HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-08, Page 4GRASS FARM for rent. Phone 401J2. 8-15b THREE-ROOM HEATED apart ment for rent. Available -Ma mediately. Phone 601M, 8b GRASS FARM for rent. Apply to Box 25, Wingham Advance - Times. .8* CLEARING AUCTION S'ALE of farm stock, implements and household effects Will be held on lot 6, eon. 14, 1-10Wlelt Township, 21/4 -miles, east of Lanes School, 3ai miles north of Gerrie, on Tuesday, March 14, 1991, at 2 o'clock, Terms—Cash. William Stapleton, Plop.; L, G. laryee, Auctioneer, Sb REPLACE YOUR WORN-OUT vacuum cleaner hose for only :56.95 at Pattison Radio and Elee- 'aria Wingham. 8-15b 500 BALES choice mixed hay for sale; one circular saw; oae Wes sexlama 15 months. John A. Currie, phone 219W. Sb FILTER QUEEN sales and Ser- vice, repairs to alt makes of. vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck,, Varna, telephone HensaII 696R2. larrb FOR SALE—To settle art estate, two _houses in Village of Auburn. Good location, Conveniences. Gall or write Lloyd Raithby, 41 Bel- grave Ave„ London. 22-1-8b BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms and bath, new hog or poultry barn, on 3i,-2 Mom 41/2 miles from Wingham. Would accept low down pay- ment, trade on 50 to 100 acre farm, house in town or what have you? Stan Kay, phone Wroxeter 18R4. Sb It you have WINDOW PROBLEMS we have the answers "M1"01"0.••••••10,4 DRAPES • DRAPERY TRACK WINDOW SHADES From $L49 VENETIAN BLINDS Prom $3,96 For a Complete Window Seaviee Visit WALKER HOME - FURNISHINGS ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service pays $1.00 per hundred weight for dead or disabled horses and cattle, Call Long Distance Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (at no Cast to you) Day or sight SEVEN DAV SERVICE License No, 103C01. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH. VALUE Please noire Promptip Call Collect - 133 Bruce Marlatt finuitelt, Ont. Sealy Posturepedie Steeps, you ...keeps you atyour (eve( best NO MORNING BACKACHE frorri a too-soft mattress America's >-$ Greateat value RI A. CURRIE & SONS 113111111111111111$11111iilimitiliitlittlililli ALWAYS fort Of tust*', Mafchlno "otinclation $79,SO Otiont Rabbal, 2.1ilica Sit $10,..$11 Liowillowilionso.00000001.00010001011100ittoomptisor. i i i ea i i il SAUSAGE , ... , , .. 33 lbs.ib $$11:2255 GROUND BEEF a ' IN ROLLED ROAST;boneless , . , .11).75c t T-BONE STEAK ) 7.- ,..-. Mr if SIRLOIN STEAK . ‘. 15 I a lb• • ROUND STEAK ) • is' • SPECIAL APICES ON ALL MEATS -1.- i . • , „,.....—„.,....„ i t. Lockridge's Butcher Shop ,-----, • . _. II • 74-1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11011111111•111111111011111111111•9111111101M111111a atillin11111111111111111311111111311.111011111111111111111111111110111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Pa a a U a U Town of Wingham n a Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1961 taxes up to $0 per cent of 1960 taxes. Interest, at ,the rate of 3 percent, will be rt allowed on payments made in March. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the 11.1 Town Treasurer's Office, Town 1 fall. WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, Town of Wingham. mmuutflausuimiamemmumensUlauxumuialltmumusumonamane AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL S. J. WALKER PHONE 106 DAY 189 NIGHT FOR YOUR WEEK-END TABLE a Save Money. by PREPAYING / .......!!•-!,.. (1±1t1IGH:N1 ,.,?:\ Oliaj' lel --*.• .,4'il ..k ..Ns.,,.,iC010.117,JATCP„:‘,...y 1961 Taxes a a a a U U a A. H. IlicTAVIS11 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - , ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesd:ay afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or . by appointment. Frederick F. Homuth Phtn.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PIIONE 118 Harriston, Ontario 1L W. BUSEIFIELD Q.C. Batrister, Solleitor,f1Notory, Etc. Office,—.Meyer Block, Whigham WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Vat, 1840 An all Canadian Company has faithfully served its, holders far over a tenturY., - Read Office — Toronto IL C. MacLean Instiratuas Agency Winghain WALLER, VINTON & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON J. E. Kennedy, B.E41., B.A, C.A., - Resitk'.nt Mgr. Telephones% Business 633; Residence 106 71, on • • 9 • aleare, $79aa; relief, $6-1,00;. Daly, Hervey ,Ooop9r,. $91.40; Saugeen Valley Conservation. AuthoritY, a73,72; Winglarrn- Advance-Times, a14.23; H. A. 'Carrie * Sens, $25.00; Municipal. World, 081,03; John V. FarChea, -part salary, $45.04; Work- men's Compensation Hoard, $53,87, Cenventara. Expenses A. P. Sitlith, $$0.00; Wm. Dett- laan, $30.00; Ed, Walker, ;15,00; - Herb. Foxton, Pay Roll Geo. Gallaway, $195.00; Wm. Mundell, $225,00. LITTLE NUGGET girl's grey -tweed coat, size BX, for sale. Boy's- -coat 'and cap, size 5, blue tweed, In good condition. Phone 171, Thursday. /lb SUPER FOAM rug and car sham- poo "Apply and let dry." One bottle cleans two piece chester- field suite and one 9x12 rug, Only $1,75 a bottle. R, A. Currie & Sons Furniture. . 8-15-22b, SINGER SALES & SERVICE—Re- pairs to all makes of sewing machines, Vacuums and floor polishera. used machines for sale. Phone 665, Wingham, George Henderson. larrb McKEE HARVESTER for sale, complete with 24 ft. rack and un- loader. Apply Frank Knoll, R. R, 4, Clifford, Ont., phorie Clifford 127J2, Highway 9, 6 miles south of Mildmay. 8b NOW FOR SPRING . sparkling new, rich texture carpets and- rugs from Harding and Barry- Mere. See the samples this week —have an estimate for your room. Rugs or wall-to-wall. Fi- nance plan, no clown payment. N. J. Welwood Carpets, phone 86. lrrb OWEN SOUND Typewriter Co, Authorized dealer for Olympia typewriters. Complete service on all makes of typewriters, adding machines and cash registers. For prompt ,and efficient service phone fart. 6-4841. 13rrb GRASS SEED for sale, for a good general hay and pasture mixture, consisting of 8 lbs. alfalfa, 3 lbs. red clover, 1 lb. alsike, 4 lbs. timothy, 4 lbs. brome grass. Total of 20 lbs, costs only $4.70 per acre, when purchased at R. Creme & Sons at Pinkerton. We carry a complete stock of all the ?rawer varieties- of eloVers and grosses for every type of soil. Orders Mixed free. Our clean- ink service on grain and ceeds In- cludes removal of buckhorn and bladder tampion from eleven Roy Cramm & Sons, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68W3, Paisley, saal.R17, 22-1-8b CAR FOR SALE '48 PLYMOUTH for sale, In good condition. Reasonable. Phone 640J, TAXI SERNICE: (JEWS TAXI' SERVICE and Huat- ing and Fishing License issuer,' Phone 1,85, 3rrb IMAL. ESTATE FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE for sale. In good- repair, with all modern conveniamea Phone 539W. 8:15a TAXI and. USED FURNITURE business for sale, Combined busi- tress can be sold as separate en- terprises. Charlie Lee, phone 185. - a5rrb REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE— M acre farm, 85 acres tillable and, 15 acres of soft wood, •bank barn, 7-roomed brick house, hot and cold water in house, water to barn. Also 2000 lb. scales for sale, For further particulars con- tact Mrs. Margaret Wright, Car- rie, phone 28R121, Wroxeter. 1-8* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100 acre Farm, 80 acres workable, S acres hardwood. Never-failing spring creek and dug well. Pres- sure system throughout. Bank barn 92'x55'. Good 6-room house, built-in cupboards and sink. Coal or wood furnace and good base- ment. Located 6 miles from Harriston or Palmerston. Priced to sell, only $9,000.00, Terms available. SERVICE STATION with 7-roomed living quarters, built-in cup- boards and sink, heavy wiring, basement with cement floor, cis- tern, also car garage en property. Anyone in need of a home and with intention of starting a busi- ness of their own, here it is. Priced very reasonable, Only $4,500.00 FACTORY tuaLT Trailerhome 22' x8', insulated and modern. Priced to sell, For Homes., Lots, Grass Farms, afixed'Farms or Businesses Contact FRANK J, CASKANETLE, Phone 305 Wingham Agent for Wilfred McIntee, Real Estate Broker, Walkerton, Ont. 8b 100 ACRES FOR RENT, including -barn, 3 miles from Wingham, Write John Coulter, 321 Queen St., Chatham, Out. 8-15-22-29* SALES HELP WANTED, MALE WHO IS INTERESTED? Making $10 to $15 a day selling quality line of 200 Products of a reliable firm, over 72 years in business, Write Rawleigh, Dept. C-453-013, 4005 Richelieu, Moritreal, Sb EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG MAN wants full time or part time work, Phone 240. 84 GRADE XIII GIRL wants work as clerk for summer months. Phone 403.12. 8b PERSONAL OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40, Only 69e. At all druggists. M8-22A5-19 MISCELLANEOUS a , /ataTICE onipauTons NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS ELLIOTT GRAHAM. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above Mentionea, late of the Town of Wingham, In the County of Huron, Gehtlernan, who died on the third day of February, 1991, are-required to file proof '-of same with the Undersigned on or before the 11th day of March A.D. 1961. After that date the Executor Will proceed to distribute the est- ate having regard ably to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingharn this 20th day of February, A.D. 1961. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. 22-1-Sb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN MILLER COULTES. ALL PERSONS having,.claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Belgrave, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the 3rd day of February, 1961, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the eleventh day of March, A.D. 1961. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate haying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 20th day of February, A.D. ,1961. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 22-1-Sb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF'4 aVIL- FRED FREDERICK RIEHL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Plumber, who died on the eighth day of February, 1961, are required to 'file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 18th day of March, A.D. 1961. After that date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. ' DATED at 'Wine-ram this, 27th day of February, A.D. 1961. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator, • 1-18-15b 01111011111111111111111111111111111.1141111111111a .aaa a. CURRIES posture is a Plus: FOR SALE Tenders Will be received until 12:00 :men on al, 1961, for purchase of pumphouse and wood water tank at Gerrie. Buildings to, be removed and site cleared within 60 days. The• Railway Company re- serves the right to reject any or all. bids. 'Feeder forms may be abtairt- ed from and tenders should be submitted. to Mr. H. E. Powell, Superintendent, C.P.R. Station, London, Ontario, 1-Sb FRAME FOR Approximately BY ,,,„,,,,,i,„,„H„,........,,,, TENDER SALE BUILDING 4.2' x 89' 2 Storey to be dismantled APPLY BEAVER LUMBER Phone 66 -:-- Wingham Sb illialliliallit11111111111121111111111111111111111111111111 CARDS OF THANKS The family of the, date Foster G. Moffat wish to their heart- •express felt thanks for the numerous acts of kindness, eXpressions of sym- pathy and floral tributes received during his illness and at the time of their bereavement. 8* 1 I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all my friends who re- membered me with cards, flowers and treats while .a, patient in Wing- ham General Hospital, also to all the nurses, Dr. Crawford and Dr. McKim, and staff of hospital. Their kindness will not be for- gotten.—Mrs, George L. Day. 8b I 'Would like to thank my friends and neighbors for cards, letters and treats received while in Beck Memorial San. Special thanks to Dr. B, N. Corrin, the Royal Can- adian Legion and Lloyd's R & W Club.—Joe Tiffin. . 80 I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their visits and Dr, McKibbon, Mrs, Morrey and her nursing staff for all their kindness while a patient •in the hospital,— George H, Tervit. 8* ' The family of the late Mrs. Ef- fie McCrackin wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors for flowers, cards and messages of sympathy received during their re- cent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Donald Munn, Rev. J. E. Clarke, L.O.B.A. No. 810, 8b I would like to say thank you to my friends who visited me •and those who sent cards, Also thanks to the Howick Branch of the Can- adian Legion and Group 4, Wo- man's Association for the beauti- ful flowers. Thanks to Dr. Van- ner and nurses of the Palmerston Hospital..—Albert Dustow. 8b I wish to thank my family, friends and neighbors who were _so kind to send me cards, letters and gifts while ..in , St. Joseph's Hospital, Londori, ' Also to neigh- pars, -who Were Aso helpful at home. Yoer thoughtfulness has meant :xi? to 'me.—brairgina Zimmer- man. Sb I would like to say thank you to' my many friends who visited me, and those who sent ma cards,•let- ters and treats, while I was a pa- tient in Wingham and St. Jo- seph's Hospitals, Special thanks to Dr. McKibben and Dr. Coles, also to the nursing staffs of both hos- pitals for their kiedness; and to Rev. Anderson, Dr. Nimmo and Rev. Sinclair for their visits.— Orval E. Taylor'. , 8b IN MEMORIAM CRAIG—In loving memory of Mrs. John Craig, who passed away one year ago March 7, 1960. Sunshine fades and shadows fall, But sweet remembrance outlasts all, --Ever remembered and sadly missed by husband and family. a." BIRTHS DeGROOT — an Sudbury Hospital on Tuesday, Farriery 28, 1061, -to Mr. and Mar. Roy DeGaoot (Yvonne Gardner), a son, a brother for Kevin. KING—At Wingham General Hos- pital on Wednesday, March 1, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Earle King, R, a, Gerrie, a- daughter, CARTER At Wingham General laosaital on Wednesday, March 1, 1991, to Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Carter, R. 6, Lueltnow, a son. McDONALD--At Winghane. Gener- al Hospital on Thursday, March 2, 1961, to Mr. and Mak, John H. XaeDoneld, Luckhow, a daugh- ter, GRIGG --- At Wingham General Hospital on Thursday, March 2, 1061, to Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Grigg, Wingham, a son, DOELMAN—At Wingham General Hospital on Thursday, March.2, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs. )311art Doel. mae, R. R. 3, Holyreod, a daugh- ter. BROIVIMER—Ai Wingham Gener- al. Hospital on Friday, March 3, 1961, to Mr. and kits. Peter Bremner, R, 8, Blyth, a daughter, HOPPER — At Wingham General Haspaal on Friday, March 3, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hopper, Wingharp, a son. DEITNER—At Wingham General Hospital on Saturday, March 4, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dea- ner, R. R. 1, Ethel, a Soh, BALLAGH—At Wingham General Hospital -on Saturday, March 4, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bal. lagh (nee Harrison), Behnore, 'son, a brother for Nancy Elaine, REINHAFtDT—At Wirigham Gen., eral ,hospital on Saturday, March 4, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Reinhardt, R. R, 2, Teeswater, daughter, TAYLOR — At Wingham General Hospital on Sunday, - March 5, 1961, .to Mr. and Mrs. Jahn R. Taylor, R. R. 1, Belgrave, a daughter. ROBERTSON—At Wingham Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, March 6, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robertson, R. R. 3, Milton, a daughter, CAESAR --- At Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, March 7, 1961, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Caes- ar, Dungannon, a daughter. ENGELAND PRODUCE TENDERS ACCEPTED The regular licieoillii7—OT 'Tufa berra Township council was held in the community hall, Bluevale, on March 4, at 1.30 ppm., with all mem- bers present, the reeve, A, D, Smith, presiding. The minutes of the b last regular and special meetings were read and adopted on motion of William iDettrean and W. Harry Mulvey. Communications we're received from •Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, Wingham General Hos- pital, 'Brookhaven Nursing Home and Backer Convalescent Rome. Foxten-Mulvey — That By-law No. 2-61 be prepared re the approv- al of $40,000 for expenditures on roads for 1961, Mulvey-Dettrnan.— That we ac- cept the tender of Engeland Pro- duce for warble fly powder at 35c a pound. Walker-Fexton--That We accept the tender of Ehgeland Produce for spraying„cattla, for 1961 for the warble fly spray. at lac per head for each spray, warm water used for both sprays if necessary. Mulvey-Walker—That the apply cation of J .J. Elliott be accepted as warble fly inspector for 1961 at $310.00. Fexten-Walker—That we accept the tender of Joe Kerr for hauling, Crushing and spreading gravel at 74c a cu, yd. for 1961, subject to the approval of the Dist. Engineer. Mulvey-Foxton—That `the clerk be instructed to order the five vol- umes of the 1960 Revised Statutes of Ontario, Dettmrtn-Walker--That the gen- eral and road accounts be passed arid paid as presented. General Accounts Brookhaven Nursing Home, $311.00; Bakers Convalescent Rona Aaeounts Thomas MacEwen, snowplowing,. $21.00; Wm. Gallaher, snowplow- inn„ $180.00; UcArthar's Tire Ser- vice, tire grader, ;58.00; Ontario Hydro, for shed, $24.75; ,Stmerteat Petroleum Corp., 500 aal, fuel oil, $193.00; Adams, grader parts, ;60.34; 13luevale Milling Co., .salt, $2.50. DettmaraWalker That we do now adjourn. to meet on April 1-, at 1.30 p.m. John V. Fischer, Clerk, A. D. Smith, Reeve. BUTLER, DOOLEY and CLARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor se West Street JA. 4-8253 GODERICII, ONTARIO ' ran SAE. Ottwrrrr of geed quality `bated hay for sate. Apply Box 24, -ad- vance-Times. 8b Two WHITE VENETIAN steel blinds for sale, plaatie tape, 321W-" wide, like new. Phone 452R, Sb 3. C. HIGGINS speed bicycle for sale. Real good condition. Reas- enable. Phone 178W. 8-45b ELECTROLUX sales and service. Bert Harris, 109 Newgate St„ Goderich, phone JA 4-7917, Con- tact I4 s. M, McDougall, phone 553W for repairs. 23rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act—We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals Under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing- ham 378, Palmerston 123W or Elmira, MOhawk 9-5564. Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. License 100-0-61. rrb DEAD STOCK WANTED FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED fitIOWS,..HORSES, $7.00 gad)). MINK HORSES, 4e lb. A.-LORENZ DURHAM Call long distance" DURHAM 49$ collect F15rria FOR RENT YOUR REGULAR hunting license expired Feb. 28th, Spring ground- hog licenses now available from Charlie Lee. 8b CUSTOM SNOW PLOWING. Two machines available. Harold Con- gram, phone 1079. M8b TV Antenna repairs and instal- lation, Year round service. Phone 114R2, Teeswater. 026rrb FOR INTERIOR,' DECORATING, papering, painting, window washing contact. James Cowan, R, R, 1, Wingham, or phone 495W. 8-15b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write 'Louis Blake, R. Ft, 2, Brussels, Phone 442W6, Brussels. la8rrOc4a NOW •is the time to make your old floors look like new. Sanded and refinished with the new Fa,bulon finish that never needs waxing. We can give you immediate ser- vice now. Call Harry Temple- man, 23R11, Wroxeter, 1-8-15* CURRIE 1 AMBULANCE WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 IncomeTax Returns Stanlell J. PYMM, P.O. BOX 74 PRONE ▪ 41 LUCKNOW, ONT. Public Accountant Since 1944 FOR FIRST-CLASS Carpentry Work Masonry Home Renovations Phone 23r12 Brussels GERALD EXEL M1rrbJnela AVON . CALLING . AVON offers an excellent earning opportuuity for housewives. We have a part.time income plan to help you. Reliable, heat appear. ing Mothers of sehoel-age ehialtert earl Mrtify. No -eripetienee ncees. furry. Openings in Maar anti Counties. WidTal Miss Mosher, Manager PO. BOX No. 86. OWEN SOUND stating telephone larinbera 103-15-2.2.29b 1111141111111111111116111111111611111111111111111111.11!.11 Phone 106 — Wingham 4 Houk SE VICE STEWART A. SCOTT .ssioim.siss000.4.seqiiin‘44.4+.04444.i.sioAssi+,06.s..114144116 *60 Wituffittin FINANCING A CAR? Befare you buy ask about our L Cast Financing Service with tereplete Insurance Coverage. AUCTION SALE Big Savings Daring March SIMMONS REGULAR LINE MATTRESSES OR BOX SPRINGS DOMINION FLOOR TILE COME IN AND LOOK AROUND Seed Grain - Grass Seed — Orders Taken Now Single Stainless Steel Sinks with Basket Strainer $11.99 CINIAMBIERS HARDWARE PHONE G6 VITROXtitn ¤ 4 e `;,t CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingliami Phone 48 J, H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. far', It. S. RETIIVRINGTON; • r A ti •