HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-01, Page 12Knox Presbyterian WMS at ,Meal' . Ross McKagne's home on day afternoon. Mrs.. Alvin, Mundell, presiienti was in the chair, and opened the, meeting with a hymn. Several por-. tions of Scripture were read b3r Mrs. Ralph Dickson, and. Mrs. Leeson gave the meditation. Mrs'.^ Wm, Curie led In prayer, Mrs. Douglas McPherson gave' the Rible study, "New Testament Women," dealing with the life of Anna, Mrs. K. C. Press drew at; tentlon to items of interest from, the February, Glad Tidings, Mrs. Elmer Jeff ray had- c4arge of the topic "Why go into all the world together?" She presented- in the form of a discussion, w Bible passages quoted as author! The roll call was "Name a Pres terial officer." It was decided that more dinner mplarstes Ka a Press reneeded foarndthe Mrs. it tcbDegnii;, MacAdam were appointed to get information as to prices, patterns'' available, etc, Mrs. W. Darling, literature :Sec- retary, requested •that 1960- S. papers, used Christmas cards' and magazines be brought in to be sent where needed, The March meeting will be a quilting, so the membera, are requested, to make quilt blocks. "HENRY'S MAIL-ORDER WIFE" was the title of a one-act comedy presented as part of the variety concert at the high school last Thurs- day and Friday. Members of the cast are shown above during the play. They are Seim HiAliday, Donald Whitfield, Mervin McKinney, Anne Wiglitmaia William Seffray, The mail-order wife, played by Evelyn Stephens, was not on stage when the picture was taken. NAME CANVASSERS 1WITNESSES ATTEND FOR RED CROSS DRIVE DIST.-- CONVENTION DELMORE The Woman's Missionary Society of Belmore United Church was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Farrell with 15 ladies present. Mrs. f.;Immons was leader and followed the theme "The Unchang- ing Glory of God." Psalm. 51 was read responsively, followed by, prayer. Scripture was read and a prayer and poem. by Mrs. Simmons. Mrs, Wilfred Johann read, a story on the life of her friend, Miss Sim- merman a missionary in Ethiopia. Discussion followed Scripture reading front St. John, Mrs, Ira Neill gave a reading on temperance and Mrs, Harper gave two poems by Edgar Guest. Mrs. John Rutherford had the study book and read "Vision Re- covered" and "A home for the Homeless." The roll call was "Sug- gestions to improve our WMS in 1961." Mrs, Mulvey took the business part of the meeting and Mrs. Met- calfe read the minutes of the Janu- ary meeting, Mrs, Simmons closed with prayer, Knox W.M.S. Meets Nineteen ladies and five children attended the February meeting of Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 3 - 3 - 4 James Garner, Natalie Wood in l campaign committee of the Gordy and District Red Cross at the home of Mr. Leonard Ruttan, chairman, the following canvassera were appointed for the district, GOR.RIE-At a meeting of the A group of some thirty Jehovah's Witnesses returned to their home here from a convention in Hanover this oast week-end. They met with 668 witnesses from Wiarton, Col- ling;wood and several, other local!- 4: Red Front rover._ Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down ihe Upkeep Delivery A story of the world business. 411111111111111111111111111111111F SAVE 30c - Maxwell House 16 oz. INSTANT COFFEE (29c off) $14 SAVE 9e - Blue Bonnett (Quick big) MARGARINE 3 lbs. 89c SAVE 9e KLEENEX - -,,,gular or 'chubby 5 pkgs:' .79c ,•- -Miss Ivy Austin of Waterloo spent the week-end with relatives here. --Dr, and Mrs. K. M. MacLen-' nan have returned home from a vacation in the south. -- Rev. Jack and Mrs, Thompson of London spent Sunday afternoon with her father, Mr. Alex Reid and visited with her mother, who is a patient in Wingham Hospital. -A group of. the Wingham Hos- pital staff have planned to attend the Icecapades in, Kitchener on Tuesday evening, while another group will Igo Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinnamon and baby Wayne, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rock of Monkton. Little Richard Sinnamon, who had been with his grandparents last week, returned tome. Carnation Instant ing an, important part in -the work of the society, Through their voluntary assistance at campaign time they join millions of others who give their blood, their time, their effort, and their money to carry on the many programs and services 'provided for this com- munity, the nation and the world." POWDERED -MILK 3 lbs. j1:09. Sc OFF - Schneider's . Crispy Flake SHORTENING ' • lb. 24c. The diatriet supervisor for Je- hovah's Witnesses, T. R. Jones, de, livered the main discourse, "Is God Interested in the Affairs of Men?" Mr. Jones was quick to mention "that Jehovah God has always been interested in the affairs of men, Jesus' miracles of curing the sick and raising the dead showed His interest in man's many prob- lems." Continuing, be commented, "The miracle of the Resurrection will occur again soon with greater blessings as foretold in John 5:28. Oppression, too, will end as God's Kingdom destroys the wicked in fulfillment of the Lord's prayer, Further, Ile stated, "World con- ditions highlight the fact that 1914 was a marked year, the year of the establishment of -God's Kingdom, and Jesus' words at Matthew 24;34 show that this generation will see a glorious change for the better," Mr. Falconer, who headed the delegation said, "We were well re- ceived in Hanover, Over 135 of our • people were well accommodated in private homes and hotels. We are grateful to these persons who were so kind to extend their hospitality to us in this way." Boundary north, Robert Hark- ness, Leonard Metcalfe; con. 17, James Inglis, Harry Metcalfe: con, 15, Edgar Dane, Harvey Wright; con 13, Wesley Underwood, Lloyd Jacques; con. 11, Oliver Stewart, William Bennett; con. 0, John Strong, Charles Black; con 7, Earl King, Lorne Robinson; con. 4, Harold Keil, Bill Thornton; con, 2, Ellis Klinek, Norman Ged- eke. Wallace bdy,, Ben .Gibson, James Lynn; Howicit and Grey hdy., Mrs. Paul Adams, Mrs. Tyndall Mc- Kercher; Howlett and Turnberry bdy., 'Carl Fitch, Raymond Neill: Wroxeter, Jack :Gibson, Geo. Gal- braith, James Doig; Wroxeter south, Geo. Gibson, Gordan Greig; Fordwich, Geo. Ashton, Howell Fraser; Lakelet, -George Hubbard; Gorrie southeast, August Heil; Gor- rie southwest, John Cat-hers, John Dinsmore; Gorrie, north of river, Burns Stewart, Gordon Underwood, March is Red Cross. month and it is hoped that the canvass will be completed in March this year. The national chairman for the 1961 Red Cross campaign, 3. AllYn Taylor, emphasized that the success of the appeal depends on a strong- er volunteer canvassing organiz- ation, He believes that people are able and willing to give their fi- nancial support, but that they must be asked. "The men and women who take on the responsibility of raising money for the Red Cross are play- Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Downie and Bob spent Sunday in Penetang with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Downie and family and attended the Winterama held there last week-end, - Mr. Doug Murray of Preston and Mrs. W. C. Murray of town, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Murray and family, To- ronto. -W. T. Cruickshank, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, was able to return home on 'Saturday. Mr. Herbert A. Fuller spent Monday of this week on a business trip to Toronto, -Mr. Joe Butler of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff, has been transferred to a Surbury branch and. reports for duty to-day. -Mr. and Mrs, Allan Small and Penny of Toronto were week-end visitors with his father, Mr. Ed. Small. "CASH McCALL" and family of London spent the - -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibbons week-end with his mother, Mrs. of big I James Gibbons, and visited with his father in Wingham Hospital. Mr. Gibbons underwent surgery last Wednesday. He was expected home this week. -DeWitt Miller, R. E. McKin- ney and Emerson.Shera are attend- ing the three-day Hydro convention in Toronto, They are expected home this evening. --Mr. Dick LeVan has moved his family from Toronto to the home they have secured in Tees- water. The addresses on each letter and parcel should show I the full name of the person who is to get it. R the correct apartment number, street address, rural route number or post office box number • City, town or village, and postal zone number, where necessary. n your name and complete return address in the upper left-hand corner. See the yellow pages of most telephone directories for complete postal information A correct postai address speeds accurate d elivery Schneider's Breaded VEAL .CHOPLETS• 6 Schneider's ,s lb. BREAKFAST BACON . .... ... 43c" • Ontario, No. 1 75 lbs. • • . • 50• lbs.• A. 10 Ili l' POTATOES • $2.19 • .$1.49 49c --Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bateson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams were in Toronto at the week-end, where the former attended a meeting of the executive of the Ontario Com- mand Royal Canadian Legion. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Braden at West Hill. Mrs. George Drehman, who un- derwent surgery at Victoria Hos- pital, London, returned home last week. -Mr. Art Affleck of the Tdronto- Dominion Bank staff, spent the week-end at his home in Harrow, -Mr. Wilfred White was on a business trip to Toronto on Friday, Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Coultes, Mrs. S. M. Coultes, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Keating also their sister, Mrs. Har- mon Mitchell of Rothsay, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Thomas Tasken in Elora on Satur- day. -David Slosser of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. J. Slosser. -Ted Wormworth and Pamela Porter represented W.D.H,S. on CKNX-TV on Saturday in the pro- gram "Accent on Youth". -Miss Patricia Brophy of De- troit, Mich., spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Brophy, --Mr. Alex Reid was in Sarnia last Friday to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Reid. -Mr, and Mrs. James Waddell, Listowel, visited with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Robt. Wenger and Mr. Wenger on Sunday. 1-Furnishings to brighten the Home SI,111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111110111111111111111111lN1111111111111111111111k1111•111111111E111f5111111114111111111•111011111111111111lIall111111•1111111111111111111111111ilhi a U U U U U U U U 1 U U -1 U U 1958 Ford Fairlane 2-tone it Complete with radio HOW TO CUT COSTS THIS YEAR WE'LL PAY HALF YOUR FUEL BILLS FOR SIX ; MONTHS WITH PURCHASE OF A NEW FORD, ; FORM OR DEXTA DIESEL TRACTOR* ; *If you purchase a new Ford, Fordson -or Dexta diesel tractor anytime from. February 1, through March 31, 1961, we will pay half your fuel costs during the first six months or 400 hours of operation, whichever occurs first, Ford and Fordson diesels Save you more . come in and see us soon: NEW MODELS IN STOCK • • U U U U U U 1960 Ford 1/2 -Lon Pickup Long• body. Fordson Diesel Tractor Ford Dexta Diesel Tractor 1961 Ford 6-cyl. Fordor Sedan 1961 Falcon Tudor Coach 1961 Falcon Fordor Sedan Ford gas Tractor $2.98 to $6.95 Pr. From 69c to $1.00 Yd• CURTAINS Add glamour to your windows with a fresh new pair of curtains. Dacron curtains in sheer pr flock designs Mid popular TEulon in heavier textured punch': Priced from SCATTER MATS:--- neversibics ,"Aerilan.P', or Clifton Pile $3.95 to $13.95 BARGAIN PRICED USED CARS i ll 1 1 11 1 h• 1 1 1 11 1 E ;• lt if ti ll 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 i1 11 11 1 1958 Chevrolet Sedan Low mileage. CHENILLE SPREADS: In radiant Shades to beautify your bedroom 1956 Ford Station Wagon Like new. Sedan 1960 Fairlane 500 Demonstrator Automatic transmission. Radio, Price $9.95, $12.95 an d $14.95 Lace Cloths - Kenwood Blankets - Pillows, etc. U • EDIGHOFFERS il , ,........ ii Ford, Monarch, Falcon ,--- Ford and Fordson Tractors E.., PHONE 237 A, b. MacWILLIAM ! WINGHAM OMEN" O'MALLtlr, Mary King, ...-x„ • and Sandra, Cluttniley, are tdetured as they llitillthitlii1110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MinitliiiliiiiiiiilifiiiiilfiliiMISitillliitaiiiiilintfitliiMilillititilillitil Ft' tho "Minuot" at the high school omteert, as several donee numbers depicting "Moos Through the Years". In the lower photO another group' demonstrates the "Waite. Dawn Lou Clark do:need part of (Winghant)• Limited "THE initotoiLy StOitt' soolaboalinwiamlioircamilisniviamia4.411.i414idaugiamodkiikkiimb44404isia 4814 4 4 * 41,4. a Virling1191111 Advance-Th:1es Page TWelVe Weds Mat-511 •IL 1.961 Gorge Cotton -Gals. Choose Club Name GORAM-The Club girls 41.06e the Mange -of "'Gerrie Cotton 0410!' for their dress project at the ,home .of the leader, Mrs. Clarence Spading; with Mrs. Russell Meths 04seolsting. Te Meeting opened with 4-H Pledge and Motto and Margaret Ann. Wilson read the minutes, Roll call answered by the nine girls With "A Finish I Am, Using on My Dress".. Demonstrated were the Sewing on of facings, Discussion Was held on dress finishes. 'Ilhe next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Russell Adams on March 4, when roll call will be, A special feature in my Record Book. 411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario Two. Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 pan. ADMISSION-65e - 450 - 30e MATINEE Sat, afternoon at '2 p.m. MIME Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruttan Spent a few days recently with their son, Mr, Robert Ruttan acid Mrs, Ruttan at Ingersoll. .Officers for the Huron County Junior Farmers were elected at the annual meeting in Clinton on Wed., riesday night. On the executive from the Howl* Junior Farmers arc; 2nd vice pros., Murray Mul- vey; directors, Murray Donaldson and Wayne King. Misses Marian Robinson, Gladys and Frances Coulter and Catharine Barnard all of Kitchener spent the week-end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Omand and family of Con, 4, 4,,Vfaryborough, visitedr edCoulter, oSuulnda.y with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Jamieson of ,Goderich spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T, L, McInnes, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Gowdy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McIrtnes visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McInnes of Dunbarton on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Henry, Harriston, called on Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Gowdy visited Mr. and Mrs, William King, Jr., of Brussels on Sunday, Mrs. Justin Will returned to her home Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. GlenWill, Kingsvlile, where she had been convalescing. Miss Janet Pyke, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Pyke, Miss Margie Hastie, Guelph and Mr. Keith Finnigan, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Hastie. - Mr, and Mrs. Earl Harrison and family, Gocierich, spent the week- endHarrison,h Mr, and Mrs, Robert H Miss Yvonne Snarling spent the week with: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Guelph, while student teaching there. Miss Helen -Adams was at Ottaws Crescent School, Guelph, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nuhn and family visited ,Mrs, William Nuhn and Mrs, Ida Gilliam, of Palmer- ston on Sunday. Miss Shirley Bennett, and Mac Hutchison, Toronto, spent the homes, at their respective Miss Etta Burns has sold her home to Mrs. W. MeCrackin. Seven tables were in play at the L.O.L. euchre party on Wednes- day in the Orange Hall. Lady's high, Mrs. Mabel Gilkinson; gent's high, Mr, William Taylor. In a survey of 22,000 underfed school children in Guatemala, CARE found that two-thirds ha.d never tasted milk at home. You can help provide a glass of milk every day for these children .by contributing to CARE of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. Weston's %/0 off Raspberry DANISH PASTRY 35c Rose 16, oz. BREAD and 'BUTTER PICKLES 31c Picnic Sweet GREEN RELISH , ... 16.oz 25 Cottage '4 lb Apple and Raspberry JAM 79c St. William 24 oz. STRAWBERRY JAM 49C' Crown or Beehive , CORN SYRUP 5 lbs. 75c • Brown Bear WHITE HONEY - 4. lbs. $1.05 £0.60.5c DRAPERIES:— You'll love the seleetion .of new fabrics jitst arrived it.i'drk. , hoffers, With their Wonderitil. rieh appearance, and mOderniatie designs. Beige is pretioinimint .this season comPlimented With good blending tones. 46'' width Price • $1 98 yd. . Attractive patterns in SA1LCLOTHS and. CRETONNES suitable . for kitchen or bedroom