase
BANTAM "Di" WINNERS--Ebenezer won the 'Ban-
tam "0" trOWn in the bantaiia tournament sponsored
by the troy-llyttee rain Association on Saturday.
Joel Kennedy, left, team Captain la presented with
At the regular meeting of the
locial Kinsmen Club, last Friday
evening, the main item on the
agenda was •ap discussion. of plans,. •
for the Trade Fair which will he
held at the first of June. •
Kin Cy Robinson, chairman of
the fair committee, reported that
Maurice Stainton has taken on' the
duties of heading up the sales com-
mittee assisted by Dave Burgess;
He said that arrangements have
been made for the midway and a
good selection of rides will be set
up, and should be bigger and
better than in previous years.
More loud speakers will be set tip
and the tent will be put up again
on Diagonal Road.
He also reported that permission
had been granted by council 'to
close Diagonal Road 'during the
fair and to use the parking lot, •
Kin Maurice Stainton said that
sales are going very well but there
is still a considerable amount of
work to be • clone.
Kin Bruce MacDonald, in charge
of property, stated that equipment,
would have to be moved from
storage about the middle of May.
Entertainment plans are still
under way with no definite ar-
rangements, and a draw for a doll
covered with money will be held.,
Following the meeting the Kins-
men were entertained by the Kin-
ette Club at a dance in the Legion
the Lee Trophy by Pollee Chief Earl 'Wrightson,
Kineardine, president of the assoelatkin. doal'a
father, Watseit Kennedy, rights is team crateh.
IA,. • te,.6..