HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-15, Page 10• aaa.....a.a.„ aloaaaaaa ar-7 pp 1111111111111111111111111110 111 • 4 v4===4•141—..n..,•••• R R attest% saafitataaaasassa tivian Pam 444•4116.4:0 • - a...a 11110111*ilicit The March session of Huron County Council will be held at Goderich on March 24th, commencing at 10.00 a.m. eammtmications in connection therewith must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than, Friday, March 17, 1901 JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-'treasurer, COUNTY OF HURON, COURT HOUSE; pODERICH, ONTARIO. KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING! When you buy Jones, Mac- Naughton seeds you know you are getting what you pay for. All Jones, MacNaughton seeds are true to variety, carefully cleaned and tested for ger- mination. Jones, MacNaugh- ton handle only seeds — for many years they have 'Vett; Western Ontario's leading seed specialists. When you buy from a local firm you get service . . . satisfaction . . savings! This year ask for Jones, MacNaughton seeds. From your local Dealer, or Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Exeter Phone 664 Credifon Phone 3-W London Phone GE 24258 GET YOUR CHICKS - OFF TO A GOOD START Development 'of bone, muscle, feathers and stress resistance come naturally 'with Shur-Gait'* Chick Starter. needed to deliver maximum growth with mini- Mum feed consumption. We knew.,,Shur-Gain Chick Starter will give results because it is tested ----and retested, under actual' farm con- ditions. Shur-Gain Chick Starter is a scientifically formulated feed with high quality pro- teins, extra vitamin fortification, high SHUR-GAIN mineral content and increased energy 01111....._ i Drop-in, we'd like to talk about level . proper nutrient balance for I CHICK STARTER your chicks and how to get them off your chicks. In fact, here is everything to a good start. WINGHAM FEED MILL Wingham, Ontario Phone 142 SHURaIN aANAD A e PACKERS 5 liVR-SAlt4 DIVISION tat,. ewer MtilntRINM:a. ataanit '4'e4 'rile Winghatri .e•advaitee-T1 Wed.tirailaX, Mar., 101. 1881 WHITEURREM 1 .0 MAKIN POINTS BY MRS. A. HUGHES Empliasii ;4114 Wine to Interesting Bungalow. P6n. EAST WAWANQS1f COUNCIL APPOINTS WARBLE III TEAK - • York barley will give you more bushels in the bin than any Other variety of barley- even if it is susceptible to loose smut, says Da W. E. Tossell of the .0AO Field Husbandry Department. The loss from loose smut is easily overcome by the extra yield capacity of York, He suggests that .Ontttrie farmers grow York if they want the highest yielding feed barley, 0 II R G " MEW MENTION AIR HELP !swam roovE MOMPT ATTENTION "7..-:-TO ALL —; YOUR ELECTRICAL 1 PROBLEM Aithiteet Plumtoa, of WI& ntipen, has placed the emphasis. OA the "living wing" in this three-bed. room frame bungalow.-In addition to a living room of generous pro• portions the interior plan provides g hanaa all-purpose room. A well-designed kitchen With U. Shaped working area has a convene. lent pass-through to the alt purpose room which the housewife will ap- preciate. There Is ample Closet space in all three bedrooms as well as a handy cupboard and linen closet in the ball. The laundry and beating areas are grouped beneath .the front two bedrooms .malting • provision for a future playroom lb the remaining Section of the base. anent. The total floor area is !,250 Square feet and the exterior climen. y , aims are.46 feet by 35 feet. Work• ing draWirrgs for the house, known as Design 298, may be obtained from Central Mortgage and Hons. ring Corporation at minimum r.ost9 The East Wawantish council met March 7th, with all the members present, Reeve Hanna presiding. The minutes of the meeting held February 7th and special meeting held February 17th, were read and adopted on motion by Pattison- Robinson. Two gravel tenders received and opened, Geo. E. -Radford's at 73 cents a yard, Joe Kerr's at 69'a cents a yard. Snell-Pattison, that Toe Kerr's tender at 691.a cents a yard be ac- cepted. Tenders for Warble Ply ,Inspec- ter, sprayer operator and operator helper were received and opened. For Warble Ply inspectm! Frank Thompson at $1.25 an hour; for sprayer operator Frank Cooper at $1,25 an hour and for operator helper Clark Johnston at $125 an hour, Letoy Rintoul at $1.25 an hour, REFRIGEKATIOnl '7' AIR CONDITIONING COIVIPLaTa ELECTRICAL SONIC WHITECHURCH — The. March meeting of the Women's. Inskitute was held on `Wednesday' last at the home of Mrs. Albert Coultes, with the president, Mrs, Garnet Farrier, presiding. There were 25 ladies present, After the opening exercises, the hall committee reported they had decided to have the hall painted next month, and .the ladies chose the two-tone green colours. They decided to hold a variety concert in Easter Week, The branch directors were nam- ed as the nominating committee for the annual meeting next month. Mrs. Frank Ross invited the ladies to her home, if the hall is in' the process of re-decoration and the invitation was gratefully accepted, Several thank you notes were read, The roll call was answered fav- ourably by "Why I like plastic". Mrs. Dan Tiffin gave readirig, "Along tame Cellophane"," telling of the difference this made in pack- aging, and preservation of food; Pleats and fruit. Mrs. Allison Hughes' of Holyrood was. introduced and proceeded to demonstrate her hobby of mat making, showing a set of chair covers, which she had exhibited at the Tweedsmuir Competition for the W.I. project, Mrs. Hughes showed large and small canvasses in frames, or used with sand-bag. She showed woollen clothing dyed into'many colours, by adding a bit more dye to the solution. Her machine cuts three rags at one time, She said One should always hook in curved lines and she show- ed how to follow a pattern, and work in the shading. Heavy bias binding should be sewn around canvass, and stitched, rather than turning the edge in. Ali agreed . it was a very worthwhile, challeng- ing, and satisfying bobby an,d Mrs. Russell Ross moved a hearty vote of thanks to 'Mrs, Hughes, Mrs, Harvey Houston, who ac- companied ,Mrs. Hughes, brought greetinga from their home group and announced that the Bruce County rally will be held in May. Mrs. J. D, Baecroft gave a reading "A Horne Beyond the Rivere, The national anthem 'closed the meeting, and Mrs, Coultes, .and Mrs. Russel Gaunt, served a .real St, Patrick's lunch. .The Mission Band will Meet at the horne of the superintendent, Mrs. Earl Casliek, on Saturday. Mr, Fred Deacon returned home from Wingham Hospital on Tues- day. Mrs. James Falconer was taken to Wingham Hospital on Friday afernoon, She has been ill for some weeks at her home.* Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henderson, of Taucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Wilfred Martin, of Stratford. Mr. Kenneth Laidlaw, of London, who is working at North Bay, re- turned home by plane on Friday and he, and Mrs. Laidlaw and fam- ily spent the week-end with rela- tives at Lucknow and with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. His moth- er, Mrs. James Laidlaw, accompan- ied them and visited with Mrs, Calvin Straughan, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rintoul and family visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. George Cald- well, of Blyth, Miss Ann Rintoul, and her cousins, Marilyn and San- dra Cameron, of Ashfield, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ,Goldie Cockwell, of Detroit. Mr, John Craig spent the week- rid at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Hall, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz and family, of Goderich, 'and his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.• Ezra Scholtz, spent Sunday at. London at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Cameron. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Peacock and family, of Bluevale, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Derwyn Hill and U1-flay, of Grimsby, spent the week-end at the Presbyterian manse here. Mr. Hill is attending Knox College, Toronto, and expects to move his family soon to the Whitechurch manse. Mr, George Baird and son, Alex, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with their former neighbours, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mrs, Donald McDonald, of the• village, celebrated ,her 80th birth- day on. Monday. last. A meeting of Whitechurch house- holders is called this Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr, E. H. Groskorth to consider the estimates placed on well-drill- ing and water• supplies as given by the engineer, Mr. Burns Ross, of Goderich. All are invited to attend. Mr. Wm. Rooney and Mr. J: Rooney, of Mount Forest, visited on Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Dowling, and all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Aitcheson, of St. Helens. Mr. Don. Bennison, of Powassan, spent the week-end with Mr, Her- Robt. Montgomery, Mr. and Nets. John Jamieson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fraser and children, of Walton, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Montgomery and children, Wing- ham, spent Sunday with Mr: and Mr's. Anson Ruttan, of Fordwich. The family were celebrating five birthdays that fell in March. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Janet and Donald, and Helen Cur- rie spent Saturday in Owen Sound, 'Mr. and Mrs, Harold Gaunt and family, of Sarnia, visited on Sun- day with. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt. Mr. Allan Walker, of Owen Sound, visited on Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. ,R, Walker, and little 'Kevillaw1:1 9.1.W. been with his grandparents for week, returned home. Mr. and Mrs., E. E. Walter visit- ed on Sunday with relatives at Tara and Williamaford, and with Mr. and 'Mrs. Allan Walker, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clare and baby, Walter, of Toronto, spent the week-end witsh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw, bert Laidlaw and Ivan. Mrs, Ben- nison and Timmy, who had visited here for the past two weesks re- turned home. Mr. and 'Mrs. Angus Falconer and sons visited on Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson, of Blyth. •• Mrs,' Brian Bootbman, who has been visiting with her father, Mr. A. E. Buckton and relatives for the past five weeks, returned home to •Hazeklean, Alta., on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Woolcock and family, of Glenannon, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, of Marnoch. Mr. Frank Stockill, of Blind River, is spending a few days here with Mrs, Stockill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morrison, before he and Mrs. ,Stockill and the children return home to Blind River. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie and family visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, of Lucknow. Miss Lillian Smyth, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smyth. Mr. Wm. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Robinsdn-Pattison, that Warble Fly Inspector be Frank Thompson; sprayer operator, Frank Cooper and operator helper Leroy Rintoul, all. at $1.25 an :hour each. 'An agreement 'for reforestation signed by Angu; Falconer was re- ceived for approval by the council. Buchanan-Snell, that council ap- prove Angus Falconer's agreement of reforestation of 8 acres on the NH Lot' 33, Con, 14, East Wawa- nosh and the reeve and the clerk sign the agreement. By-law No. 6 confirming the above agreement was read the first and second times. Pattilon.-Robinson, that 'by-law No. 6 be read the third and passed. Snell-Bnchanen, that the road and general accounts as read be passed and paid. A letter was received for A. M. Harper, township auditor, retinest- in:g a raise in salary, Robinson-Buchanan, that council offer Mr/Harper $300.00 for audit- ing the township accounts for 1961. Pattison-Snell, that council give a' grant of $25,00 to the Wingham and District School for Retarded Children; 'Buchanan-Robinson, that 'coun- cil' join the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association to be held in London this year and pay the membership fee of $10.00. Road Accounts—Stuart IvIeBur-- ney, salary and convention expenses, $235.00; Alan Mc- Burney, wages, $76,96; Jim Robin- son, wages, $81.00; 'Phillip Dawson, Welding $3.50. R. H. Thompson, truck licence paid, $2.00; Harry WilliamSa 200 gals. fuel oil, $77.20, 6 gals. "Time", $11.82, $89.02; Wing- ham Tire Service, 4 1300/24 tires, $14000.00;, Purdon Motors, towing leader, .$10.00; W. S. Gibson, In- sutance, $253.32, Insurance, $35,00, Insurance, .$44.60, $333.42; "Geo. E, Radford, 'snow removal, $34025; Wait Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co., shed, $12:50. 'General Acconnts—The Wingham Advance-Times, adv. W:F., $4.05; W.- S. ,Gibson, Insurance, $100.00, $70.00, 11.70.0,0; AssOciation of On- tario Mayors and Reeves, member- ship, $1.0.00; C. W. Hanna, conven- tion expenses' $50.00; Mason Rob- ipson,aConvention expenses, $50.00; Ernest. Snell, Convention expenSes, $50.00; R: H. Thompson, Conven- tion, expenses, $50.00; Brookhaven Nursing: Home, maintaining, pa- tient, $79.25; The Municipal World, suPPlieSi 'statutes, etc., $66.47; The Wingham and District School for Retarded Children, $25,00.' Snell-Robinson, that council ad- journte .meet April 4th, pne o'clpck at the ,April community centre, C. W. Hanna, Reeve, R. H. Thompson, Clerk, Mr. and Mrs. Currie Win Chocolates WHITECHURCH 0 — Thirteen tables were in play at the S.S. No. 9 School, East Wawanosh, on Fri- day 'evening when Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Shiell and Mr: and 'Mrs. Lorne Scott, sponsored the euchre. Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Arbuckle' held high, points, and, Mrs. Earl Welts arid Gordon McBurney held low, points. The box of chocolates for the couple whose marriage was closest to St. Patrick's Day went to Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie: Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon McBurney and Mr, and Mrs.' Lawrence 'Taylor sponsor the next party in two weeks. Has Nasty ,Fall Mr, Frank Eckenswiller was a patient in Wingham , Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mason were in Exeter on Tuesday last to visit with her mother, Mrs. Cecil Skinner, a patient in Exeter 'Hos- pital. Mrs. Roger Bieman and George, of Walkerton, visited on' Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman Mr. and Mrs, Noble Young and her sister, Miss Maud Beacon, of Goderich, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John McBurney. Margaret Moore,'younger daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Milian Moore, who has been a patient in Wing- ham Hospital, for the past two weeks, Was able to return home on Monday. Mr. Omar Brooks, of Lucknow, who purchased the farm, farm stock and implements of Mr. Wes- 'ley Tiffin, of, Kinloss, is holding a farm sale on the farm this month. 'Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin plan to, move to Whitechurch. Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Cameron, of Lucknow, visited on Monday with .Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. James McIntyre and children; of Ridgetown, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr: and Mrs. Ben Mc- Clenaghan, Mr. and Mrs. William Parker and family, of Exeter, visit- ed' there on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin were in London on Wednesday and her uncle, Mr. Lloyd Bell, who has been ''a patient for some •months in Victoria Hospital, was able to re- turn home with them. Mrs. Gershorn Johnston spent the week-end with her daughters, Mrs. :Charles Woods and Mrs, 'Ross Mc- Michael, of Seaforth, and with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnston, of Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Ireland vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur MeKague, of Teeswater, Miss Gertrude Stewart, who has spent the past three months Ireland, last week made a trip up the western coast, and reported the breath-taking beauty of Gol- 'way Bay. Miss Stewart leaves for Montreal the end of the month, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Elliott, of Teeswater, visited on Sunday with, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Walker, Mrs. D. Willis visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Willis, of Gowanstow.n, and her mother, Mrs. Musgrove, of Wroxeter, accompan- ied her home ,to spend a week here. Mr. Rutherford ReaVie was a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital, London, last week, Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Al- bert Coultes are attending the 4-H meetings 'held in Lucknow this week for leaders. Mr. Hugh Sinnernon, Minnie St., received word last Tuesday of the passing of 'his Sister', Mrs. Bessie Cunningham of Palley Nagarick, County Down, Ireland, Of the four sons and five datIghters of the late Mr. and Mrs, Jonathan Sinna- mon, Mr. Sintlamon alone survives, Mrs. Cunningham, Whose husband predeceased her many years ago, had seven children, two of whom came to Canada, Mrs. Stanley Newell and Mr. Jelin Cunningham of Niagara Palls.* Mt, and Mrs. iArehie Hertel 'and Terry, and Mary of Kitchener, kr. and Mrs. John Sinnamon and children, Wroxeter, Mr, and Mrs, E. W, Beeeroft, and 'eons, spent Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. flugh Sitianteri, MAKES GREASING EASY AS ' ,• WH/TECHURCII tittle Jean Pattison, two and a half Year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pattison, had the misfortune to fall over the balusffade down. onto the bottom step of the stairs last Thitradaa evening, She was taken to Wingham. Hos- pital and was able to return home on Saturday, with a very sore and swollen, black eye. A.B.C. SAVE NOW ON IIVIPERIAL'„ SPECIAL OFFE R'„ buy 1 ease -(60 cartridges) Esso MP Grease "H"—. get $4.95 value Esso cartridge gun FREE buy 30 cartridges— get Esso cartridge gun for $1.00 buy less than 80 Cartridges—get Esso cartridge gun for $3,10 SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED —SEE US NOW! Tiffin WINATAII ALWAYS Leotitt ttr trittsfuntAL, TI IL la t,r,ra 1.1"1""ittte eslifiltlisln• WM77 Meow tralelr . part4 " -k 4 1 ?1. 144 41 4I +....a14.1 444 . 41 *400*.1004404**111*4 4 4. AA M 4 4 ,4 *-4 • .4 .4 *. .. o .:44,44,44,*4._*14114..44,