HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-15, Page 34,,Tirllas, Sewed, 4it will be OPEN on Saturday Evenings COMMENCING Saturday, March 25,191 Wingham Business Association — The Bible's National Message We believe that the Celto-Saxou peoples are the descendants of God's servant race and nation. Israel: that our ancient Throne is the continuation of the Throne • of David; and, in view of present world conditions, that a general recognition ist this identity AND its implications is a matter of vital and urgent importance. WE WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT 416..1111 For Your Copy of Our FREE Booklet "An Introduction to the British-Israel Evangel" Write to the Secretary CANADIAN BRITISH-ISRAEL ASSOCIATIOM In Ontario P.O.. Box 744, Station B, Ottawa, Ont. Have Something to sell? Try an A-T Classified. Ad. floor, without i:fisturtir.g s, teat,- -tube- My old maths teacher favored EL two-knuckle smaah just above the kidneys, which- enabled yon to say nothing but "Hull! linhi:Huh!" for .aboot four minutes. That old brutality !nut pail gone by the board now, and a good thing, say. Nowadays,. it a kid. does 'something that disqUILLifies. Wm. for a owed belt in the chops, You realize he's not doing it just for hellery, hes ills- turbed. And the kids appreciate it. Aside from the fact that they'd have a lawyer on you if you gave them a -dirty look, there's a wonderful new sympathy between -teacher and. student, bet there's not a single. kid to any of my grades who would refuse to sign the class card of condolence -to my wife, if I were to be run down by a bull-dozer, - o How do I like teaching? Well, say, I haven't really time to discuss it, right now. I have four hours' homework to do, an examination to. prepare, and an hour's work on the school yearbook. Come back and ask me in the summer of '63, RECEIVE MATERIAL I FOR BAZAAR ITEMS FORDWICH—St. Anne's Guild met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Donna King. The presi- dent, Mrs. Jean Sothern, presided and opened the meeting with the hymn, "Christ the Lord Is Risen", followed by prayer. Mrs. Lois Simmons had a chap- ter in the study 'book. Mrs. Fran- ces Xing read the Scripture and minutes were read by Elva Foster, Roll call was answered by 14 mem- bers and two. visitors. Material was distributed to the members to be made up for the fall bazaar. One quilt4 top' was do- nated. Rev. E, C. Attwell spoke briefly on the wosk of the church and missidnaries in India. He closed with prayer. Mrs. Lynn Bunker conducted a contest which was won by Mrs. Lois Simmons. Lunch was served by the hostess,' assisted by Mrs. Jean Dinsmore, Serving in so many ways The Red Cross Looks to You The humanitarian achievements of the Red Cross depend on your generosity. Your dollars provide and carry on the essential Red Cross services and programmes in your community. ThiS year—think of the many ways the Red Cross serves you/sand your neighbour—then plan your donation or pledge to the best of your means. A generous donation will do so much for so many, in 1961. 'House to house Canvass will be made by Wiugham Legion, Branch 180 members from . MARCH 15th TO 31st Geo. A. Brooks, Pa es: John Pattison, Treas. immrammomimmet" U n n n U n U U n n a U DOMINO CHOICE TOMATOES 20 O. TIN COUNTRY CLUB FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON TIN AYLMER FANCY SOUPS SPECIAL 6 1u: $1.00 Chicken Noodle — Creom of Chicken Cream of 'Oyster — Chicken Rice Mushroom Vegetable Beef — Chicken Vegetable AYLMER CHOICE SPECIAL Nee A Red Cross s Your Help Now 1111111114 "How do you like the teething game?" So many people have ask- ed me this question In th.e past •feW months that I thought I'd try to answer it here. My usual reply is what I hope is an eloquent shrug, One reason I left the newspaper bUsiness for teaching was that thought It would • give me more time with my family. As a weekly editor, I was out night after night, covering meetings, attending ban- quets and the like. The only time I had with the kids was on week- ends, As a teacher I spend a lob more time lit home. And I see even, less of my family. I'm !oohed away in the smolte-filled little room On the second floor, five ;nights, a week and most of Saturday and Sunday, see so little of the kids that there are times when I can't quite re- member their first moves. 0 - 0 - Another reason for embarking on a teaching career was all those holidays. Two months in the sum- mer, :A week at Christmas and an- other at Easter, Of course, last summer I had to go to summer school and work like a dog for two months. And this year I have to do the same. And at Christmas I spent exactly 47% hours, during my holi- day week, marking papers and it will be the same at Easter, And then, at the end of another year, when I am, qualified as a teacher, I have to go back to summer school for yet another eight weeks to get my specialist's certificate, But just think—in 1963 I'll have the whole summer off. That's certainly better than the one miserable week a year I used to take in the newspaper business. 0 - 0 - o And then, of course, the money is good. My take-home pay is bet- ter than that of many hawk drivers ialmost as good as. that of.a weld- e or a bricklayer, Unlike them, X don't -draw 'overtime, but think of tine security, All I have to is teach for 35 years, 40111 I got the full pension. Anp I ever going to raise around the -lawn bowling club when I get on that penthorti Wheelchair or no Wheelchair, 0-0.a But all these things are mere ad- juncts to teaching. After all, we're not just Interested In money 'and security, are we? Well, ARE WE? Of course, we're not. Money is no more important than, say, breath- ing. No,' what we are concerned with in life is the deep, basic things. Like, uh, satisfaction in a job well done, and, uh, the rich re- ward of guiding young lives, and, uh, stuff -like that. 'You have no idea of the thrill a teacher feels when lie realizes that but 'for the guidance he has given young Joe, the latter might have wound up in the penitentiary. In- stead of just reform school. And there is nothing to equal the rich satisfaction a teacher derives when' he has taught something so difficult that the sweat is running down his-. back. And he knows he is getting through to them when he sees young Mary's face light up like a flower. And he nods to her in kindly fashion when her hand is raised, And she asks, courteously and intelligently, "Sir, may I -go to the washroom?" It makes every- thing seem, you know,, sort of worthwhile. 0 - 0 - 0 There's a completely different at- mosphere in the schools these days. When I was in high school, if a kid got out of line, the teacher would clobber him. My old science teacher could clip as large lout right off his stool, across two desks and into a limp heap of rags on the SUGAR and.. nilmem* By. Bill Sinjley, CUT COSTS ON SIMWOMINEWEINIIIIMISMIMINWIDIMINMOMMININNIJUNINNIONMEMIMAIIIIIIIIIMMEIMININNIIMMINUM1111111111111111111g WI tertainment Gu.icie • Ir. xi SPONSORED BY • '4 PI ,e GOODYEAR TIRES — VULCANIZING • 1NGHAM TIRE .SERVICE n PHONE 148 — WINGHAM • , BROPHY BROS. . • • • • AT' THE LYCEUM ST. PATRICK'S VARIETY. • THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATUR- CONCERT DAY = MARCH 10-17-18 Bluevale Conununity Hall THE 3 WORLDS OFASULLIVEW FRIDAY, MARCH 17, at 8.30 Matinee Saturday afternoon, 2 p,iti. Sponsored by the Ladies' Aid of n the Presbyterian Church n n n n n n n n 111 n U Et n U U n n U WI IN U n n U BAKE SALE AND BAZAAR in Gerrie COMinuaity IXtlll n SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 3 Pais n Sponsored by the W.A. of St. 'Stephea's Anglican Church mu n EUCHRE AND DANCE I ' A EUCHRE PARTY in %ValtOti COmintulity Hall POI NM WINOHAM AND DISTRICT will be, sponsOred by the ' FRIDAY, MARCH 11 PI • CANCER SOCIETY Bluevale W.X. On Euchre starts at 8.30, dance to in W111 hold ao open meeting on WEDNESDAY, MAIL 22, 8.30 PAL follow—GarnetVatrier's Orchestra al lit Illnevale Co t ) l timidly Hall , Adinissiou 500 PI PI FRIDAY, Al'Itill, 11, :Id, 8 pan. Loath will. be prOvided PrizeS w in the -Council Chambers is N , LOIS M. M11 RS 13,A., M. Dv , PI S i.. PATRICK'S DANCE NI \. Ph.D., 11).M.11,,T. (Eng.) KIN PAPER COLLECTION PI li of the ootorio ome,14 vomid:klioo, ifi Wt0Xetter CoMmunity Hall PI PM toildao. (Buhr,Vietoria HotipititI, I Don't hoist your old newspapers-- al ii will b 0 the guest Nye:I:Icor if you can't Wait for the. spriog FRIDAY, MARCH 17 PI mi popes. collection eall alattrice Stahl- Admission 75c PI M Mosical eMertItinment is being 311'4, ton at 143 or 30 for pickup. xi' Sponsored by Gotrie Hockey ('lull $ M tonged and eVetyone is invited PI. I \ la Simply send your items to The Winghaot ,Advanee.Times, or phone to 890-4y 11(5011 of the Satoh- ll Ii. A P tainment Guide There is no charge for this' service. . * a day before publication date, if you send items by roaii, please mark them "Mogliata Tire Enter, i- IIIII ' m 1110111110111.1015MUMERIONUSARINESIMItillIMIIIIIMPIIMPRIONOIMMUMNIUMINI10111.111101111110 mg INSTITUTE MEETING - M • Tile regular meeting of rite Wing- Pi ham 'Women's Institute will be • ,..... held in the Council ,Chanibers on a THURSDAY, MAR. 16, at 2.30 p.m. MI M Program convener, Mrs. N. Me- n Laughlin. Roll tall: A .1.11AI) Uri IA, MI verse. Motto—Habits are at first M cobwebs, but soon become cables, Mt Mrs. J. lumstead, Debate—Iles()Iv- a ed that fat women, have :more ad- Il vantages in life than thin women. Hostesses—Mrs. J. Halliday, Mrs. G. Gannett, Mrs. G. Kerr, Mrs. C. Carter. Visitors always Welconw. BELGRAVE W.I. Historical. Research. meeting' on TUESDAY AFT., MARCH 21 Mrs. Ivan, Wightman, eonvemoN Roll call: Bring at ten of old-time kitchen equipment and give Us use. The nominating committee will :give its report THE PRESBYTERIAN MKS. of .Wilitecluireh, holding the Easter Thankottering WEDNESDAY; MAR. 15, 2.39 pall. Biucvnle Presbyterian 1VMS and 1Vhiteelturch United Church' 11'I118 are invited. Guest speaker, Mrs. Fattish Moffat, president of Mail:- hunt Presbyterial, W.51.8, HURON CHAPTER O.E.S. EUCHRE PARTY WtHNESHAT, MARCH 22, 8 pan. In the 0 i OSM llail Everyone welcome Good prizes Adm, 501) CARD PARTY EVERY MONDAY EVENING at 9 p.m. Euchre and Solo, at the Delmore Community Centre. Spon- sored by the' Conimunity Centre Board. re C.W.L. CARD PARTY Sacred Heart Parish Hall livery TUESDAY at 9 p.m. Good Prizes - Adm. 50c Everyone Welcome Lunch Served 15(o) EUCHRE to be held ill Wroxeter Community Hall on THURSDAY, MARCH ) at 8.30 o'lslocic. Admission 25e.. Ladies please bring tenth, FORDYCE EUCHRE will be held in the School THURSDAY, MARCH. 10 Everyone WolcolOo HELP THE SOFTBALL FUNDS by attending the Euchre in Whileelmtell Community Ilan on FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 8.30 sharp Admission 50e Mothers of ball players please bring bawl) SATURDAY, MARCH is, 5.30-7.30 Gerrie Conimunity Hall Admission, $1.00 Sponsored by the Woman's Auxil- iary, St. Stephen's Anglican Church WHITECHURCH HOUSE- HOLDERS are asked to Meet( 1VEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 8 Pall- at the homes of E. IX. Groshorth to consider estimates placed on well-drilling and water supplies as given by the engineer, Mr. Burns Ross, ofsOoderielt ST. PATRICK'S HOT SUPPER TURNBERRY PARK MEETING nt Gihnour's School -on MONDAY, MARCH. 20, 8.30 p.m. when all people served by Turn- berry Park are urged to attend, New ideas will be, welcomed. REDEEM COUPON NO. FOR SILVER WILLOW DINNERWARE THIS WEEK pus a.cARRoTs 2ism7:35c CHOICE PEAS 4 DOMINO BLACK TEA BAGS OFF% 55c Direet from Israel — Sweet Juicy 59 JAFFA ORANGES , C No, 1 Calitorithie ('risp Solid Large size 24's 4-) HEAD LETTUCE for 29c No. 1 Ontario — Good Cookers POTATOES FRUITS & 'VEGETABLES_.: BAKERY mamas DOMINION QUALITY PRODUCTS — BISCUIT FEATURE — MteltitMICiel 2k BANQUET ASSORTMENT INSTANT COOKING 57c ROBIN HOOD OATS 50 13Ar. $1.39 VALUES EFFECTIVE IN WINGHAM WOK CLOSING TIME, SAT., MARCH 3 BEANS WITH PORK 3 AYLMER PEACHES 5 TOMATO CATSUP 4 CHO CE HALVES OR SLICED AYLMER BOSTON BROWN SWEET AND TENDER AYLMER BRAND AYLMER McCORMICK'S PLAIN OR SALTED SPECIAL JERSEY CREAM SODAS ;331c illZ AT YOUR FRIENDLY RICHMELLO DONUTS 2. HOT CROSS RUNS COFFEE RINCS ' PRODUCTS CHRISTIE'S CINNAMON RIctimetLo THIS WEER Stld-ARS.D, PLAIN OR CINNAMON POMIN ON All LIMI IS Z. BOTTLES IS-OB. TIM IS Of. IS OZ. TINS TM SPECIPd. PRO. aF 29C . *2 MSC. SPECIAL SE 0E. BAG 25c PKOS. OP 1.2 SPECIAL $1.00 SPECIAL $141 op SPECIAL 49c SPECIAL 59c SPECIAL 49c 55c SAVE St 30C